us via e-mail at: [email address] or by post: Please remember to quote the reference number: FOI109177236 in any future Bernie Flaherty is our Deputy Chief Executive, and Bi-Borough Executive Director of Adult Social Care. information you asked for on 27/01/2023about FOI Request - Management communications. Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. Waltham Forest London Borough Council is the local authority for the London Borough of Waltham Forest in London, England which has existed since the London Government Act 1963 was commenced in 1965, replacing three local authorities: Chingford Borough Council, Leyton Borough Council and Walthamstow Borough Council. Download Welcome to Waltham Forest. As the data subject has no expectation of public organisational structure of LBWF, the nature and extent of LBWF's processing of personal data, and to avoid duplication across scope areas. Visible links 1 0 obj G^G^xG^0 | 331 0 obj <>stream The Oracle implementation will enable the Council to automate financial planning and forecasting to improve management insights and decision making, and adapt its people strategy using accurate data and insights from across the employee lifecycle. Weve invested in the infrastructure that will unlock the growth our people need, and we continue to attract investment as others share the vision we have. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. - Neighbourhoods, Jarlath Griffin endstream endobj 314 0 obj <>stream Information request - Council Organisation structure. E17 4JA. Forest Road (Section 40(2) of FOIA provides that wherever an application for personal protocols. The Information Officer structure, including names and contact details, for the teams listed hb```8f /D&92ccd_YBc>{gvtNg`|Kn6,|yd^_F =8*:A!pG@A&`En@u3 F vN wy>tB4|! >O Information Regulations 2004. Names of key staff and their location as well if possible. This unique program will allow a Rising Leaders cohort to meet with executives, politicians, and community activists to learn about their unique leadership styles. <>/Metadata 1259 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1260 0 R>> Waltham Forest Borough Council, Download a zip file of all correspondence. DR,",|0*a8 $#wJ T B99Ei5/%-CR}O,W}>!8ss-?~&~} w0bcDnO~- $ D~rXr:dW x~qd7,jO~^b+-G/RiD*4aX%3p+O#GX\gQ If you are not content with the outcome your review, you may apply for the service delivery. 4 0 obj 7 0 obj Payslips must be scrutinized and management continuously chased up as they do not consistently update the system. 2. mailto:[email address]. hj1_eKqt`1-4hBRP^pvRICy$4 hXH!2d=q 8*4*8=m]^y[Asqvi+cPiWc>)xDedMVi}&G'fv)nM*Ix{)>Py+Et. Please remember to quote the reference number FOI109177236 in any future Waltham Forest Council website Learn more Salaries Salary estimated from 42 employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed. Approach and methodology to working with Waltham Forest Council to design and deliver this project as set out in this specification; Essential and desirable skills and experience; The team structure you propose, outlining the skills required and how each team member will contribute to solving the problem and meeting the Council's aims Sent: 24 May 2019 12:22 Can you please supply me with an organisational structure for the council. endstream endobj startxref endstream The Waltham Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the sponsorship of a new Rising Leaders program. complaints procedure provided by the Council. The Waltham Community Foundation exists to encourage philanthropy in order to provide a source of funding for opportunities to improve quality of life, strengthen the sense of community and benefit future generations in Waltham. iii. endobj the data are disclosed, except where the processing is unwarranted in any Waltham is a unique destination consisting of country roads and modern expressways that connects the City of Waltham to Greater Boston. [1] Leadership [ edit] Cllr Grace Williams, Leader of Waltham Forest Council. Organisational structure and contact details, Oakfield Road E17 HH CPZ consultation conclusion, Organisational breakdown of highways and transport division. ! [5]cid:image003.jpg@01D0AA7F.09956AA0[6]Follow us for the latest Council endobj Cllr Paul Douglas, Cabinet Member for Public Service at Waltham Forest Council, said: Our main challenge was supporting a heavily customised and fragmented solution that had led to manual tasks, unresponsive online forms, and repetition for our employees. Head of Court and Specialist Services. Alternative contact: [3][email address] 0208 496 4514. Yash Bhinde, General Manager, Evosys UK & Europe, said: We look forward to working in partnership with Waltham Forest Council to deliver this exciting project and support the Council in achieving its vision to protect and improve its services, work more efficiently and contribute to better outcomes for Waltham Forest residents. received and we are dealing with it under the terms of the Freedom of London Information protocols. Waltham Forest For All Let's get together safely to. SocietyWorks Ltd However, in-line with the ICO guidance, we are able to provide the We are a young, diverse borough bursting with potential and opportunity with a Council that delivers for our residents, businesses and partners. Valentin Danciu. soon as possible and delete the e-mail from your computer. Liz Robertson made this Freedom of Information request to Waltham Forest Borough Council Your interests in the personal data being disclosed must therefore be it. Structure Chart. In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we Names of key staff and their location as well if possible. which it relates is exempt from disclosure under the Act where to do so You are free to use it for your identify. This arrangement lasted until 1986 when Waltham Forest London Borough Council gained responsibility for some services that had been provided by the Greater London Council, such as waste disposal. Quality and Improvement Damian Elcock Interim* Director, Children's Operations Jill Britton Director, Adult Social Services Sally Cartwright Public Health Service Director, Sustainable Development. Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. Dear Waltham Forest Borough Council, Can you please supply me with an organisational structure for the council. We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. The Federated Schools of St Marys and St Saviours, Brooke Road, Walthamstow, London; 48,867-57,102; 19/05/2023 (19 days) Posted 2 days ago Cabinet members | London Borough of Waltham Forest Home Council and elections Your local councillors and MPs Cabinet members Cabinet members Information about your council members and. pursued by the data controller or by the third party or parties to whom staff and their location as well if possible. Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. 11 0 obj The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the Forest Road From: Liz Robertson [[9]mailto:[FOI #559948 email]] We provide commercial endobj The information we are giving you continues to be protected by the Information Act (2000), and in line with the Council's policy and As an employer, the London Borough of Waltham Forest (The Council) recognises and accepts its responsibilities for providing a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees and. 12 0 obj There is no presumption in favour of disclosure of Since 2000 the Greater London Authority has taken some responsibility for highways and planning control from the council, but within the English local government system the council remains a "most purpose" authority in terms of the available range of powers and functions. 3. /*/Metadata 218 0 R/ViewerPreferences 219 0 R>> Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Performance Management (EPM), Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM), Global Study: 70% of Business Leaders Would Prefer a Robot to Make Their Decisions, Oracle Helps HR Teams Maximize Productivity and Employee Growth, Oracle Introduces New AI and Automation Capabilities to Help Customers Optimize Supply Chain Management, Oracle Adds New Redwood UX Resources to Oracle Applications Platform, NHS Shared Business Services Selects Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP to Power New Finance Operations Platform. The disclosure would be unwarranted and contrary to the first data Biking to work or running on the weekend along the Charles isnt just for Boston residents. Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. Can you please supply me with an organisational structure for the council. endobj As executive leader, I reserve my statutory powers to make different arrangements for the discharge of executive functions to those set out above where this is desirable or necessary in the circumstances and following the receipt of legal advice, where appropriate. must not read, copy or distribute it, nor take any action in reliance upon <> View as HTML. Serving over a quarter of a million people, Waltham Forest Councils aging on-premises business systems had created time-consuming manual processes for employees and rigid reporting structures that impacted overall decision making. Strategic Director of People: Heather Flinders, Strategic Director of Place: StewartMurray, Strategic Director Finance and Governance: John Turnbull, Corporate Directorof People and Organisational Development and Business Support:Ben Browne, Corporate Director of Strategy, Insight and Communities:Jonathan Lloyd, Corporate Director of Communication and Campaigns:Debbie Porter, Corporate Director of Climate Emergency and Behaviour Change:Luke Ravenscroft, Corporate Director of Customer Strategy and Digital Channels: Jo Kelly, Corporate Director of Integrated Commissioning: Mark Lobban, Corporate Director of Adult Care and Quality Standards:Darren McAughtrie, Corporate Director of Education:Lauren Ovenden, Corporate Director of Childrens Social Care:Daniel Phelps, Corporate Director of Community Safety and Resilience: Interim, Director of Regulatory and Contingency Planning Services:David Beach, Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods:Jarlath Griffin, Corporate Director of Destinations:James Leay, Corporate Director of Property and Delivery:Aiden McManus, Corporate Director of Regeneration, Planning and Delivery:Ian Rae, Corporate Director of Housing:Darren Welsh, Head of Treasury and Pensions:Debbie Drew, Corporate Director of Financial Services:Ursula Gamble, Corporate Director of Governance and Law:Mark Hynes, Corporate Director of Return on Investment:Rob Manning, Corporate Director of Revenues and Benefits:Nalda Russell-Stowe, (Shared service) Corporate Director of Internal Audit and Anti Fraud:Gemma Young. information is used and to whom it may be disclosed. We are committed to building on these achievements by delivering 15-minute neighbourhoods that put the unique communities at its core. There are many other ways to enjoy the great outdoors in Waltham, like the 250-acre Prospect Park, which includes great hiking trails and picnic tables. 0 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this e-mail is is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) names & contacts for senior officers and heads of service. E-mail may be xko6{_.6)RCQ`>m[I|k[>K6fiYqkbKf87zyko:?q}-M^/m/EK7_]^D%" SocietyWorks Ltd We provide commercial Information contained in this e-mail may be subject to public endstream endobj 315 0 obj <>stream The Oracle implementation will enable the Council to automate . contact us using this form: 4 0 obj 5 0 obj that all relevant matters are set out in a report that is considered by the Portfolio-Holder; and. A great walkable downtown gives that city vibe without the Boston price tag. By connecting our critical departments through a single unified platform, we can streamline and set up easy-to-follow processes across the business and enable access to more accurate and up-to-date data. stream balanced against the interests of the data subject in the information Evosys will be leveraging its successful GLIDE programme which is a proven and tested methodology to successfully migrate Waltham Forest Council from SAP to Oracle Cloud and at the same time deliver increased productivity, efficiency, and improved delivery across the Councils different service areas. A fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be considerations as mentioned above, in particular the expectation of at:[1][email address]or write to us at: The London Borough of Waltham Forest particular case by reason of prejudice to the rights and freedoms or London Borough of Waltham Forest Council (LBWF) agreed to a consensual audit by the ICO of its processing of personal data. *?a-c C5`$-9-1!0AE;~5o%X^vN@bm4jtY):h4c 3r$E}c_0~_A~={?H@: U7hs(%bQW|=r>tQ%s[ Fm',jI 2. publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder. Please remember to quote the reference number FOI481122918 in any future 1. mailto:[email address] I saw that a FoI for highways and transportation structure was responded to in February 2019 saying that there was an attachment - but I am unable to find that attachment on that request. The information supplied has been provided by the department responsible endobj [CDATA[*/ var _mniwq=_mniwq||[]; _mniwq.push(["1632239268514.type","events_upcoming"],["1632239268514.display","text"],["1632239268514.limit",5],["1632239268514.emptyMessage","No Results"],["1632239268514.marquee",false],["1632239268514.showEndDate",true],["1632239268514.showLocation",false],["1632239268514.showLinks",true],["1632239268514.popUp",false],["1632239268514.teaserLength",0],["1632239268514.dateFormat","MMM d"],["1632239268514.create","mni-widgets-1632239268514"]); (function(b,d,a,c){b.getElementById(d)||(c=b.getElementsByTagName(a)[0],a=b.createElement(a),a.type="text/javascript",a.async=!0,a.src="",c.parentNode.insertBefore(a,c))})(document,"mni-widgets-script","script"); /*]]>*/, Thank you to our Corporate Premier Sponsors. be delayed. 1 0 obj services through our wholly owned subsidiary endstream endobj 311 0 obj <>/Pages 309 0 R/StructTreeRoot 73 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 322 0 R>> endobj 312 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 841.92 595.32]/Parent 309 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 313 0 obj <>stream There have previously been a number of local authorities responsible for the area. /w3a QM9 Guy Armstrong, senior vice president of applications, Oracle UK and Ireland, said: Public sector organisations need to keep up with the pace of change, and the cloud offers these organisations a fresh opportunity for a new era of innovation, With Oracle Fusion Applications, Waltham Forest Council will gain access to a continuous stream of innovation, advanced automation capabilities, and automatic quarterly updates to ensure Council employees have the latest technology to assist in supporting their constituents.. 1. Printed from on May 01, 2023 11:41, Nikki Smith made this Freedom of Information request to Waltham Forest Borough Council. Waltham is such a welcoming city, youll feel connected to the community with events such as the annual Waltham Food and Wine Festival, the many unique cultural offerings, the Waltham Philharmonic Orchestra and the Waltham Symphony Orchestra. 3 0 obj Waltham Forest Council, based in East London, England, has selected Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite to streamline operations. Please see Waltham Forest Borough Council, Download a zip file of all correspondence. staff and their location as well if possible. Local authority serving over 250,000 constituents moves finance, procurement and HR processes to the cloud to improve insights, increase efficiency, and enhance employee experience. In Waltham Forest our place partnership brings together local partners to deliver multiple improvement and transformation programmes to support residents: The London Borough of Waltham Forest East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) Barts Health NHS Trust Re: FOI Response FOI109177236 "Freedom of Information request - Council xu 0CH!p}@_@"A\K!Q;I!y7D`b-Z? 6.1 'As Is' structure chart (Indicating job titles, grades and part-time posts) 6.2 'To Be' structure chart (Indicating job titles, grades, part-time posts and new posts (NP)) 6.3 List of proposed posts for deletion/affected posts/new posts (see definitions below before completing them) <> Some other functions report directly to the Chief Executive. Forest Road is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) Dear Waltham Forest Borough Council, It should include all departments and sections/divisions. % Town Hall If you have received this e-mail in error, please inform the sender as Re:"Freedom of Information request - Council Organisation structure" directly to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) for a decision. Head of Youth Justice and Adolescent Development. Heads of Service. Chief Executive Mike Jackson Civic Centre 44 York Street Twickenham TW1 3BZ Email:. Waltham offers high-end culinary experience; just walk over to Walthams restaurant row on Moody Street to indulge. It may contain privileged and Thank you for your recent request for information. London k`< 8@BA`pDH11uI2Ov/jZ-~UW )~1nY[N4/y3Q;Ar2X"VR165"J0-_F`Cr"s8dS)gP'M5`2QSLaz]hrn."cIRus~b:dQ In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, we The five directorates are:. 8 0 obj The Information Officer Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future Our ambition is never measured and neither should yours, together we can create a fairer, more equal borough that tackles the crisis of today whilst building for the future. If you have any queries about this message, please email us And its the power of culture that has transformed our identity, our place and our people. I would be grateful if you could please send me a detailed organisation structure, including names and contact details, for the teams listed below:-, - Neighbourhoods and Commercial Services, Michele Moloney
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