Fathom and Clearsight were shocked, and Whiteout was crying. After speaking to the NightWing students, Moon and Darkstalker sensed danger for Stonemover. Additionally, when Moonwatcher expressed her concern for giving the NightWing students powers, Darkstalker said that she reminded him of Clearsight, also asking if everyone was sure Clearsight never had dragonets. [123] After Darkstalker laughed at Fathom's joke, he was delighted,[124] and Darkstalker spoke gently towards him. [49], After he began to seek vengeance upon the IceWing tribe after Arctic became even crueler, he became more dishonest,[49] devious,[50] vengeful,[51] furious,[52] manipulative,[53] angry, and callous. They invited Thoughtful, who was playing alone, to join them. Pour out your life on this stage." Finally, the soul reader stops, giving out a measure of black and white sand. After two thousand years, the bracelet that Fathom enchanted to make Darkstalker sleep for all eternity had snapped due to the tremors caused by the Orb in the Sky, allowing him to wake up. clearsight darkstalker wingsoffire wof fathom nightwing qibli whiteout moonwatcher indigo dragons pantala darksight turtle moonbli glory kinkajou icewing starflight pyrrhia. Referring to Fathom and how he would be a necessary friend to Darkstalker, but someone who will unknowingly push him to fulfill his dark motives. Darkstalker refuses and tells Clearsight that they'll always be in danger from Vigilance unless he kills her or enchants Clearsight's scales to be invulnerable as well. Rainforest Kingdom: NightWing village, Present: Snowfall Glacier Listener mentions that she can see the whole Great Diamond from the window and they both look down at the party below. Eclipse was a female NightWing-IceWing hybrid who was mentioned in Darkstalker. There was also a family painting over the fireplace with her father, Arctic, who looked happier than Clearsight could imagine he would be. Darkstalker walked in later with Fierceteeth, enchanted to look and act like Clearsight. This took me so long to make! Whiteout cried and said that "only one of us will, depending on who loses the future." He took a rather friendly approach, and it seemed that he enjoyed teaching her how to deal with her powers effectively without any problem. Some of it seems small, but I have included everything, even if I cant tell yet why its important. However, Indigo was suspicious of Darkstalker and showed this when she attempted to kill him once they are outside. Historical: Arctic Frostbite Opal Penguin Snowfox, Winter Icicle Alba Changbai Ermine, Cirrus Fjord Hvitur Ivory Lynx Snowflake Polar Bear, Darkstalker Whiteout Eclipse Fierceclaws Shadowhunter Typhoon, Great Ice Cliff Moon Globe Tree IceWing palace Diamond Caves, Approximately 2,007 years (hatched in roughly 3,007 AS). Later on, Clearsight and Listener went to a festival being held in the Great Diamond. Darkstalker was an ancient NightWing-IceWing hybrid and one of the three main protagonists of Darkstalker. Clearsight finds Fathom pacing anxiously. Darkstalker insists that he can easily enchant the mountain to never fall. [31] He believed in not worrying excessively about the future and preferred to focus on the present. (Not to be confused with Eclipse, a NightWing that appeared in Darkness of Dragons.) He was enthusiastic about their relationship and tried his best to make her feel happy and safe. Add to library 15 Discussion 87 Follow author Share . 66 parts. Darkstalker turned and escorted whiteout away laughing slightly as the three dragons glared at each other. Longs for power not his own. When Qibli got to the lost city of night and talked to Moon, he gave her the earring, and she said nothing had happened, stating Darkstalker had not put a spell on Moon because he liked her as a friend. To send him a mental twinge whenever someone else used it. She leaves, heading for Fathom's room. Animus magic, enhanced mind-reading, enhanced foresight But then he saw in Arctic's mind that before Foeslayer flew off, she had flung the earring at Arctic, saying that she did not love him for his animus magic and that she loves him more than anything. With greater priority, to stop him from crossing the Great Ice Cliff. But Darkstalker pointed out that it is Clearsight's Hatching Day tomorrow. However, it is later revealed that he may have been manipulating her for his own benefit. [36] Darkstalker saw Indigo as a threat to him and Fathom's friendship,[121] so he turned her into a small wooden dragon so she would not turn Fathom against him. Darkstalker enchanted four things with it that day: an inkpot, a blanket, a moonstone bracelet, and one of his history scrolls. The next day, Clearsight was with Listener in the school courtyard, talking about Listener's newest crush, a NightWing who was elegantly handsome and equipped with an aloof expression; the kind of haughty dragon that Listener always seemed to fall for. However, his protests about Darkstalker using his magic were cut off as Clearsight has a vision about Darkstalker's mother, Foeslayer, being enchanted by Queen Diamond and sent to the Ice Kingdom. After she told Darkstalker about her visions and the importance of telling the queen, he requested a private audience with her. While the tribe adjusted to the new territory, he showed Anemone to Fathom's old suite. Because if we use animus magic, then they might retaliate with animus magic, and then it gets well, really bad . [26], Listener was Clearsight's first true friend, and she was humorous and welcoming towards her, showing her around their classroom,[27] and later going with her on an expedition to save the school's pet scavengers. [109] Darkstalker never cared much about Arctic's hatred towards him. He and Sunny are the only hybrid dragons to be featured as the main protagonists in the book series. Finally, in Darkstalker's room, she noticed his sleeping corner was occupied by neatly folded purple and white blankets, with a desk covered with three little inkwells and a cloth for wiping talons. Darkstalker was based on Tui's ex-boyfriend from when they were both sixteen years old. Darkstalker was displeased at the amount of worry that Clearsight had felt when she realized that the murderer, Albatross, had also been an animus and had most likely gone insane from the usage of his power. [117] Later, he cried for Clearsight, apologizing for putting that spell on her and promised to never do that again. Darkstalker realizes Whiteout had been enchanted and grabs his scroll. Darkstalker says that he also shows it to him in the bad futures, too. [15], Clearsight foresaw that the dislike between Darkstalker and Indigo, which spiraled into a future with no Indigo in it. So it's all anecdotal, and , It's well, it's complicated there are so many consequences and spells can go wrong, especially with a war scenario where it's all so chaotic. Arctic reveals he was going to give Whiteout to the IceWings so they can breed more animi into the royal family, and that he was going to see if Foeslayer was alive, and would give the IceWings a map of the NightWing kingdom- plus how to get in- in exchange for Foeslayer's life. Clearsight fails to slip the bracelet into Darkstalkers wrist during her time in Agate Mountain, and to her dismay, the worst-case scenario comes true. [21] However, the tragedy of Hope's presumed death shattered him, and he became indifferent towards her free will and happiness, although later apologizing to her imagined presence. To this, Moon responded that it might not matter since Darkstalker still caused his father's death with an untainted soul. Clearsight, Fathom, Indigo, Darkstalker, or Whiteout? In the prologue . A3 She then told them that they should return the scroll to its rightful owner. Before Clearsight could wonder why he was there, a different dragon lunged out of the shadows and stabbed a spear right into Darkstalker's heart. Afterward, Clearsight finally found her actual class, located in Room 3A, where the teacher assigned another student named Listener to show her around and befriend her throughout the school day. Then, Darkstalker invited her to see his house, reassuring her that his mother and father were both away at their jobs; Foeslayer on guard near the border, and Arctic helping to interrogate Current. To grant flight speed faster than any dragon on Pyrrhia. Around a century later, Clearsight wrote a book, noting down visions thousands of years from her lifetime so that her descendants could be prepared to face all future outcomes. Moon and Kinkajou showed up, and they asked him to come with them. Special Powers 6,924 takers Report. She never existed in the timeline the books took place in. 97 Stories. For a moment, Fathom is hesitant to believe this and says that Darkstalker might forgive her since he forgave Indigo. After Qibli escaped the Talons of Power, he went to the SandWing Kingdom to warn Queen Thorn about Vulture and his army. Qibli denied that, but Darkstalker tested him for animus magic by telling Qibli to enchant his scroll to roll up. He then tells him to never use his magic and to never hurt him or his friends ever again. Clearsight drags Darkstalker far back into the cave, tears falling from her eyes. (This is the page for the character named Darkstalker. Clearsight is unsure, as there is so much darkness in the timelines now. Darkstalker smirks at her and tells her that Vigilance started it, and she and Fathom plead with Darkstalker to help turn things back the way they were so that the queen can trust them again. Darkstalker mistook Turtle for Fathom and blasted fire at him. Clearsight and Listener meet up with Darkstalker, Fathom, and Whiteout in a game pavilion when they are in the middle of a scales-and-squares game. You may be looking for the book instead.) [156], Present: Glory Darkstalker Battlewinner Clearsight was an adult female NightWing who was introduced in Darkstalker as one of the three main protagonists. Clearsight and Listener met up with Darkstalker, Fathom, and Whiteout, who were all playing a board game. After Clearsight led him to an ocean cave to shelter from the storm, they talked about Darkstalker's animus power. [62] He acted falsely sympathetic towards Fathom[63] and was grimly determined upon finding and punishing the dragon who had sent Quickdeath to assassinate him. Queen Vigilance orders Allknowing to "share your mumbo-jumbo," and Allknowing does so gleefully, sharing a prophecy about Darkstalker coming to kill the queen and seize the throne for his own. Series Is Owned By Tui T Sutherland. After convincing Flame that he could heal him without any strings attached, Flame agrees, and Darkstalker enchanted a flower to heal his face. Maybe it was all the small moments where you felt threatened or powerless or out of control, and all the things you did to fight those feelings Or maybe it's just part of you, something you hatched with. When the vision returned, he turned fake Clearsight back into Fierceteeth and prepared the NightWings for war, granting many of them superpowers along the way. They flew off to save him from attempted murder and found him with his throat slashed, lying in a pool of blood, though miraculously, still alive. When Anemone used the next spell, suggested by Qibli, that linked the minds of all the IceWings and NightWings for a hundred dragon heartbeats, Darkstalker grabbed Qibli with a swift movement and carried him to the spot where he burst from his underground prison after being trapped there for 2,000 years. He learned by reading his parents' minds that Queen Diamond, Arctic's mother, had made an offer to her son through a carved stone tablet: if Arctic killed both of his dragonets and brought her proof, then she would call off her forces and accept him back into the Ice Kingdom. Lionfish, one of Fathom's guards, lunges toward the attacker and quickly kills him. [29] Before she left to deal with Darkstalker, she thanked Listener for being herself and hoped her life was everything she wanted it to be. She then fired Allknowing and told Clearsight that she was now her main seer, much to the rage of the old NightWing. Darkstalker feels as though he is missing something when he sleeps and dislikes sleeping as a result. [15] He wore a plain, white, half-hoop earring made of bone in his left ear. The tribe flew the whole day and rested next to the ocean. [127] Darkstalker was attentive to Fathom's feelings,[26] and he made Fathom feel comforted. [event 2] Clearsight loved Darkstalker very much, and tried her best to keep their futures bright,[24] but eventually had no choice but to betray her beloved by trapping him in a cave within Agate Mountain with a bracelet enchanted by Fathom. [25] She had opened up to him numerous times about her feelings about Darkstalker and prophetic powers; he seemed to be a supportive friend to her. Darkstalker then shows Clearsight a soul reader, pointing it at Clearsight and the result is a large pile of black sand and a tiny scattering of white sand. He made sure she was always content. [54] He radiated menace. Clearsight gives a fact that Agate Mountain would not be the tallest mountain much longer, as there would be an earthquake and a whole side of the mountain would fall. Affiliations When Turtle got Anemone to wake Kinkajou in the RainWing village, Darkstalker flew there, telling Anemone not to use her magic without permission, simultaneously confirming that he had cast a spell to detect animus magic. Sort by: Hot. There, Darkstalker presented the dreamvisitors to his friends, much to Fathom's dismay. [4], Deeply kind,[5] willful,[6] serious,[7] often worried and harried,[8] Clearsight was often known to be the voice of reason towards both Darkstalker and Fathom. Clearsight's Awakening by //{C A R M E N THE SKYWONG}\\ 1.4K 7 8. Allknowing smirks triumphantly and mocks her, telling her not to hurt herself. . Clearsight is dead and never coming back, though she was originally considered to be brought back to life as a zombie. [64] He eventually was eerily blank when facing the concept of Foeslayer's death,[65] and wanted the NightWings to fear and respect him. Darkstalker wanted to kill Queen Diamond right away with his animus magic, but Clearsight warned him that Queen Diamond's only heir, Snowfox, hates the NightWings and that she will lead to four highly possible futures of a NightWing genocide. When the soul reader is still taking a long time calculating, Clearsight nervously jokes that Darkstalker confused it. When he leaves, Turtle and Qibli realized that he must have cast a spell to sense when animus magic were being cast. They also spied on Darkstalker himself and found him giving powers to the NightWings on a limited account. A few moments passed, and Darkstalker remembers that he has an enchanted earring that protects him. Lionfish tackled the assassin, killing him quickly. Darkstalker told her that he wants to teach the IceWings a lesson and he wants to scare them into giving Foeslayer back. Darkstalker takes out his scroll and Clearsight questions what he's going to do with it. The third part begins with Listener and Clearsight at Clearsight's home in the palace looking out the window. You're not a dragonet-killer, Darkstalker. Fathom discovered spells written in invisible ink, one of which trapped Indigo in the wooden SeaWing statue Fathom had made. No one's ever been able to navigate multiple futures in their visions the way she did. Clearsight took off her earrings after the Queen accused her of being enchanted by Darkstalker. Indigo reassured Fathom that "it's safe to be happy," and he responded with, "I know. A SandWing rushed in and said that Darkstalker was willing to help Onyx and Vulture's Talons of Power take over the SandWing tribe, also stating that Darkstalker was then the king of most of the NightWings. [3], Clearsight often approached other dragons with patience and diplomacy. Darkstalker decided to stay in the Rainforest Kingdom for a day. Anemone enters with Flame following, and he admitted that he tried to kill Stonemover because he lied about being able to heal Flame's scars. When Clearsight started to tell Listener about how they'd be friends in the future, Listener kindly asked her to stop, telling her that she and her family had superstitions about prophets and their abilities; they'd rather have life take them by surprise. One day, during a hurricane, Darkstalker traveled to Clearsight's house in the pouring rain, inviting her to go with him to the ocean. Darkstalker also freed Fierceteeth and Strongwings from the RainWing prison, bringing them with him. Whiteout gasped, as though she had just woken up. When Clearsight left for Agate Mountain to meet Darkstalker one last time, Fathom took the scroll and held it over a candle. While they were talking, Whiteout approached them, missing Listener's muttered nickname for her: "Weirdout." A nest of two eggs sat below a large hole in the caves roof alowing the moon's light to flood in covering the eggs in its silver trendils. After he stood up for Whiteout from a group of irritated NightWing students, Clearsight finally greeted Darkstalker, jokingly commenting on his clever way of sticking up for his sister, displaying his mind-reading ability, and depicting himself as a noble hero all at once. [14], Clearsight was obsessive about the future, often spending her time exploring different potential timelines to try and find the best outcomes. [6] She thought that if she could see every possible future, surely she could make sure they got the right one. Darkstalker begged Moon to join him, but Moon said that she wanted to stay with Glory but would visit the lost city with Turtle and Kinkajou, as the lost city needed to be found to stop Jade Mountain from being destroyed according to The Jade Mountain Prophecy. When the meeting was over she sees Fathom in the palace. Approximately 2,007 years (hatched in roughly 3,007 AS) This could be a result of Darkstalker and Clearsight's dragonets hatching on Pantala, and then breeding with the native beetlewings and leafwings, leading to the birth of modern day Silk and Hivewings. He responds saying that it was not what she thought and enchants a dagger to stab Arctic's foot, not killing him but forcing him to stop. After Darkstalker told Vigilance about the Royal SeaWing Massacre, the queen gave Current shelter and resources in exchange for information on the attack. He then had a conversation with Anemone, Tsunami, and Moonwatcher about animus power. Is there anything animus magic can't do? I stopped Darkstalker. Anemone decided to take out her anger and jealousy on Moon by enchanting a broom to whack her until she cleans up the room herself. He also cared for Fathom's happiness,[51] and Fathom later discovered that Darkstalker had enchanted a bell that would ring whenever Fathom was feeling sad or lonely, and that was why he had always known when to show up and lift him from the worst loneliness. I've been reading everything I can find about her. Darkstalker foresaw that he could make his sister's egg hatch on the Brightest Night as well, but he decided against it out of selfishness and the desire for all of his mother's love. He enchanted more items that included an earring that made him look especially charming and handsome, a goblet that he planned to give to Fathom which was enchanted to make him forget Indigo, forget about his oath, and use his animus power freely Clearsight's moonstone earrings to make her see only happy futures, a pebble that made Indigo turn into the SeaWing carving that Fathom made, sneaky enchantments on other students at his school, and many more. Moments after hiding among the shows of two large boulders on the sand, Clearsight and Listener saw a pointed white head lunge out of the water, trapping one of the fleeing scavengers in his jaws. She felt the drumming wingbeats behind her as both tribes rose into the air and followed them to safety. The first thing Clearsight noticed when she entered Darkstalker's house was a sunlit room decorated in winter-themed decor; a pale blue door, white rugs, and glittering crystals. She gave the queen all of the needed details, clear and specific, much to the queen's pleasure. He asks Clearsight about it, and she states that Darkstalker had put a border shield that kills any IceWings that try to enter the kingdom. Darkstalker is the first installment of Wings of Fire: Legends, featuring Clearsight, Darkstalker, and Fathom as the main protagonists. To bring a dragon the hidden animus (Turtle) cares about to the throne room alive. Clearsight snaps that she would never let him do that, and says that she cannot believe he betrayed her by putting a spell on her and messing with her power. Afterward, Darkstalker spoke to anyone who came to him and searched scrolls for references of Fathom and Clearsight. Darkstalker starts interrogating Arctic, who was forced to tell the truth due to the spell Darkstalker had cast on him. He asks her what is going on, and Clearsight tells him the queen tried to kill Darkstalker, and in turn, Darkstalker is coming to kill her. She then comforts Clearsight once she realizes she is crying. Under one full moon, she was hatched with exceptionally powerful foresight and formerly served as Queen Vigilance's Head Seer for a short amount of time while she resided in the Night Kingdom. Another wall was covered with scrolls tucked into niches, and a very clean kitchen with cooking contraptions that looked impossibly complicated to Clearsight. Darkstalker realizes in shock as he realized he could not trust Clearsight with his scroll, and that perhaps there would not be a queen on the throne beside him. [84] He believed he was the greatest animus dragon to have ever lived, believing he was completely unstoppable and regarded others around him to be "boring, ordinary creatures". The book draws to a close as Fathom and Indigo were portrayed with their dragonets, Clearpool, Cowrie, and Ripple. Darkstalker insists that they are so close to their happy future, stating all his enemies are dead. This was a spell casted by Darkstalker as part of his revenge for kidnapping his mother 2,000 years ago. She saw possible futures where if she returns to the NightWing tribe, dangerous things happen, one of them Clearsight missing Darkstalker so much that the temptation to return and release him became too strong. Darkstalker healed Stonemover with a stalactite, simultaneously removing the stone enchantment on his scales. This was true, however, there appeared to be more white sand than there was before. Clearsight responds that she wanted to see the scroll, and Darkstalker hands it to her. This is shown when he used his magic to return her favorite scavenger toy to her whenever it got lost. Still fearing Indigo's safety with Darkstalker around, Fathom decided that Wharf should come with him instead of Indigo. [18] She is also quite determined, proven after venturing to save the dragons from the storm in Pantala. In reply, Darkstalker lunges toward her in fury, grabbing her wrist and twisting it painfully.
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