the crucible act 2 quiz quizlet

the crucible act 2 quiz quizlet

Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! What duty has Mary Warren been performing in Salem? Elizabeth's demeanor is "frosty" and "cold" towards John. Get started for free! Incensed, Proctor threatens her with a whip. He names nine of them, but needs Elizabeth to remind him of the tenth adultery. List some of the major conflicts that are evident so far in the play (both internal and external). Ross, Jeremy. As recognized, adventure as without difficulty as experience practically lesson, amusement, as with ease as, concurrence can be gotten by just checking out a books. With what crime has Rebecca Nurse been charged? Describe them each. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. How many people have been arrested as witches so far? We manage to pay for you this proper as without difficulty as easy mannerism to get those all. Their argument is about the affair. answer choices Abigail Williams Tituba Mary Warren Susanna Walcott Question 2 30 seconds Q. The Crucible study guide contains a biography of Arthur Miller, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. They will be burned alive. She goes to Salem because she wants to inform the Proctors of this fact. Historical Context Essay: Arthur Miller and the Red Scare, Literary Context Essay: Political Theater and the Play. He's saying if anyone is killed, it will be Hales fault. to check up on them and see what kind of people they are. This is a logical conclusion because this has happened before. Why does Reverend Hale visit the Proctors? that Abigail told him the girls' illness wasn't witchcraft. Hale asks if Proctor will testify to this in court, and asks if he believes in witches. -Reputation: People will go to extremes to preserve their reputation, even if it means sacrificing other's needs in the process. What does Parris ask Mary to do to prove herself? What do you think might be the real reason? Where did Elizabeth ask John to go? There is a needle in the poppet's stomach and that night Abigail claimed Elizabeth's spirit stabbed her with a needle. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% What does Proctors hesitation to travel to Salem indicate about his inner conflict? What does the reader learn about the Proctors' marriage through the discrepancy, Elizabeth is suspicious of him and the affair he had. Do you think he is justified? Danforth says the people who signed should be arrested. What does she say when confronted with the question? She tells John she saved Elizabeth's life in court by claiming Elizabeth showed no signs of conversing with the Devil when Abigail accused Elizabeth of witchcraft. A doll is an odd gift to give a grown woman. Rebecca Nurse is hailed because she's accused of using witchcraft and killing 7 of the Putnams babies. Bruchac is presently lives two lives (2). Why is Elizabeth Proctor temporarily saved from being hanged? Mary and John's relationship is tense and strained. Hale notes that they don't often attend church, one of their sons isn't baptized, and john forgets a commandment. She tells him to go to Abigail and firmly renege on whatever promise she may think he made her. John says he will not tell the court because when Abigail told him about her and the girls lying about the witchcraft he was alone with her so he has no witnesses. He remembers all but the one about adultery, which is what he committed. What happens when Mary Warren tells the court the truth about the girls acting bewitched? vocabulary. How do his actions so far in Act III connect to what we know about him as a character? Abigail may want Elizabeth sent to death because of the rumors she spread about her, People believe he lets innocent people get killed for crimes they didn't commit, Explain Proctors quote "Vengeance is walking Salem. 2 of 5 What reason does Proctor give for failing to attend church regularly in Salem? The second major theme of the act is the ambiguity of evidence. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Why does Giles Corey and Francis Nurse come to see John Proctor? This is final proof because Rebecca has been holy and has attended Church for 60 years. What is Reverend Parriss biggest concern? -Many arguments happen because of unimportant or petty disputes in the past. Elizabeth tells him that Mary Warren is there today, and although Elizabeth tried to forbid her, Mary frightened her strength away. Miller seems to indicate that, like the rest of their Puritan society, the Proctors need an outlet to expiate John's sins and without this means for redemption they are committed to a perpetual obsession with past infidelity. In this situation the evil of Salem may raise their reputations at the expense of the good. Miller makes it clear to the audience that Elizabeth did not use the poppet as a charm against Abigail Williams, but its presence in her house is quite damning in the view of the court. She claims she does not judge him. What does Proctor mean when he exclaims, "God is Dead"? What does her making it and giving it to Elizabeth foreshadow? Elizabeth Proctor is intensely suspicious of her husband, worrying when he arrives at home late for dinner and adopting a condescending tone when her husband admits that he was momentarily alone with Abigail Williams. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Meaning of "vengeance is walking into salem"? Mary Warren also does not want to confess because she made the poppet because she could be accused as a witch. Giles Corey arrives with Francis Nurse, and they tell the Proctors that their wives were taken away. The Crucible Act 2 Study Guide. We come up, with the money for the crucible act 2 questions and answers and numerous ebook collections from fictions to, scientific research in any way. Under such intense scrutiny, these officials are able to find any information that may be may interpreted as evidence of guilt not unlike the House Unamerican Activities Commission using everything from religion and sexuality to, in the case of the Rosenbergs, a discarded box of Jell-o as evidence of un-American behavior. However, in this instance she purposely frames Elizabeth Proctor out of revenge, planting the poppet as a means to engineer Elizabeth's murder. Test your spelling acumen. Explain the conversation that takes place between Mary Warren and John Proctor at the end of Act II. -Reverend Hale vs. the Proctors What does Mary Warren reveal about Elizabeth? From the beginning of Act 2, what can you tell about the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor? Mary gave Elizabeth a "poppet" (doll) she had made while sitting in court. When Reverend Hale visits, what things seem to go against John and Elizabeth? I agree with his decision because it is very easy to get arrested for just trying to give evidence. Do you agree with his decision to be "mute"? Abby and the girls pretend Mary is witching them. and a vocabulary word list with definitions. How is John and Elizabeth's relationship at the beginning of Act II? The Proctors and their allies can rely on a single person to save themselves from Abigail Williams' treachery. List and discuss the validity of the evidence by which Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse are jailed. Why does Elizabeth want John to go to Salem? Proctor replies that her justice would freeze beer. | -paranoia What convinces Proctor to agree with his wife's request? $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% While the other characters remain fixed in their particular allegiances and beliefs, Hale demonstrates the debilitating effects of the witchcraft trials by the change in his character. The Crucible Act 2 quiz 4.2 (26 reviews) Where does Elizabeth want John to go, and what does she want him to do there? More books than SparkNotes. A cake A bonnet A kiss A little doll 10 of 25 What news does Mary Warren bring from Salem? Why? He believes they are welcoming the devil in, not God as they say. All Rights Reserved. Why didnt more people sign false confessions that they were witches to save their lives? Proctor, Giles and Francis Nurse give Danforth evidence to prove their wives' innocence -- 91 people confirmed this. 20 Questions Show answers Question 1 30 seconds Q. 21 times. She does this because she knows that she will no longer be against Abby, who has threatened her in the past. This event even breaks the icy exterior of Elizabeth Proctor, who deems that Abigail must be "ripped out of the world.". He asks why they hadn't been to church very much, and Proctor explains his wife was sick. She was ready to do harm to others, but only to save herself. Dont have an account? STUDY. Why doesnt John Proctor attend church often? What does she urge him to do? What demand does Proctor make of Mary Warren? ", He's saying she's of the many people who make up and represent the church. What type of irony was the one commandment out of ten Proctor cant remember represent? Proctor demands that Mary Warren come to court with him and charge murder against Abigail. In actuality, it was Mary's doll that Abigail gave her. What ominous revelation does mary warren make about elizabeth's reputation? 4. An additional irony that Miller constructs in the act is in the plot structure. -jealousy Among the characters in the play, it is Reverend Hale who demonstrates the most prominent character development. Why is, this pertinent to what is going on? You can view our. They even repeat what she said like she is controlling them, when really they are just mimicking her. Summarize the scene. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at Key Concepts: Terms in this set (14) It's been seven, months since the affair between John and Abigail ended, and tension continues to hang over John and, Elizabeth's relationship. She has been charged with the murder of Ann Putnam's seven unborn babies. a) What will Corey be arrested for? The Crucible Act 2 Quiz What does the reader learn about the Proctors' marriage through the discrepancy between what John Proctor does before he sees his wife and when he talks to her? How does Proctor explain not going to church? Proctor orders Mary to go to bed. He also realizes that his wife will still be condemned because his wife will get killed after she gives birth. The most significant symbol of this theme in the second act is Mary Warren's poppet. Compete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Rebecca has been charged with the supernatural murder of Ann Putnam's babies. Susana Walcott even says Mary has claws. What conflict helps drive the plot in Act II? What is he trying to say? a poppet with a needle stuck in it is found in her house, John demands that Mary tell the truth to the court. A) True B) False 4. He means that God is no longer controlling Salem, the devil is. Act 2 takes place in answer choices the church Weinbloom, Elizabeth ed. Yet this person, Mary Warren, is the weakest and most pliable character in The Crucible. -Punishment: Accusations can lead to harsh punishments from authorities, sometimes even without proper evidence to prove their guilt. What causes tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor? Proctor finds it impossible to believe that so pious a woman could be in the service of the devil after seventy years of prayer, but Hale reminds him that the Devil is wily and strong. They back away in fear of Mary, begging her to spare them. Proctor tells her that nobody will believe him, as Proctor was the only one to hear. Elizabeth Proctor describes Corey as a "fearsome man" who died for what was right. Danforth does not want to have Proctor obtain a lawyer because the evidence is invisible (as there is only the victim and witch to listen to), and the lawyer would only bring in faulty evidence. Who comes to the Proctor's house to arrest Elizabeth? Mary doesn't want to do it because she believes they will go after her. on 50-99 accounts. What is the reason that Proctor holds back from telling what he knows about Abigail? What type of irony was Mary's gift of a poppet to Elizabeth represent? Match. Why is the play called The Crucible? Elizabeth is surprised. Mary Warren tells them how the poppet got into the house, and claims that she stuck the needle in it, but Hale questions whether or not her memory is accurate or supernatural. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. When Hale asks Elizabeth if she questions the gospel, she retorts that he should question Abigail Williams about the gospel and not her. Elizabeth tells John to go to Ezekiel Cheever and tell him what Abigail said last week - namely that Betty's sickness had nothing to do with witchcraft. Nayla Daniel Period:8 The Crucible- ACT II Questions Why doesnt. What do you think of Danforth after reading to pg 91? He said that there is a fear of the court in this country, suggests that Proctor should get a lawyer, and that the witches should be listened to. Not affiliated with Harvard College. On pg 98, we see a change in Hale's character. Click the card to flip Elizabeth is suspicious of him and the affair he had Click the card to flip 1 / 33 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by mbry33 A) False B) True 3. John Proctor returns from a day in the fields and greets his wife, Elizabeth. Abigail Williams (Antagonist). Elizabeth wants John to go to court to publicly put Abigail in her place so that she leaves her family alone and Elizabeth is no longer accused of witchcraft. Proctor demands proof that Goody Osburn is a witch, and forbids Mary Warren to go to court. -Denial: Many will deny true assumptions that others make to save themselves or others from severe consequences. -passion to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. John Proctor is forcing Mary Warren to go to court and accuse Abigail of witchcraft because she accused Elizabeth. He was alone with Abigail when she told him it wasn't witchcraft. in the midst of them is this the crucible act 2 questions and answers that can, The Crucible Act 2 Questions At the beginning of Act 2, John Proctor says, "It is winter in here yet". It represents verbal irony because Paris knows she isn't saintly. He demands she testify in court that the poppet belonged to her. The poppet demonstrates that Abigail Williams is more villainous than earlier indicated. -integrity TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Explain. What do Abby and the girls do to Mary Warren? Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it! . More importantly, Reverend Hale and the other court officials use private information for their public matters, such as information about the frequency with which they attend church and their belief in the existence of witches. Is this a logical accusation? god will not let you wash our hands of this!"..? Miller demonstrates this, in particular, when Proctor is unable to recall the commandment against adultery it is a moment of humor, but it also reflects the crisis of the Proctor marriage. However, it is odd that he left out of frustration instead of using his religious authority to his advantage to defend Proctor. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! On page 71, Hale says, "Man, remember, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven." ", He is saying the people are turning against each other and accusing each other. 1. Use this to prep for your next quiz! He asks if she keeps any poppets in the house, and she says no. Who are the two judges? He has to reveal that he had a affair with Abigail to save his wife. He has tiptoed around the house for the seven months since Abigail left, and has confessed to his sin openly, but Elizabeth remains cold. She cursed a townsperson and now he cannot keep a pig alive for more than 4 weeks. Choose the best way to rewrite each underlined word or group of words. Proctor answers that he does not believe that there are witches in Salem, but Elizabeth denies any belief in witches at all. That someone accused Elizabeth of witchcraft That the witch trials have ended That someone accused John Proctor of witchcraft That Reverend Hale is ill What evidence is there against Elizabeth? (one code per order). This shows that Danforth is close-minded and does not want to listen to people's opinions if they do not fit his narrative, and uses that it is an invisible crime to justify this. -greed Proctor says there is no witchcraft happening, and tells Hale how Abigail said Parris discovered the girls sporting in the woods. It represents dramatic irony because he and Abigail had a affair before. She warns Proctor that Abigail will charge him with lechery, but Proctor insists that his wife shall not die for him. The Question and Answer section for The Crucible is a great -Abigail vs. Elizabeth Proctor how does this disclosure serve to make the quarrel between elizabeth and john even more heated? Proctor wants to forget about the affair, but Elizabeth refuses to. -Someone will take any means necessary to save their reputation, morally just or not. Some motifs we have seen so far are reputation, jealousy, pettiness, greed, and loss. Miller creates an atmosphere of guilt within the Proctor household that mirrors the similar conditions within larger Puritan society. Wed love to have you back! 35,000 worksheets, games,and lesson plans, Marketplace for millions ofeducator-created resources, Spanish-English dictionary,translator, and learning. Mary Warren refuses to go to court after Elizabeth is arrested because she. Did the girls really see the Devil or witches? -The word "crucible" has three meanings. Even though Rebecca may seem nice, she could very well still be a witch. -Proctor vs. himself Making educational experiences better for everyone. Copyright 2023, Inc., a division of IXL Learning Do you see any change in his attitude from the beginning of the play? -Mary Warren vs. Proctor I think it is good that he believes Proctor because he is, in fact, telling the truth. Elizabeth's willingness to go with Cheever to the jail shows that she is. Share 14 words 3,657 learners John Proctor returns from a day in the fields and greets his wife, Elizabeth. How does this tie in with the events that have happened so far in the play? Although he clings to his belief that proof of witchery can be found in Salem, Hale appears more and more tentative about the results. With what crimes has Rebecca Nurse been charged? Explain the conversation that takes place between Mary Warren and John Proctor at the end of Act II. What does this tell you about Danforth? Q. Do you think Mary Warren believes that she and the other girls are bewitched? Write. -Proctor vs. society Elizabeth realizes that Abigail wants her dead. Mary is obviously frustrated with the girls. Create your own Quiz In The Crucible- Act II, we get to see John and Elizabeth coming to see that the trials carried out in Salem are getting pretty out of hand. The Crucible - Act II Quiz 1. 5. the top edge of a vessel or other container, Mary Warren: They had Doctor Griggs examine er, and she's full to the, You will never believe I hope, that Rebecca, No man may longer doubt the powers of the dark are gathered in, Proctor: I have never knew until tonight that the world is gone, a judicial writ commanding police to perform specified acts, Now Hell and Heaven grapple on our backs, and all our old, a manifestation of God's foresightful care for his creatures, Created on October 30, 2012 He now has a quality of deference and even guilt. Why does Reverend Hale change his mind about the witch trials? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. What present does Mary Warren give to Elizabeth? The Crucible Act 2 quiz 15 terms cltee3 Teacher Act 2 Quiz Review "The Crucible" 20 terms Ms_Pelletier Teacher Recent flashcard sets Biology Chapter 5-8 Exam 65 terms giagia101 f451 vocab quiz 3 14 terms mariah_ewig English Final 20 terms hjashannah chapter 3 13 terms sarrajackson04 Sets found in the same folder The Crucible Act 1 44 terms Like Pontius Pilate, to whom Proctor compares Hale, he wants to play only a passive role in the proceedings without any feeling of personal responsibility. Walcott says he can't keep a pig alive because she bewitches them. 1) He says how he noticed Proctor hadn't been to church alot, How does Hale test Proctors belief in God, as well as the irony in how Proctor fails Hales test, He asks him to recite the 10 commandments, and Proctor struggles and forgets adultery, which shows irony because he had a affair with Abigail, Explain Hale's quote: "Man, remember until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.". What are the Proctors' feelings about the existence of witches in general? Q. In other words, Elizabeth was set up. Hathorne: quick to judge (pg86). Her claim of innocence Her pregnancy Her supernatural powers Her ties to the community 2 of 5 Why does Giles accuse Putnam of tampering with the accusations? He won't have his youngest son baptized because he doesn't trust Parris with his son. Why won't Mary Warren testify that she gave the doll to Elizabeth? He demonstrates a strong feeling of guilt for his actions, as shown by his reliance on what he grasps as indisputable evidence. Explain the ironic ultimatum the head of the court has given to those who have been arrested. Cheever takes Elizabeth away. Why does Danforth refuse to have a lawyer present in Proctor's case? Hale's growing disillusionment foreshadows his later repudiation of the court's actions. Elizabeth thinks that he went to Salem that afternoon, but Proctor says he thought better of it. He says that he will not give his wife to vengeance. Take up the test and get to find out for sureall the best as you tackle the quiz. Martha Corey is accused of using witchcraft on a farmers pigs, Explain Francis' metaphor: "My wife is the very brick and mortar of the church. Proctor has expressed contrition for his infidelity and asked for forgiveness, yet there is no sense of catharsis within his marriage nor ability for full reconciliation. In the common room of Proctor's house in Salem, Massachusetts. If she's a witch then everyone in Salem must be a witch. Why does Reverend Hale leave? His excuse is that Elizabeth was sick so he couldn't leave her to go to church. What themes could they be leading to? Who's the protagonist and the antagonist? The Proctors do not like that she is leaving. Here are the links to the word lists for all four acts of "The Crucible": Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, and Act 4. Explain john proctors allusion as he tells hale, "pontious pilate! Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? The Crucible Summary and Analysis of Act Two The second act takes place in the common room of Proctor's house eight days later. He believes the devil is controlling the girls to act so ridiculously by accusing innocent people of witchcraft. What is ironic about John's recitation of the Ten Commandments? If she was bewitched, she'd think what she was doing was right. What are some of the ways in which John Hale questions Proctor and his wife about their religious faith? If she was under Abigail's orders she would have said that Elizabeth always had the poppet and that she didn't give it to her. -Loss of a loved one can cause people to act irrationally, even being jealous of those who have not experienced that kind of trauma. Why is Rebecca Nurse accused of witchcraft? However, despite her weakness Mary Warren is as dangerous as Abigail, for the guileless girl betrays none of Abigail's malicious bearing and thus appears more overtly innocent. 25 Questions Show answers Question 1 30 seconds Q. Walcott charged Martha Corey for the rumor that Giles proposed about his wife reading books. Click the card to flip into Salem to tell the authorities the girls are not telling the truth Click the card to flip 1 / 15 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by cltee3 Teacher Terms in this set (15) He is also very defensive and dismissive. He seems more compassionate now because cared about the others that were accused. What is John's response when Elizabeth asks him to do this? -Jealousy can cause people to take violent and unethical routes to get what they desire. Abigail keeps pretending Mary the bird is flying down unto them. He gave no satisfaction to his accusers when he was crushed to death: instead of screaming he yelled "more weight". Cheever arrives to charge Elizabeth. -infatuation -confession. How does Mary save herself from a whipping? -loss The first of these is the line between public and private. Multiple-choice 2 minutes 1 pt Rebecca Nurse was a slave from Barbados Giles is accusing Mr. Putnam of killing his neighbors for their land. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. Proctor feels that Elizabeth has made her home into a repressive atmosphere, continually punishing her husband for his wrongdoing. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Why does Elizabeth want John to go see Abigail? Flashcards | Quizlet Answers. Aside from college and the years he teached (1) in West Africa, Joseph Bruchac has lived all his life in a small town in the Adirondacks. At the end of the act it hints that the most important conflict in the play, will take place between two characters, a protagonist and a antagonist. 20% Proctor and Elizabeth's private dispute over Abigail. They also know Abigail has accused Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft. Mary reveals that she saved Elizabeth's life today, for Elizabeth was accused in court. Describe Mary Warren's relationship with John Proctor. It ends in Mary leaving Proctor to repent to God with the girls. Reverend Hale believes the girls are lying and that Proctor is being honest because he believes he is a good person. Who do you think is more justified? I think that he will believe the victims first because he's seen ridiculous things happen before. What important information does Proctor tell Rev. They make small talk about dinner and the crops, but there is an awkwardness between them. 2. Flashcards | Quizlet The Crucible Act 2 Study Questions. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. He feels guilty for putting people to death because he was not sure of his decisions. It appears the community has been turned upside down. They will be released. How is John and Elizabeth's relationship at the beginning of Act 2? What does she mean? He complains that Parris is greedy and makes people fear Hell too much by the way he preaches. the crucible act ii fill in the blank study guide free The _____, a man cursed with a persecution complex, happens upon a group of girls _____ "unnaturally in the forest. This is because she admits that the poppet is hers and therefore says that Abigail's story of being stabbed by Elizabeth's spirit is a lie and untrue. Hale questions Proctor on his churchgoing habits, and Proctor claims that he prays at home and criticizes Parris for his wasteful spending habits in church. He wants he to go to court with him and say the poppet was Abigails. The Crucible Act II, Scene 2 Questions and Answers View The Crucible- ACT II Questions.docx from, PHI MISC at Everglades High School. -The last definition of a crucible is "a vessel of a very refractory material (such as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of heat" (Marriam-Webster Dictionary). Hale insists that the court is just, but Proctor calls him a Pontius Pilate. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. He won't give the name of his informant. - A crucible can also be a severe test, which also applies very clearly to the play, as the "witches" are being almost tested to see if they are guilty. This quite literally applies to the Salem witch trials, in which the supposed witches and people who defend them are fighting against the girls. The Crucible Act 2 | Literature - Quizizz QUIZ The Crucible Act 2 72% average accuracy 193 plays 11th grade English 2 years ago by KAYLA BONE Copy and Edit INSTRUCTOR-LED SESSION Start a live quiz ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING Assign homework 39 questions Question 1 30 seconds Report an issue Q. He does this to make himself look better and assert his religious authority. Renews May 8, 2023 What does Elizabeth want her husband to say in court? This is because Elizabeth still does not trust Proctor after his affair with Abigail. for a group? Hale claims that it is nonsense, as so many have confessed, but Proctor says that anyone would confess if they will be hanged for denying it. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. She knows what she's doing is wrong and wouldn't have this opinion if she believed she was actually bewitched. While the first act takes place in the "public" setting of Reverend Parris' home, the second act moves into what should be considered the private sphere of the Proctors' home. They will be hanged. She tells him that people will be hanged and urges him to explain its a misunderstanding. John and Elizabeth's relationship is still strained from his affair with, Abigail. Still, if Elizabeth adopts a tone of moral superiority it is because she is the superior of her contemporaries, with an unwavering belief in the capability of persons to remain moral. not directly done, you could agree to even more on this life, going on for the world. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university.

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the crucible act 2 quiz quizlet

the crucible act 2 quiz quizlet

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Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! What duty has Mary Warren been performing in Salem? Elizabeth's demeanor is "frosty" and "cold" towards John. Get started for free! Incensed, Proctor threatens her with a whip. He names nine of them, but needs Elizabeth to remind him of the tenth adultery. List some of the major conflicts that are evident so far in the play (both internal and external). Ross, Jeremy. As recognized, adventure as without difficulty as experience practically lesson, amusement, as with ease as, concurrence can be gotten by just checking out a books. With what crime has Rebecca Nurse been charged? Describe them each. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. How many people have been arrested as witches so far? We manage to pay for you this proper as without difficulty as easy mannerism to get those all. Their argument is about the affair. answer choices Abigail Williams Tituba Mary Warren Susanna Walcott Question 2 30 seconds Q. The Crucible study guide contains a biography of Arthur Miller, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. They will be burned alive. She goes to Salem because she wants to inform the Proctors of this fact. Historical Context Essay: Arthur Miller and the Red Scare, Literary Context Essay: Political Theater and the Play. He's saying if anyone is killed, it will be Hales fault. to check up on them and see what kind of people they are. This is a logical conclusion because this has happened before. Why does Reverend Hale visit the Proctors? that Abigail told him the girls' illness wasn't witchcraft. Hale asks if Proctor will testify to this in court, and asks if he believes in witches. -Reputation: People will go to extremes to preserve their reputation, even if it means sacrificing other's needs in the process. What does Parris ask Mary to do to prove herself? What do you think might be the real reason? Where did Elizabeth ask John to go? There is a needle in the poppet's stomach and that night Abigail claimed Elizabeth's spirit stabbed her with a needle. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% What does Proctors hesitation to travel to Salem indicate about his inner conflict? What does the reader learn about the Proctors' marriage through the discrepancy, Elizabeth is suspicious of him and the affair he had. Do you think he is justified? Danforth says the people who signed should be arrested. What does she say when confronted with the question? She tells John she saved Elizabeth's life in court by claiming Elizabeth showed no signs of conversing with the Devil when Abigail accused Elizabeth of witchcraft. A doll is an odd gift to give a grown woman. Rebecca Nurse is hailed because she's accused of using witchcraft and killing 7 of the Putnams babies. Bruchac is presently lives two lives (2). Why is Elizabeth Proctor temporarily saved from being hanged? Mary and John's relationship is tense and strained. Hale notes that they don't often attend church, one of their sons isn't baptized, and john forgets a commandment. She tells him to go to Abigail and firmly renege on whatever promise she may think he made her. John says he will not tell the court because when Abigail told him about her and the girls lying about the witchcraft he was alone with her so he has no witnesses. He remembers all but the one about adultery, which is what he committed. What happens when Mary Warren tells the court the truth about the girls acting bewitched? vocabulary. How do his actions so far in Act III connect to what we know about him as a character? Abigail may want Elizabeth sent to death because of the rumors she spread about her, People believe he lets innocent people get killed for crimes they didn't commit, Explain Proctors quote "Vengeance is walking Salem. 2 of 5 What reason does Proctor give for failing to attend church regularly in Salem? The second major theme of the act is the ambiguity of evidence. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Why does Giles Corey and Francis Nurse come to see John Proctor? This is final proof because Rebecca has been holy and has attended Church for 60 years. What is Reverend Parriss biggest concern? -Many arguments happen because of unimportant or petty disputes in the past. Elizabeth tells him that Mary Warren is there today, and although Elizabeth tried to forbid her, Mary frightened her strength away. Miller seems to indicate that, like the rest of their Puritan society, the Proctors need an outlet to expiate John's sins and without this means for redemption they are committed to a perpetual obsession with past infidelity. In this situation the evil of Salem may raise their reputations at the expense of the good. Miller makes it clear to the audience that Elizabeth did not use the poppet as a charm against Abigail Williams, but its presence in her house is quite damning in the view of the court. She claims she does not judge him. What does Proctor mean when he exclaims, "God is Dead"? What does her making it and giving it to Elizabeth foreshadow? Elizabeth Proctor is intensely suspicious of her husband, worrying when he arrives at home late for dinner and adopting a condescending tone when her husband admits that he was momentarily alone with Abigail Williams. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Meaning of "vengeance is walking into salem"? Mary Warren also does not want to confess because she made the poppet because she could be accused as a witch. Giles Corey arrives with Francis Nurse, and they tell the Proctors that their wives were taken away. The Crucible Act 2 Study Guide. We come up, with the money for the crucible act 2 questions and answers and numerous ebook collections from fictions to, scientific research in any way. Under such intense scrutiny, these officials are able to find any information that may be may interpreted as evidence of guilt not unlike the House Unamerican Activities Commission using everything from religion and sexuality to, in the case of the Rosenbergs, a discarded box of Jell-o as evidence of un-American behavior. However, in this instance she purposely frames Elizabeth Proctor out of revenge, planting the poppet as a means to engineer Elizabeth's murder. Test your spelling acumen. Explain the conversation that takes place between Mary Warren and John Proctor at the end of Act II. -Reverend Hale vs. the Proctors What does Mary Warren reveal about Elizabeth? From the beginning of Act 2, what can you tell about the relationship between John and Elizabeth Proctor? Mary gave Elizabeth a "poppet" (doll) she had made while sitting in court. When Reverend Hale visits, what things seem to go against John and Elizabeth? I agree with his decision because it is very easy to get arrested for just trying to give evidence. Do you agree with his decision to be "mute"? Abby and the girls pretend Mary is witching them. and a vocabulary word list with definitions. How is John and Elizabeth's relationship at the beginning of Act II? The Proctors and their allies can rely on a single person to save themselves from Abigail Williams' treachery. List and discuss the validity of the evidence by which Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse are jailed. Why does Elizabeth want John to go to Salem? Proctor replies that her justice would freeze beer. | -paranoia What convinces Proctor to agree with his wife's request? $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% While the other characters remain fixed in their particular allegiances and beliefs, Hale demonstrates the debilitating effects of the witchcraft trials by the change in his character. The Crucible Act 2 quiz 4.2 (26 reviews) Where does Elizabeth want John to go, and what does she want him to do there? More books than SparkNotes. A cake A bonnet A kiss A little doll 10 of 25 What news does Mary Warren bring from Salem? Why? He believes they are welcoming the devil in, not God as they say. All Rights Reserved. Why didnt more people sign false confessions that they were witches to save their lives? Proctor, Giles and Francis Nurse give Danforth evidence to prove their wives' innocence -- 91 people confirmed this. 20 Questions Show answers Question 1 30 seconds Q. 21 times. She does this because she knows that she will no longer be against Abby, who has threatened her in the past. This event even breaks the icy exterior of Elizabeth Proctor, who deems that Abigail must be "ripped out of the world.". He asks why they hadn't been to church very much, and Proctor explains his wife was sick. She was ready to do harm to others, but only to save herself. Dont have an account? STUDY. Why doesnt John Proctor attend church often? What does she urge him to do? What demand does Proctor make of Mary Warren? ", He's saying she's of the many people who make up and represent the church. What type of irony was the one commandment out of ten Proctor cant remember represent? Proctor demands that Mary Warren come to court with him and charge murder against Abigail. In actuality, it was Mary's doll that Abigail gave her. What ominous revelation does mary warren make about elizabeth's reputation? 4. An additional irony that Miller constructs in the act is in the plot structure. -jealousy Among the characters in the play, it is Reverend Hale who demonstrates the most prominent character development. Why is, this pertinent to what is going on? You can view our. They even repeat what she said like she is controlling them, when really they are just mimicking her. Summarize the scene. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at Key Concepts: Terms in this set (14) It's been seven, months since the affair between John and Abigail ended, and tension continues to hang over John and, Elizabeth's relationship. She has been charged with the murder of Ann Putnam's seven unborn babies. a) What will Corey be arrested for? The Crucible Act 2 Quiz What does the reader learn about the Proctors' marriage through the discrepancy between what John Proctor does before he sees his wife and when he talks to her? How does Proctor explain not going to church? Proctor orders Mary to go to bed. He also realizes that his wife will still be condemned because his wife will get killed after she gives birth. The most significant symbol of this theme in the second act is Mary Warren's poppet. Compete with other teams in real-time to see who answers the most questions correctly! Rebecca has been charged with the supernatural murder of Ann Putnam's babies. Susana Walcott even says Mary has claws. What conflict helps drive the plot in Act II? What is he trying to say? a poppet with a needle stuck in it is found in her house, John demands that Mary tell the truth to the court. A) True B) False 4. He means that God is no longer controlling Salem, the devil is. Act 2 takes place in answer choices the church Weinbloom, Elizabeth ed. Yet this person, Mary Warren, is the weakest and most pliable character in The Crucible. -Punishment: Accusations can lead to harsh punishments from authorities, sometimes even without proper evidence to prove their guilt. What causes tension between John and Elizabeth Proctor? Proctor finds it impossible to believe that so pious a woman could be in the service of the devil after seventy years of prayer, but Hale reminds him that the Devil is wily and strong. They back away in fear of Mary, begging her to spare them. Proctor tells her that nobody will believe him, as Proctor was the only one to hear. Elizabeth Proctor describes Corey as a "fearsome man" who died for what was right. Danforth does not want to have Proctor obtain a lawyer because the evidence is invisible (as there is only the victim and witch to listen to), and the lawyer would only bring in faulty evidence. Who comes to the Proctor's house to arrest Elizabeth? Mary doesn't want to do it because she believes they will go after her. on 50-99 accounts. What is the reason that Proctor holds back from telling what he knows about Abigail? What type of irony was Mary's gift of a poppet to Elizabeth represent? Match. Why is the play called The Crucible? Elizabeth is surprised. Mary Warren tells them how the poppet got into the house, and claims that she stuck the needle in it, but Hale questions whether or not her memory is accurate or supernatural. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. When Hale asks Elizabeth if she questions the gospel, she retorts that he should question Abigail Williams about the gospel and not her. Elizabeth tells John to go to Ezekiel Cheever and tell him what Abigail said last week - namely that Betty's sickness had nothing to do with witchcraft. Nayla Daniel Period:8 The Crucible- ACT II Questions Why doesnt. What do you think of Danforth after reading to pg 91? He said that there is a fear of the court in this country, suggests that Proctor should get a lawyer, and that the witches should be listened to. Not affiliated with Harvard College. On pg 98, we see a change in Hale's character. Click the card to flip Elizabeth is suspicious of him and the affair he had Click the card to flip 1 / 33 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by mbry33 A) False B) True 3. John Proctor returns from a day in the fields and greets his wife, Elizabeth. Abigail Williams (Antagonist). Elizabeth wants John to go to court to publicly put Abigail in her place so that she leaves her family alone and Elizabeth is no longer accused of witchcraft. Proctor demands proof that Goody Osburn is a witch, and forbids Mary Warren to go to court. -Denial: Many will deny true assumptions that others make to save themselves or others from severe consequences. -passion to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. John Proctor is forcing Mary Warren to go to court and accuse Abigail of witchcraft because she accused Elizabeth. He was alone with Abigail when she told him it wasn't witchcraft. in the midst of them is this the crucible act 2 questions and answers that can, The Crucible Act 2 Questions At the beginning of Act 2, John Proctor says, "It is winter in here yet". It represents verbal irony because Paris knows she isn't saintly. He demands she testify in court that the poppet belonged to her. The poppet demonstrates that Abigail Williams is more villainous than earlier indicated. -integrity TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Explain. What do Abby and the girls do to Mary Warren? Read the definition, listen to the word and try spelling it! . More importantly, Reverend Hale and the other court officials use private information for their public matters, such as information about the frequency with which they attend church and their belief in the existence of witches. Is this a logical accusation? god will not let you wash our hands of this!"..? Miller demonstrates this, in particular, when Proctor is unable to recall the commandment against adultery it is a moment of humor, but it also reflects the crisis of the Proctor marriage. However, it is odd that he left out of frustration instead of using his religious authority to his advantage to defend Proctor. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! On page 71, Hale says, "Man, remember, until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven." ", He is saying the people are turning against each other and accusing each other. 1. Use this to prep for your next quiz! He asks if she keeps any poppets in the house, and she says no. Who are the two judges? He has to reveal that he had a affair with Abigail to save his wife. He has tiptoed around the house for the seven months since Abigail left, and has confessed to his sin openly, but Elizabeth remains cold. She cursed a townsperson and now he cannot keep a pig alive for more than 4 weeks. Choose the best way to rewrite each underlined word or group of words. Proctor answers that he does not believe that there are witches in Salem, but Elizabeth denies any belief in witches at all. That someone accused Elizabeth of witchcraft That the witch trials have ended That someone accused John Proctor of witchcraft That Reverend Hale is ill What evidence is there against Elizabeth? (one code per order). This shows that Danforth is close-minded and does not want to listen to people's opinions if they do not fit his narrative, and uses that it is an invisible crime to justify this. -greed Proctor says there is no witchcraft happening, and tells Hale how Abigail said Parris discovered the girls sporting in the woods. It represents dramatic irony because he and Abigail had a affair before. She warns Proctor that Abigail will charge him with lechery, but Proctor insists that his wife shall not die for him. The Question and Answer section for The Crucible is a great -Abigail vs. Elizabeth Proctor how does this disclosure serve to make the quarrel between elizabeth and john even more heated? Proctor wants to forget about the affair, but Elizabeth refuses to. -Someone will take any means necessary to save their reputation, morally just or not. Some motifs we have seen so far are reputation, jealousy, pettiness, greed, and loss. Miller creates an atmosphere of guilt within the Proctor household that mirrors the similar conditions within larger Puritan society. Wed love to have you back! 35,000 worksheets, games,and lesson plans, Marketplace for millions ofeducator-created resources, Spanish-English dictionary,translator, and learning. Mary Warren refuses to go to court after Elizabeth is arrested because she. Did the girls really see the Devil or witches? -The word "crucible" has three meanings. Even though Rebecca may seem nice, she could very well still be a witch. -Proctor vs. himself Making educational experiences better for everyone. Copyright 2023, Inc., a division of IXL Learning Do you see any change in his attitude from the beginning of the play? -Mary Warren vs. Proctor I think it is good that he believes Proctor because he is, in fact, telling the truth. Elizabeth's willingness to go with Cheever to the jail shows that she is. Share 14 words 3,657 learners John Proctor returns from a day in the fields and greets his wife, Elizabeth. How does this tie in with the events that have happened so far in the play? Although he clings to his belief that proof of witchery can be found in Salem, Hale appears more and more tentative about the results. With what crimes has Rebecca Nurse been charged? Explain the conversation that takes place between Mary Warren and John Proctor at the end of Act II. What does this tell you about Danforth? Q. Do you think Mary Warren believes that she and the other girls are bewitched? Write. -Proctor vs. society Elizabeth realizes that Abigail wants her dead. Mary is obviously frustrated with the girls. Create your own Quiz In The Crucible- Act II, we get to see John and Elizabeth coming to see that the trials carried out in Salem are getting pretty out of hand. The Crucible - Act II Quiz 1. 5. the top edge of a vessel or other container, Mary Warren: They had Doctor Griggs examine er, and she's full to the, You will never believe I hope, that Rebecca, No man may longer doubt the powers of the dark are gathered in, Proctor: I have never knew until tonight that the world is gone, a judicial writ commanding police to perform specified acts, Now Hell and Heaven grapple on our backs, and all our old, a manifestation of God's foresightful care for his creatures, Created on October 30, 2012 He now has a quality of deference and even guilt. Why does Reverend Hale change his mind about the witch trials? Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. What present does Mary Warren give to Elizabeth? The Crucible Act 2 quiz 15 terms cltee3 Teacher Act 2 Quiz Review "The Crucible" 20 terms Ms_Pelletier Teacher Recent flashcard sets Biology Chapter 5-8 Exam 65 terms giagia101 f451 vocab quiz 3 14 terms mariah_ewig English Final 20 terms hjashannah chapter 3 13 terms sarrajackson04 Sets found in the same folder The Crucible Act 1 44 terms Like Pontius Pilate, to whom Proctor compares Hale, he wants to play only a passive role in the proceedings without any feeling of personal responsibility. Walcott says he can't keep a pig alive because she bewitches them. 1) He says how he noticed Proctor hadn't been to church alot, How does Hale test Proctors belief in God, as well as the irony in how Proctor fails Hales test, He asks him to recite the 10 commandments, and Proctor struggles and forgets adultery, which shows irony because he had a affair with Abigail, Explain Hale's quote: "Man, remember until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.". What are the Proctors' feelings about the existence of witches in general? Q. In other words, Elizabeth was set up. Hathorne: quick to judge (pg86). Her claim of innocence Her pregnancy Her supernatural powers Her ties to the community 2 of 5 Why does Giles accuse Putnam of tampering with the accusations? He won't have his youngest son baptized because he doesn't trust Parris with his son. Why won't Mary Warren testify that she gave the doll to Elizabeth? He demonstrates a strong feeling of guilt for his actions, as shown by his reliance on what he grasps as indisputable evidence. Explain the ironic ultimatum the head of the court has given to those who have been arrested. Cheever takes Elizabeth away. Why does Danforth refuse to have a lawyer present in Proctor's case? Hale's growing disillusionment foreshadows his later repudiation of the court's actions. Elizabeth thinks that he went to Salem that afternoon, but Proctor says he thought better of it. He says that he will not give his wife to vengeance. Take up the test and get to find out for sureall the best as you tackle the quiz. Martha Corey is accused of using witchcraft on a farmers pigs, Explain Francis' metaphor: "My wife is the very brick and mortar of the church. Proctor has expressed contrition for his infidelity and asked for forgiveness, yet there is no sense of catharsis within his marriage nor ability for full reconciliation. In the common room of Proctor's house in Salem, Massachusetts. If she's a witch then everyone in Salem must be a witch. Why does Reverend Hale leave? His excuse is that Elizabeth was sick so he couldn't leave her to go to church. What themes could they be leading to? Who's the protagonist and the antagonist? The Proctors do not like that she is leaving. Here are the links to the word lists for all four acts of "The Crucible": Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, and Act 4. Explain john proctors allusion as he tells hale, "pontious pilate! Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? The Crucible Summary and Analysis of Act Two The second act takes place in the common room of Proctor's house eight days later. He believes the devil is controlling the girls to act so ridiculously by accusing innocent people of witchcraft. What is ironic about John's recitation of the Ten Commandments? If she was bewitched, she'd think what she was doing was right. What are some of the ways in which John Hale questions Proctor and his wife about their religious faith? If she was under Abigail's orders she would have said that Elizabeth always had the poppet and that she didn't give it to her. -Loss of a loved one can cause people to act irrationally, even being jealous of those who have not experienced that kind of trauma. Why is Rebecca Nurse accused of witchcraft? However, despite her weakness Mary Warren is as dangerous as Abigail, for the guileless girl betrays none of Abigail's malicious bearing and thus appears more overtly innocent. 25 Questions Show answers Question 1 30 seconds Q. Walcott charged Martha Corey for the rumor that Giles proposed about his wife reading books. Click the card to flip into Salem to tell the authorities the girls are not telling the truth Click the card to flip 1 / 15 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by cltee3 Teacher Terms in this set (15) He is also very defensive and dismissive. He seems more compassionate now because cared about the others that were accused. What is John's response when Elizabeth asks him to do this? -Jealousy can cause people to take violent and unethical routes to get what they desire. Abigail keeps pretending Mary the bird is flying down unto them. He gave no satisfaction to his accusers when he was crushed to death: instead of screaming he yelled "more weight". Cheever arrives to charge Elizabeth. -infatuation -confession. How does Mary save herself from a whipping? -loss The first of these is the line between public and private. Multiple-choice 2 minutes 1 pt Rebecca Nurse was a slave from Barbados Giles is accusing Mr. Putnam of killing his neighbors for their land. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. Proctor feels that Elizabeth has made her home into a repressive atmosphere, continually punishing her husband for his wrongdoing. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Why does Elizabeth want John to go see Abigail? Flashcards | Quizlet Answers. Aside from college and the years he teached (1) in West Africa, Joseph Bruchac has lived all his life in a small town in the Adirondacks. At the end of the act it hints that the most important conflict in the play, will take place between two characters, a protagonist and a antagonist. 20% Proctor and Elizabeth's private dispute over Abigail. They also know Abigail has accused Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft. Mary reveals that she saved Elizabeth's life today, for Elizabeth was accused in court. Describe Mary Warren's relationship with John Proctor. It ends in Mary leaving Proctor to repent to God with the girls. Reverend Hale believes the girls are lying and that Proctor is being honest because he believes he is a good person. Who do you think is more justified? I think that he will believe the victims first because he's seen ridiculous things happen before. What important information does Proctor tell Rev. They make small talk about dinner and the crops, but there is an awkwardness between them. 2. Flashcards | Quizlet The Crucible Act 2 Study Questions. You'll be billed after your free trial ends. He feels guilty for putting people to death because he was not sure of his decisions. It appears the community has been turned upside down. They will be released. How is John and Elizabeth's relationship at the beginning of Act 2? What does she mean? He complains that Parris is greedy and makes people fear Hell too much by the way he preaches. the crucible act ii fill in the blank study guide free The _____, a man cursed with a persecution complex, happens upon a group of girls _____ "unnaturally in the forest. This is because she admits that the poppet is hers and therefore says that Abigail's story of being stabbed by Elizabeth's spirit is a lie and untrue. Hale questions Proctor on his churchgoing habits, and Proctor claims that he prays at home and criticizes Parris for his wasteful spending habits in church. He wants he to go to court with him and say the poppet was Abigails. The Crucible Act II, Scene 2 Questions and Answers View The Crucible- ACT II Questions.docx from, PHI MISC at Everglades High School. -The last definition of a crucible is "a vessel of a very refractory material (such as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of heat" (Marriam-Webster Dictionary). Hale insists that the court is just, but Proctor calls him a Pontius Pilate. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. He won't give the name of his informant. - A crucible can also be a severe test, which also applies very clearly to the play, as the "witches" are being almost tested to see if they are guilty. This quite literally applies to the Salem witch trials, in which the supposed witches and people who defend them are fighting against the girls. The Crucible Act 2 | Literature - Quizizz QUIZ The Crucible Act 2 72% average accuracy 193 plays 11th grade English 2 years ago by KAYLA BONE Copy and Edit INSTRUCTOR-LED SESSION Start a live quiz ASYNCHRONOUS LEARNING Assign homework 39 questions Question 1 30 seconds Report an issue Q. He does this to make himself look better and assert his religious authority. Renews May 8, 2023 What does Elizabeth want her husband to say in court? This is because Elizabeth still does not trust Proctor after his affair with Abigail. for a group? Hale claims that it is nonsense, as so many have confessed, but Proctor says that anyone would confess if they will be hanged for denying it. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. She knows what she's doing is wrong and wouldn't have this opinion if she believed she was actually bewitched. While the first act takes place in the "public" setting of Reverend Parris' home, the second act moves into what should be considered the private sphere of the Proctors' home. They will be hanged. She tells him that people will be hanged and urges him to explain its a misunderstanding. John and Elizabeth's relationship is still strained from his affair with, Abigail. Still, if Elizabeth adopts a tone of moral superiority it is because she is the superior of her contemporaries, with an unwavering belief in the capability of persons to remain moral. not directly done, you could agree to even more on this life, going on for the world. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Alexis Swanson Traina Wedding, Dlh Leavenworth, Ks, Chehre Remake Of Hollywood, Luiafk Potions Not Working, $55,000 A Year Is How Much A Month, Articles T

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