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SAVE UP TO $50 ON YOUR ONLINE ORDER TODAY! Wilson Combat has been the innovator in custom pistols, long guns, and accessories since 1977. document.ProductPic11902.src=boardpics_11902[scidx]; function cleansizecoloroption_9715(theVal) { while(color != unescape(color)) { function cleansizecoloroption_8954(theVal) { boardpicslg_11902['1,'] = '/images/product/large/11902_1_.jpg'; var boardpics_8416 = new Array(); } } boardpicslgAltText_12781['2,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAyIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgRURDLVg5IDQmcXVvdDsgVHdvLVRvbmUgOW1tIDE4cmQgUGlzdG9sIHcvIE1hZ3dlbGw1'; } ProductColor_19193 = cleansizecoloroption_19193(color); boardpicslgheight_8416['3,'] = '600'; boardpicslgAltText_9632['1,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAxIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgRWxpdGUgUHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsIC40NUFDUCBBbWJpIEJsYWNrIENB0'; } theVal = theVal.substring(0, theVal.indexOf('[')) adnsf$('a.page-number').children().remove(); } adnsf$(element).append(' Selected'); function changecolorimg_17897() { If you shoot a full-size 1911 pistol, this built-for-carry gun is going to feel great in your hands; the frame is the size you have become accustomed to holding. function cleansizecoloroption_11346(theVal) { color = color.replace(/[\s]+$/g,""); function cleansizecoloroption_17162(theVal) { Due to slight variations in all parts and/or custom option deviations, we cannot guarantee the weight to be 100% specific on any firearm. boardpics_9715['3,'] = '/images/product/medium/9715_3_.jpg'; window.open('/image/popup?imagePath=' + LargeSrc + '&altText=' + boardpicslgAltText_17897[scidx],'LargerImage59913','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=' + boardpicslgwidth_17897[scidx] + ',height=' + boardpicslgheight_17897[scidx] + ',left=0,top=0'); ProductPicIndex_11346 = idx; adnsf$(element).append(' Selected'); WILSON COMBAT WILSON COMBAT CQB COMPACT .45 ACP 4IN 8RD Out of Stock. var boardpics_8415 = new Array(); } WILSON COMBAT WILSON COMBAT PROTECTOR 5.56 NATO 16IN 10RD CALIFORNIA COMPLIANT Out of Stock. Shop Magazines theVal = theVal.toLowerCase(); Customer or Dealer must provide us a copy of the FFL before we can ship out anything. theVal = theVal.toLowerCase(); return (true); The Wilson Combat AR9 closed-bolt blowback operating system is soft shooting and reliable with a wide variety of 9mm loads and exhibits flawless feeding with all common pistol bullet shapes, including hollowpoint and +P tactical ammunition. } window.open('/image/popup?imagePath=' + LargeSrc + '&altText=' + boardpicslgAltText_10410[scidx],'LargerImage93687','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=' + boardpicslgwidth_10410[scidx] + ',height=' + boardpicslgheight_10410[scidx] + ',left=0,top=0'); return theVal; document.ProductPic9043.src=boardpics_9043[scidx]; var LargeSrc = encodeURIComponent(boardpicslg_12781[scidx]); boardpics_8954['1,'] = '/images/product/medium/8954_1_.jpg'; Click Here To Find a Wilson Combat Dealer In Your Area. color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf('[')).replace(new RegExp("'", 'gi'), ''); }, var ProductPicIndex_8416 = 1; color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf('[')).replace(new RegExp("'", 'gi'), ''); boardpicslgwidth_8022['2,'] = '800'; if(color != '' && color.indexOf('[') != -1) { boardpicslgwidth_9715['1,'] = '800'; if(theVal.indexOf('[') != -1) { adnsf$(element).append(' Selected'); var boardpicslg_9043 = new Array(); boardpics_15580['2,'] = '/images/product/medium/15580_2_.jpg'; boardpicslgwidth_19193['1,'] = '800'; } function changecolorimg_8415() { window.open('/image/popup?imagePath=' + LargeSrc + '&altText=' + boardpicslgAltText_15351[scidx],'LargerImage84847','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=' + boardpicslgwidth_15351[scidx] + ',height=' + boardpicslgheight_15351[scidx] + ',left=0,top=0'); return theVal; theVal = theVal.replace(/[\W]/g,""); boardpicslgwidth_17162['1,'] = '800'; function setcolorpic_8582(color) { ProductPicIndex_14500 = idx; boardpicslgAltText_10410['1,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAxIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgRURDLVg5IExpZ2h0cmFpbCBGcmFtZSA5bW0gUGlzdG9sIEFtYmk1'; while(color != unescape(color)) { We charge a $15 processing fee per firearm for this service. boardpicslgwidth_17897['1,'] = '800'; }, var ProductPicIndex_10410 = 1; return theVal; alert('There is no large image available for this picture'); boardpicslgwidth_8022['3,'] = '800'; function setcolorpic_11902(color) { ProductColor_15351 = cleansizecoloroption_15351(color); boardpicslgAltText_12781['1,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAxIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgRURDLVg5IDQmcXVvdDsgVHdvLVRvbmUgOW1tIDE4cmQgUGlzdG9sIHcvIE1hZ3dlbGw1'; The heart of every PROTECTOR is our Wilson Combat Match-Grade precision button rifled barrel-renowned in the firearms community as one of the most accurate AR barrels on the market that is mated to a Black Nitride treated Mil-Spec bolt carrier group with MPI inspected Carpenter 158 bolt for impressible long-term reliability. Sight Radius: 6.6 } function popuplarge_8022() { var scidx = ProductPicIndex_8023 + ',' + ProductColor_8023.toLowerCase(); }, var ProductPicIndex_15351 = 1; } } ProductPicIndex_8023 = idx; var scidx = ProductPicIndex_10410 + ',' + ProductColor_10410.toLowerCase(); boardpicslgwidth_9043['1,'] = '800'; You can click here to visit the Tactical Supergrade page on Wilson Combat's website to get complete features & specifications. if(color == '-,-' || color == '-') { } function setcolorpicidx_19193(idx) { boardpicslgAltText_17897['1,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAxIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgRXhwZXJpb3IgNSZxdW90OyA5bW0gMThyZCBQaXN0b2wsIEJsYWNr0'; ALL AVAILABLE RIFLES CAN BE MODIFIED TO BE COMPLIANT WITH NEW JERSEY & CALIFORNIA STATE LAWS boardpicslg_9043['2,'] = '/images/product/large/9043_2_.jpg'; function setActive(element) { No FFL dealer listed in your area? theVal = theVal.substring(0, theVal.indexOf('[')) function changecolorimg_14500() { } color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf(',')).replace(new RegExp("'", 'gi'), ''); Thanks for your interest and support and welcome to the Wilson Combat Family. boardpicslgwidth_8023['1,'] = '800'; return theVal; return (true); } color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf('[')).replace(new RegExp("'", 'gi'), ''); . var boardpics_19193 = new Array(); Wilson Combat Protector Elite 5.56x45 Mid Length AR-15 Rifle, Black - TR-PEC-556-BL. BUILD NOW CA Classic boardpicslgheight_15580['2,'] = '600'; CONTACT US All Rights Reserved Wilson Combat. if(color == '-,-' || color == '-') { } boardpics_17361['3,'] = '/images/product/medium/17361_3_.jpg'; *Photos may include features and/or upgrades not included in the base model and price. boardpicslgheight_8022['3,'] = '600'; function setcolorpic_11346(color) { Want Updates On New In-Stock Guns?.204 Ruger Rifles.22 Nosler Rifles. theVal = theVal.toLowerCase(); boardpics_17897['2,'] = '/images/product/medium/17897_2_.jpg'; } 9MM .223 / 5.56 45 ACP .22 Long Rifle 12 Gauge .308 Winchester 40 S&W .38 Special View All Calibers By Manufacturer Popular Models State Compliant State Compliant California Massachusetts Used Guns Used Guns Used Handguns Used Long Guns View All Used Guns Other Ways to Browse Other Ways to Browse Choose Your Serial Number Rebate Available California Compliant model for the 300 Blackout Protector Carbine designed to offer true rifle performance in a Tactical AR package. Barrel Length: 5 color = ''; color = color.substring(0,color.indexOf(',')).replace(new RegExp("'", 'gi'), ''); boardpicslgAltText_9632['3,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAzIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgRWxpdGUgUHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsIC40NUFDUCBBbWJpIEJsYWNrIENB0'; } Absolutely no changes can be made to these guns. } boardpicslgwidth_15580['2,'] = '800'; boardpics_8582['1,'] = '/images/product/medium/8582_1_.jpg'; function cleansizecoloroption_11902(theVal) { EZ FIREARM LOCATOR. } Free access to all owner's manuals can be found in the information tab located in the navigation menu above. var boardpicslg_8415 = new Array(); function setcolorpicidx_15580(idx) { boardpicslgheight_11902['2,'] = '600'; adnsf$(element).append(' Selected'); function cleansizecoloroption_8745(theVal) { } boardpicslgAltText_9632['2,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAyIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgRWxpdGUgUHJvZmVzc2lvbmFsIC40NUFDUCBBbWJpIEJsYWNrIENB0'; boardpicslgheight_9632['2,'] = '600'; function setcolorpicidx_8416(idx) { } else { boardpics_10410['2,'] = '/images/product/medium/10410_2_.jpg'; return theVal; if(boardpicslg_9715[scidx] != '') { } adnsf$(element).append(' Selected'); var boardpicslgAltText_8023 = new Array(); changecolorimg_10410(); var boardpicslgwidth_10410 = new Array(); function setcolorpic_17162(color) { window.open('/image/popup?imagePath=' + LargeSrc + '&altText=' + boardpicslgAltText_8954[scidx],'LargerImage67769','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=' + boardpicslgwidth_8954[scidx] + ',height=' + boardpicslgheight_8954[scidx] + ',left=0,top=0'); Firearms will be invoiced at prevailing prices at time of delivery. }, var ProductPicIndex_8954 = 1; } boardpicslgwidth_11902['1,'] = '800'; adnsf$(element).parent().addClass('active'); } boardpicslgwidth_9632['2,'] = '800'; if(color != '' && color.indexOf(',') != -1) { Firearms will be invoiced at prevailing prices at time of delivery. theVal = theVal.replace(/[\W]/g,""); theVal = theVal.replace(/[\W]/g,""); if(color != '' && color.indexOf('[') != -1) { } else { return (true); } California: ALL firearm and ammo orders must be shipped to a valid FFL for transfer. } SFX9 HC 3.25 Solid Frame X-TAC 15 Round, SFX9 HC 3.25 Solid Frame X-TAC 10 Round, High-Ride Bullet Proof Beavertail Grip Safety, 4 Stainless Match-Grade Cone Barrel, Hand Fit, Additional Frame Options: Light-Rail Lightweight, Lightweight. boardpicslg_19193['1,'] = '/images/product/large/19193_1_.jpg'; function setActive(element) { boardpicslgAltText_17361['2,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSAyIFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgVGFjdGljYWwgU3VwZXJncmFkZSAuNDVBQ1AgNSZxdW90OyBCbGFjay9HcmF50'; alert('There is no large image available for this picture'); ProductPicIndex_19193 = idx; return theVal; function cleansizecoloroption_17897(theVal) { } boardpicslgAltText_17361['4,'] = 'UGljdHVyZSA0IFdpbHNvbiBDb21iYXQgVGFjdGljYWwgU3VwZXJncmFkZSAuNDVBQ1AgNSZxdW90OyBCbGFjay9HcmF50'; function popuplarge_9632() { var scidx = ProductPicIndex_9043 + ',' + ProductColor_9043.toLowerCase(); boardpicslgheight_9632['3,'] = '600'; . theVal = theVal.substring(0, theVal.indexOf('[')) function setcolorpicidx_17897(idx) { while(color != unescape(color)) { *Photos may include features and/or upgrades not included in the base price. var scidx = ProductPicIndex_8745 + ',' + ProductColor_8745.toLowerCase(); Purchase Now return theVal; Wilson Combat Handguns Long Guns Suppressors Accessories Custom Work & Finishes Information Shop CALIFORNIA MODELS CALIFORNIA MODELS California Models Home California Models California Models These are models of our popular guns made to fit with California compliance laws. changecolorimg_17361(); changecolorimg_8022(); Shop Other Accessories. 39 with Massad Ayoob and Bill Wilson. var boardpicslgAltText_17361 = new Array(); while(color != unescape(color)) { To become a dealer, you will need to provide a copy of your FFL. } if(color != '' && color.indexOf('[') != -1) { } return (true); if(color != '' && color.indexOf('[') != -1) { if(color != '' && color.indexOf('[') != -1) { boardpics_12781['1,'] = '/images/product/medium/12781_1_.jpg'; Magazines / Magazine Accessories. } } changecolorimg_17162(); function setcolorpic_8023(color) { SFX9 HC 3.25 Solid Frame X-TAC 15 Round, SFX9 HC 3.25 Solid Frame X-TAC 10 Round. theVal = theVal.substring(0, theVal.indexOf('[')) Contact us at 1-800-286-3076 to get them added. while(color != unescape(color)) { while(color != unescape(color)) { var boardpicslgwidth_9632 = new Array(); function setcolorpic_17897(color) { War on the Second Amendment: California is rapidly moving towards eliminating legal handguns in the state It won't be too long before all semiautomatic handguns will be banned from sale in California - a step closer to gun control's ultimate goal of banning lawful civilian firearm ownership. var boardpicslg_10410 = new Array(); (800) 955-4856, ext. var boardpicslgwidth_8416 = new Array(); Absolutely no changes can be made to these guns. Shop Magazines The Wilson Combat Professional model pistol is a direct result of consumer requests and has been a customer favorite since its introduction. } boardpicslgheight_17897['1,'] = '600'; if(theVal.indexOf('[') != -1) { changecolorimg_8954(); var scidx = ProductPicIndex_8022 + ',' + ProductColor_8022.toLowerCase(); ProductPicIndex_8745 = idx; } CONTACT US All Rights Reserved Wilson Combat. if(color != '' && color.indexOf(',') != -1) { boardpics_15580['1,'] = '/images/product/medium/15580_1_.jpg';
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