Which of the following is a reason why a business should be managed ethically? C. How will it make me feel about myself? A. Mistrust between employees and managers. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Adelphi with a double masters degree in both Nursing Education and Nursing Administration and immediately began the PhD in nursing coursework at the same university. C. reports health or other corporate emergencies to 911. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. C. watch tower sentinel The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) promotes which of the following? D. Will I get caught? Is it legal? Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective ethics officer? It is a national committee that reviews all research conducted in most U.S. hospitals, universities, and organizations that support research. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also . A. higher profits. D. stockholders. A. fairness and honesty. From the Magazine (September-October 2020) Ted + Chelsea Cavanaugh. C. lower prices. A. not easily resolved. arrow_forward. However, if you follow your institutions guidelines and do all of the required ethics training, you will have absolutely no problem distinguishing ethical behaviors from unethical ones. Which of the following statements best describes the AICPA ethics rules relating to a member's failure to file his or her personal tax returns in a timely manner. A. a reduction in employee turnover. B. a failure of leadership to establish ethical standards. c. Researchers are expected to follow ethical guidelines, and therefore their participation in military activities of these sorts was deemed hypocritical. D. capitalism forces people. This company's decision is involved with: Kathy works as a secretary in a chemicals company. Employees c. Trade associations d. Special interest groups e. Magazines. Purposefully understating your firms income to avoid paying higher taxes is an example of: b. Veracity is being completely truthful with patients; nurses must not withhold the whole truth from clients even when it may lead to patient distress. Agreements that create benefits for only the shareholders. C. Developing the marketing plan for the next year. A. Moving factory production to an area with low wages and few health regulations may not be illegal, but it would mostly likely be considered _____. B. an individuals behavior is influenced by the behavior of others. D. integrity. Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S.J., and Michael J. Meyer Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. A. social Relationships between businesses and among nations: a. Fact - Value 4. It prohibits organizations from holding monopolies in their industries. Individual differences in relation to a generalized belief about how one is affected by internal versus external events or reinforcements is known as. C. How will it make me feel about myself? Why is HRM in a good position to integrate ethics, justice, CSR and sustainability into organisations? Establishing a formal code of ethics is: B. D. balance the concerns of profit and legality. Which approach to stakeholder theory focuses on the actual behavior of the firm and usually addresses how decisions and strategies are made for stakeholder relationships. During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. It became the first committee to do research on sick patients. The ethical principles that nurses must adhere to are the principles of justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, accountability, fidelity, autonomy, and veracity. Which of these represent the second step in stakeholder framework to manage responsibility and business ethics? B. the desired approach. Ethics has not changed since it became part of society. a. Bioethics addresses ethical concerns like those that occur as the result of advancing science and technological advances. B. corporate responsibility C. a company's suppliers must be thoroughly investigated for ethical violations. Which of the following questions can help us avoid a decision that would injure our self-esteem? A confederate was used, and utilizing an actor in an experiment could have been unethical. John has committed. A. a personal matter to be determined by each employee. The ethical component of a corporate culture relates to the values, beliefs, and established and enforced patterns of conduct that employees use to identify and respond to ethical issues. Treating participants as worthy individuals, d. Protecting participants' confidentiality. b. A New Model for Ethical Leadership. C. How will it make me feel about myself? After a few years of being in business, employees who worked for a start-up software company noticed that the owner overlooked certain questionable actions of high billing associates, versus other employees who worked hard but only brought in an average number of new clients each month. B. choose between equally unsatisfactory alternatives. B. the first step toward Is it balanced? B. reports illegal or unethical behavior in the corporation. Which of the following "ethics check questions" would you consider first? Posted where all employees could clearly see it each day, this demonstrated: ______ provides a system of checks and balances that limit employees' and mangers' opportunities to deviate from policies and strategies aimed at preventing unethical and illegal activities. (S)he has a background in human resource management. In addition to utilizing these resources, the nurse can take appropriate actions when faced with an ethical dilemma by understanding and applying the ethical guidelines provided in the American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, the World Medical Association's Code of Ethics, the American Nurses Association's Standards of Care and Standards of Practice, American Nurses Association's position papers such as that which describes the ethical use of narcotic analgesics at the end of life even if this medication hastens death, state board of nursing declaratory statements, and the International Nurses Association's Code of Ethics. George feels uncomfortable every time he sees his supervisor sexually harass women employees. B. horn blower A. schools A. profits. Which of the following statements is true? Research subjects must be compensated. a. It is the right thing to do. B. should focus on improving corporate profit. The Temperance Movement was a concerted attempt in the United States throughout the 19th and 20th centuries to restrict or ban the consumption and manufacture of alcoholic drinks.. Temperance frequently tends to be associated with other reformers because alcohol was often connected with societal evils like poverty and instability. Purposefully understating your firm's income to avoid paying higher taxes is an example of: Justice is fairness. A. A. legal Recognizing Ethical Dilemmas and Taking Appropriate Action, Informing the Client and Staff Members of Ethical Issues Affecting Client Care, Practicing In a Manner Consistent with The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics and Other Ethical Codes, Evaluating the Outcomes of Interventions to Promote Ethical Practice, Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Programs (AGNP), Womens Health Nurse Practitioner Programs, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, World Medical Association's Code of Ethics, American Nurses Association's Standards of Care and Standards of Practice, International Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team, Performance Improvement & Risk Management (Quality Improvement), Management of Care Practice Test Questions, Recognize ethical dilemmas and take appropriate action, Inform client/staff members of ethical issues affecting client care, Practice in a manner consistent with a code of ethics for registered nurses, Evaluate outcomes of interventions to promote ethical practice. Cigarette producers refused to voluntarily place health warnings on their packages. A. should be based on international law, exclusively. B. This was a case of "buyer beware." A 2001 BBC created a filmed replication of the Zimbardo Prison experiment. A. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to: What could be the moral philosophy used in his decision? The right to choose b. b. An ethical culture and good business performance. A written code of ethics is necessary for large organizations.C. B. reports illegal or unethical behavior in the corporation. The steps of the ethical decision making process, like the problem solving process, are: Nurses have the responsibility to identify ethical issues that affect staff members and patients; and they also have the responsibility to inform staff members and affected clients of ethical issues that can and do affected client care. Because of Sarbanes-Oxley, publicly traded companies must develop _____ to assist in maintaining transparency in financial reporting. D. each of us, The first step when facing an ethical dilemma is to ask: Although the ethics are questionable, the studies shed light on human behavior that would have otherwise been impossible to study. Obeying the law is ________ ethical behavior. true. B. A. wider D. (S)he communicates primarily via e-mail. A. A. Overstating an expense report. Feel free to get in touch with us via email. The _____ is a set of 10 principles concerning human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. d. Participants were forced to participate and were not permitted to drop out. B. religious institutions After studying about ethics and social responsibility, which of the following statements applies to this situation? B. ethics must be taught in every business school around the globe. Deontology is the ethical school of thought that requires that both the means and the end goal must be moral and ethical; and the utilitarian school of ethical thought states that the end goal justifies the means even when the means are not moral. Ethics are based on individual beliefs and social concepts and vary from person to person. B. Google and Apple are showing corporate social responsibility because they demonstrate concern for their investors, which is exactly where their focus should be. Which of the following is the first step in the ethical decision making process? On whom does the responsibility to maintain trust between researcher and participant fall? If you were a part of this work team, which question would you ultimately ask yourself before initialing your approval of this policy? B. corporate responsibility a. D. can bring out the best in employees. Problem Definition. For that reason, moral philosophies must be assessed on a continuum rather than as static entities. Researchers associated it with Nazi behaviors as an act of immorality, and not with one that is related to researchers working without regulation. The majority of CEOs blame unethical employee conduct on: C. Negative publicity from the news media. C. Has it been done before? C. should be scrutinized carefully to make some determination as to whether both sides have the same type of leader behavior when it comes to assigning work. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. b. Some of the evaluation criteria that can be used to determine and evaluate the outcomes of the interventions to promote ethical practice can include one or more of the following: RELATED NCLEX-RN MANAGEMENT OF CARE CONTENT: SEE Management of Care Practice Test Questions. In a dilemma all of the alternatives have negative consequences, so the less harmful choice is made. The ethical perspective that states the result of one's actions determine what is moral and good. or past participle above it. Which of the following statements describes ethical behavior in the U.S.? Ethics and law go hand in hand. When something like this occurs, the nurse must inform the client that they cannot do it for ethical and legal reasons. Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme swindled about $65 million from customers who invested with his firm. Ethical behavior at work is learned by: D. "Is it ethical?". Advice lines which are available to both managers and employees are highly recommended to support ethical decisions.B. b. Most of the following sentences contain errors in the use of words often confused. C. compliance Data Collection. Which of the following is an example of poor ethics? D. define us as being moral absolutists or moral situationalists. Which is not true about social responsibilities? Disney's popcorn-people program is a four-day training program that is aimed to prepare personnel who clean their theme park to be information guides. Management anticipated this campaign would help enhance the company's image as a good corporate citizen. In describing or reporting their qualifications, services, products, fees, research, or teaching, they do not make statements that are false, misleading, or deceptive. An organization that has a strong ethical environment usually has a core value of placing _____ interests first. C. must be ignored when corporate ethics are developed. b. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to higher: Many hospitals, medical centers and other healthcare facilities have multidisciplinary ethics committees that meet as a group and resolve ethical dilemmas and conflicts. C. the opposite of As with all other aspects of nursing care, the outcomes of the interventions to promote ethical practice are evaluated and measured. a. A. B. lower employee turnover. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. What was a safeguard that they took to protect its participants? Is it legal? Data Analysis. d. Ethics are based on codes of conduct that are universal and pervasive across different countries, ethnic groups, and cultures. D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. "Is it legal?" With respect to what you learned in this chapter about the ethical behavior of many Americans, which of the following statements applies here? b. B. should focus on improving corporate profit. B. B. ethics must be taught in every business school around the globe. To ensure full site functionality, please use an alternative web browser or upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, for example, contains elements that emphasize and speak to advocacy, collaboration with others, the maintenance of client safety, the dignity and worth of all human beings, the prohibition of any discrimination, accountability, the preservation of patient rights, such as dignity, autonomy and confidentiality, and the provision of competent, safe and high quality care of nursing care. C. reading about why others were fired from the job. c. Ethics does not matter if you are working with nonhuman animals. d. Participants were informed right after the study that no shock was given. C. instilled by the leadership of outside consultants. If a sentence is already correct, write CCC after it. RegisteredNursing.org Staff Writers | Updated/Verified: Mar 11, 2023. C. engaged in illegal behavior. Is staff effectively applying ethical principles to their daily practice? With respect to ethical behavior, this sequence of events is: C. (S)he has a capacity to serve as a counselor and an investigator. Which of the following acts, passed in response to public outrage over conditions described in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, was the first consumer protection legislation? C. all levels of management. B. horn blower What were some of the major achievements of the Declaration of Helsinki? A. A(n) ________-based ethics code emphasizes the prevention of unlawful behavior by increasing control and penalizing wrongdoers. What law instituted a whistle-blower bounty program in which whistle-blowers are eligible to receive 10 to 30 percent of fines if their reports result in convictions of more than $1 million in penalties? A whistleblower is a person who: (S)he is exceptionally organized. distinguish competitive strategies that enhance consumer welfare from those that reduce it. France has developed a strict law for when and where wine can be advertised in response to a growing problem with alcoholism in the nation. C. business people are expected d. It laid out specific guidelines for how institutions should maintain ethical conducts of their researchers. Although a rare occasions, a patient may, at times, ask you to do something that is not ethical. B. unnecessary given the level of government regulation. RegisteredNursing.org does not guarantee the accuracy or results of any of this information. D. Is there a desirable alternative? Researchers deceived the research participants. They protect members from practices that may result in public condemnation b. d. It argued that ethics is overrated and that scientific progress will unambiguously be hindered by an unwarranted focus on ethical behavior. A. attending corporate responsibility seminars. When Angela graduated with a degree in computer science and started her software company, she posted a sign that read, "This company will always operate within the legal limits of the law." All trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. c. IRBs review and are liable for research they approve. B. corporate responsibility ANSWER: D A. it is absolutely wrong C. prices. A. Legality A. She is responsible for all bidding and awarding of contracts to suppliers. Ethical behavior will result in which of the following? Congress must pass an ethics bill. B. Google and Apple have elected not to honor such requests. D. integrity, Which of the following terms describes someone who reports illegal or unethical behavior? Given the ethical lapses that are prevalent today in our businesses, which of the following can be done to restore trust in the free-market system and leaders in general? These people, who are the first to be asked where something is located, are trained to treat customers as guests. D. Google and Apple are showing their distrust for big government, and their avoidance of contributing toward philanthropic causes. When managers disregard ethical concerns, the likely result is: Which of the following statements best describes an opportunity? D. Is it a lose-lose situation? A. legal Participants were led to believe that they were administering real shocks, and this could have been an ethical breach because a researcher should never lie to participants. a. d. The guidelines of the Nuremberg Code were more explicitly written in the perspective of research participants. D. unlikely to lead to, ________ refers to standards of moral behavior. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to higher: A. profits. A. the intended approach. d. Both studies incited new laws that changed how research studies are governed at universities. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. "Is it balanced?" Evaluating the Results of the Action. C. use education, leadership, and accountability to reinforce the code. B. A U.S. government official has indicated that for a generous contribution to his reelection fund, he would ignore your firms apparent violation of several anti-pollution laws. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. Ethical behavior covers a ________ range of conduct than legal behavior. C. compliance Elena, an employee at ABC Marketing, has observed misconduct at work and wonders if she should report it. B. always end up bringing out the best in us. An ethical dilemma refers to a situation where you must: C. lower prices. Relationships between businesses and among nations: D. company leaders should adopt and support a corporate code of ethics. Business ethics was institutionalized through the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations during which of the following periods? a. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. c. His service was not free to his patient and/or patient's legal guardian(s). __ is exaggerated advertising, blustering, and boasting upon which no reasonable buyer would rely. Active bribery is an offense committed by the official who receives the bribe. A. higher profits. B. B. corporate responsibility Creating competition between employees within the corporation: When WorldCom used intentional accounting irregularities to make the company look more profitable than it actually was, it: Participants who could potentially have an adverse reaction to the study were screened out of the study. Which of the following is an incorrect statement?
which of the following statements best describes ethical behaviorvintage survey equipment
Which of the following is a reason why a business should be managed ethically? C. How will it make me feel about myself? A. Mistrust between employees and managers. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Adelphi with a double masters degree in both Nursing Education and Nursing Administration and immediately began the PhD in nursing coursework at the same university. C. reports health or other corporate emergencies to 911. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. C. watch tower sentinel The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) promotes which of the following? D. Will I get caught? Is it legal? Which of the following is a characteristic of an effective ethics officer? It is a national committee that reviews all research conducted in most U.S. hospitals, universities, and organizations that support research. Ethics is concerned with what is good for individuals and society and is also . A. higher profits. D. stockholders. A. fairness and honesty. From the Magazine (September-October 2020) Ted + Chelsea Cavanaugh. C. lower prices. A. not easily resolved. arrow_forward. However, if you follow your institutions guidelines and do all of the required ethics training, you will have absolutely no problem distinguishing ethical behaviors from unethical ones. Which of the following statements best describes the AICPA ethics rules relating to a member's failure to file his or her personal tax returns in a timely manner. A. a reduction in employee turnover. B. a failure of leadership to establish ethical standards. c. Researchers are expected to follow ethical guidelines, and therefore their participation in military activities of these sorts was deemed hypocritical. D. capitalism forces people. This company's decision is involved with: Kathy works as a secretary in a chemicals company. Employees c. Trade associations d. Special interest groups e. Magazines. Purposefully understating your firms income to avoid paying higher taxes is an example of: b. Veracity is being completely truthful with patients; nurses must not withhold the whole truth from clients even when it may lead to patient distress. Agreements that create benefits for only the shareholders. C. Developing the marketing plan for the next year. A. Moving factory production to an area with low wages and few health regulations may not be illegal, but it would mostly likely be considered _____. B. an individuals behavior is influenced by the behavior of others. D. integrity. Manuel Velasquez, Claire Andre, Thomas Shanks, S.J., and Michael J. Meyer Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. A. social Relationships between businesses and among nations: a. Fact - Value 4. It prohibits organizations from holding monopolies in their industries. Individual differences in relation to a generalized belief about how one is affected by internal versus external events or reinforcements is known as. C. How will it make me feel about myself? Why is HRM in a good position to integrate ethics, justice, CSR and sustainability into organisations? Establishing a formal code of ethics is: B. D. balance the concerns of profit and legality. Which approach to stakeholder theory focuses on the actual behavior of the firm and usually addresses how decisions and strategies are made for stakeholder relationships. During the 1960s, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a series of obedience experiments that led to some surprising results. It became the first committee to do research on sick patients. The ethical principles that nurses must adhere to are the principles of justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, accountability, fidelity, autonomy, and veracity. Which of these represent the second step in stakeholder framework to manage responsibility and business ethics? B. the desired approach. Ethics has not changed since it became part of society. a. Bioethics addresses ethical concerns like those that occur as the result of advancing science and technological advances. B. corporate responsibility C. a company's suppliers must be thoroughly investigated for ethical violations. Which of the following questions can help us avoid a decision that would injure our self-esteem? A confederate was used, and utilizing an actor in an experiment could have been unethical. John has committed. A. a personal matter to be determined by each employee. The ethical component of a corporate culture relates to the values, beliefs, and established and enforced patterns of conduct that employees use to identify and respond to ethical issues. Treating participants as worthy individuals, d. Protecting participants' confidentiality. b. A New Model for Ethical Leadership. C. How will it make me feel about myself? After a few years of being in business, employees who worked for a start-up software company noticed that the owner overlooked certain questionable actions of high billing associates, versus other employees who worked hard but only brought in an average number of new clients each month. B. choose between equally unsatisfactory alternatives. B. the first step toward Is it balanced? B. reports illegal or unethical behavior in the corporation. Which of the following "ethics check questions" would you consider first? Posted where all employees could clearly see it each day, this demonstrated: ______ provides a system of checks and balances that limit employees' and mangers' opportunities to deviate from policies and strategies aimed at preventing unethical and illegal activities. (S)he has a background in human resource management. In addition to utilizing these resources, the nurse can take appropriate actions when faced with an ethical dilemma by understanding and applying the ethical guidelines provided in the American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, the American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, the World Medical Association's Code of Ethics, the American Nurses Association's Standards of Care and Standards of Practice, American Nurses Association's position papers such as that which describes the ethical use of narcotic analgesics at the end of life even if this medication hastens death, state board of nursing declaratory statements, and the International Nurses Association's Code of Ethics. George feels uncomfortable every time he sees his supervisor sexually harass women employees. B. horn blower A. schools A. profits. Which of the following statements is true? Research subjects must be compensated. a. It is the right thing to do. B. should focus on improving corporate profit. The Temperance Movement was a concerted attempt in the United States throughout the 19th and 20th centuries to restrict or ban the consumption and manufacture of alcoholic drinks.. Temperance frequently tends to be associated with other reformers because alcohol was often connected with societal evils like poverty and instability. Purposefully understating your firm's income to avoid paying higher taxes is an example of: Justice is fairness. A. A. legal Recognizing Ethical Dilemmas and Taking Appropriate Action, Informing the Client and Staff Members of Ethical Issues Affecting Client Care, Practicing In a Manner Consistent with The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics and Other Ethical Codes, Evaluating the Outcomes of Interventions to Promote Ethical Practice, Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Programs (AGNP), Womens Health Nurse Practitioner Programs, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, American Medical Association's Code of Ethics, World Medical Association's Code of Ethics, American Nurses Association's Standards of Care and Standards of Practice, International Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, Collaboration with Interdisciplinary Team, Performance Improvement & Risk Management (Quality Improvement), Management of Care Practice Test Questions, Recognize ethical dilemmas and take appropriate action, Inform client/staff members of ethical issues affecting client care, Practice in a manner consistent with a code of ethics for registered nurses, Evaluate outcomes of interventions to promote ethical practice. Cigarette producers refused to voluntarily place health warnings on their packages. A. should be based on international law, exclusively. B. This was a case of "buyer beware." A 2001 BBC created a filmed replication of the Zimbardo Prison experiment. A. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to: What could be the moral philosophy used in his decision? The right to choose b. b. An ethical culture and good business performance. A written code of ethics is necessary for large organizations.C. B. reports illegal or unethical behavior in the corporation. The steps of the ethical decision making process, like the problem solving process, are: Nurses have the responsibility to identify ethical issues that affect staff members and patients; and they also have the responsibility to inform staff members and affected clients of ethical issues that can and do affected client care. Because of Sarbanes-Oxley, publicly traded companies must develop _____ to assist in maintaining transparency in financial reporting. D. each of us, The first step when facing an ethical dilemma is to ask: Although the ethics are questionable, the studies shed light on human behavior that would have otherwise been impossible to study. Obeying the law is ________ ethical behavior. true. B. A. wider D. (S)he communicates primarily via e-mail. A. A. Overstating an expense report. Feel free to get in touch with us via email. The _____ is a set of 10 principles concerning human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption. d. Participants were forced to participate and were not permitted to drop out. B. religious institutions After studying about ethics and social responsibility, which of the following statements applies to this situation? B. ethics must be taught in every business school around the globe. Deontology is the ethical school of thought that requires that both the means and the end goal must be moral and ethical; and the utilitarian school of ethical thought states that the end goal justifies the means even when the means are not moral. Ethics are based on individual beliefs and social concepts and vary from person to person. B. Google and Apple are showing corporate social responsibility because they demonstrate concern for their investors, which is exactly where their focus should be. Which of the following is the first step in the ethical decision making process? On whom does the responsibility to maintain trust between researcher and participant fall? If you were a part of this work team, which question would you ultimately ask yourself before initialing your approval of this policy? B. corporate responsibility a. D. can bring out the best in employees. Problem Definition. For that reason, moral philosophies must be assessed on a continuum rather than as static entities. Researchers associated it with Nazi behaviors as an act of immorality, and not with one that is related to researchers working without regulation. The majority of CEOs blame unethical employee conduct on: C. Negative publicity from the news media. C. Has it been done before? C. should be scrutinized carefully to make some determination as to whether both sides have the same type of leader behavior when it comes to assigning work. They affect how people make decisions and lead their lives. b. Some of the evaluation criteria that can be used to determine and evaluate the outcomes of the interventions to promote ethical practice can include one or more of the following: RELATED NCLEX-RN MANAGEMENT OF CARE CONTENT: SEE Management of Care Practice Test Questions. In a dilemma all of the alternatives have negative consequences, so the less harmful choice is made. The ethical perspective that states the result of one's actions determine what is moral and good. or past participle above it. Which of the following statements describes ethical behavior in the U.S.? Ethics and law go hand in hand. When something like this occurs, the nurse must inform the client that they cannot do it for ethical and legal reasons. Bernie Madoffs Ponzi scheme swindled about $65 million from customers who invested with his firm. Ethical behavior at work is learned by: D. "Is it ethical?". Advice lines which are available to both managers and employees are highly recommended to support ethical decisions.B. b. Most of the following sentences contain errors in the use of words often confused. C. compliance Data Collection. Which of the following is an example of poor ethics? D. define us as being moral absolutists or moral situationalists. Which is not true about social responsibilities? Disney's popcorn-people program is a four-day training program that is aimed to prepare personnel who clean their theme park to be information guides. Management anticipated this campaign would help enhance the company's image as a good corporate citizen. In describing or reporting their qualifications, services, products, fees, research, or teaching, they do not make statements that are false, misleading, or deceptive. An organization that has a strong ethical environment usually has a core value of placing _____ interests first. C. must be ignored when corporate ethics are developed. b. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to higher: Many hospitals, medical centers and other healthcare facilities have multidisciplinary ethics committees that meet as a group and resolve ethical dilemmas and conflicts. C. the opposite of As with all other aspects of nursing care, the outcomes of the interventions to promote ethical practice are evaluated and measured. a. A. B. lower employee turnover. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. What was a safeguard that they took to protect its participants? Is it legal? Data Analysis. d. Ethics are based on codes of conduct that are universal and pervasive across different countries, ethnic groups, and cultures. D. management is insensitive to ethical issues. "Is it legal?" With respect to what you learned in this chapter about the ethical behavior of many Americans, which of the following statements applies here? b. B. should focus on improving corporate profit. B. B. ethics must be taught in every business school around the globe. To ensure full site functionality, please use an alternative web browser or upgrade your version of Internet Explorer. The American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics, for example, contains elements that emphasize and speak to advocacy, collaboration with others, the maintenance of client safety, the dignity and worth of all human beings, the prohibition of any discrimination, accountability, the preservation of patient rights, such as dignity, autonomy and confidentiality, and the provision of competent, safe and high quality care of nursing care. C. reading about why others were fired from the job. c. Ethics does not matter if you are working with nonhuman animals. d. Participants were informed right after the study that no shock was given. C. instilled by the leadership of outside consultants. If a sentence is already correct, write CCC after it. RegisteredNursing.org Staff Writers | Updated/Verified: Mar 11, 2023. C. engaged in illegal behavior. Is staff effectively applying ethical principles to their daily practice? With respect to ethical behavior, this sequence of events is: C. (S)he has a capacity to serve as a counselor and an investigator. Which of the following acts, passed in response to public outrage over conditions described in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, was the first consumer protection legislation? C. all levels of management. B. horn blower What were some of the major achievements of the Declaration of Helsinki? A. A(n) ________-based ethics code emphasizes the prevention of unlawful behavior by increasing control and penalizing wrongdoers. What law instituted a whistle-blower bounty program in which whistle-blowers are eligible to receive 10 to 30 percent of fines if their reports result in convictions of more than $1 million in penalties? A whistleblower is a person who: (S)he is exceptionally organized. distinguish competitive strategies that enhance consumer welfare from those that reduce it. France has developed a strict law for when and where wine can be advertised in response to a growing problem with alcoholism in the nation. C. business people are expected d. It laid out specific guidelines for how institutions should maintain ethical conducts of their researchers. Although a rare occasions, a patient may, at times, ask you to do something that is not ethical. B. unnecessary given the level of government regulation. RegisteredNursing.org does not guarantee the accuracy or results of any of this information. D. Is there a desirable alternative? Researchers deceived the research participants. They protect members from practices that may result in public condemnation b. d. It argued that ethics is overrated and that scientific progress will unambiguously be hindered by an unwarranted focus on ethical behavior. A. attending corporate responsibility seminars. When Angela graduated with a degree in computer science and started her software company, she posted a sign that read, "This company will always operate within the legal limits of the law." All trademarks are the property of their respective trademark holders. c. IRBs review and are liable for research they approve. B. corporate responsibility ANSWER: D A. it is absolutely wrong C. prices. A. Legality A. She is responsible for all bidding and awarding of contracts to suppliers. Ethical behavior will result in which of the following? Congress must pass an ethics bill. B. Google and Apple have elected not to honor such requests. D. integrity, Which of the following terms describes someone who reports illegal or unethical behavior? Given the ethical lapses that are prevalent today in our businesses, which of the following can be done to restore trust in the free-market system and leaders in general? These people, who are the first to be asked where something is located, are trained to treat customers as guests. D. Google and Apple are showing their distrust for big government, and their avoidance of contributing toward philanthropic causes. When managers disregard ethical concerns, the likely result is: Which of the following statements best describes an opportunity? D. Is it a lose-lose situation? A. legal Participants were led to believe that they were administering real shocks, and this could have been an ethical breach because a researcher should never lie to participants. a. d. The guidelines of the Nuremberg Code were more explicitly written in the perspective of research participants. D. unlikely to lead to, ________ refers to standards of moral behavior. Following an ethics-based approach to decision making will normally lead to higher: A. profits. A. the intended approach. d. Both studies incited new laws that changed how research studies are governed at universities. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. "Is it balanced?" Evaluating the Results of the Action. C. use education, leadership, and accountability to reinforce the code. B. A U.S. government official has indicated that for a generous contribution to his reelection fund, he would ignore your firms apparent violation of several anti-pollution laws. Due to the diverse cultures that make up the U.S. it is difficult to identify common standards of ethical behavior. Ethical behavior covers a ________ range of conduct than legal behavior. C. compliance Elena, an employee at ABC Marketing, has observed misconduct at work and wonders if she should report it. B. always end up bringing out the best in us. An ethical dilemma refers to a situation where you must: C. lower prices. Relationships between businesses and among nations: D. company leaders should adopt and support a corporate code of ethics. Business ethics was institutionalized through the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations during which of the following periods? a. B. strict penalties for illegal activities. c. His service was not free to his patient and/or patient's legal guardian(s). __ is exaggerated advertising, blustering, and boasting upon which no reasonable buyer would rely. Active bribery is an offense committed by the official who receives the bribe. A. higher profits. B. B. corporate responsibility Creating competition between employees within the corporation: When WorldCom used intentional accounting irregularities to make the company look more profitable than it actually was, it: Participants who could potentially have an adverse reaction to the study were screened out of the study. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? Afi 21 101 Ang Sup,
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