Large-bore reusable needles should be placed in a puncture-resistant container for transport to the reprocessing area. Contaminated laundry shall be handled as little as possible and with a minimum of agitation. Your plan may also cover additional topics, such as how inmate workers and volunteers are protected. They must contain a summary of the training session. It is designed to achieve compliance with State and Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) standards, specifically 29 CFR 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. a - Attend annual training on blood-borne pathogens. All biohazardous waste must be disposed of according to the procedures outlined in the, Sharps, both contaminated and uncontaminated, must be collected in rigid, leak proof, puncture resistant containers that are properly labeled as biohazardous waste. Laboratory work surfaces should be decontaminated as soon as possible with an appropriate chemical germicide after a spill of blood or OPIM and when work activities are completed. Your unbroken skin comes in contact with blood or bodily fluids. The reader should consult the OSHA bloodborne pathogens and hazard communication standards in their entirety for specific compliance requirements. Engineering controls and work practice controls will be used to prevent or minimize exposure to bloodborne pathogens. All PPE must be used, maintained and disposed of as specified in the Boston University Biosafety Manual, and Laboratory-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). All regulated bloodborne pathogen-contaminated waste must be disposed of properly as biohazardous waste, consistent with the Boston University and Commonwealth of Massachusetts waste rules. If exposures to blood or other body fluids* are reasonably anticipated, you are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to develop an Exposure Control Plan. The supervisor must conduct employee PPE assessments and implement these assessments in the workplace standard operating procedures (SOPs). The vaccination shall be offered to employees at a reasonable time and place. This plan will be reviewed and revised annually or whenever changes in procedure or personnel occur. According to, studies show that Hep B vaccine protection lasts for at least 30 years when given > 6mo. (Attach a brief description of their qualifications.). Bloodborne Pathogen training is part of worker safety and falls under OSHA guidelines. Any needlestick with used or contaminated equipment. 0000043758 00000 n How well do you know workplace bloodborne pathogens (BBP) safety? 0000008264 00000 n The exposure control plan shall be made available to the Assistant Secretary and the Director upon request for examination and copying. Documentation of refusal of the vaccination is kept at (List location). 0000015600 00000 n Exposure Control Plan written plan to eliminate or minimize occupational exposures. '9*t$6j \}+5-x_8rVV&Ww6mw)H*dqbxT##b8;R-tx;1. HEPATITIS B VACCINE DECLINATION (MANDATORY). CFR Title 29 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. __________________________________________________, PPE is located (List location) and may be obtained through (Name of responsible person or department). If you struggled with various answers or want to learn more, BBP training gives you the practical knowledge you can use in your workplace to keep yourself, coworkers, and customers safe. Use a pipet bulb or aspirator for pipetting, NEVER pipet by mouth. This program applies to all work operations in our company where you may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal working conditions or during an emergency situation. Prior to starting work on such projects, each affected employee will be given information by (name of responsible person and/or position) about the hazardous chemicals he or she may encounter during such activity. Boston Medical Center (BMC) has a separate Exposure Control Plan for Hospital employees and operations. When new chemicals are received, this list is updated (including date the chemicals were introduced) within 30 days. Any device or procedure that requires the use of a needle must be engineered using the best available technology. If a needlestick causes the incident, it must be also documented on a separate needlestick incident log. Work surfaces must be decontaminated using a bleach solution (1/10 dilution of household bleach prepared within the past 24 hours) or an. 0000055436 00000 n Why not make it official by getting your BBP certificate? d. Wash your hands with gloves on and then take them off. It will be limited to whether the employee requires the hepatitis vaccine and whether the vaccine was administered. Under this program, you will be informed of the contents of the OSHA Hazard Communications standard, the hazardous properties of chemicals with which you work, safe handling procedures and measures to take to protect yourself from these chemicals. Emergency Rooms for life threatening injuries or treatment outside of Urgent Care facility business hours: St. Marys Hospital 235 West Sixth St Reno, NV 89503 (775) 770-3000. Be affixed as close as feasible to the container by string, wire, adhesive or other method that prevents their accidental loss, Be optional if individual containers of blood or OPIM are placed in labeled containers, Not be used on containers of blood or blood products that are labeled as to their contents and released for transfusion or other clinical uses. Additional requirements may be specified by the IBC. PPE is provided to our employees at no cost to them. d. Youre performing CPR on your HIV-positive coworker. But of course, sometimes you just dont know, so safety is recommended. Broken glassware that may be contaminated is only picked up using mechanical means, such as a brush and dustpan. Engineering and work practice controls must be used to eliminate or minimize exposure to individuals. Employers are only required to provide vaccination to employees who are considered at risk to exposure due to job requirements. 213 0 obj <>stream Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Documentation exists that the employee has previously received the series, Antibody testing reveals that the employee is immune. An Exposure Control Plan is meant to be a "living" document, used as a source of information for answering bloodborne pathogen-related questions and to help ensure exposure control activities are in place. 0000017582 00000 n Laboratories that use human blood or OPIM, or bloodborne pathogens such as HIV and HBV shall post signs with the following: Universal biohazard symbol with the word "biohazard" above or below it, Biosafety level and type of material worked with, Special requirements for entering the area, The name and telephone number of the lab director or other responsible person. Regulated waste is placed in containers which are closable, constructed to contain all contents and prevent leakage, appropriately labeled or color-coded (see the following section Labels), and closed prior to removal to prevent spillage or protrusion of contents during handling. All University employees who have occupational exposure to blood and OPIM must participate in a training and education program. Actual work with the infectious agents can only occur after successful demonstration of prerequisite microbiological proficiency, All training should be documented as outlined in the "recordkeeping" section. Now, when youre tested again later, theyll be able to compare the results to better understand your lab work. A written Exposure Control Plan must be developed and implemented for all employees with potential for exposure to blood borne pathogens. Copies of the Hazard Communication Program are available in the (location) for review by any interested employee. 0000195050 00000 n 0000049885 00000 n As outlined in the Boston University Biosafety Manual, standard microbiological practices such as frequent glove changing and hand washing, restricting sharps handling and establishing safe procedures for disposal, work area restrictions including limited access, specimen handling and transit, posting and labeling, and frequent decontamination must be followed to prevent exposure. General Bloodborne Pathogens training is provided by EH&S. Collect and test the exposed employee's blood as soon as feasible after obtaining consent. Hep B is a virus that causes acute and chronic liver disease and failure. 0000007056 00000 n Examples of non-routine tasks performed by employees of this company are: Task Hazardous Chemical, _____________________ _________________________, _____________________ _________________________. With that said, it is possible, so precautions should be taken. If an MSDS is not available, contact (name of responsible person and/or position). In pursuit of this goal, the following exposure control plan (ECP) is provided to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens in accordance with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1030, The exposure control plan guidelines should be made available to employees and should speci cally explain what they need to do to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Workers must be trained on the proper use of such equipment and the equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained. All records must be kept in accordance with the Recordkeeping section of this Plan (Section J.2). Medical evaluation shows that vaccination is contraindicated. Masks and protective eyewear or face shields should be worn during procedures that are likely to generate droplets of blood or OPIM to prevent exposure of mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. Everyone who works with or is potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals will receive initial training on the hazard communication standard and this plan before starting work. Several people in the workplace need to know how to clean up the site to protect others. weekly), Protective coverings, such as imperviously backed absorbent paper, will be removed and replaced when overtly contaminated or at the end of the work shift, All equipment and reusable containers shall be inspected and decontaminated on a scheduled basis or when visibly contaminated. b. Containerization and Labeling - Container and label requirements are detailed under appropriate headings in the Plan. Gloves should be changed and hands washed after completion of specimen processing. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) enacted the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard in 1991. a, b, & c. b - Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) a & c. True. This Exposure Control Plan applies to all BU personnel with occupational exposure to human materials, including body fluids or tissues, or other potentially infectious materials as defined by OSHA. The Boston University Biosafety Manual and Department and Lab-specific SOPs provide specific guidance and direction. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Vaccination and Post Exposure Evaluation Follow up HBV vaccination will be offered to everyone who has a potential exposure and post exposure medical evaluation must be provided in accordance with OSHA requirements. ), Procedure being performed when the incident occurred, A copy and explanation of the OSHA bloodborne pathogen standard, An explanation of our ECP and how to obtain a copy, An explanation of methods to recognize tasks and other activities that may involve exposure to blood and OPIM, including what constitutes an exposure incident, An explanation of the use and limitations of engineering controls, work practices, and PPE, An explanation of the types, uses, location, removal, handling, decontamination, and disposal of PPE, An explanation of the basis for PPE selection, Information on the hepatitis B vaccine, including information on its efficacy, safety, method of administration, the benefits of being vaccinated, and that the vaccine will be offered free of charge, Information on the appropriate actions to take and persons to contact in an emergency involving blood or OPIM, An explanation of the procedure to follow if an exposure incident occurs, including the method of reporting the incident and the medical follow-up that will be made available, Information on the post-exposure evaluation and follow-up that the employer is required to provide for the employee following an exposure incident 13, An explanation of the signs and labels and/or color coding required by the standard and used at this facility. Training records are completed for each employee upon completion of training. The ECP should describe how the standard will be met for these employees. I understand that by declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. The specific engineering controls and work practice controls used are listed below: Sharps disposal containers are inspected and maintained or replaced by (Name of responsible person or department) every (list frequency) or whenever necessary to prevent overfilling. If the employee does not give consent for HIV serological testing during collection of blood for baseline testing, preserve the baseline blood sample for at least 90 days; if the exposed employee elects to have the baseline sample tested during this waiting period, perform testing as soon as feasible. Document the routes of exposure and how the exposure occurred. Therefore, it is necessary for each department, school or campus to complete certain portions of the plan that will be unique to that entity. Relevant employee medical records, including vaccination status (Name of responsible person or department) provides the employee with a copy of the evaluating health care professionals written opinion within 15 days after completion of the evaluation. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be part of a BBP exposure control plan. Similarly, do not handle contact lenses in these areas. This log will be maintained by the University Workers Compensation Office and will be forwarded to the responsible administrator of the location were the injury took place. Non-disposable lab coats must be laundered on a regular basis, with transport in sealed plastic bags. For routine procedures, such as histologic and pathologic studies or microbiologic culturing, a biological safety cabinet may not be necessary to prevent exposure to infectious aerosols. Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or OPIM. The name of the infectious agent present. If the employee consents to baseline blood collection, but does not give consent at that time for HIV serologic testing, the sample shall be preserved for at least 90 days. Hold that dirty glove in the palm of your gloved hand. Employees must be informed of the vaccines benefits and risks, and if they choose not to receive it at the initial evaluation, they must sign a declination form. An Exposure Control Plan is meant to be a living document, used as a source of information for answering bloodborne pathogen-related questions and to help ensure exposure control activities are in place. While OSHA only requires employers to provide free OSHA-adhering training to employees who are likely to face exposure, anyone can benefit from taking a free, online OSHA-adhering BBP training course. 0000073737 00000 n Additional requirements such as permitting and registration, inspection, specialized procedures and training are required for BSL3 and higher laboratories. Pull upward toward your fingers, allowing it to slide off inside out. This list includes the name of the chemical, the manufacturer, the work area in which the chemical is used, dates of use, and quantity used. Cutaneous exposure involving large amounts of, or prolonged contact with, blood or OPIM especially when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis (1) Wash, the affected area with soap and running water, Use disinfectant on the affected area if available, After first aid treatment, the employee shall report the incident to his/her supervisor. Its purpose is to promote safe work practices and to ensure that all workers are protected from exposure to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and other disease-causing pathogens in human blood, body fluids, and tissues. a. true. Mackenzie is a lover of world travel, photography, design, style and Chinese cooking. Use your ungloved hand to grab the wrist of the final glove and pull it toward your fingers with the first glove inside. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). If the employee has had the vaccine previously, but has not had a blood antibody titer to confirm his or her immunity in the past, the employee will be offered the opportunity to have a titer drawn. Boosters are not recommended for most healthy adults. When containers are approximately three-fourths full, a request for pickup by EH&S should be submitted. Training must be given upon initial assignment, and on an annual basis thereafter, or whenever modification of an existing job description may affect the employees potential for occupational exposure. The supervisor is responsible for providing all affected staff members with necessary PPE. a. Also, other employers will be informed of the hazard labels used by the company. Hep B can affect the body for a short time or become a lifelong disease. This exposure determination lists job classifications in which all employees have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, and job classifications in which some employees have occupational exposure. (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for ensuring that warning labels are affixed or red bags are used as required if regulated waste or contaminated equipment is brought into the facility. (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for reviewing and updating the ECP annually or more frequently if necessary to reflect any new or modified tasks and procedures that affect occupational exposure and to reflect new or revised employee positions with occupational exposure. (red bag, biohazard label). You should certainly use a mouthguard when giving breaths with CPR and learn how to give high-quality breaths. OSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030. opening pressurized containers, including vacuum sealed test tubes. Pregnant healthcare workers are not known to be at greater risk of contracting HIV infection than healthcare workers who are not pregnant; however, if a healthcare worker develops HIV infection during pregnancy the infant is at risk of infection from perinatal transmission. To ensure any new chemical is added in a timely manner, the following procedures shall be followed: The hazardous chemical inventory is compiled and maintained by (Name of responsible person and/or position and telephone number). If revisions to this ECP are necessary (Responsible person or department) will ensure that appropriate changes are made. A list of all known hazardous chemicals used by our employees is attached to this plan. The Institutional Biosafety Committee believes that the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan supports the Universitys goal of ensuring a safe and healthy learning, research, work, entertainment, and living environment for students, staff, faculty, and visitors. Then use an absorbent material like a towel to soak up what you can and keep it from spreading. The (Your facility name) is committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment for our entire staff. The (name of responsible person and/or position) is responsible for establishing and monitoring the company MSDS program. All biohazardous waste must be segregated from other wastes (general, chemical and radioactive) to protect employees, the general public and the environment. 0000074538 00000 n %%EOF 0000002121 00000 n Gloves should be worn for touching blood and body fluids or any OPIM, for handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids, and for performing venipuncture and other vascular access procedures. All persons should wash their hands after completing laboratory activities and should remove protective clothing before leaving the laboratory. In addition, the training program covers, at a minimum, the following elements: Training materials for this facility are available at (name location). Although exceptions may be required for people at high risk like healthcare workers. An immediate evaluation is important, as efficacy of post-exposure medication for HIV and other infectious agents may be less effective if the initiation of treatment is delayed. Additionally, smoking and vaping are prohibited in laboratory areas. Contact Research Occupational Health Program at (617) 358- 7647. Workplace specific training on bloodborne pathogens hazards and methods to prevent exposure must be provided by the employees supervisor or a designated and qualified alternate. Employees who decline may request and obtain the vaccination at a later date at no cost. How did you do? All work units of this company will participate in the Hazard Communication Program. 0000023444 00000 n The high exposure potential group includes all employees that work with, or have potential exposure to blood, blood products, or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)* while performing their assigned job duties. This training shall be provided at no cost to the employee during normal work hours. Any cutaneous exposure involving large amounts of blood or OPIM or prolonged contact, especially when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis. She is passionate about working towards a purpose, recently graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Media and Marketing, and is currently residing in Manhattan. Professionals could generally include: With that said, you never know when you might need help during a workplace emergency. Implementation of various methods of exposure control, including: Communication of hazards to employees and training, Procedures for evaluating circumstances surrounding exposure incidents. These records include the class roster, training presentation slides, and vaccination declination/acceptance forms. The Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan is the document that describes the institutional University Bloodborne Pathogens Program that is administered by the Environmental Health and Safety Department (EH&S). The enclosed document comprises the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan for the University of Nevada, Reno, as required by State regulations and Federal OSHA Statute 29 CFR 1910.1030, hereafter referred to as the Plan. However, the primary diseases of focus include: These diseases in particular can cause serious lifelong health complications or death. This method utilizes best practice work procedures, such as listed below, to eliminate or minimize the occupational exposure potential to the employee. MSDSs will be readily available to employees in each work area using the following format: Note: If an alternative to paper copies of MSDSs is used, describe the format and how employees can access them. Laboratory and workplace specific training shall be documented and the records maintained by the PI/supervisor (or department) for at least three years. Jobs within the work environment must be evaluated, and specific work tasks and procedures that may lead to occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens must be listed. Each department or supervisor is required to identify these individuals and comply with the elements of the University Bloodborne Pathogens Program, including hepatitis B vaccination and annual training. This test provides your doctor with a baseline. Personal Protective Equipment - Appropriate personal protective equipment must be identified for tasks that are considered to present a risk of exposure and must be provided to employees at no cost to them, Cleaning Schedules - Work surfaces must be decontaminated using a bleach solution (1/10 dilution of household bleach prepared within the past 24 hours) or an, Sharps Containers Containers must remain closed unless waste is actively being added. Any person present in a BU laboratory who has an incident involving potential exposure to an infectious agent is offered immediate access to a medical evaluation from the Research Occupational Health Program (listed below) or the BMC Emergency Department (after hours, holidays, and weekends). b. trailer Both front-line workers and management officials are involved in this process in the following manner: (Describe employeesinvolvement)___________________(Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for ensuring that these recommendations are implemented.
which choice is false about your exposure control planvintage survey equipment
Large-bore reusable needles should be placed in a puncture-resistant container for transport to the reprocessing area. Contaminated laundry shall be handled as little as possible and with a minimum of agitation. Your plan may also cover additional topics, such as how inmate workers and volunteers are protected. They must contain a summary of the training session. It is designed to achieve compliance with State and Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) standards, specifically 29 CFR 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. a - Attend annual training on blood-borne pathogens. All biohazardous waste must be disposed of according to the procedures outlined in the, Sharps, both contaminated and uncontaminated, must be collected in rigid, leak proof, puncture resistant containers that are properly labeled as biohazardous waste. Laboratory work surfaces should be decontaminated as soon as possible with an appropriate chemical germicide after a spill of blood or OPIM and when work activities are completed. Your unbroken skin comes in contact with blood or bodily fluids. The reader should consult the OSHA bloodborne pathogens and hazard communication standards in their entirety for specific compliance requirements. Engineering controls and work practice controls will be used to prevent or minimize exposure to bloodborne pathogens. All PPE must be used, maintained and disposed of as specified in the Boston University Biosafety Manual, and Laboratory-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). All regulated bloodborne pathogen-contaminated waste must be disposed of properly as biohazardous waste, consistent with the Boston University and Commonwealth of Massachusetts waste rules. If exposures to blood or other body fluids* are reasonably anticipated, you are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to develop an Exposure Control Plan. The supervisor must conduct employee PPE assessments and implement these assessments in the workplace standard operating procedures (SOPs). The vaccination shall be offered to employees at a reasonable time and place. This plan will be reviewed and revised annually or whenever changes in procedure or personnel occur. According to, studies show that Hep B vaccine protection lasts for at least 30 years when given > 6mo. (Attach a brief description of their qualifications.). Bloodborne Pathogen training is part of worker safety and falls under OSHA guidelines. Any needlestick with used or contaminated equipment. 0000043758 00000 n
How well do you know workplace bloodborne pathogens (BBP) safety? 0000008264 00000 n
The exposure control plan shall be made available to the Assistant Secretary and the Director upon request for examination and copying. Documentation of refusal of the vaccination is kept at (List location). 0000015600 00000 n
Exposure Control Plan written plan to eliminate or minimize occupational exposures. '9*t$6j \}+5-x_8rVV&Ww6mw)H*dqbxT##b8;R-tx;1. HEPATITIS B VACCINE DECLINATION (MANDATORY). CFR Title 29 1910.1030, Bloodborne Pathogens. __________________________________________________, PPE is located (List location) and may be obtained through (Name of responsible person or department). If you struggled with various answers or want to learn more, BBP training gives you the practical knowledge you can use in your workplace to keep yourself, coworkers, and customers safe. Use a pipet bulb or aspirator for pipetting, NEVER pipet by mouth. This program applies to all work operations in our company where you may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal working conditions or during an emergency situation. Prior to starting work on such projects, each affected employee will be given information by (name of responsible person and/or position) about the hazardous chemicals he or she may encounter during such activity. Boston Medical Center (BMC) has a separate Exposure Control Plan for Hospital employees and operations. When new chemicals are received, this list is updated (including date the chemicals were introduced) within 30 days. Any device or procedure that requires the use of a needle must be engineered using the best available technology. If a needlestick causes the incident, it must be also documented on a separate needlestick incident log. Work surfaces must be decontaminated using a bleach solution (1/10 dilution of household bleach prepared within the past 24 hours) or an. 0000055436 00000 n
Why not make it official by getting your BBP certificate? d. Wash your hands with gloves on and then take them off. It will be limited to whether the employee requires the hepatitis vaccine and whether the vaccine was administered. Under this program, you will be informed of the contents of the OSHA Hazard Communications standard, the hazardous properties of chemicals with which you work, safe handling procedures and measures to take to protect yourself from these chemicals. Emergency Rooms for life threatening injuries or treatment outside of Urgent Care facility business hours: St. Marys Hospital 235 West Sixth St Reno, NV 89503 (775) 770-3000. Be affixed as close as feasible to the container by string, wire, adhesive or other method that prevents their accidental loss, Be optional if individual containers of blood or OPIM are placed in labeled containers, Not be used on containers of blood or blood products that are labeled as to their contents and released for transfusion or other clinical uses. Additional requirements may be specified by the IBC. PPE is provided to our employees at no cost to them. d. Youre performing CPR on your HIV-positive coworker. But of course, sometimes you just dont know, so safety is recommended. Broken glassware that may be contaminated is only picked up using mechanical means, such as a brush and dustpan. Engineering and work practice controls must be used to eliminate or minimize exposure to individuals. Employers are only required to provide vaccination to employees who are considered at risk to exposure due to job requirements. 213 0 obj
Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Documentation exists that the employee has previously received the series, Antibody testing reveals that the employee is immune. An Exposure Control Plan is meant to be a "living" document, used as a source of information for answering bloodborne pathogen-related questions and to help ensure exposure control activities are in place. 0000017582 00000 n
Laboratories that use human blood or OPIM, or bloodborne pathogens such as HIV and HBV shall post signs with the following: Universal biohazard symbol with the word "biohazard" above or below it, Biosafety level and type of material worked with, Special requirements for entering the area, The name and telephone number of the lab director or other responsible person. Regulated waste is placed in containers which are closable, constructed to contain all contents and prevent leakage, appropriately labeled or color-coded (see the following section Labels), and closed prior to removal to prevent spillage or protrusion of contents during handling. All University employees who have occupational exposure to blood and OPIM must participate in a training and education program. Actual work with the infectious agents can only occur after successful demonstration of prerequisite microbiological proficiency, All training should be documented as outlined in the "recordkeeping" section. Now, when youre tested again later, theyll be able to compare the results to better understand your lab work. A written Exposure Control Plan must be developed and implemented for all employees with potential for exposure to blood borne pathogens. Copies of the Hazard Communication Program are available in the (location) for review by any interested employee. 0000195050 00000 n
0000049885 00000 n
As outlined in the Boston University Biosafety Manual, standard microbiological practices such as frequent glove changing and hand washing, restricting sharps handling and establishing safe procedures for disposal, work area restrictions including limited access, specimen handling and transit, posting and labeling, and frequent decontamination must be followed to prevent exposure. General Bloodborne Pathogens training is provided by EH&S. Collect and test the exposed employee's blood as soon as feasible after obtaining consent. Hep B is a virus that causes acute and chronic liver disease and failure. 0000007056 00000 n
Examples of non-routine tasks performed by employees of this company are: Task Hazardous Chemical, _____________________ _________________________, _____________________ _________________________. With that said, it is possible, so precautions should be taken. If an MSDS is not available, contact (name of responsible person and/or position). In pursuit of this goal, the following exposure control plan (ECP) is provided to eliminate or minimize occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens in accordance with OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.1030, The exposure control plan guidelines should be made available to employees and should speci cally explain what they need to do to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Workers must be trained on the proper use of such equipment and the equipment must be regularly inspected and maintained. All records must be kept in accordance with the Recordkeeping section of this Plan (Section J.2). Medical evaluation shows that vaccination is contraindicated. Masks and protective eyewear or face shields should be worn during procedures that are likely to generate droplets of blood or OPIM to prevent exposure of mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes. Everyone who works with or is potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals will receive initial training on the hazard communication standard and this plan before starting work. Several people in the workplace need to know how to clean up the site to protect others. weekly), Protective coverings, such as imperviously backed absorbent paper, will be removed and replaced when overtly contaminated or at the end of the work shift, All equipment and reusable containers shall be inspected and decontaminated on a scheduled basis or when visibly contaminated. b. Containerization and Labeling - Container and label requirements are detailed under appropriate headings in the Plan. Gloves should be changed and hands washed after completion of specimen processing. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) enacted the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard in 1991. a, b, & c. b - Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) a & c. True. This Exposure Control Plan applies to all BU personnel with occupational exposure to human materials, including body fluids or tissues, or other potentially infectious materials as defined by OSHA. The Boston University Biosafety Manual and Department and Lab-specific SOPs provide specific guidance and direction. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Vaccination and Post Exposure Evaluation Follow up HBV vaccination will be offered to everyone who has a potential exposure and post exposure medical evaluation must be provided in accordance with OSHA requirements. ), Procedure being performed when the incident occurred, A copy and explanation of the OSHA bloodborne pathogen standard, An explanation of our ECP and how to obtain a copy, An explanation of methods to recognize tasks and other activities that may involve exposure to blood and OPIM, including what constitutes an exposure incident, An explanation of the use and limitations of engineering controls, work practices, and PPE, An explanation of the types, uses, location, removal, handling, decontamination, and disposal of PPE, An explanation of the basis for PPE selection, Information on the hepatitis B vaccine, including information on its efficacy, safety, method of administration, the benefits of being vaccinated, and that the vaccine will be offered free of charge, Information on the appropriate actions to take and persons to contact in an emergency involving blood or OPIM, An explanation of the procedure to follow if an exposure incident occurs, including the method of reporting the incident and the medical follow-up that will be made available, Information on the post-exposure evaluation and follow-up that the employer is required to provide for the employee following an exposure incident 13, An explanation of the signs and labels and/or color coding required by the standard and used at this facility. Training records are completed for each employee upon completion of training. The ECP should describe how the standard will be met for these employees. I understand that by declining this vaccine, I continue to be at risk of acquiring hepatitis B, a serious disease. The specific engineering controls and work practice controls used are listed below: Sharps disposal containers are inspected and maintained or replaced by (Name of responsible person or department) every (list frequency) or whenever necessary to prevent overfilling. If the employee does not give consent for HIV serological testing during collection of blood for baseline testing, preserve the baseline blood sample for at least 90 days; if the exposed employee elects to have the baseline sample tested during this waiting period, perform testing as soon as feasible. Document the routes of exposure and how the exposure occurred. Therefore, it is necessary for each department, school or campus to complete certain portions of the plan that will be unique to that entity. Relevant employee medical records, including vaccination status (Name of responsible person or department) provides the employee with a copy of the evaluating health care professionals written opinion within 15 days after completion of the evaluation. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be part of a BBP exposure control plan. Similarly, do not handle contact lenses in these areas. This log will be maintained by the University Workers Compensation Office and will be forwarded to the responsible administrator of the location were the injury took place. Non-disposable lab coats must be laundered on a regular basis, with transport in sealed plastic bags. For routine procedures, such as histologic and pathologic studies or microbiologic culturing, a biological safety cabinet may not be necessary to prevent exposure to infectious aerosols. Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or OPIM. The name of the infectious agent present. If the employee consents to baseline blood collection, but does not give consent at that time for HIV serologic testing, the sample shall be preserved for at least 90 days. Hold that dirty glove in the palm of your gloved hand. Employees must be informed of the vaccines benefits and risks, and if they choose not to receive it at the initial evaluation, they must sign a declination form. An Exposure Control Plan is meant to be a living document, used as a source of information for answering bloodborne pathogen-related questions and to help ensure exposure control activities are in place. While OSHA only requires employers to provide free OSHA-adhering training to employees who are likely to face exposure, anyone can benefit from taking a free, online OSHA-adhering BBP training course. 0000073737 00000 n
Additional requirements such as permitting and registration, inspection, specialized procedures and training are required for BSL3 and higher laboratories. Pull upward toward your fingers, allowing it to slide off inside out. This list includes the name of the chemical, the manufacturer, the work area in which the chemical is used, dates of use, and quantity used. Cutaneous exposure involving large amounts of, or prolonged contact with, blood or OPIM especially when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis (1) Wash, the affected area with soap and running water, Use disinfectant on the affected area if available, After first aid treatment, the employee shall report the incident to his/her supervisor. Its purpose is to promote safe work practices and to ensure that all workers are protected from exposure to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and other disease-causing pathogens in human blood, body fluids, and tissues. a. true. Mackenzie is a lover of world travel, photography, design, style and Chinese cooking. Use your ungloved hand to grab the wrist of the final glove and pull it toward your fingers with the first glove inside. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). If the employee has had the vaccine previously, but has not had a blood antibody titer to confirm his or her immunity in the past, the employee will be offered the opportunity to have a titer drawn. Boosters are not recommended for most healthy adults. When containers are approximately three-fourths full, a request for pickup by EH&S should be submitted. Training must be given upon initial assignment, and on an annual basis thereafter, or whenever modification of an existing job description may affect the employees potential for occupational exposure. The supervisor is responsible for providing all affected staff members with necessary PPE. a. Also, other employers will be informed of the hazard labels used by the company. Hep B can affect the body for a short time or become a lifelong disease. This exposure determination lists job classifications in which all employees have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens, and job classifications in which some employees have occupational exposure. (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for ensuring that warning labels are affixed or red bags are used as required if regulated waste or contaminated equipment is brought into the facility. (Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for reviewing and updating the ECP annually or more frequently if necessary to reflect any new or modified tasks and procedures that affect occupational exposure and to reflect new or revised employee positions with occupational exposure. (red bag, biohazard label). You should certainly use a mouthguard when giving breaths with CPR and learn how to give high-quality breaths. OSHA Blood borne Pathogen Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030. opening pressurized containers, including vacuum sealed test tubes. Pregnant healthcare workers are not known to be at greater risk of contracting HIV infection than healthcare workers who are not pregnant; however, if a healthcare worker develops HIV infection during pregnancy the infant is at risk of infection from perinatal transmission. To ensure any new chemical is added in a timely manner, the following procedures shall be followed: The hazardous chemical inventory is compiled and maintained by (Name of responsible person and/or position and telephone number). If revisions to this ECP are necessary (Responsible person or department) will ensure that appropriate changes are made. A list of all known hazardous chemicals used by our employees is attached to this plan. The Institutional Biosafety Committee believes that the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan supports the Universitys goal of ensuring a safe and healthy learning, research, work, entertainment, and living environment for students, staff, faculty, and visitors. Then use an absorbent material like a towel to soak up what you can and keep it from spreading. The (Your facility name) is committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment for our entire staff. The (name of responsible person and/or position) is responsible for establishing and monitoring the company MSDS program. All biohazardous waste must be segregated from other wastes (general, chemical and radioactive) to protect employees, the general public and the environment. 0000074538 00000 n
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Gloves should be worn for touching blood and body fluids or any OPIM, for handling items or surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids, and for performing venipuncture and other vascular access procedures. All persons should wash their hands after completing laboratory activities and should remove protective clothing before leaving the laboratory. In addition, the training program covers, at a minimum, the following elements: Training materials for this facility are available at (name location). Although exceptions may be required for people at high risk like healthcare workers. An immediate evaluation is important, as efficacy of post-exposure medication for HIV and other infectious agents may be less effective if the initiation of treatment is delayed. Additionally, smoking and vaping are prohibited in laboratory areas. Contact Research Occupational Health Program at (617) 358- 7647. Workplace specific training on bloodborne pathogens hazards and methods to prevent exposure must be provided by the employees supervisor or a designated and qualified alternate. Employees who decline may request and obtain the vaccination at a later date at no cost. How did you do? All work units of this company will participate in the Hazard Communication Program. 0000023444 00000 n
The high exposure potential group includes all employees that work with, or have potential exposure to blood, blood products, or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM)* while performing their assigned job duties. This training shall be provided at no cost to the employee during normal work hours. Any cutaneous exposure involving large amounts of blood or OPIM or prolonged contact, especially when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis. She is passionate about working towards a purpose, recently graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Media and Marketing, and is currently residing in Manhattan. Professionals could generally include: With that said, you never know when you might need help during a workplace emergency. Implementation of various methods of exposure control, including: Communication of hazards to employees and training, Procedures for evaluating circumstances surrounding exposure incidents. These records include the class roster, training presentation slides, and vaccination declination/acceptance forms. The Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan is the document that describes the institutional University Bloodborne Pathogens Program that is administered by the Environmental Health and Safety Department (EH&S). The enclosed document comprises the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan for the University of Nevada, Reno, as required by State regulations and Federal OSHA Statute 29 CFR 1910.1030, hereafter referred to as the Plan. However, the primary diseases of focus include: These diseases in particular can cause serious lifelong health complications or death. This method utilizes best practice work procedures, such as listed below, to eliminate or minimize the occupational exposure potential to the employee. MSDSs will be readily available to employees in each work area using the following format: Note: If an alternative to paper copies of MSDSs is used, describe the format and how employees can access them. Laboratory and workplace specific training shall be documented and the records maintained by the PI/supervisor (or department) for at least three years. Jobs within the work environment must be evaluated, and specific work tasks and procedures that may lead to occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens must be listed. Each department or supervisor is required to identify these individuals and comply with the elements of the University Bloodborne Pathogens Program, including hepatitis B vaccination and annual training. This test provides your doctor with a baseline. Personal Protective Equipment - Appropriate personal protective equipment must be identified for tasks that are considered to present a risk of exposure and must be provided to employees at no cost to them, Cleaning Schedules - Work surfaces must be decontaminated using a bleach solution (1/10 dilution of household bleach prepared within the past 24 hours) or an, Sharps Containers Containers must remain closed unless waste is actively being added. Any person present in a BU laboratory who has an incident involving potential exposure to an infectious agent is offered immediate access to a medical evaluation from the Research Occupational Health Program (listed below) or the BMC Emergency Department (after hours, holidays, and weekends). b. trailer
Both front-line workers and management officials are involved in this process in the following manner: (Describe employeesinvolvement)___________________(Name of responsible person or department) is responsible for ensuring that these recommendations are implemented. Broad College Of Business Acceptance Rate,
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