What element has the configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1? 1. 0000003425 00000 n 0000003938 00000 n Atomic number of C=6 oom temperature of 25 degrees C? (c) Write the electron configurations of Nd3+ and Fe3+ using orbital box diagrams and noble gas notation. Identify the with the following ground-state electron configuration for its valence shell. There may be more than one answer. c. the electron affinity of Cl+ d. the ionization energy of Mg (electron affinity of Mg = 230 kJ/mol). 0000007701 00000 n The number of electron in an electronically neutral atom is equal to the number of proton. 0000006734 00000 n The '3' informs us that the element is in the 3rd Energy Level or row of the periodic table. (Ar)4s^23d^{10}4p^3, Which element is represented by the given electron configuration? \end{array} What element has the electron distribution of 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p4? 1s22s22p63s1, Which element has the following electron configuration? Total number of electrons is the element is 23,so is it Vanadium This problem has been solved! What element has a ground state electron configuration of Kr5s24d105p2? Since your question has multiple parts, we will solve the first question for you. What is the expected electron configuration for the element Zr? You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. 0000005947 00000 n The electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p3 represents Arsenic. 0000002026 00000 n A: Pauli's Exclusion Principle states that in a given atom two different electrons can't have same set. Ne 3s23p2, Identify the group of the periodic table in which the element with the following electron configuration is found. Scientists J. J. Thomson and William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) made numerous contributions to our understanding of the atoms structure. Write the expected electron configurations for each of the following atoms: Cl, Sb, Sr, W, Pb, Cf. A: Given that, 1. For example, the second ionization energy is the energy to remove a second electron from an element. a. A: The atomic number of carbon is 6. Compare the first ionization energy of helium to its second ionization energy, remembering that both electrons come from the 1s orbital. IE4 Explain. , brainly.com/question/2479123?referrer=searchResults. A = Nitrogen (N) Number of neutrons = 49 Determine the element to which the given electronic configuration belongs.1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1, Identify the element and the part of the periodic table in which the element with the given configuration is found. What is the symbol for the element whose electron configuration ends with 4p6? (a) n = 2, = 2, m = 0 (b) n = 3, = 0, m = -2 (c) n = 6, = 0, m = 1, For each of the following pairs of atoms or ions, state which you expect to have the larger radius. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. The number of proton is the atomic number of the element. 0000003386 00000 n Are the numbers of these atoms increasing or decreasing? A: Solution : Here are the main differences between ionic, covalent and metallic : A: The question is based on the concept of electronic configuration. Rb, F, Mg, B, N Daniel L. Reger, Scott R. Goode, David W. Ball, Edward Mercer, Dinah Zike, Laurel Dingrando, Nicholas Hainen, Cheryl Wistrom, Klaus Theopold, Richard H Langley, Paul Flowers, William R. Robinson, Mark Blaser, Determine what elements are denoted by the following electron configurations: 8) 1s22s2 2p6 3s23p4 ____________________ 9) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 ____________________ 10) [Kr] 5s24d105p3 ____________________ 11) [Ne]3s1 Sodium ____________________. How do you identify elements? Proton, positively charged Explain. 1s^22s^22p^03s^1, Identify the atom with the following ground-state electron configuration for its valence shell. Identify the atom with the following ground-state electron configuration for its valence shell. A: Since you are asked for multiple sub-parts, we are entitled to solve first three only. (a) Generally ionization energies increase on proceeding across a period, but this is not true for magnesium (738 kJ/mol) and aluminium (578 kJ/mol). Atomic number of sulfur is 16. . We know that, Atomic size gradually decreases from left to right across a, A: Ionization energy is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from the outermost shell of, When an element undergoes a chemical reaction, it either gains energy or loses energy. Which element has the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p?? Ne 3s2, Identify the group of the periodic table in which the element with the following electron configuration is found. P = [Ne] 3s2 3p3 1. What element is represented by the following electron configuration? TI - 5 marks 1s22s22p@3s23p4s24d104p5 1s22s2p3s33d5 [Ra] 7s25 [Kr] 5s4d105p5 [Xe] 6s24 10 5. For a neutral atom, the number of electrons it has will match the number of protons in its . If the normal boiling point is 84, what is vapor pressure (in torr) of this liquid at r 0000006370 00000 n shaft for the given output rotational speed: VRTorque(lbin)Outputspeed(rpm)7.598480\begin{array}{ccc} 3s^23p^1. Element 3: Lithium To find : electronegative c configuration The periodic table is divided into different blocks as shown in the image below. so explain completely. 0000001272 00000 n Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! a 1s22s12p6 b 1s22s22p8 c 1s22s22p63s23p63d7 d 1s22s32p63s13d9, Answer the following questions based on the given electron configurations and identify the elements. Certain elements have special affinities for other elements. 18 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 21 /H [ 1411 238 ] /L 77771 /E 73291 /N 2 /T 77293 >> endobj xref 18 38 0000000016 00000 n (Show the details. What is the element with an electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6? What element is best described by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p4? Now just look for the element on the periodic table with the atomic number of 14. Are these ions paramagnetic or diamagnetic? $ % ' ( * + - . Element 3: Lithium Element 4: Beryllium Element 5: Boron Element 6: Carbon Element 7: Nitrogen Element 8: Oxygen Element 9:. 48. 1s22s22p63s23p63d2, What element is represented by the following electron ground state configuration? Arrange these atoms in order of increasing size: [Kr]5s24d105p6; [Kr]5s24d105p1; [Kr]5s24d105p3 b. A: Given element is vanadium(V) and its atomic number is 23. [Ar]4s^23d^104p^5, Determine the element to which of the below-abbreviated electron configuration refers. All rights reserved. b. The energy will be liberated. %PDF-1.3 % What element is represented by the electron configuration 1 s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 6 4 s 2 3 d 10 4 p 6 5 s 2 4 d 10 5 p 2 ? Atomic mass of element = 119 . 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6 Which ion is isoelectronic with 1s22s22p63s23p63d8 a. Ni2+ 1. [Ne]3s^23p^1, Identify the elements with the following electron configurations. Which one? The ionization energy of gold is 890.1 kJ/mol. Identify the specific element that corresponds to each of the following electron configurations: (a) [He]2s1 Answer:. (b) [He]2s22p6 Answer:. (c) [He]2s22p5 Answer: .. Identify the group of the periodic table in which the element with the following electron configuration is found. 0000005447 00000 n 1s22s22p3, Identify the element that is represented by the following electron configuration. Enter the symbol of the element. 1. 0000004778 00000 n What element has the following ground-state electron configuration? Arrange these atoms in order of increasing size:[Kr]5s24d105p6; [Kr]5s24d105p1;[Kr]5s24d105p3 b. To know about the electronic configuration, A: The question is based on the concept of Atomic size. See all questions in Electron Configuration. Elements with very large ionization energies also tend to have highly negative (favorable) electron affinities. During reaction, atoms either gain electrons from other atoms or lose electrons to othe, Elements which are present on the right side of the periodic table are called p-block elements. 0000001411 00000 n Is K. What group and period is the following element found in? Along the group, A: Electronic configuration represents the arrangement of electrons in different subshell of various. The radiation are emitted by the, A: According to Dalton's atomic theory, compound is formed by combining elements and it's also based on, A: Rutherford, in his experiment, directed high energy streams of -particles from a radioactive source, A: Since number of protons = atomic number in case of ions Which material should the engineer choose if he wants the filling design to be durable and attach to the natural tooth? First week only $4.99! What element has this electron configuration? Count the number of electrons to know the element. Which of the following cations needs a Roman numeral in naming? {/eq}. Distinguish between the first ionization energy and the second ionization energy. Createyouraccount. Identify the period, block, and group pf the elements that has the electron configuration (Ar) 3 d^{7} 4 s^{2}. Arrange these atoms in order of decreasing first ionization energy: [Ne]3s23p5; [Ar]4s23d104p3; [Ar]4s23d104p5. It states, Electrons are filled first lower elergy orbitals than higher elergy, A: a) Rb-1 : The atomic number of element Rb is 37. Explain why the others are not. 1. A: The given IE value(s) : What is the electron configuration for a sodium ion? 1. What element is denoted by the electron configuration (Ne) 3s23p2? For the question given above, the atomic number of iodine is 53 and the distribution of the 53 electrons into different orbitals is the one given in the question. 2I%zVA~L{e:hPu(O%0+-@-}y]} Xe 6s24f145d2, For the following electron configuration, determine the possible element it may represent: Kr 5s2 4d10 5p3, For the following electron configuration, determine the possible element they may represent: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6, For the following electron configuration, determine the possible element it may represent: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d7, For the following electron configuration, determine the possible element they may represent. What are some examples of electron configurations? x y First 170 200 Second 350 400 Third 1800 3500 Fourth 2500 5000 Identify the elements X and Y. The electronic configuration is represented as follows; Count the number of electrons to know the element. Identify the atom or ion corresponding to each of the following descriptions: (a) an atom with ground-state electron configuration [Kr]4d105s25p1 (b) an ion with charge 22 and ground-state electron configuration [Ne]3s23p6 (c) an ion with charge +4 and ground-state electron configuration [Ar]3d3. Element 8: Oxygen For a, b, c, and d, identify the group of elements that corresponds to each of the following generalized electron configurations and indicate the number of unpaired electrons for each: a - [noble gas] ns^2np^5 b What is the name given to the group of elements all of which have the electron configuration ns2np5? & y_2^{\prime}=12 y_1 \\ The number of electrons in any ion of an element is. How do you determine which element is the core element in electron configuration? Because F is the member of 17 group in the, A: Given, This causes them to bind together in special ways to form . (Xe)6s^2 4f^{14} 5d^{10}6p^3, What is the symbol and name of the element with the following electron configuration? Neutron, is. [Ar]4s^23d^{10}4p^1 c. [Ar]4s^23d^6 d. [Kr]5s^1, What is the symbol of the element that has the following electron configuration? 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5 Which element is this? r Questions 1113, you will need to consider ionizations beyond the first ionization energy. Se, Determine the element for the following electron configuration: 1s22s12p53p34s23d3 A. Ca B. P C. Ar D. S E. V, Identify the group number, period number, and element name of the following electron configuration: (Xe)4f^15d^16s^2, Identify the group number, period number, and element name of the following electron configuration: (Ne)3s^23p^1, Identify the group number, period number, and element name of the following electron configuration: (Ar)3d^104s^24p^6, Identify the group number, period number, and element name of the following electron configuration: (Kr)4d^105s^1. Determine the atom based on the electron configuration [Ar]4s^2 3d^5 4p^1. 0000042977 00000 n Enter the symbol of the element. This gain or loss of energy is due to the phenomena that occur at atomic level. Which ion with a +1 charge has the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p6? we have to arrange the given atoms in, A: In a periodic table, the size of atom increases down the group due the addition of an extra shell., A: In the periodic table, every element has the atomic number. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p3. A beta particle has a mass number of ____ and a charge of _____. What is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase? Mg =. Spencer L. Seager, Michael R. Slabaugh, Maren S. Hansen, Klaus Theopold, Richard H Langley, Paul Flowers, William R. Robinson, Mark Blaser, Dinah Zike, Laurel Dingrando, Nicholas Hainen, Cheryl Wistrom, The element 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s2 is a. a halogen b. an alkali metal c. an alkaline earth metal d. a noble gas. A fundamental idea of Daltons atomic theory is that atoms of an element can be neither created nor destroyed. 0000003166 00000 n IE value (kJ/mol) 1. 1s22s22p63s23p64s2, Identify the neutral element represented by this excited-state electron configuration, then write the ground-state electron configuration for that element. 0000004799 00000 n The electron configuration #1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^2# is the element Silicon. r 6.62 Define the term ionization energy. 1. What is the formula for strontium hydrogen carbonate? IE A: The electron configuration of the element given is . This chemical element is rubidium. We now know that this is not always true. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p6 is the complete electron configuration for what element with a negative one charge? = 45 electrons, A: Given \boldsymbol{V} \boldsymbol{R} & \begin{array}{c} So, It has 36 +2+7 Specifically, it is not true for uranium and lead atoms as they appear in nature. Enter the name of the element for the corresponding electron configuration: (a) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1 (b) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 (c) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5 (d) 1s22s22p63s23p4 This problem has been solved! What element has the electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2? If you add all the electrons decribed in this electron configuration you'll get. The ground-state electron configuration is [Ne]3s23p4. 11575 Write complete electron configuration for element 'C'. And, the sequence of all quantum numbers is = 5,1,0,+1/2, A: I has the greatest electron affinity (most negative), A: General representation of an atom is XZA The key to deciphering this is to look at the last bit of information of the electron configuration #3p^2#.. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d1, Which element does the following electron configuration correspond to? & & & & & : : : 8 r 4 $ : 2 $ j + & + & & @ R & & r ] T @P7 V 0 & $ + + : ELECTRON CONFIGURATION Extra Practice 6Ei In the space below, write the unabbreviated electron configurations of the following elements. What mass (grams) of sodium sulfate would be formed by the complete reaction of 120.0 grams of sodium hydroxide? a. What is the element 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1? , . A: A chemical equation in which the electrolytes of aqueous solution are represented as dissociated, A: Rutherford alpha particle experiment. Which ion has the largest ionic radius? What is the element with the following electron configuration? What elements are denoted by 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1? These different blocks help easily locate and identify the properties of a specific element. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. The electronic, A: The atomic number and the name of the elements in order of left to right as mentioned in the, A: For a given electronic configurations, the element name and symbol of the element has to be, A: The atomic number of Lithium element is 3, A: 1) of Polonium = 84 What is the ground state electron configuration of the element germanium? These elements have diverse real-life implementati, The periodic table is composed of metals, semi-metals and nonmetal elements. Arrange these atoms in order of decreasing first ionization energy:[Ne]3s23p5; [Ar]4s23d104p3; [Ar]4s23d104p5, Which of the following electron configurations are possible? A: Br and Cl have the similar properties like Fluorine. Amplify) as evidence to support your answer.When a chemical reaction does not occur, what happens to the atoms of the two substances? so. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. A: From the electronic configuration the elements are, Identify regions of this flow field that can be approximated as irrotational, and those for which the irrotational flow approximation would not be appropriate (rotational flow regions). I donty know how to do this what are they, I need an answer, quick! An excited state of this element has the electron configuration 1s22s22p53s1 b. 0000004152 00000 n What is the correct name for the compound formed from scandium and silicon? Which element would you expect to have the largest atomic radius? What is the symbol of the atom with the electron configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d2? How do electron configurations in the same group compare? 1817 The study of metals and nonmetals will help one to understand the appropriate application of, Order the atoms in each of the following sets from the least negative electron affinity to the most. 4s^2 3d^10. (DO NOT USE THE PERIODIC TABLE HANDOUT I GAVE YOU. Which group of elements would you expect to be an exception to this statement? 0000007203 00000 n Ne 3s23p6, Which element has the following electron configuration? What is the electron configuration of chromium? View the full answer. Determine the atom based on the electron configuration 1s^2 2s^2 3p^1. c. An excited state of this element has the electron configuration [Kr]5s24d65p26s1. Hence the atomic number of the above atom is, A: Element are pure substance and cannot be break down into other substance by any means that is, A: [c] Write a single sentence, using all of these five words plus other words, that makes scientific, A: Millikan's Oil Drop experiment - The oil drop experiment was performed by Robert A. Millikan and in, A: The atomic number of an element is equal to the total number of protons in the nucleus of the, A: Solution : HINT: Normal boiling point occurs when the vapor pressure of the liquid is the same as atmospheric pressure (1 atm or 760 mm Hg). 0 1 3 5 7 8 : ; R S Z [ ] _ a b y h: CJ H*h: Number of protons = 38 [Xe]6s^24f^{14}5d^{10}6p^4. Which of the following is a main group (or representative) metal, Smaller than an anion of the same element. What is the element based on its electron configuration (shown below)? 1. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Identify the valence electrons and the orbitals in which element Cl resides. 1) sodium 1s22s22p63s1 2) iron 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6 3) bromine 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5 4) barium 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s2 5) neptunium 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s24f145d106p67s25f5 6) cobalt [Ar] 4s23d7 Start your trial now! What atom is indicated by the following electron configuration. Identify the atom with the ground-state electron configuration shown for its valence shell. The total number of electrons in neutral Ba = 56 The units are not kJ/mol. 1. (b) It has the ground-state electron configuration (Kr) 4d^10. h: CJ h: 6 1. Determine the maximum number of electrons that can have each of the following designations: 2f, 2dxy, 3p, 5dyz, and 4p. Identify the ion with a net charge of +4 and a ground-state electron configuration of [Xe] 4f145d4 OS4+ 1. ), y1=3y2y2=12y1\begin{aligned} Q: An element is located in period 5 and has 46 protons. Which element has the least metallic character? use Juns observations (from part 1) to describe the properties of all three substances (the pipe, the fe of electrons are 23 and last electron goes to d- subshell so the element is d block, A: To draw any Orbital diagram Aufbau principle , Pauli's exclusion priciple and Hund's multiplicity, A: An element is a pure substance that is made up of only one type of atoms. A: We would use the given plot to answer about the trends . 1. Previous question Next question. A: Electronic configuration refers to the systematic arrangement of electrons in the various shells and, A: Aufbau principle: William Thomson postulated what became known as the plum pudding model of the atoms structure. Therefore, the element is Arsenic. If it's not correct, explain why. Which element has the ground-state electron configuration Kr5s^2 4d^{10} 5p^4? & y_1^{\prime}=3 y_2 \\ 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5 Which element is this? And, since it belongs to group 17 so it has 7 valence electrons. What were their contributions? What element has the electron configuration 1s^22s^22p^63s^23p^4? Identify the elements that have the following abbreviated electron configurations. Identify the specific element that corresponds to the following electron configuration. &. What does the second row of the periodic table contain? 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d1. The superscript '2' tells us that the element is found in the 2nd column of the p-block Group 14. A: An atom of a element has the electron configuration of 1s22s22p5 Which of the following is one of the specified treatment technologies Atomic No. Which particles make the greatest contribution W the mass of an atom? What element has the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s1? What is the element with an electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6? \end{aligned} This shows that there are in total 35 electrons and 7 valence electrons. Element 6: Carbon The electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p3 represents which element? > 5 7 4 { bjbjzz 4( Ultimately, the f-block is composed of the elements in the lanthanide and actinide series. Determine what elements are denoted by the following electron configurations: c.) [Kr] 5s24d105p3. of neutron=5 Identify the element with the following electron configuration and give the symbols of the other elements in its group. c. (Xe)6s^1. Learn about periodic table orbital blocks and the s-block in the periodic table that contains the alkali and alkaline earth metals. 0000059795 00000 n Element 4: Beryllium for a D002 nonwastewater? Consider the flow field produced by a hair dryer. So, the element with the atomic number of 14 is Silicon! Which element would you expect to have the largest first ionization energy? Element 9: Fluorine Find parametric equations for the line that contains (4,1,7)(-4,1,7)(4,1,7) and is perpendicular to the plane 7x+2y+3z=1-7 x+2 y+3 z=17x+2y+3z=1. Transcribed image text: a) 12. 1s22s22p63s23p4. Thus, we can conclude that the given element is bromine. Write the one or two letter symbol for the element. 0000002954 00000 n Z}RAQNc1."yR?e! 1s^22s^12p^1 ? If you want, A: There is an obviouspattern tolook for: Atomic number increases asyoumove right along a row., A: As we know, You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Determine what elements and the four quantum numbers are denoted by the following electron configurations: 1s22s22p63s23p4 TI - 5 marks 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 [Kr] 5s24d105p3 [Xe] 6s24f145d6 [Rn] 7s25f11 6. 0000001855 00000 n Choose the electron configurations that are possible from among the following. A: The given element is Sulfur. An unknown liquid has a heat of vaporization of 32.45 kJ/mole. What element is represented by this electron ground state configuration: (Kr) 4d10 4f14 5s2 5p6 5d10 5f14 6s2 6p6. \end{array} \\ Mass number of an atom = number of protons +the number of neutrons Identify the element represented by this electron configuration. The ground-state electron configuration for As3, Which ion is isoelectronic with 1s22s22p63s23p63d8, 1. The atomic number is 33. Fill in the blanks in is the ability to do work or produce heat. Identify one element that belongs to Group 1 of the periodic table and give its electron configuration. What is the electron configuration of copper? (Ar)4s^23d^7. What is sunshine DVD access code jenna jameson? 0000006755 00000 n a. 4s^2 \ 3d^{10} symbol: ({Blank}). Answer the following questions based on the given electron configurations and identify the elements. How many minutes does it take to drive 23 miles? This is because the number of There may be more than one correct answer, so explain completely. a. (a) Write the electron configuration of each of these elements using an orbital box diagram and noble gas notation. Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom in the gas phase. Ionization energy generally drops between which two groups. Which subatomic particle did J. J. Thomson discover, and what did this lead him to postulate about the nature of the atom? Which element is isoelectronic with Cd2+? of, A: Answer: A: Given electronic configuration of element is [kr]5s24d7 Start your trial now! Mass of first isotope = 60 amu selenium What is th condensed electronic configuration for selenium? What shows the distinct arrangement of atoms in a molecule? The electron configuration #1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^2# is the element Silicon.. Which elements have the following electron configurations? It belongs to group-16. The correct electron configuration for Cr3+ is. What element has the electron configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 ? (a) Na or K (b) Cs or Cs+ (c) Rb+ or Kr (d) K or Ca (e) Cl or Ar, 6.61 Using only a periodic table as a guide, arrange each of the following series of atoms in order of increasing size. Also, we know that bromine is the element that has atomic number 35. Element 10: Neon. 0000001649 00000 n Identify the element and write its ground-state condensed electron configuration: A: A question based on electronic configuration, which is to be accomplished. What element is denoted by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d04p1? The element 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s2 is. The smallest unit of an Element that maintains the properties of Identify the element denoted by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p6. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p4, Which element does the following electron configuration correspond to? 1. C. gold See Answer Question: Which element has the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p?? See answer Advertisement OlaMacgregor Explanation: As the given electronic configuration is . Determine what elements are denoted by the following electron configurations: 8) 1s22s2 2p6 3s23p4 ____________________, 9) 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 ____________________, 10) [Kr] 5s24d105p3 ____________________, A: The atomic number of Ba is 56. {eq}1s^{2}2s^{2}2p^{6}3s^{2}3p^{6}4s^{2}3d^{10}4p^{6}5s^{2} 1s22s22px12py12pz1, Which element has the following electron configuration? An anion has a net charge of -3 with 10 electrons. d. The ground-state electron configuration contains three unpaired 6p electrons. u3[E{' aj.A3YpUfs(0nyvJ)if3pBO(0u@%0 R/;o2hYhNU0da [Ne]3s^23p^5 b. USE THE PERIODIC TABLE IN YOUR BOOK.) Atomic Number of an, A: We know that an atom contains three subatomic particles - electrons , protons and neutrons., A: Since no options are provided, it is assumed that the largest number of neutrons in an atom in the, A: If two elements have same number of electrons in their outer shell(valance shell) then the atoms. 1. [Kr] 5s24d'5p3 b) c) d) [Xe] 6s4f45d6. Identify the element denoted by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d04p1. A: Given that - . {jl35'P_ endstream endobj 32 0 obj 401 endobj 33 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 121 /Widths [ 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 0 0 0 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 667 0 0 278 0 278 0 556 0 556 556 500 556 556 278 556 556 222 0 0 222 833 556 556 556 0 333 500 278 556 500 722 0 500 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /BGCNIM+Arial /FontDescriptor 34 0 R >> endobj 34 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 905 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -211 /Flags 32 /FontBBox [ -665 -325 2028 1037 ] /FontName /BGCNIM+Arial /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 0 /FontFile2 51 0 R >> endobj 35 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 32 0 R >> stream
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