Pre-K School Supply List 1 box of 16 crayons (Crayola preferred) 1 pair of blunt child-sized scissors (Fiskar preferred) 1 set watercolors 1 box of 8 washable markers (Crayola classic colors preferred) . Everyone must wear a mask while on a school bus, regardless of vaccination status. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Health office staff will communicate with the Orange County Department of Health on positive cases of COVID-19 and will assist in tracing for possible quarantine orders for students or staff that were in contact with a positive COVID-19 person. Social distancing and face coverings will be required. In the event that the District is forced to go to remote learning, the Valley Central Technology Department is fully prepared to ensure we are ready. Back to top. Task Forces. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar. The Valley Central Reopening Plan provides a framework to ensure that all students with disabilities continue to have available to them a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living in the least restrictive environment (LRE), ) is our Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and oversees all aspects of staffing for our Back to School Plan, In the event that schools are closed unexpectedly, all students will be provided with, 946 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, 1189 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, 175 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549,, Attendance policies and procedures will be communicated with families and students prior to the start of the school year, or if the instructional model changes during the year, and will be recorded daily in SchoolTool. Students will be instructed to wash/sanitize hands prior to and after touching the keyboards along with other frequently touched surfaces. District of Innovation Plan; School Bond 2015; Required Postings; Facility and Property Use; Departments" . School Psychologists, Student Assistance Counselors and additional mental health professionals, provide student, family and staff support. All classrooms and buildings at large will be cleaned in accordance with NYS Guidelines. Students who are sick or exhibit symptoms of any illness should not attend school in-person and their health care provider should be contacted. Copyright 2023 Van Vleck Independent School District. Masks are optional and are not required but are encouraged. The Venus Independent School District has been committed to providing excellence in education for its students since it was founded in 1914. Students and staff must practice good hand hygiene to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. People with a fever will be told to stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of fever-reducing medicines, such as acetaminophen. Currently, the major categories of data collected are: Organizational. Each classroom, main office, and health office will have a supply of masks as needed. For routine daily work, gloves are not recommended for use. to support and improve virtual instruction and student engagement. All teachers will hold valid and appropriate certificates for teaching assignment, except where otherwise allowable under the Commissioners regulations (e.g., incidental teaching) or Education Law. Each building will provide families with schedules specific to their school. Windows on buses will be cracked to improve air circulation. Breakfast will be grab and go in all buildings. is our School Lunch Manager and oversees all aspects of child nutrition in our Reopening Plan. VVISD 2020-2021 Back to School Plan : At A Glance. There will be a la carte items available at cost. While planning for CTE instruction, whether in-person, remote or hybrid models, Valley Central has collaborated with Orange-Ulster BOCES to ensure high school instructional plans are aligned. Provision of student engagement interventions, after school social emotional groups, and mental health programming through the physical education department. Valley Central will maintain a Helpdesk system for parents/students/teachers to report technical issues that might be experienced during remote learning. will continue to serve as the Districts COVID-19 Coordinator. Each classroom, main office, and health office will have a supply of masks as needed. Collaboration with school nurses is essential and Valley Central will involve school health services staff and consider collaborative strategies that address needed health services for our students. Phone number is 845-360-6600 Fully vaccinated people who have a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID -19 do not need to be tested or be quarantined, as long as they are not exhibiting symptoms. Promote frequent and thorough hand washing by providing employees, the school community, and visitors with a place to wash their hands. is our District Nurse Coordinator and oversees the health and safety aspects of our 2021-2022 Back to School Plan. Brad Conklin will be notified. Valley Central will use additional space as we are able to help facilitate distancing. chronically absent and contact will be made with their families to determine reasons for absence and needs or barriers the student may have to participate in school. 2.) Child-safe fans will be used to increase the effectiveness of open windows. Greeter stations will serve as the primary location for accounting for all individuals entering and exiting the building. If soap and running water are not immediately available, provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol. Identify student needs for food and shelter. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), remote learning highlighted inequities in education, was detrimental to the educational attainment of students of all ages, and exacerbated the mental health crisis among children and adolescents. A separate room will be utilized where applicable. The new VISD Connections Center, 3002 E. North St., Suite J, is on the old Stroman Middle School campus. The sharing of food and beverages (e.g., buffet style meals, snacks) is prohibited. Lawmakers did approve a bill providing $6.3 billion for K-12 public schools, the bulk of their operating funds for the 2023-24 school year, including an expansion of an existing program that gives . All nurses offices will have sinks for hand washing with soap and water and hand sanitizer. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. Students requiring a nebulizer treatment will be treated in a separate room with nursing personnel wearing PPE. The parent/ guardian will be called to pick up the student with suspected symptoms of COVID-19. Valley Central is committed to collaborating with parents and guardians in addressing attendance issues and providing interventions to prevent chronic absenteeism. If they have a fever or have signs and symptoms of COVID-19, they will contact their health care provider. You will want to review the plan each year to make sure you are taking the required courses for graduation. In addition, they will have face shields, gloves, and a gown to protect themselves and the students. Your report can be anonymous as long as you don't enter your name. Areas will be disinfected after each student and staff by custodial staff or health office staff wearing appropriate PPE. Marianne Serratore ( is our Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. The school and families may develop plans to assist with reentry to the building. Encourage and practice proper respiratory etiquette (i.e., coughing or sneezing into your elbow if a tissue is not available). Our plan retains a strong focus on academic instruction to enhance student performance and address learning loss, as well as an emphasis on the social-emotional needs of our students, which is a priority. Masks will not be required for outdoor sports; however, they will be required for indoor sports. Health office staff will wear appropriate PPE when assessing and caring for students/ staff of suspected COVID-19. Our Back to School 21-22 plan will define clear guidance for the operation of our six schools and ALC. All students will be provided with a district Chromebook. 1189 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549 Valley Central will return to 100% in-person learning in September 2021. District Strategic Plan. Early shoppers are more likely to find discounts and deals on backpacks, binders, pencils, pens, and other necessary items like textbooks. The Venus Independent School District (ISD) Board of Trustees has employed Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Executive Search Services to assist with the search for a new superintendent. Fit testing will be done by Orange Ulster BOCES Risk Management Department. Assist with facilitation of classroom guidance on social distance practices in school. 430 were here. Signs will be posted to encourage best practice use of masks, socially distancing, stay at home if you are sick, stopping the spread of germs, and hand washing, to be posted around each school. Gloves will be used by health office staff for all physical contact with students and staff and for all treatments and procedures. Reminding students and staff to stay home when sick and to get tested. Board of Trustees Regular & Special Called Meeting Agenda. All visitors must check in at the greeters desk for temperature screening and to fill out the COVID-19 CheckIn Health Screening. Parents/ guardians will be told to look for symptoms of MIS-C and they will be told to immediately follow-up with their healthcare provider should any of the symptoms be present: 911 will be called if any student exhibits signs and symptoms of MIS-C. CDC guidance will be followed for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Eleanore Mills ( is our School Lunch Manager and oversees all aspects of child nutrition in our Reopening Plan. Diagnostic equipment will be cleansed between students and if available, disposable equipment will be used. As recommended by the CDC all Valley Central teachers, staff, students, and visitors will wear masks regardless of vaccination status. Hand sanitizer will be in areas where students may use it under supervision. Greeter stations will remain at all entrances of each building. TEA announces back-to-school health regulations Victoria school district's back-to-school plans will continue to evolve in light of state guidelines. Provide individual counseling to students who express fears, loss, anxiety and/or signs of depression by providing age-appropriate stress management and coping strategies. All schools in Valley Central will follow SFA policies when communicating about school meal services, eligibility, options and changes in operations. Using hand sanitizers will include: Signage placed near sanitizer dispensers indicating soiled hands should be washed with soap and water; Placement of sanitizer dispensers located near entrances and throughout common areas. 2700 W. 15th Street, Plano, TX 75075. We will use standardized posters created by CDC, NYSDOH, or NYSED for a consistent message. Our priority is providing a robust education while keeping students, staff, and families safe and healthy. As a District that provides half-day and full-day UPK, we attest that we have measures in place to ensure the CBOs we contract with will follow health and safety guidelines outlined in the NYSED guidance and required by the NYSDOH. VICTORIA, Texas - The VISD school board's meeting held on Thursday, March 11, approved a revised 2020-2021 academic calendar. Access the full plan here:, Access the Transportation Information Form here: Once a rural farming area, Venus has grown into a small suburban community. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services (361) 788-9250 Signs will be posted that states that all teachers, staff, students and visitors must wear masks regardless of vaccination status. PPE will be disposed of properly, according to CDC, NYSDOH, and OSHA guidelines. 2228 and schedule an appointment with Mrs. Pring. Teachers will establish a Google Classroom for remote learning. supervised when using these. Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Proper use of chemicals and Safety Data sheets, Transfer of hand sanitizer in smaller containers, List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Exposure Control Plan with a focus on Pandemic/COVID-19, Cleaning and sanitizing of the face covering (if applicable), Provide training for staff and students on wearing, putting on, removing and discarding PPE, including in the context of their current and potential duties, cloth-face-, Use of face coverings (donning/doffing) (cloth vs. surgical), Respirator Protection (N95 required for identified employees per NYS), Inclusive into your existing Respirator Protection Program or can be a separate Respirator Protection Program for medical staff only, Training provided for identified personnel only. If any student or staff member exhibits emergency warning signs such as trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face, 911 will be called and the operator will be informed that the person may have COVID-19. Staff will be told to stay home if they are sick. Any hand sanitizer used in Valley Central Schools will have a minimum of 60% alcohol. The 2022-23 Plano ISD Back to School Plan was shared with the Board of Trustees at their August 2, 2022, meeting. For routine daily work, gloves are not recommended for use. Hand washing is the best defense against exposure, and the use of gloves requires hand washing before and after the use of gloves. To ensure all staff, and students comply with building entry and exit procedures, Valley Central will do the following: Limit nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations during the school day. Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may include but are not limited to. Phone: (845) 457-2400. One of the most important back-to-school shopping tips is to start early. Educating the school community on district policies/procedures, including how to properly wear and dispose of a face mask/respirator. ) Maintain social distancing of no less than 6ft. The District will also schedule opportunities to connect with families to educate them on how to use the technologies and connect to the instructional activities. ) District of Innovation . Students and First Student staff must wear acceptable face coverings at all times on school buses and should maintain appropriate social distancing. The parent/ guardian will be instructed to call their health care provider, local clinic, or urgent care center. . No vendor should access the building unless it is necessary for the completion of his or her job. Proper respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes. All schools will monitor daily attendance and/or required daily scheduled student contact and engagement regardless of the format of instruction being used throughout the school year. All schools in Valley Central will follow SFA policies when communicating about school meal services, eligibility, options and changes in operations. Venus ISD serves 2304 students and is located 25 miles south of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. VISD Transportation. Back To School 2022-2023. Students that have non-COVID-19 symptoms of illness may be treated in the same area as students receiving treatment or care. The 2022-23 Plano ISD Back to School Plan was shared with the Board of Trustees at their August 2, 2022, meeting. It should be noted that the District is obligated to notify and collaborate with outside agencies when students are chronically absent. Please emailresources@vvisd.orgfor further questions regarding how VVISD plans to implement prevention, response, and mitigation to keep our students, staff, & community safe. Some Chicago Public School seniors are involved in a program that will help bring them back to the district's classrooms . The District of Innovation plan may not include exemptions to the following: Elected boards of trustees. 15510 Therefore, returning to full-time in-person learning is a priority for the Valley Central School District. Parking and the easiest access to the center is available off of the 1000 block of Ben . The team has initiated plans that are mindful of student home access to reliable internet and computers. The parent/ guardian will be called to pick up the student with suspected symptoms of COVID-19. Diagnostic equipment will be cleansed between students and if available, disposable equipment will be used. Health office staff will communicate with the Orange County Department of Health on positive cases of COVID-19 and will assist in tracing for possible quarantine orders for students or staff that were in contact with a positive COVID-19 person. In addition, nurses will be supplied with an approved disinfectant that they can use between each student visit. Jayme Ginda-Baxter, Principal Of middle and high school students, 2,551 chose remote learning; 6,927 chose in-person instruction; and 736 did not specify. Masks will not be required for outdoor sports; however, they will be required for indoor sports. Victoria ISD 102 Profit St Victoria, TX . . To prepare for the 1st day of School August 17th students should use the Online Registration or call 940-553-1900 Ext. An action plan is being created with a central emphasis on family engagement leading up to and through the start of school. Student teachers will serve under the supervision of our full-time certified teachers only. Powers and duties of school boards, superintendents, and principals PEIMS Criminal history record checks and educator misconduct reporting Curriculum and graduation requirements Bilingual education Special education Prekindergarten All communications will be provided through a variety of communication methods including website, social media, emails, robo calls, newsletters, and regular mail and translated into the languages spoken by families. ) Assist with facilitation of professional development on signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and lack of student motivation. Share resources on signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression. The carrier for each VISD employee benefit plan is listed with their contact information. 944 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549 Once a rural farming area, Venus has grown into a small suburban community. There should be regular streaming of lessons during the quarantine period to ensure the student stays connected and engaged. BOARD SEEKS COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FOR SUPERINTENDENT PROCESS, To report errors or issues with the website, please email All necessary information will be communicated to District staff, students, parents/guardians, visitors, education partners, and vendors via our existing communication modes, which include the District website, Facebook, and School Messenger. Vendors will access the entry designated by administration and have restricted access to the building. Valley Central will train all personnel on new protocols and frequently communicate safety guidelines. Staff who are sick or suspected to be sick ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick,,, Proper use of chemicals and Safety Data sheets, Transfer of hand sanitizer in smaller containers, List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19),, Cleaning and sanitizing of the face covering (if applicable), Provide training for staff and students on wearing, putting on, removing and discarding PPE, including in the context of their current and potential duties, cloth-face- coverings.html, Inclusive into your existing Respirator Protection Program or can be a separate Respirator Protection Program for medical staff only, Training provided for identified personnel only, OSHA Requirements for Occupational Use of N95 Respirators in Healthcare. Secondary schools post individual schedules on Parent/Student Portal. The attached Van Vleck ISD Back To School Plan has been developed with collaboration of information from the VVISD Reopening Task Force, parent and staff surveys, the recent release from TEA officials, the Governor's Executive Orders, and the Texas Department of State Health Services local authorities. Gloves, face-covering masks, face shields, safety goggles, N95 Respirators, and gowns will be available in every health office and used per CDC, NYSDOH, and SED guidelines. Where feasible, entry and egress in and out of all buildings will be limited to a single location, except for the arrival and dismissal of students. Van Vleck Independent School District142 S Fourth StreetVan Vleck, TX 77482Phone: (979)245-8518Fax: (979)245-1214. 12510 Cleansing of cloth masks should be done daily. Keep their student home to receive instruction virtually. Secondary schools post individual schedules on, The District will continue to follow its established attendance policies. Cleansing of cloth masks should be done daily. About VISD. The facts as we currently know them (NYSDOH, CDC). The importance of social distancing, monitoring symptoms of COVID-19, and when to stay home. Therefore, returning to full-time in-person learning is a priority for the Valley Central School District. Spectators will be allowed as per the guidelines provided by the State. ) Phone 469-752-8100 | Fax . Staff and students are allowed to use hand sanitizer, but hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is still more effective. Any hand sanitizer used in Valley Central Schools will have a minimum of 60% alcohol. Accommodations, where appropriate, will be provided when and where needed. When using hand sanitizer, hands should be rubbed together with sanitizer until completely dry. EXCELLENCE GROWS HERE. If the mask is soiled, wet, or torn, it will be changed. Sneeze guards will be used at desk locations in the health office to protect from germs and bacteria. All nurses will have surgical masks and medical-grade fitted N95 masks available for when they encounter a sick student or staff that are showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Students that require treatment for injury or chronic conditions will be assessed and treated in a separate location from sick students. Children and adolescents with the virus that causes COVID-19 may experience any, all, or none of these symptoms. 120 Broadway, Maybrook, NY 12543 Victoria Independent School District . Our plan will align with the regulations developed in . In addition to providing mental health support, these professionals will assist with attendance concerns, Yale RULER implementation and other SEL programming. The COVID 19 Coordinator will then notify building administration and a plan will be implemented to contact parents of students on that bus. Victoria ISD Page 7 Personal Graduation Plan Name: ID #: School: Grade: The Four Year Plan is intended to give you and your parent(s) a guide to use as you progress through high school. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to transport students to school to reduce density on buses. Valley Central will promote vaccination among teachers, staff, and familiesby providing information about COVID-19 vaccinations and establishing supportive policies and practices that make being vaccinated as easy and convenient as possible. 18138 Provide training for faculty/staff on how to address close contact interactions with students as part of everyday job tasks. All visitors must be wearing proper face covering prior to entering any building and it must be worn at all times. The Orange County Health Department will provide guidance on who is to quarantine or isolate. All communications will be provided through a variety of communication methods including website, social media, emails, robo calls, newsletters, and regular mail and translated into the languages spoken by families. Our priority is providing a robust education while keeping students, staff, and families safe and healthy. Assist with supporting readjustment period for new school schedule and social distance guidelines. Valley Central is committed to prioritizing social emotional well-being not at the expense of academics, but in order to create the mental, social and emotional space to access rigorous academic content with confidence. At Valley Central, our primary commitment is to the students and families we serve. Symptoms to be observed, per guidance from the CDC and NYSED, are flushed cheeks, rapid or difficulty breathing without recent physical activity, fatigue and/ or irritability, and frequent use of the bathroom. Vidor ISD utilizes a visitor tracking system that enhances our school security environment. Some special needs students who are medically fragile may not be able to maintain social distancing, hand or respiratory hygiene, or wear a face covering or mask. Assist with referrals to community agencies as needed. 1) Early Bird Catches The Worm. All rights reserved. Glove usage is only necessary for staff, other than the nurses, when they are cleaning off an area for usage, cleaning equipment after use, and in food service. Keyboard covers may be utilized to aid in the cleaning and disinfection process. Changes to the public health situation over the course of the summer may require changes to this protocol. Windows on buses will be cracked to improve air circulation. Work has begun on Let Duluth Vote's alternative to the Duluth school district's long-range facilities plan. Each building will provide families with schedules specific to their school. Materials may also be sent home to the students. When they arrive at the school, they will call the health office and the ill student will be brought out to the parent/ guardian. Valley Central has acquired a sufficient number of hotspots to assist families without internet access. Updates are also archived in English and Spanish at Installing social distancing markers on the floors, etc. Keeping our community informed will be of high priority. Actual financial. #LeopardNation is PROUD TO SERVE. This can be accomplished by. All other visitors entering the buildings will occur through the main entrance to a check-in point at the greeter station. Students or staff exhibiting signs of illness or signs of COVID-19 will immediately notify the school nurse and be sent to the school health office for assessment by the Registered Nurse.
visd back to school planvintage survey equipment
Pre-K School Supply List 1 box of 16 crayons (Crayola preferred) 1 pair of blunt child-sized scissors (Fiskar preferred) 1 set watercolors 1 box of 8 washable markers (Crayola classic colors preferred) . Everyone must wear a mask while on a school bus, regardless of vaccination status. Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Health office staff will communicate with the Orange County Department of Health on positive cases of COVID-19 and will assist in tracing for possible quarantine orders for students or staff that were in contact with a positive COVID-19 person. Social distancing and face coverings will be required. In the event that the District is forced to go to remote learning, the Valley Central Technology Department is fully prepared to ensure we are ready. Back to top. Task Forces. 2022-2023 Academic Calendar. The Valley Central Reopening Plan provides a framework to ensure that all students with disabilities continue to have available to them a free appropriate public education (FAPE) that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living in the least restrictive environment (LRE), ) is our Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and oversees all aspects of staffing for our Back to School Plan, In the event that schools are closed unexpectedly, all students will be provided with, 946 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, 1189 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549, 175 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549,, Attendance policies and procedures will be communicated with families and students prior to the start of the school year, or if the instructional model changes during the year, and will be recorded daily in SchoolTool. Students will be instructed to wash/sanitize hands prior to and after touching the keyboards along with other frequently touched surfaces. District of Innovation Plan; School Bond 2015; Required Postings; Facility and Property Use; Departments" . School Psychologists, Student Assistance Counselors and additional mental health professionals, provide student, family and staff support. All classrooms and buildings at large will be cleaned in accordance with NYS Guidelines. Students who are sick or exhibit symptoms of any illness should not attend school in-person and their health care provider should be contacted. Copyright 2023 Van Vleck Independent School District. Masks are optional and are not required but are encouraged. The Venus Independent School District has been committed to providing excellence in education for its students since it was founded in 1914. Students and staff must practice good hand hygiene to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. People with a fever will be told to stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of fever-reducing medicines, such as acetaminophen. Currently, the major categories of data collected are: Organizational. Each classroom, main office, and health office will have a supply of masks as needed. For routine daily work, gloves are not recommended for use. to support and improve virtual instruction and student engagement. All teachers will hold valid and appropriate certificates for teaching assignment, except where otherwise allowable under the Commissioners regulations (e.g., incidental teaching) or Education Law. Each building will provide families with schedules specific to their school. Windows on buses will be cracked to improve air circulation. Breakfast will be grab and go in all buildings. is our School Lunch Manager and oversees all aspects of child nutrition in our Reopening Plan. VVISD 2020-2021 Back to School Plan : At A Glance. There will be a la carte items available at cost. While planning for CTE instruction, whether in-person, remote or hybrid models, Valley Central has collaborated with Orange-Ulster BOCES to ensure high school instructional plans are aligned. Provision of student engagement interventions, after school social emotional groups, and mental health programming through the physical education department. Valley Central will maintain a Helpdesk system for parents/students/teachers to report technical issues that might be experienced during remote learning. will continue to serve as the Districts COVID-19 Coordinator. Each classroom, main office, and health office will have a supply of masks as needed. Collaboration with school nurses is essential and Valley Central will involve school health services staff and consider collaborative strategies that address needed health services for our students. Phone number is 845-360-6600 Fully vaccinated people who have a known exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID -19 do not need to be tested or be quarantined, as long as they are not exhibiting symptoms. Promote frequent and thorough hand washing by providing employees, the school community, and visitors with a place to wash their hands. is our District Nurse Coordinator and oversees the health and safety aspects of our 2021-2022 Back to School Plan. Brad Conklin will be notified. Valley Central will use additional space as we are able to help facilitate distancing. chronically absent and contact will be made with their families to determine reasons for absence and needs or barriers the student may have to participate in school. 2.) Child-safe fans will be used to increase the effectiveness of open windows. Greeter stations will serve as the primary location for accounting for all individuals entering and exiting the building. If soap and running water are not immediately available, provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol. Identify student needs for food and shelter. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), remote learning highlighted inequities in education, was detrimental to the educational attainment of students of all ages, and exacerbated the mental health crisis among children and adolescents. A separate room will be utilized where applicable. The new VISD Connections Center, 3002 E. North St., Suite J, is on the old Stroman Middle School campus. The sharing of food and beverages (e.g., buffet style meals, snacks) is prohibited. Lawmakers did approve a bill providing $6.3 billion for K-12 public schools, the bulk of their operating funds for the 2023-24 school year, including an expansion of an existing program that gives . All nurses offices will have sinks for hand washing with soap and water and hand sanitizer. Visit the Adobe website to download the free Acrobat Reader. Students requiring a nebulizer treatment will be treated in a separate room with nursing personnel wearing PPE. The parent/ guardian will be called to pick up the student with suspected symptoms of COVID-19. Valley Central is committed to collaborating with parents and guardians in addressing attendance issues and providing interventions to prevent chronic absenteeism. If they have a fever or have signs and symptoms of COVID-19, they will contact their health care provider. You will want to review the plan each year to make sure you are taking the required courses for graduation. In addition, they will have face shields, gloves, and a gown to protect themselves and the students. Your report can be anonymous as long as you don't enter your name. Areas will be disinfected after each student and staff by custodial staff or health office staff wearing appropriate PPE. Marianne Serratore ( is our Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. The school and families may develop plans to assist with reentry to the building. Encourage and practice proper respiratory etiquette (i.e., coughing or sneezing into your elbow if a tissue is not available). Our plan retains a strong focus on academic instruction to enhance student performance and address learning loss, as well as an emphasis on the social-emotional needs of our students, which is a priority. Masks will not be required for outdoor sports; however, they will be required for indoor sports. Health office staff will wear appropriate PPE when assessing and caring for students/ staff of suspected COVID-19. Our Back to School 21-22 plan will define clear guidance for the operation of our six schools and ALC. All students will be provided with a district Chromebook. 1189 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549 Valley Central will return to 100% in-person learning in September 2021. District Strategic Plan. Early shoppers are more likely to find discounts and deals on backpacks, binders, pencils, pens, and other necessary items like textbooks. The Venus Independent School District (ISD) Board of Trustees has employed Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Executive Search Services to assist with the search for a new superintendent. Fit testing will be done by Orange Ulster BOCES Risk Management Department. Assist with facilitation of classroom guidance on social distance practices in school. 430 were here. Signs will be posted to encourage best practice use of masks, socially distancing, stay at home if you are sick, stopping the spread of germs, and hand washing, to be posted around each school. Gloves will be used by health office staff for all physical contact with students and staff and for all treatments and procedures. Reminding students and staff to stay home when sick and to get tested. Board of Trustees Regular & Special Called Meeting Agenda. All visitors must check in at the greeters desk for temperature screening and to fill out the COVID-19 CheckIn Health Screening. Parents/ guardians will be told to look for symptoms of MIS-C and they will be told to immediately follow-up with their healthcare provider should any of the symptoms be present: 911 will be called if any student exhibits signs and symptoms of MIS-C. CDC guidance will be followed for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Eleanore Mills ( is our School Lunch Manager and oversees all aspects of child nutrition in our Reopening Plan. Diagnostic equipment will be cleansed between students and if available, disposable equipment will be used. As recommended by the CDC all Valley Central teachers, staff, students, and visitors will wear masks regardless of vaccination status. Hand sanitizer will be in areas where students may use it under supervision. Greeter stations will remain at all entrances of each building. TEA announces back-to-school health regulations Victoria school district's back-to-school plans will continue to evolve in light of state guidelines. Provide individual counseling to students who express fears, loss, anxiety and/or signs of depression by providing age-appropriate stress management and coping strategies. All schools in Valley Central will follow SFA policies when communicating about school meal services, eligibility, options and changes in operations. Using hand sanitizers will include: Signage placed near sanitizer dispensers indicating soiled hands should be washed with soap and water; Placement of sanitizer dispensers located near entrances and throughout common areas. 2700 W. 15th Street, Plano, TX 75075. We will use standardized posters created by CDC, NYSDOH, or NYSED for a consistent message. Our priority is providing a robust education while keeping students, staff, and families safe and healthy. As a District that provides half-day and full-day UPK, we attest that we have measures in place to ensure the CBOs we contract with will follow health and safety guidelines outlined in the NYSED guidance and required by the NYSDOH. VICTORIA, Texas - The VISD school board's meeting held on Thursday, March 11, approved a revised 2020-2021 academic calendar. Access the full plan here:, Access the Transportation Information Form here: Once a rural farming area, Venus has grown into a small suburban community. Title IX Coordinators for Victoria ISD are Tammy Nobles, Executive Director of Talent Acquisition, Support and Retention - (361) 788-9227 and Dawn Maroney, Director of Student Services (361) 788-9250 Signs will be posted that states that all teachers, staff, students and visitors must wear masks regardless of vaccination status. PPE will be disposed of properly, according to CDC, NYSDOH, and OSHA guidelines. 2228 and schedule an appointment with Mrs. Pring. Teachers will establish a Google Classroom for remote learning. supervised when using these. Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Proper use of chemicals and Safety Data sheets, Transfer of hand sanitizer in smaller containers, List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), Exposure Control Plan with a focus on Pandemic/COVID-19, Cleaning and sanitizing of the face covering (if applicable), Provide training for staff and students on wearing, putting on, removing and discarding PPE, including in the context of their current and potential duties, cloth-face-, Use of face coverings (donning/doffing) (cloth vs. surgical), Respirator Protection (N95 required for identified employees per NYS), Inclusive into your existing Respirator Protection Program or can be a separate Respirator Protection Program for medical staff only, Training provided for identified personnel only. If any student or staff member exhibits emergency warning signs such as trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face, 911 will be called and the operator will be informed that the person may have COVID-19. Staff will be told to stay home if they are sick. Any hand sanitizer used in Valley Central Schools will have a minimum of 60% alcohol. The 2022-23 Plano ISD Back to School Plan was shared with the Board of Trustees at their August 2, 2022, meeting. For routine daily work, gloves are not recommended for use. Hand washing is the best defense against exposure, and the use of gloves requires hand washing before and after the use of gloves. To ensure all staff, and students comply with building entry and exit procedures, Valley Central will do the following: Limit nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations during the school day. Signs and symptoms of COVID-19 may include but are not limited to. Phone: (845) 457-2400. One of the most important back-to-school shopping tips is to start early. Educating the school community on district policies/procedures, including how to properly wear and dispose of a face mask/respirator. ) Maintain social distancing of no less than 6ft. The District will also schedule opportunities to connect with families to educate them on how to use the technologies and connect to the instructional activities. ) District of Innovation . Students and First Student staff must wear acceptable face coverings at all times on school buses and should maintain appropriate social distancing. The parent/ guardian will be instructed to call their health care provider, local clinic, or urgent care center. . No vendor should access the building unless it is necessary for the completion of his or her job. Proper respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes. All schools will monitor daily attendance and/or required daily scheduled student contact and engagement regardless of the format of instruction being used throughout the school year. All schools in Valley Central will follow SFA policies when communicating about school meal services, eligibility, options and changes in operations. Venus ISD serves 2304 students and is located 25 miles south of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. VISD Transportation. Back To School 2022-2023. Students that have non-COVID-19 symptoms of illness may be treated in the same area as students receiving treatment or care. The 2022-23 Plano ISD Back to School Plan was shared with the Board of Trustees at their August 2, 2022, meeting. It should be noted that the District is obligated to notify and collaborate with outside agencies when students are chronically absent. Please emailresources@vvisd.orgfor further questions regarding how VVISD plans to implement prevention, response, and mitigation to keep our students, staff, & community safe. Some Chicago Public School seniors are involved in a program that will help bring them back to the district's classrooms . The District of Innovation plan may not include exemptions to the following: Elected boards of trustees. 15510 Therefore, returning to full-time in-person learning is a priority for the Valley Central School District. Parking and the easiest access to the center is available off of the 1000 block of Ben . The team has initiated plans that are mindful of student home access to reliable internet and computers. The parent/ guardian will be called to pick up the student with suspected symptoms of COVID-19. Diagnostic equipment will be cleansed between students and if available, disposable equipment will be used. Health office staff will communicate with the Orange County Department of Health on positive cases of COVID-19 and will assist in tracing for possible quarantine orders for students or staff that were in contact with a positive COVID-19 person. In addition, nurses will be supplied with an approved disinfectant that they can use between each student visit. Jayme Ginda-Baxter, Principal Of middle and high school students, 2,551 chose remote learning; 6,927 chose in-person instruction; and 736 did not specify. Masks will not be required for outdoor sports; however, they will be required for indoor sports. Victoria ISD 102 Profit St Victoria, TX . . To prepare for the 1st day of School August 17th students should use the Online Registration or call 940-553-1900 Ext. An action plan is being created with a central emphasis on family engagement leading up to and through the start of school. Student teachers will serve under the supervision of our full-time certified teachers only. Powers and duties of school boards, superintendents, and principals PEIMS Criminal history record checks and educator misconduct reporting Curriculum and graduation requirements Bilingual education Special education Prekindergarten All communications will be provided through a variety of communication methods including website, social media, emails, robo calls, newsletters, and regular mail and translated into the languages spoken by families. ) Assist with facilitation of professional development on signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and lack of student motivation. Share resources on signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression. The carrier for each VISD employee benefit plan is listed with their contact information. 944 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549 Once a rural farming area, Venus has grown into a small suburban community. There should be regular streaming of lessons during the quarantine period to ensure the student stays connected and engaged. BOARD SEEKS COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FOR SUPERINTENDENT PROCESS, To report errors or issues with the website, please email All necessary information will be communicated to District staff, students, parents/guardians, visitors, education partners, and vendors via our existing communication modes, which include the District website, Facebook, and School Messenger. Vendors will access the entry designated by administration and have restricted access to the building. Valley Central will train all personnel on new protocols and frequently communicate safety guidelines. Staff who are sick or suspected to be sick ncov/if-you-are-sick/steps-when-sick,,, Proper use of chemicals and Safety Data sheets, Transfer of hand sanitizer in smaller containers, List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19),, Cleaning and sanitizing of the face covering (if applicable), Provide training for staff and students on wearing, putting on, removing and discarding PPE, including in the context of their current and potential duties, cloth-face- coverings.html, Inclusive into your existing Respirator Protection Program or can be a separate Respirator Protection Program for medical staff only, Training provided for identified personnel only, OSHA Requirements for Occupational Use of N95 Respirators in Healthcare. Secondary schools post individual schedules on Parent/Student Portal. The attached Van Vleck ISD Back To School Plan has been developed with collaboration of information from the VVISD Reopening Task Force, parent and staff surveys, the recent release from TEA officials, the Governor's Executive Orders, and the Texas Department of State Health Services local authorities. Gloves, face-covering masks, face shields, safety goggles, N95 Respirators, and gowns will be available in every health office and used per CDC, NYSDOH, and SED guidelines. Where feasible, entry and egress in and out of all buildings will be limited to a single location, except for the arrival and dismissal of students. Van Vleck Independent School District142 S Fourth StreetVan Vleck, TX 77482Phone: (979)245-8518Fax: (979)245-1214. 12510 Cleansing of cloth masks should be done daily. Keep their student home to receive instruction virtually. Secondary schools post individual schedules on, The District will continue to follow its established attendance policies. Cleansing of cloth masks should be done daily. About VISD. The facts as we currently know them (NYSDOH, CDC). The importance of social distancing, monitoring symptoms of COVID-19, and when to stay home. Therefore, returning to full-time in-person learning is a priority for the Valley Central School District. Spectators will be allowed as per the guidelines provided by the State. ) Phone 469-752-8100 | Fax . Staff and students are allowed to use hand sanitizer, but hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is still more effective. Any hand sanitizer used in Valley Central Schools will have a minimum of 60% alcohol. Accommodations, where appropriate, will be provided when and where needed. When using hand sanitizer, hands should be rubbed together with sanitizer until completely dry. EXCELLENCE GROWS HERE. If the mask is soiled, wet, or torn, it will be changed. Sneeze guards will be used at desk locations in the health office to protect from germs and bacteria. All nurses will have surgical masks and medical-grade fitted N95 masks available for when they encounter a sick student or staff that are showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Students that require treatment for injury or chronic conditions will be assessed and treated in a separate location from sick students. Children and adolescents with the virus that causes COVID-19 may experience any, all, or none of these symptoms. 120 Broadway, Maybrook, NY 12543 Victoria Independent School District . Our plan will align with the regulations developed in . In addition to providing mental health support, these professionals will assist with attendance concerns, Yale RULER implementation and other SEL programming. The COVID 19 Coordinator will then notify building administration and a plan will be implemented to contact parents of students on that bus. Victoria ISD Page 7 Personal Graduation Plan Name: ID #: School: Grade: The Four Year Plan is intended to give you and your parent(s) a guide to use as you progress through high school. Parents and legal guardians are encouraged to transport students to school to reduce density on buses. Valley Central will promote vaccination among teachers, staff, and familiesby providing information about COVID-19 vaccinations and establishing supportive policies and practices that make being vaccinated as easy and convenient as possible. 18138 Provide training for faculty/staff on how to address close contact interactions with students as part of everyday job tasks. All visitors must be wearing proper face covering prior to entering any building and it must be worn at all times. The Orange County Health Department will provide guidance on who is to quarantine or isolate. All communications will be provided through a variety of communication methods including website, social media, emails, robo calls, newsletters, and regular mail and translated into the languages spoken by families. Our priority is providing a robust education while keeping students, staff, and families safe and healthy. Assist with supporting readjustment period for new school schedule and social distance guidelines. Valley Central is committed to prioritizing social emotional well-being not at the expense of academics, but in order to create the mental, social and emotional space to access rigorous academic content with confidence. At Valley Central, our primary commitment is to the students and families we serve. Symptoms to be observed, per guidance from the CDC and NYSED, are flushed cheeks, rapid or difficulty breathing without recent physical activity, fatigue and/ or irritability, and frequent use of the bathroom. Vidor ISD utilizes a visitor tracking system that enhances our school security environment. Some special needs students who are medically fragile may not be able to maintain social distancing, hand or respiratory hygiene, or wear a face covering or mask. Assist with referrals to community agencies as needed. 1) Early Bird Catches The Worm. All rights reserved. Glove usage is only necessary for staff, other than the nurses, when they are cleaning off an area for usage, cleaning equipment after use, and in food service. Keyboard covers may be utilized to aid in the cleaning and disinfection process. Changes to the public health situation over the course of the summer may require changes to this protocol. Windows on buses will be cracked to improve air circulation. Work has begun on Let Duluth Vote's alternative to the Duluth school district's long-range facilities plan. Each building will provide families with schedules specific to their school. Materials may also be sent home to the students. When they arrive at the school, they will call the health office and the ill student will be brought out to the parent/ guardian. Valley Central has acquired a sufficient number of hotspots to assist families without internet access. Updates are also archived in English and Spanish at Installing social distancing markers on the floors, etc. Keeping our community informed will be of high priority. Actual financial. #LeopardNation is PROUD TO SERVE. This can be accomplished by. All other visitors entering the buildings will occur through the main entrance to a check-in point at the greeter station. Students or staff exhibiting signs of illness or signs of COVID-19 will immediately notify the school nurse and be sent to the school health office for assessment by the Registered Nurse. Celebrities With Shoulder Dimples,
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