|300 | | |physical +4% |10 ||Summer Dress ||Jagged Sword | | | |knights|Glooth Club | | | | |knights|The Calamity |paladins and without|Bone Shield | |sorcerer|Fiery Barbarian Axe |9 |18.00 | | |40 | |15 |physical +7%, earth +10% | |ice +5% |magic level +2 |45 |18 |39 ||Dragon Robe | |300 |250 |earth +10% | |12 |100 |13 |120.00 | | |5 |75 | | |knights and paladins|Leather Armor |80.00 |10 |3 |8.20 | | |knights|Crest of the Deep Seas | |31.00 |fire +8%, ice -8% ||Sulphurous Demonbone |distance fighting +2 | | | | | ||Furry Club |250 | | | |9 | |physical +5%, ice +5% | |38.00 | |6.00 | | | | | |0 | |sorcerers and druids|Vampire Shield | |69.00 | | |250 | | |magic level +2 |52.50 |22 | |5.60 |17.00 | |knights|Cobra Crossbow |14 | |druids|Robe of the Underworld | |8 |knights|Crystal Crossbow Tibia character damage calculator : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit Speed calculator. | | |3 | | | | | | |speed +15 | | | | | |80 |75.00 |5.00 |18 |180.00 |75.00 | |50.00 |0 | | | | | |7.30 | These calculators require Javascript, |31 |0 ||Cobra Axe | | |50 | | |35.00 |earth +5%, fire -5% | | | | ||Fiery Relic Sword ||Damaged Helmet | | | | |knights|Amber Staff |48.00 | |21.00 | | |80 | |2.00 |28.50 |120 | | |knights|Twin Hooks | |ice +7% | |102.00 |sorcerers|Gill Gugel |25.00 ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test |druids|Shimmer Sword What is the current defense and armor formula? - TibiaQA ||Studded Club |physical +3%, ice +7% | ||Glass of Goo | | | | | | |10.00 | | | | | |27.00 |5.00 |3 | | ||Prismatic Ring | ||Warrior Helmet |110.00 | |speed +30 | |0 |60.00 | |150 | | |37.00 ||Poison Dagger | | | | |40.00 |0 | | | | | | |25.00 |49.00 ||Daramian Axe | |paladins|Rift Lance | | |22 |120 | ||Rubbish Amulet | |31 | | | |knights|Fur Boots |10 |3 ||Winged Helmet | | ||Viking Helmet |31.00 | | |0 Features: You can save/load multiple characters/targets/spells; |2.00 | | |55 |145.00 | |0.80 | Damage | TibiaWiki | Fandom | | ||Shoulder Plate |18 |4.80 |magic level +4 |15.00 |18 |sword fighting +4, axe fighting +4, club fighting +4, 19 damage reflection |120 | | | | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Club) | |sorcerers and druids|Glacier Kilt | | |150.00 |18.00 |3 | | |energy +8%, earth -8% | ||Helmet of the Ancients | | | | |200 | |55.00 | | |32 | ||Prismatic Legs |9 | |sword fighting +4, club fighting +4, axe fighting +4 |0 | |25.00 | | ||Runic Ice Shield |11 Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia ||Shimmer Bow | ||The Crown of the Percht Queen (Ice) | | | | |2 | |18 |1.00 |100 |sword fighting +3 | |physical +4%, earth +5% |8.00 | | |0 | | | | ||Unstable Ring of Ending |42.00 |sorcerers and druids|Steel Shield | | | | ||Onyx Pendant | |4.50 |50 |230 | | |80.00 | | ||Energy Ring |without|Stealth Ring |12 ||Tentacle Lamp |180 |25 | | Please note the game added a mitigation stat that even the weakest creature can reduce 1 damage with a really low mitigation value. | | |90.00 | |100 |1 | | |0 ||Helmet of the Lost |9.00 |35 | ||Hibiscus Dress |knights|Dragonbone Staff What this app looks like: Features Calculate Qty of Runes character will make Calculate how much blanks runes will be requied to make rune Calculate how much it will be cost |85.00 | |21 | | |energy +8%, earth -8% | | | | ||Execowtioner Axe ||Glooth Amulet ||Bunnyslippers |51.00 |14 |30.00 |150 | | | | | |60 |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | | | | |31 |31.00 | | | | |0 |60 | |10 ||Club Ring |50 | | | |20 |9.80 | | |18 | |270 ||Green Demon Armor |0.90 | |7 |11 ||Green Demon Legs | | |9 |105 ||Ghostsilver Lantern | |knights and paladins|Engraved Wedding Ring |20 ||Charged Alicorn Ring | |9 ||Diamond Necklace |12.00 |knights|Lion Spellbook | | ||Light Mace |78.00 |4.30 |60 |knights|Pharaoh Sword | ||Fiery Spike Sword |knights|Impaler |49.00 | |40.00 | I have just updated my site and added a new section for the character damage calculator. | |80 |20 |11 | ||Yalahari Armor |17 ||Treader of Torment | | | | |60 | After filling all the needed data, your damage will be calculated. |17.00 | |knights|Falcon Bow |60 | |knights|Battle Hammer ||Windborn Colossus Armor | |shielding -10 |33 | |19.00 | |25.00 |123.00 |paladins|Charged Arboreal Ring |knights|Earth War Hammer |90 | |0 | |9.00 |35.00 | | |speed +10 | |26.50 |13 |5.00 | |knights and paladins|Leather Boots |55.00 |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Plate | |200 | ||Demonrage Sword |magic level +1 |58.00 |150 | | ||Time Ring |28.00 |32 | | | | |180 | |35 | | | | | |knights|Frostheart Platemail |sorcerers|War Axe |30 |200 | |knights|Bow | | | |300 ||Earth War Axe | |64.50 |sorcerers|Wand of Inferno | |35 | | | |magic level +2 |0 |0.90 |magic level +1 |2 |13 |club fighting +3 | | |99.00 | | | | |41.00 |speed +30, faster regeneration | | | |physical +4%, fire +2% ||Eye of the Storm |55 |death +5% | | |8 ||Prismatic Armor |energy +12%, earth +12% |ice +3% |28 ||Short Sword |5 |56.00 |ice +4%, energy -5% |earth +8%, fire -8% |3 |axe fighting +1 |80 ||Haunted Blade |magic level +2 |24 ||Bone Club | | |35.00 |knights|Crude Umbral Blade | |5.00 |sword fighting +5 |magic level +1 | |sword fighting +1 | |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 ||Phoenix Shield |7 | | | | | | |13 |61.00 |59.00 ||Viking Shield | | | |0 |28 |44.00 ||Exotic Legs | |knights and paladins|Leaf Legs |35 | | ||Yalahari Leg Piece |19 | | |knights|Ragnir Helmet |1 |120 | |20 | | | |18.50 |10.00 | | | | |club fighting +3 ||Crystal Sword |1 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Dragon Shield |physical +13% |99.00 | | |distance fighting +1 | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |270 |46.00 |0.10 |knights and paladins|Depth Calcei | | | | |65 |35 Chcesz wiedzie, ktra gildia w tibii jest najlepsza? | | |15 | |ice +8%, energy -8% |90.00 |knights|Ornate Testtplate |0.90 |400 | | | ||Silver Necklace | | |None|Emerald Sword |1.00 | |14.50 | | | ||Earth Knight Axe | |87.00 ||Bridal Wreath ||Terra Legs |fire +4%, ice -5% |10.00 | ||Mystic Turban |7.70 |0 | |paladins|Fur Armor | Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. |magic level +2 | | | | | | |7 |knights and paladins|Swan Feather Cloak | |52.00 |7.40 | | | | |magic level +1 |200 |distance fighting +2 |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Magic) |37.00 | |death +6%, holy -3% |40 | | | | |38.00 | |physical +2% |34 | | |2.00 | |38.00 |5.50 | ||Coat |60 |0 | |physical +5%, earth +5% |0 | |18.00 |23 UPDATE: EK spell damage has been updated. |physical +5%, fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5% |1.20 ||Thunderheart Cuirass | | ||Rhodolith Necklace |4.10 | |75 |95.00 |60 | |death +12% | |8 The color for physical damage might vary depending on the creature that receives it. | | |37.00 | | | | ||Bonfire Amulet |7.00 |sorcerers|Wand of Destruction Test |death +10% | | | | | | | | |14 | |2 | |fire +20%, ice -10% | | | | |45 | | |11 | | | | |120 | |41.00 |31.00 |1 |270 |shielding +1 |20 ||Rubber Cap |25 | | | | | |18.00 | |120.00 Is there still a damage calculator : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit |59.00 |120.00 | |27 |66.00 | ||Stonecutter Axe |300 |0 | | | | |60 | ||Emerald Necklace ||Opulent Floor Lamp (Lit) There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. |8 |distance fighting +2 |50 | | |sword fighting +2 Kalkulator hitw - Tibia Statistics - GuildStats.eu |physical +5% | |19.89 |0 |druids|Obsidian Lance |1 ||Bonelord Shield |22 | |magic level +2, faster Regeneration | |145.00 Stamina calculator. |38.00 |9 | | |30.00 | | |300 |druids|Oriental Shoes | | ||Sai | ||Great Shield |25.00 | ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Unlit) |faster regeneration |4 |9.00 | ||Berserker | ||Mythril Axe |knights and paladins|Grasshopper Legs |magic level +2 |5.00 | |68.00 |physical +3%, earth +14% | | | |22 |sorcerers and druids|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Sword) ||Yol's Bow |0 | | | |knights|Studded Legs | |earth +7% Damage Calculator (Experimental) Step 1: Select your vocation: Knight Paladin. |150 | ||Broken Amulet | | | |55 ||Stone of Wisdom | |38 |48.00 |84.50 |11 ||Golden Scorpion Pendant | |6 |5.10 | | |knights|Machete |300 | | | |knights|Guardian Axe | | | ||Lightning Robe |20 | | |knights|Spiky Club | | | |12 ||Elven Amulet |knights|Banana Staff | | |0 |16 | |paladins and without|Rift Shield | |knights|Icy Clerical Mace |200 |165.00 | | | | ||Fluorescent Fungi (Unlit) |4 |paladins|Eldritch Claymore | | | |paladins|Toga Mortis |18.00 |75 | |knights|Triple Bolt Crossbow |20 | | |20.00 |paladins|Umbral Master Hammer |druids|Morning Star | |120.00 |400 ||Crown Shield | |41.00 |40.00 |38.00 |fire +8%, ice -8% |60 |35.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spellscroll of Prophecies | | | | | | |axe fighting +1 | |distance fighting +3 | | |1 |40 |46.00 | | |physical +12% ||Garnet Necklace | | ||Ice Chandelier | | |10 |24 |45 | | ||Magic Light Wand (Lit) |0 | |magic level +3 | |200 |4.50 |speed +15, distance fighting +1 | |8 | | | |knights|Diamond Sceptre ||Model Ship Lamp | | Winter Update 2021 brings three new effects that can be added to weapons, armor and helmets using the Exaltation Forge. | |11.00 | ||Umbral Master Chopper | | | | |80 |220 |knights|Arboreal Crown |8.50 |200 | ||Leaf Crown |55.00 | |1 | | |0.85 |250 | | |physical +5% |0 |10.00 | | |270 | |32 ||Broken Iks Faulds |41.00 | ||Knife |82 | |21 | |energy +3% |15 |27.00 Other stuff, like skills, is 500. ||Vampire's Signet Ring |0 |club fighting +1 | | |14 | | | | |0.90 | | | | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! |27.00 |11.00 |21 ||Obsidian Zaoan Knight |sword fighting +3 | | |knights|Rift Bow |21 |250 |3 | |100 |knights|Sapphire Hammer |29.00 | | | |120 |72.00 | |5 | |0.80 |0 | |knights|Dragon Scale Boots |130 |52.00 | |10 |50.00 | |magic level +5, fire magic level +1, energy magic level +1 ||Broken Iks Cuirass | | |20.00 ||Blue Quiver ||Lit Glowing Mushroom | | |0 | | | |0 | | | |paladins|Umbral Chopper | |35.00 | | | ||Castle Shield | ||Bast Legs | |79.00 |80 | |47.00 |50.00 | |0 |25.00 | | |91.00 |27.00 |61.50 |0 | |physical +5% Magical Damage cannot be blocked, and the damage it inflicts is not reduced by the target's armor. | |25 |fire +8%, ice -8% ||Jungle Quiver |sorcerers|Wand of Darkness |80.00 |400 Party Shared Calculator, enter your LVL and discover. | |63.00 |1.00 | | | | | Thanks to Tibia.fandom.com and Tibiawiki.com.br for some images and information we use to create our content. |100 | | |200 |earth +8% |18 |magic level +1 Achievements checker. | |paladins|Ornate Legs |32.00 | | |7.00 |25.00 | |29.00 | |69.00 |knights and paladins|Dawnfire Pantaloons |50.00 ||Exotic Amulet |sorcerers|Soulshell |energy +8%, physical +6%, ice -2% |250 This is the same color displayed when mana is used to protect hitpoints by using. | | | | |25 |2 |distance fighting +2, shielding +2 | | | |100 | | |35 |2.70 | | |30 |distance fighting +2 | | | |druids|Elite Draken Helmet | |13.00 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Coif |100 | |100 |200 | |35 | | |magic level +2 | |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Axe) | |27.00 |180 |distance fighting +4 | | ||Crocodile Boots | | ||Fluorescent Fungi (Lit) |sorcerers and druids|Cobra Hood |physical +3% ||Flower Wreath |sorcerers and druids|Dwarven Axe ||Composite Hornbow |48.00 |0.70 ||Turtle Amulet | | |55.00 ||Ogre Choppa |physical +10% | |7.50 | | Damage Calculator - GEOCITIES.ws | |magic level +2 | |60 | | |6 |180 | |knights|Sabre | |26.00 | |22.00 | |60 ||Depth Lorica | |15 | |sorcerers|Wand of Defiance | |physical +6% |knights|Wailing Widow's Necklace | |speed +10 | | ||Knight Axe | ||Tempest Shield ||Shimmer Wand |speed +300 ||Brandon's Wedding Ring | UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. |knights|Hammer of Wrath | |1.20 |0 |15 |club fighting +1 |45 |druids|Falcon Escutcheon | | |120.00 |130 | ||Shapeshifter Ring | |knights|Soulbleeder | |6 |magic level +1 |85.00 |0 |126.00 | ||Witch Hat |54.00 | | |paladins|Umbral Master Bow Test | | | | | |5.00 |36 | |51.00 |85.00 |knights|Painted Gourd Rattle |energy +8%, earth -8% |magic level +2 |death +5% |sorcerers|Badger Boots | | | | | |12.00 |7.70 | Private dummy. | website of Tibia is tibia.com. |32.00 | ||Summerblade | |25.50 |25 | |0 | | |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 | |220 | |sorcerers and druids|Lion Spangenhelm | | |12.50 | |fire +6% |earth +8%, fire -8% |45.00 | |28 |10 | | |2 |physical +6% |29 | | |45.00 | |5.00 | |2 |0.60 | |earth +5% |68.00 | |45.00 | | |druids|Eldritch Wand |270 | | |120.00 |36.00 | | ||Energy Cranial Basher |9 |distance fighting +2 |3 | ||Prismatic Boots | | |10 | | | | |23.00 | |knights|Hand Axe |31.00 | |17 |250 |sorcerers and druids|Soulbastion Desired skill with loyalty included. |60 | |knights|Thunderheart Hauberk | | | |27.00 | |5.00 |55 | | |magic level +2 | | | |5.00 | ||Beastslayer Axe | ||Earth Blacksteel Sword ||Umbral Master Spellbook | |18 | ||Runed Sword |paladins|Pair of Soulwalkers The Exaltation Forge: The Complete Guide - GuildStats.eu allows you to engage in meaningful conversations with NPCs in the game. TibiaPal.com - Exp Calculator | | |52.50 ||Blister Ring | | ||Blue Sphere | | | | | |24 |0 |ice +5% ||Noble Armor | ||Magic Light Wand Summary. | | | |27.00 |220 | |41.00 |200 |20 What is the optimal setup of damage-charms in Issavi West for team hunts as a mage? | |4 |magic level +1 | ||Green Light | | Lucky you hehehe, I wish tibia-stars calculated crit damage also. | |61.50 | ||Frozen Claw |66.00 |0 ||Snake God's Wristguard | | |52.00 |22 Tibia character damage calculator. | |125.00 | | |0.80 ||Burnt Down Torch |sorcerers|Bandana |180 | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |0.70 | | | |30.00 | |druids|Gilded Eldritch Wand |sorcerers and druids|Glooth Cape Step 2: Enter your level: Step 3: Enter your magic level: Share with: Link: Copy link . Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia | | ||Basin with a Flower | | | | ||Axe of Destruction | |60 |75 |150 |7 | |3 |1 |200 | |84.50 | |6.00 | | | |magic level +4 |13.00 | | | Also note the distance hit % used is the max you can get with a high distance skill, I will adjust it to properly calculate the miss chance for low distance skills according to TibiaWiki formula. | | |8 | | | | | | | |34.00 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. |70 |81.00 | |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield |80 | | | ||Crude Umbral Axe |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |4.50 |5 |0.30 |ice +12% | |25 | | |15 | | | | | |9 |10.00 |0 |club fighting +2 | | ||Odd Hat Tibiantis Info - Healing |12.00 | |75 |110.00 | |paladins|Jungle Flail ||Icy War Axe | | | | |magic level +1 |83.00 |12.50 |4.55 |70.00 |60 | |65 |75 |17 |55 | | | ||Bone Sword | | | ||Metal Wall Lamp | | | |faster regeneration, speed +20 | |0 |sorcerers and druids|Energy Barbarian Axe |knights and paladins|Draken Boots The primary drawback to magic damage is that many creatures are immune to different types of magic damage, and therefore are not affected by it. |ice +2% ||Ripper Lance | | Scan this QR code to download the app now. |29 |50 |130 |9 | |63.00 | |magic level +4, earth magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% | | ||Table Lamp | | |24.50 |2 ||Lamp | Tibia and TibiaME are trademarks of CipSoft GmbH. |21 | | | | |25 |2.00 |earth +10%, fire -10% ||Chain Bolter |7 | ||Bear Skin | | |magic level +4 |distance fighting +3 |35.00 | | |6.90 |100 | | | | |35.00 |physical +6%, fire +10% |axe fighting +2 | |7.00 |magic level +3 |knights|Lion Rod |65 | |ice +20%, energy -10% | |magic level +2, healing magic level +2, mana leech 1% | |22 | | |magic level +2 |22.00 | | |sorcerers and druids|Deepling Squelcher Vocation-Skill-Base skill + loyalty. |34 |120 | | |120.00 Unjustified kills. | |60 | I want to know what is the formula to calculate the damage of each vocation , I mean for example I deal more damage if im more level? |24 |23.00 |20 Sorc Spell Damage Sheet : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit |7.00 |50.00 |38.00 | ||Shockwave Amulet |energy +4% | |45 |30 | | | | |150 | | | | Starting level: Target level: (Optional) Exp per hour (in kk/h): (Optional) Hours hunting per day: TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. |5.00 | |220 | |paladins|Mooh'tah Plate ||Iron Crown | | |16 |79.00 | |200 |7 |13.00 |knights and paladins|Mutant Bone Boots | |21 |70 | |150 | | |death +8%, holy -8% |21 | | | |13 | | |100 ||Ferumbras' Candy Hat | |sorcerers|Wand of Everblazing |400 |22 | ||Mathmaster Shield (Replica) |, | |25 ||Traditional Gamsbart Hat |sorcerers and druids|Brass Shield | | |death +3% | |magic level +1 | |35 Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. | | |25.00 |death +5% | |knights|Blade of Corruption |death +2% |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% ||Titan Axe |65 |75.00 |40 | |energy +12% |distance fighting +4 |holy +8% | | |28.50 |0.80 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Unlit) ||Assassin Dagger | |physical +3%, fire +6%, ice -5% | |30 | |club fighting +5 I have adjusted it to use the new character level bonus scale. ||Obsidian Zaoan Queen |8 |knights|Magic Sword |100.00 |18 |16 |32 |12 |15 | |35.00 Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. |20 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Lost Souls |250 |160.00 ||Tagralt Blade | | | | discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. |physical +2%, ice +9% | |physical +10%, energy +15% | | |faster regeneration |knights and paladins|Mutated Skin Armor ||Fire Sword ||Zaoan Wall Lamps (Lit) |150 | |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |sorcerers|Demon Legs | |15 UPDATE 2: There is still an issue with the EK spell calcs, I am reviewing the code atm. |knights|Heated Worm Punisher |ice +7% |22 |40.00 | |5.00 | | |10 | | | | | | | | | |holy +8% To avoid this verification in future, please. | |2 | |15 | |magic level +2 |8 |35.00 | | ||Gryphon Mask | | | |35 | | ||Dark Wizard's Crown (Activated) |82.00 |120 | | ||Krimhorn Helmet ||Friendship Amulet | | | ||Naga Axe | |knights and paladins|Magician's Robe |magic level +1 | |26.00 |55 |85.00 | | |0 | | | |80.00 |40.00 |knights|Eldritch Greataxe | |220 | |shielding +3 |distance fighting +1, speed +20 ||Scimitar | ||Snake God's Sceptre ||Rift Lamp ||Amulet of Loss ||Meat Shield |0 |400 | | | Calculate the price of Tibia Coins by amounts, updated prices for Mexico. | |80 |0 |32.00 |89.00 |25.00 |0.40 | |5.00 |0 |0.20 |10.00 |7 | | | | |27.60 Calculators - Exevo Pan |50.00 | | |4 | |12 |22 |9.30 | |druids|Cobra Sword ||Golden Bell | |23.00 | | |1 |4 | | ||Brown Pit Demon |31 | ||Focus Cape |0.50 |earth +10% | |18 |1 |sword fighting +1 |38.00 |death +12%, holy -12% What is the city of residence of King Tibianus? | |42.00 | |60 |27 | |3 | | |6.00 | | |11 |distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 | |55.00 |0 |125.00 | | | |2 |druids|Naga Sword |17 |paladins|Gill Coat |35 | | | | |magic level +1 | |52.00 |50.00 |20 |19.00 | | | | | | ||Northern Star | ||Torch |400 |18 |20.00 ||Dark Helmet | |3 |5.70 | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Warding ||Asuri Talisman | | |10 |31.00 |23 | |33 | | | |fire +4% | | | | |7.00 | |paladins|Red Robe |magic level +3 | |0.90 |1.05 | | ||Foxtail Amulet |0.90 | | |8 | | | | ||Mace |paladins|Eldritch Shield | ||The Cobra Amulet Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine. |85 | |energy +8% | |9.00 ||Relic Sword By continuing to use this website, you | |5.40 |knights and paladins|Falcon Greaves | | | | ||Glowing Sulphur Fungi (Unlit) |3 | | ||Sapphire Amulet |12 |2 | ||Gearwheel Chain |35.00 | | ||Plate Shield |19.00 | |21.00 |0 | |48.00 | |, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | | |25 |38.00 |10 |12.50 | |physical +60%, earth +40% |46.00 | |energy +5%, earth -5% | |12.00 |shielding +3 | ||Shield of Care ||Hive Bow |58 |5.00 | |knights|Umbral Blade | | | ||Broken Wedding Ring |180 | | |physical +4% |0 | | | |5.00 |0 | | | |9 |145.00 |2 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | |10 |physical +2%, life drain +10% | ||Wyvern Fang | |55 | | | | ||Bonelord Helmet | | | |19.00 | |8.05 | | |188.00 | | | | |55.00 | | | | Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | |46.00 | | | | 1 to 100, 100 to 101) | | |65 Damage is the result of some kind of attack. ||Hunting Spear |15.00 | |8 |knights|Umbral Mace |100 | |0 | |physical +3% | |21 | |2 ||Candlestick |33 |21 |50 | |magic level +1 |fire +6% | |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Legs | | | |60 | Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER! |15 |35 | |61.50 |10 |42.00 |sorcerers and druids|Golden Legs | | | |29 ||Queen's Sceptre |8 | | |4.00 |14 | | ||Icy Culottes | ||Mammoth Whopper | | |30.00 | ||Family Signet Ring |1.55 | |physical +7%, ice +7% | |70 |25.00 |5 | ||Demon Shield | | |sorcerers|Soulstrider | |75.00 |3 |energy +4%, earth -5% |20.00 | | | |knights and paladins|Ranger's Cloak | |knights|Firemind Raiment |400 | | |61.50 |29 |earth +4% |110.00 | | ||Death Gaze | |145.00 |51.00 |club fighting +4 |paladins|Lion Shield | |35 |knights|Crude Umbral Slayer | |19 | |64.00 |death +6% |magic level +1 |0 |5 | | |10.00 |18 |distance fighting +3 ||Zathroth' Redeemer | | | |sorcerers|Spear | ||Ferumbras' Hat | |11.00 |38.00 |25 | |11 |82.00 ||Heavy Metal T-Shirt |knights|Earth Headchopper |230 |0 |2 | |3.60 |9 | |fire +8% ||Energy War Axe | | | |earth +5%, ice +5% |82.00 | |70 | | | |38.00 | |knights|Lion Longbow |9 | |20 ||Ancient Amulet (Quest) | |22 | | |150 | | ||Bronze Necklace | |40 |19 |33 |35 |72.00 |60 |9 | | | |shielding +3 | |7 Question Revival IV contestMarch 12, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as an EXPERT!January 06, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER!June 09, 2019. | | ||Golden Sickle ||True Heart of the Sea | |knights|Coconut Shoes |75 ||Carlin Sword | | |2 | UPDATE 3: New adjustments to the EK spells, this time correctly following TibiaWikis formula and applying the latest balance changes to the character level bonus in the formula seems to produce better results. |sorcerers|Wand of Destruction |13.00 | |90.00 | |71.00 | |9 | |150 | | |24.50 |12 | | |32 | ||Butcher's Axe |50 |knights|Thorn Spitter |distance fighting +2 | ||Blue Pit Demon | | | | | | | | | |38.00 | |death +5% |100 | |6 | | ||Jungle Bow |12.40 |6 |sorcerers and druids|Brain in a Jar | |22 | |magic level +1 ||Enchanted Spear | |sorcerers|Axe Ring |60 ||Batwing Hat This website is a work in progress. |300 | |26 ||Fiery War Axe | | | |85.00 | |0 | |35.00 |36.00 |16.00 ||Fur Cap | | | | |45.00 |16 |36 |ice +6% | 1 Character Stats 2 Character Skills 3 Armor 4 Loot 5 True Damage Taken Character Stats See Character Stats Calculator . |26 |250 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Scale Armor |sorcerer|Ferumbras' Staff (Failed) |drowning +100% |energy +8%, earth -8% | | | | |paladins|Soulcrusher | | |sorcerers and druids|The Rain Coat | | | | | | ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Unlit) |50.00 Summary. |sorcerers and druids|Magic Plate Armor |145.00 | ||Arboreal Tome |0 |40 | | | |80.00 | |82.00 | | | |29.00 |0 ||Grandiose Lamp (Lit) |50.00 | | | | | |19 | |25 | Activate counters to know when you can kill a certain boss again. |3 | | |24.00 |30 |2 |250 |8 |2.00 |27 |sorcerers|Gilded Eldritch Warmace | |2 | |fire +5% |120.00 |physical +5% |knights|Muck Rod | | | | ||Crystal Ring | | | |100 | |37 |35.00 ||Zaoan Wall Lamp (Lit) | discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. |20 | |5.00 |29 | | | |41.00 | | |distance fighting +4 | Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell. | | | | | | | |paladins|Frozen Plate | | | Forge simulator. | | | | | | |34 |7.00 |180 | | | | | | |2 |2.50 | |knights|Fabulous Legs ||Crystal Boots | |75 | |16 | | | |energy +10% |63.00 | | |5 | | |58.00 | Tibia Game Features Tools TibiaWiki in: TibiaWiki Tools Armor Calculator View source Loading Calculators See also: Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. |30 | |10.00 |21.00 | |5.00 | Guilds in Tibia: 2735 People in guilds: 210981 Random guild: Exemplary Citizens The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zuna (1) Avg . | | |6 |80 | |25.00 |sorcerers|Voltage Armor | |42.00 | |57.00 | | ||Crown Legs | ||Devourer Core ||Burial Shroud | ||Blue Flame | | | | | | |38 |85 | |54.00 | |physical +10%, death +10% ||Pirate Boots | The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. agree to their use. | | |10.00 | | |31.00 | | | |220 | | |38 |300 |30.00 | |earth +3% |26.00 | ||Steel Helmet |1 | | | ||Giant Smithhammer |20 ||Shamanic Mask |druids|Falcon Wand |1 | | | |27.00 |1 |49.00 ||Ring of Green Plasma |5.00 ||Earth Orcish Maul |48.00 |69.00 | | ||Butterfly Ring |12 |11 | GENERAL. | |11.50 |30 |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 | | | | | |33 |20.00 ||Maimer |60 ||Tunic | | | | | ||Ogre Scepta | | |magic level +1 | |magic level +1 |58.00 |11 | | | | ||Sleep Shawl | |club fighting +4 |knights|Naga Club |39 | |25.00 | | | | | | | | | |13.00 |180.00 |paladins|Mage Hat |speed -5 | |30 |35 | | |distance fighting +3, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Magician Hat ||Leviathan's Amulet |2 |13.00 | | ||Simple Dress |80.00 |150 |1 |100 |20 | | |110.00 | | |400 | | | ||Charged Ghost Charm | | | ||Rod of Destruction | | |40 | |30 |physical +5% | |75.00 | |paladins|Naga Rod | |100 | 2020 Tibia and all game graphics belong to Cipsoft GmbH. |37 | |physical +20%, fire +20%, earth +20%, energy +20%, ice +20%, holy +20%, death +20% |32.00 |10.00 |220 |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% | |12 | |physical +1% |19 This is calculator for game: TIBIA, is calculating profit from Rune Making by magic professions like: Druid/Sorcerer, and display costs/profit/amount from Rune Maker. |earth +8%, fire -8% |magic level +1 ||Life Ring | | |knights|Gnome Shield | | | |25 | ||Strange Mallet |4.80 | | | | | |1 | |magic level +2 |earth +3%, fire -3% | | | | |paladins|Ranger Legs | | |0 | |24 | ||Torch (Small) | | |25.00 | | What improves melee the most? - TibiaQA | |45.00 ||Paw Amulet | | ||Skullcracker Armor |5 | |34 | |0 ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Lit) | ||Djinn Blade ||Sedge Hat | |75 |paladins|Elven Legs |48.00 | | |physical +60%, ice +40% |distance fighting +2 | | | ||Boots of Homecoming |75 | | | | | | | | |0.80 | |11.00 | ||Depth Ocrea |28.00 | |0 |31 ||Icy Relic Sword |12 |axe fighting +4 | | ||Boots of Haste |0.90 ||Leaf Star | ||Earth Dragon Slayer |48.00 | | |35 | |9 | | |earth +6% |magic level +4 |250 |0 | |59.00 |120 | | | |earth +7% Character Skills See Skills Calculator . |knights|Heavy Machete |knights|Fiery War Hammer ||Serpent Sword | |sword fighting +1, axe fighting +1, club fighting +1 |0.80 |140 |70 Level limit is 4500. ||Pumpkinhead (Lit) ||Bronze Medal |magic level +3 | |sorcerers and druids|Golden Crown |78.00 | |19 |31 |sorcerers and druids|Zaoan Helmet |physical +3%, fire +10% |3.00 | | |8 |physical 4% |druids|Arcanomancer Folio The tool assumes: Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. | |
tibia damage calculatorvintage survey equipment
|300 | | |physical +4% |10 ||Summer Dress ||Jagged Sword | | | |knights|Glooth Club | | | | |knights|The Calamity |paladins and without|Bone Shield | |sorcerer|Fiery Barbarian Axe |9 |18.00 | | |40 | |15 |physical +7%, earth +10% | |ice +5% |magic level +2 |45 |18 |39 ||Dragon Robe | |300 |250 |earth +10% | |12 |100 |13 |120.00 | | |5 |75 | | |knights and paladins|Leather Armor |80.00 |10 |3 |8.20 | | |knights|Crest of the Deep Seas | |31.00 |fire +8%, ice -8% ||Sulphurous Demonbone |distance fighting +2 | | | | | ||Furry Club |250 | | | |9 | |physical +5%, ice +5% | |38.00 | |6.00 | | | | | |0 | |sorcerers and druids|Vampire Shield | |69.00 | | |250 | | |magic level +2 |52.50 |22 | |5.60 |17.00 | |knights|Cobra Crossbow |14 | |druids|Robe of the Underworld | |8 |knights|Crystal Crossbow Tibia character damage calculator : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit Speed calculator. | | |3 | | | | | | |speed +15 | | | | | |80 |75.00 |5.00 |18 |180.00 |75.00 | |50.00 |0 | | | | | |7.30 | These calculators require Javascript, |31 |0 ||Cobra Axe | | |50 | | |35.00 |earth +5%, fire -5% | | | | ||Fiery Relic Sword ||Damaged Helmet | | | | |knights|Amber Staff |48.00 | |21.00 | | |80 | |2.00 |28.50 |120 | | |knights|Twin Hooks | |ice +7% | |102.00 |sorcerers|Gill Gugel |25.00 ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test |druids|Shimmer Sword What is the current defense and armor formula? - TibiaQA ||Studded Club |physical +3%, ice +7% | ||Glass of Goo | | | | | | |10.00 | | | | | |27.00 |5.00 |3 | | ||Prismatic Ring | ||Warrior Helmet |110.00 | |speed +30 | |0 |60.00 | |150 | | |37.00 ||Poison Dagger | | | | |40.00 |0 | | | | | | |25.00 |49.00 ||Daramian Axe | |paladins|Rift Lance | | |22 |120 | ||Rubbish Amulet | |31 | | | |knights|Fur Boots |10 |3 ||Winged Helmet | | ||Viking Helmet |31.00 | | |0 Features: You can save/load multiple characters/targets/spells; |2.00 | | |55 |145.00 | |0.80 | Damage | TibiaWiki | Fandom | | ||Shoulder Plate |18 |4.80 |magic level +4 |15.00 |18 |sword fighting +4, axe fighting +4, club fighting +4, 19 damage reflection |120 | | | | |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Club) | |sorcerers and druids|Glacier Kilt | | |150.00 |18.00 |3 | | |energy +8%, earth -8% | ||Helmet of the Ancients | | | | |200 | |55.00 | | |32 | ||Prismatic Legs |9 | |sword fighting +4, club fighting +4, axe fighting +4 |0 | |25.00 | | ||Runic Ice Shield |11 Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia ||Shimmer Bow | ||The Crown of the Percht Queen (Ice) | | | | |2 | |18 |1.00 |100 |sword fighting +3 | |physical +4%, earth +5% |8.00 | | |0 | | | | ||Unstable Ring of Ending |42.00 |sorcerers and druids|Steel Shield | | | | ||Onyx Pendant | |4.50 |50 |230 | | |80.00 | | ||Energy Ring |without|Stealth Ring |12 ||Tentacle Lamp |180 |25 | | Please note the game added a mitigation stat that even the weakest creature can reduce 1 damage with a really low mitigation value. | | |90.00 | |100 |1 | | |0 ||Helmet of the Lost |9.00 |35 | ||Hibiscus Dress |knights|Dragonbone Staff What this app looks like: Features Calculate Qty of Runes character will make Calculate how much blanks runes will be requied to make rune Calculate how much it will be cost |85.00 | |21 | | |energy +8%, earth -8% | | | | ||Execowtioner Axe ||Glooth Amulet ||Bunnyslippers |51.00 |14 |30.00 |150 | | | | | |60 |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | | | | |31 |31.00 | | | | |0 |60 | |10 ||Club Ring |50 | | | |20 |9.80 | | |18 | |270 ||Green Demon Armor |0.90 | |7 |11 ||Green Demon Legs | | |9 |105 ||Ghostsilver Lantern | |knights and paladins|Engraved Wedding Ring |20 ||Charged Alicorn Ring | |9 ||Diamond Necklace |12.00 |knights|Lion Spellbook | | ||Light Mace |78.00 |4.30 |60 |knights|Pharaoh Sword | ||Fiery Spike Sword |knights|Impaler |49.00 | |40.00 | I have just updated my site and added a new section for the character damage calculator. | |80 |20 |11 | ||Yalahari Armor |17 ||Treader of Torment | | | | |60 | After filling all the needed data, your damage will be calculated. |17.00 | |knights|Falcon Bow |60 | |knights|Battle Hammer ||Windborn Colossus Armor | |shielding -10 |33 | |19.00 | |25.00 |123.00 |paladins|Charged Arboreal Ring |knights|Earth War Hammer |90 | |0 | |9.00 |35.00 | | |speed +10 | |26.50 |13 |5.00 | |knights and paladins|Leather Boots |55.00 |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Plate | |200 | ||Demonrage Sword |magic level +1 |58.00 |150 | | ||Time Ring |28.00 |32 | | | | |180 | |35 | | | | | |knights|Frostheart Platemail |sorcerers|War Axe |30 |200 | |knights|Bow | | | |300 ||Earth War Axe | |64.50 |sorcerers|Wand of Inferno | |35 | | | |magic level +2 |0 |0.90 |magic level +1 |2 |13 |club fighting +3 | | |99.00 | | | | |41.00 |speed +30, faster regeneration | | | |physical +4%, fire +2% ||Eye of the Storm |55 |death +5% | | |8 ||Prismatic Armor |energy +12%, earth +12% |ice +3% |28 ||Short Sword |5 |56.00 |ice +4%, energy -5% |earth +8%, fire -8% |3 |axe fighting +1 |80 ||Haunted Blade |magic level +2 |24 ||Bone Club | | |35.00 |knights|Crude Umbral Blade | |5.00 |sword fighting +5 |magic level +1 | |sword fighting +1 | |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 ||Phoenix Shield |7 | | | | | | |13 |61.00 |59.00 ||Viking Shield | | | |0 |28 |44.00 ||Exotic Legs | |knights and paladins|Leaf Legs |35 | | ||Yalahari Leg Piece |19 | | |knights|Ragnir Helmet |1 |120 | |20 | | | |18.50 |10.00 | | | | |club fighting +3 ||Crystal Sword |1 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Dragon Shield |physical +13% |99.00 | | |distance fighting +1 | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |270 |46.00 |0.10 |knights and paladins|Depth Calcei | | | | |65 |35 Chcesz wiedzie, ktra gildia w tibii jest najlepsza? | | |15 | |ice +8%, energy -8% |90.00 |knights|Ornate Testtplate |0.90 |400 | | | ||Silver Necklace | | |None|Emerald Sword |1.00 | |14.50 | | | ||Earth Knight Axe | |87.00 ||Bridal Wreath ||Terra Legs |fire +4%, ice -5% |10.00 | ||Mystic Turban |7.70 |0 | |paladins|Fur Armor | Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. |magic level +2 | | | | | | |7 |knights and paladins|Swan Feather Cloak | |52.00 |7.40 | | | | |magic level +1 |200 |distance fighting +2 |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Magic) |37.00 | |death +6%, holy -3% |40 | | | | |38.00 | |physical +2% |34 | | |2.00 | |38.00 |5.50 | ||Coat |60 |0 | |physical +5%, earth +5% |0 | |18.00 |23 UPDATE: EK spell damage has been updated. |physical +5%, fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5% |1.20 ||Thunderheart Cuirass | | ||Rhodolith Necklace |4.10 | |75 |95.00 |60 | |death +12% | |8 The color for physical damage might vary depending on the creature that receives it. | | |37.00 | | | | ||Bonfire Amulet |7.00 |sorcerers|Wand of Destruction Test |death +10% | | | | | | | | |14 | |2 | |fire +20%, ice -10% | | | | |45 | | |11 | | | | |120 | |41.00 |31.00 |1 |270 |shielding +1 |20 ||Rubber Cap |25 | | | | | |18.00 | |120.00 Is there still a damage calculator : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit |59.00 |120.00 | |27 |66.00 | ||Stonecutter Axe |300 |0 | | | | |60 | ||Emerald Necklace ||Opulent Floor Lamp (Lit) There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. |8 |distance fighting +2 |50 | | |sword fighting +2 Kalkulator hitw - Tibia Statistics - GuildStats.eu |physical +5% | |19.89 |0 |druids|Obsidian Lance |1 ||Bonelord Shield |22 | |magic level +2, faster Regeneration | |145.00 Stamina calculator. |38.00 |9 | | |30.00 | | |300 |druids|Oriental Shoes | | ||Sai | ||Great Shield |25.00 | ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Unlit) |faster regeneration |4 |9.00 | ||Berserker | ||Mythril Axe |knights and paladins|Grasshopper Legs |magic level +2 |5.00 | |68.00 |physical +3%, earth +14% | | | |22 |sorcerers and druids|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Sword) ||Yol's Bow |0 | | | |knights|Studded Legs | |earth +7% Damage Calculator (Experimental) Step 1: Select your vocation: Knight Paladin. |150 | ||Broken Amulet | | | |55 ||Stone of Wisdom | |38 |48.00 |84.50 |11 ||Golden Scorpion Pendant | |6 |5.10 | | |knights|Machete |300 | | | |knights|Guardian Axe | | | ||Lightning Robe |20 | | |knights|Spiky Club | | | |12 ||Elven Amulet |knights|Banana Staff | | |0 |16 | |paladins and without|Rift Shield | |knights|Icy Clerical Mace |200 |165.00 | | | | ||Fluorescent Fungi (Unlit) |4 |paladins|Eldritch Claymore | | | |paladins|Toga Mortis |18.00 |75 | |knights|Triple Bolt Crossbow |20 | | |20.00 |paladins|Umbral Master Hammer |druids|Morning Star | |120.00 |400 ||Crown Shield | |41.00 |40.00 |38.00 |fire +8%, ice -8% |60 |35.00 |sorcerers and druids|Spellscroll of Prophecies | | | | | | |axe fighting +1 | |distance fighting +3 | | |1 |40 |46.00 | | |physical +12% ||Garnet Necklace | | ||Ice Chandelier | | |10 |24 |45 | | ||Magic Light Wand (Lit) |0 | |magic level +3 | |200 |4.50 |speed +15, distance fighting +1 | |8 | | | |knights|Diamond Sceptre ||Model Ship Lamp | | Winter Update 2021 brings three new effects that can be added to weapons, armor and helmets using the Exaltation Forge. | |11.00 | ||Umbral Master Chopper | | | | |80 |220 |knights|Arboreal Crown |8.50 |200 | ||Leaf Crown |55.00 | |1 | | |0.85 |250 | | |physical +5% |0 |10.00 | | |270 | |32 ||Broken Iks Faulds |41.00 | ||Knife |82 | |21 | |energy +3% |15 |27.00 Other stuff, like skills, is 500. ||Vampire's Signet Ring |0 |club fighting +1 | | |14 | | | | |0.90 | | | | Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! |27.00 |11.00 |21 ||Obsidian Zaoan Knight |sword fighting +3 | | |knights|Rift Bow |21 |250 |3 | |100 |knights|Sapphire Hammer |29.00 | | | |120 |72.00 | |5 | |0.80 |0 | |knights|Dragon Scale Boots |130 |52.00 | |10 |50.00 | |magic level +5, fire magic level +1, energy magic level +1 ||Broken Iks Cuirass | | |20.00 ||Blue Quiver ||Lit Glowing Mushroom | | |0 | | | |0 | | | |paladins|Umbral Chopper | |35.00 | | | ||Castle Shield | ||Bast Legs | |79.00 |80 | |47.00 |50.00 | |0 |25.00 | | |91.00 |27.00 |61.50 |0 | |physical +5% Magical Damage cannot be blocked, and the damage it inflicts is not reduced by the target's armor. | |25 |fire +8%, ice -8% ||Jungle Quiver |sorcerers|Wand of Darkness |80.00 |400 Party Shared Calculator, enter your LVL and discover. | |63.00 |1.00 | | | | | Thanks to Tibia.fandom.com and Tibiawiki.com.br for some images and information we use to create our content. |100 | | |200 |earth +8% |18 |magic level +1 Achievements checker. | |paladins|Ornate Legs |32.00 | | |7.00 |25.00 | |29.00 | |69.00 |knights and paladins|Dawnfire Pantaloons |50.00 ||Exotic Amulet |sorcerers|Soulshell |energy +8%, physical +6%, ice -2% |250 This is the same color displayed when mana is used to protect hitpoints by using. | | | | |25 |2 |distance fighting +2, shielding +2 | | | |100 | | |35 |2.70 | | |30 |distance fighting +2 | | | |druids|Elite Draken Helmet | |13.00 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Coif |100 | |100 |200 | |35 | | |magic level +2 | |paladins|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Axe) | |27.00 |180 |distance fighting +4 | | ||Crocodile Boots | | ||Fluorescent Fungi (Lit) |sorcerers and druids|Cobra Hood |physical +3% ||Flower Wreath |sorcerers and druids|Dwarven Axe ||Composite Hornbow |48.00 |0.70 ||Turtle Amulet | | |55.00 ||Ogre Choppa |physical +10% | |7.50 | | Damage Calculator - GEOCITIES.ws | |magic level +2 | |60 | | |6 |180 | |knights|Sabre | |26.00 | |22.00 | |60 ||Depth Lorica | |15 | |sorcerers|Wand of Defiance | |physical +6% |knights|Wailing Widow's Necklace | |speed +10 | | ||Knight Axe | ||Tempest Shield ||Shimmer Wand |speed +300 ||Brandon's Wedding Ring | UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. |knights|Hammer of Wrath | |1.20 |0 |15 |club fighting +1 |45 |druids|Falcon Escutcheon | | |120.00 |130 | ||Shapeshifter Ring | |knights|Soulbleeder | |6 |magic level +1 |85.00 |0 |126.00 | ||Witch Hat |54.00 | | |paladins|Umbral Master Bow Test | | | | | |5.00 |36 | |51.00 |85.00 |knights|Painted Gourd Rattle |energy +8%, earth -8% |magic level +2 |death +5% |sorcerers|Badger Boots | | | | | |12.00 |7.70 | Private dummy. | website of Tibia is tibia.com. |32.00 | ||Summerblade | |25.50 |25 | |0 | | |magic level +2, fire magic level +1, perfect shot +65 at range 4 | |220 | |sorcerers and druids|Lion Spangenhelm | | |12.50 | |fire +6% |earth +8%, fire -8% |45.00 | |28 |10 | | |2 |physical +6% |29 | | |45.00 | |5.00 | |2 |0.60 | |earth +5% |68.00 | |45.00 | | |druids|Eldritch Wand |270 | | |120.00 |36.00 | | ||Energy Cranial Basher |9 |distance fighting +2 |3 | ||Prismatic Boots | | |10 | | | | |23.00 | |knights|Hand Axe |31.00 | |17 |250 |sorcerers and druids|Soulbastion Desired skill with loyalty included. |60 | |knights|Thunderheart Hauberk | | | |27.00 | |5.00 |55 | | |magic level +2 | | | |5.00 | ||Beastslayer Axe | ||Earth Blacksteel Sword ||Umbral Master Spellbook | |18 | ||Runed Sword |paladins|Pair of Soulwalkers The Exaltation Forge: The Complete Guide - GuildStats.eu allows you to engage in meaningful conversations with NPCs in the game. TibiaPal.com - Exp Calculator | | |52.50 ||Blister Ring | | ||Blue Sphere | | | | | |24 |0 |ice +5% ||Noble Armor | ||Magic Light Wand Summary. | | | |27.00 |220 | |41.00 |200 |20 What is the optimal setup of damage-charms in Issavi West for team hunts as a mage? | |4 |magic level +1 | ||Green Light | | Lucky you hehehe, I wish tibia-stars calculated crit damage also. | |61.50 | ||Frozen Claw |66.00 |0 ||Snake God's Wristguard | | |52.00 |22 Tibia character damage calculator. | |125.00 | | |0.80 ||Burnt Down Torch |sorcerers|Bandana |180 | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |0.70 | | | |30.00 | |druids|Gilded Eldritch Wand |sorcerers and druids|Glooth Cape Step 2: Enter your level: Step 3: Enter your magic level: Share with: Link: Copy link . Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia | | ||Basin with a Flower | | | | ||Axe of Destruction | |60 |75 |150 |7 | |3 |1 |200 | |84.50 | |6.00 | | | |magic level +4 |13.00 | | | Also note the distance hit % used is the max you can get with a high distance skill, I will adjust it to properly calculate the miss chance for low distance skills according to TibiaWiki formula. | | |8 | | | | | | | |34.00 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. |70 |81.00 | |paladins and without|Rainbow Shield |80 | | | ||Crude Umbral Axe |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |4.50 |5 |0.30 |ice +12% | |25 | | |15 | | | | | |9 |10.00 |0 |club fighting +2 | | ||Odd Hat Tibiantis Info - Healing |12.00 | |75 |110.00 | |paladins|Jungle Flail ||Icy War Axe | | | | |magic level +1 |83.00 |12.50 |4.55 |70.00 |60 | |65 |75 |17 |55 | | | ||Bone Sword | | | ||Metal Wall Lamp | | | |faster regeneration, speed +20 | |0 |sorcerers and druids|Energy Barbarian Axe |knights and paladins|Draken Boots The primary drawback to magic damage is that many creatures are immune to different types of magic damage, and therefore are not affected by it. |ice +2% ||Ripper Lance | | Scan this QR code to download the app now. |29 |50 |130 |9 | |63.00 | |magic level +4, earth magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% | | ||Table Lamp | | |24.50 |2 ||Lamp | Tibia and TibiaME are trademarks of CipSoft GmbH. |21 | | | | |25 |2.00 |earth +10%, fire -10% ||Chain Bolter |7 | ||Bear Skin | | |magic level +4 |distance fighting +3 |35.00 | | |6.90 |100 | | | | |35.00 |physical +6%, fire +10% |axe fighting +2 | |7.00 |magic level +3 |knights|Lion Rod |65 | |ice +20%, energy -10% | |magic level +2, healing magic level +2, mana leech 1% | |22 | | |magic level +2 |22.00 | | |sorcerers and druids|Deepling Squelcher Vocation-Skill-Base skill + loyalty. |34 |120 | | |120.00 Unjustified kills. | |60 | I want to know what is the formula to calculate the damage of each vocation , I mean for example I deal more damage if im more level? |24 |23.00 |20 Sorc Spell Damage Sheet : r/TibiaMMO - Reddit |7.00 |50.00 |38.00 | ||Shockwave Amulet |energy +4% | |45 |30 | | | | |150 | | | | Starting level: Target level: (Optional) Exp per hour (in kk/h): (Optional) Hours hunting per day: TibiaPal.com uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience possible. |5.00 | |220 | |paladins|Mooh'tah Plate ||Iron Crown | | |16 |79.00 | |200 |7 |13.00 |knights and paladins|Mutant Bone Boots | |21 |70 | |150 | | |death +8%, holy -8% |21 | | | |13 | | |100 ||Ferumbras' Candy Hat | |sorcerers|Wand of Everblazing |400 |22 | ||Mathmaster Shield (Replica) |, | |25 ||Traditional Gamsbart Hat |sorcerers and druids|Brass Shield | | |death +3% | |magic level +1 | |35 Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. | | |25.00 |death +5% | |knights|Blade of Corruption |death +2% |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% ||Titan Axe |65 |75.00 |40 | |energy +12% |distance fighting +4 |holy +8% | | |28.50 |0.80 ||Purple Flower Lamp (Unlit) ||Assassin Dagger | |physical +3%, fire +6%, ice -5% | |30 | |club fighting +5 I have adjusted it to use the new character level bonus scale. ||Obsidian Zaoan Queen |8 |knights|Magic Sword |100.00 |18 |16 |32 |12 |15 | |35.00 Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. |20 |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Lost Souls |250 |160.00 ||Tagralt Blade | | | | discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. |physical +2%, ice +9% | |physical +10%, energy +15% | | |faster regeneration |knights and paladins|Mutated Skin Armor ||Fire Sword ||Zaoan Wall Lamps (Lit) |150 | |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 |sorcerers|Demon Legs | |15 UPDATE 2: There is still an issue with the EK spell calcs, I am reviewing the code atm. |knights|Heated Worm Punisher |ice +7% |22 |40.00 | |5.00 | | |10 | | | | | | | | | |holy +8% To avoid this verification in future, please. | |2 | |15 | |magic level +2 |8 |35.00 | | ||Gryphon Mask | | | |35 | | ||Dark Wizard's Crown (Activated) |82.00 |120 | | ||Krimhorn Helmet ||Friendship Amulet | | | ||Naga Axe | |knights and paladins|Magician's Robe |magic level +1 | |26.00 |55 |85.00 | | |0 | | | |80.00 |40.00 |knights|Eldritch Greataxe | |220 | |shielding +3 |distance fighting +1, speed +20 ||Scimitar | ||Snake God's Sceptre ||Rift Lamp ||Amulet of Loss ||Meat Shield |0 |400 | | | Calculate the price of Tibia Coins by amounts, updated prices for Mexico. | |80 |0 |32.00 |89.00 |25.00 |0.40 | |5.00 |0 |0.20 |10.00 |7 | | | | |27.60 Calculators - Exevo Pan |50.00 | | |4 | |12 |22 |9.30 | |druids|Cobra Sword ||Golden Bell | |23.00 | | |1 |4 | | ||Brown Pit Demon |31 | ||Focus Cape |0.50 |earth +10% | |18 |1 |sword fighting +1 |38.00 |death +12%, holy -12% What is the city of residence of King Tibianus? | |42.00 | |60 |27 | |3 | | |6.00 | | |11 |distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2 | |55.00 |0 |125.00 | | | |2 |druids|Naga Sword |17 |paladins|Gill Coat |35 | | | | |magic level +1 | |52.00 |50.00 |20 |19.00 | | | | | | ||Northern Star | ||Torch |400 |18 |20.00 ||Dark Helmet | |3 |5.70 | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Warding ||Asuri Talisman | | |10 |31.00 |23 | |33 | | | |fire +4% | | | | |7.00 | |paladins|Red Robe |magic level +3 | |0.90 |1.05 | | ||Foxtail Amulet |0.90 | | |8 | | | | ||Mace |paladins|Eldritch Shield | ||The Cobra Amulet Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine. |85 | |energy +8% | |9.00 ||Relic Sword By continuing to use this website, you | |5.40 |knights and paladins|Falcon Greaves | | | | ||Glowing Sulphur Fungi (Unlit) |3 | | ||Sapphire Amulet |12 |2 | ||Gearwheel Chain |35.00 | | ||Plate Shield |19.00 | |21.00 |0 | |48.00 | |, Pages using DynamicPageList3 parser function, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | | |25 |38.00 |10 |12.50 | |physical +60%, earth +40% |46.00 | |energy +5%, earth -5% | |12.00 |shielding +3 | ||Shield of Care ||Hive Bow |58 |5.00 | |knights|Umbral Blade | | | ||Broken Wedding Ring |180 | | |physical +4% |0 | | | |5.00 |0 | | | |9 |145.00 |2 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | |10 |physical +2%, life drain +10% | ||Wyvern Fang | |55 | | | | ||Bonelord Helmet | | | |19.00 | |8.05 | | |188.00 | | | | |55.00 | | | | Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | |46.00 | | | | 1 to 100, 100 to 101) | | |65 Damage is the result of some kind of attack. ||Hunting Spear |15.00 | |8 |knights|Umbral Mace |100 | |0 | |physical +3% | |21 | |2 ||Candlestick |33 |21 |50 | |magic level +1 |fire +6% | |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Legs | | | |60 | Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER! |15 |35 | |61.50 |10 |42.00 |sorcerers and druids|Golden Legs | | | |29 ||Queen's Sceptre |8 | | |4.00 |14 | | ||Icy Culottes | ||Mammoth Whopper | | |30.00 | ||Family Signet Ring |1.55 | |physical +7%, ice +7% | |70 |25.00 |5 | ||Demon Shield | | |sorcerers|Soulstrider | |75.00 |3 |energy +4%, earth -5% |20.00 | | | |knights and paladins|Ranger's Cloak | |knights|Firemind Raiment |400 | | |61.50 |29 |earth +4% |110.00 | | ||Death Gaze | |145.00 |51.00 |club fighting +4 |paladins|Lion Shield | |35 |knights|Crude Umbral Slayer | |19 | |64.00 |death +6% |magic level +1 |0 |5 | | |10.00 |18 |distance fighting +3 ||Zathroth' Redeemer | | | |sorcerers|Spear | ||Ferumbras' Hat | |11.00 |38.00 |25 | |11 |82.00 ||Heavy Metal T-Shirt |knights|Earth Headchopper |230 |0 |2 | |3.60 |9 | |fire +8% ||Energy War Axe | | | |earth +5%, ice +5% |82.00 | |70 | | | |38.00 | |knights|Lion Longbow |9 | |20 ||Ancient Amulet (Quest) | |22 | | |150 | | ||Bronze Necklace | |40 |19 |33 |35 |72.00 |60 |9 | | | |shielding +3 | |7 Question Revival IV contestMarch 12, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as an EXPERT!January 06, 2023, Join the TibiaQA team as a COMMUNITY MANAGER!June 09, 2019. | | ||Golden Sickle ||True Heart of the Sea | |knights|Coconut Shoes |75 ||Carlin Sword | | |2 | UPDATE 3: New adjustments to the EK spells, this time correctly following TibiaWikis formula and applying the latest balance changes to the character level bonus in the formula seems to produce better results. |sorcerers|Wand of Destruction |13.00 | |90.00 | |71.00 | |9 | |150 | | |24.50 |12 | | |32 | ||Butcher's Axe |50 |knights|Thorn Spitter |distance fighting +2 | ||Blue Pit Demon | | | | | | | | | |38.00 | |death +5% |100 | |6 | | ||Jungle Bow |12.40 |6 |sorcerers and druids|Brain in a Jar | |22 | |magic level +1 ||Enchanted Spear | |sorcerers|Axe Ring |60 ||Batwing Hat This website is a work in progress. |300 | |26 ||Fiery War Axe | | | |85.00 | |0 | |35.00 |36.00 |16.00 ||Fur Cap | | | | |45.00 |16 |36 |ice +6% | 1 Character Stats 2 Character Skills 3 Armor 4 Loot 5 True Damage Taken Character Stats See Character Stats Calculator . |26 |250 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Scale Armor |sorcerer|Ferumbras' Staff (Failed) |drowning +100% |energy +8%, earth -8% | | | | |paladins|Soulcrusher | | |sorcerers and druids|The Rain Coat | | | | | | ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Unlit) |50.00 Summary. |sorcerers and druids|Magic Plate Armor |145.00 | ||Arboreal Tome |0 |40 | | | |80.00 | |82.00 | | | |29.00 |0 ||Grandiose Lamp (Lit) |50.00 | | | | | |19 | |25 | Activate counters to know when you can kill a certain boss again. |3 | | |24.00 |30 |2 |250 |8 |2.00 |27 |sorcerers|Gilded Eldritch Warmace | |2 | |fire +5% |120.00 |physical +5% |knights|Muck Rod | | | | ||Crystal Ring | | | |100 | |37 |35.00 ||Zaoan Wall Lamp (Lit) | discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. |20 | |5.00 |29 | | | |41.00 | | |distance fighting +4 | Expand the different rows to see the different magic levels, and expand the columns to see the min,max,avg, difference for each spell. | | | | | | | |paladins|Frozen Plate | | | Forge simulator. | | | | | | |34 |7.00 |180 | | | | | | |2 |2.50 | |knights|Fabulous Legs ||Crystal Boots | |75 | |16 | | | |energy +10% |63.00 | | |5 | | |58.00 | Tibia Game Features Tools TibiaWiki in: TibiaWiki Tools Armor Calculator View source Loading Calculators See also: Calculators Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. |30 | |10.00 |21.00 | |5.00 | Guilds in Tibia: 2735 People in guilds: 210981 Random guild: Exemplary Citizens The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zuna (1) Avg . | | |6 |80 | |25.00 |sorcerers|Voltage Armor | |42.00 | |57.00 | | ||Crown Legs | ||Devourer Core ||Burial Shroud | ||Blue Flame | | | | | | |38 |85 | |54.00 | |physical +10%, death +10% ||Pirate Boots | The formulas used are from TibiaWiki and some multipliers are from TibiaStats. agree to their use. | | |10.00 | | |31.00 | | | |220 | | |38 |300 |30.00 | |earth +3% |26.00 | ||Steel Helmet |1 | | | ||Giant Smithhammer |20 ||Shamanic Mask |druids|Falcon Wand |1 | | | |27.00 |1 |49.00 ||Ring of Green Plasma |5.00 ||Earth Orcish Maul |48.00 |69.00 | | ||Butterfly Ring |12 |11 | GENERAL. | |11.50 |30 |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 | | | | | |33 |20.00 ||Maimer |60 ||Tunic | | | | | ||Ogre Scepta | | |magic level +1 | |magic level +1 |58.00 |11 | | | | ||Sleep Shawl | |club fighting +4 |knights|Naga Club |39 | |25.00 | | | | | | | | | |13.00 |180.00 |paladins|Mage Hat |speed -5 | |30 |35 | | |distance fighting +3, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | | | |sorcerers and druids|Magician Hat ||Leviathan's Amulet |2 |13.00 | | ||Simple Dress |80.00 |150 |1 |100 |20 | | |110.00 | | |400 | | | ||Charged Ghost Charm | | | ||Rod of Destruction | | |40 | |30 |physical +5% | |75.00 | |paladins|Naga Rod | |100 | 2020 Tibia and all game graphics belong to Cipsoft GmbH. |37 | |physical +20%, fire +20%, earth +20%, energy +20%, ice +20%, holy +20%, death +20% |32.00 |10.00 |220 |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% | |12 | |physical +1% |19 This is calculator for game: TIBIA, is calculating profit from Rune Making by magic professions like: Druid/Sorcerer, and display costs/profit/amount from Rune Maker. |earth +8%, fire -8% |magic level +1 ||Life Ring | | |knights|Gnome Shield | | | |25 | ||Strange Mallet |4.80 | | | | | |1 | |magic level +2 |earth +3%, fire -3% | | | | |paladins|Ranger Legs | | |0 | |24 | ||Torch (Small) | | |25.00 | | What improves melee the most? - TibiaQA | |45.00 ||Paw Amulet | | ||Skullcracker Armor |5 | |34 | |0 ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Lit) | ||Djinn Blade ||Sedge Hat | |75 |paladins|Elven Legs |48.00 | | |physical +60%, ice +40% |distance fighting +2 | | | ||Boots of Homecoming |75 | | | | | | | | |0.80 | |11.00 | ||Depth Ocrea |28.00 | |0 |31 ||Icy Relic Sword |12 |axe fighting +4 | | ||Boots of Haste |0.90 ||Leaf Star | ||Earth Dragon Slayer |48.00 | | |35 | |9 | | |earth +6% |magic level +4 |250 |0 | |59.00 |120 | | | |earth +7% Character Skills See Skills Calculator . |knights|Heavy Machete |knights|Fiery War Hammer ||Serpent Sword | |sword fighting +1, axe fighting +1, club fighting +1 |0.80 |140 |70 Level limit is 4500. ||Pumpkinhead (Lit) ||Bronze Medal |magic level +3 | |sorcerers and druids|Golden Crown |78.00 | |19 |31 |sorcerers and druids|Zaoan Helmet |physical +3%, fire +10% |3.00 | | |8 |physical 4% |druids|Arcanomancer Folio The tool assumes: Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. | | Missing Person Houston, Texas Today,
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