I have had good success with just a thread-body fly with two turns of grizzly hackle. There are stronger knots, but you usually have to pass the tippet through the eye of the hook twice, and that's not practical on a #24 midge pupa. Some of the biggest trout are taken out of this area, but with big reward, youll need to be okay with some adventure. Are you ready to up your casting game? if a little picture of the patterns were included. This killer imitation is particularly great when youre casting in off-colored water, or to finicky fish. Rgrds. Our fellow midge anglers gladly obliged, sharing samples and recipes of their favorite midge patterns. Give a Gift I use improved clinch knots on the top fly because of the small knot size. If you have a 7-weight, thats going to be fine. I was on this stretch once just after a light rain. Check out the full of story of Sage Indendi Johnson's journey from a path towards professional basketball to guiding in Alaska. A greased leader points in the direction of the fly, and after a while you'll find yourself becoming proficient at estimating the distance, and therefore the location, of your fly. In my experience, for beginners, one of the most surprising aspects of fly fishing is how small so many of the flies actually are. Frank Smethurst Fly Tying Video | San Juan Midge Pattern - YouTube Frank smethurst tying one of his go-to midge patterns from his day's on the San Juan. Watch and wade with us as we chase bonefish on the sand flats of the Bahamas and tag them on the grass flats of the Keys. Maybe before repeating old article postings, Orvis online editors should check and update or delete old links. As cool as that sounds, it's kind of a lose-lose for Zebras, because either way, they're going to get eaten. The Renegade(sizes 18 & 20) 15 Best Nymphs For Colorado (Heres What You Need), 9 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Fly Rod Roof Rack (Plus Our Top 2 Picks), 10 Best Flies For Brook Trout (Expert Angler Weighs In), 7 Killer Spots To Catch Brook Trout in Colorado, 7 Streamer Fishing Tips To Catch More Fish. I agree it is a great list of flies, but half of the links do not work. Issue, Navajo Lake is still filling so the river will be getting flushed again to preserve the dam. The Gray Ghost. Make sure that you take the necessary precautions when lightning is in the area. Late in the hatchwhen pupae begin to dwindle and many adults gather on the surfacetrout begin to key on adults. Felt boots and a wading staff are a must. Simple and easy, save it on your phone and start catching fish! In fact, nearly every time I take a first-timer out to a river and rig them up with some sort of midge pattern, the first words out of their mouth are as follows: will they really be interested in something that small?. So, a few years ago we decided to write a book and we began contacting our like-minded friends, as well as fly tiers we met online, or have read or heard about. Phone Number: 505-634-0582. HOOK: #16-20 Tiemco 2457 or 2487.THREAD: Brown 8/0.BEAD: Root beer.TAIL: Pearl Angel Hair.UNDERBODY: Pearl Krystal Flash.BODY: Brown Midge Tubing.WINGCASE: Pearl Krystal Flash.COLLAR: Brown ostrich herl. The river is managed as a brown trout and rainbow trout fishery. These gorilla midges come off in droves and are often represented on hook sizes 18-22, forsaking the typically tiny San Juan fare of 26-30s. However, if the water is cold and you know how to pressure a fish without breaking your tippet, then there's nothing wrong with dropping to 7X in some instances. Like most great guides James books up a year in advance, so dont delay. Yes, you might pick up a trout or two with a big mop or big beadhead caddis. Learn to tie the versatile Hare's Ear with master tier Charlie Craven. A typical fly in this area is 22 to 26, this is technical water with difficult-to-reach seams. Glass Bead Disco Midge - Blue. This river is a unique blend of, The Cimarron River originates from Eagle Nest Lake and Dam in northeastern New Mexico. Guide Recommendation: James Garrett and the guys at About Trout ( link) THE GUIDES if you cant get in James boat ask for Kyle. We offer GO TO fly patterns that will entice trout throughout most of the states, not just on the San Juan River. Morgans Midge is one of the simpler flies on this list, and similar to the Trailing Shuck Midge, it features, well, a trailing shuck. Learn to tie the Pheasant Tail Nymph with master tier Charlie Craven. 12 Responses to "Fly Tying: Flash Thread Midge" The River Damsel February 24, 2015. Suppose you don't tie your own flies, no worries. Take a seine or net with you and match your pattern to the specimens in the stream. Most of the time, trout feed on midge larvae near the bottom, so you need a nymph rig that delivers the fly to the fish effectively. Watch and wade with us as we chase bonefish on the sand flats of the Bahamas and tag them on the grass flats of the Keys. Learn to tie the Pheasant Tail Nymph with master tier Charlie Craven. Its easy to tie, and very effective when trying to mimic a midge. Dry-fly fishing with adult midge patterns can be effective, but if conditions are right, fishing midge cluster patterns may be more productive. How about putting a pic and recipe for each fly rather than having to click on each one individually? Single adult. Perfect for a day of hiking and fishing. NC 28150 (505) 436-6261. sales@sanjuanriverflies.com When you're in public school there are multiple distractions. Vast deserts and desolate mountains dominate most of the landscape. The photo setup you were using for these types of posts was much better plus half the links I went to didnt work! To get started, click the link below to visit mymagnow.com and learn how to access your digital magazine. Bryen Venema is thefly-shop manager and a guide at the Bighorn Angler in Fort Smith, Montana. Make sure that you bring sunscreen, polarized glasses and bug spray. https://foxtrickadventures.com/foxtrickflies/. Do I mean a dozen of each, or a dozen combined? Junior: Choices Charter school is an excellent school because it allows students to focus on education instead of being distracted. The flash collar attracts fish, and also acts like a wing case. Skittering Midge(sizes 18 & 20) Must-have fly patterns for the San Juan River in descending order of importance: Fly fishing hatches in order of importance: Midges are hatching all day long. Black has been best. How to Tie a Black Midge Pupa Fly Pattern. I think you know what Im going to say. We are still catching fish using large attractor patterns and bright colored larvae. When midges are not balling up and trout are selectively feeding on tiny individual insects (which is most of the time), it's time for a more realistic imitation. Copyright 2023 Abe's Motel & Fly Shop, Inc. Spring is a great time to fish the San Juan. Just remember, what they lack in size, they make up for in performance. You need to make sure the pattern is actually a Root Beer Midge. Man I love that! The Gray Ghost. I consider these tailwater midge hatches to be one of fly-fishing's highest plateaus To sight-fish to enormous trout with tiny flies and gossamer tippets is a true test of your angling mettle. Emerging pupae. Simply add a tungsten bead, and they can be an effective dry-dropper pattern. Johnny Gomez's Johnny Flash has the profile of the WD-40 and the emerging wing of the RS2. San Juan Worm "Micro" - Fire Red. That's fine if you are out for the fresh air, but if you want to make every cast count, you must alter your leader to suit specific water depths. HOOK: #19-23 Tiemco 212Y.THREAD: Black 16/0.POST: Pink Aero Dry Wing.RIB: Fine black monofilament thread.BODY: Tan 16/0 thread.HACKLE: Dun.THORAX: Synthetic peacock. The "ant hatch" isn't a hatch, but is caused by runoff from a large rain which brings ants into the river. Our goal is simple: Whether you are planning a fly fishing trip of a lifetime to a world class fishery like the San Juan River, or are just heading out to your favorite local spot for the weekend, we want to offer you high quality, proven trout fly patterns at a more than reasonable price. Hi David Humphries Owner of Guide Recommended. If youre looking for some adventure, upriver from Texas hole is an area called the Upper Flats. The latest Costa Film "Hooked On: Bonefish" explores the pursuit of this prized gamefish, which requires expert marksmanship and delicate execution to be successful. Spring flows can also bring a little discolored water to the San Juan caused by silt flowing into the lake or by lake turnover. The river is braided in this area and finding a good place to stand while still being able to reach the best water with a cast is difficult. Sorry about that. Magical Krystal Flash. If he doesnt get you in his boat, hes got a long list of excellent guides to set you up. 7 reviews. You are not allowed to post links (http://) in comments. . During high flows it is best to fish only safely wade able areas or fish from a drift boat. Sorry there was no pictures! 1. HOOK: #10-16 Tiemco 2457.THREAD: Black 8/0.BODY: Tying thread.RIB: Silver holographic tinsel.THORAX: Tying thread over wire.WINGCASE: Gray Swiss straw.GILLS: White Z-lon.Note: Cover the fly body with nail polish. The loop knot allows your bottom fly to move more freely in the current regardless of tippet diameter or stiffness. My dad used to say this statement every time we were in the Southwest. A perfect imitation of the ubiquitous dragonfly built with a compelling yet simple approach. Try fishing BWOs from 1:00pm to about 5:00pm. A few burly sets of Perfect Rubber legs, a bit of soft hackle, a pinch or two of dubbing and you have a bug that brings a smile to your face. This pattern often gets overlooked by anglers in the shop, but it is a frequent choice for many of the guides. We typically fish this pattern in combination with a crustacean pattern, such as a sowbug or scud. This is a simple midge that is easy to tie, very durable, and works well at imitating a midge pupa ascending to the surface. Trust that the weather isnt going to kill a trip because of flow conditions. The WD-40 is an emerging-midge pattern developed by John Engler on the Frying Pan, but it works almost anywhere there are midges. Kim is either changing flies, adjusting weight, changing his leader length, or landing a fish. HOOK: #10-12 Dohiku G 644BL.THREAD: Black 8/0.ABDOMEN: Tying thread.BUTT: Fluorescent orange 70-denier Ultra Thread.RIB: Pearl Flashabou.THORAX: Red 70-denier Ultra Thread.WING: Natural CDC.Note: Coat body with Sally Hansen Hard As Nails clear nail polish. Youve got to fish tiny flies, I know this might be new to you and it might be difficult, but these trout are eating tiny bugs. Hey Phil sorry for the delayed response I didnt get the notification. All Rights Reserved. I generally tie it in black, but it is effective in gray, brown, cream, and a variety of other colors. Remember that really cool video about the midge life cycle we featured a few weeks ago? The CDC wing makes this pattern easy to see on the surface. Circle of life. I used a 9 foot 5x tapers fluorocarbon leader with 4 feet of 6X fluorocarbon tippet. Looking for a rod that casts a little farther with more accuracy? To be a proficient midge fisherman, you need a range of fly patterns that imitate every stage trout prey upon. When a hatch really gets going, trout suspend in the water column, sometimes just inches under the surface, and gorge on emerging pupae. Our study of chironomid entomology led to years of experimentation at the vise, and together we developed more than 100 innovative patterns that represented the various stages of the midge life cycle. Andy Yong Kim - a guide on the San Juan Riveris one of these trout hunters. Black Beauty - Black - Sz 22-26. . Make sure that you take the necessary precautions when lightning is in the area. The number of repeat customers over the past 9 years is a testament to the quality of our ties and customer service. .004 lbs. 6. We do this when fish are feeding just under the surface film on emerging midge pupae. It may be small and green, but it has magic powers that could change your life. While I am tying this very small, it doesn't have to be tied this small only. An indicator that moves quickly and stays in place after you move it will make your day more enjoyable. Tags: Flash Thread Midge, Flash Thread Midge Fly Pattern, Fly Tying, San Juan Fly Patterns, Simple midge fly patterns, tailwater fly patterns. I recommend buying it in the traditionally brown, white and red version, but the all red and all black versions work pretty great as well.
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