Usually, UV radiation suppresses the immune system, lowering inflammation. It can feel sore or burning. Dermatoses resulting from physical factors", "Photodermatoses: diagnosis and treatment", "Polymorphous light eruption - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment | BMJ Best Practice", "Polymorphic light eruption | DermNet New Zealand", "CD 11b + cells markedly express the itch cytokine interleukin31 in polymorphic light eruption", "Polymorphic Light Eruption. [7][8](Level V), Gruber-Wackernagel A,Byrne SN,Wolf P, Polymorphous light eruption: clinic aspects and pathogenesis. 2014 Jul;32(3):315-34, viii. Its the most common skin condition caused by sunlight. [2] When a decision to undertake this is made, a small area of the frequently affected skin is exposed to varying doses of UVA and minimal erythema dose (MED) (amount of UV radiation that will produce minimal redness of skin within a few hours following exposure)[2][17] of broadband UVB for three consecutive days. The .gov means its official. Juvenile spring eruption is a variant of PMLE. The condition is more frequent in females and begins often in young adults and in mid-adult life. Polymorphic light eruption pathology. Its most common among: Polymorphous light eruption typically presents as an itchy rash on sun-exposed areas of your body. Consider wearing a broad-brimmed hat, which provides more protection than does a cap or visor. The rash usually appears as tiny, inflamed bumps or slightly raised patches of skin. Accessed Dec. 9, 2021. Doctors think it is a type of delayed allergic reaction. It occurs after solar or artificial UV-light exposure and affects only the sun-exposed areas with preference of the V-area of the chest, of arms and forearms, legs, upper part of the back, and rarely the face. Polymorphic light eruption is the most common form of immunologically mediated photosensitivity dermatoses. This involves exposure of 5-cm squares of usually-affected skin to 12 minimal erythema doses (MED) of broadband UVB and to varying doses of UVA. Majoie IML, van Weelden H, Sybesma IM, Coenraads PJ, Sigurdsson V. Polymorphous light eruption-like skin lesions in welders caused by ultraviolet C light. There may be oedema in the epidermis with a dense superficial and deep lymphocytic infiltrate[10] without vasculitis. In up to 50% of cases, people with PLE have family members who also have the condition. [1] It generally appears 30 minutes to a few hours after sun exposure and may last between one and 14 days. When the oedema is massive the lesions may resemble erythema multiforme clinically. Seborrheic dermatitis commonly affects the skin on the chest, causing a red, scaly rash to appear. Note that this may not provide an exact translation in all languages, Home The rash doesnt cause scars. Topics AZ Individual patients tend to develop the same type and pattern of outbreak each year. [16], The preponderance in women with a decline in severity following menopause has been thought to be associated with oestrogen effects,[6] A natural fall in oestrogens may account for the tendency to remit after the menopause. It occurs 1-2 days after intense sun exposure. [3], It is a non-life-threatening and potentially distressing[4] skin condition that is triggered by sunlight and artificial UV exposure[5] in a genetically susceptible person,[6] particularly in temperate climates during the spring and early summer. //
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