The Brain Worms were introduced in the Clone Wars, where the Separatists used them to control the Jedi Knight Even Piell. The Klorslug is a large, carnivorous, worm-like creature. Tusken Raiders, or Sand People frequently prey on unsuspecting travelers, especially those encountered alone. The Tukata were often used as guard animals by the Sith due to their fierce loyalty and ferocity in combat. Despite the canon's affinity for glossing over the Twi'Lek people or treating them poorly, the Twi'Lek's are surprisingly powerful Force users. Kaminoan scientists specialize in controversial cloning technology, their facilities located on their home planet of Kamino. Just like lineage plays a part in some people's Force capabilities, so does species. The wampa, sensing its midnight snack is about to escape, charges over to deliver the killing blow, only to have its arm sliced off. Jar Jar is an Otolla, the lankier version of a gungan, while the Ankura are more heavyset. At that point he bursts, sending millions of spores out into the atmosphere. They are similar to humans in their appearance, save for the crown of vestigial horns around their head, and the fact that their skin tone comes in shades ranging from tan to red. The Houk produced little technology of their own, though they adapted themselves to the standard technology of the rest of the galaxy, including hyperdrive-equipped starships and modern weapons such as neuronic whips (a weapon many Houk particularly enjoyed using). For example, in Star Wars: TheClone Wars, not only was there a Jedi Master named Ropal, but also a female Rodian padawan and a young Force-sensitive toddler on the Jedi's immediate radar. Company-mothers of information & its stockrats manufacture the brain of suicidal enzymen, with the 3 metal idol-ogies that worship as 'progress' the evolution of parasitic money (capitalist profits), AI machines (Mechanist scientists) & genocidal weapons (Nazionalist tribes) that atrophy our bodies & brains, competing with us in labor & war fields. Rancors stand five meters tall, have arms that are twice as long as their legs, and have massive claws but relatively small mouths. She was then able to use it to strike at the head of the Nexu, which could occasionally scale it and get a few good swipes in to her. 7676: The Queen of Atlas visits Mars, Earth, and Venus. The 2011 anime series "Madoka Magica" begins innocently enough. Divided into drones and warriors, each Geonosian played their role in society. The best clues have been the characters and their abilities showcased in the many canon movies, shows, games, comics . Much speculation has been made about what jawas look like beneath their robes. Stephanie Marceau is a writer, advocate, gamer, and classic novel enthusiast. Table of Contents 10. Any race could have a force-sensitive born among their ranks to become a Jedi or a Sith. As we are nearing the end of this list, the next creature we are going to take a look at is the Dianoga. Bantha steak is a renowned food staple on Tatooine, and bantha milk is rich in nutrients and has a pleasant taste. The queen's responsibilities include laying eggs, and providing orders to the public officials around her. In Attack of the Clones, a Nexu was used by the Separatist forces to attack Padm Amidala in the Geonosian Arena. The Zillo Beast is another reptilian creature that can grow up to 97 meters long and has a tough, scaly hide that is almost impervious to blaster fire and lightsabers.Native to the planet Malastare, Zilo Beast was long believed to be extinct until a specimen was discovered and captured by the Dugs, the native species of Malastare. Its the Mandalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett that claims the prize, who Bossk had worked with on several occasions. What is the most powerful and ancient species in Star Wars? Asajj Ventress 2. Ewoks live in immense interconnecting tree houses high above the forest floor, and subside on a diet of nuts, berries, and meat, prefering to hunt with spears, knives, and slings. They stand roughly two meters in height, garb themselves in tan robes to protect against the heat and sand, and use horned face coverings that resemble gas masks to conceal their features and make themselves more fearsome. To qualify, they had to have some impactful moment either on screen or in the pages of Star Wars novels and comics, as well as influenced the machinations of the galaxys most prominent events. At clan meetings, civil matters are voted on pertaining to agriculture, technology, and warfare. It was Jedi Master Plo Koon that discovered her on her homeworld and brought her to the Jedi Temple to receive her training. Star Wars: 14 Characters Stronger Than Yoda By Tanner Fox Updated Apr 10, 2022 Yoda is one of the strongest Jedi of all time but he's not the strongest force user ever. Whether a Zabrak chose to become a Jedi, Sith, or something else, they were always known for their independent spirit. Kaminoans are aloof, guarded, and very private. Combine that with the always expanding and just as entertaining expanded universe, what seems like boundless numbers of species coexist in the galaxy. Its thick fur provides excellent insulation against the cold, and its keen sense of smell allows it to track prey even in a blizzard. Thanos is an Eternal / Deviant hybrid, making him the most powerful specimen of his species. Yoda (/ j o d /) is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, first appearing in the 1980 film The Empire Strikes Back.He is a small, green humanoid alien who is powerful with the Force and is a leading member of the Jedi Order until its near annihilation. These blitz attacks helped to distract Imperial forces and give the Rebel Alliance time to dismantle the shield generator on Endor. The Rathtar is a massive creature that resembles a giant octopus or squid. All Houk colonies had their own societies and systems of government, though they all answered to the Lijuter Congress which administered their homeworld. While Yoda is a great example of this, even young Grogu himself shows great and terrifying aptitude in the Force. They were contracted by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas to create the Grand Republic Army entirely of clones from the bounty hunter Jango Fett. They offer little in the way of resources or technology, and their existence is overlooked by governing bodies. 7699: Small human populations on Mars, Atlas, Venus, and Earth begin rebuilding societies and star-fleets. The Zabrak, also known as the Dathomirians, are a unique and highly powerful species in the Force. Sarlacc begin as spores. Dengar 8. Over two and a half meters tall, with dense fur, sinewy long limbs and a language comprised of various growls and grunts, wookiees strike an imposing figure. Though they were in a gladiatorial arena, the fight was anything but fair as they were chained to poles, and intended to be executed. Stuart Freeborn, who sculpted the Chewbacca masks, and George Lucas further refined the look of the physical mask. Tall, ethereal, and elegant, Kaminoans are the fish giraffes of the galaxy. Their heads rest on eerily long necks, and their huge black eyes have white pupils, making them both bizarre and able to see in the ultraviolet spectrum. The plenitude of its many and colorful beings provides a foundation for many imaginative storylines, from tragic to heroic, and everywhere in-between. Plo Koon and another Kel Dor, Bo Keevil, were both ace pilots. The lightsaber dueling style of Jedi Master Mace Windu, Form VII, was once referred to as the Way of the Vornskr. Underworld figures often use rancors to execute enemies or settle disputes. They were among the largest and strongest humanoid sentients, rivaled only by species such as the Wookiees for physical power. Call-Forward: Stories set before the first Star Wars film made, A New Hope, can't help but make references to it and foreshadow its events.There are so many examples of referencing future events that Star Wars has a page dedicated to these references. Nexus are often used as guard animals by wealthy individuals or criminals and in gladiatorial arenas. One of the most influential and powerful Jedi ever was Plo Koon:a fantastic Jedi Master and pilot. After all, the Togruta arerather spiritual people; some of their people don't believe in wearing shoes because they feel like it blocks their connection to the earth. He started as Captain of the Guard, but when the Black Sun joined Mauls Shadow Collective, he became the leader of the Black Sun. Though their cloning facilities exist above the ocean floor of their homeworld, they dwell beneath the waves in large underwater cities. Often serving as exotic pets or gladiatorial combatants, Rancors can be found all over the galaxy, even though the origin of their species can be traced to Dathomir. Gungans from Naboo were dispatched as reinforcements to the Mon Calamari military that resisted, as well as assault teams of Jedi Knights, and later clone troopers. When they were first introduced in Return of the Jedi, public opinion didnt hold Ewoks in high regard. Even with their similar penchant for precarious behavior, they had many successful missions, and Ahsoka eventually became a general in the Grand Republic Army. Whereas his own Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi had learned to be a patient mentor after the recklessness of his own master, Anakin did not prove a patient teacher for Ahsoka. In their guise as the Architects, the Celestials were credited with the most momentous and mysterious constructs the Star Wars galaxy had ever known. Their ice cave acts like one massive refrigerator. To ensure that all Geonosians were kept industrious, the queens often had them take on contracts from outside entities. When a Zabrak comes of age, they begin getting a series of intricate tattoos. Sandos are powerfully built creatures, with long felinoid bodies that ripple with muscles. Kirsten Neuschfer has become the first woman to win the Golden Globe Race. Giant, shaggy creatures with gnarled faces and long ears, they raided Ewok villages for their meals, and sometimes just because they didnt like the little fuzzy buggers. The width and breadth of the Star Wars Universe can only be measured in the sheer number of species it contains. Even non-Jedi Cereans have some Force traditions, solidifying them as a powerful, Force-connected species. They were very powerful due to their large bulk of pure muscle. Mirialans are a Star Wars race very similar to humans made distinct by their green or yellow-colored skin and their personalized facial tattoos. Many legends exist about these majestic and terrifying creatures, contributed to by Naboo citizens and small children. The most famous Exogorth encountered in the Star Wars universe was the one found inside an asteroid in the Hoth system, which nearly swallowed the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo and his companions inside. Which is made up of trillions of parallel, or otherwise related, universes and pocket dimensions. However, just as each Houk colony had a different culture and government, Houk individuals had varied personalities. Green. Since jawas have been known to vary in height (most being a meter tall, some as tall as a human), Tatooine inhabitants have wondered if they are a devolved version of themselves, or some sort of mutated rodent creature. Their ability to track Force users is due to their sensitivity to the Force, which allows them to sense a Jedis presence from a great distance. Cad Bane 1. The Mynock is a small and parasitic creature that attaches itself to spaceships and other vehicles. Their giant mouths contain multiple rows of sharp, needle like teeth, which they used to slice through the flesh of their prey. Their long fingers end in suction cups, and though they have webbed feet, they can easily fit into clothing and footwear designed for humans. They have one of the highest numbers of Force-sensitives in Jedi history, including famed Jedi Master Aayla Secura. Weaponry such as bubble shield projectors and fambaa balls use plasma energy that gungans mine from the planet crust. Their entire culture is built around Force sensitivity and the strength of each generation. Many legends exist about these majestic and terrifying creatures, contributed to by Naboo citizens and small children. In the Star Wars universe, it's safe to say that the Jedi are some of the most beloved characters. Unfortunately, this vast amount of power was also their undoing. They measure as long as 24,383 feet (7,432 meters) and live in space. Some of this, of course, is due . What makes the Gundark particularly dangerous is its intelligence and ferocity. The Houk were a sentient, humanoid species distinguished by their muscular bulk, and large arms that ended in four-fingered hands. A Houk gladiator fights the future Mandalore the Lesser on Geonosis during the Great Galactic War. Only a few of them were exposed to the scorching twin suns, as well as several rows of long, needle-like teeth, and a beaked tongue that darted out to grab onto victims. When Krim refused, Ziton kidnapped Krims family and held them hostage at the Black Sun fortress on Mustafar. At face value, Cereans do kind of just look like coneheads. Houk Thanks to sensational lines from cargo smugglers like Han Solo, wookiees have gotten a violent reputation for ripping arms out of peoples sockets (especially when they lose at holochess). Lijuter[1] Their diet consists of everything from entire schools of fish to the chewy opee sea monster. This branch of aliens have several unique features, including their tridactyl hands and their anisodactyl feet, along with their pointy ears. Force Destruction 3. With a whip-like tail, this massive reptile spans 97 meters (over 300 feet!) In fact, the famous Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi had to use his wits and knowledge of the creatures weakness to defeat one in combat. was made). RELATED:Star Wars: Every Canon Lightsaber Color, Ranked. Though he was pleased to deliver a decisive blow to the scuttling creature, a decisive snap of its jaws broke the spear and left him helpless. They hail from Mon Cala, a planet which has polar and tropical areas, both of which distinguish certain Mon Calamari based on the color of their skin. The Togruta are often mistaken for Twilek, thanks to the fact that both species share headtails. Jedi Knights and Sith Lords rely heavily on the Force in combat. They produce a krayt venom that helps them in pre-digesting their food. Force Net 2. Even though most people know Rodians for the infamous bounty hunter Greedo, these starry-eyed people are actually quite strong in the Force. With their sleek black bodies and whip-like tails filled with venom, they are perfect predators who prefer to stalk and stun their prey before devouring it. Fett found him ruthless, like the vast majority of his species, but not without cunning intelligence to match his ferocity in battle. Though the species of the Star Wars Universe are more numerous than this article can possibly contain, weve gathered 26 of the most powerful and ranked them accordingly. Most powerful being overall in the Star Wars universe. One in particular, a female, found fame beneath Jabba the Hutts palace as his pet (as well as a major deterrent to negotiations that didnt go in his favor). Fans of George Lucas' famous sci-fi films - Star Wars - have long argued over which characters would win in theoretical battles against other Jedi, Sith, and everyone in between. when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn literally ran into Jar Jar Binks after hed crash landed on Naboo. Updated onJune 26th, 2021 byMelody MacReady:Seeing how it's never been explicitly explored in canon Star Wars media, it can be difficult to measure precisely as to which species are the most powerful wielders of the Force. All levels of scrap and shoddily refurbished droids, that is. Their skin ranges from different shades of green and they have a life expectancy of about 900 years, making them older than most other species. Gungans had an uneasy coexistence with the human inhabitants of Naboo, until the Trade Federation blockade and subsequent conflict forced them to become stronger allies. It emits a powerful Force wave that can overwhelm the will of weaker-minded individuals, forcing them to obey its commands. Graceful, agile predators, Vornskr are a species of Force-sensitive canine creatures that hail from the planet Myrkr. There were several of his species serving as galactic peacekeepers and warriors. While it feasted on Lukes mount, it left him hanging upside down in its ice cave. A number of wars were waged between members of the Houk race and the Weequay . The Houk came from the planet Lijuter in the Reibrin system, though they spread out to colonize several nearby systems after being contacted by Vaathkree traders. Their wingspan is well over 30 meters, they have an armored hide, and they have several large horns protruding from nobules at the crest of their skulls. They are known to ride rancors, utilizing them for their intimidating physical qualities as well as their known tempers. It was all thanks to the Nexu that Padmes outfit became a tattered two-piece. Behind the scenes knowledge from The Empire Strikes Back suggests that the wampa scene was added to explain the slight change in actor Mark Hamills face after a car accident disfigured it, requiring plastic surgery.
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