Interviews are academic in nature. We wish all applicants enjoyment and understanding in their future pursuits of physics. In the end, six candidates were offered a college place at Merton for the academic year 2023-24, and one candidate was made an open offer. Applicants were interviewed by both their first and second colleges, and a small number were invited to further interviews at a third college. Candidates were asked to summarise the prose extract, and then discuss some of the critical issues within the text. The interviews were graded against agreed descriptors. We will deal with the issue as soon as possible. Following the first College interviews, the Admissions Co-ordinator allocated three candidates per college for second college interviews. 3.4% were doing 5 or more A-levels (though not necessarily all being completed in one academic year). The target of three candidates for every place available meant that many good candidates were not shortlisted. 20.1% of eligible applicants submitted an open application, meaning they did not specify a college of preference on their application and were allocated one. Prospective applicants may be interested in the suggestions on how to prepare for the admissions process available on the Physics Department website. For candidates shortlisted for interview, the average score was 46.9. In 2022, Oxford Physics received a total of 1633 applicants for places in Physics or Physics and Philosophy, a decrease of 152 (8.5%) on the 2021 figures. The coordinators manually reallocated a few candidates in those languages before running the automated reallocation system. %PDF-1.7 % 2021, male applicants did slightly better on BMAT than female applicants (mean 56.9% vs 51.9%). These include complete transparency of all information gained about each applicant, supported by an online information system, and a final meeting where the strongest unplaced applicants are identified and open offers are agreed. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Reallocation is carried out on the faculty MLAD database. All candidates for Maths, Maths & Statistics, Maths & Philosophy who took the MAT, and who have not withdrawn, will have their MAT score emailed to them automatically by the Admissions Coordinator at the end of the admissions process. Communication: willingness and ability to express ideas clearly and effectively both in writing and orally; ability to listen and to give considered responses. Once you have received your results, please check UCAS Track. If you have met the conditions of your offer, the first status update you should check for on UCAS Track is UF (unconditional firm). This means your place has been confirmed at Oxford. Congratulations! What you need to do next: 11% of applicants taking A-levels were studying Chemistry, Biology, Physics AND Mathematics (compared to 13.5% of shortlisted applicants and 13.5% of applicants offered places). Final Declarations Meeting procedure: All offers, including Opportunity Oxford offers, were confirmed by college representatives at the Final Declarations Meeting, which reviewed them against the candidates mid-interview ranking. Reflecting the disruptions to normal educational patterns since March 2020, a further 164 applicants (compared to 202 in 2021 and 83 in 2020) were also shortlisted, who were below the automatic thresholds but whose application forms showed other evidence of excellence or mitigating circumstances. Among those candidates, the mean number of GCSEs at grades 9/8 was 8.5. However, the circumstances of GCSE grades in summer 2021 (where they were, as in summer 2020, awarded by teacher assessment rather than external exams) made this less reliable as levels of grade inflation differed significantly between schools. Interviewers are well aware of the particularly challenging circumstances applicants this year have faced in light of the pandemic and took this into account when assessing applications. Contextual data is taken into account when making our assessment. The vast majority of our applicants are very talented, with exemplary academic backgrounds. Following the end of the selection process, colleges write to applicants via UCAS with the results of their application. The mean BMAT score was 53.3%, which rose to 65.7% for those shortlisted and 68.3% for applicants. WebEM applicants (more detail and individual results are available via Scoring and results | TSA Oxford | Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing):1 10th percentile 73.91 20th These were taken into account in making shortlisting and offer decisions. Proven competence in the language(s) as established by schoolwork written in the language(s), by the language test and (in some cases) by oral competence at interview. those who showed the most potential as a whole were selected and offered a place. After the interviews, the three interview marks are combined into a single score (out of 100). Interviewers will be looking for evidence of the candidates potential for development in the following four areas: Understanding:this can be shown in (for example) a candidates ability to listen carefully, to analyse problems, to identify the premises and conclusions of arguments, and to express in their own words someone elses ideas. DPhil (PhD) Information, Communication and the Soc DPhil (PhD) Sustainable Urban Development, DPhil (PhD) Medieval and Modern Languages, DPhil (PhD) Classical Languages and Literature, DPhil (PhD) Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, DPhil (PhD) Women's and Reproductive Health. sketches and equations). The average number of 9/8/A*s for shortlisted applicants was 9.2, and for those receiving an offer it was 9.4. The standard offer for Biologyis A*AA, at A level, including Biology plus Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics and with the A* in a Science or Mathematics (or equivalent). There was an increase in applications this year, which meant that some applicants who might have been shortlisted in previous years were not shortlisted this year. WebThis report presents undergraduate admissions statistics for the University of Oxford over five admissions years between 2016 and 2020, broken down into chapters covering the Ultimately, 200 offers were made for entry in 2023. All shortlisted Chemistry applicants were interviewed remotely over a two-week period in December. Then came his internship at Miami University Regionals. 29 shortlisted female applicants were offered places, making up 21.5% of the total offers. New additions We are working on making Admission Report more accurate and complete Data Improvements - 12 Oct 2022 Imperial Undergraduate Data Updated Imperial undergraduate numbers for the last three academic years have been added. We know that it is disappointing to candidates and their schools that we are not able to offer places to all of the very able young people we see. WebMaking changes to your work after submission (Inspera and Moodle). WebThe annual admissions report is a very valuable tool in guiding the work of the Admissions Committee and our Outreach team. Guide Score: This passage then formed the basis for a discussion: we were assessing what candidates found interesting about the passage, how critically they were able to read it, and to what extent we could develop ideas about the text which might be of historical interest. The written work is double marked centrally within the Faculty and also by the first-choice college tutor. In calculating the section 3 score, double weight was ascribed to the Quality of content score and single weight given to the Quality of English score (with A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1, and X=0). Today the University of Oxford has published its Annual Admissions Statistical Report detailing the University's undergraduate admissions figures five years. The applicants performance in each interview is judged according to the admissions criteria, codified on a numeric scale against agreed descriptors, and shared among all tutors involved in admissions, together with the applicants UCAS forms and their test results. This year, the number of applicants for Modern Languages fell considerably: 685 as against 778 from last year. All applicants are expected to sit the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT), or must seek permission in exceptional circumstances from the subject Admissions Coordinator to be exempted from the test. Shortlisting was performed by the Chemistry Admissions Coordinators and the College tutors in accordance with thestated admissions criteria, based on all available and relevant data: in particular these data include all aspects of the applicant's UCAS form and any further relevant contextual data specific to the application. When the PAT is written, it is intended to be at a broadly similar difficulty level from year to year, although the actual difficulty of a paper is never known until the PAT paper has been taken. The nominations made were scrutinised further along with the 80 applicants just below the cut-off point. In making final decisions, admitting tutors carefully examine all available information at every stage: qualifications achieved and predicted, school or college reports, personal statements, written work, Oxford ELAT results, and performance in interviews. Ratio of applications to offers: 2.14. As with December 2021, the principal determinant for shortlisting this year was the C-score, which pre-interview equals the PAT mark. Each interview is marked out of 10 based on the academic judgement of the interviewing tutors. have the same two pairs of interviewers interviewing for more than one college). 224 (64.4%) had taken five or more GCSEs. A-Level (or equivalent). Opportunity Oxford Offers: 19 Applicants to joint degrees typically have separate interviews in the two disciplines. In total 1015 (894 last year) applications were received in 2022 for Chemistry. 3 -> This year the number of applicants was1864. As guidance, the Admissions Coordinator advises college tutors as to an upper threshold score and a lower threshold score. Of these applicants: 1,637 successfully registered for and sat the BMAT (1,786 in 2021). This meant that candidates from a number of oversubscribed colleges were reallocated to other colleges for interview. Provisional shortlisting decisions become final by an agreed deadline unless appealed by another college or the Admissions Coordinator. In the 2022-23 admissions round the estimated competition for places across Oxford was 2.4:1 for Classics. Most of these reports have been prepared by the College but they incorporate or refer to departmental and faculty reports where these are available. All figures in brackets relate to the previous admissions cycle, 2021/22. The admissions process as a whole is designed to identify which candidates possess them in the greatest measure: Motivation and commitment along with capacity for sustained study of language and literature. Oxford University has today published its first Annual Admissions Statistical Report which sets out a detailed picture of our undergraduate admissions over the past Candidates for Classics from other colleges who received a second interview were seen by a combined panel of tutors for a single interview. Prior to the interviews, we held an online pre-interview meeting to allow the applicants to see who would be interviewing them, to explain the interview process, and to answer any questions. Interviews were conducted remotely via Teams on 5 and 6 December for 1st-choice colleges, and on 9 and 13 December by the faculty interview panels for the second round of interviews. A further 58 candidates had their second-assigned colleges reallocated after the first interviews. As part of the university-wide Common Framework for Admissions, introduced a few years ago, the Law Faculty shortlists candidates (college-blind) in consultation with a Faculty Selection Committee (FSC) consisting of representatives from 15 Colleges. WebSummary of the 2021/22 University of Oxford Admissions Process for the subjects; Mathematics, Mathematics & Statistics, Mathematics & Philosophy, and Mathematics & Candidates for Classics and Modern Languages had a Classics interview lasting about 25 minutes. The shortlisting criteriaare described on the course website as follows: We only interview those who have a realistic chance of getting in, when judged by past and predicted exam results, school reports, personal statements and the pre-interview test. Assessors will look for evidence of intellectual curiosity and critical engagement. In light of the competition for places, the purpose of shortlisting is to provide time during the December interview window to interview all shortlisted applicants. History aimed to interview 2.5 candidates per place. 1139022, Biochemistry admissions round 2022/2023 some initial statistics, Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE), 360 views - Conference and meeting areas, 360 views - Dining and accommodation areas, Socially Isolated - Spiritually Connected, Library & Archives: Opening hours, facilities, services, Contact the undergraduate admissions team, the University's Regional Outreach Scheme,, Details of the test and several past papers and specimen papers with solutions,, selection criteria for Economics & Management, will be available online from early January, standard selection criteria for History and the relevant joint schools,,, https://www.mod-, Cambridge Assessments Results Online system, standard selection criteria and admissions procedures, the suggestions on how to prepare for the admissions process available on the Physics Department website. Each applicant is associated with a first college, either of their choosing, or selected for them in a way that aims to even out the competition for places across the colleges. Therefore, in accordance with University guidance, we use a range of contextual data to help us to better understand students achievements in the context of their individual background. Evaluation of shortlisted candidates will also include their performance at interview. When making shortlisting decisions admissions tutors give the following weighting to the various elements of each application. WebKingswood Oxford School seeks an Associate Director of Admissions as a full-time, nonexempt, 12-month employee to start on August 1, 2023. The colleges use various procedures in a coordinated effort to ensure that the strongest applicants are admitted across the University irrespective of the college considering their application. Shortlisting is performed in accordance withthe stated admissions criteriaon the basis of all currently available and relevant data: in particular these data include an applicants score from the MAT, all aspects of the applicants UCAS form and any further relevant contextual data specific to the application. hb```f``d`e`Lgd@ A(SU+&9[O V${G\3P/" -`"X72=b6`Zt1S"9[>I{ ]@,. The standard entry requirements for Biology are set out on the University of Oxford website. In 2022 a total of 1584 UCAS applications were received across the three undergraduate Computer Science degrees, for entry in 2023 or deferred entry in 2024. %%EOF These include 9 open offers, in which a college is not specified at the time of the offer. After colleges have entered their first interview scores and decisions candidates are ranked according to a post-first interviews score which is based on interview scores, TSA scores, and contextualised GCSE information where available. It is very hard for applicants to assess their own interview performance and we know from conversations with accepted students that it is extremely common for applicants to think that interviews which have actually gone well even very well have gone badly. TSA resultswill be available online from early January. The admissions criteria are published on the departments website at: postgraduate taught applicants received an offer in 2019/20. 4 withdrew from the application process before shortlisting. A number of candidates above the three were also interviewed in second colleges. Among this years 348 shortlisted applicants. Other (including unknown): 37 (18%), The gender breakdown of those given offers is as follows: All candidates above the upper threshold were recommended to be shortlisted, and candidates below the lower threshold were recommended not to be shortlisted, except in the case of exceptional circumstances. This year, the average performance of all applicants in the OxELAT was 44.2/60. Departmental policies for shortlisting and decisions, Deferred candidates arriving in 2023 - none, (Table figures exclude applicants who withdrew before interview), Number predicted/achieved A* at A-levels in sciences5. Interviews at 1st college: all candidates received two independent interviews of 20 to 25 minutes with separate pairs of interviewers at their first-choice college; at least one of the four interviewers had to be a historian and at least one an archaeologist. You can read more about how we shortlist applicants on the English Facultys website: Letters and/or emails are then sent to candidates informing them of the outcome of the shortlisting exercise. While the majority of accepted applicants have three good interviews (at least as viewed by the interviewers), 62 accepted applicants had one interview which scored less than a 7, while 14 accepted applicants had one interview which scored below 6. 2.2.4. Candidates may well be invited for a further interview at another college; as with pre-interview reallocation, this is to ensure that the best candidates gain places in the University regardless of the competition in particular colleges. 1559 (98.4%)successfully registered to sit the Mathematics Admissions Test (MAT) by the registration deadline, which was 30 September 2022. The most common A-Level subjects studied by interviewees were English Literature, History, and Mathematics. Admissions interviews for the University took place remotely via Microsoft Teams. 78.6% of eligible applicants offered A-levels. 0000027653 00000 n 21.5% of applicants submitted an open application. In applying these criteria, the main concern is to identify proven competence in the language(s) along with future promise and aptitude in literary and cultural studies. Grahame Evans 6 applicantswere offered places through Opportunity Oxford. 29.9% of applicants were female (29.3%) and 22.9% of those offered a place are female (28.3%). There was variation in the remaining A level subject(s) taken by A level applicants some shortlisted applicants held Biology plus two or more of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. WebFind out the acceptance rates to Undergraduate, Masters and PhD programs in the United Kingdom. Following shortlisting, which is conducted in line with the quota imposed on the Medical School by the UK Government for the available international places, 36 of these applicants were shortlisted and 8 applicants received an offer for 2023. We appreciate the time and effort you put into making an application. For this short-listing, we used the results of the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) as well as all othercontextual informationto reduce the number of applicants to around 2.5 per place. 0000015885 00000 n Tutors are guided by a statistically validated score derived from the MAT and the applicants performance at GCSE relative to other students at their pre-16 school; they exercise discretion within thresholds determined for each degree subject by the subject coordinator. As with last year it was therefore decided to set a relatively high automatic shortlisting threshold, to allow for a higher fraction of shortlisted applicants with PAT scores below the automatic threshold but where application forms showed other evidence of excellence or mitigating circumstances. A small number of applicants were brought back into contention at the request of a College. 0000014577 00000 n 36 international fee-status applicants were shortlisted. Please note that colleges interviewed blind of college of choice (or allocation) and BMAT score. This aims to ensure that, for each college, the ratio of interviewed first-choice applicants to places is as close as possible to 2.5 to 1. They were also asked to make some salient observations about the music extracts (though they were not expected to recognise the piece or the composer). 1 graduate applicant received an offer of a place (graduates compete with school-leavers for places; there is no separate quota). Many interviews will focus on an unseen passage that a candidate receives shortly before the start of the interview. All shortlisted applicants were invited for interview in mid-December. Four offer holders have been nominated asOpportunity Oxfordcandidates. The Admissions Group has standard offers for those taking A-levels, the International Baccalaureate or Advanced Highers; college tutors will seek advice from admissions tutors or the Admissions Office in making other offers. There were 127 open applications for Biology, which means that 17% of applicants did not choose a college when they applied. 'e]Q@C4@R)A V+ We are grateful to colleges for their help in making the selection process run so smoothly. The contextual data and flagging policy uses a range of socio-economic and school measures to place individual applicants on a spectrum of disadvantage for more effective identification of under-represented and disadvantaged students. Of the 74 applicants studying A-levels in the UK who werent taking Further Maths as a full A-level, 6 were shortlisted for interview, and fewer than 3 were offered a place. A small number of candidates were unable to take the BMAT due to extenuating circumstances about which we were informed via the CAAT special considerations process. All such applicants were over-quota in terms of interview numbers to ensure they did not displace anyone who had sat the original PAT test. 630 applicants were shortlisted and invited to interview. GCSE score (or its contextualised equivalent) and Composite Score (based on Contextual Data concerning Prior Education, Residential Postcode and Care Status) are then taken into account before Admissions Tutors make a final decision. For other candidates, the third subject included Economics, English Literature, French, Latin, Music, Sociology, Geography, History, Psychology, Art & Design, Computer Science and Spanish. For candidates with no previous knowledge of Greek or Latin, we asked about their experience of learning other languages (where appropriate) and what prompted them to embark on learning Greek or Latin at degree level. College tutors review the UCAS forms and any other information relevant to individual applications, and in light of all information enter their provisional shortlisting decisions in the web-based admissions database. For the Ancient History interview, all candidates were given a short passage (in English) from an Ancient Historical source to read for 15 minutes in advance of the interview. Details of the test and several past papers and specimen papers with solutionscan be found online. ]]> The Mark Scheme (for schoolwork and interviews) is as follows: All decisions to offer places to ML candidates (Joint School included) were confirmed at the ML Admissions Final Decisions meeting on Friday 16th December 2022. Along with a small number of UK students forced to miss the PAT due to circumstances beyond their control, all such students were interviewed and given an additional back-up PAT paper during the period. Of these, 5 were shortlisted and interviewed and a small number were offered places. There were 114 places available for 2023 entry to the course, meaning there were 6.5 applications per available place. Such interviews began by discussing candidates submitted written work, but sometimes moved onto related historical questions and topics, or other parts of their syllabus. The Faculty is also aware that factors such as socio-economic disadvantage and school performance can mean that it is difficult for some students to perform to their full potential before applying to university. 0000008514 00000 n Candidates who display one or more of the above shortcomings may nonetheless be invited for interview if the paper application reveals a clear justification for, or explanation of, the shortcomings and clear alternative evidence of the candidates potential. There were 970 applications for English Language and Literature in 2022, at a ratio of 4 applicants per available place. To ensure that the strongest applicants obtain places, all colleges have access to information on all applicants through a central database, and colleges are actively encouraged to flag up strong applicants they will be unable to offer a place to themselves. 0000012965 00000 n Six offers were made to applicants under the recently launchedOpportunity Oxfordscheme. Standard conditions apply to those taking A-levels, the International Baccalaureate or Scottish Highers; for other applicants, tutors will seek advice from the subject coordinator or the colleges admissions tutor in determining a comparable set of conditions. This information included school UCAS references, HAT scores, submitted written work, and predicted or achieved school examination results, and, where available, contextual data. 164 (68.9%) offered A-level Computer Science or Computing. This is a thorough, long and demanding process which we believe ensures that those most suited to the particular study approach and system in Oxford are selected. Following interviews, colleges ranked all the candidates they had seen, on the basis of all information available to them at that time. Three new Roman fortified camps have been identified across northern Arabia by a remote sensing survey by the University of Oxfords School of Archaeology . After shortlisting had taken place, some applicants were redistributed to a new college 1 so that all colleges had approximately 3 candidates per available place. This article explains it in more detail. Colleges are set deselection targets so that across all colleges at least 2.75 applicants per place are shortlisted. The 2022 PAT ended up a bit easier than the 2021 one, reflected in an improved mean of 51.2% (compare with 43.1% in 2021). Before 2021, the first stage of our shortlisting process had used a combination of contextualised GCSE performance (for those candidates with GCSE grades) and BMAT score. The test may vary in format from one language to another. The number of applicants per place was7.0. Almost all of our applicants had unblemished school records and very strong and supportive references. 5For applicants taking three or more A-levels/pre-U. In 2022, weightings were: section 1=40%, section 2=40%, and section 3=20%. All A-level applicants must take Chemistry. Once shortlisting is complete, the Faculty operates a procedure of reallocation between colleges, moving some candidates to colleges other than the one to which they originally applied. After shortlisting, 343 applicants were invited to interview and after interview, 128 applicants received an offer for 2023 course entry. For those shortlisted the mean adjusted BMAT score was 65.7% (65.8% in 2021). Shortlisting decisions are reviewed by the subject coordinator in order to ensure consistency between colleges. 32 0 obj <> endobj We see many talented and promising candidates each year but are constrained by the number of places we can offer. 4Too few applicants taking GCSEs or A-levels to give meaningful numbers. In all 205 (201 last year) offers were made, including open offers.
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