newberg school board decision

newberg school board decision

School board director and vice chair Brian Shannon, who voted for the measure and added the language about apparel, said the "main goal of this is to get political symbols and divisive symbols out of our schools so we can focus on the already difficult task of educating our students in the core subjects.". "This is going to set our district back decades. What brought you out tonight to the protest? They think this quality will be hindered by the presence of ideological symbols. I wanna ask why? Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Board chair Dave Brown did not reply to a request for comment. Recently, The Newberg Graphic has reported on two different lawsuits that involve the ongoing feud between the conservative majority of the Newberg public schools board and the sinister mafia-esque group called Newberg Equity in Education, which as I have previously reported, is a splinter cell of Progressive Yamhill AKA Save Yamhill County PAC AKA Yamhill County Democrats, led by Lynette Shaw . Maybe it's nothing to you as a white privileged male, but it's a really big deal to a lot of our community, a lot of our staff, and a lot of our students.. Citizens are encouraged to express their ideas, concerns and judgments through communication with District staff and Board members. She pointed at the opposition: We dont have a problem with them here, but they dont even let us get near them. As a family with BLM and Pride signs passed by the small contingent of conservatives, a Black father shouted, Black Lives Matter doesnt represent me. He and his son brought out a banner that read, #All Lives Matter.. Newberg School District (29J) is a public school district headquartered in Newberg in the U.S. state of Oregon. Yale honors Black girl who was reported to police as she sprayed lanternfli Tyre Nichols videos join patchwork of violent police footage. The ACLU of Oregon and law firm Davis Wright Tremaine argued that the ban violates the Oregon Constitution. In Newberg, four of the seven board members voted to fire Morelock, who was under contract through June 2024. No final order has been made. Former board member Ines Pea resigned several months ago, alleging that she faced a toxic work environment on the board. Newberg School Board voted 4 to 3 on November 9 to remove Dr. Joe Morelock as superintendent without cause. Defendants and their agents acted under color or authority of state law, the lawsuit continued. The quality of some of the stories that we heard should count more than just the number of emails that we received, said Pea, who was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt and rainbow headband during the virtual meeting. In the board packet for Tuesday's school board meeting, one agenda item was to address Morelock's response to a Newberg citizen's complaint about a sign in the window of a classroom at Dundee Elementary. The four conservative members of the board voted, 4-3, to fire Superintendent Joe Morelock at the end of Tuesday night's school board meeting. Board vice chair Brian Shannon, who created the initial wording of the political symbols ban, called it the grayest of gray areas. The Newberg Education Association argues the policy violates multiple sections of the Oregon and U.S. constitutions. DISCLAIMER for All Communications with District Staff and Board Members: The Board believes that community participation in school affairs is essential if the school district and the community are to maintain mutual confidence and respect and work together to improve the quality of education for students. Attempts to gain comment from the author of the board policy amendment, Shannon, for his thoughts on the settlement were unsuccessful by press time Saturday. VIDEO:School board fires Newberg School District superintendent. Contacting a School Board Member Some board members seemed confused about what executive session business would become public. In response to the reoccurring demonstrations against the School Board's decision, a group of counter-protesters who support the School Board's decision stood on the southeast side of the intersection. But the board voted, again 4 to 3, to keep paying the attorney. We tabled a motion on if were going to figure out if a rainbow sign is political or not, because people didnt have enough time to review the packet that they had for four or five days, Penner said. Penner responded: "You know exactly why, Rebecca. In Newberg, four of the seven board members voted to fire Morelock, who was under contract through June 2024. Board Vice-Chair, Director Zone 7 The students are not being heard., The board was also expected to work on "replacement language" for the district's anti-racism policy and consider re-examining the Oregon Department of Education's "Every Student Belongs" policy, which, in part, "prohibits hate symbols, specifically three of the most recognizable symbols of hate in the U.S. the swastika, the Confederate flag, and the noose.". The district will likely need an interim superintendent as the school year continues. For the kids that cant say anything now, I wanted to be that voice for them.Jozie Donaghey, Amanda Boothby, Newberg High School graduate and protest organizer. NEWBERG, Ore. A bitterly divided Newberg school board, which has been enveloped in controversy for the past few months over its decision to pass a policy limiting the kinds of images or signs . He has been key in the transformation of a struggling district. NEWBERG SCHOOL DISTRICT|714 E. 6TH ST. NEWBERG, OREGON 97132|(503) 554-5000. Unfortunately, a few school board members are forcing through these inappropriate, and possibly illegal, changes, which will have long-lasting consequences and threaten student safety. Cherice Boch (left) and her son Espen at a Newberg protest on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2021. To understand what theyre going through right now is so important, said Hetrick.Jozie Donaghey, Holly Hetrick, parent and childrens counselor, This is a no-brainer. The conditions of his hiring are the basis of a lawsuit against the school board, according to the Newberg Graphic. Appointed in 2022 - Term expires 6/30/23 These counter-protesters noted they simply wanted to voice their support for the ban. Morelock determined it was a slogan for George Fox University and not a political symbol. The news got the attention of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who visited with Newberg advocates while she was on vacation. They will be losing resources out of their classrooms. The Oregon Legislatures Black, Indigenous and People of Color caucus condemned the move and the American Civil Liberties Union told The Newberg Graphic the ban is likely unconstitutional. Its just such a bold statement to make. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. This means ensuring school boards are held accountable; that there is access to training around educational equity and governance that is action-oriented for leaders; securing students a say and a voice at the policy-making table; and making sure superintendents jobs are protected when they are simply following the law, according to the statement. A staff member at Mabel Rush Elementary School, identified as Lauren Pefferle, showed up to work this month dressed as Rosa Parks with her face darkened with dye to protest a vaccination mandate for all public school employees in Oregon. The school board initially voted on Aug. 10 to ban those specific symbols in the classroom. Shannon told the Oregonian that Pride flags and banners were to be included in the ban due to conversations he said he has had with a few Newberg families who dont agree with the gender ideology that flag represents.. Those in favor did not explain their decision. [8], An elementary school employee of the district reported to work wearing blackface in "protest" of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Because they're cowards and they know they're going to get sued. One of the board members, Renee Powell, said in an email to OPB that she was not aware of hearing and had nothing to report at this time. No one else from the board had gotten back to OPB by the time of publication. It argued that the boards ban introduced as an amendment to board policy GBG in July 2021 by vice-chairman Brian Shannon and approved by chairman Dave Brown and directors Renee Powell and Trevor DeHart was so vague and overbroad it could impact teachers abilities to work in the district. 503-501-6035, Renee Powell Other groups including the Newberg Education Association, Oregon Education Association, and Basic Rights Oregon, as well as the BIPOC Caucus of the State Legislature have expressed concern and disapproval with this problematic ban. Board members serve four-year terms without pay. She said her daughter cried when she told her. Controversy in Newberg persists after the recent Newberg School Board decision to ban both Black Lives Matter (BLM) flags, and Pride flags. BREAKING: This morning, the Yamhill County Circuit Court concluded that Newberg School District's anti-display policy violates Article I, Section 8 of the Oregon Constitution. The Newberg Education Association, a union representing 280 educators and staff in the district, wrote in a statement that it is extremely disappointed over the decision from the conservative majority. My child is LGBTQ and so I came out here to support their rights and their voice., I would say to take the politics out of it. To get in touch with any Director, you may contact them directly or contact School Board Secretaryat 503-554-5000 The entire Board can be reached NEWBERG, Ore. When the Newberg School District Board of Directors voted 4-3 to fire former Superintendent Joe Morelock without cause on Nov. 9, multiple dissenting board members. One is expected soon. Trevor DeHart The Board hires the superintendent, who is responsible to carry out Board policies, provide educational leadership and manage the District's budget and staff. The Newberg School Board usually meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Business meetings and work sessions are held at the Newberg School District Office, 714 East 6th Street, Newberg, Oregon. Families, staff, and community members marched in support of the LGBTQ+ community and Black Lives Matter ahead of a Newberg school board meeting Aug. 10, 2021. My mom, in the 50s and 60s, fought for Black rights. Plaintiffs seek a declaration that the district policy prohibiting plaintiff association members from hanging, posting, erecting or otherwise displaying any posters, signs, flags, banners, pictures or other digital or physical image that depicts support of opposition relation to a policy, quasi-political or controversial topic, violates plaintiffs guarantees under Article 1, Section 20 of the Oregon Constitution against vague laws that confer unbridled discretion, because such discretion creates the potential for unequal application of the law, and thus arbitrary or unequal treatment of individuals, the filing said. NEWBERG, Ore. A bitterly divided Newberg school board, which has been enveloped in controversy for the past few months over its decision to pass a policy limiting the kinds of images or signs school employees can display on campus, voted to fire Superintendent Joe Morelock near the conclusion of a late-night board meeting Tuesday. Joe Morelock last November, two board members faced recall elections in January, and since last year, dozens of staff members have resigned from the district, including several district administrators and principals from six of the districts 10 schools. The policy was denounced by the boards three liberal members, who accused the conservative majority of passing a measure that the community does not want. Newbergs board isnt the first in Oregon to terminate its superintendent this year. On Thursday, Yamhill County Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Easterday ruled that the policy is unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 8 of the Oregon Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of speech and the press. Latino leaders could collaborate with Black communities. In May, the board named as its next superintendent, Stephen Phillips, who was put on leave amid an investigation in his most recent Oregon superintendent role and who resigned from another superintendent position after retweeting an offensive remark about people who enter the country illegally. At a demonstration Sunday, BLM supporters protesting the school boards policy clashed with some members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group that has endorsed violence, according to the Portland Tribune. The move elicited suspicion by the three minority members of the . 503-888-6365, Brian Shannon Mailing Address for the Board Numerous school and district administrators also have resigned from the district. The lawsuit, first filed in Yamhill County Circuit Court by the Portland law firm Bennett Hartman, was advanced to U.S. District Court in Portland in December 2021 as a civil rights case. Late Tuesday night, the Newberg Education Association released a statement on the firing of Morelock: During tonights school board meeting, the 4 board majority fired Superintendent Joe Morelock for no cause. I am proudly defiant of this boards illegal and immoral actions.. It protects marginalized populations in our student and staff bodies. Man shot by Salem police officer was person of interest in police car shootings, 'I am sorry': Shemia Fagan ends consulting side job with cannabis company, Portland temperatures soaring after weeks of near-record rainfall, Newberg teachers union sues over 'political images' ban in schools, Newberg school board votes to ban teachers from displaying BLM, Pride symbols in classrooms, Dozens in Newberg rally against hate amid ban on political signs. Joe Morelock, Newberg school board hires new superintendent with past controversies in Beaverton, Jewell, Lawsuit targets Newberg school district policy banning political symbols. There are seven school board members, each serving four-year terms. And Im just very disappointed in this decision., Thanks Rebecca, Morelock told her. The resolution outlining the no-cause firing was not included in the board packet for Tuesday's meeting. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. 971-385-2880, Tabitha Renne Example video title will go here for this video. However, this topic will be on the minds and tongues of many in Newberg and its greater community for some time. There has been insufficient public comments, input, notification, and it is 10:30 at night on a school night, Penner said. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Penner and Piros said the packet outlining the resolution to fire Morelock was not provided to board members until the executive meeting, hours before the board meeting, and so there was insufficient time to review the motion. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the Newberg School District and four members of the district's board of directors, challenging the district's . "These symbols arent hurting anyone and I dont see why banning them is necessary," said Pea. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Why are prominent Los Angeles Latinos saying such racist things. [3][4], In the 2009 school year, the district had 156 students classified as homeless by the Department of Education, or 3.0% of students in the district. I dont believe this is political, its about human beings. If we want to have these symbols and speak our minds we should be able to, silencing us isnt OK., I would tell them to think before you create action. "Dr. Morelock, we know you and we trust you and this pains us terribly," she said. So everything will work out eventually.. 30 minutes have been allotted for public comments, with a two-minute limit per person. These symbols arent hurting anyone and I dont see why banning them is necessary., Siblings Charlie (left) and Sophia Gates attended to protest because as Black students they say their voices are being silenced. The Newberg School District and four of its board members face a lawsuit over a policy banning political and quasi-political symbols. Under new business, we are discussing the superintendent, said board chair Dave Brown. NEWBERG Two members of the Newberg School Board announced their resignations at a meeting earlier this week, citing controversial board decisions in the past year. At the end of the meeting, the resolution to fire Morelock passed, 4-3, with Brown, Shannon, Powell and DeHart voting in favor. "The fact that a person cannot run for school board in Newberg without having his or her life ripped apart is an absolute tragedy for our community and we ask every candidate in the race for school board to condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms." Emails to Brown seeking comment on Wolfer's withdrawal went unanswered by press time. This ban was the first big item on the newly conservative Boards agenda. Today we are here because the School Board has to right a wrongthey must repeal this bad policythey must do it tonight. These strong words were amplified through a bullhorn by Newberg Teachers Union president Jen Schnieder. Board Chair, Director Zone 6 His mother says he told her White men were cha Sheryl Lee Ralph on her historic Super Bowl act: Its just really neat, Man who died after police used Taser had warned of heart issue, video shows, Memphis officer texted a photo of bloodied Tyre Nichols, records show, Harris, in funeral address, says Tyre Nichols should have been safe. Unfortunately a few school board members are forcing through these inappropriate, and possibly illegal, changes, which will have long-lasting consequences and threaten student safety. Board member Brandy Penner said she had endured an abusive and disrespectful work environment on the board, and said the board had violated public meeting laws. He said in the Tuesday evening meeting that the policy championed and adopted by him and his conservative colleagues is very straightforward and shouldnt be controversial., We dont pay our teachers to push their political views on our students. OPBs critical reporting and inspiring programs are made possible by the power of member support. The Oregonian cited Morelock's contract, which the newspaper obtained through a public records request. This is a tough one, Im not going to lie.. The ban on displaying such symbols in the classroom has been condemned by the Newberg City Council and Oregon Democrats, and the Oregon State Board of Education has called on the school board to reverse course. When I was there these symbols were allowed, so to see it come to this is really disappointing. The board voted to adjourn the meeting, but not before Piros addressed Morelock. Were going to move forward.. Comments will be read in the order they are received. "He had a very personal approach and didn't just sit in his office and make decisions arbitrarily. Sign up to get important news and culture from around the Northwest, delivered to your inbox six days a week. The lawsuit named the school district as well as Brown, Shannon, Powell and DeHart as defendants. School Board Meetings Director Zone 4 Superintendents for Greater Albany Public Schools, Adrian School District School, and Woodburn have all been removed this year, for varying reasons. The sign featured a rainbow, a heart, and the words "Be Known." If you looked at the agenda for Tuesdays Newberg school board meeting, youd have no idea the board was planning to fire Superintendent Joe Morelock. Board of Directors Two of those board members were elected . The three board members who did not vote for the policy banning controversial or political symbols resigned over the course of the last year, alleging harassment. Neither the school board nor Newberg Public Schools Superintendent Joe Morelock immediately responded to requests for comment early Wednesday. The school boards symbols policy also drew sharp comments from the Oregon State Board of Education, Oregon House Democrats, and the Oregon School Boards Association. Penner pointed out the juxtaposition in the board majority pushing to make a decision on Morelock while putting off a decision on the rainbow sign. NEWBERG, Ore. A Yamhill County Circuit Court judge has ruled that the Newberg School District's ban on some symbols, including Pride and Black Lives Matter flags, is unconstitutional, the. The lawsuit requested a jury trial, sought an injunction stopping enforcement of the boards directive and asked for a declaratory judgement from the bench admonishing the board for their actions. "I have no idea, financially, how our school district will recover from this. Smith, the lawyer, continued his involvement in the board meeting, directing Brown of the language to use in moving to terminate Morelocks employment. Removing Superintendent Morelock from his post is part of a troubling national trend of extremist school boards ousting experienced, valuable school leaders, which is detrimental to the students they are supposed to serve. We are very disappointed in this decision.". OPBs critical reporting and inspiring programs are made possible by the power of member support. She made remarks to a group of sixty in opposition to the recent ban on controversial symbols and imagery. On Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Oregon, who is the Chair of the Education and Labor Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services, released the following statement about the firing of Morelock: The action of the Newberg School Board in firing Superintendent Joe Morelock is wrong for students, wrong for educators, and wrong for the Newberg community. [2] Portions are in Clackamas County and Washington County. Board members Brandy Penner and Rebecca Piros, both in the boards three-member minority, said the sign was not political, especially coming from George Fox, a private Christian university in Newberg. So why would they do that? The split between the boards majority and minority was clear, with members in the majority remaining quiet, and minority members repeatedly objecting to the speed of the conversation and pointing out the cost, financial and otherwise, of losing Morelock. Be a part of it! After the vote to remove Morelock, Penner and Piros spoke emotionally about his impact on the district, and the board majoritys lack of reasoning given for firing Morelock. "My mom back in the '50s and '60s fought for Black rights, " said McGowan. This article was published more than1 year ago. I dont serve Black people, an attendant told her. The initial board conversations about the policy centered around banning Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ Pride flags. No, Brown replied. Tue, January 18th 2022, 2:18 PM PST. The specific dates can be found here. Newberg school board officially approves policy banning political symbols, Newberg teachers sue district, school board members over political image ban in schools, Newberg school employee goes to work in blackface, is put on leave. I believe we should be able to express how we feel about certain topics without judgement from the school district. On behalf of Dr. Morelock and the work he has begun, we will continue to fight for safe, stable learning environments for our students. After voicing strong objection to the move, the board's other three members, Rebecca Piros, Brandy Penner and Ines Pea, voted against. State and local leaders across Oregon have spoken out against the actions of the board majority over the last few months. Newberg educators support Dr. Morelock and the 3 board members who tried their best to stop this atrocity. Published: Jan. 18, 2022, 8:41 p.m. An initial attempt by the Newberg school board to ban Black Lives Matter and Pride imagery was met with widespread protests in the city. Removing Superintendent Morelock from his post is part of a troubling national trend of extremist school boards ousting experienced, valuable school leaders, which is detrimental to the students they are supposed to serve, Bonamici wrote. A conservative majority now exists on the Board, after the local group Save our Schools backed two successful bids for spots on the Board. In a statement sent after the meeting, the Superintendent Cabinet of Newberg Public Schools said it is "shocked and dismayed that the Board would take this disruptive action in the middle of the school year.". She announced her decision at a board meeting Tuesday night, citing a "toxic work environment." The Newberg School District has faced a school year full of controversy after the board's conservative majority took action last year to ban employees from displaying "political" or. "Our children should not bear the brunt end of partisan politics meant to further divide. The settlement, rendered in December, means the court case will not go forward. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. I move that we table this and adjourn the meeting, I feel its too important to push this through, she said. Following the vote, Piros spoke again, addressing the four board members who voted to fire Morelock. It supports all the steps we have taken to fight the policy change. I assume that is because the state court had already enjoined enforcement of the school board policy that led to both of the lawsuits. IE 11 is not supported. The Wednesday protest failed to prevent the Board from adopting a more general, legalese-styled ban, as it more broadly bans political, or controversial materials, rather than the BLM or Pride flags specifically. One local grandmother noted that she had no problem with the opposition, her only concern was that she too wanted to be heard. Making it easier for Black people to vote had unexpected consequences, Latinos who use Spanish-language social media get more misinformation, How public colleges have already backed away from affirmative action. Think about the lives it will really affect. The lawsuit was filed in August 2021 on behalf of four teachers and counselors: Jennifer Schneider, Andrew Gallagher, Katherine Villalobos and Sara Linnertz. Renee Powell, one of the conservative members on the school board, said that the policy would improve the lives of students. We are supposed to be here for all children and to make all children feel safe and welcome, and by lifting one group or several groups over another, thats not welcoming and safe.. On that agenda: consulting with lawyers and discussing employee dismissals or disciplinary matters. The Snapchat group sometimes specifically targets Black students. "Anti-free speech, anti-free expression, anti-safety.". After hearing from a fraction of community members who have opinions on the subject, the Newberg Public Schools board voted 4-3 to keep any sort of political signage out of schools. If you want to plan the perfect spring picnic, food and drink are important, but its certainly not the only factor to consider. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Under his leadership, new contracts with our associations brought better pay to teachers and staff, more educational school days for our students, a stabilized financial situation with a safety net of over $9 million in the ending fund balance, and the passage of the largest Construction Bond in the history of Newberg Public Schools. The board discussion and vote to remove Morelock was tense. Other lawsuits Opponents of the ban, who have said the language specifically targeting groups of people was illegal, say the policy has helped embolden racists. By almost every metric, the assertion that the board currently supports all parents' rights is untrue. Directors say they need more information before choosing; next round of interviews set for May 5. The Newberg School Board's choice to ban BLM and Pride flags came following a shift in the Boards composition. It is exclusive to this particular case, though, and doesnt apply to the other lawsuits that have been filed against the district and the school board, of which there are many. Director Zone 1

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newberg school board decision

newberg school board decision

newberg school board decision

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School board director and vice chair Brian Shannon, who voted for the measure and added the language about apparel, said the "main goal of this is to get political symbols and divisive symbols out of our schools so we can focus on the already difficult task of educating our students in the core subjects.". "This is going to set our district back decades. What brought you out tonight to the protest? They think this quality will be hindered by the presence of ideological symbols. I wanna ask why? Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Board chair Dave Brown did not reply to a request for comment. Recently, The Newberg Graphic has reported on two different lawsuits that involve the ongoing feud between the conservative majority of the Newberg public schools board and the sinister mafia-esque group called Newberg Equity in Education, which as I have previously reported, is a splinter cell of Progressive Yamhill AKA Save Yamhill County PAC AKA Yamhill County Democrats, led by Lynette Shaw . Maybe it's nothing to you as a white privileged male, but it's a really big deal to a lot of our community, a lot of our staff, and a lot of our students.. Citizens are encouraged to express their ideas, concerns and judgments through communication with District staff and Board members. She pointed at the opposition: We dont have a problem with them here, but they dont even let us get near them. As a family with BLM and Pride signs passed by the small contingent of conservatives, a Black father shouted, Black Lives Matter doesnt represent me. He and his son brought out a banner that read, #All Lives Matter.. Newberg School District (29J) is a public school district headquartered in Newberg in the U.S. state of Oregon. Yale honors Black girl who was reported to police as she sprayed lanternfli Tyre Nichols videos join patchwork of violent police footage. The ACLU of Oregon and law firm Davis Wright Tremaine argued that the ban violates the Oregon Constitution. In Newberg, four of the seven board members voted to fire Morelock, who was under contract through June 2024. No final order has been made. Former board member Ines Pea resigned several months ago, alleging that she faced a toxic work environment on the board. Newberg School Board voted 4 to 3 on November 9 to remove Dr. Joe Morelock as superintendent without cause. Defendants and their agents acted under color or authority of state law, the lawsuit continued. The quality of some of the stories that we heard should count more than just the number of emails that we received, said Pea, who was wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt and rainbow headband during the virtual meeting. In the board packet for Tuesday's school board meeting, one agenda item was to address Morelock's response to a Newberg citizen's complaint about a sign in the window of a classroom at Dundee Elementary. The four conservative members of the board voted, 4-3, to fire Superintendent Joe Morelock at the end of Tuesday night's school board meeting. Board vice chair Brian Shannon, who created the initial wording of the political symbols ban, called it the grayest of gray areas. The Newberg Education Association argues the policy violates multiple sections of the Oregon and U.S. constitutions. DISCLAIMER for All Communications with District Staff and Board Members: The Board believes that community participation in school affairs is essential if the school district and the community are to maintain mutual confidence and respect and work together to improve the quality of education for students. Attempts to gain comment from the author of the board policy amendment, Shannon, for his thoughts on the settlement were unsuccessful by press time Saturday. VIDEO:School board fires Newberg School District superintendent. Contacting a School Board Member Some board members seemed confused about what executive session business would become public. In response to the reoccurring demonstrations against the School Board's decision, a group of counter-protesters who support the School Board's decision stood on the southeast side of the intersection. But the board voted, again 4 to 3, to keep paying the attorney. We tabled a motion on if were going to figure out if a rainbow sign is political or not, because people didnt have enough time to review the packet that they had for four or five days, Penner said. Penner responded: "You know exactly why, Rebecca. In Newberg, four of the seven board members voted to fire Morelock, who was under contract through June 2024. Board Vice-Chair, Director Zone 7 The students are not being heard., The board was also expected to work on "replacement language" for the district's anti-racism policy and consider re-examining the Oregon Department of Education's "Every Student Belongs" policy, which, in part, "prohibits hate symbols, specifically three of the most recognizable symbols of hate in the U.S. the swastika, the Confederate flag, and the noose.". The district will likely need an interim superintendent as the school year continues. For the kids that cant say anything now, I wanted to be that voice for them.Jozie Donaghey, Amanda Boothby, Newberg High School graduate and protest organizer. NEWBERG, Ore. A bitterly divided Newberg school board, which has been enveloped in controversy for the past few months over its decision to pass a policy limiting the kinds of images or signs . He has been key in the transformation of a struggling district. NEWBERG SCHOOL DISTRICT|714 E. 6TH ST. NEWBERG, OREGON 97132|(503) 554-5000. Unfortunately, a few school board members are forcing through these inappropriate, and possibly illegal, changes, which will have long-lasting consequences and threaten student safety. Cherice Boch (left) and her son Espen at a Newberg protest on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2021. To understand what theyre going through right now is so important, said Hetrick.Jozie Donaghey, Holly Hetrick, parent and childrens counselor, This is a no-brainer. The conditions of his hiring are the basis of a lawsuit against the school board, according to the Newberg Graphic. Appointed in 2022 - Term expires 6/30/23 These counter-protesters noted they simply wanted to voice their support for the ban. Morelock determined it was a slogan for George Fox University and not a political symbol. The news got the attention of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who visited with Newberg advocates while she was on vacation. They will be losing resources out of their classrooms. The Oregon Legislatures Black, Indigenous and People of Color caucus condemned the move and the American Civil Liberties Union told The Newberg Graphic the ban is likely unconstitutional. Its just such a bold statement to make. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. This means ensuring school boards are held accountable; that there is access to training around educational equity and governance that is action-oriented for leaders; securing students a say and a voice at the policy-making table; and making sure superintendents jobs are protected when they are simply following the law, according to the statement. A staff member at Mabel Rush Elementary School, identified as Lauren Pefferle, showed up to work this month dressed as Rosa Parks with her face darkened with dye to protest a vaccination mandate for all public school employees in Oregon. The school board initially voted on Aug. 10 to ban those specific symbols in the classroom. Shannon told the Oregonian that Pride flags and banners were to be included in the ban due to conversations he said he has had with a few Newberg families who dont agree with the gender ideology that flag represents.. Those in favor did not explain their decision. [8], An elementary school employee of the district reported to work wearing blackface in "protest" of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Because they're cowards and they know they're going to get sued. One of the board members, Renee Powell, said in an email to OPB that she was not aware of hearing and had nothing to report at this time. No one else from the board had gotten back to OPB by the time of publication. It argued that the boards ban introduced as an amendment to board policy GBG in July 2021 by vice-chairman Brian Shannon and approved by chairman Dave Brown and directors Renee Powell and Trevor DeHart was so vague and overbroad it could impact teachers abilities to work in the district. 503-501-6035, Renee Powell Other groups including the Newberg Education Association, Oregon Education Association, and Basic Rights Oregon, as well as the BIPOC Caucus of the State Legislature have expressed concern and disapproval with this problematic ban. Board members serve four-year terms without pay. She said her daughter cried when she told her. Controversy in Newberg persists after the recent Newberg School Board decision to ban both Black Lives Matter (BLM) flags, and Pride flags. BREAKING: This morning, the Yamhill County Circuit Court concluded that Newberg School District's anti-display policy violates Article I, Section 8 of the Oregon Constitution. The Newberg Education Association, a union representing 280 educators and staff in the district, wrote in a statement that it is extremely disappointed over the decision from the conservative majority. My child is LGBTQ and so I came out here to support their rights and their voice., I would say to take the politics out of it. To get in touch with any Director, you may contact them directly or contact School Board Secretaryat 503-554-5000 The entire Board can be reached NEWBERG, Ore. When the Newberg School District Board of Directors voted 4-3 to fire former Superintendent Joe Morelock without cause on Nov. 9, multiple dissenting board members. One is expected soon. Trevor DeHart The Board hires the superintendent, who is responsible to carry out Board policies, provide educational leadership and manage the District's budget and staff. The Newberg School Board usually meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Business meetings and work sessions are held at the Newberg School District Office, 714 East 6th Street, Newberg, Oregon. Families, staff, and community members marched in support of the LGBTQ+ community and Black Lives Matter ahead of a Newberg school board meeting Aug. 10, 2021. My mom, in the 50s and 60s, fought for Black rights. Plaintiffs seek a declaration that the district policy prohibiting plaintiff association members from hanging, posting, erecting or otherwise displaying any posters, signs, flags, banners, pictures or other digital or physical image that depicts support of opposition relation to a policy, quasi-political or controversial topic, violates plaintiffs guarantees under Article 1, Section 20 of the Oregon Constitution against vague laws that confer unbridled discretion, because such discretion creates the potential for unequal application of the law, and thus arbitrary or unequal treatment of individuals, the filing said. NEWBERG, Ore. A bitterly divided Newberg school board, which has been enveloped in controversy for the past few months over its decision to pass a policy limiting the kinds of images or signs school employees can display on campus, voted to fire Superintendent Joe Morelock near the conclusion of a late-night board meeting Tuesday. Joe Morelock last November, two board members faced recall elections in January, and since last year, dozens of staff members have resigned from the district, including several district administrators and principals from six of the districts 10 schools. The policy was denounced by the boards three liberal members, who accused the conservative majority of passing a measure that the community does not want. Newbergs board isnt the first in Oregon to terminate its superintendent this year. On Thursday, Yamhill County Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Easterday ruled that the policy is unconstitutional under Article 1, Section 8 of the Oregon Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of speech and the press. Latino leaders could collaborate with Black communities. In May, the board named as its next superintendent, Stephen Phillips, who was put on leave amid an investigation in his most recent Oregon superintendent role and who resigned from another superintendent position after retweeting an offensive remark about people who enter the country illegally. At a demonstration Sunday, BLM supporters protesting the school boards policy clashed with some members of the Proud Boys, a far-right group that has endorsed violence, according to the Portland Tribune. The move elicited suspicion by the three minority members of the . 503-888-6365, Brian Shannon Mailing Address for the Board Numerous school and district administrators also have resigned from the district. The lawsuit, first filed in Yamhill County Circuit Court by the Portland law firm Bennett Hartman, was advanced to U.S. District Court in Portland in December 2021 as a civil rights case. Late Tuesday night, the Newberg Education Association released a statement on the firing of Morelock: During tonights school board meeting, the 4 board majority fired Superintendent Joe Morelock for no cause. I am proudly defiant of this boards illegal and immoral actions.. It protects marginalized populations in our student and staff bodies. Man shot by Salem police officer was person of interest in police car shootings, 'I am sorry': Shemia Fagan ends consulting side job with cannabis company, Portland temperatures soaring after weeks of near-record rainfall, Newberg teachers union sues over 'political images' ban in schools, Newberg school board votes to ban teachers from displaying BLM, Pride symbols in classrooms, Dozens in Newberg rally against hate amid ban on political signs. Joe Morelock, Newberg school board hires new superintendent with past controversies in Beaverton, Jewell, Lawsuit targets Newberg school district policy banning political symbols. There are seven school board members, each serving four-year terms. And Im just very disappointed in this decision., Thanks Rebecca, Morelock told her. The resolution outlining the no-cause firing was not included in the board packet for Tuesday's meeting. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. 971-385-2880, Tabitha Renne Example video title will go here for this video. However, this topic will be on the minds and tongues of many in Newberg and its greater community for some time. There has been insufficient public comments, input, notification, and it is 10:30 at night on a school night, Penner said. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Penner and Piros said the packet outlining the resolution to fire Morelock was not provided to board members until the executive meeting, hours before the board meeting, and so there was insufficient time to review the motion. The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the Newberg School District and four members of the district's board of directors, challenging the district's . "These symbols arent hurting anyone and I dont see why banning them is necessary," said Pea. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Why are prominent Los Angeles Latinos saying such racist things. [3][4], In the 2009 school year, the district had 156 students classified as homeless by the Department of Education, or 3.0% of students in the district. I dont believe this is political, its about human beings. If we want to have these symbols and speak our minds we should be able to, silencing us isnt OK., I would tell them to think before you create action. "Dr. Morelock, we know you and we trust you and this pains us terribly," she said. So everything will work out eventually.. 30 minutes have been allotted for public comments, with a two-minute limit per person. These symbols arent hurting anyone and I dont see why banning them is necessary., Siblings Charlie (left) and Sophia Gates attended to protest because as Black students they say their voices are being silenced. The Newberg School District and four of its board members face a lawsuit over a policy banning political and quasi-political symbols. Under new business, we are discussing the superintendent, said board chair Dave Brown. NEWBERG Two members of the Newberg School Board announced their resignations at a meeting earlier this week, citing controversial board decisions in the past year. At the end of the meeting, the resolution to fire Morelock passed, 4-3, with Brown, Shannon, Powell and DeHart voting in favor. "The fact that a person cannot run for school board in Newberg without having his or her life ripped apart is an absolute tragedy for our community and we ask every candidate in the race for school board to condemn these attacks in the strongest possible terms." Emails to Brown seeking comment on Wolfer's withdrawal went unanswered by press time. This ban was the first big item on the newly conservative Boards agenda. Today we are here because the School Board has to right a wrongthey must repeal this bad policythey must do it tonight. These strong words were amplified through a bullhorn by Newberg Teachers Union president Jen Schnieder. Board Chair, Director Zone 6 His mother says he told her White men were cha Sheryl Lee Ralph on her historic Super Bowl act: Its just really neat, Man who died after police used Taser had warned of heart issue, video shows, Memphis officer texted a photo of bloodied Tyre Nichols, records show, Harris, in funeral address, says Tyre Nichols should have been safe. Unfortunately a few school board members are forcing through these inappropriate, and possibly illegal, changes, which will have long-lasting consequences and threaten student safety. Board member Brandy Penner said she had endured an abusive and disrespectful work environment on the board, and said the board had violated public meeting laws. He said in the Tuesday evening meeting that the policy championed and adopted by him and his conservative colleagues is very straightforward and shouldnt be controversial., We dont pay our teachers to push their political views on our students. OPBs critical reporting and inspiring programs are made possible by the power of member support. The Oregonian cited Morelock's contract, which the newspaper obtained through a public records request. This is a tough one, Im not going to lie.. The ban on displaying such symbols in the classroom has been condemned by the Newberg City Council and Oregon Democrats, and the Oregon State Board of Education has called on the school board to reverse course. When I was there these symbols were allowed, so to see it come to this is really disappointing. The board voted to adjourn the meeting, but not before Piros addressed Morelock. Were going to move forward.. Comments will be read in the order they are received. "He had a very personal approach and didn't just sit in his office and make decisions arbitrarily. Sign up to get important news and culture from around the Northwest, delivered to your inbox six days a week. The lawsuit named the school district as well as Brown, Shannon, Powell and DeHart as defendants. School Board Meetings Director Zone 4 Superintendents for Greater Albany Public Schools, Adrian School District School, and Woodburn have all been removed this year, for varying reasons. The sign featured a rainbow, a heart, and the words "Be Known." If you looked at the agenda for Tuesdays Newberg school board meeting, youd have no idea the board was planning to fire Superintendent Joe Morelock. Board of Directors Two of those board members were elected . The three board members who did not vote for the policy banning controversial or political symbols resigned over the course of the last year, alleging harassment. Neither the school board nor Newberg Public Schools Superintendent Joe Morelock immediately responded to requests for comment early Wednesday. The school boards symbols policy also drew sharp comments from the Oregon State Board of Education, Oregon House Democrats, and the Oregon School Boards Association. Penner pointed out the juxtaposition in the board majority pushing to make a decision on Morelock while putting off a decision on the rainbow sign. NEWBERG, Ore. A Yamhill County Circuit Court judge has ruled that the Newberg School District's ban on some symbols, including Pride and Black Lives Matter flags, is unconstitutional, the. The lawsuit requested a jury trial, sought an injunction stopping enforcement of the boards directive and asked for a declaratory judgement from the bench admonishing the board for their actions. "I have no idea, financially, how our school district will recover from this. Smith, the lawyer, continued his involvement in the board meeting, directing Brown of the language to use in moving to terminate Morelocks employment. Removing Superintendent Morelock from his post is part of a troubling national trend of extremist school boards ousting experienced, valuable school leaders, which is detrimental to the students they are supposed to serve. We are very disappointed in this decision.". OPBs critical reporting and inspiring programs are made possible by the power of member support. She made remarks to a group of sixty in opposition to the recent ban on controversial symbols and imagery. On Wednesday afternoon, U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici, D-Oregon, who is the Chair of the Education and Labor Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services, released the following statement about the firing of Morelock: The action of the Newberg School Board in firing Superintendent Joe Morelock is wrong for students, wrong for educators, and wrong for the Newberg community. [2] Portions are in Clackamas County and Washington County. Board members Brandy Penner and Rebecca Piros, both in the boards three-member minority, said the sign was not political, especially coming from George Fox, a private Christian university in Newberg. So why would they do that? The split between the boards majority and minority was clear, with members in the majority remaining quiet, and minority members repeatedly objecting to the speed of the conversation and pointing out the cost, financial and otherwise, of losing Morelock. Be a part of it! After the vote to remove Morelock, Penner and Piros spoke emotionally about his impact on the district, and the board majoritys lack of reasoning given for firing Morelock. "My mom back in the '50s and '60s fought for Black rights, " said McGowan. This article was published more than1 year ago. I dont serve Black people, an attendant told her. The initial board conversations about the policy centered around banning Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ Pride flags. No, Brown replied. Tue, January 18th 2022, 2:18 PM PST. The specific dates can be found here. Newberg school board officially approves policy banning political symbols, Newberg teachers sue district, school board members over political image ban in schools, Newberg school employee goes to work in blackface, is put on leave. I believe we should be able to express how we feel about certain topics without judgement from the school district. On behalf of Dr. Morelock and the work he has begun, we will continue to fight for safe, stable learning environments for our students. After voicing strong objection to the move, the board's other three members, Rebecca Piros, Brandy Penner and Ines Pea, voted against. State and local leaders across Oregon have spoken out against the actions of the board majority over the last few months. Newberg educators support Dr. Morelock and the 3 board members who tried their best to stop this atrocity. Published: Jan. 18, 2022, 8:41 p.m. An initial attempt by the Newberg school board to ban Black Lives Matter and Pride imagery was met with widespread protests in the city. Removing Superintendent Morelock from his post is part of a troubling national trend of extremist school boards ousting experienced, valuable school leaders, which is detrimental to the students they are supposed to serve, Bonamici wrote. A conservative majority now exists on the Board, after the local group Save our Schools backed two successful bids for spots on the Board. In a statement sent after the meeting, the Superintendent Cabinet of Newberg Public Schools said it is "shocked and dismayed that the Board would take this disruptive action in the middle of the school year.". She announced her decision at a board meeting Tuesday night, citing a "toxic work environment." The Newberg School District has faced a school year full of controversy after the board's conservative majority took action last year to ban employees from displaying "political" or. "Our children should not bear the brunt end of partisan politics meant to further divide. The settlement, rendered in December, means the court case will not go forward. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. I move that we table this and adjourn the meeting, I feel its too important to push this through, she said. Following the vote, Piros spoke again, addressing the four board members who voted to fire Morelock. It supports all the steps we have taken to fight the policy change. I assume that is because the state court had already enjoined enforcement of the school board policy that led to both of the lawsuits. IE 11 is not supported. The Wednesday protest failed to prevent the Board from adopting a more general, legalese-styled ban, as it more broadly bans political, or controversial materials, rather than the BLM or Pride flags specifically. One local grandmother noted that she had no problem with the opposition, her only concern was that she too wanted to be heard. Making it easier for Black people to vote had unexpected consequences, Latinos who use Spanish-language social media get more misinformation, How public colleges have already backed away from affirmative action. Think about the lives it will really affect. The lawsuit was filed in August 2021 on behalf of four teachers and counselors: Jennifer Schneider, Andrew Gallagher, Katherine Villalobos and Sara Linnertz. Renee Powell, one of the conservative members on the school board, said that the policy would improve the lives of students. We are supposed to be here for all children and to make all children feel safe and welcome, and by lifting one group or several groups over another, thats not welcoming and safe.. On that agenda: consulting with lawyers and discussing employee dismissals or disciplinary matters. The Snapchat group sometimes specifically targets Black students. "Anti-free speech, anti-free expression, anti-safety.". After hearing from a fraction of community members who have opinions on the subject, the Newberg Public Schools board voted 4-3 to keep any sort of political signage out of schools. If you want to plan the perfect spring picnic, food and drink are important, but its certainly not the only factor to consider. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Under his leadership, new contracts with our associations brought better pay to teachers and staff, more educational school days for our students, a stabilized financial situation with a safety net of over $9 million in the ending fund balance, and the passage of the largest Construction Bond in the history of Newberg Public Schools. The board discussion and vote to remove Morelock was tense. Other lawsuits Opponents of the ban, who have said the language specifically targeting groups of people was illegal, say the policy has helped embolden racists. By almost every metric, the assertion that the board currently supports all parents' rights is untrue. Directors say they need more information before choosing; next round of interviews set for May 5. The Newberg School Board's choice to ban BLM and Pride flags came following a shift in the Boards composition. It is exclusive to this particular case, though, and doesnt apply to the other lawsuits that have been filed against the district and the school board, of which there are many. Director Zone 1 Alexandria Duval Now 2021, Baltimore County Airbnb Laws, Joel Guy Jr Dog, Mcdonald's Lead Paint Glasses, Articles N

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January 28th 2022. As I write this impassioned letter to you, Naomi, I would like to sympathize with you about your mental health issues that