2%. Assessment of the planning proposal will commence upon payment of the fee. LAKE MACQUARIE LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 2014 - Made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 - As at 10 July 2020 - Reg 605 of 2014 TABLE OF PROVISIONS PART 1 - PRELIMINARY 1.1.Name of Plan 1.1AA.Commencement 1.2.Aims of Plan 1.3.Land to which Plan applies 1.4.Definitions 1.5.Notes 1.6.Consent authority 1.7.Maps 1.8.Repeal of planning instruments applying to land 1.8A. An invoice for payment of the applicable phase one pre-lodgement fee will be issued as soon as possible after lodgement. Telephone Interpreting Service131 450National Relay Service133 677. A district is a land zoning tool administered by Subsidence Advisory NSW under the Coal Mine Subsidence Compensation Act 2017 launch to help protect homes and other structures from potential mine . 0000249600 00000 n 4 0 obj <> endobj (2) The particular aims of this Plan are as follows: (a) to recognise the importance of Lake M acquarie City and its waterways and the coast as an environmental, social, recreational and economic asset to Lake Macquarie City and the Hunter and Central Coast regions, (b) to implement a planning framework that protects areas of significant 0000284046 00000 n 0000000906 00000 n 0000416033 00000 n 4 28 Fires around Port Macquarie, Lake Cathie and Lake Innes began in November 2019. Towards Nature-based Solutions at scale. Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 Speers Point, NSW 2284, Box 1906, Hunter Region %%EOF Our online maps let you explore general, planning and environmental information about the city of Wollongong. 0000464723 00000 n The planning proposal must address all requirements of the LEP Making Guideline and as set out by Council. Land Zoning Map - Sheet LZN 009A Rentola UK. A rezoning pre-lodgement application must include a scoping proposal. It provides guidance and details requirements for development that should be taken into account when preparing a Development Application (DA). Mine Subsidence Districts are proclaimed in areas where there are potential subsidence risks from active or non-active underground coal mining. ZN\2v,H{H} v5Jjt]Az! . LEPs are the main planning tool to shape the future of communities by ensuring local development is carried out appropriately. 114 Warren Road GILGANDRA . A key improvement is clearly defined process timeframe expectations to ensure timely assessment of planning proposals, while still ensuring high quality and placed based planning outcomes. Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 Land Council Map - NSW Aboriginal Land Council <]/Prev 474941>> Part 2 Lake Macquarie Airport is zoned SP2 Infrastructure - Airport and an 8.5 metre existing height control applies under LEP 2014 Height of . 0 Email [emailprotected], Local number for Wyee residents02 4357 1999 The map shows the locations and descriptions of capital works worth $111 million. Council members Mary Pat Clarke and Ed Reisinger introduced a proposed change to the city's zoning laws Monday that would add the oil . The map viewer on the NSW Planning Portal also provides access to spatial datasets for certain planning maps that may not be regulated under an environmental planning instrument made under the EP&A Act. 0000552621 00000 n The planning proposal (Attachment A) seeks to amend Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 by: updating LEP maps to accommodate property description changes and to correct LEP zones and planning provision boundary errors (Items 1 to 5); removing Land Reservation Mapping to reflect Council and State agency 0000001181 00000 n x=s6g&~z#i t:N:}(2m'KH7owAC IYDdJ~9}+wEUQ-f~[6v~g/|%I4D4`[|qvkxn^>,'S#}sx.oI/~_?glqdTXx)bv(6lz)gB{By+|(ZzA 4//Y75C Mine Subsidence Districts | NSW Government 4 0 obj <> endobj Assessment of the scoping proposal will commence upon payment of the fee. 0000555097 00000 n 0000270027 00000 n The most recent flooding event happened in July 2022 with the lake reaching 1.72 mAHD. xref xref Related Information Local Strategic Planning Statement Engineering Guidelines and Standard Drawings Was this page helpful? <> This vision is outlined in our Lake Macquarie Local Strategic Planning Statement. We can only contact you about this feedback if you leave either your email address or phone number. xref Kari Birdseye for Benicia City Council 2022; 2020 Benicia Election . 0 02 9602 5280. 0000074479 00000 n Land Zoning Map . startxref Gilgandra LALC. 0000001172 00000 n . We remember and respect the Ancestors who cared for and nurtured this Country. Know where underground communication networks, water, sewer and stormwater pipes run through your property. Email [emailprotected], Local number for Wyee residents02 4357 1999 Google Maps 0000000016 00000 n Rezoning - Lake Macquarie City Council Draft Planning Proposal RZ 18007 AD 0000000016 00000 n 0000549636 00000 n The Hills Council Local Government Area (LGA) Map is based on the UBD Gregory's Sydney 2016 Street D.. WestConnex M8. If you are located within a geotechnical area you may need to submit additional information with your development application. 0000402914 00000 n Latest traffic alerts and road works for the Wollongong region: . Waterway zones Q: Can zone W2 Recreational Waterways apply to 0000552850 00000 n Some parts of the City have planning controls that are not contained in the Lake Macquarie Local Environment Plan or Development Control Plan. Source: NSW Spatial Services - NSW Administrative Boundaries Theme - Local Government Area. 0000001601 00000 n An archive of these maps can be viewed for free in the Historical Land Records Viewer. `dd8>x2j"g%@-v `1hdP9 aF$q\}$ IT Recent applications within the last 2 months from Lake Macquarie City Council, NSW. 0000484799 00000 n Lake Macquarie City Council. Box 1906, Hunter Region Mail Centre, NSW 2310. The DCP contains twenty two parts, including attachments, which came into force on 22 February 2010. Stormwater and Flood Maps | Cumberland City Council 4 22 0000001037 00000 n Geotechnical Guidelines . To locate other utilities, wires and cables call 1100. 2 days ago Construction of a single storey secondary dwelling 226 Pacific Highway, Charlestown NSW 2290. This service provides access to cadastral and topographic information, satellite data and aerial photography for New South Wales. It is strongly recommended that you engage someone with experience and expertise, such as a qualified town planning consultant to prepare the rezoning pre-lodgement application. It identifies land use zones and other planning provisions, such as building heights and minimum lot sizes. Lake Macquarie City Council. existing height control applies under LEP 2014 Height of Building map. 15 December 2021: The NSW Government has published the new LEP Making Guideline (PDF, 7.1 MB). local government areas sydney map %PDF-1.7 <>/Metadata 458 0 R/ViewerPreferences 459 0 R>> 0000001320 00000 n Lodge a rezoning pre-lodgement application. 0000484420 00000 n Map Identification Number: 4650_COM_LZN_010C_020_20190723 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 Land Zoning Map - Sheet LZN_010C N Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre B2 Local Centre B3 Commercial Core B4 Mixed Use B7 Business Park E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves E2 Environmental Conservation E3 Environmental Management 0000059276 00000 n loki saves tony in siberia fanfiction. Baltimore MD | The Benicia Independent ~ Eyes on the Environment It identifies land use zones and other planning provisions, such as building heights and minimum lot sizes. It was Lake Macquarie's first match in the competition and there was much interest . 0000643012 00000 n 31 0 obj <>stream PDF Lake Macquarie Local Environmental - Microsoft endobj 0000572544 00000 n It is in their footsteps that we travel these lands and waters. If development is proposed on a flood control lot (see Map 1 Flood Controls Lots) is coloured: Dark blue - Mainstream Flooding or. Click on the map and specific polygons to see LGA information. 3 0 obj xref 0000001989 00000 n 12 Stewart Avenue Newcastle. 0000032939 00000 n 0000228703 00000 n These changes could save more time, more efficiently use department and council resources to continue to deliver better place-based outcomes. 02 4473 7288. <<159F83FB0503B44BA6CA8C104A3DDBD6>]/Prev 279904>> SIX Maps 0000275809 00000 n You will need to upload electronic versions of the required documents to complete your application. 126-138 Main Road, Speers Point, NSW 2284. The online mapping tool will allow you to search for any property address, review zoning information of all surrounding properties, bushfire information as well as nearby roads and suburbs. Documents | Rural living | Lake Macquarie stream 0000420855 00000 n 0000352470 00000 n 0000001601 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % Local Government Area Boundaries and Mapping Information 0000646096 00000 n 4 0 obj <> endobj 126-138 Main Road, Speers Point, NSW 2284, Box 1906, Hunter Region 0000001320 00000 n 21 Springfield Avenue, Kotara, NSW 2289 - House for Sale - realestate Please refer to below table. We can only contact you about this feedback if you leave either your email address or phone number. The planning controls for Catherine Hill Bay South are contained in Part 11 of the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2004 and Catherine Hill Bay (South) Development Control Plan 2012(PDF,16MB) and part of the Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan No.1. Coast Community News 386 by Central Coast Newspapers - Issuu 0000001101 00000 n 0000353645 00000 n Prospective purchasers are advised to carry out their own investigations. M*)5o*@Xw}8?WWARBN?LzK:~Ma@Yh,U,B View property photos, floor plans, local school catchments & lots more on Domain.com.au. 0000555285 00000 n 1 Belar Avenue, Windale, NSW 2306 - Property Details Search by property address or navigate the zoom tools to find the property. Hastings, Wilson and Maria Rivers and Port Macquarie area (PDF 1.28MB) Camden Haven River, Queens and Watson Taylors Lakes, Laurieton and Lake Cathie areas (PDF 1.14MB) June 2013: 6A (PDF 98.78KB) Manning River area and Crowdy Head Boat Harbour (PDF 1.27MB) Harrington, Old Bar and Khappinghat Creek insets (PDF 850.45KB) September 2018 0000160173 00000 n 0000269858 00000 n Click on the map to find out the Councillor details for that ward. The online mapping tool is provided as a service to the community. PDF Land Zoning Map - Sheet LZN 007A 4 0 obj <> endobj trailer Map Identification Number: 4650_COM_LZN_006C_020_20190723 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 Land Zoning Map - Sheet LZN_006C N Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre B2 Local Centre B3 Commercial Core B4 Mixed Use B7 Business Park E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves E2 Environmental Conservation . Telephone Interpreting Service131 450National Relay Service133 677. Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) | The Benicia Independent LSPS, LEP and DCP (Zoning Information) - Lane Cove Council <> Planning and Assessment Each zone specifies which developments are permitted with consent, permitted without consent, or prohibited. 0000470188 00000 n Document Library | Imagine Lake Mac Strategy | Lake Macquarie 4 28 0000470836 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % Information required in a scoping proposal will vary depending on the site and the extent of the changes proposed. Local Government Areas of Cessnock, Lake Macquarie, Newcastle City, Port Stephens and Maitland, which make up Greater Newcastle. Local planning and zoning LEP 2009 zoning information may not appear correctly on our online maps between 5pm Monday 24 April and 12pm Wednesday 26 April due to a system upgrade. 0000645447 00000 n Land Councils. 0000140743 00000 n For more information about the LEP making process and how to prepare a planning proposal, see: Access online planning services to track the progress of your plan or review. o.jY'C:ztRk|'3-$-Rp-j6QVu/;_v*G .6os# 0000001046 00000 n 0000001311 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Potential Rental Return: *$700 - $750 per week Council Rates: *$2,300 pa Water Rates: *$856 pa + usage *Approximates only DISCLAIMER We have obtained all information provided here . 0000042002 00000 n 0000421416 00000 n Council's Interactive Maps are powered by IntraMaps (TechnologyOne . 0000402349 00000 n Council is responsible for setting the long-term vision for land-use planning in the city in collaboration with the community. View 5 photos of this $595,000 to $630,000, 3 beds, 1 bath, Highfields house for sale at 20 Valaud Cres, Highfields, NSW 2289. Our Guidance for Development Applications in Catherine Hill Bay South(PDF,1MB) fact sheet provides guidance for applicants who are seeking to prepare and submit Development Applications to Council for new houses at Beaches Catherine Hill Bay. While initiatives such as the LEP Making Guideline will deliver immediate benefits, there is further opportunity to build on these improvements and look at long term and system-wide reform of the rezoning process. endstream endobj 5 0 obj <. 0 Click on the interactive map to see what projects Lake Macquarie City 0000023079 00000 n 0000552977 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % 64 Macquarie Street LIVERPOOL BC NSW 1871 NSW 2170. 0000465052 00000 n 0000022526 00000 n Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Take the time to check in the LEP that subdivision for the dual occupancy is permissible, some councils will even have a minimum Lot size, for example Newcastle require 200m2 for each resulting Lot in R2 zoning, Kiama Council require 300m2 for each resulting lot in R2. The acquisition authority for land zoned RE1 that is yet to be acquired will be identified on the Land Reservation Acquisition Map and in the table in clause 25. 0000183119 00000 n . Parish and Historical Maps - NSW Land Registry Services add domain users to local administrators group cmd; smart cash loan first convenience bank; quincy fl police department officers; david gresham son of joy davidman 20 Valaud Cres, Highfields, NSW 2289 - House for Sale - Highfields Real Lake Macquarie Visitor Information Centre Call in and pick up a free Visitor Guide and Map, and chat to one of our friendly local team members about what to see and do in the area. Box 1906, Hunter Region Mail Centre, NSW 2310. <<5EC428B16BABF14CBAD9E7B933E9DDE4>]/Prev 100589>> It is a lengthy process that takes 12 to 18+ months and costs from $50,000 to $150,000+ plus the cost of undertaking relevant studies. startxref In : Water ecosystem services: a global perspective, pages 73-81, map Language : English Year of publication : 2015 Licence type : CC BY-NC-SA. 0000355046 00000 n the Land Zoning Map as to whether the land is already in public ownership or is to be acquired. Water Ecosystem Services: A Global Perspective Population growth, economic development, and urbanisation are putting pressure on the world's water resources. <<83CD838C9E8F6341AD252601C4E4236D>]/Prev 689319>> %%EOF endstream endobj 5 0 obj <. Email [emailprotected], Local number for Wyee residents02 4357 1999 %%EOF The proposal will not involve any amendments to the LEP maps. startxref 0000421807 00000 n L2,150 Elizabeth Street STRAWBERRY HILLS, NSW 2012 This is an interactive map that displays a NSW Local Government Area dataset that depicts polygons of gazetted boundaries defining the Local Government Area. It includes digital records of the charting of the state's cadastre (property boundaries), which were digitised from hard copy maps in 2002. 25 0 obj <>stream 0000074667 00000 n The objective of this publication is to assess how well existing interventions in China that incorporate the use and management of ecosystems and ecosystem services align with best practice norms of Nature-based Solutions (NbS). Home - Lake Macquarie City Council - Logo, Type the characters you see in the image below, Additional green waste services for the maintenance of Council land, Financial assistance for medical waste disposal, Apply for a swimming pool barrier exemption, Apply for a Swimming Pool Certificate of Compliance, Development contributions fee estimate request, Extension for annual fire safety statement, Get approval for a manufactured home of more than one storey, Get approval for a manufactured home on flood-liable land, Install, alter or operate an onsite sewage management system, Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivison work, Outstanding Notices and Orders Certificate, Request a Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment, Request a Pre-lodgement or Concept Meeting, Review of determination of Development Application, Add an entry to the community noticeboard, Access to information - Building and Development, Government Information Public Access (GIPA) application, Application to operate an amusement device, Apply for fitness and exercise groups in parks and reserves, Apply for Telecommunication Infrastructure on Council land, Flood-liable caravan park and manufactured estate installations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Tenders, expressions of interest and grants, Engineering Guidelines and Standard Drawings, Development in areas affected by sea level rise, Non-residential development contributions calculator, Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014, NSW Department of Planning and Environment, the land cannot reasonably be developed or used for a permitted use under the existing zone, the rezoning would provide considerable community benefit, the land is currently zoned RU6 Transition Zone. Mayer Brown engages in high-profile tax litigation and resolution matters involving bet-the-company tax disputes, with cases before the US Tax Court and federal and state courts. These layers contain a 'non-EPI' suffix. % - 10 minutes drive to Merewether Beach or Warners Bay Lake Macquarie foreshore. Once you have all the required documentation, you can lodge your request for rezoning pre-lodgement advice. Any change to a land use zone or other planning provision requires an LEP amendment. 0000001282 00000 n The lot is not an exempt and complying development and, under SEPP (Exempt and . LMLEP 2011, it is considered appropriate to convert areas designated for the 2(1) Residential zoning to LMLEP consists of a written document and a series of maps. The Planning Proposal would result in the following changes to Draft Lake Macquarie LEP 2011 (Council's Standard Instrument LEP): Amendment Applies To . %%EOF 0000000906 00000 n 0000269698 00000 n trailer Fees are payable for this service in accordance with Councils published fees and charges. startxref 0000072359 00000 n 25 0 obj <>stream A planning proposal can only be submitted on the NSW Planning Portal after all the steps above have been completed and any required studies have been prepared to Councils satisfaction. 0000000856 00000 n Developed by NSW Land & Property Information. 126-138 Main Road, Any change to a land use zone or other planning provision requires an LEP amendment. }x-c^B6{NJ\8DUvD)d+i$%'%B Mecone Mosaic Newcastle City Council (Australia) Ward Maps - City of Newcastle 0000048809 00000 n Make A Land Claim; . . Please read ourrezoning request fact sheet(PDF,384KB) and contact us on02 4921 0333to discuss your proposal. 0000216589 00000 n 0000073176 00000 n Home - Lake Macquarie City Council - Logo, Type the characters you see in the image below, Additional green waste services for the maintenance of Council land, Financial assistance for medical waste disposal, Apply for a swimming pool barrier exemption, Apply for a Swimming Pool Certificate of Compliance, Development contributions fee estimate request, Extension for annual fire safety statement, Get approval for a manufactured home of more than one storey, Get approval for a manufactured home on flood-liable land, Install, alter or operate an onsite sewage management system, Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivison work, Outstanding Notices and Orders Certificate, Request a Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment, Request a Pre-lodgement or Concept Meeting, Review of determination of Development Application, Add an entry to the community noticeboard, Access to information - Building and Development, Government Information Public Access (GIPA) application, Application to operate an amusement device, Apply for fitness and exercise groups in parks and reserves, Apply for Telecommunication Infrastructure on Council land, Flood-liable caravan park and manufactured estate installations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Tenders, expressions of interest and grants, Engineering Guidelines and Standard Drawings, Development in areas affected by sea level rise, Non-residential development contributions calculator. Lake Macquarie Catchments - Overland Flood Study; . Phone 02 4921 0333 Email council@lakemac.nsw.gov.au. Maps | Wollongong City Council We remember and respect the Ancestors who cared for and nurtured this Country. The Department acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land and pays respect to all Elders past, present and future. 0000643139 00000 n Lake Macquarie Council agreed that street numbers 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 Marie Street are to be included. The justification for . Magenta - Dam failure or. 31 0 obj <>stream Lake Macquarie City Council is seeking an improved vegetation community map layer for the entire local government area (LGA), of which approximately 38,557 hectares is vegetated. Changes to LEPs are important to maintain up-to-date local planning controls. endstream endobj 5 0 obj <. Home - Lake Macquarie City Council - Logo, These links change page section content below, As of 1 December 2021, a reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 in a document should be taken to be a reference to a, Type the characters you see in the image below, Additional green waste services for the maintenance of Council land, Financial assistance for medical waste disposal, Apply for a swimming pool barrier exemption, Apply for a Swimming Pool Certificate of Compliance, Development contributions fee estimate request, Extension for annual fire safety statement, Get approval for a manufactured home of more than one storey, Get approval for a manufactured home on flood-liable land, Install, alter or operate an onsite sewage management system, Notice of Commencement of Building or Subdivison work, Outstanding Notices and Orders Certificate, Request a Bush Fire Attack Level (BAL) Assessment, Request a Pre-lodgement or Concept Meeting, Review of determination of Development Application, Add an entry to the community noticeboard, Access to information - Building and Development, Government Information Public Access (GIPA) application, Application to operate an amusement device, Apply for fitness and exercise groups in parks and reserves, Apply for Telecommunication Infrastructure on Council land, Flood-liable caravan park and manufactured estate installations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Tenders, expressions of interest and grants, Engineering Guidelines and Standard Drawings, Development in areas affected by sea level rise, Non-residential development contributions calculator, Lake Macquarie Local Strategic Planning Statement, Planning for economic and neighbourhood centres, Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014, Vegetation Community and Plant Community Types Map, Zone E1 National Parks and Nature Reserves, Zone C1 National Parks and Nature Reserves, Repealed 12.2: North Buttaba Hills Estate Precinct, Repealed 12.11: Belmont South Foreshore Precinct. startxref 4 0 obj 1 bedroom house for Sale at 85 Cary Street, Toronto NSW 2283. j^3ub#r|#|@1P {&T/kw;v)0BfJ=m\r_ffqSc+B 126-138 Main Road, Speers Point, NSW 2284. 0000275352 00000 n 4 28 LEPs are the main planning tool to shape the future of communities by ensuring local development is carried out appropriately. The DCP supports the LEP in providing detailed development controls such as landscaped area, car spaces and building scale. 0000000736 00000 n This will help to identify if the proposal demonstrates one or more of the following: All proposals need to be consistent with the Hunter Regional Plan, the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan and the Local Strategic Planning Statement. 0000055589 00000 n Telephone Interpreting Service131 450National Relay Service133 677. The Planning Proposal would result in the following changes to Draft Lake Macquarie LEP 2013 (Council's Standard Instrument LEP): Table 3: Proposed changes to the draft LMLEP 2012 0000069018 00000 n . Land Zoning Map - Sheet LZN 006C %PDF-1.5 % 0000001955 00000 n 15 December 2021: The NSW Government is continuing to implement initiatives identified in the Planning Reform Action Plan to create a transparent, faster, and more certain planning system. 0000071780 00000 n 0000639798 00000 n fRk[6\E!.&=nM}6'X$N N|CqQ *hizxgb(;${?/k7 0000645909 00000 n endstream endobj 5 0 obj <. 2018186256 book part. trailer The first United Kingdom's national ecosystem assessment and beyond 0000471025 00000 n xref The Lake Macquarie Housing Strategy(PDF,8MB) aims to deliver a diverse mix of affordable and sustainable housing supply close to services, facilities and infrastructure to meet our growing population's housing needs. SEAHAMPTON WEST WALLSEND CAMERON PARK CESSNOCK LGA NEWCASTLE LGA xp t t P a c if ic M w y t l t xp N e w s tl e L i n k R d G e o r g e B o o t h D r Stenhouse Dr S e . WALLAGA LAKE NSW 2546. 2 2 Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION 3 1.1 Locality 3 1.2 Size 4 1.3 Ownership 4 . Planning Proposal Amendment No. 62 to Lake Macquarie Local 0000470377 00000 n 0000275998 00000 n 2 5 Insert labels for the Macquarie, Sea Acres and Lake Innes Nature Reserves . (LNZ_011) In transferring the land use provisions to the Land Zoning Map to draft .
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