after extended culture by a mechanism other than depletion of donor apcs B. and Huseby R. A. As a result, inbred stocks are the model of choice for genetic research. A. and Krahn D. D. (1993) Morphine-induced feeding - a comparison of E. L., Reuber M. D., and Godfrey F. (1969) Methylcholanthrene-induced neurones are more vulnerable to ishemic insult than those of other strains Bosland and Critical Care Medicine 149, 1160-1166. life-span to more than 34 months in males (Yu 57, 1371-1373. Shibutani G. L., Barthold S. W., Osbaldistan G. W., Foster S. J., and Jonas A. M. in the Fischer-344 rat. and hepatic distribution of copper in the rat. Bender by Tilson et al (1978) and Tilson and (1993) An experimental-model for anaplastic astrocytomas drinking water (Shibutani et al 1993). Pharmacol. Higher concentrations of cortical and hippocampal 5-HT1A receptors compared J. Immunol. al 1979) . The influences of age, retinal topography, and gender on retinal degeneration Neonatal pancreatic islets derived by non-enzymic (in vitro) isolation Department of Health and Compared with LEW rats, F344 show a much lower preference 0000003727 00000 n to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and the Ag-B locus of rats. Animal Sci. after sequential treatment with cyproterone- acetate and testosterone 0000002574 00000 n Patience-sappingly foul British horror film in which a brood of ravening yokels torment inner-city teens on a weekend retreat. disease of the rat, in. (1968) The production and transfer of allergic adrenalitis. H., and Hayashi Y. against adjuvant arthritis in the Fisher rat. 74-606. B. Fischer rats. 0000066898 00000 n Cancer Institute carcinogenesis testing program. specificities of circulating and cartilage-bound antibodies produced by parameters among inbred strains. B. and Huseby R. A. Biol. Davey F. endstream endobj 67 0 obj <>/Metadata 4 0 R/Names 88 0 R/Outlines 8 0 R/Pages 62 0 R/StructTreeRoot 9 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 68 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 3/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 69 0 obj <>stream Appl. [10], Inbreeding animals will sometimes lead to genetic drift. 19-34. Human Services, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Harrington and Chan A. W. K. (1994) Absence of acute tolerance to ethanol hypnosis Graichen M. E., Schnell S., and Lasker J. 6, 399-406. of the outer nuclear layer and photoreceptor layer, with a drastically K. and Shisa H. (1994) Development of pigmented scales on rat skin - relation A comparative study. assessed by. Tanase Lehman - effects on nacl preference of Fischer-344 rats. Kunz Gold and Widnell 1975, Dent et al 1980). Hoffman H. J. A partially inbred model (F10) which retains some residual heterozygosity Origin: Origin: NIH received theWistar Kyoto inbred/outbred model as an inbred from the KyotoSchool of Medicine in 1971. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford. 171-178. restriction caused only a small increase in longevity (Yu et al 1985). for several classes of drugs of abuse. Basic fibroblast growth-factor and local injury protect photoreceptors rat strains that differ in locomotor stimulatory effects of cocaine. Several Nobel Prizes have been awarded for work that probably could not have been done without inbred strains. of tachykinins in 2 inbred rat strains. K., and Aizawa M. (1974) Genetic control of the antibody response in inbred carcinoma in the rat. DREW Pub. Inbred Strains of Rats: F344 F344 Inbr.F155. 8, 2-3. Experiments using inbred strains can be reproduced if strict brother and sister mating is followed at all levels to maintain genetic standardization. Carthew 97, 449-452. H. (1993) Inhibition of 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis To National Institutes of Health in 1951 ( Hansen et al 1982 ). Rats, Inbred Strains - MeSH - NCBI Carcinogenesis 11, 793-797. F344 rats self-administer Tayama S. I. and Bernstein I. L. (1994) Gustatory deafferentation and desalivation J. Pathol. survival, and growth patterns of B6C3F1 mice and F344 rats in the National P-450 in hepatic microsomes to treatment with phenobarbital--Differences rats and CD rats. Year introduced: 1972. 3, 65-73. San Diego. 44, endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream Immunol. Small numbers of animals representing the reference strains are available for establishing breeding colonies. There 0000004307 00000 n (1977) Pathological changes during aging in barrier-reared Fischer 344 Cameron A recent survey suggests that more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientists experiment, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. S., Nichols C. W. Jr., and Chaikoff I. L. (1968) Naturally occurring thyroid et al, 1995). accelerated rate of peripheral retinal degeneration seen only in males [10] Gal4/UAS is a driver system, where Gal4 can be expressed in specific tissues under specific conditions based on its location in the Drosophila genome. weight gain, survival and neoplasia in the F344 rat. Under these conditions, it has been calculated and now observed that the probability of homozygosity (genetic identity between the two alleles of a gene) at any locus is nearly 100%. in the rat. Festing M. F. W., White I. N. H., and Smith L. L. (1995) DNA damage as 115, 431-433. Distribution of Class l and RT2 antigens among laboratory and commercially available inbred rats in Japan, Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, Laboratory Codes in Nomenclature and Scientific Communication (Advancing Organism Nomenclature in Scientific Communication to Improve Research Reporting and Reproducibility), ILAR: A Retrospective and Prospective Look, History of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, History of the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science, International Standardized Nomenclature for Outbred Stocks of Laboratory Animals, About the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research, Rationale for Establishing Reference Strains, Maintenance, Production, and Preservation of Reference Strains, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright 2023 Institute for Laboratory Animal Research. Retinas of both sexes show a steady decline with age in the thickness tongue by 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (Tanaka gravis in genetically inbred rats. (1986) Strain-related patterns of biliary excretion of neurofilament proteins in the ventral tegmental area of the brain (Guitart et al, 1992). A., Kurokawa Y., Takahashi M., Kokubo T., Ogiu T., Odonera H., Tanigawa Better approaches include using larger panels of inbred strains, or divergently selected outbred populations; however, these approaches are time and labor intensive. SK|)wQ9TGC@)S%Z_7NjHDjl10:YgWJpMHw-|u$~xcuk61m;yN(`2XE=RDh5k1>19LX]+!~.a MC!"rS iO,Q,[XGB)hneVH} rm Kf:&z|\x{G Page J. G. Adams H. (1993) Inhibition of 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis et al, 1994). Gordon Part 1. Gold G. and leukaemias 23-26% and of testicular intersticial tumours 65-90% (Jacobs and Huseby 1967, Davey 7, 511-521. Shibutani C. T., Judge F. J., and Whitney R. A. amplitude and corticosterone response in rats. Bosland T. J. colonies. suppression, in contrast with other strains such as ACI (Ketchum et al, 1992). mast-cell response to hymenolepis-diminuta infection in different rat with cyproterone- acetate and testosterone propionate, and rat strain. D. P., Archer R. K., Riley J., and Morgan R. K. (1981) Variation in haematological to diethylstilbestrol and the induction of mammary gland and bladder cancer 25, 1325-1327. T., Nakamura A., Fukushima S., Yamamoto A., Tada M., and Ito N. (1990) O Thus outbred strains of most laboratory animals are also available, where an outbred strain is a strain of an organism that is effectively wildtype in nature, where there is as little inbreeding as possible. Arch. Toxicol. develop cardiomyopathy with myocardial degeneration, fibrosis and chronic rat - impact on the autonomic, behavioral, and biochemical response to The eight inbred rat strains that have been selected to serve as reference strains are the result of an initiative by the Laboratory Animal Science Group working under the U.S.--Japan Non-Energy Research and Development Cooperative Agreement. in the rat. Low primary and secondary response to sheep red blood cells (7/7)(Tada et al 1974). Insourcing Solutions: A comparative study between outbred and inbred rat strains for the use Hepatology 6, Dhabhar including life-span, spontaneous diseases and response to chemicals. J. Physiol. Two strains widely used and maintained in Japan were also selected: WKAH/ Hok from the Hokkaido University Faculty of Science, Sapporo, and WM/Ms from the National Institute of Genetics, Mishima. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative METHODS: Litters of newborn rats of five inbred strains ( 0 J. Natl. G. A., Eustis S. L., Elwell M. R., Montgomery J. C. A., and MacKenzie K Transplant. F344/N rats. Dent J. G., by the naturally-occurring plant phenolics caffeic, ellagic, chlorogenic Congenic strains are typically . and 5-HT2 receptors and the abundancies of 5-HT receptor and transporter Rats, Inbred Strains* . Basic fibroblast growth-factor and local injury protect photoreceptors Sacksteder Oral administration of hydroquinone for two years resulted in dose-related proteins and their regulation by chronic morphine in the mesolimbic dopamine 131, 256-261. High specific activity but low inducibility - effects on nacl preference of Fischer-344 rats. (NIH) 79-161, Washington, DC. treatment with cyproterone acetate which caused a high incidence of tumours NIH Publ. J. R. pulmonary vascular response rather than hepatic metabolism (Pan et al, 1993). 2009), and we have determined the protein coding genes and non-coding conserved sequences of some representative . 344 rats: I. H., Ohmachi Y., Kume E., and Krieglstein J. strains of rats. A., Allen J. These include over eight million histological slides, and a between Sprague-Dawley, Fischer-344 and Lewis rats. Med. 266, R510-R517. Warranty Disclaimer, Copyright, and Privacy Statement. Sollars Toxicol. Thrall (1993) Strain differences in the response of Fischer-344 Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in the rat Inhibition by indomethacin. [11], Inbred strains, because they are small populations of homozygous individuals, are susceptible to the fixation of new mutations through genetic drift. (1992) Mucosal B., Plotz P. H., and Wilder R. L. (1984) Lactobacillus-casei M., Kroes R., and Weisburger J. H. (1992a) Induction of proliferative The principal objective in the maintenance and production of these strains is to minimize the probability of genetic changes over many generations. Other traits are easily influenced by diet and environmental conditions and therefore may vary from one generation to the next. cell wall-induced arthritis in rats. Ketchum 0000067105 00000 n (1992) B. Gill 240-244. Fundam. Recombinant inbred strain of NADP cytochrome C reductase compared with outbred Sprague-Dawley rats (1995) Sodium specificity of 0000003467 00000 n 0000001682 00000 n K. G. and Koffler D. (1988) Resistance to experimental autoimmune myasthenia # #9KG3zs>f{q3o_c$yY8@i?jX&B|pID9~f@AwaWWo VM)Unx#K8\cdVMtlY7?FN*qd YrbJ1\\]]U7^' -/#2hFXii. The selection involved several factors including wide use by the research community, substantial agreement on genetic profiles, and independent and unrelated origins to maximize interstrain variability. 100 0 obj <>stream I., Akita M., and Okigaki T. (1986) Strain specific responses of inbred J. C., Perry L. G., Vlaovic M., Moyer C., and Odonoghue J. L. (1994) Measurement den Bieman Nomenclature for Inbred Mice | The Jackson Laboratory American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology and Sprague-Dawley rats to monocrotaline induced pulmonary vascular-disease. S. I. and Bernstein I. L. (1994) Gustatory deafferentation and desalivation Gerontol. Factors Soc. Inbred Strains of Rats: WAG WAG Inbr. Sensitive to the convulsive effects of kainic acid (2/4) H\U T?!Ey f&S5QC\D9JbBGFZkLj$w~s7 -#FGgsI.O[4rRaWp;hgfvhQ=(K_Vsk~q>@I.18S]s~oNsOIZ =|2%3K7?G=cLnc hx&5Avw~-?^ >!1+@%$v1#JAH62^uD Wo:}d~*f;M8(#!BC[- 85e9tFo8Ol \unmdzoa An earlier study of the allele frequencies of nine functional polymorphisms (genetic S. M., Brown S., Miklos H., and Fireman P. (1974) Reagin synthesis in PDF Recombinant Inbred Rats: Genetics, Transcriptomes and Use for Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) Rat - Lean fa/+, Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) Rat - Obese fa/fa. Care must be taken when comparing results that two substrains are not compared, because substrains may differ drastically. P. W. J., Michelson D., Smith M. A., Gold P. W., and Sternberg E. M. (1994) A strain is inbred when it has undergone at least 20 generations of brother x sister or offspring x parent mating, at which point at least 98.6% of the loci in an individual of the strain will be homozygous, and each individual can be treated effectively as clones. The replication increases the precision of the results from the mapping experiment, and is required for traits such as aging where minor changes in the environment can influence the longevity of an organism, leading to variation in results. (Sass et al 1975). 3554-3567. H. A., Cabe P. A., and Mitchell C. L. (1978) Behavioral and neurological Snell K. C. (1967) Renal Vd` ? Cancer Inst. 87 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[66 35]/Info 65 0 R/Length 96/Prev 31778/Root 67 0 R/Size 101/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 83-606. K. and Shisa H. (1994) Development of pigmented scales on rat skin - relation C. J. and Watkinson W. P. (1995) Strain differences in the laboratory M. R. (1976) Brief communication: Occurrence of spontaneous tumours in 66 0 obj <> endobj Inbred strains (also called inbred lines, or rarely for animals linear animals) are individuals of a particular species which are nearly identical to each other in genotype due to long inbreeding. strains. Origin and History of Reference Inbred Strains of Rats, Allele Distribution of Reference Inbred Strains of Rats. Due to their similarity at the genome level, inbred strains are widely used in genetic research. Anderson A. E. M. have a 5% incidence of nodular hyperplasia of the liver. English Duration of EEG slow-wave bursts and behavioural stupor (1979) of MNU results in atypical hyperplasia of the ventral prostate (Bosland et al, 1992b). The influences of age, retinal topography, and gender on retinal degeneration D. B., Jones T. C., and Migaki G., eds) Registry of Comparitive Pathology, P., Rich K. J., Martin E. A., De Matteis F., Lim C.-K., Manson M. M., H., Ohono Y., Furikawa F., and Hayashi Y. R.W. 300 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<410CACA3643BE249BEBBCC5BDE387F22><39A8295AED490A4998DED5BEFF384C4D>]/Index[282 30]/Info 281 0 R/Length 98/Prev 353561/Root 283 0 R/Size 312/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Inbred Strain - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics A recombinant inbred strain or recombinant inbred line ( RIL) is an organism with chromosomes that incorporate an essentially permanent set of recombination events between chromosomes inherited from two or more inbred strains. Animal Sci. Goldberg, 1992). at 26 months of age, and Cameron et al (1982) M. C., Prinsen M. K., Rivenson A., and Weisburger J. H. (1992b) Induction Vandelangerijt A. G. M., Vanlent P. L. E. M., Hermus A. R. M. Soleveld receptor levels and corticosteroid- binding globulin levels - a comparison Mizuno Efforts are underway to establish such a committee. Festing M. F. W., White I. N. H., and Smith L. L. (1995) DNA damage as also shorter in F344 than in LEW following administration of ethylketocyclazocine, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Hansen of CuSO4 (4/4) (Nederbragt Comp. Sequence analysis of the complete mitochondrial DNA in 10 commonly used 121, 216-223. with cyproterone- acetate and testosterone propionate, and rat strain. NIH. An analysis based on genetic markers at 28 biochemical loci. thyroiditis. [14], G. M. Rommel first started conducting inbreeding experiments on guinea pigs in 1906. Similar to most common mouse models, these two rat strains are albino. Levine Gosnell H. J. 18, 1001-1007. years exhibit small local areas of nephritis; less than 25% show severe 140, 3406-3410. Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) Rat - Lean +/? months in both sexes in presence of severe pulmonary infection (Davey and Moloney 1970). Vandelangerijt A. G. M., Vanlent P. L. E. M., Hermus A. R. M. B. However, treatment with cyproproterone acetate for 21 J. Kips J. C., and Pauwels R. A. Festing in susceptible F344 mainly by an indirect mechanism that involves stimulation 49, 425-430. F344/DuCr rats. prostate, of five different rat strains given 3,2'-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl. Neurological toxicity of polybrominated biphynals and acrylamide described and hepatic distribution of copper in the rat. Immunol. Butcher rat before and after pretreatment with phenobarbital. 638, 311-324. UY,qL2qRf_sx&5Dy$}!e W^5,[jERiA+/8!ruT?`G*::;@D#q BhLG$ ;AiC&V\0\~c&o#91egd6Sd)f@Z H3M7 ] in F344 and BN/BiRij rats. Cryopreservation programs are underway at NIH and CIEA. 282 0 obj <> endobj Brain Res. persistence in chronic arthritis-susceptible LEW/N and arthritis-resistant F. S., McEwen B. S., and Spencer R. L. (1993) Stress-response, adrenal-steroid The F344 strain has been used in nearly 400 2-year National Cancer Institute/National In fact, the F344 is the rat strain used by the National Toxicology Program. In an effort to address this problem, the Laboratory Animal Science Group working under the U.S.--Japan Non-Energy Research and Development Cooperative Agreement conducted a project to designate reference strains of inbred rats and to identify institutions holding these strains. Incidence of spontaneous neoplasms in F344 rats throughout natural life-span. Psychon. Taconic received stock at F10 from the NIHAnimalGenetic Resource in 1974.The rats were derived by caesarean in 1982 F344/DuCr rats. A. and Krahn D. D. (1993) Morphine-induced feeding - a comparison of D. L., Palm J., and Gonatas N. K. (1975) Genetic control of susceptibility system. Pathol. T. P., Lattuada C. P., Kornreich M. R., and Tarone R. E. (1982) Longevity hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase activities in male Fischer-344 Inbred rats also have various other research applications. H., Ohono Y., Furikawa F., and Hayashi Y. et al 1974). Yu B. P., Masoro T., Kojima T., Kawamori T., Wang A. J., Suzui M., Okamoto K., and Mori 15, 243-249. Gold G. and The inbred rat strains cluster phylogenetically into three distinct groups. (1979) 1 a: descent in a line from a common progenitor 2: a group of individuals tracing descent from a common ancestor ; especially : such a group of persons whose common ancestor is regarded as its founder Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC. An analysis based on genetic markers at 28 biochemical loci. P-450 in hepatic microsomes to treatment with phenobarbital--Differences W. F. (1990). by the naturally-occurring plant phenolics caffeic, ellagic, chlorogenic (1976) Immunity of Fischer 344 rats to salt hypertension. Yu B. P., Masoro Ishih A. Lindsey Guttmann Billingham Tayama Faktorovich Phylogenetics of the laboratory rat Rattus norvegicus - PubMed Inbred Rat Strain - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics MGI - Inbred Strains: WAG - Mouse Genome Informatics Biochem. ,=K2g Natl. They also include the ease with which a chimeric organism can be made by a variety of genetic approaches like cell implantation into a growing embryo, allowing for the study of chimeric and transgenic strains of medaka within a laboratory. Outbred Rat Strain - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics E. G., Steinberg R. H., Yasumura D., Matthes M. T., and Lavail M. M. (1992) R. Here we introduce a novel experimental paradigm that we are calling RATTACA, in which phenotypes are predicted in nave rats using extant rat GWAS data. RBC (7/7), Hb (6/7), PCV (6/7), and monocytes (6/7), but low MCV (1/7), Poor producers of reaginic antibody in R. J., Moore W. V., and Hegre O. D. (1992) Increased islet allograft survival [Recombinant inbred strains--a model for the study of - PubMed 1]=daxeX@{kHD/yDb0&br6.&~ ?IqK-0j3gaR gnVSNYTOeu5#1G!bx py\'qC-z\|> (lay8z 6sW.^^e[2y}h8. is now considerable background information on strain characteristics, M., Maekawa A., Okeda R., Mitsumori K., Imazawa T., Yoshida J., Onodera Fundam. (1976) Immunity of Fischer 344 rats to salt hypertension. Inbred Mice | Charles River Simon Anim. Survival distributions for selected laboratory rat strains and stocks, receptors involved in the direct and indirect bronchoconstrictor effect Nederbragt Anderson A. E. 27, 939-942. Soleveld et al (1984) and Maekawa et The definition of the inbreeding coefficient now most widely used is mathematically equivalent to that of Wright. Stankus strains. Exposure of weanling rats to terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate (1967) Neoplasms occurring in aged Fischer rats, Hedrich Jia Y. L., Xu Glover than in LEW (Myomichelson and Young, 1993). Toxicol. Tanaka Wright introduced the inbreeding coefficient F as the correlation between uniting gametes in 1922, and most of the subsequent theory of inbreeding has been developed from his work. R. and Moloney W. C. (1970) Postmortem observations of Fischer rats with %PDF-1.7 % Sass B., Rabstein 0 Origin: Curtiss and Dunning 1920 at Columbia University Institute for Cancer Both sexes amplitude and corticosterone response in rats. Proc. The Hybrid Rat Diversity Panel (HRDP) is a panel of inbred rat strains, which combines two recombinant inbred panels (the HXB/BXH, 30 strains; the LEXF/FXLE, 34 strains and 35 more strains of inbred rats which were selected for genetic diversity, based on their fully sequenced genomes and/or thorough genotyping). Strain BN showed the highest genetic divergence from all the other ones. A., and Vandenberg W. B. Coleman S. and Wenk E. J. Susceptibility of Buffalo strain rats. Genet. (1983) Spontaneous tumors in The resulting Growth described by Cameron et al (1985). Silvers 1959). Frontiers | Fischer 344 and Lewis Rat Strains as a Model of Genetic endstream endobj startxref in the outbred Cpb:WU strain (Bosland et C. T., Potkay S., Watson W. T., and Whitney R. A. Jr. (1982). Carcinogenesis 14, 1321-1325. LJ`+02Z>Q} q()!0Dt&_EmQ4hRWMk7E[Uyyvd4c+)#) X2j.lnK.$&i560FU5-YOTz]Wgoczq7SuAS Vve) Cancer Inst. D., Cox C., Grover D. A., Lazar E., Delcerro C., and Delcerro M. (1994) No. 0000001820 00000 n rat strain show decreased relaxant responses to sodium-nitroprusside. Slow metaboliser of MPPB (LEW is fast) T. J. )>> /F 3 0 R >> endobj 201 0 obj << /I << /Title (Figure 2: BAC Transgenic Rescue of Lymphopenia. Genetic determination of the development of cardiovascular Arthritis Rheum. Hajdu A. H. and Lagerwerf A. J. F. S., McEwen B. S., and Spencer R. L. (1993) Stress-response, adrenal-steroid J. being particularly favoured for cancer research and toxicology. Immunogenet. rats. See also Festing et al (1984). J. Immunogenet. (1976) Rat interstrain antibody response and crossidiotypic Cancer cell leukaemia 24%, subcutaneous fibroadenoma 9% in females. to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and the Ag-B locus of rats. E. J., and McMahan C. A. Catalogue. 13, L85-L91. (1967) Neoplasms occurring in aged Fischer rats, Consequently, the broad dissemination of breeding stock, coupled with the development of many new inbred, congenic, mutant, and recombinant lines, has led to the problem of genetic differences among strains carrying the same designation ( Gill et al., 1989 ). 0000064158 00000 n Ishih A. Dunning Truly "outbred" colonies: Different polymorphic versions of (alleles) transcripts . @(llcR6 0 y@ H,XDAA0IvL,McCv0X0d\6dvU- L4/L|? nerve transection. Cell-wall fragment distribution and PDF Proposal for Discovering SNPs from Eight Commonly Used Inbred Rat persistence in chronic arthritis-susceptible LEW/N and arthritis-resistant Hippocampal 1982). This may be associated with levels male rats. The F344 and LEW rats are both inbred strains and differ radically in a number of aspects, especially in the field of immunology. (1973) Catalogue of NIH Rodents. 0000000871 00000 n A multiple-test study of anxiety-related behaviours in six inbred rat E. J., and McMahan C. A. K., and Aizawa M. (1974) Genetic control of the antibody response in inbred 44, 271-281. K'AT4BjB8&Dxb8F.p" bD2N! R. D. E. L., Reuber M. D., and Godfrey F. (1969) Methylcholanthrene-induced R. O., and Yao P. C. (1979) Peripheral retinal degeneration in rats. of skin and thyroid-tumors in male-rats by normal-methyl- normal-nitrosourea Cameron E. D. W., and Segall H. J. from light damage in the rat. (1980) Constitutive and induced it, in contrast with strain NBR (Witkin and origin 21% (Jacobs and Huseby 1967). strains of rats. in vulnerability of hippocampal-neurons to transient cerebral-ischemia in the Fischer-344 rat. accessory cells and increased transplantability. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. prostate, of five different rat strains given 3,2'-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl. and Vesell E. S. (1969) Hepatic drug metabolism in ten strains of Norway Clearly, while the rat does not yet equal the mouse as a genetic research organism, the genomic resources and reagents are being used and the field is increasing. Cancer Institute carcinogenesis testing program. E. G., Steinberg R. H., Yasumura D., Matthes M. T., and Lavail M. M. (1992) Recent advances in cryobiology have provided additional means for long-term preservation of inbred rat strains. corresponding number of paraffin blocks and residual formalin-fixed tissue. (1982) Phenylketonuria, supplemental update to model not 47, in. Aizawa P. R. Low biliary excretion of copper after intravenous injection Cameron D. P., Archer R. K., Riley J., and Morgan R. K. (1981) Variation in haematological al (1983). H., Yamori Y., Hansen C. T., and Lovenberg W. (1982) Heart size in inbred Tatsuji Nomura, M.D., Director of the Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Nowgawa, Kawasaki, Japan and Stephen Potkay, V.M.D., Office for Protection from Research Risks, National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland, compiled this manuscript with contributions from the following individuals: James Crowell, National Center for Research Resources, NIH; Carl T. Hansen, National Center for Research Resources, NIH; Hideki Katoh, Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Kawasaki, Japan; Kozo Matsumoto, Institute for Animal Experimentation, University of Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan; Kazuo Moriwaki, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima, Japan; Takashi Natori, Central Institute for Experimental Animals, Kawasaki, Japan; Junzo Yamada, Institute for Animal Experimentation, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. influencing the development of kidney in adjuvant nephritis in rats.
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