how to finish the inside of a quonset hut

how to finish the inside of a quonset hut

Closed cell polyurethane bonds well to metal, and even if it separated from the metal it is sufficiently rigid & structural to form a self-supporting free standing monocoque if formed in an arch. We also installed rain gutters at the ground level of the building. One of the features I like about this type of building is the absence of posts and beams. On the other hand, a Quonset hut homes start as low as $5 per sq. When it came time to stand the tall metal panels in place, we were more than a little disappointed to realize that SteelMaster cut nearly every one of our end wall panels too long. Probably a spiral staircase to get to it, and definitely a firemans pole to get back down stairs into the living room. Brad54 from the, Here are some old already-posted pics of my 2460 shop with a bedroom/doghouse upstairs and 3/4 bath downstairs TurnipTruck from the I was fortunate to find a local company that had experience erecting a Quonset-style building. Some, like the Butler and Cowin Companies, developed Quonset-type structures to sell to the Army or anyone else who wanted to buy them. Think nature mural: one colorful element that will dominate the hut. Only a couple of the smallest panels were ok to install without modification. Kevin, Hey Kevin! Looking to build an inexpensive but beautiful home debt-free? Immediately after the war, many were being used as temporary spaces on college campuses, and a variety of federal agencies such as the Bureau of Reclamation, used the Quonset hut to meet postwar building demands. He also discusses insulation - spray foam versus blanket insulation, and interior framing.=============================For more Quonset Hut Resources: Check out my awesome email tutorial series about Quonset huts: Hut Home Plans: join our Facebook group, where we share information about our Quonset builds, either search DIY Quonset Dwellers on Facebook or go to, answer a few quick questions about your interest in Quonsets, and you'll be added.FAQs: Quonset Hut Homes: The Most Beautiful. That might not sound like much by itself, but it translates to 40,000 gallons of water per year that falls on our building. I did a little bit of night sky photography on this trip. See below. If your client lives in the desert, it's probably safe to omit the spray foam from this assembly entirely, provided the drywall is done with an eye towards airtightness. If you're about to finish the interior of this type of shelter, take a few design liberties so the result is unique, fun and comfy -- and don't forget to hang the "Quonset Sweet Quonset" sign when you move in. Considering going off-grid? I might try to get some windows or skylights along the sides to bring light in and avoid the cave feeling. The following week, I put out help requests on Facebook and at work. PO Box 48343 This might actually be one of those circumstances where a couple of solar tubes could be useful for daylighting if the ends don't gather enough light. It rests a little "above" the crease in the Quonset hut arch panel. Good luck. Not shown: 1) before we set this in place, we vacuumed and wiped all the dust out of the base plate and coated it liberally with Flex Seal. Say bye-bye to thermal bridging! When the crane came out, it did lift them straight up and over, but I noticed that it actually had a telescoping arm. An early adopter of the tiny house life shares her wisdom for living well while living small. This is an encouraging note(!) We explore all options before spending. I wanted a 3 car garage for practical purposes and decided to use a Quonset hut to form the wider span. This discovery led me to the idea of capturing rain in a cistern and using it for non-potable purposes the building was even designed with drip lips at the slab level. To withstand wind and weather and secure the 30-year warranty, these steel buildings must be attached to the earth, either by narrow concrete footers along the base of both sides of the structure, block or wood walls erected to support the structure, or a concrete slab the full width and length of the building. The idea is to have one put up, and put a 2-story apartment in one end, and build race cars and hot rods in the rest of it. I suggest you contact SteelMaster buildings directly with this question. It was like a Baroque painting come to life. 144K views 3 years ago Watch as SteelMaster Buildings customer Tom W. gives you a detailed tour of his Quonset hut home, along with some helpful tips. Choose a canopy of trees or a beautiful sky with clouds for the ideal design element. If this should happen, could moisture from the ambient air get between the metal and foam, condense at times, and lead to corrosion? The source of our 40-foot-by-40-foot building was SteelMaster, a company founded in 1982. The wood we cut to build the driveway sure came in handy! Over the past several weeks weve made great progress on interior framing in the Headquarters Hut! Information on pool zoning, natural filtration, and algae control. If you insulate the exterior you end up with, as Dana suggests, some protective coating. Inside a Quonset hut, how do you finish? of floor space (a good part of it was unusable due to the slopping sides) was too small to serve as a family home, or commercial application. (its fairly large) And if I get really snarky, Ill put a fireplace in there, with a leather wing-back chair and dead animal heads on the walls. Howd you design the side boxes? To get the window boxes to fit, we had to bend back the edge of the arch panels on either side of all six openings. If my above assumptions are correct then the best suggestion I have is to just frame joists that span from the end wall on one end, to the storage area wall on the other end. 21.0 Finishing the Quonset Steel - YouTube 0:00 / 1:21 21.0 Finishing the Quonset Steel Home in the Earth 17.7K subscribers Subscribe 15K views 6 years ago This is a short video showing. Applying a closed-cell foam directly to the interior of the structure seems like a plausible option that would be like creating an invented roof assembly. With American preparing for the possibility of war, the Navy had approached the George A. Fuller Company to design a prefabricated, portable structure that could be shipped in pieces to faraway military outposts. Ready to learn more about these bizarre, amazing, shiny, round, prefab structures? You must be a magazine subscriber to access this feature. We will have no debt related to the farmstead, and expect to generate some income from our labors through the sale of our excess crops, shiitake mushrooms, and honey. The clouds were slowly, constantly swirling and evolving, and it went on for at least 45 minutes. You could even put a deck on each side. I have already erected the building and tightened all the bolts and just finished putting the trim parts on both ends. How do you finish the inside of a Quonset hut? Looking to build an inexpensive but beautiful home debt-free? The problem we are facing is: how to frame the ceiling in those two rooms and still keep the cool dome-shaped feature? Were calling our solution the plywood arch method because, as the name suggests, it employs an arch we built out of plywood to support the ceiling framing. It sounds like you have already sprayed your 1 of foam insulation, is that correct? We just glued and clamped and screwed it all together as we went. Were super excited about how this is coming together. Eventually we expect to live in Pennsylvania year-round, but for now we enjoy exploring the South during the winters, leaving Pennsylvania after the harvest and returning in time for spring planting. Would be glad to hear more about the window boxes. Plus, the plywood will make a really great looking ceiling/wall surface. How ya doinI saw on one of your videos, where you described a wedge shaped piece of wood, that mounts between the corrugations. After a little more of a break in the action than we had planned on, having hurt my back on the last day of our previous trip, Eric and I finally made it back to the property on Monday the 7th of August, and worked for a week. E-mail authorBill Hakanson. I hope that makes sense. Learn how your comment data is processed. The drawback with bolting the wood directly to the metal shell is that the wood typically acts as a thermal bridge and conducts some amount of the heat to the exterior. The corrugated arch-style building that we used is based on the Quonset hut. Because these new steel arch sections were were bolted to the rest of the Quonset hut, which was already bolted and concreted to the slab, and because they were very heavy, I wasnt too worried about the new section blowing away. In late summer, its common in the afternoon and evening for monsoon rains to blow up from Mexico and cause intermittent downpours. Then you decide. Hello Earl, The most common way to finish the interior of a Quonset hut house is to bolt some wood framing (usually 24's) to the metal, so that you can have some spray foam insulation put in, and then use the 24's to attach drywall or plywood or whatever you want for your interior ceiling/wall finish. We chose to install a full slab featuring an 8-inch-by-12-inch perimeter concrete beam. By paying with a credit card, you save an additional $5 and get 6 issues of MOTHER EARTH NEWS for only $17.95 (USA only). I would leave it an open floor plan for flexibility with a small fixed utility core at one low side for heat, water, electric, gas, etc., and bundle my bath, utility and kitchen there. A Quonset House might be the answer for you. Strength and Durability - Quonset hut buildings feature high-quality steel with a coating that helps to prevent rust. Step 2 Push the insulation on to the pin. You'll find tips for slashing heating bills, growing fresh, natural produce at home, and more. Slab-level drip lips can capture up to 40,000 gallons of water per year! A pretty encouraging sign! The result is one large 40-foot-by-40-foot open square with an 18-foot peak. I asked the operator and he said that he could lift them up and pull them out of the building if I finished it. Others created hut designs in response to special needs, such as the wooden Pacific Hut (built in Seattle), and the Emkay Hut (built in Boise), which were created to save metal resources. Where you located? As far as I know, closed-cell spray polyurethane foam will work in this application, and is in fact probably the best insulation option. Learn how to catch guinea fowl and all about how to raise guinea fowl. The Stran-Steel Company set up dealers all across the country to promote a variety of uses for the huts including use as a single family home or as an agricultural outbuilding. Learn how your comment data is processed. I should have known better because this is a pretty typical fluid dynamics problem that I had to do several times at school. Decorative Ways to Hide a Load-Bearing Ceiling Beam, Los Banos Community: Quonset Hut Interior Eagle Field California, Ventana Beautiful on the Inside, Quonset Chapter 6; Quonsets Today; Concluding Thoughts. Cheap and easy to build and very changeable in use. The concrete floors were stained to create a finished look. However, that is a good number for assembling the steel arches, so we spent most of the afternoon doing that. The buildings didnt leak! You cant see the archives? Eventually we will add wood framing like this to the underside of the whole metal shell, as support for a plywood ceiling. Spray foam insulation left natural, covering up conduit runs to suspended pendant lights. Before we could build the wood walls however, we needed to have the SteelMaster end wall put together. Step 3 Once the insulation is secured, snip the end of the pins. With the end wall up, we started the wood framing. Were near Williams in northern AZ. This was tedious and time consuming, but in the end it wasnt all that difficult to do. In the near future, we expect to invest in a solar panel to power the toilet, which the company offers. Learn more and request to join the Facebook group here. Once we have insulation well be in great shape to get through the winter at high altitude, while continuing progress on the Loft House. Recent Quonset Hut Pricing. Drop your info below and Ill start you off on my email tutorial series. While I think it may be possible to purify the cistern water to make it potable, at this time we purchase treated water for cooking and drinking. Pros and Cons of Eating Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs. First we used a tape measure to find the radius we needed, which we drew on a sheet of plywood. This is the only room well need to heat during the winter while were away. (affiliate link) Blocks bolted into place in the Quonset hut arches. Become a GBA Prime member and get full access to GBA articles, enyclopedia, videos, CAD library, and more. Mount them to the ceiling of your Quonset hut with screws made especially for metal, wood or the medium lining your interior space. Shipping and taxes calculated at checkout. Most of this work I have done myself, with occasional help when needed. Turn the arc of your Quonset hut into a dramatic focal point just as long as you have no plans to load up the space with lots of furniture, colors and art. Reportedly, the Quonset hut did work well for other uses. I do not sell the buildings. thanks. If I could get one fairly cheap, in the 100-foot long range, thatd be perfect for me. If you follow me on Instagram or are a member of my DIY Quonset Dwellers group on Facebook (both of which I highly recommend, btw) you have probably seen some sneak preview images of whats to come in this post. My house design is an experiment with a variety of different arch forms. A Medium to large-scale Quonset house may cost somewhere between $5,000 to $35,000. We are very, very excited to have the side windows in this building, but we wont likely be putting side windows in any more of the buildings at the Quompound. (2) Are there moisture risks that could lead to problems? Our primary task for this visit was to frame up the wood stud walls enclosing the bathroom in the Headquarters building. I love how the bolts glimmer in the moonlight with the Milky Way in the background. Or are you just tired of the same old same old and want something unique and beautiful? However, despite the low cost, some as little as $1.50 a sq. This will allow us to insulate between the plywood ceiling and metal shell. MOTHER EARTH NEWS BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO LIVING ON LESS, MOTHER EARTH NEWS PREMIUM LIVING ON LESS, 10TH EDITION, THE HALF-ACRE HOMESTEAD: 40 YEARS OF BUILDING AND GARDENS, How to Raise Guinea Fowl: A Low-Maintenance Flock. What does it take to live in a tiny home? Since it is a self build, I kept most of my spans shorter than 15 ft. One co-worker even volunteered his whole family of very capable teens. The quonset hut could probably support a significant earth load, if it were carefully distributed, etc. The upstairs would be a loft-style bedroom, and a bathroom, separated by a milkhouse glass wall. Simple to manufacture and easy to assemble, the Quonset Hut is an easily recognizable architectural form. Bedroom loft or mezzanine would overlook the living or Great room end. bczygan from the Here's the calculation: a traditional house-building will need approximately 2000 sq. A complete and fully installed Quonset hut home can cost around $30,000 to $40,000. There's also the fact that you'd still need to deal with one or more of the ends that are often open or have a garage door type thing and that this place would have no windows on the long sides unless you cut them yourself, possibly compromising the structure and substantially complicating the detailing. If I can get a chance to go back through and see if I can figure out what video that might be Ill leave it here. The other big building task we took on was to get one of the side window boxes installed. In addition, we distribute graywater to the fruit and nut trees next to our home through a system of underground pipes. THANKYA EARL! The windows were fabricated too wide to fit the openings in the arches. Kevin. ft., the Quonset Hut never became as popular as stick built structures. Even then, erecting the shell took a three-man crew two weeks to complete. It lists the months and when you click on one, it shows you all the posts for that month. Then I got the MC cable cut to length and screwed on with little hold-down clips. It's pretty basic, just a subpanel and some outlets. Cheap and easy to build and very changeable in use. I have a client interested in building a home inside a metal Quonset hut. Just spray a thin shell of the closed-cell stuff (say, 1") all along the interior to encapsulate the metal and serve as an air barrier, since moist interior air would love to condense on that cold metal in winter. The building was designed in 1941 by a team of engineers at Quonset Point Naval Air Station in Rhode Island, hence the name. Anyway, it was windy and we didnt want to try erecting Quonset sections with just the three of us. For us, the future is now. We were actually done before the Pizza lunch I ordered arrived. The best places I know for inspiration are Pinterest or my Facebook group. Its fully insulated and includes a small, electric baseboard heater. He lives nearby, and hes spent most of his career in the construction business. Thank you. This made it possible to bend with pliers. Dining below, adjacent to the kitchen etc. Pointless for this form. Work with fabric glue if you want a tight bond or tack down wood strips, using them to anchor the material at junctures along the interior of the dome with decorative tacks. The question is this: Does anyone know how do the interiors get finished if you were going to put walls/ceilings in them? The local approach to wastewater handling is a sand mound. Lets go through how we did it, step by step. Then do that whole thing all over again and you end up with one big arch, four layers thick. Compared to chickens, guinea fowl are low-cost, low-maintenance, and do a standout job as chemical-free pest control. My research included visits to the county water resources department and talks with neighbors. About Us - Contact Us - Privacy Policy, Can you Have a Dropped Kerb without a Driveway, 15 Different Types of Houses Around The World, Building a Pole Barn Home Kits, Cost, Floor Plans, Designs, What to Know before Installing Metal Building Insulation, Wick Buildings; the Best Company for Superior Structures with Fair Cost, Lester Buildings: a One- Stop Solution Post-Frame Building System, Resin Crafts Basics That Every Beginner Should Know, 20 Inspiring DIY Candle Holders Ideas to Enhance Your Place, 20 DIY Platform Bed Ideas: Simple and Strong Constructions, 20 DIY Hat Rack Ideas for Beautiful Headgear Display, 19 Creative and Easy Ideas to Build DIY TV Stand. BIG doors on both ends for access. Your email address will not be published. We added much more than just the south-facing exterior wall. Originally a British design dating back to World War I, in the United States they were first manufactured on Quonset Point in Rhode Island during World War II in response to the need for lightweight, portable buildings that could be assembled without skilled labor. When we live here full time, well sustain a flock of chickens year-round., Announcing The Quorum The Quonset Forum. I have used it to weld steel arches, store materials, and most importantly, to form my large concrete ribs. The side boxes were provided by SteelMaster as part of the basic building kit. Hello Earl You can find their contact info online. Avoid over-decorating your Quonset hut's interior or you might add too many stimulating elements to your nest to allow you to relax at the end of the day. Partitioning off too many spaces and dropping a finished ceiling just builds a building within a building. I am in the process of building my Q Model 30x32x15 open ended. Then, build the Quonset for the ends of the structure for living at one end and garage/shop at the other. How cost-effective this approach would be is another question entirely, of course. It allows the light to shine in at three different angles, which disperses the light 3 times better than a normal flat-panel skylight. We had to set up a cutting station with my angle grinder and cut about an inch off each one before putting it up. Every project is different and unique, and what worked for us shouldnt be taken as a recommendation as to what will automatically work for you. Another thought. If you built another one exactly like this, and flipped it over on top of this one so the single layer areas overlapped, you would have one full arch, two layers thick. I have some ideas but I would still like to see how others did theirs for additional ideas. The question is this: Does anyone know how do the interiors get finished if you were going to put walls/ceilings in them? Homemade biodiesel helps you speed past the gas station toward fuel independence. Build a conventional core with (Downstairs) dining in the center, utility and bath on the left and kitchen on the right. The steel skin would also protect the occupants from potential outgassing of the foam, and would not need a carefully implemented thermal barrier on the interior for fire protection. By the end of the week there were lots of people volunteering and I was buying a few extra half inch sockets and wrenches so there would be tools for everyone. More than 3,000 nuts and bolts were required. With over 6,000 members and counting, the Facebook group has grown into an amazing resource all of its own! Although this isnt the most dramatic night sky image of the Quonsets that Ive taken, Im really fond of it. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Images may not be used without permission. Below: We set a few 24s in place as temporary supports, using the bolt-on method described earlier. Some of the plywood was a little warped and twisty, so we got everything heavy we could find and weighted them all down overnight. Curious about Quonsets? If you have already sprayed then you can no longer do it this way because your bolts are buried in foam. Measure the circumference of the ceiling before deciding on the number, width and color of the stripe that best suits your design aesthetic. Dining would be open to the living end. I estimate that using the cistern saved us about $1,500 versus drilling a deep well. Cool Quonset Hut Home in Louisiana; 5 Questions You Must Ask Before Building a Steel Home; 5 Critical Questions Before Ordering a Steel Garage Kit; Im a little fuzzy on how you used a tape measure to find the radius you needed, which you then drew on a sheet of plywood. No obligation. 's advise is the one to go with. The depth of the arch was about 9 1/2. Eventually we will add wood framing like this to the underside of the whole metal shell, as support for a plywood ceiling. How do you finish inside a Quonset hut? A shallow-well jet pump brings the water into the house from the cistern and feeds it into the PVC plumbing system for the kitchen and bathroom. We too, are building a quonset hut home. Above the dining is the sleeping loft/bedroom with his and hers closets and bathrooms, one on the left and one on the right over the kitchen and utility/bath below. A Quonset House might be the answer for you. I am looking for ideas about building my end walls. 7 Stylish & Trendy Quonset Hut Homes Ideas in 2023 Are you planning to build a Quonset hut home? All contents copyright Clever Moderns, LLC 2015-2023. This will allow us to insulate between the plywood ceiling and metal shell. Im honestly not sure which video that was but heres a link to a blog post that explains a similar concept, probably better. And from what I hear, the water quality is about the same. On the sewage side of the equation, we installed a BioLet composting toilet, reducing water usage substantially. Andy, In a way, we hated to build the end wall and block the views of our property. Kevin, SorryThis particular building is a 3050. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Olympia, WA 98501, Mailing Address I originally thought I would erect the building myself, with the help of friends who volunteered. The fourth side, made of wood, was erected by an Amish contractor. Hey Kevin, I cant really estimate numbers for you on this stuff but you gave me a great idea for a YouTube video on how to do this kind of estimating. Im in the process of building one as well but looking for solutions for the roof caps. Inside the perimeter beam, the concrete is the standard 6 inches thick. The most common way to finish the interior of a Quonset hut house is to bolt some wood framing (usually 24's) to the metal, so that you can have some spray foam insulation put in, and then use the 24's to attach drywall or plywood or whatever you want for your interior ceiling/wall finish. Break out your woodworking equipment to craft 3D dome embellishments fashioned of delicate wood ribs that emulate woodwork found on the ceilings of Gothic interiors. Steel Home Are you considering building a steel home? Telephone (360) 586-3065 After World War II, a number of surplus Quonset huts found there way into civilian life for use in both residential, commercial and agricultural applications. They are timid but super charming, and they are starting to seem less afraid of the construction than they were at first. Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Earth Tubes as Part of a Home HVAC System, Installing QuadDeck ICFs for the Mezzanine Roof. The entire south-end addition included the interior load-bearing wall, the stairs, the second floor, the electrical wiring, the plumbing, kitchen cabinet and countertop installations, exterior decks, and lots of other interior and exterior work. Quonset Hut Home The Briedes knew they wanted to rebuild after Katrina, but they just werent sure how to approach the task or what type of structure to choose. Required fields are marked *. Others can be found on our States military bases, but these are quickly disappearing. Bright colors and decorative touches give the house a cozy feel. How did you boot off your wet vents ( roof vents ) do they make a special boot or did you have to modify a lead boot ? Adding skylights is another way to allow the sunshine to make that steel shine. Paint the entire arc white and then use blue painter's tape to mask off the striped sections. It has 1 of spray foam insulation as a moisture barrier, but we need to be able to add more batt insulation. Exposed duct work run along the floor/wall junction. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. I have a lot and a 30 x 45 Q model building in storage. I figured I would come back and take care of the anchor bolts next time. So lets get on with it already! Move inside, and rather than being able exploit their soaring curves as part of the living spaces, you end up trying to square things up, leaving strange voids. They did know that they wanted something that could withstand hurricanes and other forces of nature as much as possible. Thats pretty stiff and hard to bend, so I used my grinder to cut slots all along the edge. We also have a private Facebook group called DIY Quonset Dwellers, where we share discussion, design, and construction tips with others who are interested in building their own Quonset hut house. I want to restart my project again after lumber prices have settled down. Working on wood framing was a fun break from the seemingly endless Quonset bolts! What would you say is the minimum total length in feet, of threaded rod one would need?? This project is a work-in-progress and everything depicted in this photo essay of a not-yet-complete structure may not meet code. The Hakansons Quonset hut-style home in Pennsylvania. By the end of 1941, other companies began developing their own versions of the Quonset Hut. At MOTHER EARTH NEWS for 50 years and counting, we are dedicated to conserving our planet's natural resources while helping you conserve your financial resources.

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how to finish the inside of a quonset hut

how to finish the inside of a quonset hut

how to finish the inside of a quonset hut

how to finish the inside of a quonset hutvintage survey equipment

Closed cell polyurethane bonds well to metal, and even if it separated from the metal it is sufficiently rigid & structural to form a self-supporting free standing monocoque if formed in an arch. We also installed rain gutters at the ground level of the building. One of the features I like about this type of building is the absence of posts and beams. On the other hand, a Quonset hut homes start as low as $5 per sq. When it came time to stand the tall metal panels in place, we were more than a little disappointed to realize that SteelMaster cut nearly every one of our end wall panels too long. Probably a spiral staircase to get to it, and definitely a firemans pole to get back down stairs into the living room. Brad54 from the, Here are some old already-posted pics of my 2460 shop with a bedroom/doghouse upstairs and 3/4 bath downstairs TurnipTruck from the I was fortunate to find a local company that had experience erecting a Quonset-style building. Some, like the Butler and Cowin Companies, developed Quonset-type structures to sell to the Army or anyone else who wanted to buy them. Think nature mural: one colorful element that will dominate the hut. Only a couple of the smallest panels were ok to install without modification. Kevin, Hey Kevin! Looking to build an inexpensive but beautiful home debt-free? Immediately after the war, many were being used as temporary spaces on college campuses, and a variety of federal agencies such as the Bureau of Reclamation, used the Quonset hut to meet postwar building demands. He also discusses insulation - spray foam versus blanket insulation, and interior framing.=============================For more Quonset Hut Resources: Check out my awesome email tutorial series about Quonset huts: Hut Home Plans: join our Facebook group, where we share information about our Quonset builds, either search DIY Quonset Dwellers on Facebook or go to, answer a few quick questions about your interest in Quonsets, and you'll be added.FAQs: Quonset Hut Homes: The Most Beautiful. That might not sound like much by itself, but it translates to 40,000 gallons of water per year that falls on our building. I did a little bit of night sky photography on this trip. See below. If your client lives in the desert, it's probably safe to omit the spray foam from this assembly entirely, provided the drywall is done with an eye towards airtightness. If you're about to finish the interior of this type of shelter, take a few design liberties so the result is unique, fun and comfy -- and don't forget to hang the "Quonset Sweet Quonset" sign when you move in. Considering going off-grid? I might try to get some windows or skylights along the sides to bring light in and avoid the cave feeling. The following week, I put out help requests on Facebook and at work. PO Box 48343 This might actually be one of those circumstances where a couple of solar tubes could be useful for daylighting if the ends don't gather enough light. It rests a little "above" the crease in the Quonset hut arch panel. Good luck. Not shown: 1) before we set this in place, we vacuumed and wiped all the dust out of the base plate and coated it liberally with Flex Seal. Say bye-bye to thermal bridging! When the crane came out, it did lift them straight up and over, but I noticed that it actually had a telescoping arm. An early adopter of the tiny house life shares her wisdom for living well while living small. This is an encouraging note(!) We explore all options before spending. I wanted a 3 car garage for practical purposes and decided to use a Quonset hut to form the wider span. This discovery led me to the idea of capturing rain in a cistern and using it for non-potable purposes the building was even designed with drip lips at the slab level. To withstand wind and weather and secure the 30-year warranty, these steel buildings must be attached to the earth, either by narrow concrete footers along the base of both sides of the structure, block or wood walls erected to support the structure, or a concrete slab the full width and length of the building. The idea is to have one put up, and put a 2-story apartment in one end, and build race cars and hot rods in the rest of it. I suggest you contact SteelMaster buildings directly with this question. It was like a Baroque painting come to life. 144K views 3 years ago Watch as SteelMaster Buildings customer Tom W. gives you a detailed tour of his Quonset hut home, along with some helpful tips. Choose a canopy of trees or a beautiful sky with clouds for the ideal design element. If this should happen, could moisture from the ambient air get between the metal and foam, condense at times, and lead to corrosion? The source of our 40-foot-by-40-foot building was SteelMaster, a company founded in 1982. The wood we cut to build the driveway sure came in handy! Over the past several weeks weve made great progress on interior framing in the Headquarters Hut! Information on pool zoning, natural filtration, and algae control. If you insulate the exterior you end up with, as Dana suggests, some protective coating. Inside a Quonset hut, how do you finish? of floor space (a good part of it was unusable due to the slopping sides) was too small to serve as a family home, or commercial application. (its fairly large) And if I get really snarky, Ill put a fireplace in there, with a leather wing-back chair and dead animal heads on the walls. Howd you design the side boxes? To get the window boxes to fit, we had to bend back the edge of the arch panels on either side of all six openings. If my above assumptions are correct then the best suggestion I have is to just frame joists that span from the end wall on one end, to the storage area wall on the other end. 21.0 Finishing the Quonset Steel - YouTube 0:00 / 1:21 21.0 Finishing the Quonset Steel Home in the Earth 17.7K subscribers Subscribe 15K views 6 years ago This is a short video showing. Applying a closed-cell foam directly to the interior of the structure seems like a plausible option that would be like creating an invented roof assembly. With American preparing for the possibility of war, the Navy had approached the George A. Fuller Company to design a prefabricated, portable structure that could be shipped in pieces to faraway military outposts. Ready to learn more about these bizarre, amazing, shiny, round, prefab structures? You must be a magazine subscriber to access this feature. We will have no debt related to the farmstead, and expect to generate some income from our labors through the sale of our excess crops, shiitake mushrooms, and honey. The clouds were slowly, constantly swirling and evolving, and it went on for at least 45 minutes. You could even put a deck on each side. I have already erected the building and tightened all the bolts and just finished putting the trim parts on both ends. How do you finish the inside of a Quonset hut? Looking to build an inexpensive but beautiful home debt-free? The problem we are facing is: how to frame the ceiling in those two rooms and still keep the cool dome-shaped feature? Were calling our solution the plywood arch method because, as the name suggests, it employs an arch we built out of plywood to support the ceiling framing. It sounds like you have already sprayed your 1 of foam insulation, is that correct? We just glued and clamped and screwed it all together as we went. Were super excited about how this is coming together. Eventually we expect to live in Pennsylvania year-round, but for now we enjoy exploring the South during the winters, leaving Pennsylvania after the harvest and returning in time for spring planting. Would be glad to hear more about the window boxes. Plus, the plywood will make a really great looking ceiling/wall surface. How ya doinI saw on one of your videos, where you described a wedge shaped piece of wood, that mounts between the corrugations. After a little more of a break in the action than we had planned on, having hurt my back on the last day of our previous trip, Eric and I finally made it back to the property on Monday the 7th of August, and worked for a week. E-mail authorBill Hakanson. I hope that makes sense. Learn how your comment data is processed. The drawback with bolting the wood directly to the metal shell is that the wood typically acts as a thermal bridge and conducts some amount of the heat to the exterior. The corrugated arch-style building that we used is based on the Quonset hut. Because these new steel arch sections were were bolted to the rest of the Quonset hut, which was already bolted and concreted to the slab, and because they were very heavy, I wasnt too worried about the new section blowing away. In late summer, its common in the afternoon and evening for monsoon rains to blow up from Mexico and cause intermittent downpours. Then you decide. Hello Earl, The most common way to finish the interior of a Quonset hut house is to bolt some wood framing (usually 24's) to the metal, so that you can have some spray foam insulation put in, and then use the 24's to attach drywall or plywood or whatever you want for your interior ceiling/wall finish. We chose to install a full slab featuring an 8-inch-by-12-inch perimeter concrete beam. By paying with a credit card, you save an additional $5 and get 6 issues of MOTHER EARTH NEWS for only $17.95 (USA only). I would leave it an open floor plan for flexibility with a small fixed utility core at one low side for heat, water, electric, gas, etc., and bundle my bath, utility and kitchen there. A Quonset House might be the answer for you. Strength and Durability - Quonset hut buildings feature high-quality steel with a coating that helps to prevent rust. Step 2 Push the insulation on to the pin. You'll find tips for slashing heating bills, growing fresh, natural produce at home, and more. Slab-level drip lips can capture up to 40,000 gallons of water per year! A pretty encouraging sign! The result is one large 40-foot-by-40-foot open square with an 18-foot peak. I asked the operator and he said that he could lift them up and pull them out of the building if I finished it. Others created hut designs in response to special needs, such as the wooden Pacific Hut (built in Seattle), and the Emkay Hut (built in Boise), which were created to save metal resources. Where you located? As far as I know, closed-cell spray polyurethane foam will work in this application, and is in fact probably the best insulation option. Learn how to catch guinea fowl and all about how to raise guinea fowl. The Stran-Steel Company set up dealers all across the country to promote a variety of uses for the huts including use as a single family home or as an agricultural outbuilding. Learn how your comment data is processed. I should have known better because this is a pretty typical fluid dynamics problem that I had to do several times at school. Decorative Ways to Hide a Load-Bearing Ceiling Beam, Los Banos Community: Quonset Hut Interior Eagle Field California, Ventana Beautiful on the Inside, Quonset Chapter 6; Quonsets Today; Concluding Thoughts. Cheap and easy to build and very changeable in use. The concrete floors were stained to create a finished look. However, that is a good number for assembling the steel arches, so we spent most of the afternoon doing that. The buildings didnt leak! You cant see the archives? Eventually we will add wood framing like this to the underside of the whole metal shell, as support for a plywood ceiling. Spray foam insulation left natural, covering up conduit runs to suspended pendant lights. Before we could build the wood walls however, we needed to have the SteelMaster end wall put together. Step 3 Once the insulation is secured, snip the end of the pins. With the end wall up, we started the wood framing. Were near Williams in northern AZ. This was tedious and time consuming, but in the end it wasnt all that difficult to do. In the near future, we expect to invest in a solar panel to power the toilet, which the company offers. Learn more and request to join the Facebook group here. Once we have insulation well be in great shape to get through the winter at high altitude, while continuing progress on the Loft House. Recent Quonset Hut Pricing. Drop your info below and Ill start you off on my email tutorial series. While I think it may be possible to purify the cistern water to make it potable, at this time we purchase treated water for cooking and drinking. Pros and Cons of Eating Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs. First we used a tape measure to find the radius we needed, which we drew on a sheet of plywood. This is the only room well need to heat during the winter while were away. (affiliate link) Blocks bolted into place in the Quonset hut arches. Become a GBA Prime member and get full access to GBA articles, enyclopedia, videos, CAD library, and more. Mount them to the ceiling of your Quonset hut with screws made especially for metal, wood or the medium lining your interior space. Shipping and taxes calculated at checkout. Most of this work I have done myself, with occasional help when needed. Turn the arc of your Quonset hut into a dramatic focal point just as long as you have no plans to load up the space with lots of furniture, colors and art. Reportedly, the Quonset hut did work well for other uses. I do not sell the buildings. thanks. If I could get one fairly cheap, in the 100-foot long range, thatd be perfect for me. If you follow me on Instagram or are a member of my DIY Quonset Dwellers group on Facebook (both of which I highly recommend, btw) you have probably seen some sneak preview images of whats to come in this post. My house design is an experiment with a variety of different arch forms. A Medium to large-scale Quonset house may cost somewhere between $5,000 to $35,000. We are very, very excited to have the side windows in this building, but we wont likely be putting side windows in any more of the buildings at the Quompound. (2) Are there moisture risks that could lead to problems? Our primary task for this visit was to frame up the wood stud walls enclosing the bathroom in the Headquarters building. I love how the bolts glimmer in the moonlight with the Milky Way in the background. Or are you just tired of the same old same old and want something unique and beautiful? However, despite the low cost, some as little as $1.50 a sq. This will allow us to insulate between the plywood ceiling and metal shell. MOTHER EARTH NEWS BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO LIVING ON LESS, MOTHER EARTH NEWS PREMIUM LIVING ON LESS, 10TH EDITION, THE HALF-ACRE HOMESTEAD: 40 YEARS OF BUILDING AND GARDENS, How to Raise Guinea Fowl: A Low-Maintenance Flock. What does it take to live in a tiny home? Since it is a self build, I kept most of my spans shorter than 15 ft. One co-worker even volunteered his whole family of very capable teens. The quonset hut could probably support a significant earth load, if it were carefully distributed, etc. The upstairs would be a loft-style bedroom, and a bathroom, separated by a milkhouse glass wall. Simple to manufacture and easy to assemble, the Quonset Hut is an easily recognizable architectural form. Bedroom loft or mezzanine would overlook the living or Great room end. bczygan from the Here's the calculation: a traditional house-building will need approximately 2000 sq. A complete and fully installed Quonset hut home can cost around $30,000 to $40,000. There's also the fact that you'd still need to deal with one or more of the ends that are often open or have a garage door type thing and that this place would have no windows on the long sides unless you cut them yourself, possibly compromising the structure and substantially complicating the detailing. If I can get a chance to go back through and see if I can figure out what video that might be Ill leave it here. The other big building task we took on was to get one of the side window boxes installed. In addition, we distribute graywater to the fruit and nut trees next to our home through a system of underground pipes. THANKYA EARL! The windows were fabricated too wide to fit the openings in the arches. Kevin. ft., the Quonset Hut never became as popular as stick built structures. Even then, erecting the shell took a three-man crew two weeks to complete. It lists the months and when you click on one, it shows you all the posts for that month. Then I got the MC cable cut to length and screwed on with little hold-down clips. It's pretty basic, just a subpanel and some outlets. Cheap and easy to build and very changeable in use. I have a client interested in building a home inside a metal Quonset hut. Just spray a thin shell of the closed-cell stuff (say, 1") all along the interior to encapsulate the metal and serve as an air barrier, since moist interior air would love to condense on that cold metal in winter. The building was designed in 1941 by a team of engineers at Quonset Point Naval Air Station in Rhode Island, hence the name. Anyway, it was windy and we didnt want to try erecting Quonset sections with just the three of us. For us, the future is now. We were actually done before the Pizza lunch I ordered arrived. The best places I know for inspiration are Pinterest or my Facebook group. Its fully insulated and includes a small, electric baseboard heater. He lives nearby, and hes spent most of his career in the construction business. Thank you. This made it possible to bend with pliers. Dining below, adjacent to the kitchen etc. Pointless for this form. Work with fabric glue if you want a tight bond or tack down wood strips, using them to anchor the material at junctures along the interior of the dome with decorative tacks. The question is this: Does anyone know how do the interiors get finished if you were going to put walls/ceilings in them? The local approach to wastewater handling is a sand mound. Lets go through how we did it, step by step. Then do that whole thing all over again and you end up with one big arch, four layers thick. Compared to chickens, guinea fowl are low-cost, low-maintenance, and do a standout job as chemical-free pest control. My research included visits to the county water resources department and talks with neighbors. About Us - Contact Us - Privacy Policy, Can you Have a Dropped Kerb without a Driveway, 15 Different Types of Houses Around The World, Building a Pole Barn Home Kits, Cost, Floor Plans, Designs, What to Know before Installing Metal Building Insulation, Wick Buildings; the Best Company for Superior Structures with Fair Cost, Lester Buildings: a One- Stop Solution Post-Frame Building System, Resin Crafts Basics That Every Beginner Should Know, 20 Inspiring DIY Candle Holders Ideas to Enhance Your Place, 20 DIY Platform Bed Ideas: Simple and Strong Constructions, 20 DIY Hat Rack Ideas for Beautiful Headgear Display, 19 Creative and Easy Ideas to Build DIY TV Stand. BIG doors on both ends for access. Your email address will not be published. We added much more than just the south-facing exterior wall. Originally a British design dating back to World War I, in the United States they were first manufactured on Quonset Point in Rhode Island during World War II in response to the need for lightweight, portable buildings that could be assembled without skilled labor. When we live here full time, well sustain a flock of chickens year-round., Announcing The Quorum The Quonset Forum. I have used it to weld steel arches, store materials, and most importantly, to form my large concrete ribs. The side boxes were provided by SteelMaster as part of the basic building kit. Hello Earl You can find their contact info online. Avoid over-decorating your Quonset hut's interior or you might add too many stimulating elements to your nest to allow you to relax at the end of the day. Partitioning off too many spaces and dropping a finished ceiling just builds a building within a building. I am in the process of building my Q Model 30x32x15 open ended. Then, build the Quonset for the ends of the structure for living at one end and garage/shop at the other. How cost-effective this approach would be is another question entirely, of course. It allows the light to shine in at three different angles, which disperses the light 3 times better than a normal flat-panel skylight. We had to set up a cutting station with my angle grinder and cut about an inch off each one before putting it up. Every project is different and unique, and what worked for us shouldnt be taken as a recommendation as to what will automatically work for you. Another thought. If you built another one exactly like this, and flipped it over on top of this one so the single layer areas overlapped, you would have one full arch, two layers thick. I have some ideas but I would still like to see how others did theirs for additional ideas. The question is this: Does anyone know how do the interiors get finished if you were going to put walls/ceilings in them? Homemade biodiesel helps you speed past the gas station toward fuel independence. Build a conventional core with (Downstairs) dining in the center, utility and bath on the left and kitchen on the right. The steel skin would also protect the occupants from potential outgassing of the foam, and would not need a carefully implemented thermal barrier on the interior for fire protection. By the end of the week there were lots of people volunteering and I was buying a few extra half inch sockets and wrenches so there would be tools for everyone. More than 3,000 nuts and bolts were required. With over 6,000 members and counting, the Facebook group has grown into an amazing resource all of its own! Although this isnt the most dramatic night sky image of the Quonsets that Ive taken, Im really fond of it. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Images may not be used without permission. Below: We set a few 24s in place as temporary supports, using the bolt-on method described earlier. Some of the plywood was a little warped and twisty, so we got everything heavy we could find and weighted them all down overnight. Curious about Quonsets? If you have already sprayed then you can no longer do it this way because your bolts are buried in foam. Measure the circumference of the ceiling before deciding on the number, width and color of the stripe that best suits your design aesthetic. Dining would be open to the living end. I estimate that using the cistern saved us about $1,500 versus drilling a deep well. Cool Quonset Hut Home in Louisiana; 5 Questions You Must Ask Before Building a Steel Home; 5 Critical Questions Before Ordering a Steel Garage Kit; Im a little fuzzy on how you used a tape measure to find the radius you needed, which you then drew on a sheet of plywood. No obligation. 's advise is the one to go with. The depth of the arch was about 9 1/2. Eventually we will add wood framing like this to the underside of the whole metal shell, as support for a plywood ceiling. How do you finish inside a Quonset hut? A shallow-well jet pump brings the water into the house from the cistern and feeds it into the PVC plumbing system for the kitchen and bathroom. We too, are building a quonset hut home. Above the dining is the sleeping loft/bedroom with his and hers closets and bathrooms, one on the left and one on the right over the kitchen and utility/bath below. A Quonset House might be the answer for you. I am looking for ideas about building my end walls. 7 Stylish & Trendy Quonset Hut Homes Ideas in 2023 Are you planning to build a Quonset hut home? All contents copyright Clever Moderns, LLC 2015-2023. This will allow us to insulate between the plywood ceiling and metal shell. Im honestly not sure which video that was but heres a link to a blog post that explains a similar concept, probably better. And from what I hear, the water quality is about the same. On the sewage side of the equation, we installed a BioLet composting toilet, reducing water usage substantially. Andy, In a way, we hated to build the end wall and block the views of our property. Kevin, SorryThis particular building is a 3050. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Olympia, WA 98501, Mailing Address I originally thought I would erect the building myself, with the help of friends who volunteered. The fourth side, made of wood, was erected by an Amish contractor. Hey Kevin, I cant really estimate numbers for you on this stuff but you gave me a great idea for a YouTube video on how to do this kind of estimating. Im in the process of building one as well but looking for solutions for the roof caps. Inside the perimeter beam, the concrete is the standard 6 inches thick. The most common way to finish the interior of a Quonset hut house is to bolt some wood framing (usually 24's) to the metal, so that you can have some spray foam insulation put in, and then use the 24's to attach drywall or plywood or whatever you want for your interior ceiling/wall finish. Break out your woodworking equipment to craft 3D dome embellishments fashioned of delicate wood ribs that emulate woodwork found on the ceilings of Gothic interiors. Steel Home Are you considering building a steel home? Telephone (360) 586-3065 After World War II, a number of surplus Quonset huts found there way into civilian life for use in both residential, commercial and agricultural applications. They are timid but super charming, and they are starting to seem less afraid of the construction than they were at first. Department of Archaeology & Historic Preservation Earth Tubes as Part of a Home HVAC System, Installing QuadDeck ICFs for the Mezzanine Roof. The entire south-end addition included the interior load-bearing wall, the stairs, the second floor, the electrical wiring, the plumbing, kitchen cabinet and countertop installations, exterior decks, and lots of other interior and exterior work. Quonset Hut Home The Briedes knew they wanted to rebuild after Katrina, but they just werent sure how to approach the task or what type of structure to choose. Required fields are marked *. Others can be found on our States military bases, but these are quickly disappearing. Bright colors and decorative touches give the house a cozy feel. How did you boot off your wet vents ( roof vents ) do they make a special boot or did you have to modify a lead boot ? Adding skylights is another way to allow the sunshine to make that steel shine. Paint the entire arc white and then use blue painter's tape to mask off the striped sections. It has 1 of spray foam insulation as a moisture barrier, but we need to be able to add more batt insulation. Exposed duct work run along the floor/wall junction. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. I have a lot and a 30 x 45 Q model building in storage. I figured I would come back and take care of the anchor bolts next time. So lets get on with it already! Move inside, and rather than being able exploit their soaring curves as part of the living spaces, you end up trying to square things up, leaving strange voids. They did know that they wanted something that could withstand hurricanes and other forces of nature as much as possible. Thats pretty stiff and hard to bend, so I used my grinder to cut slots all along the edge. We also have a private Facebook group called DIY Quonset Dwellers, where we share discussion, design, and construction tips with others who are interested in building their own Quonset hut house. I want to restart my project again after lumber prices have settled down. Working on wood framing was a fun break from the seemingly endless Quonset bolts! What would you say is the minimum total length in feet, of threaded rod one would need?? This project is a work-in-progress and everything depicted in this photo essay of a not-yet-complete structure may not meet code. The Hakansons Quonset hut-style home in Pennsylvania. By the end of 1941, other companies began developing their own versions of the Quonset Hut. At MOTHER EARTH NEWS for 50 years and counting, we are dedicated to conserving our planet's natural resources while helping you conserve your financial resources. Sandy Maloney Obituary, Army Logistics Officer Career Map, African Poems For Primary Schools, What Happened To Nikko Locastro, Articles H

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January 28th 2022. As I write this impassioned letter to you, Naomi, I would like to sympathize with you about your mental health issues that