Histological examination revealed that the tumor, a well differentiated adenocarcinoma, was surrounded by fibrotic tissue, and that this fibrotic tissue contained fewer fat vacuoles than the rest of the liver parenchyma (Fig. Kratzer et al. Unable to process the form. Conversely, some cases of true hepatic masses have been reported to mimic fatty infiltration (11) or focal sparing (12). ; Park, J.Y. acquired and interpreted radiology image data. ; Lee, K.S. ; Kim, T.K. The aim of the study was to determine the sonographic prevalence of benign focal liver lesions on the basis of a population of hospital patients. PubMed Central 84.2% (n=16) of patients with adenoma were women. Available online: Goldberg, D.; Ditah, I.C. Most studies have also found a gender-dependent aspect, with higher prevalence figures for hepatic cysts in women [22, 23, 29, 30]. On MR imaging, T1-weighted images (Fig. Retrospective and prospective studies based on ultrasound have reported prevalence data for hepatic cysts of between 0.1% and 11.3% [7, 9, 23, 29]. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether fatty sparing adjacent to the gallbladder fossa is related to efferent blood flow from the gallbladder wall. Without continually carrying out new studies at regular intervals, no comparative statements concerning possible changes in the prevalence of benign focal liver lesions over time are possible. interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. If unusual in location or appearance then differentials to be considered include: the commonest hyperechoic liver lesion, typically well defined and may show peripheral feeding vessels, ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewer/no ads, Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. Obika, M.; Noguchi, H. Diagnosis and evaluation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Age-specific prevalence was far less apparent in the younger age groups and in the elderly. No special Of the remaining 193 cases, patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy (, Hepatic steatosis is characterized by the infiltration and accumulation of triglyceride within the liver parenchyma [, There is currently no approved pharmacologic treatment for hepatic steatosis, whether metabolic syndrome- or drug-induced. (a) CT arteriogrphy discloses irregular enhancement in the anterior segment, as seen on dynamic MR imaging. Prevalence of benign focal liver lesions: ultrasound investigation of 45,319 hospital patients, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00261-015-0605-7, Prevalence of extra-hepatic incidental findings on ultrasound screening for hepatocellular carcinoma, Imaging Accuracy in Diagnosis of Different Focal Liver Lesions: A Retrospective Study in North of Iran, Suspected focal nodular hyperplasia in male adults: 10-year experience from a large liver centre, Application of new ultrasound techniques for focal liver lesions, Rate of hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis in cirrhotic patients with ultrasound-detected liver nodules, Characteristics of hepatic solitary necrotic nodules on contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the diagnosis of pediatric focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatic adenoma: interobserver reliability, Uncommon imaging evolutions of focal liver lesions in cirrhosis, Morphological and dynamic evaluation of complex cystic focal liver lesions by contrast-enhanced ultrasound: current state of the art, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Patient characteristics including sex, age at diagnosis, and Body Mass Index (BMI), as well as baseline comorbidities including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension, were collected. The understanding of hepatic adenoma has changed fundamentally in recent years [32, 33]. ; Charlton, M. Changes in the Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and alcoholic liver disease among patients with cirrhosis or liver failure on the waitlist for liver transplantation. 4) clearly showed a wedge-shaped hypointese area in the anterior segment, suggesting ischemia in this area. Woods, C.P. ; Packard, C.J. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely ; Guo, G.L. The highest prevalence figures were reported from autopsy and CT studies [12, 15, 19, 28]. ; MacFarlane, P.W. HPB (Oxford) 7:186196, Department of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081, Ulm, Germany, Tanja Eva-Maria Kaltenbach,Phillip Engler,Wolfgang Kratzer,Suemeyra Oeztuerk,Thomas Seufferlein&Mark Martin Haenle, Department of Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081, Ulm, Germany, Zentraler Ultraschall, Klinik fr Innere Medizin I, Zentrum fr Innere Medizin, Universittsklinikum Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081, Ulm, Germany, You can also search for this author in After the operation, the patient suffered from severe jaundice and hyperammonemia. We thank Ayesha Taqi and Aftab Malik for their generous help in the data collection process. Men were affected much more often (63.5%) than women (36.5%). The electronic medical records of these patients were reviewed. Haas, J.T. Hepatocellular carcinoma in the absence of cirrhosis in united states veterans is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 1. Baseline and incident steatosis for up to one year from chemotherapy start date was assessed based on radiology. in 2005, there has been some research on the association between steatosis and anti-tumour drugs, although the precise impacts of CRC chemotherapy have largely been unexplored. Current status of imaging in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Google Scholar, Ruiz Guinaldo A, Martn Herrera L, Roldn Cuadra R (1997) Hepatic tumors in patients with cirrhosis: an autopsy study. ; Reif, L.J. The remaining 193 patients who did not have fatty liver at baseline were further divided by whether they received curative chemotherapy (, The characteristics of the two patient groups are outlined in, We found that 52 of 135 patients (38.5%) who received adjuvant chemotherapy developed steatosis within one year of follow-up, compared to 14 of 58 patients (24.1%) who did not receive chemotherapy (Relative Risk [RR] 1.57, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.89 to 2.79) after adjustment for sex, BMI, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and steroid use. In most cases, gallstones blocking the tube leading out of the gallbladder cause cholecystitis. ; Katirtzoglou, N.A. PubMed https://doi.org/10.3390/curroncol28040265, Lee MCM, Kachura JJ, Vlachou PA, Dzulynsky R, Di Tomaso A, Samawi H, Baxter N, Brezden-Masley C. Evaluation of Adjuvant Chemotherapy-Associated Steatosis (CAS) in Colorectal Cancer. (d) In-phase MR images show a hypointense area in the entirely hyperintense liver (TR = 120, TE = 4.2). The point estimate is consistent with moderately increased risk of steatosis, but with wide confidence intervals (, We then examined the 135 patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy. R.D., A.D.T., H.S., N.B. The heart and lungs were clear to auscultation and palpation of the liver revealed no abnormality. ; Laurie, J.A. The finding of a FNH or an adenoma is rarely a random discovery. These segments were rarely spared in patients with previous cholecystectomy. Canadian Liver Foundation 2017 [cited 2020 May 24]. 2014;8(2):219-23. congenital malformations and anatomical variants. Radiology. (b) CT during arterial portography clearly shows a wedge-shaped hypointese area in the anterior segment, indicating ischemia, due to intrahepatic portal vein blockade. ; Jastreboff, A.M.; Nadolsky, K.; Pessah-Pollack, R.; Plodkowski, R. Reviewers of the AACE/ACE Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines. Oncol. 2 test for categorical variables, unless the sample size was too small, in which case Fishers exact test was used. Furthermore, there is currently a lack of medical treatment for any population affected by steatosis, regardless of etiology, although a recently published population-based study suggests that statins may confer protective benefits against the development of steatosis. Demonstration of hepatic steatosis by computerized tomography in patients receiving 5-fluorouracil-based therapy for advanced colorectal cancer. ; Gasbarrini, A.; Gasbarrini, G. Fatty liver and drugs. The highest prevalence was found in younger women, and 86.4% (n=70) of all patients with FNH were females. In many cases, the phenomenon is believed to be related to the haemodynamics of a third inflow. CT arteriography and dynamic magnetic resonance images were useful for diagnosing this metastatic tumor. The patient had been followed up at another hospital, and was referred to us because of abnormal CT findings and elevation of the serum CEA level. ; Dobbins, R.; Nuremberg, P.; Horton, J.D. There are only a few studies on the prevalence of FNH [1215]. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). This distribution is the same as that seen in focal fatty sparing and is thought to relate to variations in vascular supply. The liver was examined in inter- and/or subcostal planes with a fan-like motion allowing assessment of both the hepatic parenchyma and the intrahepatic bile ducts. Among various candidate drugs under investigation, statins have been considered as a potential therapeutic option, and were recently shown to effectively reduce the risk of NAFLD development in a large population-based study [, Colorectal cancer (CRC) consistently ranks as one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in Canada [. Note: data are presented as frequency (percent), unless otherwise specified. MRI exhibits the highest sensitivity for detecting hepatic lipid infiltration and can detect as little as 5% steatosis in the liver at a sensitivity of 76.790.0% and a specificity of 87.191% [, Another limitation of this study is the relatively small sample size, particularly for the cohort of patients receiving statins. Serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (g-GTP) were all within the normal ranges. A full blood count on admission showed normal values. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Despite its frequent association with liver injury, oxaliplatin is classically known to damage the liver via sinusoidal dilation and is thought to have a limited role in inducing steatohepatitis [, Since the FDA approval of capecitabine in 2001 as a chemotherapeutic agent, the oral route of 5-FU delivery became a mainstay of colorectal cancer treatment, alongside intravenous infusion. ; Lawson, T.L. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. On average, women were aged 56.118.8years and men 55.917.4years. The liver tissue containes an abnormal number of fat vacuoles (upper left), while the fibrotic liver tissue adjacent to the well differentiated adenocarcinoma contains fewer fat vacuoles than the rest of the liver parenchyma. 2021, 28, 3030-3040. ; Hazlehurst, J.M. Histopathology of the resected liver tumor. Focal fatty infiltration increases the echogenicity of the liver on US images and produces low attenuation on CT images. Hepatic pseudolesion: appearance of focal low attenuation in the medial segment of the left lobe at CT arterial portography. Reference article, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 02 May 2023) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-1344, {"containerId":"expandableQuestionsContainer","displayRelatedArticles":true,"displayNextQuestion":true,"displaySkipQuestion":true,"articleId":1344,"questionManager":null,"mcqUrl":"https://radiopaedia.org/articles/focal-hepatic-steatosis/questions/1098?lang=gb"}. volume41,pages 2532 (2016)Cite this article. CT during arterial portography showed a wedge-shaped ischemic area in the anterior segment caused by intrahepatic portal vein blockade. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. It was most often found in the 51-60 years age group; the mean age of the patients with focal fatty sparing was 54.9 14.5 years. Andr, T.; Boni, C.; Mounedji-Boudiaf, L.; Navarro, M.; Tabernero, J.; Hickish, T.; Topham, C.; Zaninelli, M.; Clingan, P.; Bridgewater, J.; et al. Published values for the prevalence of hepatic hemangiomas range from 0.1% to 20.0% [6, 7, 10, 11] and those for hepatic cysts from 0.06% to 17.8% [7, 9, 10]. Mechanisms of NAFLD development and therapeutic strategies. Garvey, W.T. Data of 45,319 patients (48.5% women and 51.48% men) were analyzed using a PC-based, standardized documentation system (ViewPoint GE Healthcare GmbH Wessling/Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany). Essentially the same as those that contribute to diffuse hepatic steatosis 1,5: drugs (amiodarone, methotrexate, chemotherapy). is there a problem of fatty lever?
focal fatty sparing adjacent to the gallbladdervintage survey equipment
Histological examination revealed that the tumor, a well differentiated adenocarcinoma, was surrounded by fibrotic tissue, and that this fibrotic tissue contained fewer fat vacuoles than the rest of the liver parenchyma (Fig. Kratzer et al. Unable to process the form. Conversely, some cases of true hepatic masses have been reported to mimic fatty infiltration (11) or focal sparing (12). ; Park, J.Y. acquired and interpreted radiology image data. ; Lee, K.S. ; Kim, T.K. The aim of the study was to determine the sonographic prevalence of benign focal liver lesions on the basis of a population of hospital patients. PubMed Central 84.2% (n=16) of patients with adenoma were women. Available online: Goldberg, D.; Ditah, I.C. Most studies have also found a gender-dependent aspect, with higher prevalence figures for hepatic cysts in women [22, 23, 29, 30]. On MR imaging, T1-weighted images (Fig. Retrospective and prospective studies based on ultrasound have reported prevalence data for hepatic cysts of between 0.1% and 11.3% [7, 9, 23, 29]. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether fatty sparing adjacent to the gallbladder fossa is related to efferent blood flow from the gallbladder wall. Without continually carrying out new studies at regular intervals, no comparative statements concerning possible changes in the prevalence of benign focal liver lesions over time are possible. interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. If unusual in location or appearance then differentials to be considered include: the commonest hyperechoic liver lesion, typically well defined and may show peripheral feeding vessels, ADVERTISEMENT: Supporters see fewer/no ads, Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. Obika, M.; Noguchi, H. Diagnosis and evaluation of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Age-specific prevalence was far less apparent in the younger age groups and in the elderly. No special Of the remaining 193 cases, patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy (, Hepatic steatosis is characterized by the infiltration and accumulation of triglyceride within the liver parenchyma [, There is currently no approved pharmacologic treatment for hepatic steatosis, whether metabolic syndrome- or drug-induced. (a) CT arteriogrphy discloses irregular enhancement in the anterior segment, as seen on dynamic MR imaging. Prevalence of benign focal liver lesions: ultrasound investigation of 45,319 hospital patients, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00261-015-0605-7, Prevalence of extra-hepatic incidental findings on ultrasound screening for hepatocellular carcinoma, Imaging Accuracy in Diagnosis of Different Focal Liver Lesions: A Retrospective Study in North of Iran, Suspected focal nodular hyperplasia in male adults: 10-year experience from a large liver centre, Application of new ultrasound techniques for focal liver lesions, Rate of hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis in cirrhotic patients with ultrasound-detected liver nodules, Characteristics of hepatic solitary necrotic nodules on contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the diagnosis of pediatric focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatic adenoma: interobserver reliability, Uncommon imaging evolutions of focal liver lesions in cirrhosis, Morphological and dynamic evaluation of complex cystic focal liver lesions by contrast-enhanced ultrasound: current state of the art, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Patient characteristics including sex, age at diagnosis, and Body Mass Index (BMI), as well as baseline comorbidities including type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension, were collected. The understanding of hepatic adenoma has changed fundamentally in recent years [32, 33]. ; Charlton, M. Changes in the Prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and alcoholic liver disease among patients with cirrhosis or liver failure on the waitlist for liver transplantation. 4) clearly showed a wedge-shaped hypointese area in the anterior segment, suggesting ischemia in this area. Woods, C.P. ; Packard, C.J. Disclaimer/Publishers Note: The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely ; Guo, G.L. The highest prevalence figures were reported from autopsy and CT studies [12, 15, 19, 28]. ; MacFarlane, P.W. HPB (Oxford) 7:186196, Department of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081, Ulm, Germany, Tanja Eva-Maria Kaltenbach,Phillip Engler,Wolfgang Kratzer,Suemeyra Oeztuerk,Thomas Seufferlein&Mark Martin Haenle, Department of Interventional and Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081, Ulm, Germany, Zentraler Ultraschall, Klinik fr Innere Medizin I, Zentrum fr Innere Medizin, Universittsklinikum Ulm, Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081, Ulm, Germany, You can also search for this author in After the operation, the patient suffered from severe jaundice and hyperammonemia. We thank Ayesha Taqi and Aftab Malik for their generous help in the data collection process. Men were affected much more often (63.5%) than women (36.5%). The electronic medical records of these patients were reviewed. Haas, J.T. Hepatocellular carcinoma in the absence of cirrhosis in united states veterans is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 1. Baseline and incident steatosis for up to one year from chemotherapy start date was assessed based on radiology. in 2005, there has been some research on the association between steatosis and anti-tumour drugs, although the precise impacts of CRC chemotherapy have largely been unexplored. Current status of imaging in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Google Scholar, Ruiz Guinaldo A, Martn Herrera L, Roldn Cuadra R (1997) Hepatic tumors in patients with cirrhosis: an autopsy study. ; Reif, L.J. The remaining 193 patients who did not have fatty liver at baseline were further divided by whether they received curative chemotherapy (, The characteristics of the two patient groups are outlined in, We found that 52 of 135 patients (38.5%) who received adjuvant chemotherapy developed steatosis within one year of follow-up, compared to 14 of 58 patients (24.1%) who did not receive chemotherapy (Relative Risk [RR] 1.57, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.89 to 2.79) after adjustment for sex, BMI, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and steroid use. In most cases, gallstones blocking the tube leading out of the gallbladder cause cholecystitis. ; Katirtzoglou, N.A. PubMed https://doi.org/10.3390/curroncol28040265, Lee MCM, Kachura JJ, Vlachou PA, Dzulynsky R, Di Tomaso A, Samawi H, Baxter N, Brezden-Masley C. Evaluation of Adjuvant Chemotherapy-Associated Steatosis (CAS) in Colorectal Cancer. (d) In-phase MR images show a hypointense area in the entirely hyperintense liver (TR = 120, TE = 4.2). The point estimate is consistent with moderately increased risk of steatosis, but with wide confidence intervals (, We then examined the 135 patients who received adjuvant chemotherapy. R.D., A.D.T., H.S., N.B. The heart and lungs were clear to auscultation and palpation of the liver revealed no abnormality. ; Laurie, J.A. The finding of a FNH or an adenoma is rarely a random discovery. These segments were rarely spared in patients with previous cholecystectomy. Canadian Liver Foundation 2017 [cited 2020 May 24]. 2014;8(2):219-23. congenital malformations and anatomical variants. Radiology. (b) CT during arterial portography clearly shows a wedge-shaped hypointese area in the anterior segment, indicating ischemia, due to intrahepatic portal vein blockade. ; Jastreboff, A.M.; Nadolsky, K.; Pessah-Pollack, R.; Plodkowski, R. Reviewers of the AACE/ACE Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines. Oncol. 2 test for categorical variables, unless the sample size was too small, in which case Fishers exact test was used. Furthermore, there is currently a lack of medical treatment for any population affected by steatosis, regardless of etiology, although a recently published population-based study suggests that statins may confer protective benefits against the development of steatosis. Demonstration of hepatic steatosis by computerized tomography in patients receiving 5-fluorouracil-based therapy for advanced colorectal cancer. ; Gasbarrini, A.; Gasbarrini, G. Fatty liver and drugs. The highest prevalence was found in younger women, and 86.4% (n=70) of all patients with FNH were females. In many cases, the phenomenon is believed to be related to the haemodynamics of a third inflow. CT arteriography and dynamic magnetic resonance images were useful for diagnosing this metastatic tumor. The patient had been followed up at another hospital, and was referred to us because of abnormal CT findings and elevation of the serum CEA level. ; Dobbins, R.; Nuremberg, P.; Horton, J.D. There are only a few studies on the prevalence of FNH [1215]. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). This distribution is the same as that seen in focal fatty sparing and is thought to relate to variations in vascular supply. The liver was examined in inter- and/or subcostal planes with a fan-like motion allowing assessment of both the hepatic parenchyma and the intrahepatic bile ducts. Among various candidate drugs under investigation, statins have been considered as a potential therapeutic option, and were recently shown to effectively reduce the risk of NAFLD development in a large population-based study [, Colorectal cancer (CRC) consistently ranks as one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in Canada [. Note: data are presented as frequency (percent), unless otherwise specified. MRI exhibits the highest sensitivity for detecting hepatic lipid infiltration and can detect as little as 5% steatosis in the liver at a sensitivity of 76.790.0% and a specificity of 87.191% [, Another limitation of this study is the relatively small sample size, particularly for the cohort of patients receiving statins. Serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase (g-GTP) were all within the normal ranges. A full blood count on admission showed normal values. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in Despite its frequent association with liver injury, oxaliplatin is classically known to damage the liver via sinusoidal dilation and is thought to have a limited role in inducing steatohepatitis [, Since the FDA approval of capecitabine in 2001 as a chemotherapeutic agent, the oral route of 5-FU delivery became a mainstay of colorectal cancer treatment, alongside intravenous infusion. ; Lawson, T.L. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. On average, women were aged 56.118.8years and men 55.917.4years. The liver tissue containes an abnormal number of fat vacuoles (upper left), while the fibrotic liver tissue adjacent to the well differentiated adenocarcinoma contains fewer fat vacuoles than the rest of the liver parenchyma. 2021, 28, 3030-3040. ; Hazlehurst, J.M. Histopathology of the resected liver tumor. Focal fatty infiltration increases the echogenicity of the liver on US images and produces low attenuation on CT images. Hepatic pseudolesion: appearance of focal low attenuation in the medial segment of the left lobe at CT arterial portography. Reference article, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 02 May 2023) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-1344, {"containerId":"expandableQuestionsContainer","displayRelatedArticles":true,"displayNextQuestion":true,"displaySkipQuestion":true,"articleId":1344,"questionManager":null,"mcqUrl":"https://radiopaedia.org/articles/focal-hepatic-steatosis/questions/1098?lang=gb"}. volume41,pages 2532 (2016)Cite this article. CT during arterial portography showed a wedge-shaped ischemic area in the anterior segment caused by intrahepatic portal vein blockade. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. It was most often found in the 51-60 years age group; the mean age of the patients with focal fatty sparing was 54.9 14.5 years. Andr, T.; Boni, C.; Mounedji-Boudiaf, L.; Navarro, M.; Tabernero, J.; Hickish, T.; Topham, C.; Zaninelli, M.; Clingan, P.; Bridgewater, J.; et al. Published values for the prevalence of hepatic hemangiomas range from 0.1% to 20.0% [6, 7, 10, 11] and those for hepatic cysts from 0.06% to 17.8% [7, 9, 10]. Mechanisms of NAFLD development and therapeutic strategies. Garvey, W.T. Data of 45,319 patients (48.5% women and 51.48% men) were analyzed using a PC-based, standardized documentation system (ViewPoint GE Healthcare GmbH Wessling/Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany). Essentially the same as those that contribute to diffuse hepatic steatosis 1,5: drugs (amiodarone, methotrexate, chemotherapy). is there a problem of fatty lever? Heritage Rough Rider Case Hardened,
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