Note: Measures the time spent during the week before the Census doing domestic work without pay for themselves and their household. Note: For the 2021 Census, guidance was provided to respondents on how to answer for mother/father if their birth parent is unknown or they have same-sex parents. More information on Mortgage repayments (monthly) (MRED), Mortgage affordability indicator (MAID) Table based on place of enumeration, More information on Sex (SEXP), Indigenous status (INGP)Table based on place of usual residence. Beaudesert is a rural town and locality in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia. Centacare St Mary's Community Services and the Beaudesert RSL provide transport for aged, disabled, veterans and hospital/respite requirements. 2023 Ipswich Media Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. The area was originally settled for growing cotton and sheep. [citation needed], Il-Bogan Lagoon is a waterhole in the west of the locality at 3169 Beaudesert Boonah Road (275936S 1525817E / 27.9933S 152.9714E / -27.9933; 152.9714 (Il-Bogan Lagoon)). The medians are then calculated using information from the Survey of Income and Housing. The average household size was 2.4 people. These adjustments may cause the sum of rows or columns to differ by small amounts from the table totals. Small random changes have been made to all cell values for privacy reasons. More information on Labour force status (LFSP) Table based on place of usual residence. After joining a copy of the Smoke Signal (the Museum Newsletter) will be e-mailed to you. Posted Mon 21 Sep 2020 at 7:43pm Monday 21 Sep 2020 at 7:43pm Mon 21 Sep 2020 at 7:43pm Without the morning run to do, former milkman John Fisher is enjoying his retirement onboard his sailboat . In Beaudesert 88.9% of people only spoke English at home. [50][55], McAuley College is a Catholic secondary (7-12) school for boys and girls at 30 Oakland Way (275923S 1530042E / 27.9897S 153.0118E / -27.9897; 153.0118 (McAuley College)). Of the families in Beaudesert, 34.0% were couple families with children, 38.1% were couple families without children and 25.3% were one parent families. 3180 Beaudesert-Boonah Road: Beaudesert Racecourse and Grandstand, 33 Brisbane Street: Beaudesert Masonic Centre, 82 & 84 Brisbane Street: Scenic Rim Regional Council Chambers, Bromelton Street: St Mary's Catholic Church, This page was last edited on 21 March 2023, at 06:15. Our global population data dashboard includes stats on fertility rate, gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, and much more. In the 2016 Census, there were 6,395 people in Beaudesert. In Beaudesert, 82.9% of households had at least one person access the internet from the dwelling. The most common responses for religion in Beaudesert were No Religion, so described 28.5%, Catholic 18.9%, Anglican 18.7%, Not stated 10.6% and Uniting Church 6.3%. (b) This is not comparable with historical QuickStats, as applicable households included in this calculation have changed. 26. Proportions are calculated using all tenure types for occupied private dwellings. More information on Total personal income (INCP), Total family income (FINF), Total household income (HIND) Personal income data is based on place of usual residence Family and household income data is based on place of enumeration. In Beaudesert, for couple families with two incomes, the median income for those with children was $1,922 and those without children was $1,564. Councils Planning and Regulatory Services Annual Report from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 provides a snapshot of development activity and population growth across the city, highlighting the need for action. Further information on the method to impute income is available in the income fact sheet. All music exams in the Spring Term 2020 were cancelled due to Covid-19. Of people in Beaudesert aged 15 years and over, 40.9% were married and 16.6% were either divorced or separated. Of people who did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census in Beaudesert, 22.9% worked 5 to 14 hours, 11.0% worked 15 to 29 hours and 10.4% worked 30 hours or more. In Beaudesert, 80.6% of people were born in Australia. (a) Excludes households where at least one person aged 15 years and over in the household did not state their income. The scheme is a 20-year-plan about how to facilitate a population boom, due largely to the Bromelton state development area, which started last year and triggered the installation of the Beaudesert bypass. In Beaudesert, of occupied private dwellings 4.2% had 1 bedroom, 14.9% had 2 bedrooms and 42.6% had 3 bedrooms. 5,950,757. More. Dwelling tables exclude visitor only and other non-classifiable households. [39][40][41], From 1954 to 1962, the Beaudesert State School also provided a secondary school program, which ceased when a separate Beaudesert State High School was opened in January 1963. The data has not changed. [69], Beaudesert has a racecourse, 50-metre swimming pool, two gyms, showgrounds, caravan park and several hotels and eateries. More information on Method of travel to work (MTWP) Table based on place of usual residence, More information on Unpaid domestic work (DOMP), Unpaid child care (CHCAREP), Unpaid assistance to a person with a disability, health condition, or due to old age (UNCAREP), Voluntary work for an organisation or group (VOLWP) Table based on place of usual residence. In Beaudesert, of all households, 68.9% were family households, 28.5% were single person households and 2.6% were group households. Note 2: Calculated percentages represent a proportion of the number of people in the area (including those who did not answer the long-term health conditions question). In Beaudesert, 70.2% of households had at least one person access the internet from the dwelling. Generally the weather is mild, but some severe storms can arrive each summer. On 13 September 1887, it reopened as Beaudesert State School. The apportionment results and redistricting data are now available. In Beaudesert, 90.9% of private dwellings were occupied and 9.1% were unoccupied. In Beaudesert, 18.9% of single parents were male and 81.1% were female. In Beaudesert, of people aged 15 years and over, 51.8% of people were in a registered marriage and 12.5% were in a de facto marriage. In Beaudesert, 61.1% of people had both parents born in Australia and 18.5% of people had both parents born overseas. Sorry, but the page you are looking for doesn't exist. Download coordinates as: KML Rathdowney (historically also written as Rathdownie) is a rural town and locality in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia. [22] As 2 February was the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was decided to call the church Our Lady of the Purification, but it was commonly known as St Mary's. The median age of people in a registered marriage in Beaudesert was 53 years and the median age of people in a de facto marriage was 33 years. Data reported for Australia and Other Territories now includes Norfolk Island, following an amendment to the Acts Interpretation Act, 1901. More information about Census and labour force status is provided in Understanding the Census and Census Data. These tables represent occupied private dwellings where at least one Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander person was present. France computes the population from census results of different years. More information on Type of educational institution attending (TYPP) Table based on place of usual residence, More information on Level of highest educational attainment (HEAP) Table based on place of usual residence. In Beaudesert, of couple families with children, 17.5% had both partners employed full-time, 3.3% had both employed part-time and 17.0% had one employed full-time and the other part-time. [33] The land was being sold following the death of its owner Ernest White.[34]. In Beaudesert, 48.2% of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people were male and 51.8% were female. Note: For the 2021 Census, guidance was provided to respondents on how to answer for mother if their birth parent is unknown or they have same-sex parents. In Beaudesert, of occupied private dwellings 5.0% had 1 bedroom, 15.1% had 2 bedrooms and 44.0% had 3 bedrooms. Beaudesert Rail operated steam-driven tourist trains on the line for a short while thereafter. (c) Comprises dwellings occupied rent free, occupied under a life tenure scheme and other tenure type. Go to the Theme options page > Integrations, to connect your Instagram account. Dwelling tables exclude visitor only and other non-classifiable households. Report for Beaudesert . The median household income was $973. Of employed people in Beaudesert, 10.9% worked 1 to 15 hours, 9.3% worked 16 to 24 hours and 44.4% worked 40 hours or more. More information on Ancestry multi response (ANCP) Table based on place of usual residence, More information on Country of birth of person (BPLP) Table based on place of usual residence. This excludes visitor only and other non-classifiable households. The data has not changed. More information on Rent payments (weekly) (RNTD), Rent affordability indicator (RAID) Table based on place of enumeration. Services ceased calling at Bromelton station in 1994. Dwelling tables exclude visitor only and other non-classifiable households. It is not known why Hawkins picked the name Beaudesert. In the year before the Census, 19.9% of people did voluntary work through an organisation or a group. Beaudesert Rail had also been trading while insolvent,[citation needed] resulting in the closure of several local business who had extended them credit. The broad group level is the highest and most general level of the Australian Standard Classification of Religious Groups, 2016. Brisbane South PHN have heard from local stakeholders and communities that there is a high demand for mental health support for children and youth in Logan and Beaudesert, but a limited availability or capacity of existing services, particularly for children under 12 years of age. The most common countries of birth were New Zealand 3.2%, England 2.7%, Netherlands 0.4%, South Africa 0.4% and Philippines 0.4%. Other 2016 Census products available for this area: To view more QuickStats or Community Profiles for a different area, see, demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment, family composition | employment status of couple families, dwelling structure | household composition | mortgage & rent | number of motor vehicles | internet connection, selected people & dwelling characteristics, View the data quality statement for Place of Usual Residence (PURP), View the data quality statement for Age (AGEP), View the data quality statement for Registered marital status (MSTP), View the data quality statement for Social marital status (MDCP), View the data quality statement for Educational Institution Attendee Status (TYSTAP), View the data quality statement for Level of highest educational attainment (HEAP), View the data quality statement for Ancestry (ANCP), View the data quality statement for Country of birth (BPLP), Country of birth of father and/or mother, stated responses, View the data quality statement for Country of birth of father and/or mother (BPPP), Country of birth of father, stated responses, View the data quality statement for Country of birth of father (BPMP), Country of birth of mother, stated responses, View the data quality statement for Country of birth of mother (BPFP), View the data quality statement for Religious affiliation (RELP), Language, top responses (other than English), View the data quality statement for Language spoken at home (LANP), View the data quality statement for Labour force status (LFSP), View the data quality statement for Hours worked (HRSP), View the data quality statement for Occupation (OCCP), View the data quality statement for Industry of employment (INDP), View the data quality statement for Method of travel to work (MTWP), View the data quality statement for Unpaid domestic work, number of hours (DOMP), View the data quality statement for Family composition (FMCF), View the data quality statement for Labour force status of parents / partners in families (LFSF), View the data quality statement for Dwelling structure (STRD), Number of bedrooms in a private dwelling (BEDD), Number of persons usually resident in dwelling (NPRD), View the data quality statement for Tenure type (TEND), View the data quality statement for Household composition (HHCD), View the data quality statement for Household income, total weekly (HIND), View the data quality statement for Rent weekly payments (RNTD), View the data quality statement for Mortgage monthly repayments (MRED), View the data quality statement for Number of registered motor vehicles (VEHD), View the data quality statement for Dwelling internet connection (NEDD), Number of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (BEDD), 2016 Beaudesert, Census All persons QuickStats. [8][9], On 15 August 1885 at Stretton's Hotel at Beaudesert, auctioneer C.J. In Beaudesert, on the day of the Census, the most common methods of travel to work for employed people included Car, as driver 68.0%, Worked at home 7.9%, Car, as passenger 4.3%, Walked only 2.5% and Truck 2.1%. The average household size was 2.7 people. [citation needed], Upper Beaudesert Provisional School opened circa 1882 and closed circa 1885. View the data quality statement for Place of Usual Residence (PURP) The median age of people in Beaudesert was 43 years. Of occupied private dwellings in Beaudesert, 82.0% were separate houses, 12.3% were semi-detached, row or terrace houses, townhouses etc, 3.3% were flats or apartments and 2.2% were other dwellings. More information on Social marital status (MDCP) Table based on place of usual residence. Visit the dashboard. Drama Senior Production "Oliver With A Twist". Proportions are calculated using all tenure types for occupied private dwellings. Beaudesert racetrack will host a charity event to support rural doctors on May 6. (c) Includes Tertiary - not further defined. (a) This label has been updated to more accurately reflect the Census concept shown in this data item. Of these 49.5% were male and 50.5% were female. [68], A number of well-known sporting teams represent the local area, including the Beaudesert Kingfishers who play home games at R.S. For further information, go to the User Guide for QuickStats. The 2021 Estimated Resident Population for the Scenic Rim Regional Council is 43,595, with a population density of 10.26 persons per square km. More information on Tenure type (TEND)Table based on place of enumeration, (a) Percentages (%) exclude dwellings with 'Partial income stated' or 'All incomes not stated. [36] The Blunck family managed an electrical store and a car servicing and sales business. [citation needed]. Population growth in Regional QLD was 1.88%. Therefore, the sum of all long-term health condition responses for an area will not equal the total number of people in the area. [3][4] In the 2016 census, Beaudesert had a population of 6,395 people.[1]. People tables are based on a person's place of usual residence on Census night. In Beaudesert, of people aged 15 years and over, 63.1% did unpaid domestic work in the week before the Census. According to the 2016 census of Population, there were 6,395 people in Beaudesert. Construction is expected to be completed early 2020. Of the families in Beaudesert, 43.3% were couple families with children, 41.1% were couple families without children and 14.7% were one parent families. The most common occupations in Beaudesert included Labourers 18.8%, Technicians and Trades Workers 16.6%, Community and Personal Service Workers 11.9%, Clerical and Administrative Workers 11.8%, Machinery Operators and Drivers 11.3%, Professionals 10.2%, Sales Workers 9.4% and Managers 8.4%. (d) Excludes households where at least one household member aged 15 years and over did not state their income. It has a reasonably well recorded architectural and contents history up to the demolition of the great Elizabethan mansion in 1937 but the story of its gardens and grounds is much less well known. (c) Excludes families where at least one family member aged 15 years and over did not state their income. the original school building, of St Mary's Catholic School, Beaudesert, 2020.jpg. [23] On Sunday 15 September 1907 the second St Mary's was opened, with the original church dismantled and re-assembled at Kerry where it was named St John's Catholic Church. Note: For the 2021 Census, guidance was provided to respondents on how to answer for father if their birth parent is unknown or they have same-sex parents. This page was last edited on 16 . Source: UK Office for National Statistics (web). In Beaudesert, 17.6% of single parents were male and 82.4% were female. The number of households where rent payments were 30% or more of an imputed income measure are expressed in this table as a proportion of the total number of households in an area (including those households which were not renting, and excluding the small proportion of visitor only and other non-classifiable households). More information on Religious affiliation (RELP) Table based on place of usual residence, More information on Language used at home (LANP) Languages used at home data is based on place of usual residence Households where a non-English language is used is based on place of enumeration. Of the employed people in Beaudesert, the most common responses for industry of employment included School Education 5.6%, Residential Care Services 4.4%, Local Government Administration 4.2%, Cafes, Restaurants and Takeaway Food Services 4.2% and Supermarket and Grocery Stores 3.4%. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people made up 7.2% of the population. The most common ancestries in Beaudesert were Australian 31.2%, English 30.0%, Irish 8.7%, Scottish 7.5% and German 5.4%. In the year before the Census, 19.7% of people did voluntary work through an organisation or a group. It is approximately 91kilometres from Brisbane and connected by the Mount Lindesay Highway. In Beaudesert 89.7% of people only spoke English at home. Other 2011 Census products available for this area: To view more QuickStats or Community Profiles for a different area, see, demographics & education | cultural & language diversity | employment, family composition | weekly incomes | employment status of couple families, dwelling structure | household composition | mortgage & rent | number of motor vehicles, selected people & dwelling characteristics, Language, top responses (other than English), Median family income, couple families with two incomes, 2011 Beaudesert, Census All persons QuickStats. [1] Geography [ edit] [citation needed], The town was originally set out in a grid pattern; however, several of the streets followed cart tracks. >>> A second quarter snapshot shows growth. This could have been through a desktop/laptop computer, mobile or smart phone, tablet, music or video player, gaming console, smart TV or any other device.
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