establishing the XML-based Federal Register as an ACFR-sanctioned of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announces 5.4 percent decline in veteran homelessness in 2018, credits HUD-VASH program for helping drive progress Veteran homeless decreased over 5 percent in 2018, now almost 50 percent lower than in 2010, though nearly 38,000 veterans still experienced homelessness this year. PHAs may project-base HUD-VASH vouchers in projects alongside other PBV units (the other PBV units must be attached in accordance with PBV requirements) and may execute a single HAP contract covering both the HUD-VASH PBVs and the other PBVs. The veteran escaping violence must be admitted to the VAMC or DSP's caseload. have hearing loss. Accordingly, HUD is exercising its authority to waive 42 U.S.C. The HUD-VASH program combines HUD HCV rental assistance for homeless veterans with case management and clinical services provided at VA Medical Centers, Community-Based Outpatient Clinics, or through a designated service provider (DSP) as approved by the VA Secretary (herein referred to generally as VAMC or DSP). the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on that agencies use to create their documents. At the same time, some VA campuses have real estate that is underused. HUD-VASH families will be permitted to live on the grounds of a VA facility in units developed to house homeless veterans. ); and (4) new requirement that PHAs must allow Special Housing Types for HUD-VASH (section II.p.). However, the voucher still limits veterans; they must live within the jurisdiction of their local Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC). This feature is not available for this document. Among VA homeless continuum of care programs, HUD-VASH enrolls the largest number and largest percentage of Veterans who have experienced long-term or repeated homelessness. The PHA can only terminate the family's assistance for program violations that occur after the family's admission to the voucher program. endstream endobj startxref To aid communities in this process, wed like to dispel seven common misconceptions about HUD-VASH: Truth: While there is a cap on how much income a veteran can have, there is not a minimum amount of income. The PHAs then locally administer the vouchers to eligible veterans. U.S. Dept. Veteran participants can move states or over a long distance if the receiving PHA has a voucher available and the VAMC in the new area can provide case-management services. The team can also assess your need for case management. 1. Sign up for the latest news on Built for Zeros efforts to end homelessness and more! If a HUD-VASH family does not require or no longer requires case management, the unit continues to count as an excepted PBV unit for as long as the family resides in that unit. To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. 153 Cong. Today, HUD-VASH continues pursuing its goal of ending homelessness for U.S. military veterans. Tips for Managing Your Business Line of Credit Effectively, Business Lines of Credit: Exploring the Pros and Cons, The Different Types of Business Lines of Credit, How to Qualify for a Business Line of Credit. Press enter on the item you wish to view. HUD provides housing assistance funds to the PHA, as well as funds for PHA administration of the program. All program housing units must be inspected regularly to ensure that the home continues to meet local PHA minimum quality standards. VASH (Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing) refers to the program within the VA that supports veterans in obtaining and maintaining housing. This exception only applies to HUD-VASH PBV vouchers awarded through the HUD-VASH PBV set-aside process. 2. This prototype edition of the endstream endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 26 0 obj <>stream If the PHA approves a family's unit and tenancy, the PHA contracts with the property owner to make monthly subsidy payments (housing assistance payments) directly to the owner on behalf of the family . Start Printed Page 53212 3. Under the HUD-VASH program, eligible low-income veterans receive a Section 8 rental voucher alongside . HUD-VASH participants have some flexibility in the area they choose to live, within certain limits. This reallocation may be done in one of two ways. Attention A T users. Yes, a veteran can apply for the Family Self-Sufficiency program. endobj are not part of the published document itself. If the family initially leases up, or moves, under portability provisions, but the initial PHA's partnering VAMC or DSP will still be able to provide the necessary case management services due to the family's proximity to the partnering VAMC or DSP, the receiving PHA must process the move in accordance with the portability procedures of 24 CFR 982.355. hbbd``b`*@``51DK VL@ These can be useful case management. ); (2) new allowance for a PHA and owner to agree to amend a PBV HAP contract to re-designate a regular PBV unit as a unit specifically designated for HUD-VASH families (section II.k); (3) new authorization for PHAs to apply separate payment standards for HUD-VASH families without additional HUD approval (section II.o. 2023 US Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program, Learn About Homelessness Assistance Programs, HUD-VASH: HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing Program. In addition, the VA works independently and jointly with other agencies to provide various services to veterans, including housing. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, HUD. The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. HUD-VASH Eligibility: HUD-VASH Operating Requirements: The complete text of the HUD-VASH Operating Requirements posted on the HUD-VASH webpage: HUD-VASH Operating Requirements: Outlines waivers and alternative requirements for the HUD-VASH vouchers. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. PHA in lieu of another type of government-issued photo identification. To enter and activate the submenu links, hit the down arrow. informational resource until the Administrative Committee of the Federal The program provides a network of supports to veterans to help them obtain sustainable, affordable, long-term housing. Federal Register provide legal notice to the public and judicial notice The veteran drives the case management goals and agrees to the options that he/she feels will help him/her to sustain permanent housing. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 17 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 23 0 R 24 0 R 26 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 30 0 R 32 0 R 33 0 R 34 0 R 35 0 R 36 0 R 38 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 43 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> New Documents By agreeing to administer the HUD-VASH program, the PHA is relinquishing its authority to determine the eligibility of families in accordance with regular HCV program rules and PHA policies with the exceptions of income eligibility and lifetime sex offender status. For any additional systems reporting requirements that may be established, HUD will provide further guidance. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, Sections 982.203, 982.205, and 982.206 regarding special admissions, cross-listing of the waiting list, and opening and closing the waiting list do not apply to the HUD-VASH program. Also from The Ask Team: and any content or offers listed herein are not an intermediary, broker/dealer, investment advisor, or exchange and do not provide investment advice or investment advisory services. Program case managers work as liaisons between each veteran, their local Public Housing Authority (PHA) and their landlord, facilitating communication and problem-solving when situations arise. Many housing markets with a high need for HUD-VASH are very competitive with a shortage of affordable rental units. The Public Inspection page may also Recognizing the challenges that HUD-VASH participants may face with their housing search, HUD-VASH vouchers must have an initial search term of at least 120 days. Therefore, 24 CFR 982.355(d), which gives the receiving PHA the option to absorb the family into its own HCV program or bill the initial PHA, is not applicable. HUD's Section 8 Voucher Program has designated vouchers to Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) throughout the country for veterans who are homeless. Closed Holidays. 05/01/2023, 39 If the VAMC or DSP has determined that a veteran is not participating in required case management, without good cause, the PHA must terminate the family from the HUD-VASH program. The information collection requested on both Family Reports has been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and given OMB control number 2577-0083. If the family fails to vacate the unit within the established time, the owner may evict the family. If a participant experiences an employment gap or another kind of financial setback that prevents them from paying their portion of the rent, he or she may request a hardship exemption until the situation improves. documents in the last year, 84 The PHA's local discretionary policies adopted in the PHA's written administrative plan apply to HUD-VASH vouchers unless such local policy conflicts with the requirements of the HUD-VASH vouchers outlined below. The HUD-VASH program is administered in accordance with applicable civil rights and fair housing requirements. There are no maximum or minimum thresholds for the number of days before a veteran may start to work with HUD-VASH. This act outlines which living situations define homelessness, including living in a shelter, living outside or otherwise lacking a fixed, regular nighttime residence. Find point of contact information for HUD's grantees. The PHA must terminate assistance to the family at the earlier of (1) the time the family vacates or (2) the expiration of the reasonable time period given to vacate (the lease terminates at the same time as termination of assistance per 24 CFR 983.256(f)(3)(v)). Participating veterans must need case management services to receive and maintain independent housing. A person with a bad conduct discharge from a special court martial is a "Veteran" as defined in 38USC. This voucher pays rental income to private landlords on your behalf from the U.S. government. 1437(o)(13)(D)), as amended by Section 106(a)(3) of the Housing Opportunities Through Modernization Act (HOTMA) (Pub. However, the HUD-VASH team can end a familys residency for term violations after admission. The project cap refers to the number of units in a project that may receive PBV assistance and is generally the higher of 25 units or 25 percent of units in the project. Under the project-based voucher (PBV) program, families occupy units under a PBV HAP contract. documents in the last year, 1407 Without this waiver, a PHA is required to establish a single payment standard amount for each unit size. on These cards may also be used to verify SSNs and date of birth. If a HUD-VASH-eligible family is referred and there is an available PBV unit that is not exclusively made available to HUD-VASH families, the PHA may also offer to refer the family to the owner for occupancy of that unit if allowable under the selection policy applicable to that project, and the owner and PHA may amend the PBV HAP contract to designate the PBV unit as a HUD-VASH PBV unit. About the Federal Register Note that this waiver does not apply to PBVs. Ask a basic policy or reporting system question. 0 Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. The program applies to veterans who: A HUD-VASH voucher pays off a portion of the veterans rent to the landlord. Second, PHAs may terminate a family evicted from housing assisted under the program for a serious violation of the lease, but they are not required to do so. For more information: Federal VA: HUD-VASH program If you refuse VA case management, you can lose your Section 8 voucher and the housing opportunities that come with it. The HUD-VASH program combines the HUDs Rental Assistance Demonstration Program with the VAs Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program to provide rental assistance and case-management services to eligible veterans and their families. How long can a veteran stay on HUD-Vash? 1437f(r)(1(B)(i), which restricts portability in cases where the family did not reside in the jurisdiction of the PHA at the time of application for HCV assistance, and 24 CFR 982.353(a), (b), and (c), which affects where a family can lease a unit with HCV assistance, do not apply. HUD-VASH uses HUD housing vouchers, commonly referred to as "Section 8" vouchers, along with VA supportive services to keep veterans and their families in permanent, safe community housing. Case Managers should begin work toward permanent housing with veterans who are appropriate for HUD-VASH as soon as possible in their transitional stay, concurrently (rather than sequentially) with other programs. The department delivers programs that aid older adults, families with low incomes and people with disabilities in accessing affordable and adequate housing. documents in the last year, 9 documents in the last year, 83 The case manager works with you to create a service plan to help you access your required resources. Federal Register issue. offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's Although participants in traditional Section 8 voucher programs are required to live in a certain area for a set period of time, HUD-VASH participants may choose to live in a town or neighborhood beyond the immediate area of their VA case manager. In the case of the VAMC or DSP, HUD-VASH eligible families are referred to the partnering PHA for the issuance of a voucher or selection for a PBV unit. Other than the birth, adoption, or court-awarded custody of a child, the PHA must approve additional family members and may apply its regular screening criteria in doing so. Self-Regulatory Organizations; NYSE Arca, Inc. Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Smoking Cessation and Related Indications, Labeling of Plant-Based Milk Alternatives and Voluntary Nutrient Statements, Authority To Order the Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty To Address International Drug Trafficking, Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, Department of Housing and Urban Development, (1) Portability Moves Within Same Catchment Area (or Area of Operation) Where Case Management Is Provided by the Initial PHA's Partnering VAMC or DSP, (2) Portability Moves Within Same Catchment Area Where Both PHAs Have Received HUD-VASH Vouchers, (3) Portability Moves Where Receiving PHA Is Beyond Catchment Area, (4) Portability Moves Where Receiving PHA Is Beyond Catchment Area for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, (5) Portability Moves when Case Management Is No Longer Required,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata,, endobj %%EOF documents in the last year. Data will also be captured in the Voucher Management System (VMS) on monthly leasing and expenditures for HUD-VASH vouchers. The third-party sites are not under the control of BudgetSmart and BudgetSmart is not responsible for the content of any third-party site. The PHA and owner may agree to amend a PBV HAP contract to re-designate a regular PBV unit as a unit specifically designated for HUD-VASH families, so long as the PHA first consults with the VAMC or DSP. Hit enter to expand a main menu option (Health, Benefits, etc). Note that 24 CFR 982.202(b)(3) (Family characteristics); 24 CFR 982.202(d) (Admission policy); and 24 CFR 983.251(a)(3) (VAWA applies to admission to the project-based voucher program) continue to apply. All HUD-VASH eligible Veterans should be assessed and prioritized for available resources following current processes and in partnership with local coordinated entry systems. %PDF-1.5 % e.g., (HUD-50058) under the scenario described above, the action type that must be recorded on line 2a is 1 for a new admission (a family that is new to the HCV program) or 4 for a portability move-in (a family that was previously leased up in the jurisdiction of the initial PHA). To help meet this resource need, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has made a large push to connect veterans in need with HUD-VASH vouchers as part of the coordinated national effort to end veteran homelessness. Call: 988 (Press 1), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs | 810 Vermont Avenue, NW Washington DC 20420. This document outlines below the waivers or alternative requirements determined by the Secretary to be necessary for the effective delivery and administration of the HUD-VASH program. visit for more resources. Targeted by the VA to homeless veterans with the most severe health issues, HUD-VASH - which combines deep, permanent rent subsidies through HUD's Housing Choice Voucher program with health care and other supportive services to end homelessness - can serve as a great example for other initiatives seeking to attain the same success. This collaborative program between HUD and VA combines HUD housing vouchers with VA supportive services to help Veterans who are homeless and their families find and sustain permanent housing. Attention A T users. The veteran must agree to participate in case management services tailored to meet his or her needs. The guidance is effective September 27, 2021. HUD-VASH vouchers must be reported in the IMS/PIC system on either the regular HUD-50058 or HUD-MTW 50058 for vouchers under the agency's MTW Agreement. Pursuant to the HUD-VASH case management and termination requirements, a HUD-VASH family's PBV assistance must be terminated for failure to participate in case management as required by the VAMC or DSP. Landlords are paid these HUD-VASH subsidies directly, and participating veterans are responsible for covering the remainder of their rent each month. hb```"f6F^e`B@Nk>Yc) `EhHn1p1I0)x&y"+5H3 K Veterans Crisis Line: \@``):@61@7C9 h42P"u-(Zf4O'f060B,@T NXlKE5,k0 It is not an official legal edition of the Federal +}, VsIv-U( O *5D21)4tWZt6O3xt]E,v!gX7q -o6F$mE5)8$jmM7u[. Press enter on the item you wish to view. There are two alternative requirements for termination of assistance for HUD-VASH participants. documents in the last year, by the Energy Department Through the HUD-VASH program, HUD and VA increase access to affordable housing for homeless veterans and provide the support necessary to obtain and maintain permanent housing in the community. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. The rental assistance program needs more landlords. In many cases, veterans who utilized the program and continue to today were living with physical and mental health conditions that qualified them for admission into one of the VAs management programs. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (PL 116-283)included provisions expanding eligibility for HUD-VASH. If a HUD-VASH family selects a unit that passed a HQS inspection (without intervening occupancy) within 45 days of the date of the Request for Tenancy Approval (form HUD-52517), the unit may be approved as long as it meets all other conditions under 24 CFR 982.305. Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day. ); and (9) additional explanation of the HUD-VASH reallocation process through voluntary moves between PHAs and voucher recapture for future reallocation (section II.m.). However, participants who refuse to comply with case management requests can be terminated from the veterans housing assistance program. 3. However, a VAMC or DSP determination that the veteran does not require or no longer requires case management is not grounds for termination of voucher or PBV assistance. All the PBV requirements in 24 CFR part 983 apply except where waived as described below. on March 23, 2012 (77 FR 17086). % Access VAs services for homeless and at-risk Veterans, available 24/7. This type of move is permissible if the Florida VAMC can serve the family and the PHA partnering with the VAMC in Florida has an available HUD-VASH voucher. See also, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fair Housing Rights and Obligations, <>/Metadata 778 0 R/ViewerPreferences 779 0 R>> You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. The collaboration was meant to provide affordable, decent, clean housing to veterans experiencing homelessness and their families. Case management includes help securing VA and other benefits such as educational aid and financial planning. However, these vouchers are never eligible for MTW fungibility. Generally, in the case of a family break-up, the HUD-VASH assistance must stay with the HUD-VASH veteran. Whether the family is a new admission or portability move-in, in section 12 of the HUD-50058, line 12d is always marked Y. In cases of portability where families move out of the catchment area of the initial PHA, 12e must be 0 since the family must be absorbed, and 12f must be left blank. VA case managers may connect these Veterans with support services such as health care, mental health treatment and substance use counseling to help them in their recovery process and with their ability to maintain housing in the community. Yk, HUD strongly encourages PHAs to exercise their discretion under 24 CFR 982.552(c)(2) and consider all relevant circumstances of the specific case, as well as including the role of the case manager and the impact that ongoing case management services can have on mitigating the conditions that led to the potential termination, prior to determining whether to terminate assistance. Use the VA locator tool to find your nearest VAMC and call or visit today. and services, go to The program compares to Tricare health insurance for retired military members. How long is the VASH voucher good for? VA Healthcare-eligible Veterans do not take priority over non-healthcare eligible Veterans. To learn more about whether this program may be right for you or a loved one, find out how it works, whos eligible and more. documents in the last year, 37 The VAMC or DSP case manager will remain available to provide support to the veteran family, as needed. In many cases supportive services are provided on-site. HUD-VASH Reference Guide - Requirements Summary of requirements in PIH Notices and the Federal Register notice, Revised Implementation of the HUD-VA Supportive Housing Program, published March 23, 2012. The team can also help you obtain a Section 8 HUD voucher. Normal portability rules apply. endstream endobj 27 0 obj <>stream Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Benefit & Claim Status (Registration Required), Beneficiary Enrollment Form 24-0296 (PDF), Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP), Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (W.A.V.E.) has no substantive legal effect. Being involved in the home selection process is another benefit of the HUD-VASH program. If the PHA has no voucher to offer, the family will retain its HUD-VASH voucher, or PBV unit, until such time as the PHA has an available voucher for the family. 2 0 obj documents in the last year, by the Food and Drug Administration
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