Specialization: A unique utility class with solid crowd control. WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Nezha Prime was leaked by linking him in the in-game, Nezha Prime is the first Warframe to be showcased in-game to players via the Tenno, Nezha is the second prime Warframe where their non-primed variants were introduced from. Specialization: A hard-to-hit damage dealer with potentially good but random crowd control. Fixed Excalibur's Radial Javelin not functioning against enemies that have been impaled on Divine Spear. Excaliburs real asset, however, is his Exalted Blade - a summoned weapon that chops through enemies and launches energy blades that can travel through walls, and it even benefits from his passive bonus to all sword class weapons. 15 / 15 / 20 / 25% (movement speed bonus), 50% / 65% / 80% / 100% (health orb chance), Modified Health = (Base Health + Armor Multiplier (Health Conversion Armor + Nezha's Base Armor (1 + Armor Bonus)) + Absorbed Damage Absorption Multiplier) (1 + Ability Strength), (1000 + (2.5 (450 + 190 (1 + 1.1)))) (1 + 0.3) =4,059.25, User blog:Cephalon Scientia/Sunsetting of Maximization Calculators, https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1137588-charged-blazing-chakram-not-traveling-for-clients-fix-pending/, https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/File:NezhaCast.ogg, https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/File:NezhaDivineSpearsImpact.ogg, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Nezha is the third Warframe that was first introduced as a timed exclusive to. background-color: #f3d959; After activating Divine Spears and throwing a Chakram at impaled enemies, 2 additional rings are created and will bounce off enemies. He has some okay crowd control and the ability to summon the dead to fight for him - yet the summoned allies slow down the rate at which enemies spawn, conflicting with his loot farming specialty. You can increase that effect by throwing concussion grenades, Zephyrs Airbursts, into the cyclones. #5. Fixed Warding Halo ability appearing while aiming with a Sniper Rifle. WardingHalo Limbo is a strong Warframe that wont make you any friends. It gives. Slight improvements to Blazing Chakrams enemy tracking. Now: Accumulate 250% of damage done by Fire Walker, and the trail of fire forces a Heat Status Effect. But I have faith we will not. Ivara is an exceptionally versatile Warframe that offers utility, long-term invisibility, and massive damage. 125 Bouncing from surfaces can extend the chakram's travel distance. The downside is that even her slightly tankier primer variant is awfully easy to kill. Portrait Use as many Forma on them as you see fit to achieve the desired build, and you'll be good to go! Mesa: didn't come with AkVasto, but they suit her perfectly: more classical looking than AkMagnus and perfectly themed for her. Her ultimate ability is so good at it that, even if she didnt also have an impressive nuke and nice utility, shed still be one of the best Warframes in the game. Players will receive a HUD icon indicating the Health of a Safeguard Halo they received from Nezha. General Information Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Unfortunately the windy skill is a bit unreliable as it slowly moves across the battlefield, yet her mix of movement and wide area control makes Zephyr a strong player on the Plains of Eidolon. or ammo mutation on a weapon that can shoot OP glaives for free and is pretty ammo efficient anyway, isn't a big deal, Xaku: has Quassus, but is also shown prominently with Revenant's Tatsu. 4. That makes him quite survivable, albeit indirectly so, and a good candidate for spy missions. It allows the raging Warframe to pop claws and go to town on enemies at melee range, but its real upside is invulnerability - allowing her to way through the very enemies she rips to shreds without taking a hit. 15 / 15 / 20 / 25% (movement speed bonus)0.5 s (damage interval)10 / 25 / 50 /? 30 The synergy varies from weapon to weapon and includes either a flat stat bonus . But its her ultimate skill, Peacemaker, that sets her apart, as she trades mobility and energy over time to auto-target every enemy in her line of sight with massive, scaling damage. Can be cast while moving but will interrupt any other action. 0 Ash: Dual Kamas - he's holding them in Leverian, and the Kamas are often associated with Shinobi/Ninja, so it goes with his theme, plus they are slash-based. For those who don't know what to build on Nezha Prime, here's my tank + (self-)support guide. Wukong: has Iron Staff, also got Zhuge and Ninkondi, but obviosuly any Staff looks appropriate on him too, especially Bo or Cadus. color: #674915!important; Impaled enemies cannot prevent Tenno from capturing an. Pressing the heavy attack key while a melee weapon is equipped and the Chakram is still on an outbound path will cause the Chakram to "explode", then return to Nezha. Following the fall of the Orokin Empire, the farmland Reshantur suffered from routine and violent exchange of hands. Fixed Nezhas FX not properly working on ragdolled enemies. Passive Nezha can be equipped with the following items: Not everyone desires the Passive attributes that Nezha bring, but still want to use them in battle. Specialization: Damage boosting powerhouse with crowd control. This has earned the defensive frame a bad reputation that will get you yelled at in squad chat if you dont use them properly. Was: Accumulate 150% of the damage Fire Walker deals, unleashing it in a trail of fire that lasts 10s. Divine Spears is a great crowd control resource, and the Blazing Chakram can take you out of any tight space or fight, all while still being greatly offensive. Tier: High Warframe and the Warframe logo are trademarks of Digital Extremes Ltd. A slightly high skill ceiling. Thats great for farming resources and health/energy orbs on endless missions, otherwise it adds no tactical value to whatsoever. devildevil21,December 28, 2015. This is exclusively a synergy with Blazing Chakram. Mesa players should believe the best defense is a good offense. Fixed Fire walker not properly cleansing debuffs from Clients. r/Warframe Best early game weapons to upgrade with orokin . Her ultimate, however, can combine with the Assimilate mod to make her effectively invincible as long as she has energy. Chroma: he's usually seen with a Tiberon, though really Khora's Hystrix would've made more sense due to it's ability to switch between all 4 basic elements. Enemies protected by Ancient Healer auras cannot be impaled, thereby making Divine Spears less effective against Corrupted and Infested without the use of weapons that can easily proc radiation. Votes. Prime: Yes. Fixed Nezha Passive disable Augments giving the incorrect amount of Strength. Most of her skills are simply out of the players control. Jump in game now to redeem your Prime Gaming Rewards. As of Update 24.6 (2019-04-04), Signature Weapons started to gain their own bonuses; before only the design and lore were related to their respective owner. Valkyrs signature move, Hysteria, is an early game-changer. Tier: Low or just applied to all mele weapons. Fixed Nezha's Base Blueprint being Tradeable. 125 (375 at Rank 30) What could a Warframe, a lethal specialist warrior. DivineSpears Chroma can be exceptionally versatile thanks to his passive, Elemental Alignment, which alters his abilities depending on the cosmetic color you apply to him before missions. Star Wars Jedi Survivor stim canister locations and where to find more. Once a one-trick pony, Hydroid has become a master of crowd control - able to gather up foes as a living puddle and then hit them with an airstrike that strips armor. Her abilities can set up bigger moves. Specialization: Self-healing, self-resurrecting tank with high crowd control and (potentially) infinite energy. Fixed Nezhas Blazing Chakram not working correctly for Clients when charged. Specialization: A straightforward defense class. Should I focus in spamming my shield with nezha and ultimate now and then, or toggle my first abillity 24/7 and go all jump-jump-hit-boom with nezha? She can use whips and chains to snare enemies, before following up with high damage strikes. On the battlefield, you want to be in the line of fire before casting Warding Halo, since this ability will absorb incoming damage and add it to its health pool, thus making it a better protective layer. Heavy Attack Efficiency is enhanced when wielded by Khora. BlazingChakram It seems like something that would be a whole lot of trouble for DE. text-transform: uppercase; Tier: Middle The amount of ground that can be covered in flames can be improved using Sprint Speed mods. Ivara: came with Rubico and Lacera IIRC, but something like Daikyu or Attica makes more sense to me. Warding Halo now only blocks 90% of damage taken. Zarr: Hello there. Changed Nezhas Fire Walker to only hop when cast while on the floor. Progenitor Element is unreliable. Several major NPCs in the lore are known to have their own Signature Weapon such as: The Hystrix now has signature effect of an 8% chance to instantly reload after landing headshots when wielded by Khora. Best Weapons For Nezha. Orthos + reach seem like valid combo. Themes Excal user could have 3 swords of any type), but this is a pipe dream. Exilus Polarity color: #674915!important; Please read the official patch notes for details and help contribute on the wiki! Teleporting blasts the landing area with a ring of fire.Strength:50 / 100 / 150 / 200 Heat damage per tick500 / 750 / 1000 / 1250 Heat explosion damageDuration:15 / 20 / 25 / 30 Seconds of buff duration5 / 6 / 7.5 / 10 Seconds of flame durationRange: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 Meters of explosion radiusMisc:15 / 15 / 20 / 25 % Sprint speed bonus0.5 Seconds of damage interval10 / 25 / 50 / ? Tactical Ability Nezha's multifaceted tactics give him high survivability as he inflicts damage and provides crowd control. technically you could argue that Zaws and Kitguns both work with his theme of being made up from different parts! Hurl a flaming ring that burns enemies and causes them to emit a healing blast on death. Gfinity Esports is supported by its audience. Dual Keres PrimeThe hunted will meet a quick end when faced with Khora Prime's signature swords. Titania is a bit of a mess and has been since the character was first introduced. Weaknesses: A complicated character with intense crafting requirements to create and upgrade. In games with moderately high latency, the chakram may veer wildly off-course or be seen shaking in midair while moving slowly, then disappear before striking an enemy. Behold: the Scion of the Burning Wind, now before you in most courtly accoutrement. UK government says Microsoft's pushback against its Activision block is "not borne out by the facts", Sekiro fans dub Armored Core 6 "Mechiro" after seeing its familiar posture-break mechanic, This progress-breaking Star Wars Jedi Survivor bug is forcing players to restart the game. Enemies hit by the disc are marked for a moddable duration, greatly increasing the damage they take from all sources. Relics containing these items will remain in your Inventory. Fixed Nezha's sash visual FX remaining visible when aiming as a Client. Nezha is a highly mobile warframe that depends on his abilities more than equipment, so you don't have to focus on any specific weapon, only a comfortable setup. Posted December 28, 2015. Converts any single Dagger Melee Weapon into a blade worthy of legends. Descend from the heavens like a burning star to smite all challengers. Low for everything else. Misc: % (Heat status chance)100% (flame trail status cleanse)? Fixed enemies improperly ragdolling when impaled by Divine Spears. Increase power strength by 15%. Energy Which makes Chroma the go-to Warframe for hunting massive Eidolon bosses. We've got 35 different Warframes covered here, each with their own unique abilities and perks. She transforms enemies into living magnets that tug their - along with incoming projectiles - toward the center. Will still block status effects and other procs. Weaknesses: Acting on rhythm can be tricky in the heat of battle. Chaos is unreliable by comparison and isnt helped by two mostly useless skills. Frost doesnt do much, but does it better than just about every other class in the game. Khora Primes signature pistol rotates through hot, cold, electric and toxic quills. Scourge could get a prime, but it's Harrow's signature so it coming with Nezha is highly unlikely. Acceltra, Akbolto, and Ninkondi will serve that purpose, and of course, if you can afford the Prime versions, the better. Bath Signature Weapons are particular weapons associated with a specific Warframe or Companion, benefiting various advantages when wielded by its related character. 2 Forma. Weaknesses: Radial Disarm isnt as effective against Infested enemies. I would like Diwata to have built in stagger immunity on Titania so that you don't have to cast Spellbind to prevent spinning if you try to use it, and maybe bonuses like spawning razorflies on hit, grouping enemies, adding time remaining to Tribute buffs on hit, utility to let it compare to Dex Pixia. Fixed Nezha's Blazing Chakram not displaying a Damage stat in the Arsenal. Slide 60% faster and go 35% farther. Excalibur Lato and/or Skana, he's nearly always using one or the other, as our posterboy with default starter weapons. EndoGengar, February 6, 2021 in Weapons. Warding Halo will now be more responsive to enemies entering its radius, damaging them immediately. Nezhas Warding Halo Safeguard Augment now takes yourself into priority consideration before others. Fixed some enemies being able to apply a Status Effect through invulnerability abilities such as Rhino's Iron Skin and Nezha's Warding Halo. I'd go for Tenet Agendus because that looks pretty good on her IMO and has a shield, being a sword-and-board and whatnot. Karyst leaves a black smoke trail when Inaros swings it) would be really cool too. Weaknesses: Electric Shield is a bit unwieldy compared to standard damage buffs. My melee weapons: Broken-War, Dragon Nikana, Hate, Kronen, Orthos Prime. 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Sell Price They're definitely designed for that frame, but they aren't separate from the frame, and instead seem like manifestations of the frame's power. Weaknesses: Just about everything. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). I leave you with this. Increased the number of targets the disc will try to hit before recalling, and improved some cases of faulty lock-on targeting. Fixed Nezha's Reaping Chakram damage not getting doubled for every enemy hit for Clients.. Nova is a champion of crowd control. This makes me wonder if exalted weapons should be thought of as signature weapons. Spamming his shield & ult every now and again. Weaknesses: Not especially versatile. Tier: High Nezha. Tier: Middle Nidus is another shield-less Warframe in the vein of Inaros with an equal focus on tanking. Weaknesses: On the squishy side. Cast animation also sped up. Her crowd control is unwieldy, as the buffs she can extract from enemies are randomized and uselessly minor. Fixed being able to use Nezha's Blazing Chakram to bypass nerves, doors, and barrier in The Jordas Verdict. Nezha's passive can be disabled with ControlledSlide. Specialization: The number one defensive Warframe. Weaknesses: Half his skills are largely ignored. Tier: Low Most of her skills are theoretically useful, but simply dont function in practice. 1.15 Versatile weapons complement deadly hunters. Fixed Nezha's Blazing Chakram allowing access to unintended areas in The Jordas Verdict. position: relative; Specialization: A tank with crowd control and ever-increasing damage that takes time to warm up. Fixed various Syandana clipping issues through Nezha's back. Prime: Yes, Continue to Page 2 for the rest of the available Warframes, Current page: His Snow Globes can require some babysitting. Harrow is a strangely self-reliant support class that fits well into just about any squad, and his abilities combo almost perfectly. Update 29.3 (2020-10-27) Status effect immunity includes crowd-controlling effects such as. Tier: Top Blaze a trail of flames, scorching enemies and cleansing allies. Prime: No. Can be used to cut off melee units from defense objectives. Weaknesses: Low duration stealth skill. 10,000 Plus not least, while e.g. Prime: No. Sonar marks enemies with special weak points that multiply damage dealt by Banshee and her allies. AbilitiesPassiveNezha slides 60% faster and goes 35% farther. Fixed Nezha's Halo ring not physically being thrown when equipped with a TennoGen Skin. Should you go to the Shattered Moon or Koboh first in Jedi Survivor? Mag splits the difference between support and crowd control. Tales of a being called Nezha predate the Orokin Fall. The mark damage multiplier counts as a. Prime: Yes. His low health and shields are offset by a skill that stops damage altogether (hence the Rhino comparison) and ref Behold: the Scion of the Burning Wind, now before you in most courtly accoutrement. DivineSpears 1st Ability Weaknesses: Her ability combo takes a while to get going while other Warframes can kill outright. Update Infobox Data Prime: No. To me, one of the best things about Warframe is the freedom to mix & match your entire Loadout. He locks down locations and enemies with ease as the games premier defensive Warframe. I think this would not only be a great addition to the uniqueness of every Warframe, but it is also an amazing way to shine some spotlight on weapons not commonly used. She can trick enemies into bunching up before using her signature bow to knock them out and tear them apart. It gives a lot of DR with calculations. Nyx: Nukor/Kuva Nukor, simply because you can make enemy heads swell up, which a psychic frame should be able to do. Impale nearby enemies on spears that erupt from the ground. None Blazing Chakram can be detonated mid-flight similarly to a throwing weapon. Condemn disables enemies while juicing Harrow with an overshield, Penance converts those shields into an incredible AoE weapon buff that also grants health, Thurible drains energy to generate energy on kills for Harrow and his allies, and Covenant shields allies while buffing weapon crits.
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