Hes even put an eviction on my door. I was left my friends mobile home in his will. Thank you so much for reaching out and connecting. Are their rules, something like: where someone pays taxes for 5 years then becomes legal owner? The land is included then this will all have to go through escrow. How do we transfer the title of a mobile home that my parents left without a will or living trust? The transferee may secure a transfer of ownership for the manufactured home, mobilehome, commercial coach, truck camper, or floating home, upon presenting to the department (1) the certificate of title signed by the beneficiary, (2) the certificate described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (e) executed by the beneficiary under penalty of perjury; I encourage you to simply add your friends name to the existing title. Also where do I call to get it appraised. All the best. Right now my brother holds title and he would like to add me. Keep in touch. Your video suggests a much lower price than what we are seeing. You can asked them your question directly with regards to your home in California. In addition to assets that already have a designated beneficiary (like a life insurance or a bank account), estates with a value of $166,250 or less may qualify for a non-formal probate case. what could be the consequences of not paying registration(red tag, insurance, transfer ect.)? Im happy to tell you that the DOH workshop is correct. I do not see why this would be too much different though. ?Thank You Wayne. Once the underlying liens are paid off a new title will be issued and sent to your friends home address or mailing address. However i recently got a lead on a mobile home for sale and i thought it was a steal! The price is obviously very good because it is free. Additionally, try to find out from the seller if the home went through probate, or he has a power of attorney or death certificate concerning his mother. If you filed more than six (6) months ago, please contact HCD at www.hcd.ca.gov, 1800 Third Street, P.O. Now my stepmother is in ill health and wants to transfer the sole title to me. (800) 952-8356. I have a title to my mobile homette that my husband and I bought in Aug. 2014 from an LLC that runs the mobile park the trailer is in. My questions are: (1) Am I legally liable to pay the back taxes, liens, and penalties? All the best. To answer your question it is the registered owner who signs and sells the home. I hope this all helps and begins to point you in the right direction. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. I truly appreciate it. Congratulations on the coming purchase of this older mobile home. Only when the Title is missing or wrong. It will be going through an escrow that contains both property which we will pay transfer fees on and the transfer of the mobile home involving use tax. I hope that there is a class like this. However I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information and I would rather you hear directly from the horses mouth in the situation. I have been collecting payments for the past three plus years and it is almost time to give the legal ownership to the buyers when they complete the payments. It absolutely does sound like the seller is trying to manipulate things and not being honest with you both. What is more possible and likely is the mobile home park selling out to a developer that wants to use this land to build condos or townhomes or a strip mall. Always here to help. I am trying to remove my name I bought this mobile home with my friend together. I wanted to ask if Department of Motor Vehicle(D.M.V) is involved in any way in regards to registration of trailer home? Either way please see the following webpage link. Vincent Cruz. With that said let me know if you experienced something else or have any additional follow-up questions or concerns. Use ONLY when the tenant-buyer you sell this home to completely pays you off. In order to buy or sell a pre-owned unit, you should contact HCD to find out exactly what paperwork must be completed to make the transfer complete. He lost the title and it was in his mothers name whom passed away. However, depending upon where your manufactured home is located, there may be other taxes or fees necessary to pay off any voter-approved general obligation bonds or other indebtedness which could result in a slightly higher overall property tax rate. I regret very much to hear about your mothers passing. With that said I would absolutely encourage you to contact the state directly and explain your situation to them. They paid only 1 time the contracted agreed installment, can I evict them >. Any follow-up questions please never hesitate to comment back anytime. Also if I win the bid and own the land, but the mobile home is not included what are my options in terms of leasing the land to the current tenants or evict? All the best and let me know if you have any other follow up questions. Mention that the original owner is out of the country and what are the best steps moving forward. With regards to the bonded title and talking to the Secretary of State and the lending company itself. Where did you read this? All the best. I think that your article has been something new ideas.You added more information that you share.I get lots of information that you make.Thanks for sharing this article. Thank you John for your fast reply and kind of you. Im transferring my mobile title to my living trust. How do I get title. or she was going to sell the home. According to the information it seems that I will only be bidding on the land? Additionally, thank you so much for your detailed comment as this certainly helps me answer your question. Here is a previous article and video I made on the subject. I hope this first part makes sense. However if you can show the buyer was only renting you will likely be able to evict the buyer. With that said, another big mistake was not having his name removed while he was still alive. If i sell before it finished do I have to register it first or can i just assign the certificate of origin to the new owner. https://www.mobilehomeinvesting.net/lost-mobile-home-titles-and-other-common-title-issues/. If you need any help locating this our extra assistance never hesitate to let me know. Apparently the bank who is selling the property does not own the Mobile or have title to it. I have lived outside of America the past 6 years. However I am not certain why you would need to go to the department of motor vehicles in California for any reason. For example a single-wide will have one pink slip, and a double-wide will have to pink slips. Create and Print all necessary closing documents from this module. Again, I hope this helps and points you in the right direction. If it is not able to come in your name but instead comes in your mother-in-laws names first, do not hand over any extra money until she can provide clear title that you can take and walk away with to then bring to the DMV. Moving forward if you ever have any specific questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. We are new to this but want to make everything right for his and my protection. He has a high-interest loan. He is happy to transfer or sell it to me, but he doesnt have the title (lost it) and wants me to deal with all the paperwork. The program annually renews registrations for nearly 205,000 manufactured homes and commercial modulars in four district offices throughout the state, and provides assistance to dealers, escrow offices, manufacturers, local tax assessors, and the general public in obtaining title and registration documents, registration renewals, tax clearances, Always happy to help if I can. I have a client who has just sold the mobile home they were living in. This would require a brand-new sale and transfer, even though it was for a zero dollar price. For this reason I would definitely encourage you and her to call the HCD together at (800) 952-8356 and explain to them your situation and asked them personally which paperwork is best moving forward. Make sure to drive-through parks that are similar to yours, such as they allow all ages or only senior citizens inside the community. With that said if you do find a better solution moving forward please never hesitate to comment back and let us know what you discovered. If you have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. The registration is due june 1 2017, it was paid last year(2016)but the state did not send the tags because they said it was postmarked past the due date(asked for an additional $20 which was never paid). Hi John my name is Vivian and I live in Clovis, California. They will let you know the specific forms and procedures needed moving forward to change title into your ownership. Read instructions on form. In my experience the fees are not too bad. There may be a slight chance that the park manager is purposefully trying to deny mobile home potential buyers from purchasing this mobile home and/or other mobile homes located in the park. If you have any follow-up mobile home questions never hesitate to reach out anytime. Recommendations from local mobile home dealerships and local mobile home parks are good start. I am currently in a similar situation as Alfredo. I will certainly help where I can. With that said I would encourage you to talk to the state directly and let them know your client situation and the best way to move forward. Your website and thoughtful responses are super helpful and I might have the answer I need but wanted to confirm. However if you mean you have already closed on the home and are waiting for a new title this is a different story. Keep in touch. Or should I just call HCD out to do a Technical Service inspection and have them issue new numbers for the home. In all reality if the title and ownership is not in your name, then you really have not necessarily purchased anything as of this point. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. She insists that this will be in his best interest. I have Power of Attorney for my Dads estate. I must have my married sister on the bill of sale for my mobile home in order to meet park income requirements. Congratulations!! It is not on wheels so I am a bit confused. I very much regret to hear about your mothers passing. If you ever go to court this will certainly help your case. by a lot! Id like to know what issues to consider, like capital gains, changing title, costs associated with the sale, insurance, redevelopment issues regarding the land (e.g., eminent domain), etc., to figure out if this is a viable plan. You can reach these nice folks at the following phone number 800-952-8356. Depending on how the title was held by your uncle, typically more than a bill of sale will be needed at the HCDs office. However, the mobile is vacant and the sale agreement states that buyer must live in property for 20 days after close of escrow. Kim. If the seller does NOT ask to be listed as Legal Owner then do NOT list him/her as Legal Owners. I recently sold our mobile home, I am waiting for my last fee to be returned by escrow, it is listed as hold for transfer. She has repaid the loan in full, and I want to release the title back to her. Im trying to get it put it in my name but I dont have a copy of the wifes death certificate and can not get sold of the guy I bought it off of. I hope this all helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Feel free to keep in touch moving forward if you have any follow-up questions at all. All the best. I am in the process to buy some land in CA with 3 mobile homes, only one has a number that HCD does not recognize. I will have her submit a Certification of Retail Value and Purchase Price (state form 476.4) after appraising it! Never hesitate to reach out. However, if the home has a pink slip then there will be a separate pink slip for every section of mobile home. As always, if you have any additional follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. I believe your plan is fairly decent depending on which home you buy, what mobile home park this is located in, and who you sell the property to and how. Mobile homes can be titled a few different ways in California so I would definitely encourage you to call the HCD at (800) 952-8356. I assume that there is no will and your brother does not have a power of attorney. They will likely want to do a background check on anyone new that is moving into the mobile home. They will then do some research to figure out which paperwork you need in the fees you need to send into the state to get the title transferred. I have lived in the mobile from 2008 and still live in it. Thank you for connecting and reaching out. I very much regret to hear that youre finding it difficult to obtain financing on your future mobile home. I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Insurance: The insurance policy should be updated to reflect the new owners information and remove the additionally insured lienholder that is likely listed on the current policy. This is an crystal-clear on the form itself. Without forging some signatures it would be difficult to get the home into your name very quickly. Hello, Are there like buying a house? It is a large double wide from 1973, but still in very good shape. Tell the clerk over the phone your situation and how to move forward. They stole my mobile home from me. Im assuming that you dont have access to this or else you wouldve already found the information. 3220 South Higuera Street, Suite 103B I hope this helps and starts to point you in the right direction. Depending on where your home is located in CA and a number other factors the process moving forward will vary a bit and so will the fees associated with this. In California will want to call the HCD at the phone number below and provide the VIN or serial number to the mobile home. You have been so helpful, even after all these years (looking at previous posts). Thank you very much for reaching out an John Fedro: Hi Phil, Learn Which Mobiles Homes Are Most Profitable For Investing. Hi John i have a long story, sorry. If she feels comfortable with you and feels that you will be a good asset to the park she may likely approve you because she has a good feeling about you. All the best. Once the park is clear title they may sell it to you legally. If I offer to buy him out of half ownership at current market value (the home has appreciated considerably), he would be able to pay off the loan (assuming no massive pre-payment penalty) and deal with some other financial issues. If this is the case make sure he/she is listed as Legal Owner on the title and Multi-Purpose transfer form. Sorry Im a moron. If the previous owner is dead, a death certificate will be required as evidence, and the stand-in will . Yes, both of these are possible. This will be who you want to call and explain your situation to in detail. Thanks for reaching out concerning this issue. We have a title company calling them daily. A person bought a small fixer up trailer and the day they cant move it for ten years would anyone know why is that? Thanks for awesome share must be result of hardwork. Make sure you call with the title or registration information handy. Click here to learn even more about the California Fee and Tax Waiver Program for this mobile home. Your friend will need to be provided a state specific form for adding his girl friends name to the home title(s). However again please talk to an attorney for sure. Lastly you may want to try this link to the California housing community affairs. Based on your comment I would absolutely agree that adding the daughters names to the physical title is 100% the way to go. Is there a seperate sales tax on used mobile homes in palm springs CA? I am currently looking for a mobile home deal and have only about $1,000 and most homes here in southern California go for way more. However the current occupants (my client has just sold the home to someone else, having enough money to pay off the original title owners. Hi John, Thank you so much for your kind words, they truly mean more than you know. We would all like to learn and grow if possible. You may contact them at the following number (800) 952-8356. Use only when the legal owner or registered owners names are change. 4) Bill of Sale (state form 475.1) They will definitely let you know the back due fees exactly for this particular mobile home. Then you can use another Multi-Purpose Transfer Form to transfer the legal owner of the title from your PPT to the tenant-buyers name. Because you are so new and without a mentor and without paperwork I would suggest you close with a help of a local escrow/title company and/or a closing attorney. All the best. I hope this helps and at least starts to point you in the right direction. Thanks John Wow you really relieved alot of stress i had from overthinking it. This gives you plenty of time to look. In cali. Im not sure if you are located in California or not. I need advice. However, because it has not perhaps you can negotiate with the seller to split this with you 50-50. Thank you for reaching out and connecting. In some areas of the country you may need to negotiate with buyers that are interested in the mobile home but can only pay less than you are asking. Without having the finance company or bank agree to this title change there is little way to do this in my experience. Always here to help. For this reason I do not want to give you any wrong or misleading information. My 85 year old friend has a mobile home in her name only. He doesnt know anything about the mobile home other than it came with the purchase of the property. 4 months of the year. You likely have received nothing and it is expected that the husband will cooperate with your mothers last wishes. Keep in touch. Very happy to help you in any way I can. hi John been reading and finding everything helpful, but i have a question, im trying to buy a trailor home for myself from the owner and not the park, because the park managers have been hard to deal with for other people looking to buy this place, im guessing an monthly income issue, which would most likely stand my way as well so how would go about buying this place without the hassle of qualifying through the park first. Among that amount their are great people fully employed, average credit sleeping in their cars due to the zero apartment and home affordably, plus shortage. Although this sounds straightforward, it can become complicated depending on the location of the mobile home. Keep in touch. Please let me know your thoughts and Ill be happy to give you any further advice or answers you desire. Things will get a little more difficult before they get better however the home is in your family members control and all debts were paid in full. Could we just transfer it on the back of the title and have a notary, then file with the DMV? Now that there are no liens on the property, it is important that the taxes will be paid and then things can switch over into your name. The daughter states; The mother wont sign off for the daughter to have clear title. I had just lost my job and was having health issues. we talked to our Community Park Mang. I think you have understanding that many of us are not Hunter Biden getting $$$$$$ handouts because of our last name. This process is not expensive assuming there are no hidden liens and taxes are current. You may also be able to file for an abandoned mobile home title. Now that I have said that he was what I would do moving forward in order to purchase this home and hopefully build a good relationship with the park manager. As always, if you ever have any follow-up questions or concerns never hesitate to reach out any time. With this said I would highly encourage you NOT to purchase the home with only a bill of sale. Also, what will be the asking price of the mobile home? It depends on the deed breeds and if the mobile home is attached to the land legally. Make sure to market the home online (at sites like Craigslist.com, mhvilliage.com, and sellfastbyowner.com) and also off-line in your small local community newspaper. Thank you very much for reaching out and connecting. With that said, I do work with folks in certain areas around the country if it is a good fit for both parties. Thanks for commenting and reaching out concerning this issue. I very much regret to hear about your mothers passing.
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