Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. According to Brian Dunning, whose Skeptoid blog and podcast covered it briefly about a year ago, the Tartarian Empire claims exist solely online, having first appeared on Youtube conspiracist channels around 2016 and gaining traction in 2017 and beyond on Reddit, Facebook, and elsewhere. There are no natural deposits of helium on earth, because helium wants to escape the earth. Just the sort of image that looks like proof to a Tartarian Empire believer. Such theories assert that Tartary (or the "Tartarian Empire") was a lost civilization with advanced technology and culture. This week on Hysteria 51, we're diving headfirst into the murky, muddy waters of the Tartarian Empire. But the argument against the historical existence of giants deserves to have its own episode and would be too much of a digression here at the end of this one. Architecture, sculpture, painting, and all the arts that adorn civilized life, have flourished in this country, at a period far remote. In their reaction against the historical distortions of Tsarist and Church propaganda, Communists initiated their own revision and falsification of history, as the CIA observed in the aforementioned report, and after the fall of Communism, a new false history has emerged, still intent on painting Russia in the best light, and justifying its geopolitical powerplays. Although I only came across the mud flood theory about a year ago, Im incredibly intrigued by it. However, the name and the aesthetics provide a striking counterpoint to what he and others call Tartarian architecture, which again lumps together many known styles, from Classical, Baroque, Gothic and Renaissance to Beaux Arts, Neoclassical, Second Empire and Greek Revival. Truly incredible. These towns and cities that were partially buried made up Tartaria, a highly developed society that had free wireless energy and was home to, at least in part, giants Out with the old and in with the new, and that "new" civilization is us, was the "reset" of civilization. The rest of the report makes it clear that the CIA is talking about Communist attacks on Islam and the Muslim peoples within their authority. Proponents think this catastrophe occurred sometime in the 1800s. The fire destroyed 17,500 buildings and 73 miles of street. That extraordinary experience gave me far more than I expected, or could even simultaneously process, because it not only taught me the behavioral patterns that, if left unchecked, will inevitably lead to the demise of an entire civilization, but also, that our own civilization was not only on the same path, but nearing the end of that road. It is based on the idea that there was a global catastrophe that destroyed a highly developed civilization and gave rise to the countries as we know them today. Just as Vladimir Putin today justifies his invasion of the Ukraine with falsehoods, claiming that it has always been a part of Russia and has no historical right to independence, his nationalist rhetoric is validated by, or perhaps inspired by, the pseudo-historian Anatoly Fomenko, who claims that Ukraine has no identity apart from Russia, for its people were always only part of his Russian Horde. This pseudo-history tacitly justifies war crimes. To further explain why the existence of Tartaria had to be covered up, conspiracists have incorporated elements of the fantastical claims about Atlantis or hollow earth civilizations: namely that the Tartarians had advanced technology, free wireless energy technology to be more specific, and that the powers that be conspired to hide this from the energy dependent masses. Some scholars suggest the initial name Tatar derived from a Chinese word, dada, which dated to the 9th century C.E. And finally, they claim that our culture simply couldnt have produced such beautiful structures, and yet plenty of New Classical architects design such buildings even today. On the helium subject alone, in relation to the current topic, James explained this during a September 5th, 2012 interview on the Kevin Smith Show. Admittedly and unfortunately, I havent had the time to look into it with the kind depth it deserves, but in writing these last few articles, a particular idea keeps tapping me on the shoulder: are the mud flood and the time travel experiment re-covered in the last few posts, somehow related events? The flames leapt up to the sky in all directions, sparing only the few People on the highest peaks. Among these pseudo-historians, Russian identity, its greatness, is in its power and control of space on the world map, thus they find reason to suggest that a great Russian Empire existed long before the Soviet Union or the Tsardom of Rus. Did the Tartarians really have advanced technology? Hushlings, do you believe that there was a great reset in the mid 19th century? Ive been looking for a plausible explanation of Tartaria s end and this was great. The California Governors Office of Emergency Services. Elliott, Mark C. The Limits of Tartary: Manchuria in Imperial and National Geographies. The Journal of Asian Studies, vol. However, there are other reasons I feel compelled to address this somewhat obscure claim now. There are numerous photos (shown in countless videos on the topic) from that same time period that appear to include signs that extremely advanced technologies were being used by the civilization that seemingly vanished from those pre-existing cities buried in mud. JavaScript is disabled. I have not deeply researched the issue myself, but I find the idea intriguing because if readers will recall, in a previous post I discussed a work of fiction I published in 2010 about a split timeline, a sub-group of the population known as simuls, who (after the split) could remember aspects of both timelines simultaneously which also included memories of people who no longer seemed to exist, and the book was written years before I became aware of an actual timeline split in reality, or even the Mandela Effect, which is eerily similar. Moreover, this knowledge has touched on nearly every discipline we have: agriculture, aero biology, physics, mathematics, genetics, morality, history, metallurgy, advanced technology, artificial intelligence, spirituality, cosmology, astronomy, intelligent design, the EMVs, time travel, reverse speech, the attenuation of gravity waves, and on and onand it was given freely. . Dharma, Nagato. Furthermore, if they even gave enough context to quote the entirety of the last sentence, it would be revealed that the history of these Muslim people was being rewritten, or falsified, in order to eliminate references to Great Russian aggressionsso that the Russians always appear in a good light. And this, the fact that Russians have long been engaged in a revision of history, producing a pseudohistory intended to serve their political purposes and falsely burnish their image, leads us to what may be the true origin and sinister purpose of this batshit crazy conspiracy claim. The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, CA comes to mind. Here again the Communists have interfered in a shameless manner. The way that the Tartaria conspiracy claims blithely do away with massive parts of world history somewhat reminds me of the claims of chronological revisionists that I previously discussed at great length in a three part series. 26K views 2 years ago Today we look at who the Tatars/Tartars were and investigate the claim that Tartaria was a great civilization buried by both history and a wave of mud. A mud flood was said to have wiped out this Empire, leaving only architectural marvels that could not be destroyed by the flood or our "backward" human hands. They say Napoleons 1812 invasion of Russia was really a war against Tartaria, and that after the mud flood, the World Wars of the 20th century were all actually just excuses to destroy all remaining traces of Tartaria. This appears to be the case with the claims about a global Tartarian Empire, as there is good reason to believe this pseudohistory originated in Russia and may have spread to the West as online propaganda or disinformation. You will see air ships and electric cars. The 1989 magnitude 6.9Loma Prieta earthquakecaused liquefaction, most severely in the Marina District of San Francisco. COPYRIGHT 2012 - 2022. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A wave of mud covers the entire earth, leaving more than half of all life . As proof, they point to almost any ornate building constructed in any architectural style other than modern, and they say that must have been a Tartarian structure, because we dont build things like that in our culture. As will be seen, the origin of the Tartarian Empire conspiracy claims found online today are not the result of simple ignorance of the story behind some old cartographic labels, but this ignorance is clearly exploited by or feeds into the conspiracy claim, providing plenty of fodder for supposed primary source evidence that may seem convincing to a lay person who encounters these conspiracy claims online. One can imagine that its especially hard to control a conspiracy narrative once it has been fed to the conspiracy nut community. The first issue, being whether or not the timeline split and the Mud Flood are connected events, the second having to do with helium, as it also pertains to the theory. Such theories assert that Tartary (or the "Tartarian Empire") was a lost civilization with advanced technology and culture. Likewise, they will bring up a 19th century map of the Distribution of Races in the World that, again, color codes sections of Eurasia and much of North America to indicate the presence of the same culture. Tartarian conspiracy nuts also scrutinize old portraits of Genghis Khan and speculate that he may have been more European-looking, more white, than he is otherwise portrayed. And then, there is the doozythat Tartaria was actually peopled by giants. Even the rocks glowed red-hot, and the giant animals and evil . Many have been excavated and the grandeur of these edifices is unlike anything I've ever seen. One Norwegian Youtuber focused on Tartaria, Joachim Skaar, lumps all of modernist, and therefore non-Tartarian, architecture together under the label of Brutalism, although that is a very specific offshoot of Modernist architecture that emerged in the 1950s and declined in the 1970s. We also examine some evidence at the Salt Lake City Temple, a Wise Up video examining the Ohio mounds, some Pre Reset. The aid institutions developed a program thatplaced homeless children into homes throughoutthe country. Numerous links provided there will direct the reader to material detailing how it was actually James Horaks ancestor, Antonin Horak, who first discovered on of these engines, referred to as a moon shaft, a 1997 music album called Coronal Mass Ejection that includes a song called Horaks Moon Shaft, and a link to a 2015 video of the lunar wave phenomenon that shows the technology related to the engines on the earth and the moon working together in real-time. Indeed, it was the bellicose northern peoples of the Eurasian Steppe that the Chinese had built the Great Wall to keep out who would eventually come to be called Tatars by the West, such as the Manchu and Mongol peoples, as well as Turkic tribes. In that aspect, adjoining theories include historical great fires that burned down entire cities which would constitute building the new world on the ashes of the old one. Tartary was a blanket term. But of course, anyone who would believe in a global mud flood isnt thinking too hard about the science of geology or the analysis of strata performed at any dig site that could handily disprove their theory. But they still find supposed evidence for their mud flood, once again in old photos. Until the Great Floods Of the Early 1800s, Hollow Earth, Ancient Maps, Atlantis, and Other Theories, Evidence of Advanced Civilization in the Ice Age, One of the most beautiful maps to survive the Great Age of Discoveries. Also, when trying to research the Tartarian mud flood, I came across this piece of writing from some guy on reddit replying to a skeptic. If you like that article, youre really going to enjoy the next onehoping to have it finished before the new year. Aug. 27, 2022 The Tartarian Empire and The Mud-Flood Theory The Internet has recently given rise to a new alternative world history claim. Sheiko, Konstantin. As long-time readers will understand, new revelations about ancient civilizations that once inhabited the earth are, in general, not particularly exciting to this author these days. Instead, they envision a massive mega-culture of advanced builders. That particular work was also written in a study guide format and included references to dozens of authors whose own extensive work on the topic had gone largely unnoticed. From what I understand so far, the theory stems from researches like Gibson having come across numerous historical photos that, like so many other things, do not conform to the reality model our lineage has been presented with. This kept them more or less in tow, kind of limited their flexibility with these craft. But hold on! Join David and Brent as they excavate the truth behind the enigmatic mud floods, unearth mysterious maps, and delve deep into the forgotten history of this once-mighty civilization. Other spokes deal with various historical events that may or may not have had something to do with the manner in which the elite attempted to paper over or erase any clues as to what really transpired. Dont @ me. I am totally fascinated. Thanks for the comment Wayne. I dont actually believe this claptrap. But perhaps the most ridiculous thing about this mud flood aspect of their claims is that, since theyre using photos from the 1800s as evidence, they played themselves and had to place their supposed worldwide mud flood catastrophe in the 19th century. Their speculation about the ancient and mysterious origins of such buildings simply disregard their known history. ", RETOLD FROM ERDOES AND ORTIZ, 1984*Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes: How a Stone-Age Comet Changed the Course of the World, Firestone et al.., 2006*. Its no great mystery. Only this paragraph in the entire report mentions Tartaria, and this is only because they are quoting a Communist committee that uses the term. Specifically, ethnologists recognize that the Yupik aboriginal peoples dwell in both Alaska and Siberia. Ninety thousand peopleone in three Chicago residentswere left homeless by the fire. But the real issue is that this oft-used quote is taken entirely out of context. Far more importantly to me personally, is not that these previous lineages existed, but rather why they no longer dothat was the ultimate lesson I learned when acquiring extra knowledge through my dreamtime experiment almost two decades ago. He claims to be politically impartial, but historians and critics of his work, especially Konstantin Sheiko, who wrote extensively about the implications of Fomenkos claims in his PhD thesis, point out that Fomenkos work fits clearly into an ethno-nationalist tradition of producing pseudohistory and alternative history that presents the Russian people and their history in certain favorable ways.
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