Based on 'The Conscience of the King' from Star Trek TOS. He wishes that his mother never fell for his stupid human father, whos legacy he cant seem to match up to. On Doctors, Revenges and Christmas Gifts. Pike/Boyce watch over both wistfully as it reminds them about the beginning of their relationship.Kirk has trust issues, but does trust Pike. Jim and his crew must do everything in their power to rescue them. Eventually, Jim convinces the authorities that the prisoners are being mistreated/killed and they free everyone. Regardless of Spock's condition, he displays superior strength and agility. That's a way of getting to know someone better. Is Deanna hiding a secret from Will? Please consider turning it on! But, who counts anyway? (I swear the story is better than the summary). Jim Kirk had been running from his past for as long as he could remember. Jim lost his memories as Mirror Spock took his action. Thats as far as Jim better let himself go. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident"), In August of 2151, Matthew Ryan and the crew of the ECS Fortunate held a Nausicaan as prisoner and tortured him during interrogations to get the frequencies of the Nausicaan ship shields from him. So any fic where he is smart/aware. Kirk confronts Spock, who says he has no memory of having changed the order. After lost his t'hy'la, Mirror Spock kidnapped Jim and retired from the fleet. Needless to say, Jim is a space cadet in more than one way, and Vulcan hands are very sensitive even when the contact stings. Spock writes to the reclusive scientist only he doesn't know it's Jim. A poem written after the passing of my mother. Since the challenge demands it, there is rape in this story, but it is not described in detail, only alluded to. Loosely inspired by Persuasion (and other Jane Austen's novels). AU On shoreleave with Gary Mitchell, Kirk buys and frees a Vulcan slave who turns out to be the son of the Vulcan ambassador who has been missing for 3 years Originally published in 1982 in the print fanzine Final Frontier # 1. On the ship, Spock announces his intention to resign from Starfleet and submit himself to whatever consequences await him for killing Kirk. Like said on the title; Spock Cheats on Kirk during shore leave.Will things ever be the same again?? At least the kid is still fighting. Kirk orders him to report to sickbay for a full examination. Another impression for a school project. It's science fiction, and your imagination is endless. Something is wrong with him, but I can't remember what. Work Search: T'Pau, a highly respected member of Vulcan society, and best known as the only person to ever turn down a seat in the Federation Council, arrives to conduct the ceremony. Spock was never going to pick Jim, who people believe is a functioning alcoholic and who sometimes enters the bridge with his gold shirt on backwards. However, Captain Jean-Luc Picard asserted to Gul Madred that "torture has never been a reliable means of extracting information. Inkitts mission is to discover talented writers and turn them into globally successful authors. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. Taking his time, he tilted his head back and considered the three hulking men before him out of the eye that wasn't swollen shut. For all grieving parents and anyone else who has lost a loved one. They had all failed. Spock is an Alpha. I believe something happens on the outside to make Jim start to think that the nuclear winter/apocalypse is man-made, and he's right. With the Star Trek universe being in constant time/spacial/dimensional flux due to ever changing timelines it is necessary to set forth a sort of principal guideline to choose which general time period you wish to be a part of. Then again, he's pretty sure putting her on the USS Enterprise with daredevil Jim Kirk as captain is Fate's idea of a cruel joke. I have just finished reading through AO3, and KS Archives, but I will admit I might have missed something. Kirk gets the idea that it is essentially Spock's mating season. He didnt trust himself to look Spock in the eyes, for in doing so he would surely reveal how much it irked him. I believe he had been flirting, and leaving hints, but he is the Captain, and can't come right out and say anything. Then he asked for some clothes, but only Spock gave him his sweater, and then they went away. His plan goes awry though when the doctor must go undercover as a fellow Cardassian. During the eight years Beverly Howard spends at Starfleet Academy, there is one Professor she feels she is able to approach with any question she has. McCoy objects, telling T'Pau that Kirk is seriously disadvantaged, and suggests he inject Kirk with a tri-ox compound to compensate. Jim shoved his thickly gloved hands beneath his underarms and squeezed. I think one was by Kylie. It has always been about love. Jim hadnt planned to have sex after being marooned on Delta Vega. The problems really begin when Spock is taken prisoner, leaving Kirk bereft, his bondlink somehow broken. Captain Kirk is tortured by Tristan Adams Captain Picard tortured in 2369 Torture was the practice of inflicting extreme pain on a captive subject. It was in a sense that it was telling about bond reaching across the stars and beyond, about friendship and loyalty so unwavering it moved the world instead. One wonders it is still practiced." What does the Captain of the Enterprise have planned for his lying doctor? I remember something like gold/golden in the title, but I'm not sure. By Jamie Lovett ", Jim's been hiding the fact that he was on Tarsus for so long he's forgotten how to talk about things. Hurt James T. Kirk Protective Spock (Star Trek) Emotional Spock (Star Trek) Spock Loves James T. Kirk James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship two idiots in love But They Deny Their Emotions James T. Kirk Whump Whump In space, there are things that can go wrong. How could he live with the repercussions if he doesn't? Can he learn to stop running and face it? Kirk freaks out and all three of them have to go looking for him. Maybe someone has a copy of it or knows if the author goes by another name? The blast from a mysterious weapon sends everything spiraling, and it's all he can do to shut his eyes tight and endure. When he was teleported, he was naked because he lost his loincloth, and the whole crew was staring at him with delight/desire. Kirk wants to waste Bones's time during his yearly physical, and things don't go as planed. Categories: Fiction Characters: McCoy Crossover Fandom: None But instead, she picks Kirk to be her challenger to fight Spock. Later, Kirk asks Mr. Chekov how long it would take to get to Altair if they diverted to Vulcan just long enough to drop off Mr. Spock; Chekov replies that Spock has already ordered a course change to Vulcan. With the battle over, Spock now realizes what has happened. A new short set in the Star Trek universe depicts the recovery of the USS Enterprise-D and Spock's visit to James Kirk's grave on Veridian III. I'm looking for a McCoy/Spock AOS fic that has Spock upset about baseball because Bones had an old injury from when he played in school. In 2371, Elim Garak tortured Terran slaves in an attempt to increase the amount of ore that they processed in Terok Nor's ore processing center. You are a powerful man who chooses to serve an evil woman! This is how their first night together goes. For once in James Kirk's life things are going well. He was like them because he was one of them, his father must have been one of them, attacking his mother, and she couldn't even recall it. Published in 1988 as the print fanzine "An Oath of Bondage". While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Readers can read all books for free, without any ads and give the authors feedback. Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. I am interested in thoughtful stories with plot and something that has genuine affection between them and not just antagonizing behavior that culminates in angry sex. Intendant Kira Nerys suggested randomly executing workers instead. When Spock moved into his new starfleet academy apartment he certainly didn't expect to find someone already living there. This also has ties to Star Trek: Picard, as an episode of the show's final season confirmed that Section 31 has Kirk's body in stasis at Daystrom Station. When assigned to the Enterprise he finds not only his alpha, but soulmate, in his first officer Spock. Following the fal-tor-pan, Spock is still struggling to recover his memories. An original Star Trek adventure set outside of the Milky Way Galaxy with original characters. Ele era assim porque era um deles, seu pai deve ter sido um deles, atacando sua me, e ela no podia nem se lembrar disso. Unfortunately these posts are from years ago and aren't being updated any more. Spock explains his relationship about Nyota. It was a pile of rocks, I don't care what fans think. Work Search: Also, any fic where Kirk is the one betrayed/hurt by Spock's actions, together or not. A companion fic for The Sad Bitch Chronicles written by hollyesque but Jim is a man. Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Starfleet showed up an hour and a half later. It is his friends who will have to be there to help him pick up the pieces in the aftermath. 1. Then the Vulcan is taken hostage by some hostile aliens and only after few days of desperate searching the Enterprise is able to retrieve him. Once there, Dr. McCoy discovers Spock's blood chemistry is extremely active and has the presence of unknown hormones. Would love to read more. asked Star Trek: Picard Season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas about what that could mean for Kirk's future in the Star Trek universe, including whether we could see Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Kirk, played by Paul Wesley, portraying the iconic character in Star Trek's 25th century. Mobile apps to spark your creativity! Admiral, said Spock cautiously, please understand that if circumstances had been different, I would not have chosen to meld with Dr. McCoy. Shortly after the beginning of the Reform, Vulcan seems to have hesitantly accepted to join the Federation in a peaceful alliance. "Jim," Spock murmurs, his gaze unfocused. FanFiction Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Online since 1995, here for your office equipment needs! Spock shares a fantasy with his newly discovered soulmates James Kirk and Leonard McCoy. Captain Kirk is tortured by Tristan Adams. Spock, Lady Amanda, and Captain Kirk's young nephew, Peter Kirk, are taken as political hostages by Orion warriors. There were a lot of reasons behind this, not least of which was the fact that he really needed to get back to the Enterprise to prevent the destruction of the literal Earth. The machine is destroyed, but Jim is killed in the process. In space, there are things that can go wrong. Hi! The good news is the people she's met are used to weirdness. The disastrous maiden voyage of the USS Enterprise-A causes him to realize that he has forgotten something important about his place in Kirk's life. I'll add more if it is liked. When he was teleported, he was naked because he lost his loincloth, and the whole crew was staring at him with delight/desire. As Kirk and Bones begin their relationship, Pike and Boyce act more as fathers to each of them, encouraging them to get together. When Jim is left disabled following his revival from the warp core, he must learn to navigate a life grounded with a captaincy cut short, and Spock must face a decision on an upcoming captaincy that he never desired. Kirk accepts the challenge, thinking he can let Spock win then discovers that this is a fight to the death. I have only found a few that are just the two of them and do not include Kirk. (DS9: "Through the Looking Glass"), Torture was also a common practice in Earth's authoritarian and anarchic nation states prior to the founding of the United Earth government. There will be some nice bickering with Spock. Spock says that when he thought he had killed the Captain, he found that he had lost all desire for T'Pring, and the madness was gone. This site is not affiliated with any official Star Trek entity. There was no way they were going to leave Kirk's body that had just come through the Nexus under a pile of coal on the planet. Oh, how he was being tugged in two differing directions. Kirk is baffled by the strange behavior and Spock's unwillingness to tell him more than "I need rest", but honors Spock's request and diverts the Enterprise to Vulcan. An overwhelmed Gwyn goes to Admiral Janeway for advice. Kirk heaved a sigh. Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. At the end of a long workday, Jim finds release in giving up command, and Spock finds release in giving up restraint. the new Roddenberry Archives website where fans can virtually tour the bridge of the Enterprise as it has appeared throughout Star Trek's history and more, Doctor Who's Russell T. Davies Praises Star Trek: Picard Season 3, Patrick Stewart Shares Star Trek-Inspired Memoir Title, Star Trek: The Next Generation Ultimates Figure Lineup Adds Picard and Worf, Star Trek Producer Says Fan Hype for 'Legacy' Spinoff Series Is Being Heard 'Loud and Clear', Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Soundtrack Finally Has a Release Date, New Star Trek Short Sees Spock Visiting Kirk's Grave and Starfleet Retrieving the Enterprise-D, Star Trek Actor Brent Spiner Says He Will Never Play Data Again, Star Trek Author Dayton Ward Reveals the Secrets of Kirk Fu, Star Trek: Picard Showrunner Explains Why Riker Wasn't on the Titan in the Finale, Star Trek: Picard Episode 6 "The Impossible Box" Recap With Spoilers, Toy Fair 2020: New Look at Star Trek Cats from Chronicle Collectibles, Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 First Teaser Released, Star Trek's Patrick Stewart Is Reading Shakespeare Online for Fans During Coronavirus Pandemic, Star Trek: Patrick Stewart Shares Special Message, Free CBS All Access Offer Ahead of Picard Finale. The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. Also he has Dissociative Identity Disorder, which comes from severe trauma. Examples: Pharmercy - sounds like pharmacy which is fitting bc mercy is a doctor and it includes Pharah . Torture (or the threat of torture) could be intended to: Torture could be directed not only to the subject tortured, but to persons forced to watch or whom the cruelty of the act is told for any purpose described above, as well as in order to force sacrifice. Zarabeth was not used because her character was 5,000 years in the past. They meet at a party. I can't find these anywhere, no matter how many times I sift through the tags on AO3. Furthermore, Kirk is let off the hook for disobeying orders when Starfleet retroactively grants permission to divert to Vulcan at T'Pau's request. . This story was originally intended for publication in the KisCon 2013 zine, however, due to delays in completing another project for the con as a result of computer issues, I was not able to finish it in time. Pelo resto da sua vida, Ola se perguntaria se tomou a deciso correta. When pirates capture the Enterprise, Kirk--with the help of a handful of Venus drugs--improvises a distraction he can neither entirely predict nor entirely control. Neither Kirk nor Spock profess to be enthusiastic about their union. Add to that the fact that Little Jim wasnt exactly a great performer in sub-zero conditions, and, well, yeah. After that Spock breaks up with Kirk and tries to avoid him. . Jim doesn't know he's seriously hurt while he and Bones are stranded on a planet. He may have been doing Spock's version of "trash talking". Nyota e Kelly so sequestradas juntas. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jim picks up the search where George left it off, and is able to map out where the device is. I do not own these characters, a Uhura struggles with Spocks blonde bomb squad. But I admire Gene Roddenberry's dreams. The Andorian Ambassador knew all the horror stories about the Enterprise and its human captain, the infamous James T. Kirk. In the cold and fight for survival, Jim's still manages to see this as the opportunity for a little lip service. The consequences? His luck with first contact had failed at the worst possible time. Both are AOS! At one point in Star Trek: The Final Frontier, they're on shore leave together trying to find Kirk, Spock, and McCoy, and getting hopelessly lost in the process. James T. Kirk was an omega who defied the stereotypes to become the youngest Starfleet captain in history. Please add a subject line and tags to your entry. (Published in Danse Macabre magazine). ""Don't worry," exhales Jim, exasperated, "it will pass. Kirk knows that to earn his trust that he will have to make a painful confession of his own. During this time, they must join with their wives, or die. While the pain inflicted during torture was often physical in nature, it could also possess an emotional or mental character. So it was less an insidious plan, and it was mostly a nod to Shatner and Judian Garth's novel The Return in that way, and to give some opportunity to keep that character alive in some way, whether that would be Shatner or some new actor, or crazy gender swap clone, some fun thing. LINK: FanFiction.Net ", This is the last time (I'm asking you this), actually it's First Years Into Reform Vulcan, Five bad days aboard the ISS Enterprise (plus one outdoors). The Kelvin timeline also sees a fair share of Chekov/Sulu shipping, but given that Sulu is happily married to another man in that timeline, those fics have cooled somewhat. )Thank you in advance for any help! Mirror Kirk exchanges Spocks in order to force a bond on TOS Spock, that will carry over to MU Spock and vice versa. On Stardate 3372.7, in the year 2267, Mr. Spock, first officer of the Constitution-class Federation starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701, abruptly requests a leave of absence to his home planet of Vulcan after displaying irrational behavior for several days. Spock knows he is bonded to Kirk but stays with Uhura anyway? Or, the story of how Beyond came to be with little rewrites of TOS and my own headcanons. (TNG: "Chain Of Command, Part II"), In 2259 of the alternate reality, Nyota Uhura assured James T. Kirk that a Klingon patrol would torture, question, and kill them and the other crew members who were inside their K'normian trading ship. Specifically, I'm looking for any fics from authors: ginger ninja, posyvanilla, and mangochi. When Jim started sitting in on Professor Spock's lectures as prep for the Kobayashi Maru, he hadn't exactly been after private lessons, but hey-- he'll take it. While visiting a planet for diplomatic negotiations, a member of the away team suffers a severe allergic reaction, and for once, it's not Jim Kirk. The last assignment of the Enterprise's 5-year-mission delves into the dark chapters of the history of the Vulcan people. He manages to survive behind a desk for about a year before the need to be out there once more becomes too much for him to bear. Spock and Jim save their parents, only to discover that they are now stepbrothers. Further complicating the situation is his first officer Spock, who may or may not be planning the mutiny of the century. While Spock is visiting his friend's final resting place, Starfleet is at work retrieving the Enterprise-D's saucer section from where it crash-landed on the planet. - May 1, 2023 02:09 pm EDT. McCoy is a beta. I tell you what, Mister Spock, Jim said to his companion, the only nice thing about this dreary weather is that it really lets you savor a bad mood., Under the heavy fur-lined hood of his parka, the Vulcan First Officer tilted his head at Jim. 4. um jeito de conhecer algum melhor. Mirror Spock thought he can brainwashing Jim, however, Jim is bonded with his Spock. where everyone is gathered and he observes Jim interactions with the crew members (maybe Spock is also talking to McCoy and/or Scotty, I'm not sure). The name arises from the use of the slash symbol (/) in mentions in the late '70s of K/S (meaning stories where Kirk and Spock had a romantic [and often sexual . He gives up his claim on T'Pring and sadly returns to the ship, though not before questioning T'Pring on her choice of Kirk as her champion; in a display of logic that impresses Spock in its flawlessness, T'Pring explains that with Spock's name now near-legendary among their people, she developed a mutual attraction with Stonn rather than becoming the consort to such fame. You are a powerful man who chooses to serve an evil woman! I've been able to find a chapter or two from (lots of) searching around, but am left empty handed. I don't remember many details other than the twist of the fic was that Spock hadn't actually beamed down to the planet, Jim had just wished he was there. Hello! ?Luckily, Jims friends are there to support him. "It is a simple thing for you, is it not, to choose to give your life so that another may live. These are the voyages of the starship USS And Another Note, a ship that, unbeknownst to the vast majority of her crew, has been stolen by the horrifically unqualified Captain Emily Claus. Bones falling in love with a man. It must be disrespectful, surely, to be so in love whilst being in the thralls of grief, especially to one that would never reciprocate his feelings. Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. An easy decision for a man of bravery. And yet it often requires more courage to elect life over death. dress image01_look019eveningdress:african dress: Scott is found living under a bridge and is locked in a mental institute, After saving Humanity, the Tales of Raising the First Generation of Mutants, Naru (dragon) has to decide when to speak up with his elf pair and when to not say a word, A contest for the heart season- (Poetry Contest) CLOSED Winner announced already. In a parallel universe, our stars would collide and burst into light. And Spock has always appreciated his talent for theatrics. He is supposedly a genius, and he did make Captain. The bad news is--that may not be enough. Chloe got grabbed by an Akuma and ended up a long time in the future. Fanfiction for readers who love Star Trek! I'm looking for an specific fanfic but I only remember one scene. McCoy and Kirk then explain that McCoy actually injected the Captain with a neuroparalyzer drug that simulated death but merely knocked him out. Looking for Kirk/McCoy, Pike/Boyce Academy Fic. It will ask too much of James Kirk, placing him in an unwinnable scenario: it will force him to choose who lives and who dies. However, it keeps catching up to him. Might add more if it's liked. Seemingly embarrassed, Spock informs that his condition is called Pon farr, a very personal biological syndrome that all Vulcan males painfully endure periodically throughout their adult life. Hi there, I'm looking for a very funny fanfic about Kirk being captured for a sex slavery and then rescued by the team. Furious hot blood roars in Kirk's ears, nearly loud enough to drown out his navigator's shrieks. In the grand scheme of things, Leonard McCoy can only be sure of one thing Victoria More is special. How could he ever make that choice? When Kristine is asked to be the medical assistant for an old flame, Doctor McCoy aboard the Enterprise, she finds herself making new friends and finding old ones while on inter-galactic adventures. For the purposes of this fic, while the part where Spock accused Jim of cheating did happen, the distress signal from Vulcan did not, and there is no destruction of Vulcan or murder of Spock's mother here. Pike had his decayed fingers harshly tugging at his vena cava, pulling and pulling and pulling until his heart would give out. Nyota and Kelly are kidnapped together. //Additional pairing: Sarek/Amanda // Star Trek Kirk_Spock fanfiction slash winona_sarek pon farr NC-17 The other inspiration is Ashes of Eden, the Star Trek novel written by William Shatner that began what fans call "the Shatnerverse," a series of novels following Kirk after his final on-screen appearance, with him resurrected after his death in Star Trek Generationsand continuing his journeys in the Star Trek: The Next Generation era. The pairings are initially just Pike/Boyce and they act as mentors to Kirk and Bones. Are they still together? Kirk attempted to sit up straighter in his chair as it ground uncomfortably into his back. - . Red-hot pokers are pushing Kirk's eyes out of his skull. Spock and Jim have a heated argument, and while that's no different from other ones, how they handle it this time is. It was their story, so yes. But how will his old crew take his return to his post as Captain of the Enterprise? 2. He is looking everywhere but Jim is like a ghost everybody just saw him (helping with something) but he seems to just went for the next task. Thank you for all the support I've been getting recently!!! The Admiral denies permission, but Kirk ignores the order, arguing there are already two other starships attending the Altair VI ceremony. Jim Kirk has a large bounty on his head, and when he and Solan are betrayed by a trusted friend, they and Doctor McCoy end up being captured for the bounty. It sees Spock (with the digitally recreated likeness of Leonard Nimoy) going to Kirk's grave and retrieving his Starfleet badge. Spock and Kirk are starting to develop a relationship. JimJohnKhanSpock, This began as one shot based on a tumblr post but I had so much interest in continuing, I decided to go for it in 2022. She tells Kirk to decide, telling him another champion will be selected if he declines. Looking for a Mirror!verse fic and a medical-oriented longish fic [AOS] Half-solved! For the rest of her life, Ola would wonder if she made the right decision. From whump bingo on my tumbrl! However, he finds his Captain alive and well, and expresses overt joy (unusual for a normally emotionless Vulcan) in the full witness of McCoy and Chapel. Enjoy : ). This is their story of becoming friends, then lovers, and finally husbands. Turns out Spock is one alien who's more than happy to abduct his weak human boyfriend.
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