Both SK90 and SK99 are heat stretched at the fiber level so that makes them a little more difficult to heat stretch completely at the braided line level. Can Galvanised Steel be used with Stainless Steel? This is to avoid the unpleasant situation of having a hard time getting to re-attach one. This yields a shroud load of 6,000 pounds. The spring-loaded ones suitable for adjusting the shrouds of a Mini 650 are useless. They replace the topping lift and support the boom. It is important to do this while the mast is still up and set for normal sailing as this will be the base line to produce your new rigging. Unstep the mast and remove the rigging from the boat. 5 languages options can be chosen: English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese. Heat stretched SK75 really performs better under a constant load. rope), you will want to consider length, diameter, stretch/performance, material/construction and, of course, price. If a rigging screw is supplied as part of a finished wire, the measurement will be made with the screw two thirds open as shown below. And they often find badly damaged Read more, Question: When your riggers talk about standing rigging, they often use terms I dont recognize. 50 or so lbs up in the air, which translated to 200 less rail meat lbs! Taking into account boat length and sailing style, the attached chart suggests rope diameter and type for each piece of running rigging: Rope Diameter and Type. The goal is to give the mast a beautiful shape that does not have strange kinks in its curvature and especially any inversions etc. All standing rigging is manufactured right here in our rigging shop -- the way it's been since 1984. We are confident that you will look forward to our emails. For #1, you might be able to lower the keel 1/4 of an inch, depending upon the size of the boat. You may need to apply pressure to stretch the wire straight, you may find it helpful to use a line or block and tackle. Differences emerged immediately, the D1 on the left was about 1cm shorter than the one on the right. The numbers in the Toss and Henderson calculations were for a 2.5 safety factor. After attempting to sort through the many personal opinions on appropriate wire size for Atticus, Jordan decided to study up on the scantling equations for mathematically determining for ourselves the safest yet most economical size for our rig. The simplest and quickest way is to use a rig-tension meter, such as the Loos gauge. I therefore decided to tighten further the D1s by a turn and the D2s by two. For more information on rig inspections, visit our prior Ask the Rigger article at We use the highest quality standing rigging components available, and we won . There seems to be a lack of information on the web about the sizing for standing rigging. Does anyone know if 5/32" is the factory size? This is considerably less expensive than a full re-rig and, again, may identify issues before they become catastrophic. As we go through the sizing calculations comparisons are difficult as they dont use the same version of Dyneema. The boat was in the water, we first had to avoid the risk of unscrewing a turnbuckle and accidentally unhooking a shroud. From the Rigger: Most boat owners do not climb their masts regularly, but our riggers spend a lot of time up there. But I have seen many badly adjusted masts and not by just a little. Our preferred rope supplier, Jimmy Green Marine, has lots of information and a range of Dyneema for standing rigging from different suppliers. Then we choose what percentage of the breaking strength of the Dyneema we want this to be. Not only will your rig last longer when properly tuned, your boat will sail better, and who doesnt love that! Lets consider the mast of a Class40, with two orders of swept back spreaders and its standing rigging. Calculate the length of bury. Lower Fore St, Beer, East Devon, EX12 3EG. If you would like to measure your rigging yourself proceed to step 5. Hence, we have non-structural runners and checks, no backstay and no topping life. The mast of the Class40s are, pass me the term, quite ignorant, and dont it is not about fine tuning that last half turn. The de-multiplication of the runner pulleys obviously amplified the effect on the control line. We forego some fine tuning for safety offshore. Thanks John. Boat Design Net does not necessarily endorse nor share the view of each individual post. Standing rigging is the collective term for the system of wires (or rods) that supports the mast, both fore-and-aft and laterally. Staying within elastic limits gives safety factors of 2.5, 2 and 1.9 respectively. Ive taken the stainless breaking limits from the Marlow table off Jimmy Green (see above). The standing rigging is all rod on this boat. This will help to prevent metal fatigue.Check the dimensions of the fixing points for your shouds and stays, traditionally known as Chain Plates: The picture below shows a swageless eye terminal (top), a Talurit eye (middle), and a swageeye terminal (bottom).Swageless terminals are characterised by a short overall length and a relatively wide body diameter.Taluritis the process ofpressing the wirein a soft copper ferrule.Swages are slim and relatively long overall. I relied on my historical memory and everything seemed to me in order. If your running rigging leads back to the cockpit, remember to account for that in your length. The choices get more tricky as Liros dont make every size (no 7, 9 or 11mm). However, DynICE Dux is now back in the running, and with the possibility of 9mm for the Mizzen for about the same price as the 8mm Liros D-Pro-XTR. So I'm interested in your opinions. The wire diameter With the mast and rigging still standing and set to its normal sailing positions, tape or mark all the threads of the studs where they exit the turnbuckles. As for the adjustments to runners and checkstays, I leave them last, as we will see there are various options on how to use them. Hi Dave, Thanks for your very thorough synopsis of using Dyneema for standing rigging. Replacing your turnbucklesCheck the thread size (standard or upsize)Select a turnbuckle which provides articulation e.g. A sailboat's standing rigging is generally built from wire rope, rod, or occasionally a super-strong synthetic fibered rope such as Dyneema , carbon fiber, kevlar or PBO. So in all fairness, I was trusting my eyes. RIGGINGS AND MASTS CALCULATIONS ONLINE RIGGINGS AND MASTS FREE DATABASE: Just in 10 minutes! It is your responsibility to assure that the slings you use are appropriate for your application. Reefing Line (reef 1) - Boom length x 2.5. The Supajust Eye Toggleand Swage (bottom) is a high specification stainless steel open body turnbuckle. Then it made a bend to the right and then back to the left between the second set of spreaders to the masthead. My experience with 2 different 28.5 footers that I have owned is that 7/32" for headstay, backstay, and upper shrouds are very sturdy. But without mast height I suppose this is only partly covering the shroud angle issue? 1/4" is usually 7/16" or 1/2". Hole diameter-to ensure the new pins will fit correctly. All rights reserved. When we fabricate a piece of rigging including a turnbuckle, we will make it to your specifications with the turnbuckle open 2/3rds to allow tuning of the rig. This characteristic of heat stretched SK75 is indeed the reason that Hampidjan is still using this old chemistry of Dyneema and not moved on to the new stuff. Perform routine cleaning/polishing to remove corrosives, identify chafe points and other damage, and properly tune your standing rigging (shrouds, forestay, backstay). Is it maybe, just maybe possible that they have cornered the market on synthetic standing, Colligo, Colligo, Colligo. (contrasted with running rigging). With this procedure we were able to restore a situation where the two V1s shrouds were the same length and with the same adjustment. Your email address will not be published. Two full turns lengthened the V1s by 7-8mm and the impact was visible to the naked eye. So, I resorted to trusting my sensorial memory. Control Lines: Outhaul - Boom length x 2. Still, as we will be doing the splicing ourselves, it isnt the end of the world if we need to shorten the shrouds once or twice in their life. Since it was not me who had mounted the mast, I could not be sure that the turnbuckles had been inserted correctly, i.e. But have you ever seen a boat so rigged? Put one end of the tape on the pin at the terminal held in the turnbuckle on deck, then stretch out the tape until you reach the terminal holding the eye to the tang up the mast. Dont trust us for the sizing of your own rig! Can you break it down for me? If I were only using turnbuckles for tensioning then I might have gone for DM20 to avoid running out of tensioning due to creep. If your design includes lashings (which are normally setup to have plenty of adjustment) then there is only the inconvenience of a tightening a few times initially if you didnt get rid of all the constructional stretch. The checkstay, instead, was tied to the first pulley with a lashing so that it could be adjusted in length. You can use the righting moment and rig geometry to calculate rig loads. I have a 1988 Catalina 22'. It was clear, however, that we had moved the mast head forward several centimetres and the excess rake was gone. Since this boat is sailed in the Mediterranean we must have a good light wind setup and be able to intervene on the shape of the sail as the wind increases. Check the thread size (standard or upsize) Select a turnbuckle which provides articulation e.g. Just select your boat below and you're a couple clicks away from new, top quality rigging. more expensive!) The strength, minimal elongation, excellent corrosion resistance and general performance of KOS 1x19 construction stainless steel wire are suitable for most sailing yachts. Having to remember this T-bone day and night in every situation is not the best of proposition. Choose the profiles, suppliers and materials from the database 3. Here are a few suggestions. By completely eliminating the backstay from the the list of elements constituting our standing rigging, which presented itself as an obstacle to increasing the roach of a mainsail, it is now possible to have all the roach we want and even square top mainsails. This is not to say it was already set right, but we had zeroed the lateral tension errors. The distance between the halyard and the mast at the boom is your rake. Seen from the side, the mast showed excessive rake and pre-bend that needed correcting. In particular, the curvature between the first set of spreaders and the masthead increased. So we are looking at approx 6500kg breaking strain Dyneema. I.e., that the problems were only in the adjustments of the turnbuckles. But these are for breaking strength of the wire. 20% is 576kg so if we size at the 10% we get 5760kg (we can simplify the calculation to looking for a Dyneema line that is at least twice the breaking limit of the stainless it replaces). Things to look for include corrosion, pitting, cracks, and broken strands or meat hooks on the wire. This allows us to run high and increase mast bend with a full mainsail. From the Rigger: Most boat owners do not climb their masts regularly, but our riggers spend a lot of time up there. So we can put back the T-bone that shortens checkstay and use it as a counter cable for the inner forestay. This will be true for all three of your reef points. Their role is to prevent the mast from bending to leeward between the first and second spreader levels, especially upwind. One seemingly easy option is to over-size. They sell 100m drums and 50m hanks which is handy (they can also make custom lengths with a variety of splices etc). In addition, runners reach the masthead. directly with the yard of your choice. I need to do some more study and number crunching. They have been very helpful in responding to email enquiries. The curve to starboard between the first and second set of spreaders was attributable to the upper diagonal D2 on the starboard side, which was tighter than the left one. Check that everything is straight and true. rope than a cruiser. Then we can help you fine-tune your rope selection and length before cutting. I replaced 3/16 rigging with 5/16 dynex dux and it's still ok after 10 years. Forged:Some Petersen Stainless terminals are manufactured using a process known as electrical upset forging.The electrical current used internally aligns the grain structure of the stainless steel.The result is a stronger, lighter fitting that is also more resistant to loading fatigue.The picture shows a machined eye (top) which is slightly larger than the relatively minimal forged eye (bottom) for the same size wire. This explained why the mast started veering to the left. Before adjusting them, however, we could use them to do a test on the adjustment so far of our mast. This explained why the head of the mast pointed to the left after the initial bend. As a side note, alot of people have miss-diagnosed constructional elongation for creep. As mentioned, runners can be used in different ways. special care should be taken to ensure that there will be sufficient material left on the tang/eye/plate if youintend toenlarge any holes. So, in order to avoid any dangers, we set the inner forestay (to double up with the forestay). Once the sail was lowered and the retaining bolts were unscrewed, it was possible to raise the drum and access the forestay turnbuckle. The standing rigging is all rod on this boat. I have a ketch with 1/4" SS on the main and 3/16" on the Mizzen. To preserve the left-right adjustment symmetry, we unscrewed the V1s turnbuckles two full turns each side. The Loos tension gauges take the guesswork out of cable or rod tension adjustment. Tensioning the backstay, the central part of the mast advances forward creating a slight C shape of the mast seen from the side. Shaking the furled headsail gives an idea of the tension of the forestay. So the rake is controlled by adjusting the stay length and the V1s. A rig inspection beforehand can minimize surprises. The other positive about Dynice DUX is that it is only slightly more expensive than Vectran or Dyneema, vs. PBO which is incredibly expensive. Z-Spars, Isomat.Opposite UNF thread is very rare and will entail changing the whole turnbuckle to avoid a bespoke solution. The direction of the thread is only of vital importanceif you are planning to change the stud terminal, but keep the existing turnbuckle.Take a close look at the two different threads in the picture below.Thehigher sidedenotes thedirection of the thread. Although we work closely with the boatyard during the job, you will need to negotiate yard fees (crane, mast lay days, etc.) I hear about these guys on every forum everywhere. I can do the reverse test and see if the opposite set causes bend to leeward. 3000 # is not enough to get rid of constructional stretch, and you would need to sustain your load over time. Be aware that this is not a simple conversion and can be quite expensive. Get regular rig inspections! The spreaders are not perpendicular to the fore-aft axis but swept towards the stern on the horizontal plane. Overall, if you think you have a part that is not listed here, email a photo to the Jimmy Green Rigging Sales team and we will take a look. So the 3 different calculations give us (for the Liros D-Pro-XTR), Colligo (SK75): 7mmMarlow from Jimmy Green (DM20): 12mmRigging Doctor for SK99: 8mm, Colligo (SK75): 11mmMarlow from Jimmy Green (DM20): 15mm (but 13mm is pretty close)Rigging Doctor for SK99: 10mm. The picture below reveals the variation in thickness and head angle to the swage. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to call or email us and we would be happy to help you. When I arrived on this boat to check the mast, there were two problems noticeable with the naked eye. At Colligo Marine, we have now rigged more than 900 boats around the world with our brand of engineered standing rigging and have learned alot from this experience. Check the deck around the chainplates and mast for cracking and delamination. SCT also includes various modules to perform calculations ISO 12215-6, 8 and 9. Know the sizes and lengths you need? It is important to understand the influence of stay-V1 on the rake. You're right (I need to think about). In our case it was evident that the port turnbuckle had many more turns than the starboard side, compared to the thread of the V1 above. If we follow the table they include from Marlow for their DM20 line (Marlow M-Rig Max) then sizing is huge: 11 or 12mm for the Mizzen and 15mm for the main. Again, increasing the line diameter reduces the problem as does being able to get enough tension to stretch out the elasticity so that the rig doesnt flop around. Looking at the mast from the side you could see a beautiful shape without irregularities that gently curved back. This fudge factor is intended to offset the fact that, regardless of the material used, it will degrade over time with aging and a lack of maintenance. 37K views 7 years ago Jordan freshens up on his high school math to calculate what wire size we should order for our new standing rigging. Select your wire construction KOS 1x19 - this is the standard wire for standing rigging on Cruising Yachts Petersen Compact Strand - for higher strength performance KOS flexible 7x19 - for applications where the wire will be required to turn around sheaves. Check for anomaliesThe stud terminal on the end of the wire is normally right hand thread, while the bottom part connecting to the deck is normally left hand.We do occasionally come acrossa rig where the thread direction on the existing fittings is opposite to normal.Opposite rotation is an odd featurewhich sometimes occurs with metric thread on some French built mastse.g. This system with T-bone on the checkstay give you maximum flexibility and is obviously suitable for those who know how to use it. We have a huge rope wall at Rigworks and are very proud of our selection and expertise. The Pogo 2, designed around 2003-2004 is the Mini 650 with most boats built. Suddenly you run the risk that with enough wind the checkstay could even cause the mast to reverse its curvature with the masthead going forward and the lower part held back by the tight checkstay. With the boat in the water and not wanting to take any risk, we didnt want to get to unhook any turnbuckle. It is indeed a complicated process in using a braided line for standing rigging. Historically, the most traditional rig type is the masthead one. In addition to this it was clear that when the starboard runners and checkstay were tensioned, the mast deteriorated in shape.
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Both SK90 and SK99 are heat stretched at the fiber level so that makes them a little more difficult to heat stretch completely at the braided line level. Can Galvanised Steel be used with Stainless Steel? This is to avoid the unpleasant situation of having a hard time getting to re-attach one. This yields a shroud load of 6,000 pounds. The spring-loaded ones suitable for adjusting the shrouds of a Mini 650 are useless. They replace the topping lift and support the boom. It is important to do this while the mast is still up and set for normal sailing as this will be the base line to produce your new rigging. Unstep the mast and remove the rigging from the boat. 5 languages options can be chosen: English, Spanish, French, German and Portuguese. Heat stretched SK75 really performs better under a constant load. rope), you will want to consider length, diameter, stretch/performance, material/construction and, of course, price. If a rigging screw is supplied as part of a finished wire, the measurement will be made with the screw two thirds open as shown below. And they often find badly damaged Read more, Question: When your riggers talk about standing rigging, they often use terms I dont recognize. 50 or so lbs up in the air, which translated to 200 less rail meat lbs! Taking into account boat length and sailing style, the attached chart suggests rope diameter and type for each piece of running rigging: Rope Diameter and Type. The goal is to give the mast a beautiful shape that does not have strange kinks in its curvature and especially any inversions etc. All standing rigging is manufactured right here in our rigging shop -- the way it's been since 1984. We are confident that you will look forward to our emails. For #1, you might be able to lower the keel 1/4 of an inch, depending upon the size of the boat. You may need to apply pressure to stretch the wire straight, you may find it helpful to use a line or block and tackle. Differences emerged immediately, the D1 on the left was about 1cm shorter than the one on the right. The numbers in the Toss and Henderson calculations were for a 2.5 safety factor. After attempting to sort through the many personal opinions on appropriate wire size for Atticus, Jordan decided to study up on the scantling equations for mathematically determining for ourselves the safest yet most economical size for our rig. The simplest and quickest way is to use a rig-tension meter, such as the Loos gauge. I therefore decided to tighten further the D1s by a turn and the D2s by two. For more information on rig inspections, visit our prior Ask the Rigger article at We use the highest quality standing rigging components available, and we won . There seems to be a lack of information on the web about the sizing for standing rigging. Does anyone know if 5/32" is the factory size? This is considerably less expensive than a full re-rig and, again, may identify issues before they become catastrophic. As we go through the sizing calculations comparisons are difficult as they dont use the same version of Dyneema. The boat was in the water, we first had to avoid the risk of unscrewing a turnbuckle and accidentally unhooking a shroud. From the Rigger: Most boat owners do not climb their masts regularly, but our riggers spend a lot of time up there. But I have seen many badly adjusted masts and not by just a little. Our preferred rope supplier, Jimmy Green Marine, has lots of information and a range of Dyneema for standing rigging from different suppliers. Then we choose what percentage of the breaking strength of the Dyneema we want this to be. Not only will your rig last longer when properly tuned, your boat will sail better, and who doesnt love that! Lets consider the mast of a Class40, with two orders of swept back spreaders and its standing rigging. Calculate the length of bury. Lower Fore St, Beer, East Devon, EX12 3EG. If you would like to measure your rigging yourself proceed to step 5. Hence, we have non-structural runners and checks, no backstay and no topping life. The mast of the Class40s are, pass me the term, quite ignorant, and dont it is not about fine tuning that last half turn. The de-multiplication of the runner pulleys obviously amplified the effect on the control line. We forego some fine tuning for safety offshore. Thanks John. Boat Design Net does not necessarily endorse nor share the view of each individual post. Standing rigging is the collective term for the system of wires (or rods) that supports the mast, both fore-and-aft and laterally. Staying within elastic limits gives safety factors of 2.5, 2 and 1.9 respectively. Ive taken the stainless breaking limits from the Marlow table off Jimmy Green (see above). The standing rigging is all rod on this boat. This will help to prevent metal fatigue.Check the dimensions of the fixing points for your shouds and stays, traditionally known as Chain Plates: The picture below shows a swageless eye terminal (top), a Talurit eye (middle), and a swageeye terminal (bottom).Swageless terminals are characterised by a short overall length and a relatively wide body diameter.Taluritis the process ofpressing the wirein a soft copper ferrule.Swages are slim and relatively long overall. I relied on my historical memory and everything seemed to me in order. If your running rigging leads back to the cockpit, remember to account for that in your length. The choices get more tricky as Liros dont make every size (no 7, 9 or 11mm). However, DynICE Dux is now back in the running, and with the possibility of 9mm for the Mizzen for about the same price as the 8mm Liros D-Pro-XTR. So I'm interested in your opinions. The wire diameter With the mast and rigging still standing and set to its normal sailing positions, tape or mark all the threads of the studs where they exit the turnbuckles. As for the adjustments to runners and checkstays, I leave them last, as we will see there are various options on how to use them. Hi Dave, Thanks for your very thorough synopsis of using Dyneema for standing rigging. Replacing your turnbucklesCheck the thread size (standard or upsize)Select a turnbuckle which provides articulation e.g. A sailboat's standing rigging is generally built from wire rope, rod, or occasionally a super-strong synthetic fibered rope such as Dyneema , carbon fiber, kevlar or PBO. So in all fairness, I was trusting my eyes. RIGGINGS AND MASTS CALCULATIONS ONLINE RIGGINGS AND MASTS FREE DATABASE: Just in 10 minutes! It is your responsibility to assure that the slings you use are appropriate for your application. Reefing Line (reef 1) - Boom length x 2.5. The Supajust Eye Toggleand Swage (bottom) is a high specification stainless steel open body turnbuckle. Then it made a bend to the right and then back to the left between the second set of spreaders to the masthead. My experience with 2 different 28.5 footers that I have owned is that 7/32" for headstay, backstay, and upper shrouds are very sturdy. But without mast height I suppose this is only partly covering the shroud angle issue? 1/4" is usually 7/16" or 1/2". Hole diameter-to ensure the new pins will fit correctly. All rights reserved. When we fabricate a piece of rigging including a turnbuckle, we will make it to your specifications with the turnbuckle open 2/3rds to allow tuning of the rig. This characteristic of heat stretched SK75 is indeed the reason that Hampidjan is still using this old chemistry of Dyneema and not moved on to the new stuff. Perform routine cleaning/polishing to remove corrosives, identify chafe points and other damage, and properly tune your standing rigging (shrouds, forestay, backstay). Is it maybe, just maybe possible that they have cornered the market on synthetic standing, Colligo, Colligo, Colligo. (contrasted with running rigging). With this procedure we were able to restore a situation where the two V1s shrouds were the same length and with the same adjustment. Your email address will not be published. Two full turns lengthened the V1s by 7-8mm and the impact was visible to the naked eye. So, I resorted to trusting my sensorial memory. Control Lines: Outhaul - Boom length x 2. Still, as we will be doing the splicing ourselves, it isnt the end of the world if we need to shorten the shrouds once or twice in their life. Since it was not me who had mounted the mast, I could not be sure that the turnbuckles had been inserted correctly, i.e. But have you ever seen a boat so rigged? Put one end of the tape on the pin at the terminal held in the turnbuckle on deck, then stretch out the tape until you reach the terminal holding the eye to the tang up the mast. Dont trust us for the sizing of your own rig! Can you break it down for me? If I were only using turnbuckles for tensioning then I might have gone for DM20 to avoid running out of tensioning due to creep. If your design includes lashings (which are normally setup to have plenty of adjustment) then there is only the inconvenience of a tightening a few times initially if you didnt get rid of all the constructional stretch. The checkstay, instead, was tied to the first pulley with a lashing so that it could be adjusted in length. You can use the righting moment and rig geometry to calculate rig loads. I have a 1988 Catalina 22'. It was clear, however, that we had moved the mast head forward several centimetres and the excess rake was gone. Since this boat is sailed in the Mediterranean we must have a good light wind setup and be able to intervene on the shape of the sail as the wind increases. Check the thread size (standard or upsize) Select a turnbuckle which provides articulation e.g. Just select your boat below and you're a couple clicks away from new, top quality rigging. more expensive!) The strength, minimal elongation, excellent corrosion resistance and general performance of KOS 1x19 construction stainless steel wire are suitable for most sailing yachts. Having to remember this T-bone day and night in every situation is not the best of proposition. Choose the profiles, suppliers and materials from the database 3. Here are a few suggestions. By completely eliminating the backstay from the the list of elements constituting our standing rigging, which presented itself as an obstacle to increasing the roach of a mainsail, it is now possible to have all the roach we want and even square top mainsails. This is not to say it was already set right, but we had zeroed the lateral tension errors. The distance between the halyard and the mast at the boom is your rake. Seen from the side, the mast showed excessive rake and pre-bend that needed correcting. In particular, the curvature between the first set of spreaders and the masthead increased. So we are looking at approx 6500kg breaking strain Dyneema. I.e., that the problems were only in the adjustments of the turnbuckles. But these are for breaking strength of the wire. 20% is 576kg so if we size at the 10% we get 5760kg (we can simplify the calculation to looking for a Dyneema line that is at least twice the breaking limit of the stainless it replaces). Things to look for include corrosion, pitting, cracks, and broken strands or meat hooks on the wire. This allows us to run high and increase mast bend with a full mainsail. From the Rigger: Most boat owners do not climb their masts regularly, but our riggers spend a lot of time up there. So we can put back the T-bone that shortens checkstay and use it as a counter cable for the inner forestay. This will be true for all three of your reef points. Their role is to prevent the mast from bending to leeward between the first and second spreader levels, especially upwind. One seemingly easy option is to over-size. They sell 100m drums and 50m hanks which is handy (they can also make custom lengths with a variety of splices etc). In addition, runners reach the masthead. directly with the yard of your choice. I need to do some more study and number crunching. They have been very helpful in responding to email enquiries. The curve to starboard between the first and second set of spreaders was attributable to the upper diagonal D2 on the starboard side, which was tighter than the left one. Check that everything is straight and true. rope than a cruiser. Then we can help you fine-tune your rope selection and length before cutting. I replaced 3/16 rigging with 5/16 dynex dux and it's still ok after 10 years. Forged:Some Petersen Stainless terminals are manufactured using a process known as electrical upset forging.The electrical current used internally aligns the grain structure of the stainless steel.The result is a stronger, lighter fitting that is also more resistant to loading fatigue.The picture shows a machined eye (top) which is slightly larger than the relatively minimal forged eye (bottom) for the same size wire. This explained why the mast started veering to the left. Before adjusting them, however, we could use them to do a test on the adjustment so far of our mast. This explained why the head of the mast pointed to the left after the initial bend. As a side note, alot of people have miss-diagnosed constructional elongation for creep. As mentioned, runners can be used in different ways. special care should be taken to ensure that there will be sufficient material left on the tang/eye/plate if youintend toenlarge any holes. So, in order to avoid any dangers, we set the inner forestay (to double up with the forestay). Once the sail was lowered and the retaining bolts were unscrewed, it was possible to raise the drum and access the forestay turnbuckle. The standing rigging is all rod on this boat. I have a ketch with 1/4" SS on the main and 3/16" on the Mizzen. To preserve the left-right adjustment symmetry, we unscrewed the V1s turnbuckles two full turns each side. The Loos tension gauges take the guesswork out of cable or rod tension adjustment. Tensioning the backstay, the central part of the mast advances forward creating a slight C shape of the mast seen from the side. Shaking the furled headsail gives an idea of the tension of the forestay. So the rake is controlled by adjusting the stay length and the V1s. A rig inspection beforehand can minimize surprises. The other positive about Dynice DUX is that it is only slightly more expensive than Vectran or Dyneema, vs. PBO which is incredibly expensive. Z-Spars, Isomat.Opposite UNF thread is very rare and will entail changing the whole turnbuckle to avoid a bespoke solution. The direction of the thread is only of vital importanceif you are planning to change the stud terminal, but keep the existing turnbuckle.Take a close look at the two different threads in the picture below.Thehigher sidedenotes thedirection of the thread. Although we work closely with the boatyard during the job, you will need to negotiate yard fees (crane, mast lay days, etc.) I hear about these guys on every forum everywhere. I can do the reverse test and see if the opposite set causes bend to leeward. 3000 # is not enough to get rid of constructional stretch, and you would need to sustain your load over time. Be aware that this is not a simple conversion and can be quite expensive. Get regular rig inspections! The spreaders are not perpendicular to the fore-aft axis but swept towards the stern on the horizontal plane. Overall, if you think you have a part that is not listed here, email a photo to the Jimmy Green Rigging Sales team and we will take a look. So the 3 different calculations give us (for the Liros D-Pro-XTR), Colligo (SK75): 7mmMarlow from Jimmy Green (DM20): 12mmRigging Doctor for SK99: 8mm, Colligo (SK75): 11mmMarlow from Jimmy Green (DM20): 15mm (but 13mm is pretty close)Rigging Doctor for SK99: 10mm. The picture below reveals the variation in thickness and head angle to the swage. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to call or email us and we would be happy to help you. When I arrived on this boat to check the mast, there were two problems noticeable with the naked eye. At Colligo Marine, we have now rigged more than 900 boats around the world with our brand of engineered standing rigging and have learned alot from this experience. Check the deck around the chainplates and mast for cracking and delamination. SCT also includes various modules to perform calculations ISO 12215-6, 8 and 9. Know the sizes and lengths you need? It is important to understand the influence of stay-V1 on the rake. You're right (I need to think about). In our case it was evident that the port turnbuckle had many more turns than the starboard side, compared to the thread of the V1 above. If we follow the table they include from Marlow for their DM20 line (Marlow M-Rig Max) then sizing is huge: 11 or 12mm for the Mizzen and 15mm for the main. Again, increasing the line diameter reduces the problem as does being able to get enough tension to stretch out the elasticity so that the rig doesnt flop around. Looking at the mast from the side you could see a beautiful shape without irregularities that gently curved back. This fudge factor is intended to offset the fact that, regardless of the material used, it will degrade over time with aging and a lack of maintenance. 37K views 7 years ago Jordan freshens up on his high school math to calculate what wire size we should order for our new standing rigging. Select your wire construction KOS 1x19 - this is the standard wire for standing rigging on Cruising Yachts Petersen Compact Strand - for higher strength performance KOS flexible 7x19 - for applications where the wire will be required to turn around sheaves. Check for anomaliesThe stud terminal on the end of the wire is normally right hand thread, while the bottom part connecting to the deck is normally left hand.We do occasionally come acrossa rig where the thread direction on the existing fittings is opposite to normal.Opposite rotation is an odd featurewhich sometimes occurs with metric thread on some French built mastse.g. This system with T-bone on the checkstay give you maximum flexibility and is obviously suitable for those who know how to use it. We have a huge rope wall at Rigworks and are very proud of our selection and expertise. The Pogo 2, designed around 2003-2004 is the Mini 650 with most boats built. Suddenly you run the risk that with enough wind the checkstay could even cause the mast to reverse its curvature with the masthead going forward and the lower part held back by the tight checkstay. With the boat in the water and not wanting to take any risk, we didnt want to get to unhook any turnbuckle. It is indeed a complicated process in using a braided line for standing rigging. Historically, the most traditional rig type is the masthead one. In addition to this it was clear that when the starboard runners and checkstay were tensioned, the mast deteriorated in shape. Skittles Water Packets Nutrition Facts,
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