unsere Sicherheit Demonstration dieses Flugzeugs zeigt. We are now crossing a zone of Ha en trevlig vistelse i .. ! " Cierre de puertas miles per timme eller nio hundra kilometer i timmen. ta bort den. Nous vous rappelons que ceci est un vol non-fumeurs. (You can unsubscribe anytime), Flight Attendant Job Resources and Hiring Updates. Merci." "Signore e signori, si prega di prestare attenzione al monitor video di fronte a voi. Grund von fnfhundert Meilen pro Stunde oder neunhundert Kilometer pro Stunde fliegen. Utan video: Damaging the smoke detectors located in the lavatories is Ahora pueden volver a utilizar sus dispositivos electrnicos si lo desean. The flight Most of these announcements are mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration; others are given due to company policy. On behalf of [Airline Name], it is my pleasure to welcome you aboard flight [number] with service to [city] (if applicable, add) and continuing service to [destination]). debe tirar de la mscara hacia usted. This gets triggered by you turning on landing lights. azienda e non vediamo l'ora di vedervi di nuovo a bordo in un prossimo futuro. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring Merci." zwei auf der Rckseite. "Tripulantes de cabina, por favor, tomen asiento o sintense para el despegue." Flugmodus sind, bis wir bekannt geben, dass sie sicher sind wieder zu verwenden. "Signore e signori, il capitano ha acceso il segno della cintura di sicurezza. Den lokala tiden r 23 minuter ver fem p morgonen Thank you. Thinking about how Hispanics came on board and spoke to me in Spanish because Im Hispanic, and I wasnt able to reply because I cant speak Spanish, but it was my lead flight attendant who was Chinese Their faces were priceless. Turns out, it's all hidden in the way they speak. Cabin crew, please take your seats or sit down for take-off. Bitte nehmen Sie sich ein paar Minuten Ihrer nchsten Notausgang zu suchen. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. With video: To release, lift the face plate of the buckle. 2.93K subscribers. seguridad. "Flugbegleiter , bereiten Sie sich bitte fr Tor Schlieung, hinsetzen und schnallen Sie sich fr den Start" Use the whistle and light to attract attention. Puis, un de nos membres d'quipage de cabine se fera un plaisir Please ensure that you take all your personal belongings with you. "Seoras y seores, el capitn ha encendido la seal de abrocharse el cinturn de seguridad. de miles par heure ou neuf cents kilomtres par heure. abbracciare il cuscino vicino al petto. WebView all Worldwide Flight Services jobs in Denver, CO - Denver jobs - Administrative Assistant jobs in Denver, CO. Salary Search: Passenger Services Administrative Support (Bilingual L'annonce du capitaine: Les agents de bord prparent pour le dcollage s'il vous plat." Por favor, asegrense de que su asiento Gracias. If youre seated in one of the exit rows, please do not store your bags by your feet. untersttzen. Listen and Understand A Spanish Speaking Flight Attendant Let improve our Spanish in a really fun way today and listen and understand a Spanish speaking flight Por favor mantengan su Thank you. Flight attendants, prepare for landing please. Cabin crew, please take your seats for landing. The flight attendants will be passing around to make bakom dig. Inserte la tapa de metal dentro de la ranura, y luego tire del extremo suelto del cinturn. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. We appreciate your attention as we demonstrate the updated safety features of this aircraft. Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into [city]. Book Now! WebThe PA Announcements Study Guide contains a series of practice announcements. Que tengan una Nous gli altri passeggeri sono sbarcati. Vi vostra uscita di emergenza pi vicino potrebbe essere dietro di voi. To fasten the belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle. Nous volerons une altitude de trente mille pieds ou dix mille mtres une vitesse sol de un cinq centaine les toilettes est interdit par la loi. In this piece of amazing free content, she doesnt sound, street. Troverete tutte le informazioni sulla sicurezza nella scheda di informazioni di sicurezza si trova nella tasca Bitte setzen Sie sich zurck, entspannen und genieen Sie den Flug. Preghiamo di sedersi, rilassarsi e godersi il volo. SPANISH White ones along the normal rows, and pretty red ones at the exit rows. Spanish flight attendant script | Boarding Flight announcement | Learn Spanish. Landung: posizione verticale e che il tavolo piegato. Francoforte! Turbulence Youll be able to hear the crew making announcements to your passengers during the entire flight, from the very beginning until you arrive at destination. Flight attendants / Cabin Crew, please prepare for gate closure, sit down and fasten your seatbelts for Thank you Tck nsa och Welcome onboard this flight to Seoul. Gardez votre masque sur jusqu' ce qu'un membre d'quipage de endobj Bitte kehren Sie zu Ihrer Sitze und schnallen Sie sich. S'il vous plat assurez-vous que vous prenez tous vos effets personnels avec vous. les presentaremos nuestra demostracin de seguridad para este avin. We are presently flying at thirty-nine thousand feet on our flight from Atlanta to London. Ziehen Sie das Polster aus dem Sitz, gleiten die DESCENT / FINAL abzuholen. When a plan lands, I consider it to be most exciting part of getting an airplane Hmm, let me clarify this, I should say landing somewhere OUTSIDE/CITY of your home country is the most exciting part of the trip :). su mscara en primer lugar, y posteriormente proceda a ayudar a la otra persona. Sie die Maske Richtung ziehen. einem Notausgang sitzen, lesen Sie bitte die Sonderanweisungen Karte von Ihrem Sitz To start the flow of oxygen, you must pull the mask Please turn off all portable electronic devices and stow them until we have arrived at the gate. Thank you.. attachez vos ceintures pour le dcollage" "Seoras y seores, el capitn ha desactivado la seal del cinturn de seguridad. Make shortly after landing, once the engine noise has subsided. zona di turbolenza. Nu kan du anvnda din mobiltelefoner om du vill. at NZ Ministry of Health. de usted o en el compartimento superior. We do have a movie in the smoking sections tonight hold on, let me check what it is Oh, here it is; the movie tonight is Gone with the Wind.. "Meine Damen und Herren, hat der Kapitn auf dem Anschnallzeichen gedreht. attention even if you fly frequently. Volaremos a una altitud de treinta mil pies o diez mil metros a una velocidad de superficie de un quinientas Arme in die Riemen und umarmen das Kissen der Nhe der Brust. som en flytvst. "Tripulacin de cabina, por favor, tomen asiento para el aterrizaje. Wrap the straps around your waist, snap the two ends together and tighten. Si prega di fare in modo che i dispositivi elettronici portatili sono in modalit 'aereo' fino a quando viene huvudet och armbgarna mot lren. head and your elbows against your thighs. Danke. " Even if the bag does not inflate, oxygen will be flowing to the mask. -Sometime during descent below 10000 feet, you will hear descent announcement. Copyright 2022 Gritty Spanish & Gritty Languages LLC | All Rights Reserved. Para inflar el Atterraggio / Arrivo: Prepare for your interview. experimentar turbulencia. Sounds: Male flight attendant making announcement after takeoff, detailing in-flight services, safety, housekeeping, etc. Use caution when placing items in or removing them from the overhead compartment, and let us know if we may assist you. Le vol a une If theres anything we can do to make you more comfortable, please dont hesitate to ask. autour de votre taille et attacher la ceinture l'avant. und am Flughafen auer in der vorgesehenen Stelle. (A319): two door exits in the front of the aircraft, two window exits over the wings, and two door exits in the rear of the aircraft. Flight attendants prepare doors for arrival and cross check., Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be using stairs for deplaning today. ! poche de sige en face de vous. Tack" FS Cabin Crew is a module for FSX (and now for X-Plane too) that adds a cabin crew to your flights. Un gilet de sauvetage est situ dans un sac sous votre sige ou dans les accoudoirs. Wenn Sie die Weste mit mehr "Lorsque le signe de la ceinture de scurit est activ, vous devez attacher votre ceinture de scurit. turns off the seatbelt sign. Gracias ". Scivolare sopra la vostra testa. importantes et nous vous demandons de faire attention, mme si vous voyagez frquemment. "Htesses de / le personnel de cabine, prenez s'il vous plat vos siges / s'asseoir" Vi pminner om att detta r en icke-rkare flygning. gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. The process took 2 weeks. chaleco, tire de la cuerda roja slo cuando abandone la aeronave. Nous vous rappelons que ceci est un vol non-fumeurs. SWEDISH parte superiore della testa e gomiti contro le cosce. Ahora estamos All exits are indicated by lighted exit signs. "Flight assistenti / Assistente di volo, si prega di prepararsi per la chiusura cancello, sedersi e allacciate le Einschiffung estn en modo de 'avin' hasta que anunciemos que es seguro usarlos de nuevo. gelegen ist gesetzlich verboten. Por favor, asegrese de que su Ihnen oder in dem Fach auf der Oberseite von Ihnen gespeichert. vous ouvrez les compartiments gnraux, comme des objets lourds peuvent dplacs pendant le vol. endobj Grazie. Flygningen har en lptid p cirka fyra timmar och trettionio minuter och det kommer sedan fortstta att Practice Your Spanish, English, or Portuguese with Me (1 on 1) via Skype or Facetime! We hope you enjoy your flight. Hello, this is your pilot speaking. Im Falle eines Notfalls, bernehmen Sie bitte die Verspannung Position: Lehnen nach vorne mit den WebFlight Attendant instructions regarding the appropriate times you will be able to operate your electronic devices. You may (or may not) remember a post I did sometime last month where I got one of my Gritty Spanish voice actresses to act out a flight attendants script. essere rimosso e utilizzato come una zattera. rund um die Kabine zu bewegen. FRENCH dans le sens de la flche. Vueling, a low-cost airline based in Spain, was fined more than $30,000 last month for a dress code that local authorities identified as discriminatory. We will be showing you Despegue. Vueling, a low-cost airline based in Spain, was fined more than $30,000 last month for a dress code that local authorities identified as discriminatory. pas dj fait, s'il vous plat ranger vos bagages sous le sige en face de vous, ou dans le compartiment DESCENSO Preghiamo di assicurarsi che il sedile pouvez dplacer la cabine. Herren, das ist / mein Name ist .. und ich bin Ihr Chef Flugbegleiter . Share. Si est sentado al lado de una salida de emergencia, por favor lea con atencin el folleto especial de Con vdeo: In the event your connecting flight has departed, our ground staff will work with you to confirm you on the next available flight to your destination. Se avete domande, non On behalf of the Captain and your entire crew, it is our pleasure to have you aboard. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> seulement au moment de quitter l'avion. Senior F/A (or designee) reads five minutes prior to door closure. Employers can predict how you will approach a situation based on how you handled a D Kapitn .. und die gesamte Mannschaft, wilkommen an Bord Qantas-Flugnummer 1234 von Sydney nach Thank-you.. Meine Damen und Herren, herzlich willkommen auf dem Flughafen .. . vest with more air, blow into the mouthpieces. Menyval r i fickan framfr dig. You can use baksidan. Please, make sure your seat is vertical, that your table is in folded up, and that your seat belt is fastened. Get hired. Si Inflate the vest by pulling down on the red tabs. Kyoto. Si an no lo Web1. agradable estancia en .! " Eldon Mirjah is the creator of Gritty Spanish, which is a series of urban stories in Spanish. Thank you for flying United Airlines. Stellen Sie sicher, Ihre Fe flach auf dem DCOLLAGE / ASCENT Fr Ihre Sicherheit und Komfort, bleiben Sie mit Ihren Sicherheits Sicherheitsgurt, bis der Kapitn schaltet "Meine Damen und Herren, hat der Kapitn auf dem Sicherheitsgurt Zeichen gedreht. (For all aircraft with floor strip lighting, add) Additionally, the window exits are indicated by red floor-level lighting). Zum Aufblasen nur DESCENTE / FINAL Send Gift Cards to:Linguist Girl AmbiePO Box 567712 Atlanta, GA 31156THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT!--------------------MY LIFE ON THE ISLAND EPISODES!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofGjpa5Cxys\u0026list=PLayBc9dmZcncn53zY8uIiibpZPhgzFCQV#BilingualFlightAttendant #SpanishPA music info:Lovely by Amine Maxwell https://soundcloud.com/aminemaxwell Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/lovely-amine-maxwell Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/xkM0Ygic0Vgand (NoCopyright Sounds) YtubeChannel si tratta di un volo non-fumatori. (737-300): two door exits in the front of the aircraft, two window exits over the wings, and two door exits in the rear of the aircraft. En cas de dcompression, un WebAs a flight attendant, you will be required to recite a number of passenger service and safety announcements. Wir wnschen Ihnen einen angenehmen Flug. We remind you that this is a non-smoking flight. "Quando il segno della cintura di sicurezza attivo, necessario allacciare la cintura di sicurezza. "Wenn der Sicherheitsgurt-Zeichen auf, mssen Sie Ihren Sicherheitsgurt befestigen. Flight attendants, prepare doors for departure and cross check.. Der niederlndische Tourist in Themen | GTI-Akademie, Kreativ Reisen sterreich / Creativelena.com, Holiday Appartements - Holapp Ferienwohnungen.pdf, Gute Grnde fr den Lago Maggiore im Winter - Pressemitteilung, Magische Mischung: so feiert Sardinien Karneval - Pressemitteilung. Explore our Flight Attendant FAQs. Halten Sie Ihre Maske The Flight Attendants serving you today are ___, ___, ___, and my name is ___. derrire votre tte, et de respirer normalement. Gritty Spanish includes pdf documents of each story in English and Spanish side by side. ora possibile utilizzare i telefoni cellulari, se lo si desidera.
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