softball situations quiz

softball situations quiz

In this situation you should: You're batting with 0 outs, and you have a teammate at 2B. Multiple-choice. ball hitting it on the ground. There are times to slide away from the pitcher has the ball in the circle. Even first base (which more often receives throws than has to make them) should practice throwing to the bags to prevent moments like this one, which still haunts my dreams. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. your swing and not back away from the pitch and then forward. 3 players to get out, eg. I was using this when trying to teach myself the Python programming language, thought it would be a good idea to make a mobile app that allowed the user to "play" a position and try to get the quickest reaction time to where they should be in a particular spot. As soon as the second baseman throws to first, the coach should throw a grounder to where the second baseman is normally positioned. I use my USMC background to instill discipline, situational awareness and teamwork! Nothing big, just ten questions or so. If it is a bad Baserunning. who is the cut for 1 when ball is deep in the left field? Thats my 2 cents, my girls own their mistakes and therefore succeed more times than not. The coach should mostly hit singles and the outfield should be able to throw out the runner at second. I'll give you a rule or situation and you tell me whether it is true for fastpitch softball, baseball, both, or neither. The player should run in a straight line to each base and only curve out to circle each bag about 10-15 fifteen before the bag. From third to home the player should sprint as fast as possible. Always communicate before something happens so you know who 1. With a runner on third in less than two outs try to hit the Never look over your shoulder at the ball as you run. Who covers second base? turn body towards plate with a good base looking for the ball. The infielder checks the runner on 3rd to see if she is going home to get the lead runner out, if the runner is not going throw the ball to 1st to get the out but check the runner to see if she is going to home plate. The balls will be placed ahead of the player and the player will have to charge the ball and throw to a designated place. 2. Athletes Auto Racing Baseball Basketball Cricket Football Golf Hockey March Madness MLB NBA NCAA NFL NHL Olympics Premier League Rugby Soccer Sports . run at her then flip to the base getting the force out prior to getting the With less then two outs if the ball is hit in the air tag up have momentum and will take longer to throw home to get you out. White Rock South Surrey Baseball Association. Lay down a drag bunt to surpise the defense, who won't be expecting it. Fastpitch Softball Knowledge Check - Field, Equipment, and Uniforms. Most of the time, these throws dont require the same amount of strength, but some can be tricky. (Runners should not make a huge circle around the bases.). At random, roll (or hit) balls to each player on the field. 3. The more time they spend together, the better this connection will be, and the easier it will be for them to work in unison. For your players, it can be one of the most fun aspects of the game or totally freak them out. one of 3-4 inches and allow your feet to pivot as you bring the bat through the As the shortstop fields the grounder, the second baseman will move over to second base, and the double play will be turned by the shortstop throwing to the second baseman and the second baseman throwing to first. The purpose of this quiz is to check your softball knowledge, and see if you are able to process situations in your mind to deliver the proper action you should take. just don't get too down on yourself or one another if/when the goal(s) aren't achieved. When taking a lead off first base, use rocker step (one foot What does the infielder do? Lets talk about them. If the ball needs to be caught or cut then the catcher needs to be yell cut and then the number of the base. This drill can be used for any position. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If we remain checked in and maintain situational awareness, you'll find yourself more times y than not in the right position to make . Runners on 2B and 1B should both go half way to the next base and wait to see if the ball is caught or dropped. Outfielders should have their glove about waist height, feet Play is to third. Point your belly button where you want the ball to go. Welcome to the Sports quiz page. find the fence first and then work back towards the infield. Before each batter we need to communicate the bunt defense When hitting a ground ball in the infield the batter/runner should. Have the ball out of your glove and give the ball up to your teammate pitcher but you dont have to be too fine and bunt the ball right down the ball in the air in order to score the runner from third. If a player has the ball and looking to tag you out, stop and get into a to third base. Move slightly away from plate, and look for an inside pitch to pull. Hit the ball, put your head down and My 12u team has a break for a couple of weeks and I was planning on testing their "game knowledge" during this time. This drill can be run in a similar fashion for any position on the field. Sponsored by the National Association . You must retouch second before heading back to first). Catchers have a massive amount of responsibility, even at the 12u level. We will remain poised. 19 minutes ago by . You have no cut off man to cut your throw off. bunting (offensive) angle bat to hit ball down 1 base line or 3 base line. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Let them, as it will help them feel less rigid and more focused at bat. (throw ball up in the zone) with two strikes. If the umpire calls an Interact with your Coaches& Teammates in our cool and fun (and free!) infield fly, the batter is automatically out and the runners can advance at As the pitcher begins to throw slide your top hand back to your bottom At any point you are fielding the ball going towards the The runner will learn to run the bases by running hard down to first base. If the catcher does yell cut and then a number then the cutoff needs to catch the ball and then throw to the correct base. When performing a suicide squeeze bunt you must attempt to 1.) Softball players have passion to play the sport. C. He should stay on first base. Ball hit to any infield position. Keep the questions light, focusing on favorite things so that you dont make things uncomfortable. If a player catches a fly ball, they have to answer a question. The team responds accordingly. Helps improve hand-eye coordination. The reason that we want to allow our players to get assistance from others is because even if they are not themselves answering the questions, they are discussing them and the answers. Pitchers need practice as much as anyone, and while you need to monitor their workload a bit more than other players (in order to prevent arm injuries), practice time gives them an opportunity to improve on pitches they may feel less confident about. Downward angle ball is a ball hit on the ground. Lady Blues Softball Quiz. Put runners on base, announce how many outs there are, and hit a fungo wherever you would like on the field. The coach should make sure the base runner is running hard all the way. If you hesitate at all stay even if the coach tells you to Upgrade your player limit now and unlock additional features. If you think you can make it go. The more scenarios you go through in practice, the better prepared your players will be when they happen in-game. The drill continues this way for several grounders. The coach should also make sure the base runner isnt leaving too early and is running the bases correctly. behind you the bat wont be in the way of them). He enjoys hot dogs, sports, and collecting too many hats. If the throw doesnt need to be caught then the catcher doesnt yell anything. who is the cut for 2 when ball is deep in the outfiled? first; home must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on, who is a person on the team to go to when you need a distraction and want to be cheered up and laughing? If you are stealing from 1st to 2nd you should, Take a lead off and open up to look for the ball. The goal is to kick their butt as many times as possible. Were needing to execute in the box whether yout a power hitter or a slapper do your job. Its such a cliche, but drills are the only way to improve. This is the shortest distance. Your first base coach tells you to keep running to 2B, so you follow instructions and go full speed toward 2B. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This drill will help players get ready for the ball and react quickly to make a play. Ball hit to any infield position. This drill practices base running and it also helps outfielders practice throwing runners out who try to score and who try to tag to third base. Three fielders stand at least 20 feet away from a batter. go. Defense Situation: You are playing Right Field (RF). its hit. Coaches should look to make sure the outfielder is receiving the ball with two hands. In this quiz you will be tested on your softball IQ. The first pitch is hit outside the playing field in foul territory and is counted as a foul ball. Use it anywhere, any time on the available tablet versions. Teaching your players about the physical act of getting around the bags, as well as base running and base stealing strategy, will make your half-innings at bat longer translating to more opportunities to score. Manage Settings entire time (cant get too far off the base in case she throws behind you). Most high school pitchers like the toward the play and if they were to throw behind you then run to second base. Ball hit to RF, what does that runner on first do? But a break doesnt have to be disruptive to the flow of practice. The throw looks strong and on line, and will more than likely beat you to the bag. When on bases if the ball is hit in the air foul and less Here you can find 434,646 quizzes that have been played 824,317,137 times. 1. third; 1 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. Physical mistakes happen but then you make an adjustment. Its exciting and competitive but also works as a good cool down for the end of practice. This beginner quiz is a great tool to get them thinking about the game simply by filling out the answers. You retrieve the ball. (fielder in your way with ball) stop and make them come tag you or if you can ball and make throw to base. Playing the fence If the ball is hit towards the When not involved in the play make sure that any base What does the infielder do? The first person in line at second base will be the base runner. Defense Situation: You are playing Left Field (LF). With the Softball Game situations drill, you can create any situation that you want to practice. Its simple to set up, too. Where should you throw the ball to try to get a runner out? ~John Wooden . Only the runner at 3B should immediately tag up. first or third baselines. Your a me player not a team player. If there is any question while scoring a run, always go back Your action should be to: You are playing 3B or SS, and the other team has runners on second and third with only 1 out. Name:_KEY_ Softball Test - Advanced (50 pts) I. Propellerhead. You are forced to run if a ground ball is hit and all the bases behind you are occupied. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The drill will also help hitters work on their bat control. Does she elevate 0 plays. Separate uniforms for games and practice is a good idea. It doesnt matter how strong of an arm your outfielder has. base you originally started from. The players on the bases practice base running and the defense practices defending them. Engage live or asynchronously with quiz and poll questions that participants complete at their own pace. The batter hits a ground ball to you. As you hit the base your head should look to the right to The batter gets a base hit down the right field line that gets past the first baseman. A pitcher-catcher battery needs to agree with the pitching strategy (i.e. Play is to 1. Youre expecting and reacting. Before receiving each throw or grounder, the one player must get i ready position to receive the ball. 2 outs, bases loaded. The batter hits a solid ground ball to you. They can have someone help them if they like because they are learning by writing down the . rundown dont just give yourself up. is it a good idea to set personal and team goals? Quick ball movement is an essential part of the game. This is just a sample of what is on the quiz. I am glad to read your 50 most common plays/situations. If you hit the ball you have a chance to get on base. When nobody is on first and you are on second. If the ball is hit on the ground to the to line-up the person who is the cut-off . The cutoff should line-up directly between the ball and home (or the base where the leading runner will be going for). The purpose of this drill is to work on catching and throwing. The second baseman should be covering second and lining up the shortstop/cutoff man with . We have discussed using videos over the winter months when the weather will not allow us to get on a field. You The farther up in the ranks players go, the more specialization there will be. 5. the batter. Its the key to building trust and skill at the same time. Softball Quiz: Northwestern Middle School! short stop; 3 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. You can simulate different scenarios where your team will need to work together to perform a relay. From professionals to weekend coaching, InMotion is for everyone. Being able to practice game situations without actually competing can be a challenging task for coaches. QUIZ. Then the cutoff should use the crow-hop and throw to the base that the catcher called. we want to run as well as the number of outs, and what to do with the ball once Theyre out if a player doesnt field it cleanly or makes a poor throw. We were thinking of giving the girls the worksheets with various situations after practices and have them return them at the next practice. 0 Save Share Edit Copy and Edit. It is ok to tag the girl hard enough to knock her down. The line of players should stand about five feet apart and they should each have a ball. with two strikes. base you want to throw to, look to underhand the ball allowing the girl The coach should make sure the infielders line-up correctly (depending where the ball is hit) and that they receive the ball with two hands and tag out the runner. Where does she stand? Rundowns When you get a player in a rundown always run her Sports Subcategories. Runner on 3rd base and less than 2 outs. Your teammate got a great jump on the pitch, and is going to easily advance to 3B. Schedule one or two water breaks for each practice. 0% average accuracy. Lets be honest: drills can get kind of boring. If you round a base (ie second going toward third) and the Defense Situation: You are playing Shortstop (SS). The drill will begin with the coach throwing a grounder to the shortstop. Starting on the left, the first player in the line of players will either throw a line drive to the player facing the line or throw a grounder to that player. With two strikes you need to adjust your swing (flatten out second; 3 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. A coach flicks the ball underhand to the batter, and the batter tries to make contact with a solid swing. Welcome to Softball Spot! The purpose of this drill is help your middle infielders turn double plays. All runners should immediately get back to their base to tag up when the fly ball is caught. Keep that in mind when you assess how much time youll spend on each fielding skill in practice. While your players get hydrated, dont be afraid to quiz them on different situations they might experience in the field. To help players charge a ball and make a quick play. At any point in time if an infielder is catching the ball There are runners on first base and second base. Your primary focus as a hitter should be: Here is a question mainly for pitchers/catchers, but everyone should answer anyway. An ___ is charged to a fielder who misplays a ball (e.g., dropping a fly ball or throw, or fumbling a ground . Bit off a little more than I could chew and never got very far What does basic mean? Were looking for dificiencies on offense and mistakes. Each pair has to stand up without dropping or touching the ball with their hands. Lesson. The cutoff should go out to the outfield grass and line-up between home and the outfielder. Once the shortstop throws to first, the coach should throw another grounder to where the shortstop is normally positioned. second; 1 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. Catching fly balls and handling grounders are both important, but a slight emphasis on grounders will probably result in better team play and quicker overall defensive improvement. Immediately get back to base to tag up when the ball is caught. B. swinging. who is the cut for 3 when ball is deep in right field? You're a runner on third base, with less than 2 outs, and your teammate hits a shallow fly ball to right field. ball hits the fielders glove. ground and the bare hand on top. 3) how many outs there are. Help them get going with dynamic stretches that progress from walking to running from set to set. This is also a good conditioning drill. The odds that one of your players will have a cannon for an arm like Vlad Guerrero is something approaching zero, which is why its a good idea to make relay situations a regular part of your practice. What does she do. This drill will allow a coach to see how much bat control a hitter has. Hit grounders to your team early and often, at every position, with a focus on the basic mechanics of fielding them cleanly. Challenge your real-world teammates to play Games you have played and track your status . What are they? Try this game to put your players in the mindset of fielding the ball both quickly and cleanly. When sliding into a base, read the eyes of the defensive and then next base coach. When running to first base you must stay to the right side of the running lane. Still, certain positions require special skills to be worked on in smaller groups or individualized sessions. slightly apart, one foot in front of the other, with knees bent. 1. the ball will land behind you and you can trip or lose your balance. Run through each of these scenarios with zero and one out for both ground and fly balls. You could also take this time to review and revise signals, which all of your players should be familiar with well before they have to interpret them in a game. Offensive Situation: Two outs and you're a runner on First Base, the batter hits a pop-up. Throwing in the infield is a different beast from throwing in the outfield. A relay is when your outfielder throws to one of your infielders who has left their position to make the throw to the desired base shorter (also known as a cut-off). Hold to the bag,if the RF misses it run to second. One player starts at home, acting as the runner. The player should move quickly but still be under control. you out) and there are times that you should slide in her sight line so to make This will help when a runner needs to be advanced. The player at second fires the ball to first and then runs to third base. Coaches also need to make sure the players footwork is solid. when the runner is 15 feet from the base. You must log in or register to reply here. the tag. The runner is automatically called out because the runner must be standing on the base when the ball is caught. It is a game similar to baseball played with a larger ball on a field. Softball Situations. Look for a pitch to pull to the left side of the infield. back to the base she came from. Once the drill is practiced a few times then outfielders can be used for base runners. Breaking your outfielders into a separate group will enable them to work on the proper approach and technique behind catching a fly ball and transitioning to a powerful throw. 2012-2023 Newington HS Athletic Department |. slide into a base. The outfielder will field the ball and throw the ball on a line to the cutoff man (the ball should be aimed at the cutoffs head). 42 minutes ago by . One player at a time performs this drill with five balls and a player to throw the ball to. If the player somehow loses his balance then he should regain that balance before making the throw or he shouldnt throw the ball at all. I dont take credit for their success, only their failures. (an example would be a long fly ball and you A batter earns a walk and goes to 1st base if they are thrown ______ balls. It isnt enough to just be the receiver of every pitch. QUIZ. The batter is left handed and looks to have good speed. For example, if the coach wants the ball thrown to third (because thats where the runner might be thrown out) then the catcher should yell cut 3! If the cutoff doesnt hear anything then he should just let the ball go. Second and shortstop need to work on their chemistry to turn double plays. The 2nd baseman throws the ball to 1st base since their is 2 outs. Immediately stop and begin to retreat back towards 1B, hoping to draw a throw or get into a rundown. The catcher needs to make the call loudly and in plenty of time so the cutoff man knows. She hits a chopping, slow roller towards you that you have to charge hard. Here's how to play: Stand at home plate with a bucket of balls (and a bat, if you're coaching older players) Have your team take the field in their main position. 1. You can put runners on the bases and give the number of outs. Take a step or two off of the base, make sure the left fielder catches the ball, after he secures the ball tag the base and run home--this is "tagging up." Base hit into the left/center field gap, you're the second baseman, what is your responsibility? This isnt me advocating for any sort of win at all costs mentality. Prevent the ball from getting past (if its too high or in the dirt), Communicate with the infield and outfield to make sure the defense is motivated and engaged. If the ball is hit on the ground in While running to second, you see that the left fielder has chosen to fire the ball towards 2B in attempt to get you out. The closer you can get to making the core skills of the game second nature, the easier it becomes to execute the finer details of a solid softball strategy. hitting zone. What is an on deck batter? Cover bases If you are an infielder not involved in a play the shortstop or second base positions if the players charging charge to The reason for this is that you wont be able to score on a hit ball to Some ways you can assign points are by: Sweeten the pot for this game (and Survivor) by offering a custom shirt as the prize for winning the most times! A drill that emulates a real at-bat while offering each player the repetition they need to improve their swing. way over the cut-off players head, this should be an automatic advance to the The players should change their running style at each base. For example, an outfielder might have to hit a cutoff while throwing toward the plate. The one player shouldnt have a ball. I use my USMC background to instill discipline, situational awareness and teamwork! in the air) and then if you think you can make it to third you can run. Getting from home to home is about more than sprinting as hard as you can from one base to the next. Start with arm circles, then move onto stretches that work the rotator cuff and elbow. You also dont want to get called out Use this beginner softball quiz to learn what they know and to help them to learn more about the game is a perfect introduction to this great sport. Tagging a player When tagging a player with the ball use then two outs always go back to your base and tag up remaining there until the Every practice follows a proven formula, guaranteed to save you time, eliminate your coaching stress, and rapidly improve your team. Fun. C. They Must Tag the runner. Over the shoulder When ball is hit over your shoulder, Softball Situations. Try and field the ball just inside your throwing foot bunt the ball no matter what. When a player slumps or develops obvious flaws in their swing, you can help them make minor adjustments to improve. Do not tell the players what the next play is because they should know depending on their previous one. It can be done with no runners on base and then with runners on base to increase the level of stress. Looking for advantage on the athlete who is routine. or if I have where are they going? The purpose of this quiz is to check your softball knowledge, and see if you are able to process situations in your mind to deliver the proper action you should take. If a base runner is used, the catcher should hold onto the ball until the base runner clears past him and then begin the throwing drill by going to second base. Be sure that any runners on base are wearing helmets. A game that develops bat control and encourages short, quick swings. Whether you're an elite athlete facing off against a pitcher hurling the ball 70 mph or you're taking part in a weekly league game with your coworkers, all kinds of people can (and do) enjoy softball. Even if your teammate attempts to get back to 3B during the rundown.

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softball situations quiz

softball situations quiz

softball situations quiz

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In this situation you should: You're batting with 0 outs, and you have a teammate at 2B. Multiple-choice. ball hitting it on the ground. There are times to slide away from the pitcher has the ball in the circle. Even first base (which more often receives throws than has to make them) should practice throwing to the bags to prevent moments like this one, which still haunts my dreams. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. your swing and not back away from the pitch and then forward. 3 players to get out, eg. I was using this when trying to teach myself the Python programming language, thought it would be a good idea to make a mobile app that allowed the user to "play" a position and try to get the quickest reaction time to where they should be in a particular spot. As soon as the second baseman throws to first, the coach should throw a grounder to where the second baseman is normally positioned. I use my USMC background to instill discipline, situational awareness and teamwork! Nothing big, just ten questions or so. If it is a bad Baserunning. who is the cut for 1 when ball is deep in the left field? Thats my 2 cents, my girls own their mistakes and therefore succeed more times than not. The coach should mostly hit singles and the outfield should be able to throw out the runner at second. I'll give you a rule or situation and you tell me whether it is true for fastpitch softball, baseball, both, or neither. The player should run in a straight line to each base and only curve out to circle each bag about 10-15 fifteen before the bag. From third to home the player should sprint as fast as possible. Always communicate before something happens so you know who 1. With a runner on third in less than two outs try to hit the Never look over your shoulder at the ball as you run. Who covers second base? turn body towards plate with a good base looking for the ball. The infielder checks the runner on 3rd to see if she is going home to get the lead runner out, if the runner is not going throw the ball to 1st to get the out but check the runner to see if she is going to home plate. The balls will be placed ahead of the player and the player will have to charge the ball and throw to a designated place. 2. Athletes Auto Racing Baseball Basketball Cricket Football Golf Hockey March Madness MLB NBA NCAA NFL NHL Olympics Premier League Rugby Soccer Sports . run at her then flip to the base getting the force out prior to getting the With less then two outs if the ball is hit in the air tag up have momentum and will take longer to throw home to get you out. White Rock South Surrey Baseball Association. Lay down a drag bunt to surpise the defense, who won't be expecting it. Fastpitch Softball Knowledge Check - Field, Equipment, and Uniforms. Most of the time, these throws dont require the same amount of strength, but some can be tricky. (Runners should not make a huge circle around the bases.). At random, roll (or hit) balls to each player on the field. 3. The more time they spend together, the better this connection will be, and the easier it will be for them to work in unison. For your players, it can be one of the most fun aspects of the game or totally freak them out. one of 3-4 inches and allow your feet to pivot as you bring the bat through the As the shortstop fields the grounder, the second baseman will move over to second base, and the double play will be turned by the shortstop throwing to the second baseman and the second baseman throwing to first. The purpose of this quiz is to check your softball knowledge, and see if you are able to process situations in your mind to deliver the proper action you should take. just don't get too down on yourself or one another if/when the goal(s) aren't achieved. When taking a lead off first base, use rocker step (one foot What does the infielder do? Lets talk about them. If the ball needs to be caught or cut then the catcher needs to be yell cut and then the number of the base. This drill can be used for any position. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If we remain checked in and maintain situational awareness, you'll find yourself more times y than not in the right position to make . Runners on 2B and 1B should both go half way to the next base and wait to see if the ball is caught or dropped. Outfielders should have their glove about waist height, feet Play is to third. Point your belly button where you want the ball to go. Welcome to the Sports quiz page. find the fence first and then work back towards the infield. Before each batter we need to communicate the bunt defense When hitting a ground ball in the infield the batter/runner should. Have the ball out of your glove and give the ball up to your teammate pitcher but you dont have to be too fine and bunt the ball right down the ball in the air in order to score the runner from third. If a player has the ball and looking to tag you out, stop and get into a to third base. Move slightly away from plate, and look for an inside pitch to pull. Hit the ball, put your head down and My 12u team has a break for a couple of weeks and I was planning on testing their "game knowledge" during this time. This drill can be run in a similar fashion for any position on the field. Sponsored by the National Association . You must retouch second before heading back to first). Catchers have a massive amount of responsibility, even at the 12u level. We will remain poised. 19 minutes ago by . You have no cut off man to cut your throw off. bunting (offensive) angle bat to hit ball down 1 base line or 3 base line. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Let them, as it will help them feel less rigid and more focused at bat. (throw ball up in the zone) with two strikes. If the umpire calls an Interact with your Coaches& Teammates in our cool and fun (and free!) infield fly, the batter is automatically out and the runners can advance at As the pitcher begins to throw slide your top hand back to your bottom At any point you are fielding the ball going towards the The runner will learn to run the bases by running hard down to first base. If the catcher does yell cut and then a number then the cutoff needs to catch the ball and then throw to the correct base. When performing a suicide squeeze bunt you must attempt to 1.) Softball players have passion to play the sport. C. He should stay on first base. Ball hit to any infield position. Keep the questions light, focusing on favorite things so that you dont make things uncomfortable. If a player catches a fly ball, they have to answer a question. The team responds accordingly. Helps improve hand-eye coordination. The reason that we want to allow our players to get assistance from others is because even if they are not themselves answering the questions, they are discussing them and the answers. Pitchers need practice as much as anyone, and while you need to monitor their workload a bit more than other players (in order to prevent arm injuries), practice time gives them an opportunity to improve on pitches they may feel less confident about. Downward angle ball is a ball hit on the ground. Lady Blues Softball Quiz. Put runners on base, announce how many outs there are, and hit a fungo wherever you would like on the field. The coach should make sure the base runner is running hard all the way. If you hesitate at all stay even if the coach tells you to Upgrade your player limit now and unlock additional features. If you think you can make it go. The more scenarios you go through in practice, the better prepared your players will be when they happen in-game. The drill continues this way for several grounders. The coach should also make sure the base runner isnt leaving too early and is running the bases correctly. behind you the bat wont be in the way of them). He enjoys hot dogs, sports, and collecting too many hats. If the throw doesnt need to be caught then the catcher doesnt yell anything. who is the cut for 2 when ball is deep in the outfiled? first; home must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on, who is a person on the team to go to when you need a distraction and want to be cheered up and laughing? If you are stealing from 1st to 2nd you should, Take a lead off and open up to look for the ball. The goal is to kick their butt as many times as possible. Were needing to execute in the box whether yout a power hitter or a slapper do your job. Its such a cliche, but drills are the only way to improve. This is the shortest distance. Your first base coach tells you to keep running to 2B, so you follow instructions and go full speed toward 2B. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This drill will help players get ready for the ball and react quickly to make a play. Ball hit to any infield position. This drill practices base running and it also helps outfielders practice throwing runners out who try to score and who try to tag to third base. Three fielders stand at least 20 feet away from a batter. go. Defense Situation: You are playing Right Field (RF). its hit. Coaches should look to make sure the outfielder is receiving the ball with two hands. In this quiz you will be tested on your softball IQ. The first pitch is hit outside the playing field in foul territory and is counted as a foul ball. Use it anywhere, any time on the available tablet versions. Teaching your players about the physical act of getting around the bags, as well as base running and base stealing strategy, will make your half-innings at bat longer translating to more opportunities to score. Manage Settings entire time (cant get too far off the base in case she throws behind you). Most high school pitchers like the toward the play and if they were to throw behind you then run to second base. Ball hit to RF, what does that runner on first do? But a break doesnt have to be disruptive to the flow of practice. The throw looks strong and on line, and will more than likely beat you to the bag. When on bases if the ball is hit in the air foul and less Here you can find 434,646 quizzes that have been played 824,317,137 times. 1. third; 1 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. Physical mistakes happen but then you make an adjustment. Its exciting and competitive but also works as a good cool down for the end of practice. This beginner quiz is a great tool to get them thinking about the game simply by filling out the answers. You retrieve the ball. (fielder in your way with ball) stop and make them come tag you or if you can ball and make throw to base. Playing the fence If the ball is hit towards the When not involved in the play make sure that any base What does the infielder do? The first person in line at second base will be the base runner. Defense Situation: You are playing Left Field (LF). With the Softball Game situations drill, you can create any situation that you want to practice. Its simple to set up, too. Where should you throw the ball to try to get a runner out? ~John Wooden . Only the runner at 3B should immediately tag up. first or third baselines. Your a me player not a team player. If there is any question while scoring a run, always go back Your action should be to: You are playing 3B or SS, and the other team has runners on second and third with only 1 out. Name:_KEY_ Softball Test - Advanced (50 pts) I. Propellerhead. You are forced to run if a ground ball is hit and all the bases behind you are occupied. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The drill will also help hitters work on their bat control. Does she elevate 0 plays. Separate uniforms for games and practice is a good idea. It doesnt matter how strong of an arm your outfielder has. base you originally started from. The players on the bases practice base running and the defense practices defending them. Engage live or asynchronously with quiz and poll questions that participants complete at their own pace. The batter hits a ground ball to you. As you hit the base your head should look to the right to The batter gets a base hit down the right field line that gets past the first baseman. A pitcher-catcher battery needs to agree with the pitching strategy (i.e. Play is to 1. Youre expecting and reacting. Before receiving each throw or grounder, the one player must get i ready position to receive the ball. 2 outs, bases loaded. The batter hits a solid ground ball to you. They can have someone help them if they like because they are learning by writing down the . rundown dont just give yourself up. is it a good idea to set personal and team goals? Quick ball movement is an essential part of the game. This is just a sample of what is on the quiz. I am glad to read your 50 most common plays/situations. If you hit the ball you have a chance to get on base. When nobody is on first and you are on second. If the ball is hit on the ground to the to line-up the person who is the cut-off . The cutoff should line-up directly between the ball and home (or the base where the leading runner will be going for). The purpose of this drill is to work on catching and throwing. The second baseman should be covering second and lining up the shortstop/cutoff man with . We have discussed using videos over the winter months when the weather will not allow us to get on a field. You The farther up in the ranks players go, the more specialization there will be. 5. the batter. Its the key to building trust and skill at the same time. Softball Quiz: Northwestern Middle School! short stop; 3 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. You can simulate different scenarios where your team will need to work together to perform a relay. From professionals to weekend coaching, InMotion is for everyone. Being able to practice game situations without actually competing can be a challenging task for coaches. QUIZ. Then the cutoff should use the crow-hop and throw to the base that the catcher called. we want to run as well as the number of outs, and what to do with the ball once Theyre out if a player doesnt field it cleanly or makes a poor throw. We were thinking of giving the girls the worksheets with various situations after practices and have them return them at the next practice. 0 Save Share Edit Copy and Edit. It is ok to tag the girl hard enough to knock her down. The line of players should stand about five feet apart and they should each have a ball. with two strikes. base you want to throw to, look to underhand the ball allowing the girl The coach should make sure the infielders line-up correctly (depending where the ball is hit) and that they receive the ball with two hands and tag out the runner. Where does she stand? Rundowns When you get a player in a rundown always run her Sports Subcategories. Runner on 3rd base and less than 2 outs. Your teammate got a great jump on the pitch, and is going to easily advance to 3B. Schedule one or two water breaks for each practice. 0% average accuracy. Lets be honest: drills can get kind of boring. If you round a base (ie second going toward third) and the Defense Situation: You are playing Shortstop (SS). The drill will begin with the coach throwing a grounder to the shortstop. Starting on the left, the first player in the line of players will either throw a line drive to the player facing the line or throw a grounder to that player. With two strikes you need to adjust your swing (flatten out second; 3 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. A coach flicks the ball underhand to the batter, and the batter tries to make contact with a solid swing. Welcome to Softball Spot! The purpose of this drill is help your middle infielders turn double plays. All runners should immediately get back to their base to tag up when the fly ball is caught. Keep that in mind when you assess how much time youll spend on each fielding skill in practice. While your players get hydrated, dont be afraid to quiz them on different situations they might experience in the field. To help players charge a ball and make a quick play. At any point in time if an infielder is catching the ball There are runners on first base and second base. Your primary focus as a hitter should be: Here is a question mainly for pitchers/catchers, but everyone should answer anyway. An ___ is charged to a fielder who misplays a ball (e.g., dropping a fly ball or throw, or fumbling a ground . Bit off a little more than I could chew and never got very far What does basic mean? Were looking for dificiencies on offense and mistakes. Each pair has to stand up without dropping or touching the ball with their hands. Lesson. The cutoff should go out to the outfield grass and line-up between home and the outfielder. Once the shortstop throws to first, the coach should throw another grounder to where the shortstop is normally positioned. second; 1 must call CUT for outfielder to know and direct her to be straight on. Catching fly balls and handling grounders are both important, but a slight emphasis on grounders will probably result in better team play and quicker overall defensive improvement. Immediately get back to base to tag up when the ball is caught. B. swinging. who is the cut for 3 when ball is deep in right field? You're a runner on third base, with less than 2 outs, and your teammate hits a shallow fly ball to right field. ball hits the fielders glove. ground and the bare hand on top. 3) how many outs there are. Help them get going with dynamic stretches that progress from walking to running from set to set. This is also a good conditioning drill. The odds that one of your players will have a cannon for an arm like Vlad Guerrero is something approaching zero, which is why its a good idea to make relay situations a regular part of your practice. What does she do. This drill will allow a coach to see how much bat control a hitter has. Hit grounders to your team early and often, at every position, with a focus on the basic mechanics of fielding them cleanly. Challenge your real-world teammates to play Games you have played and track your status . What are they? Try this game to put your players in the mindset of fielding the ball both quickly and cleanly. When sliding into a base, read the eyes of the defensive and then next base coach. When running to first base you must stay to the right side of the running lane. Still, certain positions require special skills to be worked on in smaller groups or individualized sessions. slightly apart, one foot in front of the other, with knees bent. 1. the ball will land behind you and you can trip or lose your balance. Run through each of these scenarios with zero and one out for both ground and fly balls. You could also take this time to review and revise signals, which all of your players should be familiar with well before they have to interpret them in a game. Offensive Situation: Two outs and you're a runner on First Base, the batter hits a pop-up. Throwing in the infield is a different beast from throwing in the outfield. A relay is when your outfielder throws to one of your infielders who has left their position to make the throw to the desired base shorter (also known as a cut-off). Hold to the bag,if the RF misses it run to second. One player starts at home, acting as the runner. The player should move quickly but still be under control. you out) and there are times that you should slide in her sight line so to make This will help when a runner needs to be advanced. The player at second fires the ball to first and then runs to third base. Coaches also need to make sure the players footwork is solid. when the runner is 15 feet from the base. You must log in or register to reply here. the tag. The runner is automatically called out because the runner must be standing on the base when the ball is caught. It is a game similar to baseball played with a larger ball on a field. Softball Situations. Look for a pitch to pull to the left side of the infield. back to the base she came from. Once the drill is practiced a few times then outfielders can be used for base runners. Breaking your outfielders into a separate group will enable them to work on the proper approach and technique behind catching a fly ball and transitioning to a powerful throw. 2012-2023 Newington HS Athletic Department |. slide into a base. The outfielder will field the ball and throw the ball on a line to the cutoff man (the ball should be aimed at the cutoffs head). 42 minutes ago by . One player at a time performs this drill with five balls and a player to throw the ball to. If the player somehow loses his balance then he should regain that balance before making the throw or he shouldnt throw the ball at all. I dont take credit for their success, only their failures. (an example would be a long fly ball and you A batter earns a walk and goes to 1st base if they are thrown ______ balls. It isnt enough to just be the receiver of every pitch. QUIZ. The batter is left handed and looks to have good speed. For example, if the coach wants the ball thrown to third (because thats where the runner might be thrown out) then the catcher should yell cut 3! If the cutoff doesnt hear anything then he should just let the ball go. Second and shortstop need to work on their chemistry to turn double plays. The 2nd baseman throws the ball to 1st base since their is 2 outs. Immediately stop and begin to retreat back towards 1B, hoping to draw a throw or get into a rundown. The catcher needs to make the call loudly and in plenty of time so the cutoff man knows. She hits a chopping, slow roller towards you that you have to charge hard. Here's how to play: Stand at home plate with a bucket of balls (and a bat, if you're coaching older players) Have your team take the field in their main position. 1. You can put runners on the bases and give the number of outs. Take a step or two off of the base, make sure the left fielder catches the ball, after he secures the ball tag the base and run home--this is "tagging up." Base hit into the left/center field gap, you're the second baseman, what is your responsibility? This isnt me advocating for any sort of win at all costs mentality. Prevent the ball from getting past (if its too high or in the dirt), Communicate with the infield and outfield to make sure the defense is motivated and engaged. If the ball is hit on the ground in While running to second, you see that the left fielder has chosen to fire the ball towards 2B in attempt to get you out. The closer you can get to making the core skills of the game second nature, the easier it becomes to execute the finer details of a solid softball strategy. hitting zone. What is an on deck batter? Cover bases If you are an infielder not involved in a play the shortstop or second base positions if the players charging charge to The reason for this is that you wont be able to score on a hit ball to Some ways you can assign points are by: Sweeten the pot for this game (and Survivor) by offering a custom shirt as the prize for winning the most times! A drill that emulates a real at-bat while offering each player the repetition they need to improve their swing. way over the cut-off players head, this should be an automatic advance to the The players should change their running style at each base. For example, an outfielder might have to hit a cutoff while throwing toward the plate. The one player shouldnt have a ball. I use my USMC background to instill discipline, situational awareness and teamwork! in the air) and then if you think you can make it to third you can run. Getting from home to home is about more than sprinting as hard as you can from one base to the next. Start with arm circles, then move onto stretches that work the rotator cuff and elbow. You also dont want to get called out Use this beginner softball quiz to learn what they know and to help them to learn more about the game is a perfect introduction to this great sport. Tagging a player When tagging a player with the ball use then two outs always go back to your base and tag up remaining there until the Every practice follows a proven formula, guaranteed to save you time, eliminate your coaching stress, and rapidly improve your team. Fun. C. They Must Tag the runner. Over the shoulder When ball is hit over your shoulder, Softball Situations. Try and field the ball just inside your throwing foot bunt the ball no matter what. When a player slumps or develops obvious flaws in their swing, you can help them make minor adjustments to improve. Do not tell the players what the next play is because they should know depending on their previous one. It can be done with no runners on base and then with runners on base to increase the level of stress. Looking for advantage on the athlete who is routine. or if I have where are they going? The purpose of this quiz is to check your softball knowledge, and see if you are able to process situations in your mind to deliver the proper action you should take. If a base runner is used, the catcher should hold onto the ball until the base runner clears past him and then begin the throwing drill by going to second base. Be sure that any runners on base are wearing helmets. A game that develops bat control and encourages short, quick swings. Whether you're an elite athlete facing off against a pitcher hurling the ball 70 mph or you're taking part in a weekly league game with your coworkers, all kinds of people can (and do) enjoy softball. Even if your teammate attempts to get back to 3B during the rundown. Pledged Asset Line Vs Margin, Articles S

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