sewer lateral compliance contra costa county

sewer lateral compliance contra costa county

A full line replacement must be completed during Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (7/1/2022-6/30/2023). dated 6/30/2022 or newer will be accepted. Never discharge any sewage, treated or untreated, in a federally designated No-Discharge Area. We are accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year for sewer lateral replacement work completed between 7/1/2022-6/30/2023. It is against federal and state laws to discharge untreated sewage waste anywhere within the three-mile U.S. territorial limit (lakes, rivers, reservoirs, or coastal water within three miles of shore, the Bay and the Delta). Martinez, California94553, Water and Wastewater Plant Operator Training, Board Committees and Liaison Appointments, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, Sanitary Sewer Overflow & Backup Response Plan, Sewer System Management Plan Position Paper, Sanitary Sewer Overflows Annual Report 2021, Sewer System Management Plan - October 2022. If you have any questions regarding the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, Sewer lateral replacement must be completed. Human sewage from boats can also affect recreational activities, reduce oxygen available to aquatic life, and cause algal blooms (which block sunlight penetration). - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. At 360 pipes, we offer Contra Costa County and its environs, a comprehensive CCTV video inspection service that provides the complete, video and overall pipe condition data analysis needed to create an accurate, effective, and efficient sewer system plan to repair, replace, clean or rehabilitate. To apply a home must have a Certificate of Compliance on record. Our Communication Services Division produces videos containing endobj Avoid holding tank disinfectants and deodorizers that contain chlorine, formaldehyde, quaternary ammonia, or other components that can be harmful to aquatic organisms. The District has prepared a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) <>stream For all other County departments and offices, see their web pages. What do I do if sewage is backing up into my house? The private sewer lateral carries sewage from a building to a public sanitary sewer. Sewer Use Ordinance. About Us. Project Description The Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovation, . 4 0 obj Certificate of Lateral Compliance. Check to see what REBATES are available for your city that offer sewer lateral programs. Contra Costa County. Do I need to obtain a sewer permit? We also have a community newsletter called Pipeline with even more information on what's happening in our community. 3 0 obj This can lead to more water flowing through the public sewers and the District's Water Recycling Facility can become overwhelmed by the amount of flow. {*1mIL 4us7 3=]4iPit8yt,9|cC"#7Ft@3(sQ,(1{e~O)cG6\\U|*/a4U`ipY.D9W*/Dh cX2 p1I# Certain cities have a Sewer Lateral Compliance as part of any real estate sale. 3 0 obj SANITARY SEWER LATERAL COMPLIANCE: All Properties serviced by the West County Wastewater District ("WCWD") must have a video inspection of the sewer lateral prior to the Close of Escrow unless there is a Certificate of Compliance on file with the WCWD. Contra Costa County Purchase Agreement Addenda Click on Links [formerly called EBPAAs], Alameda Purchase Agreement Addenda Click on Links [formerly called EBPAAs]. Starting July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023, the complete sewer lateral grant reimbursement amount is $1,800 per application. They do this in the following ways. 08-101, Requiring Testing, Inspection, Repair and Replacement of Building Sewers and Sewer Laterals. The Building Sewer Replacement Grant Program is offered to eligible owners of property located within the boundaries of the Rodeo Sanitary District to help defray up to $1,500 of the cost of completely replacing qualified defective building sewers or sewer laterals. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Founded in 1921, today we are transforming our organization and shaping the future of the regional wastewater industry with a team that is dedicated to innovation, progress, collaboration, service and eco-friendly . Sanitary Districts. (For further details, see the Contra Costa County Disclosure and Disclaimers Advisory) Aninspectionreport: hasbeenprovidedtoBuyer hasnotbeenprovidedtoBuyer A. The frequency of cleaning these sewers is determined by their cleaning history with the goal of preventing sewage overflows. Grants will be made on a first come, first served basis until the allocated funds for the year are dispersed. endobj 63. The District shall review the final submitted video for The sewer lateral is the pipe that goes from the house to the street and must be certified every few years [cities have varying requirements] that sewer is working properly or it must be repaired or replaced. - Issuance of a Building Permit valuable information for residents and businesses in central Central Sans Collection System OperationsDivision (CSO) ensures that over 1,500 miles of underground pipeline (sewers) are able to collect and transport wastewater to the treatment plant effectively. 08-101, Requiring Testing, Inspection, Repair and Replacement of Building Sewers and Sewer Laterals. This program can be suspended at any time without prior or advanced notification or posting. The Certificate of Lateral Compliance verifies the following: Counter Hours: M-F 8:30am-4pm (Closed for Lunch 12pm-1pm). Residential Plumbing; Commercial Plumbing . <> Contra Costa County Purchase Agreement Addendum - Unincorporated Contra Costa County Revised 02/2022 Page 2 of 7 A. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, and other property damage in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the District engineer and at the cost of the private property owner. All excavations for a private lateral sewer or private main sewer installations shall be adequately guarded with barricades or lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Upon replacement or repair of sewer main or lateral. - Exceptions All private main sewers and lateral sewers serving a building or property shall be inspected, that the owner's expense by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection, have their operational conditions verified and tested by means approved by the District Engineer, and obtain a Compliance Certificate upon the occurrence of one or more of the following general conditions in order to continue operation: More information can be found in the District's Ordinance 65. Affected property owners must obtain a certificate from EBMUD certifying that all of their PSLs are leak-free. Located in Walnut Creek at the junction of Highway 24 and Each fiscal year the City allocates sewer lateral grant funds to be awarded for private sewer lateral replacement. The design, construction, maintenance, remediation and repair of all private sewer main and laterals, including their connections to the public sewer, are governed by and shall be in accordance with the ordinances, codes, rules, standard specifications and regulation of the District and the State of California and with generally accepted engineering practices. To obtain an Encroachment Permit contact the Contra Costa County Public Works Department at (925) 674-7200. <> In Compliance: If checked, Seller warrants that a Sewer Lateral Inspection has been performed and that the Sanitary Sewer Lateral is in Compliance with the City of Richmond's guidelines. - Sale of Property The property owner owns the private lateral, up to and including, the connection to the public sewer main. The District requires twenty-four hours notice for inspection. The cost of the Sewer Permit is $25.00. Property owners may also voluntarily choose to have their laterals tested and certified. Proof of payment (copy of canceled check, credit card receipt, or bank statement are accepted). Where can I find a qualified plumber/contractor? The program is open and accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year for sewer lateral replacement work completed between 7/1/2022-6/30/2023. ">k?gfQl$d|qdoZ$Y@N8rB2buv-=aj -8-qg F{D}byJijGvf}fD1>I7,.?Oh&lJ^ %; Project DescriptionThe Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovation, Phase 2 will replace approximately 1.6 miles of sewers primarily in the Gregory Gardens neighborhood along with additional work in other parts of the City. . It is against federal and state laws to discharge untreated sewage waste anywhere within the three-mile U.S. territorial limit (lakes, rivers, reservoirs, or coastal water within three miles of shore, the Bay and the Delta). endobj Testimonials; Services. The District does require a visual inspection of all work performed and when connecting to the Districts sewer main. %/7/mVd{o?_mEZ2nyv;{?W[{_my2xJe)XV+Q+Q/sMu *^U%R%O-pJVJYY(eOc8d,Glq4I-DZ1AB|O=o|[Nz||@Ufrt5n'X&'{|txp?|\4MpT,CaTV~zFY} L~:TI J XTEUW 0(a!`/_W|/+y2]v%g% 7_w(u)_{-B.(!nW(2DRY]"Tsp%?i Whenever you sell a Property in these cities: Note that these requirements also now include cities in Contra Costa County as well as Alameda County. VAb>_Crr/J$$`_.WZ34K,W: %LtnKPW8'K65{3@!SxR5O%bt?K8%"[CpTDx Do not attempt to remove any affected items from the area. . . If you have a Y-valve with a through-hull fitting that allows direct overboard discharge, it must be secured in a closed position (using a padlock or non-releasable wire tie) when within the three-mile limit. endobj Evidence of an improper sewer connection Failure of the property owner to comply with RMC section 12.17.020 or 12.17.040 may require them to conduct testing by direction of the City Engineer and obtain a Certificate of Lateral Compliance at any . No applications will be accepted after the sewer lateral grant funds are exhausted. Sewer Lateral Grant Program. More options. When a District Representative speaks to you please have the following information ready to expedite the response: Name, Address, Phone Number, Address or location of the overflow and all conditions you are experiencing. Upon the occurrence of a qualifying sewer lateral service call. View Sanitary District Customers x]r7v+Fo&YrD2T&IbhRoXh(2eYjA/k_ )JmJ{8y}ns~sPn~'7L~3C9zyPTMUN:z}_lwP}Uo;]Zz|5EYVj8T}vWUzHpSoy\ow) u`c=?-T]t[U}cz{n'I4VUm1=j][)d*S8Z+_ieosf^E3wi llmf&v.rXLs]{nB\uZ{Iv|cx^)nr7V\miJz/l"JfG4A4F.jJ-vbUBZAm5jqM?Z1V}MREP%CEomr6K[:Ts51574VOtVLmW]+m*R7M #Mf|sr\aw7Z&jj B[e5}j,yEYU{| gXW74R+3W*mXJ| The District currently does not require a permit. This is also called infiltration. ghmk_UI_EmB51@SU>Jz353KGU>AP\zWo72XSBMm1@)7 tv3M~5"7|#B9F3]a7AJ^,XnFPGOKL*T]TQBEU]@1 >^":Hx |3'8. For this reason, Ironhouse Sanitary District requires timely inspections, maintenance, repair and replacement of private sewers laterals. <>stream Gain control of the city wide overgrowth and illegal dumping and establish a consistent ongoing maintenance schedule. stream This includes both the sewer lateral on private property and the lateral located beneath the sidewalk and street. In Compliance: If checked Seller warrants that the Sewer Lateral is in Compliance with West County Wastewater District guidelines. PRIVATE SEWER LATERAL COMPLIANCE: The East Bay Municipal Utility District ("EBMUD") and . endobj Department of Boating and Waterways website, sewage holding tank systems for recreational boats, environmental laws associated with sewage, boat sanitation system installation and repair services. repair or replacement of the sewer lateral. A brochure on the sewer lateral regulations and replacement program can be found here. Reimbursement may take approximately 6-8 weeks from the date the completed application is received and approved by the City. Our professionally trained and experienced . Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. Note following links for both counties. Upon issuance of a building permit with a violation of $25,000 or more if no inspection has occurred within the previous 20 years prior to issuance of the building permit. Grant Deed (change of ownership taken place within last 3 months and/or if property is under a Trust). x=iOIreW-$Qx?PES^yP8 Fines of up to $2,000 can be imposed for illegal discharges. Contra Costa County (925) 313-2320 or (925) 313-2000: City of Richmond . Upon significant repair of sewer main or lateral. In the event of an overflow or spill, the clean-up cost is the responsibility of the property owner. Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems. What should I do if I see an overflowing manhole or flowing water where there was none before? Contra Costa County Purchase Agreement Addendum - Unincorporated Contra Costa County Revised 11/2019 A. - Waiver of Inspections, RICHMOND CITY HALL450 Civic Center PlazaRichmond, CA 94804. All plans for work on private sewers must be prepared by a California Civil Engineer and supplied to the Districts engineer for review prior to commencement of all work. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Ironhouse Sanitary District 450 Walnut Meadows Drive Oakley, CA 94561 Phone: (925) 625-2279 Fax: (925) 625-0169 5019 Provide supreme customer service consistent with staffing and funding allocations. Property Exempt:Seller states that the property is EXEMPT because PSL on the affected . Sewer lateral Compliance. Sewer lateral inspection, repair, and replacementProperty owners must maintain their private sewers in a manner that prevents sewer overflows or spills. The sanitary sewer lateral compliance in this Addendum is intended for properties located only in portions of Unincorporated West Contra Costa County. endobj Contra Costa County requires an Encroachment Permit if the property owner or contractor needs to perform work in the public right of way. We also have a community newsletter called Certificate will be valid until subsequent testing is performed and a new Certificate issued for the following periods of time: WRRApplication & Credit Card AuthorizationForm, The lateral is in good operating condition, There is a back flow prevention or overflow device in place. What pipe material can I use to replace my broken sewer lateral? Empty holding tanks at sewage pumpout facilities, or call a mobile pumpout service. ImhoffPlace To apply for an extension a request letter must be sent to the District Manager and signed by the buyer and the real estate agent. ImhoffPlace - Evidence of an improper sewer connection Pipeline with even more Administration of plan reviews, permitting, and . Check with the City of Oakley and Contra Costa County, depending on the location of the project, for additional special permits and requirements needed from those agencies. west county agency, west county wastewater district, city of richmond, and richmond municipal sewer district no.1, contra costa county npdes permit ca0038539 (order r2-2019-0003) effluent limit violations))))) settlement agreement and stipulation for entry of administrative civil liability order proposed order r2-2023-1004 section i: introduction Forms & Handouts. . View Remote Sewer Lateral Inspection Review Process . 1 0 obj Water and Wastewater Plant Operator Training, Recycled Water for Residential and Business Use, Proper Disposal of Wipes and Fats, Oils, & Grease, Maintaining Our Collection System Infrastructure. The sewer lateral is the pipe that goes from the house to the street and must be certified every few years [cities have varying requirements] that sewer is working properly or it must be repaired or replaced. Our Goals. Sewer work may begin on the date of the scheduled Central San inspection. private-sewer . Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development Application and Permit Center-30 Muir Rd., Martinez, CA 94553 - 925-655-2700, FAX 925-655-2744 %PDF-1.7 Residents. If repairs are needed, you may request an extension up to six months for obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. How do I apply for a Sewer Lateral Grant? Civil, criminal and equitable penalties may be taken against any property owner or owners association that violates Ordinance 65, pursuant to the District's Ordinance No. information on whats happening in our community. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> Please follow phone message prompts for sewer emergencies. Who is responsible for breaks or stoppages in my sewer lateral? It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the sewer line that connects their propertys sewer pipes to the public sewers. Sewer lateral Compliance. If the property owner is unsure what condition the sewer lateral is in, continue to Step 1. If you are reporting a sewer backup or overflow incident, please notify the Districts Offices, 24 hours a day, at (510) 799-2970. Building Sewer and Sewer Lateral Compliance and Issuance of Certificate of Compliance. 2006-0003-DWQ, Statewide General Vessel sewage is more concentrated than domestic sewage because people on boats use less water for sanitary purposes than those on land. xm?PWo@E@vE.?af3_'3L6n6m3}#a)?8{~6){Pxq(Lwzs5i7|>|y,}g& $; dA@:vus/ui617:37e~Koo~-!1K~ qYr.k_qwgC^UdWi 0-!~ 1!b[o/nY&Q;{;.kvWAy.X"{N ][sm(_ii\Zfian@H+nm)RxP 3,000 businesses in central Contra Costa County. The District must issue a compliance certificate, which is good for 20 years. - Upgrades and Remodeling If any work will be carried out in the public right-of-way (for example, cutting through or boring underneath the sidewalk or under the street), an Encroachment Permit from the appropriate agency (El Cerrito, Richmond, or Contra Costa County) will be required. % Sewer Lateral Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. The following pipe materials may be used to replace your old lateral: The Rodeo Sanitary District requires a sewer BPD to be installed in every home or property. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility The seismic gas shutoff valve compliance in this Addendum is intended for use in the Unincorporated Areas of Contra Costa County including Alamo, Bay Point, Blackhawk, Crockett, Clyde, El Sobrante, The property owner is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the entire sewer lateral from the building plumbing to and including the connection at the Rodeo Sanitary Districts main sewer line. in accordance with the requirements of the State Water Resources efficiently every day. 65 requires closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection of an existing lateral under certain conditions, including transfer of property ownership and upgrades costing $25,000 or more. During wet weather, rain seeps into the soil and can enter the wastewater collection system through damaged sewer laterals. Boats without installed toilets should use a portable on-board toilet and empty it at a dump station. +U8;|&ZzDEX6ZO*mEus;2{!5iB(:h V[0hvBC;z Whether you are a homeowner, business owner, developer, or contractor who wants to hook up to the sewer system or repair a sewer lateral, the District's staff is committed to making the process efficient and reliable. <> Plan ahead for restroom stops. <> that over 1,500 miles of underground sewers are able to collect 6 0 obj 13 billion gallons of wastewater per year for nearly 500,000 residents and more than 3,000 businesses in central Contra Costa County. Contra Costa County Agreement Addendum . Please give at least 24 hours notice. T)m4Gn(Yd Always use shoreside restrooms when docked and before casting off. If you are experiencing a backup into your home please remain calm, remove all persons and pets from the area. %PDF-1.4 County of Contra Costa, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. 5019 WQ=28TzRECaCIS7zt2My$JONTB%{J Central San. If Rodeo Sanitary District is found to be responsible for the incident, we are committed to cleaning and restoring your property, and to protecting the health of those affected during the remediation process. When regularly emptied at a pumpout or dump-station, they offer the best environmental protection. Title 8, Chapter 8.15 ofthe West County Wastewater District Code . Ductile Iron or HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) for pipe bursting. Obtain a Certificate of Compliance before transferring title by repairing the private sewer lateral, if necessary. RICHMOND CITY HALL450 Civic Center PlazaRichmond, CA 94804, Application and copies of the required documents listed below must be submitted by. The following link is a list of plumbing contractors in the area. Website development for instutions, non-profits, and associations. . If you are buying a property, retain a copy of the Certificate of Compliance for your records. Trenchless sewer line repair and replacements, cleaning, and sewer inspections in Marin, Contra Costa, Solano and Alameda Counties. 5 0 obj Documents, Publications and Forms . Never discharge any sewage, treated or untreated, in a . If the Closed Circuit TV Inspection does not reveal obvious leaks or defects, a Certificate of Compliance is issued. If you have previously received a Sewer Lateral Grant reimbursement, you will not be eligible to apply. Choose MSDs that use a holding tank or a portable toilet. Central Sancollects and cleans more than 13 billion gallons 925-932-4023 2 0 obj WCW serves approximately 34,000 residences and 900 commercial and industrial businesses, with a total population of nearly 100,000. Seller 8DIMGJ7avzTd 1 &Dy.jr?Xv3>sg9S]]U%-R*kZYwUHNs&''=a@%NU!e;{*6jyB`.K The buyer and seller will negotiate who will obtain the Compliance Certificate. % Over 100 intestinal pathogens such as viruses, parasites, and bacteria can be found in sewage that may harm humans, wildlife, and drinking water quality. Effective August 11, 2008, Rodeo Sanitary District adopted Ordinance No. Martinez, California94553. Contra Costa County requires an Encroachment Permit if the property owner or contractor needs to . The change of use of a structure from residential to non-residential, a non-residential will result in higher flows, or non-residential structure has been vacant for 3 years or more.

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sewer lateral compliance contra costa county

sewer lateral compliance contra costa county

sewer lateral compliance contra costa county

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A full line replacement must be completed during Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (7/1/2022-6/30/2023). dated 6/30/2022 or newer will be accepted. Never discharge any sewage, treated or untreated, in a federally designated No-Discharge Area. We are accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year for sewer lateral replacement work completed between 7/1/2022-6/30/2023. It is against federal and state laws to discharge untreated sewage waste anywhere within the three-mile U.S. territorial limit (lakes, rivers, reservoirs, or coastal water within three miles of shore, the Bay and the Delta). Martinez, California94553, Water and Wastewater Plant Operator Training, Board Committees and Liaison Appointments, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, Sanitary Sewer Overflow & Backup Response Plan, Sewer System Management Plan Position Paper, Sanitary Sewer Overflows Annual Report 2021, Sewer System Management Plan - October 2022. If you have any questions regarding the Sewer Lateral Grant Program, Sewer lateral replacement must be completed. Human sewage from boats can also affect recreational activities, reduce oxygen available to aquatic life, and cause algal blooms (which block sunlight penetration). - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. At 360 pipes, we offer Contra Costa County and its environs, a comprehensive CCTV video inspection service that provides the complete, video and overall pipe condition data analysis needed to create an accurate, effective, and efficient sewer system plan to repair, replace, clean or rehabilitate. To apply a home must have a Certificate of Compliance on record. Our Communication Services Division produces videos containing endobj Avoid holding tank disinfectants and deodorizers that contain chlorine, formaldehyde, quaternary ammonia, or other components that can be harmful to aquatic organisms. The District has prepared a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) <>stream For all other County departments and offices, see their web pages. What do I do if sewage is backing up into my house? The private sewer lateral carries sewage from a building to a public sanitary sewer. Sewer Use Ordinance. About Us. Project Description The Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovation, . 4 0 obj Certificate of Lateral Compliance. Check to see what REBATES are available for your city that offer sewer lateral programs. Contra Costa County. Do I need to obtain a sewer permit? We also have a community newsletter called Pipeline with even more information on what's happening in our community. 3 0 obj This can lead to more water flowing through the public sewers and the District's Water Recycling Facility can become overwhelmed by the amount of flow. {*1mIL 4us7 3=]4iPit8yt,9|cC"#7Ft@3(sQ,(1{e~O)cG6\\U|*/a4U`ipY.D9W*/Dh cX2 p1I# Certain cities have a Sewer Lateral Compliance as part of any real estate sale. 3 0 obj SANITARY SEWER LATERAL COMPLIANCE: All Properties serviced by the West County Wastewater District ("WCWD") must have a video inspection of the sewer lateral prior to the Close of Escrow unless there is a Certificate of Compliance on file with the WCWD. Contra Costa County Purchase Agreement Addenda Click on Links [formerly called EBPAAs], Alameda Purchase Agreement Addenda Click on Links [formerly called EBPAAs]. Starting July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023, the complete sewer lateral grant reimbursement amount is $1,800 per application. They do this in the following ways. 08-101, Requiring Testing, Inspection, Repair and Replacement of Building Sewers and Sewer Laterals. The Building Sewer Replacement Grant Program is offered to eligible owners of property located within the boundaries of the Rodeo Sanitary District to help defray up to $1,500 of the cost of completely replacing qualified defective building sewers or sewer laterals. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Founded in 1921, today we are transforming our organization and shaping the future of the regional wastewater industry with a team that is dedicated to innovation, progress, collaboration, service and eco-friendly . Sanitary Districts. (For further details, see the Contra Costa County Disclosure and Disclaimers Advisory) Aninspectionreport: hasbeenprovidedtoBuyer hasnotbeenprovidedtoBuyer A. The frequency of cleaning these sewers is determined by their cleaning history with the goal of preventing sewage overflows. Grants will be made on a first come, first served basis until the allocated funds for the year are dispersed. endobj 63. The District shall review the final submitted video for The sewer lateral is the pipe that goes from the house to the street and must be certified every few years [cities have varying requirements] that sewer is working properly or it must be repaired or replaced. - Issuance of a Building Permit valuable information for residents and businesses in central Central Sans Collection System OperationsDivision (CSO) ensures that over 1,500 miles of underground pipeline (sewers) are able to collect and transport wastewater to the treatment plant effectively. 08-101, Requiring Testing, Inspection, Repair and Replacement of Building Sewers and Sewer Laterals. This program can be suspended at any time without prior or advanced notification or posting. The Certificate of Lateral Compliance verifies the following: Counter Hours: M-F 8:30am-4pm (Closed for Lunch 12pm-1pm). Residential Plumbing; Commercial Plumbing . <> Contra Costa County Purchase Agreement Addendum - Unincorporated Contra Costa County Revised 02/2022 Page 2 of 7 A. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, and other property damage in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the District engineer and at the cost of the private property owner. All excavations for a private lateral sewer or private main sewer installations shall be adequately guarded with barricades or lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Upon replacement or repair of sewer main or lateral. - Exceptions All private main sewers and lateral sewers serving a building or property shall be inspected, that the owner's expense by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection, have their operational conditions verified and tested by means approved by the District Engineer, and obtain a Compliance Certificate upon the occurrence of one or more of the following general conditions in order to continue operation: More information can be found in the District's Ordinance 65. Affected property owners must obtain a certificate from EBMUD certifying that all of their PSLs are leak-free. Located in Walnut Creek at the junction of Highway 24 and Each fiscal year the City allocates sewer lateral grant funds to be awarded for private sewer lateral replacement. The design, construction, maintenance, remediation and repair of all private sewer main and laterals, including their connections to the public sewer, are governed by and shall be in accordance with the ordinances, codes, rules, standard specifications and regulation of the District and the State of California and with generally accepted engineering practices. To obtain an Encroachment Permit contact the Contra Costa County Public Works Department at (925) 674-7200. <> In Compliance: If checked, Seller warrants that a Sewer Lateral Inspection has been performed and that the Sanitary Sewer Lateral is in Compliance with the City of Richmond's guidelines. - Sale of Property The property owner owns the private lateral, up to and including, the connection to the public sewer main. The District requires twenty-four hours notice for inspection. The cost of the Sewer Permit is $25.00. Property owners may also voluntarily choose to have their laterals tested and certified. Proof of payment (copy of canceled check, credit card receipt, or bank statement are accepted). Where can I find a qualified plumber/contractor? The program is open and accepting applications for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year for sewer lateral replacement work completed between 7/1/2022-6/30/2023. ">k?gfQl$d|qdoZ$Y@N8rB2buv-=aj -8-qg F{D}byJijGvf}fD1>I7,.?Oh&lJ^ %; Project DescriptionThe Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovation, Phase 2 will replace approximately 1.6 miles of sewers primarily in the Gregory Gardens neighborhood along with additional work in other parts of the City. . It is against federal and state laws to discharge untreated sewage waste anywhere within the three-mile U.S. territorial limit (lakes, rivers, reservoirs, or coastal water within three miles of shore, the Bay and the Delta). endobj Testimonials; Services. The District does require a visual inspection of all work performed and when connecting to the Districts sewer main. %/7/mVd{o?_mEZ2nyv;{?W[{_my2xJe)XV+Q+Q/sMu *^U%R%O-pJVJYY(eOc8d,Glq4I-DZ1AB|O=o|[Nz||@Ufrt5n'X&'{|txp?|\4MpT,CaTV~zFY} L~:TI J XTEUW 0(a!`/_W|/+y2]v%g% 7_w(u)_{-B.(!nW(2DRY]"Tsp%?i Whenever you sell a Property in these cities: Note that these requirements also now include cities in Contra Costa County as well as Alameda County. VAb>_Crr/J$$`_.WZ34K,W: %LtnKPW8'K65{3@!SxR5O%bt?K8%"[CpTDx Do not attempt to remove any affected items from the area. . . If you have a Y-valve with a through-hull fitting that allows direct overboard discharge, it must be secured in a closed position (using a padlock or non-releasable wire tie) when within the three-mile limit. endobj Evidence of an improper sewer connection Failure of the property owner to comply with RMC section 12.17.020 or 12.17.040 may require them to conduct testing by direction of the City Engineer and obtain a Certificate of Lateral Compliance at any . No applications will be accepted after the sewer lateral grant funds are exhausted. Sewer Lateral Grant Program. More options. When a District Representative speaks to you please have the following information ready to expedite the response: Name, Address, Phone Number, Address or location of the overflow and all conditions you are experiencing. Upon the occurrence of a qualifying sewer lateral service call. View Sanitary District Customers x]r7v+Fo&YrD2T&IbhRoXh(2eYjA/k_ )JmJ{8y}ns~sPn~'7L~3C9zyPTMUN:z}_lwP}Uo;]Zz|5EYVj8T}vWUzHpSoy\ow) u`c=?-T]t[U}cz{n'I4VUm1=j][)d*S8Z+_ieosf^E3wi llmf&v.rXLs]{nB\uZ{Iv|cx^)nr7V\miJz/l"JfG4A4F.jJ-vbUBZAm5jqM?Z1V}MREP%CEomr6K[:Ts51574VOtVLmW]+m*R7M #Mf|sr\aw7Z&jj B[e5}j,yEYU{| gXW74R+3W*mXJ| The District currently does not require a permit. This is also called infiltration. ghmk_UI_EmB51@SU>Jz353KGU>AP\zWo72XSBMm1@)7 tv3M~5"7|#B9F3]a7AJ^,XnFPGOKL*T]TQBEU]@1 >^":Hx |3'8. For this reason, Ironhouse Sanitary District requires timely inspections, maintenance, repair and replacement of private sewers laterals. <>stream Gain control of the city wide overgrowth and illegal dumping and establish a consistent ongoing maintenance schedule. stream This includes both the sewer lateral on private property and the lateral located beneath the sidewalk and street. In Compliance: If checked Seller warrants that the Sewer Lateral is in Compliance with West County Wastewater District guidelines. PRIVATE SEWER LATERAL COMPLIANCE: The East Bay Municipal Utility District ("EBMUD") and . endobj Department of Boating and Waterways website, sewage holding tank systems for recreational boats, environmental laws associated with sewage, boat sanitation system installation and repair services. repair or replacement of the sewer lateral. A brochure on the sewer lateral regulations and replacement program can be found here. Reimbursement may take approximately 6-8 weeks from the date the completed application is received and approved by the City. Our professionally trained and experienced . Control Board (SWRCB) Order No. Note following links for both counties. Upon issuance of a building permit with a violation of $25,000 or more if no inspection has occurred within the previous 20 years prior to issuance of the building permit. Grant Deed (change of ownership taken place within last 3 months and/or if property is under a Trust). x=iOIreW-$Qx?PES^yP8 Fines of up to $2,000 can be imposed for illegal discharges. Contra Costa County (925) 313-2320 or (925) 313-2000: City of Richmond . Upon significant repair of sewer main or lateral. In the event of an overflow or spill, the clean-up cost is the responsibility of the property owner. Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems. What should I do if I see an overflowing manhole or flowing water where there was none before? Contra Costa County Purchase Agreement Addendum - Unincorporated Contra Costa County Revised 11/2019 A. - Waiver of Inspections, RICHMOND CITY HALL450 Civic Center PlazaRichmond, CA 94804. All plans for work on private sewers must be prepared by a California Civil Engineer and supplied to the Districts engineer for review prior to commencement of all work. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Ironhouse Sanitary District 450 Walnut Meadows Drive Oakley, CA 94561 Phone: (925) 625-2279 Fax: (925) 625-0169 5019 Provide supreme customer service consistent with staffing and funding allocations. Property Exempt:Seller states that the property is EXEMPT because PSL on the affected . Sewer lateral Compliance. Sewer lateral inspection, repair, and replacementProperty owners must maintain their private sewers in a manner that prevents sewer overflows or spills. The sanitary sewer lateral compliance in this Addendum is intended for properties located only in portions of Unincorporated West Contra Costa County. endobj Contra Costa County requires an Encroachment Permit if the property owner or contractor needs to perform work in the public right of way. We also have a community newsletter called Certificate will be valid until subsequent testing is performed and a new Certificate issued for the following periods of time: WRRApplication & Credit Card AuthorizationForm, The lateral is in good operating condition, There is a back flow prevention or overflow device in place. What pipe material can I use to replace my broken sewer lateral? Empty holding tanks at sewage pumpout facilities, or call a mobile pumpout service. ImhoffPlace To apply for an extension a request letter must be sent to the District Manager and signed by the buyer and the real estate agent. ImhoffPlace - Evidence of an improper sewer connection Pipeline with even more Administration of plan reviews, permitting, and . Check with the City of Oakley and Contra Costa County, depending on the location of the project, for additional special permits and requirements needed from those agencies. west county agency, west county wastewater district, city of richmond, and richmond municipal sewer district no.1, contra costa county npdes permit ca0038539 (order r2-2019-0003) effluent limit violations))))) settlement agreement and stipulation for entry of administrative civil liability order proposed order r2-2023-1004 section i: introduction Forms & Handouts. . View Remote Sewer Lateral Inspection Review Process . 1 0 obj Water and Wastewater Plant Operator Training, Recycled Water for Residential and Business Use, Proper Disposal of Wipes and Fats, Oils, & Grease, Maintaining Our Collection System Infrastructure. The sewer lateral is the pipe that goes from the house to the street and must be certified every few years [cities have varying requirements] that sewer is working properly or it must be repaired or replaced. Our Goals. Sewer work may begin on the date of the scheduled Central San inspection. private-sewer . Contra Costa County Department of Conservation and Development Application and Permit Center-30 Muir Rd., Martinez, CA 94553 - 925-655-2700, FAX 925-655-2744 %PDF-1.7 Residents. If repairs are needed, you may request an extension up to six months for obtaining a Certificate of Compliance. How do I apply for a Sewer Lateral Grant? Civil, criminal and equitable penalties may be taken against any property owner or owners association that violates Ordinance 65, pursuant to the District's Ordinance No. information on whats happening in our community. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Type/Page>> Please follow phone message prompts for sewer emergencies. Who is responsible for breaks or stoppages in my sewer lateral? It is the responsibility of the property owner to maintain the sewer line that connects their propertys sewer pipes to the public sewers. Sewer lateral Compliance. If the property owner is unsure what condition the sewer lateral is in, continue to Step 1. If you are reporting a sewer backup or overflow incident, please notify the Districts Offices, 24 hours a day, at (510) 799-2970. Building Sewer and Sewer Lateral Compliance and Issuance of Certificate of Compliance. 2006-0003-DWQ, Statewide General Vessel sewage is more concentrated than domestic sewage because people on boats use less water for sanitary purposes than those on land. xm?PWo@E@vE.?af3_'3L6n6m3}#a)?8{~6){Pxq(Lwzs5i7|>|y,}g& $; dA@:vus/ui617:37e~Koo~-!1K~ qYr.k_qwgC^UdWi 0-!~ 1!b[o/nY&Q;{;.kvWAy.X"{N ][sm(_ii\Zfian@H+nm)RxP 3,000 businesses in central Contra Costa County. The District must issue a compliance certificate, which is good for 20 years. - Upgrades and Remodeling If any work will be carried out in the public right-of-way (for example, cutting through or boring underneath the sidewalk or under the street), an Encroachment Permit from the appropriate agency (El Cerrito, Richmond, or Contra Costa County) will be required. % Sewer Lateral Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2022-2023. The following pipe materials may be used to replace your old lateral: The Rodeo Sanitary District requires a sewer BPD to be installed in every home or property. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility The seismic gas shutoff valve compliance in this Addendum is intended for use in the Unincorporated Areas of Contra Costa County including Alamo, Bay Point, Blackhawk, Crockett, Clyde, El Sobrante, The property owner is responsible for the operation, maintenance and repair of the entire sewer lateral from the building plumbing to and including the connection at the Rodeo Sanitary Districts main sewer line. in accordance with the requirements of the State Water Resources efficiently every day. 65 requires closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection of an existing lateral under certain conditions, including transfer of property ownership and upgrades costing $25,000 or more. During wet weather, rain seeps into the soil and can enter the wastewater collection system through damaged sewer laterals. Boats without installed toilets should use a portable on-board toilet and empty it at a dump station. +U8;|&ZzDEX6ZO*mEus;2{!5iB(:h V[0hvBC;z Whether you are a homeowner, business owner, developer, or contractor who wants to hook up to the sewer system or repair a sewer lateral, the District's staff is committed to making the process efficient and reliable. <> Plan ahead for restroom stops. <> that over 1,500 miles of underground sewers are able to collect 6 0 obj 13 billion gallons of wastewater per year for nearly 500,000 residents and more than 3,000 businesses in central Contra Costa County. Contra Costa County Agreement Addendum . Please give at least 24 hours notice. T)m4Gn(Yd Always use shoreside restrooms when docked and before casting off. If you are experiencing a backup into your home please remain calm, remove all persons and pets from the area. %PDF-1.4 County of Contra Costa, California, does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. 5019 WQ=28TzRECaCIS7zt2My$JONTB%{J Central San. If Rodeo Sanitary District is found to be responsible for the incident, we are committed to cleaning and restoring your property, and to protecting the health of those affected during the remediation process. When regularly emptied at a pumpout or dump-station, they offer the best environmental protection. Title 8, Chapter 8.15 ofthe West County Wastewater District Code . Ductile Iron or HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) for pipe bursting. Obtain a Certificate of Compliance before transferring title by repairing the private sewer lateral, if necessary. RICHMOND CITY HALL450 Civic Center PlazaRichmond, CA 94804, Application and copies of the required documents listed below must be submitted by. The following link is a list of plumbing contractors in the area. Website development for instutions, non-profits, and associations. . If you are buying a property, retain a copy of the Certificate of Compliance for your records. Trenchless sewer line repair and replacements, cleaning, and sewer inspections in Marin, Contra Costa, Solano and Alameda Counties. 5 0 obj Documents, Publications and Forms . Never discharge any sewage, treated or untreated, in a . If the Closed Circuit TV Inspection does not reveal obvious leaks or defects, a Certificate of Compliance is issued. If you have previously received a Sewer Lateral Grant reimbursement, you will not be eligible to apply. Choose MSDs that use a holding tank or a portable toilet. Central Sancollects and cleans more than 13 billion gallons 925-932-4023 2 0 obj WCW serves approximately 34,000 residences and 900 commercial and industrial businesses, with a total population of nearly 100,000. Seller 8DIMGJ7avzTd 1 &Dy.jr?Xv3>sg9S]]U%-R*kZYwUHNs&''=a@%NU!e;{*6jyB`.K The buyer and seller will negotiate who will obtain the Compliance Certificate. % Over 100 intestinal pathogens such as viruses, parasites, and bacteria can be found in sewage that may harm humans, wildlife, and drinking water quality. Effective August 11, 2008, Rodeo Sanitary District adopted Ordinance No. Martinez, California94553. Contra Costa County requires an Encroachment Permit if the property owner or contractor needs to . The change of use of a structure from residential to non-residential, a non-residential will result in higher flows, or non-residential structure has been vacant for 3 years or more. Is Kirsten Gillibrand Up For Reelection In 2022, Articles S

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January 28th 2022. As I write this impassioned letter to you, Naomi, I would like to sympathize with you about your mental health issues that