0000008787 00000 n Everything we do is around helping young people achieve a better future and brighter hope and to support you, as school leaders, to make this a reality. The additional School of PiXL Leadership courses are as follows, and are low-cost enhancement opportunities for PiXL members. Privacy Policy Cookie Settings We will never lose sight of the needs of individual children and the duty to take action to safeguard them. In a world of uncertainty, PiXL continues to show its true worth to schools across the nation. PDF Raising Standards Leader She did amazingly and came 7th in her age group. To be familiar with the latest requirements for Ofsted for the provision of learning and teaching and achievement. Soundbite Learning 2023. Ripon, HG4 1AL, 2023 The PiXL Club Company Registration number: 07321607. endobj The Horsforth Quadrant (HQ) was devised by Horsforth School, West Yorkshire, and developed further by PiXL (see, With thanks to our data team, the HQ was generated by SIMs data, based on, I took time during the first term to build relationships with the students and research the most effective methods to raise, I launched Attendance Groups in November 2020. The PiXL Club - PiXL Middle Schools PDF Raising Standards Leader / Classroom Teacher - mynewterm.com 54 0 obj <>stream Leadership & Management School Beliefs We believe in Excellence for All. The children were an asset to Holborough Lakes Primary School. Another National Lockdown was announced, with only, Students in Ambition are making progress, but not putting in any effort. At PiXL, we believe in the importance of setting a Wildly Important Goal (WIG), doing a pre-mortem, addressing leadership behaviours, which will help you achieve the WIG, and personalised support for you to get there. The NFER 2019 research states P8 scores are highly sensitive to changes in absence rates for disadvantaged pupils. Here at Moorland Primary School we have a duty of care to ensure that all users of the school are kept safe from harm. PIXL therapies, specifically designed to address curriculum objectives, are used for their intended audiences. The integrity and humility with which the organisation works are quite unique in the world of education support and their drive to focus on the best for our young people is indubitable. Students start revising a topic by watching the Pods to refresh knowledge and then move to more assessment based activities using the PLC to guide what they do. PDF Moorland Primary School My respect for PiXL has grown and grown. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on how to get your child involved. The image became one of the most famous images ever taken (Pic: Yevgeny Khaldei/TASS) On 2 May 1945, one of the most famous images of World War II was taken on the ruins of the Reichstag in Berlin. The specific nature and in a significantly deprived area where 56% of pupils receive pupil premium. HMK@{LgvgDDPCm6 PiXLs work is truly remarkable and has been a saviour and sanctuary of common sense and really useful strategies at a time of madness! Schools, staff and children lie at the heart of everything they do. We support you throughout your membership through our associate model, our national conferences, RSL networking hubs and subject conferences, and by providing you with weekly communications and monthly RSL calendars. Nevertheless, this belief in the possibility and desirability of a general economic amelioration is not self-evident at all. As part of the subscription, all PiXL schools have access toleadership-focused special events like 'In Conversation With' and bespoke offers each year. q9ZIDvccGET\ZD@ = M, Please contact membership@pixl.org.uk for the current in-year subscription fees. PIXL-1 is a joint CubeSat mission of the Institute of Communications and Navigation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR-IKN) and TESAT to test laser communications for CubeSats. %PDF-1.5 Old Market Place The School Improvement Priorities for 2022-23 has been determined as below: 1.1 Quality of education: intent & Implementation 1.2 Quality of education: Impact 2. Raising Standards Leader Previous delegates feedback has been that this course has honedtheir leadership skillsin both current and future roles many have gone on to Headship and are part of our alumni network. PIXL-1 is a joint CubeSat mission of the Institute of Communications and Navigation at the German Aerospace Center (DLR-IKN) and TESAT to test laser communications for CubeSats. Each year group (1-6) uses their PIXL grades to set a WIG at the beginning of each academic year. In PiXL Secondary for 22/23, we are focusing on the following leadership strategies: Our team is online from 8AM to 4PM for support and wed love to talk about how we can work together. Here, Ellie Ryall, a Raising Standards Leader at Rednock School with responsibility for Key Stage 4, shares an innovative approach to raising pupil attainment across a Year 10 cohort, and how this has been adapted as a result of the impact Covid-19 has had on education. Choose your conference sessions. Wed also like to use analytics cookies so we can understand how you use the service and make improvements. In doing this, the RSL supports staff in their understanding of PIXL and how to use it effectively. It is our aim to facilitate growth, development, innovation and efficiency in the implementation of public policy and delivery of public services. The PiXL Club - Leadership Networking Inside Government takes great pride in serving our public and voluntary sector communities through hubs that provide events, training courses, resources and insights. 0000003012 00000 n Of course, consideration should be given to children who require specialist support so all children can access their assessments, where possible. It is a role which necessitates a passion for the highest standards and an ability to motivate others to achieve measurable improvements in student progress. I've worked with PiXL for 8 years now and every meeting leaves me inspired to try new ideas, reassured about things my school is doing well and resolved to continually do better for the young people in my school. PiXL Secondary & Post-16 National Conference - Applicaa Ground floor office and local community. PiXL is populated with like-minded and motivated colleagues who give due thought and consideration about how to best approach the myriad of decisions school leaders take every day. For me, PiXL is a community of like-minded learners who have a moral imperative to raise standards and support children and schools to be better who wouldn't want to be in PiXL? and help our school move further forward. Year 6 - Mrs Clarke & Mr Harris Year 5 - Miss Stowell Year 4 - Mr Wishart Year 3 - Miss Murphy Year 2 - Mr Aston Year 1 - Miss Robertson Reception - Miss Wright . The PiXL leadership approach is aimed at helping the Raising Standards Leader improve life chances and outcomes. %PDF-1.4 % You will engage with PIXL Strategies and liaise with other leaders in order to share and develop . highly motivated Year 6 teacher to lead from the classroom. available and fully supported. by empowering our school team to make the changes that will make the difference 0000290743 00000 n Raising Standards Leader (RSL): The role of the Raising Standards Leader, Miss Daniels, is to ensure the best possible outcomes and progress for all our children across KS1 and KS2. 6 Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne #handwriting #diamondaward https://t.co/D388Q5xIJQ. The National Conference will be based around 14 Zones listed below each headed up by a senior PiXL leader. next stages of learning and determined to succeed. RT @Kevin_T_Ryan: South Korea has been a truly remarkable development story in raising living standards. #birthday https://t.co/KxFXyb5nKr, The children enjoyed taking part in a scooter and skateboarding session this morning run by team Rubicon. The question on everyones lips is always: What do schools need?. 0000001560 00000 n Their approach of diagnosis, therapy, testing and revisiting enables us to easily identify childrens next steps on a one-to-one, small group and whole-class basis and then tailor our interventions and whole-class teaching to fill their gaps. #mincepies https://t.co/ivjG1TiYQV, Elois is working towards a diamond, standards, handwriting presentation award. 2 0 obj can be worth the equivalent of an additional +7 months progress when used well The potential impact of these approaches is very high, particularly for. Delegates heard inputs from a Raising Standards Leader, a successful headteacher and several national policy makers. In November, there was already a stark difference between our Year 10 Pupil Premium (PP) and non-PP cohort: the average attendance for PP students was 89.5%, but 93.98% for non-PP students. school. Mrs Dowle - Religious Education, Parish and Community Links Leader Mrs Clarke - Assessment Leader, PiXl Raising Standards Leader . Sessions contain a mixture of presentations from experienced leaders,small group discussions, practical top tips and an opportunity to build your professional network: Raising Standards Leader Programme: lookingatthe most effective leadership approaches and behaviours that lead to real impact as an RSL. The Horsforth Quadrant and the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. For more information about PiXL please speak to one of our operations team: The PiXL Club Ltd Resources to support new curriculum thinking, Some resources in Welsh and a focus on Welsh writers and literature though PiXL reading, 5 specialist subject networking sessions bespoke to AP needs, Alternative Thinking sessions to explore leadership and teaching in AP, PiXL in Action series with contributions for Alternative Provision schools, Networking sessions to support PiXL implementation, Access to all meetings on demand through PiXL TV. PDF Raising Standards Leader Overview - whitbyhigh.org 0 This site uses cookies to enhance your experience. Five years on, now an 11-16 Academy Trust, they have just celebrated their first ever GCSE results with a significant percentage of students achieving grades 7-9. 0000005357 00000 n The Horsforth Quadrant (HQ) was devised by Horsforth School, West Yorkshire, and developed further by PiXL (see GCSEPod for further details). A blend of theory and practical detail, this course is a must for any new RSL or for anyone who wants to re-visit their role. <> Behaviour, Safety & Care 3. 0000001745 00000 n One of the books that started to shape PiXL at its inception was The Four Disciplines of Execution by Covey et al. We think the grown ups enjoyed it to!! approaches and lead on delivery of PiXL, Oversee the overall academic Everything we do is around helping young people achieve a better future and brighter hope and to support you, as school leaders, to make this a reality. Pixl-1 | Tesat $(document).ready(function() { It is the product of a longterm research cooperation between the Institute of Communications and Navigation of the German Aerospace Center (DLR-IKN) and TESAT, which has now come to full bloom bearing a ready-to-launch LCT for Small and especially for CubeSatellites. All Rights Reserved. For me, PiXL is a community of like-minded learners who have a moral imperative to raise standards and support children and schools to be better who wouldn't want to be in PiXL? Moorland Primary School, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK6 4ND, Raising standards teacher Job description .pdf - 166 KB (opens in new tab), Raising standards teacher Job Spec.pdf - 131 KB (opens in new tab), Raising Standards leader Advert .pdf - 255 KB (opens in new tab), Moorland Primary School website (opens in new tab), teaching-vacancies.service.gov.uk/organisations/moorland-primary-school-mk6-4nd (opens in new tab), Implementing the PiXL
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