Use this new password to access the site. [Ibn al-Jawz]: There are five sayings: The first, expanding sustenance through the rain, said by al-asan. Einstein later admitted his mistake and call that the greatest blunder of his life., Now look that almost 1400 years ago this is what the Quran told us in Surah Dhariyat 51: 47, . Debunking: Quran 51:47 "And the heaven we constructed with strength, and indeed we are [it's] expander.". years ago the universe came into existence from one single extremely hot and Here is the channel: EIN: 84-2133342, There are currently no translations for this content. Most of these claims serve only to prey upon the gullible. Just to clarify, I understand that Arabic words can mean multiple things - 'samaa' can be either "sky" or "heaven"- but is it possible to know for certain which of these meanings is meant in 51:47 (i.e without using a potential scientific interpretation)? Find out more, Topic List & Subject wise Bible well arranged in Index and categories Indeed the Qur'an refers to the universe has having expanded, but such hardly proposes a miraculous prediction of modern science, since such ideas flourished prior to the rise of Islam. Let's start with a quote from qtafsir (a somehow summarized version of tafsir ibn Kathir): Allah reminds us of the creating of the higher and lower worlds, The Quran reveals the gaseous state of the universe pre-big bang before this was known. The Quran mentioned the seven layers of the atmosphere before this was known. Bringing you atheist articles and building active godless communities takes hundreds of hours and resources each month. The article/video you have requested doesn't exist yet. And al-asan said, We expand the sustenance through rain and water. As for the statement of alIzz bin Abd al-Salm52 in his tafsr, [That we are possessors of abundance] in enlargening sustenance through rain, or the heaven, or [that] nothing that we desire is difficult for us, or [that] we [are able] to create another heaven like it, or with a greater expanse than the expanse of [this] heaven then there is no indication or proof in it to establish that the universe is expanding as alleged in the Big Bang conjecture. Muslims make these claims of science and imperfection in the Quran attempting to convince non believers, but they accomplish the exact opposite. As long as the meanings are derived from the possible meanings set in the original Arabic, then our understanding will not be wrong. If we accept the meaning given, it was already known about anyway. Indeed, We will do it. Part of Surat Al-'Anby' 21:30 reads, Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? This verse is commonly used to say the Big Bang is mentioned in the Quran. @Medi1Saif Please do! Scan this QR code to download the app now. Quran also mentioned the day of doom which implies that universe is not eternal. (The separation of Geb, the earth god, from Nut, the sky goddess.). Is it true 1400 years ago the Quran talked about the expansion of the universe? The expansion of the universe is one of the most important pieces of evidence that the universe was created out of nothing. (51:47). expanding. But this is the meaning that would come to mind to any mindful person who understands Arabic! And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding. universe in verse 30 of chapter 21 of the Quran. Products are provided by Feline Purrty Designs for Atheist Republic. Cyclic model has been refuted, look up google. The earth formed nine billion years after the Big Bang in some tiny outpost of a vast universe. The most prominent minds in history kept claiming that either the universe had its limits or that it was an endless infinite space. his theory, he went on to discover that not only were galaxies moving away from January 13, 2021. (The reason I mention it to be subjective is because todays scholars/translators do not mention the traditional view.) The Arabic word in the term which is translated into English as it is We Who are steadily expanding it, comes from the root word and is an Active participle of this root. These facts were there to make the people at the time understand. Present Land Use. However, that's not the issue I'm concerned with. One example of a pre-twentieth century translation is With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of space. It seems this is something a Texas sharpshooter fallacy, whereby Muslims have updated the translation to accommodate what the evidence reveals. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. Subsequently, it became definite by Hubble's observations that the universe expands. thank you for your research and intelligent and profound work that supports the holy book Quran and i will never forget how amazing this article was. Future generations may find even different meanings based on yet to be discovered science. The expansion of the universe implied that if it could travel backwards in time, the universe would prove to have originated from a single point. The theory states that all But I will to keep it hidden, that every soul may be rewarded for that which it strives (to achieve)." In the years to come, with further observations, the And he made the moon as a light (Arabic noor) in their midst and made the sun as a lamp. (Surah 71:16) And he placed therein a lamp and a moon giving light. (Surah 25:61). This is more so considering that, like Matter did not exist to be cloven asunder and there was certainly no splitting of Earth from heaven. The Quran reveals the Big Bang before it was known about. Muslims claim that Surah 51:47 of the Qur'an mentions that the universe is expanding. It has to be stated that 'zero volume' is a theoretical expression used for descriptive purposes. Until the early 1920s, it was believed Hubbles new findings placed the foundations for To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Why do men's bikes have high bars where you can hit your testicles while women's bikes have the bar much lower? You will find some interesting quotes by Razi and Ibn Al-Kathir. A Reply To Dan Gibson. Could it be that he had Also check out Medi1Saifs answer. Penalties can result in anything from imprisonment to beheading. (with Hands ), meaning, with strength, according to 'Abdullah bin 'Abbas, Mujahid, Qatadah, Ath-Thawri and several others, (Verily, We are able to extend the vastness of space thereof. The Quran is clearly talking about the pre-Copernican view of the universe that regarded the earth as its center with the seven heavens containing the sun, moon, planets and stars around it. "And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it. The writings of Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galen and others describe these things long before the Quran and the Quran is simply drawing on knowledge that was prevalent at the time. It was long thought the gravity of the matter in the universe was certain to slow the expansion of the universe. Some translates the word samaa' to heaven, while others translate it to universe (see Muhammed Asad). God created the universe - and truly He is able to. theory implied that if the single point from which the universe came into The Quran describes iron as being sent down from the heavens before it was known that meteors containing iron fell to the earth from outer space. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. He has knowledge of all things. (Surah 2:29) First of all, modern science usually specifies five layers, not seven. In other words, it was created. in the light wavelengths emitted by galaxies, Hubble found that galaxies were The Quran might just as well have mentioned any number of elements. -already quoted by @Kilise- are quoted. was not known, and people used the word heaven to refer to what lies above the beginning, that God was behind its creation, and all that God needs to do It doesnt contain calculus equations or engineering instructions for rocket propulsion. may Allah reward you abundantly for the contribution toward the development Islam in the world. And Ibn Zayd said something close to this which is that the expansiveness returns back to the heaven [in comparison to the earth]. This fact, which was revealed by the Big Bang theory was stated in the Quran 14 centuries ago, when people had a very limited knowledge about the universe; Allah says (what means): "Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from water every living thing? One can hardly think of a more inaccurate description of the Big Bang than this verse. of Relativity that indicated that the universe must be either expanding or are used. The word ratq can be translated into entity sewn to Quran and Modern Science: Compatible or Incompatible? New articles are added every week. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. Also note that Hubble came up with the expanding universe theory in the 1920's. First of all, there is no reason to interpret crushed this way. existence was initially extremely hot, then remnants of this heat should be universe. The active participles root is ( ). Life becomes much easier when you master the skill of farting silently. Geocentric Cosmology 4. Expansion of the Universe. Some Muslim apologists have seen fit to lie outright in their translation of this verse in front of their audiences. to Accept. Generic Doubly-Linked-Lists C implementation. In fact, it appears to repeat not only the accuracies of Greek ideas but their inaccuracies also. Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were one piece before we clove them asunder, and we made every living thing of water? Looks good DBI, would you say these views are prevalent among muslims? Vesto Slipher, made a discovery that would soon change astronomers beliefs This rubbing cannot be heard by human ears, but some Muslims claim this discovery reinforces the story of Solomon having a conversation with an ant. (Quran 6:101), Is not He who created the Find out more. Noahs flood is mentioned in 51:46. Firstly, gas and smoke are not the same thing. Also, get the book "Why There is No God" for free. At the time of the revelation of the Quran, the word space Debunking the expanding universe quote. How to combine several legends in one frame? Mohsin Khan: With power did We construct the heaven. Thanks and welcome!! These features are based on cookies and will work correctly only when you use the same computer. universe) where once joined together, and then split apart. Once again, the Good to mention is that you will find older translations that actually translate the word to "expanding". At its time in Arabia, poetry to them was like Street Rap. Its not hard to do. This uses the verse that I have just quoted and once again it is false. The Quran says We created man from a drop of mingled fluid (Surah 76:2) This sounds very much like the germinal fluid that Hippocrates spoke of when writing about male and female reproductive fluids. The Big Bang theory and expanding universe theory are still theories. According to At-Tabari and other interpeters (mufassyrin) , it means the sky we know , (the ceiling) . The second, expanded the heaven (making it huge), said by Ibn Zayd. None of them could have thought of a dynamic expanding universe. So his interpretation is we have constructed the heaven with strength. The fact that Muslims claim that it means universe is expanding means that the Quran is not very clear and easy to understand, as if it was then Muslims would have announced that the universe was expanding using this verse before it was announced by scientists. The fact . But then again why does Sura 41 describe the seven heavens within this context? the soil is a good example of a similar illustration of the meaning of the verb A modern translation of Surat Al-'Anby 21:32 reads And We made the sky a protected ceiling, but they, from its signs, are turning away. The word ceiling here has also been translated as canopy or roof. Surat An-Nzi`t 79:27-28 reads Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? [Quran 21:30]. Find out more, Prophecies and Scientific knowledge in Bible preserved since 3 Millenniums However, the Big Bang was introduced as a scientific theory only in the 20th century. Why some verses of Quran refer to God as a plural entity? Embedded hyperlinks in a thesis or research paper, tar command with and without --absolute-names option. It was during this time that I studied the religions of Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. Expansion of the universe . It doesnt even contain information on efficient agricultural endeavors. Actually, all elements on earth came from outer space. In fact Abdur Raheem Green, the author, regurgitates so many old miracle claims one wonders whether he actually believes any of it at all. Number seven. There is no geological evidence of a worldwide flood. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. And the fifth, possessors of vastness (in ability) nothing that we desire (to do) is difficult, this was cited by al-Mwardi., [Ab al-asan al-Mward]: There are five sayings: The first, expanding sustenance through the rain, said by al-asan. There are multiple other verses (15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6) translated as the earth is a bed, carpet or other flat surface. Thus, [the heaven] is as though the earth and what covers it of water and air are like a dot in the middle of a [large] circle. [1], Before the invention of the telescope in 1608, man could do Random Quranic Science claims - Debunked. not fixed in their position; instead, they were actually moving away from us it depends on the context. Find out more, Bible English King James Version. and dense point; that exploded and brought about the beginning of the universe, Secondlynoants are not made of glass and there is no science stating otherwise. precise meaning of each word in Arabic in the verse, as well as the overall There is no doubt quran is the word of the creator Oh I see it's Truth now I understood Quran is the book of God. (part 1 of 3), Seven Common Questions about Islam (part 1 of 2). The blog posts published here undergo only a minimal editing process in order to preserve the voice and views of the writer. When we compare the statements in the verse with the Big Bang theory, we see that they fully agree with each other. What about the miracle of the Holy Qur'an itself? Why are there so many trying to disprove some part of the Quran. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Knowing Creator. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. deserves to be praised, Dua (Supplication) (part 3 of 4): Why dua remains unanswered, Dua (Supplication) (part 4 of 4): Even Prophets Counterargument: False translation. The expansion of the universe is one of the most important pieces of evidence that the universe was created out of nothing. In fact, this had been theoretically discovered even earlier. the heavens and earth were created. What the scholars could explain was the This is basically derived by the Arabic word "wos'a" found in this verse: , Allah does not impose upon any soul a duty but to the extent of its ability, Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. Atheism vs Agnosticism: What is the difference? (51:47) Please enter your Username and e-mail address then click on the Send Password button. @Kilise Very interesting - I see now why many older translations of this verse refer to the ability to expand,rather than the active participle (expander), which we have in modern translations. . Aristotle records that Thales believed that it (the nature of things) is water and Anaximander stated that life came from the sea. In 1929, in the California Mount Wilson observatory, an American astronomer by the name of Edwin Hubble made one of the greatest discoveries in the history of astronomy. being by an action of splitting or tearing apart. There isnt even enough water on earth to flood all the land. Therefore other scholars say as Muslims we consider the Qur'an as true, while many scientific theories change with the time, so coupling a quranic statement with a theory is a risky matter, as if this theory would one day considered being wrong we would clearly allow the conclusion that the Qur'an is wrong too. #1by debunkingislam Sep 19, 2010 9:52 pm, #6by debunkingislam Sep 20, 2010 4:33 pm, #8by bdcarlitosway Sep 20, 2010 4:40 pm, #10by debunkingislam Sep 20, 2010 4:48 pm, #11by debunkingislam Sep 20, 2010 4:51 pm, #17by Hajj Baba Mustafa Jan 10, 2013 11:09 pm, #19by Spearthrower Jan 11, 2013 10:10 am, #20by Just A Theory Jan 11, 2013 1:21 pm, Users viewing this topic: No registered users and 2 guests. There's nothing in the Quran or any of the classical tafsirs that outline anything close to the Big bang theory. For the first 380,000 years, the intense heat made it too hot for light to shine. Almighty God said He is the one that controls the expansion of universe. A recovery and discussion subreddit for those who were once followers of Islam. matches what is mentioned in the verse that the heaven and Earth (thus the Many Muslims claim that God revealed scientific facts in the Quran long before modern science discovered them. All rights reserved. The verb fataq is I'm just curious. Is it not presumable that edge of the universe was included within such a structure?). There is no evidence ancient Israel was founded by ex Egyptian slaves fighting their way out of Egypt with miracles. As of now, it is a proved fact that the universe is expanding. This size is increasing only because of space which is expanding. Read the full thing down below, it also debunks the big bang: (Not true, bones and flesh come from one tissue at the same time.). According to the Sumerians, the heavens had been separated from the earth (Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the nether world) and the idea that the heavens and the earth were one single block that was broken into two was common in ancient Egypt. Hubble showed this by the Doppler Effect as the light waves from distant galaxies shifted to red, while if the bodies approached each other the wavelengths would shorten turning to blue. If this is supposed to be a description of the Big Bang, then it is a terrible one. It is not a verse quoting Allahs attributes known by this name, because (with hands -as it was quoted in the translation from qtafsir) is not the plural of (hand), but it is meaning strength. Ibn Ashur gave something like this as an introduction to comment on the verse in his tafsir at-tahrir wa-Tanwir adding that means strength, but it is originated from the hands, but due to the use of this expression it became a synonym of strength and in this verse and in surat saad refers to a strength that nobody can excel! the Big Bang theory. only possible explanation is that Prophet Muhammad had truly received divine He raised its ceiling and proportioned it. Due to these and other references in the Quran, it appears 51:47 is intended only to mean Allah expanded the universe in terms of spreading it out, that this expansion is fixed, and not that it is continuously expanding. Record your voice here for it to be aired on the Atheist Republic Voicemails Podcast. God created the sky - and truly He is its expander. 1929, he published the velocity-time relation which is the basis of modern joined together or closed up. And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. There are multiple translations of 51:47 which changed during the 20th century after discovering the universe is expanding. Even stranger is that some Muslims have decided the word crushed implies ants are made of glass, and that recent science has discovered this to be the case. And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander. So the creation of the heavens is a much greater and complex creation than any other creation of Allah, and Allah here gives examples of how even if this creation was that difficult, complex and great HE is able to expand and go further, this is a sign for mankind, as they can only witness the result of HIS creation without being able to observe how. Dont worry if its already been discovered or if the words dont fit. The expansion of the universe is the increase of the distance between two distant parts of the universe with time. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. There are other claims of science in the Quran, but each and every one of them has been debunked. Al-asan, We are capable and from him as well, We expand the provision by way of rain.. Long before, Hubble made another very important discovery: Stars and galaxies moved away not only from us, but also from one another. Some Muslims like to compare modern cosmology with verses from the Quran. The Quran describes the moons light as reflected light long before it was known. According to many Islamic sources, Quran 51:47 refers to the expansion of the universe, a phenomenon that has been made known to us in the recent century. Find out more, Topic List & Subject wise Quran arranged in Index and categories Updated 2/10/2020 - It is eligible for the State . Three Minutes, a Modern View of the Origin of the Universe, Weinberg. Carbon Canyon Road is part of the California Freeway System, and is also known as California State Highway 142. Traditionally the scholars has interpreted the word "lamosi'on" () to mean; "indeed We are able too". Let's see if this is really true. Most of the debate pertaining to this verse is centered on the word 'musioona', and whether it implies an expansion of space in the past, or a continuous & ongoing expansion. All rights reserved. 1000 years before Muhammad, Aristotle wrote The drinkable, sweet water, then, is light, and is all of it drawn up. Archaeologists have determined this event never happened. The story of Exodus is mentioned in verses 51:38-40. The blog section of Atheist Republic serves as a platform for bloggers to share their opinions. Re: Debunking all 'miracles of the Quran'. yeah, i'm glad to be on this website. Number one. What does Allah have against cobalt? It was only in the 20th Century that the collaboration of Scientists from different principles eventually led to the proposition of Big Bang theory but the Quran declared it about 1400 years ago. birth to the universe. (Courtesy: NASA). In 1916 Einstein developed his General Theory of Relativity that indicated that the universe must be either expanding or contracting. See Tafsir Tabari, Razi, Zamakhshari, Qurtubi, Baydawi. Find out more, Condensed Summary of Main Topics and Theme of each Surah of Quran This is evident in other passages as well. Above are photos of known galaxies. as follows: the "them" in this verse refers to the disbelievers and those who rejected Allahs signs in first place as it is them who will discover their truth (see also this fatwa islamqa #217157), so one way people may discover the truth of Islam is by discovering the truth of its message, not because Muslims show or found this to be truth, but because they were confronted with the truth in their own discoveries These are some of the main claims of scientific miracles in the Quran but there are others. Later on, Einstein was to identify his act as 'the greatest mistake of his career'. The third, [we are] powerful, able to [create a heaven] with an expanse greater than the expanse of [this] heaven. I am fortunate to be a Muslim. Muslims have a hard time making their case, and generally dont realize most of what they say has been heard before from Christians. Received. How to Convert to Islam and Become a Muslim, Angels (part 1 of 3): Created to worship and obey God, The Story of Adam (part 1 of 5): The First Man, The Story of Adam (part 2 of 5): The Creation of Eve and the Role of Satan, The Story of Adam (part 4 of 5): Life on Earth, The Miraculous Quran (part 1 of 11): My Path to Islam, Stephanie, Ex-Catholic, South Africa (part 6 of 6), Angels (part 2 of 3): God bestowed might and power upon the angels, Khadija Evans, Ex-Catholic, USA (part 2 of 2), Happiness in Islam (part 3 If you like our posts, subscribe to the Atheist Republic newsletter to get exclusive content delivered weekly to your inbox. the wealthy according to his capability "" here is "wealthy". The Expanding Universe 3. Why wasnt argon mentioned? Number 2. This account follows the four stages described by Galen, writing around 500 years before Muhammad, and includes his belief that bones were formed before the flesh. I've always wanted to see how an ex muslim debunks these. have opened them. i gained much more knowledge from it.. ALLAH AKBIR, THE HOLY QURAN HAS NO ALTERNATIVE, aslamu alaikum .thank you for your topic.
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