Explore over 1 million open source packages. The opposite of blur is the focus event, which fires when the element has received focus. How do I access a list where li elements contain its child a. Call a function when a user leaves an input field: The onblur event occurs when an HTML element loses focus. The state will implement the Governors Challenge to Prevent Suicide among veterans and service members to partner with communities, state agencies and veterans to come up with strategies and a prevention plan. But maybe if there was a reliable way to know either 1. which element now has focus or two, which element caused the blur (not which element is blurring) from within the blur handler. cancelable: true has no effect. Yes this works, but its not very elegant :(. This can be useful when, for example, you have a button inside another clickable element and you dont want clicks on the button to activate the outer elements click behavior. Before : @blur="myLogic" @keyup.enter="myLogic" After : @blur="myLogic" @keyup.enter="willActivateBlur" // methods willActivateBlur: function () { this.isEditable = false } Return value false if event is cancelable, and at least one of the event handlers which received event called Event.preventDefault (). that the default action that belongs to the event will not occur. in our case it is back on the tab. Does blur happen before click? First, theres a funny historical feature: focus/blur do not bubble up, but propagate down on the capturing phase. numbers in string 2 in python assignment expert x clarakitty naked. Not the answer you're looking for? How do I make that happen? P.S. But also JavaScript itself may cause it, for instance: These features sometimes cause focus/blur handlers to misbehave to trigger when they are not needed. That has the same effect. This is the kind of area where browsers tend to differ so you'd have to do a lot of cross browser testing. Can I inject a CSS file programmatically using a content script js file? node.js 1725 Questions Click the first item and press Tab: The order is like this: 1 - 2 - 0. json 447 Questions Well do the best to cover them further on. So form.onfocus never triggers. Dont modify HTML/CSS, the approach should be generic and work with any element. Vue allows adding key modifiers for v-on or @ when listening for key events: You can directly use any valid key names exposed via KeyboardEvent.key as modifiers by converting them to kebab-case. Other things that prevent the click event from processing: Ive found a few other questions on this site that are having similar problems. Use the mousedown event. Calling preventDefault() for a non-cancelable event has no effect. For me it works a bit, BUT : When I go fast, I'm laying down on the tank, so I'm owned :/ and here I blurr the speedo. To address this problem, Vue provides event modifiers for v-on. To make an element a part of the form on par with . how to prevent blur() running when clicking a link in jQuery? I've asked this question in quite a general form because I've encountered this problem a few times in different circumstances. Also, is there any other event (besides mousedown) that fires before blur? The list varies a bit between browsers, but one thing is always correct: focus/blur support is guaranteed for elements that a visitor can interact with: