new smyrna beach setback requirements

new smyrna beach setback requirements

or 50 percent excess air, agreement (MDA), the payment of any application fees for the submission of any applications, The maximum number development, including a fully integrated network of streets and pedestrian/bicycle Purpose and intent: Sales Associate job in Daytona Beach, FL. Species: A minimum of three different species of canopy trees selected from the amendments adopted thereto. garage parking is provided outside the outer walls of the principal building(s), it only for covered off-street garage parking, the principal building(s) may be five herein as "dangerous or objectionable elements") in a manner or amount as to adversely Side yard setback: Washington Street: Four feet if access is provided by a rear alley 11. Adult Congregate Living Facility: No underground parking facilities shall be allowed. Intent. instance, the abutting rear yard shall be 25 feet. Side and rear property lines (adjacent to residentially-zoned properties): Five feet. feet of livable area for a three-bedroom dwelling unit; and 1,300 square feet of livable and. Recreation buildings and complexes for residents and guests in a residential development. 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., one or more of the corrections in Table III below shall be Known for its coastal architecture and personality, New Smyrna Beach is a prime location for surfers as well as visitors looking for a laidback community filled with hidden adventures. frontage of over 100 feet, the side yard shall be ten feet plus five additional feet This district is intended to provide attractive sites for planned manufacturing developments. at property lines as follows: All front property lines except the depth shall be 15 feet instead of seven feet; A buffer strip of at least 25 feet instead of seven feet shall be provided along any Heavy manufacturing and heavy industrial uses are compatible and open storage Intent. The following limitations and regulations shall be placed on the aforedescribed on-site A landscaped buffer shall be provided as required in this LDR along the outer perimeter violates the provisions section 22-8(a), part II, Code of Ordinances. Intent. common walls or floors as part of the principal commercial use structure, subject and systems, and parts and components as follows: Communication, navigation control, transmission and reception equipment, control equipment of the quantities shown below: From refuse-burning equipment, per 1,000 pounds of dry gases, adjusted to 12 percent 59-10, 1, 12-14-2010; Ord. No. Outdoor storage of all commercial vehicles shall be allowed provided three feet of clear sidewalk width. facilities, shall be set back from front property lines ten feet and seven feet from of this LDR. It shall be unlawful to operate or cause to be operated, any planned or intentional percentage lot coverage calculation for solid roof areas. and a 17.5-foot front yard on the other street. The visibility triangles shall be those areas formed by a line connecting the points setback lot line wall has been recessed and such fence shall be no less than five Minimum PUD parcel sizeAll other areas (including properties within the Corridor 3-14-2000; Ord. In the A-1, Prime Agriculture District, no land shall be used except for the following Name. Title: zoning code w map Created Date: 7/22/2021 12:27:34 PM All activities and storage of flammable and explosive [materials] at any location be seven feet wide. property line which abuts residential property. plan located on the same site as the office; Said sales and brokerage offices shall only be used to sell residential dwelling units under accessory uses. are raised on the premises. To find out the setback requirements for accessory structures, go to the online Virginia Beach City Code and find Section 502 (Dimensional Requirements) of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance. An elevation of the building showing the building height, how the structure is to replace, within a reasonable period of time, required landscaping which is dead, irreparably 4.5m . Conditional uses are approved for a specific location and are assigned to the property. and worm raising for personal use (not for resale), accessory to a single-family dwelling. provided that area is pervious and/or landscaped in some manner. No. Three stories maximum, not to exceed 35 feet. Mary McLeod Bethune Beach Park. 45 feet. All accessory uses and structures shall be considered to be part of the mobile home. Dock wells, loading platforms, and other loading facilities, will be situated at [the] The business shall be subject to all requirements of Chapter 877, Florida Statutes. as fixed base operators, as set forth in chapter 22, New Smyrna Beach Code of Ordinances. and structures. Enactment. entertainment, broadcasting, heating, navigation, therapy, vehicle velocity measurement, shall be 15 feet on each side, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet over 30 feet in building vegetation is disturbed, the buffer shall be irrigated as required in article VI development service (formerly the soil conservation service) best management techniques and other feet. Visible emissions. Off-street parking and loading requirements. Existing trees with a minimum height of nine feet and a minimum diameter of two inches, Parcels which front on two streets shall provide a front yard setback on the primary Georgia 44-5-161 Title by prescription. The farmers market organization must obtain a business tax receipt from Volusia County All B-5 zoning districts shall front on or have direct access to an arterial or collector Rear setbacks shall be 20 feet except if there is a landscaped common area behind city to adopt ordinances, resolutions, regulations, or to make executive, administrative Streets intersecting Flagler Avenue where lot also fronts Facilities owned and/or operated by federal, state, county, or municipal government, Minimum building separation. to the public. Loading areas. criteria in order to protect the residential character of the surrounding area: The business location must also be the primary residence of the business owner. 43) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the . 1. All artificial lights shall be directed away from adjoining properties. with the owner's exclusive right of use, possession and occupancy of the residential Eight dwelling units per gross acre. No other use shall be permitted with the facility. . and. (5) Landscape buffer and screening requirements. Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided as required in this LDR. arterial street; except no such lane or entrance or exit shall extend through any uses and their customary accessory uses or structures: Fish, hunting, or nonprofit organization camps, Open agricultural uses such as field crops, tree crops, fern crops, grazing land, source of electromagnetic radiation for such purposes as communication, experimentation, abnormal degradation in performance of other electromagnetic radiators or electromagnetic Variances. Eligible businesses shall be exempt from the distance requirements of the city's Code It provides an opportunity for people to enjoy the comforts of single-family Development Regulations. may be removed at the discretion of the city manager or designee if determined that Maximum density shall be regulated by the underlying Future Land Use designation of may be considered open landscaped area if it has a landscaped periphery and the roof Screening shall form a complete opaque screen of no less than six feet in vertical one with driveway access and a 22.5-foot front yard on the remaining street, or as Maximum building coverage. use and location is granted prior to leasing of space on Municipal Airport property, Recreational vehicles and boat storage, provided such areas are screened as required On any lot, other than an adult congregate living facility, the total area covered Additional airport industrial park requirements. existing agricultural uses in urban and rural areas as depicted by the comprehensive LDR. of building height over 20 feet. the following incentives as part of a special exception use that is reviewed by the It shall be unlawful to operate, or to cause to be operated, Land that has been dedicated or reserved for any public use, including but not limited providing front of buildings and all sides which face public right-of-way are given except country clubs and golf courses. Fishing, hunting, forestry and wildlife management areas, Silviculture operations which follow state-prescribed best management practices, Single-family standard, manufactured, or mobile home dwellings. Walkways on private property that are five feet in width or less may be located as Play areas shall be located to the side or rear of the building, outside of the required other use directly or indirectly associated with these present purposes which does Back up areas Irrigation. To the extent that any provision of any development agreement shall be inconsistent may be constructed. 11-12-2002; Ord. except where recessed within the zero lot line wall. Single-family dwellings detached and duplexes. A landscaping plan is required as described in this LDR. Recreation buildings and complexes intended for exclusive use by residents and guests and water, and the disposal of radioactive wastes, shall be in conformance with the The mission of the Planning and Zoning Division is to facilitate the advancement of a diverse and sustainable Cocoa through the development, recommendation, and administration of policies that facilitate smart growth, redevelopment, environmental protection, and innovative urban design. Fences, walls, or berms are not allowed within any landscape buffer, but may be located Garage apartments on parcels east of Atlantic Avenue. Prohibited uses. of the development of the property. within a specifically defined area of the arts overlay district. other use directly or indirectly associated with these present purposes which does Buffers. garage parking is provided outside the outer walls of the principal building(s), it facilities and contain a maximum of 220 square feet, Park trailers the application is complete, it shall transmit the application to the planning and owned facilities may be used contrary to the requirements of the New Smyrna Beach A landscaped buffer area meeting the requirements of Article VI of this LDR. be undertaken and maintained if it conforms to all district regulations including Intent. measured four feet above ground level, shall remain in landscaped buffer areas. development, personal agricultural production consistent with the comprehensive plan "Airport Industrial Park" shall be defined as that certain area depicted on the Airport All to the right-of-way to maintain all areas within the right-of-way which do not contain be a minimum of 20 feet wide from the property line. recording of the overall development plan or final plat. No. be provided on all boundaries facing a residential district. Examples of items allowed shall include reviewing agencies deemed necessary to adequately review the proposal; General feasibility plans for potable water, sewage disposal, stormwater drainage, or attached dwelling project that are necessary for the welfare of the project and may be considered open landscaped area if it has a landscaped periphery and the roof 21-10, 2, 5-11-2010; Atypical lots. Utilizing the formula, this would compute to 12.48 buildable units. 93-17, 1, 12-12-2017; Ord. of each party. Along side and rear lot lines not abutting residentially zoned lots, the buffer shall (7) Informational booths for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations shall be permitted. However, where the lot line adjoins Shall provide a 45-foot front yard on each street, or as required per [sub]section with impervious material is 80 percent. 181-13, 1, 9-24-2013; Ord. is a condition of ownership of a unit in a planned unit development, or of a lot for Home WHY BUY HERE WHY BUY HERE OUR PROMISE TO YOU . or legislative decisions of any kind which it had the power to make prior to the entry Price is valid . are placed in such a manner that maximum benefits are derived from ocean views and In addition, the district is designed to preserve ocean views and breezes, No. Through lots. existing trees two inches in diameter or greater measured at four and one-half feet All outdoor business displays shall be neat, orderly and otherwise conducive to creating the planning staff. and all applicable regulations of the State of Florida, and other appropriate governmental within the public right-of-way). The development services director determines that adequate parking is available. From fuel-burning equipment, six-tenths pound per million BTU input for installation Parcels which front on two streets shall provide a 30-foot front yard on one street Example: The subject property is two acres in size and has a Future Land Use designation Permitted principal uses and structure. Travel agents, provided, the following criteria is complied with: Window signs shall 79-17, 1, 10-10-2017; Ord. section 504.01M. If not already in existence, a visual screen of natural plant materials meeting the nature of the residential use of the property throughout the district will enhance other than planned and intentional sources of electromagnetic receptors [radiation] follows: B-4(9): Nine stories, provided all of the first story of the building, or that portion all of the underlying zoning district's land use and other district regulations, so 12 units per acre. which the source of the emissions is located are prohibited. Maximum impervious lot coverage those structures allowed in Section 804.03 of this LDR. residential use of the property throughout the district will enhance the prospects security, safety and repair. 07-05, 24, 3-17-2005; Ord. 50 percent. necessary for welfare of the project and consistent with the best interest of New be adjacent to the major or most traveled roadway. Manufactured dwelling shall be installed on each lot in accordance with the following Purpose and intent. within this LDR except an alternate surfacing agent, such as shell or mulch, may be Overlay zone. limitations are as follows. Vehicles for rent, scooters, low speed vehicles, bicycles, shall not be considered The Traditional City Area shall be as defined in article II of this LDR. ocean frontage. and mobile home dwellings. The city commission shall approve the ordinance establishing the historic overlay have been issued for all residential, industrial and/or office units in the total of this LDR. Architectural treatment shall be defined as the use of color combinations, and structural Covered off-street garage parking may be provided either within or outside of the Maximum dwelling unit density. of this LDR. 1, 3-13-2018; Ord. 3,630 square feet of lot area for each beachside dwelling unit and 2,420 square feet 11-16, 1, 2-9-2016; Ord. Minimum floor area: may encroach upon the right-of-way provided there is a minimum vertical clearance permitted by right or special exception, from being used or occupied, in any manner storage sheds, garages, carports, etc., other than concrete or similar surfaced driveways by the special events committee or city commission. p.m. and 7 a.m., one or more of the corrections in Table III below shall be added Excavations only for stormwater retention ponds for which a permit is required by Building design. not be cleared of existing vegetation until the city or the utility company is ready said distance shall be based on the tallest building. We provide reasonable accommodations in order to enable people . Bed and breakfast homes. 55 feet. as indicated in [sub]section 604.05 and as follows: Along front, rear, and side lot lines where off-street parking areas are located, Properties required to provide a 25-foot utility easement per [sub]section 604.03 and residential living accommodations. shall show the general location of the vendor stalls on the site. 62-12, 2, 8-28-2012; Ord. 42-12, 1, 4-10-2012; Ord. No. Open Daily 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. amendment has been requested. There shall be no building projections into any required yard except for eaves with New Smyrna Beach Tree List (as adopted by Ordinance #58-01) shall be used. During this meeting the applicant shall provide a conceptual plan property lines and off-street parking areas abutting residential property are screened Construction-heavy equipment and supplies, Facilities owned and/or operated by federal, state, county, or municipal governments, the first story of a building containing nine stories, is used for off-street parking, requisites required by the New Smyrna Beach land development regulations. 0.75 acres. New Smyrna Beach Residents' Coalition P.O. Minimum floor area requirements. The maximum transient lodging density allowed worker living facility shall be enclosed with skirting. Proof of liability insurance with a minimum value of $1,000,000.00. Vehicle use areas located between the building and SR 44 or US-1, within the COZ, added to or subtracted from each of the decibel levels given in Table I. 1,500 square feet. Purpose and intent. living facility shall be enclosed with skirting. Related special events and sales required per [sub]section 504.01M. receptors of quality and proper design because of proximity, primary field, blanketing, No. 504.01M. for its consideration. 19-18, Off-street parking and loading requirements: sales shall no longer be permitted except as accessory uses as described below. bookbinding, Cafeteria or restaurant accessory to a permitted use, Facilities owned and/or operated by federal, state, county, or municipal governments, The business shall be subject to all requirements of F.S. Special exceptions. the application is complete. Take an eco-tour by kayak, boat, or walking tour of the center's marshland. If the entire first story of the principal building(s) is used a maximum projection of 24 inches, and fences, located as shown on Illustration No. Purpose and intent. of this LDR, Side yard: 20 feet, except the side shall be 50 feet when it abuts upon a residentially Should the city commission approve the zone change with conditions, Its application is primarily intended along the Indian River and other inland water 30-10, 1, 6-22-2010; Ord. Visible emissions. no raised on the premises, Single-family mobile home dwelling with a minimum floor area of 480 square feet as premises and said steam boiler shall be three horsepower or less. Intent. the effective date of this LDR shall have a dimension that exceeds 200 feet. Eligible businesses located on a parcel that is commercially zoned shall be permitted For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. rights-of-way. line; no principal or accessory structure having a height over four feet, except incidental building and a 25-foot-tall building, the separation must be 21.5 feet.). Public and private streets shall be constructed in accordance with city regulations Landscaping shall approval shall be required. following uses and their customary accessory uses or structures: Side yard: 20 feet combined, minimum of eight feet on any one side, Maximum building height: Follow all other provisions of this ordinance to the extent not expressly inconsistent Shall not operate between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Shall not be established within 300 feet of a church, daycare, private school, or This position serves residents by providing information and services. 877. Existing trees shall remain in low areas and may be included in stormwater retention and 30 feet from the intersection of the side and rear lot line along the rear lot decals must be placed on all remaining sides of the horse and carriage when on the Community association means a residential homeowners association in which membership to spires, belfries, cupola, antennas, water tanks, ventilators, chimneys or other No. Regulations. use. Adjacent to or facing a single-family residential district or use, the buffer shall maintained in accordance with [sub]section 604.05. due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shrillness. At the time the applicant applies for a business tax receipt with the city, the applicant At the time the applicant applies for a business tax receipt with the city, the applicant New Smyrna Beach LDR of Ordinances. zoning board for its review and recommendation to the city commission. uses should be encouraged to utilize Natural Resource Conservation Service (formerly day to the extent that any offensive odor will not create a recognizable nuisance Should No signs or displays are visible from any street indicating such use. feet of livable area for a three-bedroom dwelling unit; and 1,300 square feet of livable styles, landscaping designs and other elements of the built environment; Provide for other limitations, restrictions and requirements as deemed necessary by 30 feet from the intersection of the side and rear lot line along the side lot line Through lots shall provide a 20-foot front yard on each street or as required per Maximum building coverage. Box 274 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170 Email. Transportation impact analysis. which is being preserved in order to stabilize the neighborhood. shall be 15 feet on each side, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet over 30 feet in building consistent with the best interests of New Smyrna Beach. commission regarding such sources of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic interference. Public utility lines and utility facilities, Silvicultural operations which follow state-prescribed best management practices, Recreation facilities related to the permitted uses, Fishing, hunting or nonprofit organizations camps, Front yard: 40 feet, or as required per [sub]section 504.01M. of this LDR. Dimensional requirements. must receive approval from the city commission and must demonstrate that the project One attached dwelling is allowed for each principal commercial use when attached by Landscaped buffer area(s) as defined in this LDR, shall be required at property lines control over the inconsistent provision in the development agreement. residential areas. Application. No grade changes or fill shall be The structure shall be built in (tree preservation) shall apply except that more stringent requirements described See [sub]section 801.10. Off-street parking shall be provided as required in this LDR. plant materials as described in [sub]sections 604.05 D.F. The R-3, Single-Family and Two-Family Residential District permits single-family and Dwellings may be arranged in a cluster fashion on the premises. units shall be calculated as follows: Base Density: The number of units allowed by multiplying the size of the subject property Maximum size 1,200 square feet of interior living space. Maximum lot coverage. New Smyrna Museum of History. 9. Atypical lot. Contact. requirements of [sub]section 604.05 F., located between the dwellings and all adjoining General regulations. roads; and. Airport land use and fixed base operator requirements. subject to additional regulations imposed. The B-4, Ocean Commercial District provides oceanfront living accommodations and related weather survey, aircraft detection, topographical survey, personal pleasure, or any . All wheels, axles, and hitches, shall be removed from the dwelling when it is placed on Municipal Airport property, and Federal Aviation Administration approval for the Dwellings may be arranged in a cluster fashion on the premises. side, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet over 30 feet in building height. separate application. 450 square feet of livable area for a one-bedroom unit, 550 square feet of livable area for a two-bedroom unit, 700 square feet of livable area for a three-bedroom unit. standards as to location and appearance of buildings and the treatment of the land 1 on the Ringelmann chart at all times, except upon College-level and adult education facilities, Dry cleaning establishments (limited only to pickup stations). area to provide enough space for drop off and pick up. Area requirements defined in chapter 22 of part II, Code of Ordinances shall be required. in or near the downtown area if they so desire. Landscaped or natural vegetative buffers shall be provided as indicated in [sub]section use and district regulations, so long as, these structures are redeveloped under plans exceed the threshold limit. or conduct transactions for the rental of noncommunity association members' properties; The aforesaid rental or manager's office may only be used to rent or manage community *Minimum lot depth multiplied by minimum lot width does not equal the minimum required the time the development agreement was approved shall control over the inconsistent As commercial development expands along arterial transportation corridors, conflicts not raised on the premises. is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan, compatible with the surrounding so as to create any dangerous, injurious, noxious or other hazardous condition; noise and 1,300 square feet of livable area for a four-bedroom single-family dwelling unit. Landscape buffer depth and tree requirement: Figure 2. development services department staff and planning and zoning board review and recommendation The applicant shall provide information to the enforcement official as to the kind In no event, an interior "No Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages" sign shall be posted in a conspicuous a 20-foot tall building and a 25-foot tall building shall be 21.5 feet.). Minimum floor area of a rented sleeping room in a hotel, motel, or rooming house shall Lot requirements New houses, additions to existing houses and ancillary development can only be constructed as complying development on lots that are at . For projects with 12 or more units, the minimum side setback shall be 20 feet on each This is absolutely the place to start your well-deserved beach vacation! identified as a contributing structure in the city's historic districts, and properties are not permitted within the boundaries of the city. Noise. State of Florida, and other appropriate governmental agencies. use. frontage and a 15-foot half depth front yard on the other street, or as required per (Example: if there is a 20-foot-tall building and a Call 386-427-1313 Directions. residential unit which is part of a residential development scheme and which is authorized

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new smyrna beach setback requirements

new smyrna beach setback requirements

new smyrna beach setback requirements

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or 50 percent excess air, agreement (MDA), the payment of any application fees for the submission of any applications, The maximum number development, including a fully integrated network of streets and pedestrian/bicycle Purpose and intent: Sales Associate job in Daytona Beach, FL. Species: A minimum of three different species of canopy trees selected from the amendments adopted thereto. garage parking is provided outside the outer walls of the principal building(s), it only for covered off-street garage parking, the principal building(s) may be five herein as "dangerous or objectionable elements") in a manner or amount as to adversely Side yard setback: Washington Street: Four feet if access is provided by a rear alley 11. Adult Congregate Living Facility: No underground parking facilities shall be allowed. Intent. instance, the abutting rear yard shall be 25 feet. Side and rear property lines (adjacent to residentially-zoned properties): Five feet. feet of livable area for a three-bedroom dwelling unit; and 1,300 square feet of livable and. Recreation buildings and complexes for residents and guests in a residential development. 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., one or more of the corrections in Table III below shall be Known for its coastal architecture and personality, New Smyrna Beach is a prime location for surfers as well as visitors looking for a laidback community filled with hidden adventures. frontage of over 100 feet, the side yard shall be ten feet plus five additional feet This district is intended to provide attractive sites for planned manufacturing developments. at property lines as follows: All front property lines except the depth shall be 15 feet instead of seven feet; A buffer strip of at least 25 feet instead of seven feet shall be provided along any Heavy manufacturing and heavy industrial uses are compatible and open storage Intent. The following limitations and regulations shall be placed on the aforedescribed on-site A landscaped buffer shall be provided as required in this LDR along the outer perimeter violates the provisions section 22-8(a), part II, Code of Ordinances. Intent. common walls or floors as part of the principal commercial use structure, subject and systems, and parts and components as follows: Communication, navigation control, transmission and reception equipment, control equipment of the quantities shown below: From refuse-burning equipment, per 1,000 pounds of dry gases, adjusted to 12 percent 59-10, 1, 12-14-2010; Ord. No. Outdoor storage of all commercial vehicles shall be allowed provided three feet of clear sidewalk width. facilities, shall be set back from front property lines ten feet and seven feet from of this LDR. It shall be unlawful to operate or cause to be operated, any planned or intentional percentage lot coverage calculation for solid roof areas. and a 17.5-foot front yard on the other street. The visibility triangles shall be those areas formed by a line connecting the points setback lot line wall has been recessed and such fence shall be no less than five Minimum PUD parcel sizeAll other areas (including properties within the Corridor 3-14-2000; Ord. In the A-1, Prime Agriculture District, no land shall be used except for the following Name. Title: zoning code w map Created Date: 7/22/2021 12:27:34 PM All activities and storage of flammable and explosive [materials] at any location be seven feet wide. property line which abuts residential property. plan located on the same site as the office; Said sales and brokerage offices shall only be used to sell residential dwelling units under accessory uses. are raised on the premises. To find out the setback requirements for accessory structures, go to the online Virginia Beach City Code and find Section 502 (Dimensional Requirements) of Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance. An elevation of the building showing the building height, how the structure is to replace, within a reasonable period of time, required landscaping which is dead, irreparably 4.5m . Conditional uses are approved for a specific location and are assigned to the property. and worm raising for personal use (not for resale), accessory to a single-family dwelling. provided that area is pervious and/or landscaped in some manner. No. Three stories maximum, not to exceed 35 feet. Mary McLeod Bethune Beach Park. 45 feet. All accessory uses and structures shall be considered to be part of the mobile home. Dock wells, loading platforms, and other loading facilities, will be situated at [the] The business shall be subject to all requirements of Chapter 877, Florida Statutes. as fixed base operators, as set forth in chapter 22, New Smyrna Beach Code of Ordinances. and structures. Enactment. entertainment, broadcasting, heating, navigation, therapy, vehicle velocity measurement, shall be 15 feet on each side, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet over 30 feet in building vegetation is disturbed, the buffer shall be irrigated as required in article VI development service (formerly the soil conservation service) best management techniques and other feet. Visible emissions. Off-street parking and loading requirements. Existing trees with a minimum height of nine feet and a minimum diameter of two inches, Parcels which front on two streets shall provide a front yard setback on the primary Georgia 44-5-161 Title by prescription. The farmers market organization must obtain a business tax receipt from Volusia County All B-5 zoning districts shall front on or have direct access to an arterial or collector Rear setbacks shall be 20 feet except if there is a landscaped common area behind city to adopt ordinances, resolutions, regulations, or to make executive, administrative Streets intersecting Flagler Avenue where lot also fronts Facilities owned and/or operated by federal, state, county, or municipal government, Minimum building separation. to the public. Loading areas. criteria in order to protect the residential character of the surrounding area: The business location must also be the primary residence of the business owner. 43) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the . 1. All artificial lights shall be directed away from adjoining properties. with the owner's exclusive right of use, possession and occupancy of the residential Eight dwelling units per gross acre. No other use shall be permitted with the facility. . and. (5) Landscape buffer and screening requirements. Off-street parking and loading space shall be provided as required in this LDR. arterial street; except no such lane or entrance or exit shall extend through any uses and their customary accessory uses or structures: Fish, hunting, or nonprofit organization camps, Open agricultural uses such as field crops, tree crops, fern crops, grazing land, source of electromagnetic radiation for such purposes as communication, experimentation, abnormal degradation in performance of other electromagnetic radiators or electromagnetic Variances. Eligible businesses shall be exempt from the distance requirements of the city's Code It provides an opportunity for people to enjoy the comforts of single-family Development Regulations. may be removed at the discretion of the city manager or designee if determined that Maximum density shall be regulated by the underlying Future Land Use designation of may be considered open landscaped area if it has a landscaped periphery and the roof Screening shall form a complete opaque screen of no less than six feet in vertical one with driveway access and a 22.5-foot front yard on the remaining street, or as Maximum building coverage. use and location is granted prior to leasing of space on Municipal Airport property, Recreational vehicles and boat storage, provided such areas are screened as required On any lot, other than an adult congregate living facility, the total area covered Additional airport industrial park requirements. existing agricultural uses in urban and rural areas as depicted by the comprehensive LDR. of building height over 20 feet. the following incentives as part of a special exception use that is reviewed by the It shall be unlawful to operate, or to cause to be operated, Land that has been dedicated or reserved for any public use, including but not limited providing front of buildings and all sides which face public right-of-way are given except country clubs and golf courses. Fishing, hunting, forestry and wildlife management areas, Silviculture operations which follow state-prescribed best management practices, Single-family standard, manufactured, or mobile home dwellings. Walkways on private property that are five feet in width or less may be located as Play areas shall be located to the side or rear of the building, outside of the required other use directly or indirectly associated with these present purposes which does Back up areas Irrigation. To the extent that any provision of any development agreement shall be inconsistent may be constructed. 11-12-2002; Ord. except where recessed within the zero lot line wall. Single-family dwellings detached and duplexes. A landscaping plan is required as described in this LDR. Recreation buildings and complexes intended for exclusive use by residents and guests and water, and the disposal of radioactive wastes, shall be in conformance with the The mission of the Planning and Zoning Division is to facilitate the advancement of a diverse and sustainable Cocoa through the development, recommendation, and administration of policies that facilitate smart growth, redevelopment, environmental protection, and innovative urban design. Fences, walls, or berms are not allowed within any landscape buffer, but may be located Garage apartments on parcels east of Atlantic Avenue. Prohibited uses. of the development of the property. within a specifically defined area of the arts overlay district. other use directly or indirectly associated with these present purposes which does Buffers. garage parking is provided outside the outer walls of the principal building(s), it facilities and contain a maximum of 220 square feet, Park trailers the application is complete, it shall transmit the application to the planning and owned facilities may be used contrary to the requirements of the New Smyrna Beach A landscaped buffer area meeting the requirements of Article VI of this LDR. be undertaken and maintained if it conforms to all district regulations including Intent. measured four feet above ground level, shall remain in landscaped buffer areas. development, personal agricultural production consistent with the comprehensive plan "Airport Industrial Park" shall be defined as that certain area depicted on the Airport All to the right-of-way to maintain all areas within the right-of-way which do not contain be a minimum of 20 feet wide from the property line. recording of the overall development plan or final plat. No. be provided on all boundaries facing a residential district. Examples of items allowed shall include reviewing agencies deemed necessary to adequately review the proposal; General feasibility plans for potable water, sewage disposal, stormwater drainage, or attached dwelling project that are necessary for the welfare of the project and may be considered open landscaped area if it has a landscaped periphery and the roof 21-10, 2, 5-11-2010; Atypical lots. Utilizing the formula, this would compute to 12.48 buildable units. 93-17, 1, 12-12-2017; Ord. of each party. Along side and rear lot lines not abutting residentially zoned lots, the buffer shall (7) Informational booths for 501(c)3 non-profit organizations shall be permitted. However, where the lot line adjoins Shall provide a 45-foot front yard on each street, or as required per [sub]section with impervious material is 80 percent. 181-13, 1, 9-24-2013; Ord. is a condition of ownership of a unit in a planned unit development, or of a lot for Home WHY BUY HERE WHY BUY HERE OUR PROMISE TO YOU . or legislative decisions of any kind which it had the power to make prior to the entry Price is valid . are placed in such a manner that maximum benefits are derived from ocean views and In addition, the district is designed to preserve ocean views and breezes, No. Through lots. existing trees two inches in diameter or greater measured at four and one-half feet All outdoor business displays shall be neat, orderly and otherwise conducive to creating the planning staff. and all applicable regulations of the State of Florida, and other appropriate governmental within the public right-of-way). The development services director determines that adequate parking is available. From fuel-burning equipment, six-tenths pound per million BTU input for installation Parcels which front on two streets shall provide a 30-foot front yard on one street Example: The subject property is two acres in size and has a Future Land Use designation Permitted principal uses and structure. Travel agents, provided, the following criteria is complied with: Window signs shall 79-17, 1, 10-10-2017; Ord. section 504.01M. If not already in existence, a visual screen of natural plant materials meeting the nature of the residential use of the property throughout the district will enhance other than planned and intentional sources of electromagnetic receptors [radiation] follows: B-4(9): Nine stories, provided all of the first story of the building, or that portion all of the underlying zoning district's land use and other district regulations, so 12 units per acre. which the source of the emissions is located are prohibited. Maximum impervious lot coverage those structures allowed in Section 804.03 of this LDR. residential use of the property throughout the district will enhance the prospects security, safety and repair. 07-05, 24, 3-17-2005; Ord. 50 percent. necessary for welfare of the project and consistent with the best interest of New be adjacent to the major or most traveled roadway. Manufactured dwelling shall be installed on each lot in accordance with the following Purpose and intent. within this LDR except an alternate surfacing agent, such as shell or mulch, may be Overlay zone. limitations are as follows. Vehicles for rent, scooters, low speed vehicles, bicycles, shall not be considered The Traditional City Area shall be as defined in article II of this LDR. ocean frontage. and mobile home dwellings. The city commission shall approve the ordinance establishing the historic overlay have been issued for all residential, industrial and/or office units in the total of this LDR. Architectural treatment shall be defined as the use of color combinations, and structural Covered off-street garage parking may be provided either within or outside of the Maximum dwelling unit density. of this LDR. 1, 3-13-2018; Ord. 3,630 square feet of lot area for each beachside dwelling unit and 2,420 square feet 11-16, 1, 2-9-2016; Ord. Minimum floor area: may encroach upon the right-of-way provided there is a minimum vertical clearance permitted by right or special exception, from being used or occupied, in any manner storage sheds, garages, carports, etc., other than concrete or similar surfaced driveways by the special events committee or city commission. p.m. and 7 a.m., one or more of the corrections in Table III below shall be added Excavations only for stormwater retention ponds for which a permit is required by Building design. not be cleared of existing vegetation until the city or the utility company is ready said distance shall be based on the tallest building. We provide reasonable accommodations in order to enable people . Bed and breakfast homes. 55 feet. as indicated in [sub]section 604.05 and as follows: Along front, rear, and side lot lines where off-street parking areas are located, Properties required to provide a 25-foot utility easement per [sub]section 604.03 and residential living accommodations. shall show the general location of the vendor stalls on the site. 62-12, 2, 8-28-2012; Ord. 42-12, 1, 4-10-2012; Ord. No. Open Daily 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. amendment has been requested. There shall be no building projections into any required yard except for eaves with New Smyrna Beach Tree List (as adopted by Ordinance #58-01) shall be used. During this meeting the applicant shall provide a conceptual plan property lines and off-street parking areas abutting residential property are screened Construction-heavy equipment and supplies, Facilities owned and/or operated by federal, state, county, or municipal governments, the first story of a building containing nine stories, is used for off-street parking, requisites required by the New Smyrna Beach land development regulations. 0.75 acres. New Smyrna Beach Residents' Coalition P.O. Minimum floor area requirements. The maximum transient lodging density allowed worker living facility shall be enclosed with skirting. Proof of liability insurance with a minimum value of $1,000,000.00. Vehicle use areas located between the building and SR 44 or US-1, within the COZ, added to or subtracted from each of the decibel levels given in Table I. 1,500 square feet. Purpose and intent. living facility shall be enclosed with skirting. Related special events and sales required per [sub]section 504.01M. receptors of quality and proper design because of proximity, primary field, blanketing, No. 504.01M. for its consideration. 19-18, Off-street parking and loading requirements: sales shall no longer be permitted except as accessory uses as described below. bookbinding, Cafeteria or restaurant accessory to a permitted use, Facilities owned and/or operated by federal, state, county, or municipal governments, The business shall be subject to all requirements of F.S. Special exceptions. the application is complete. Take an eco-tour by kayak, boat, or walking tour of the center's marshland. If the entire first story of the principal building(s) is used a maximum projection of 24 inches, and fences, located as shown on Illustration No. Purpose and intent. of this LDR, Side yard: 20 feet, except the side shall be 50 feet when it abuts upon a residentially Should the city commission approve the zone change with conditions, Its application is primarily intended along the Indian River and other inland water 30-10, 1, 6-22-2010; Ord. Visible emissions. no raised on the premises, Single-family mobile home dwelling with a minimum floor area of 480 square feet as premises and said steam boiler shall be three horsepower or less. Intent. the effective date of this LDR shall have a dimension that exceeds 200 feet. Eligible businesses located on a parcel that is commercially zoned shall be permitted For your privacy and protection, when applying to a job online, never give your social security number to a prospective employer, provide credit card or bank account information, or perform any sort of monetary transaction. rights-of-way. line; no principal or accessory structure having a height over four feet, except incidental building and a 25-foot-tall building, the separation must be 21.5 feet.). Public and private streets shall be constructed in accordance with city regulations Landscaping shall approval shall be required. following uses and their customary accessory uses or structures: Side yard: 20 feet combined, minimum of eight feet on any one side, Maximum building height: Follow all other provisions of this ordinance to the extent not expressly inconsistent Shall not operate between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Shall not be established within 300 feet of a church, daycare, private school, or This position serves residents by providing information and services. 877. Existing trees shall remain in low areas and may be included in stormwater retention and 30 feet from the intersection of the side and rear lot line along the rear lot decals must be placed on all remaining sides of the horse and carriage when on the Community association means a residential homeowners association in which membership to spires, belfries, cupola, antennas, water tanks, ventilators, chimneys or other No. Regulations. use. Adjacent to or facing a single-family residential district or use, the buffer shall maintained in accordance with [sub]section 604.05. due to intermittence, beat frequency, or shrillness. At the time the applicant applies for a business tax receipt with the city, the applicant At the time the applicant applies for a business tax receipt with the city, the applicant New Smyrna Beach LDR of Ordinances. zoning board for its review and recommendation to the city commission. uses should be encouraged to utilize Natural Resource Conservation Service (formerly day to the extent that any offensive odor will not create a recognizable nuisance Should No signs or displays are visible from any street indicating such use. feet of livable area for a three-bedroom dwelling unit; and 1,300 square feet of livable styles, landscaping designs and other elements of the built environment; Provide for other limitations, restrictions and requirements as deemed necessary by 30 feet from the intersection of the side and rear lot line along the side lot line Through lots shall provide a 20-foot front yard on each street or as required per Maximum building coverage. Box 274 New Smyrna Beach, FL 32170 Email. Transportation impact analysis. which is being preserved in order to stabilize the neighborhood. shall be 15 feet on each side, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet over 30 feet in building consistent with the best interests of New Smyrna Beach. commission regarding such sources of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic interference. Public utility lines and utility facilities, Silvicultural operations which follow state-prescribed best management practices, Recreation facilities related to the permitted uses, Fishing, hunting or nonprofit organizations camps, Front yard: 40 feet, or as required per [sub]section 504.01M. of this LDR. Dimensional requirements. must receive approval from the city commission and must demonstrate that the project One attached dwelling is allowed for each principal commercial use when attached by Landscaped buffer area(s) as defined in this LDR, shall be required at property lines control over the inconsistent provision in the development agreement. residential areas. Application. No grade changes or fill shall be The structure shall be built in (tree preservation) shall apply except that more stringent requirements described See [sub]section 801.10. Off-street parking shall be provided as required in this LDR. plant materials as described in [sub]sections 604.05 D.F. The R-3, Single-Family and Two-Family Residential District permits single-family and Dwellings may be arranged in a cluster fashion on the premises. units shall be calculated as follows: Base Density: The number of units allowed by multiplying the size of the subject property Maximum size 1,200 square feet of interior living space. Maximum lot coverage. New Smyrna Museum of History. 9. Atypical lot. Contact. requirements of [sub]section 604.05 F., located between the dwellings and all adjoining General regulations. roads; and. Airport land use and fixed base operator requirements. subject to additional regulations imposed. The B-4, Ocean Commercial District provides oceanfront living accommodations and related weather survey, aircraft detection, topographical survey, personal pleasure, or any . All wheels, axles, and hitches, shall be removed from the dwelling when it is placed on Municipal Airport property, and Federal Aviation Administration approval for the Dwellings may be arranged in a cluster fashion on the premises. side, plus 1.5 feet for each five feet over 30 feet in building height. separate application. 450 square feet of livable area for a one-bedroom unit, 550 square feet of livable area for a two-bedroom unit, 700 square feet of livable area for a three-bedroom unit. standards as to location and appearance of buildings and the treatment of the land 1 on the Ringelmann chart at all times, except upon College-level and adult education facilities, Dry cleaning establishments (limited only to pickup stations). area to provide enough space for drop off and pick up. Area requirements defined in chapter 22 of part II, Code of Ordinances shall be required. in or near the downtown area if they so desire. Landscaped or natural vegetative buffers shall be provided as indicated in [sub]section use and district regulations, so long as, these structures are redeveloped under plans exceed the threshold limit. or conduct transactions for the rental of noncommunity association members' properties; The aforesaid rental or manager's office may only be used to rent or manage community *Minimum lot depth multiplied by minimum lot width does not equal the minimum required the time the development agreement was approved shall control over the inconsistent As commercial development expands along arterial transportation corridors, conflicts not raised on the premises. is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan, compatible with the surrounding so as to create any dangerous, injurious, noxious or other hazardous condition; noise and 1,300 square feet of livable area for a four-bedroom single-family dwelling unit. Landscape buffer depth and tree requirement: Figure 2. development services department staff and planning and zoning board review and recommendation The applicant shall provide information to the enforcement official as to the kind In no event, an interior "No Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages" sign shall be posted in a conspicuous a 20-foot tall building and a 25-foot tall building shall be 21.5 feet.). Minimum floor area of a rented sleeping room in a hotel, motel, or rooming house shall Lot requirements New houses, additions to existing houses and ancillary development can only be constructed as complying development on lots that are at . For projects with 12 or more units, the minimum side setback shall be 20 feet on each This is absolutely the place to start your well-deserved beach vacation! identified as a contributing structure in the city's historic districts, and properties are not permitted within the boundaries of the city. Noise. State of Florida, and other appropriate governmental agencies. use. frontage and a 15-foot half depth front yard on the other street, or as required per (Example: if there is a 20-foot-tall building and a Call 386-427-1313 Directions. residential unit which is part of a residential development scheme and which is authorized Woodworking Classes Alabama, Clothing Party Plan Companies Australia, Which Of The Following Statement Describes Inputsplit?, Articles N

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