human and physical features of the lake district

human and physical features of the lake district

Many of these provide food for people.How People Use LakesLakes are an important part of the water cycle; they are where all the water in an area collects. 0000010676 00000 n It uses up important nutrients without contributing to the lake ecosystem. 0000001404 00000 n Slate mining and quarrying still take place, providing building material for dwellings. When the western part of Illinois is snowing, Chicago often remains slightly warmer.The lake effect can help farmers. Like people, they go through different life stagesyouth, maturity, old age, and death. Most lakes go through a process called thermal stratification. Criterion (ii): The harmonious beauty of the English Lake District is rooted in the vital interaction between an agro-pastoral land use system and the spectacular natural landscape of mountains, valleys and lakes of glacial origins. Over 20 per cent of the site is owned and managed by the National Trust, which also has influence over a further two per cent of the site through legal covenants. What are the duties of a sanitary prefect in a school? 0000000987 00000 n These are the recognition of harmonious landscape beauty through the Picturesque Movement; a new relationship between people and landscape built around an emotional response to it, derived initially from Romantic engagement; the idea that landscape has a value and that everyone has a right to appreciate and enjoy it; and the need to protect and manage landscape, which led to the development of the National Trust movement, which spread across many countries with a similar rights system. Other animals live near the lake, such as bats and semi-aquatic animals, such as mink, salamanders, beavers, and turtles. Landscape architects in North America were similarly influenced, directly or indirectly, by British practice, including Frederick Law Olmsted, one of the most influential American landscape architects of the 19th century. These chemicals allow nutrient-rich plants and algae to grow. There are many lakes today in the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe dead or drying up because of acid rain.Some steps have been taken to curb acid rain. Lake DistrictThe Lake District is a famous wilderness area in northern England. The harvest was stored to use throughout the year. All these rocks are underlain by a batholith of granite which led to their uplift into a central dome of mountains. Cross-curricular outcomes at the end of the topic with PSHE and literacy. These can be delivered directly at the field work sites or run from accommodation providers. Some measure only a few square meters and are small enough to fit in your backyard. Lake Baikal was also formed by the movement of tectonic plates.Many lakes form as a result of volcanoes. This landscape was greatly appreciated from the 18thcentury onwards by the Picturesque and later Romantic movements, which celebrated it in paintings, drawings and words. A substances pH level indicates whether it is an acid or a base. Ullswater is just one of the Lake Districts ribbon lakes. This dynamic town boasts hundreds of shops, eating and drinking establishments and many fine cultural and historical attractions. What time does normal church end on Sunday? The development in the English Lake District of the idea of the universal value of scenic landscape, both in itself and in its capacity to nurture and uplift imagination, creativity and spirit, along with threats to the area, led directly to the development of a conservation movement and the establishment of the National Trust movement, which spread to many countries, and contributed to the formation of the modern concept of legally-protected landscapes. The Lake District National Park, in the county of Cumbria, was established in 1951 in recognition of its unique combination of spectacular mountains and fells, wooded valleys, lakes and tarns. Some acid is natural, even in pure rain. These peaks are not the remains of the original volcanoes - they are the harder volcanic rocks that have withstood erosion. Please login to continue. Celebrating the cultural and natural heritage of the Ullswater valley. The area is also known as the Lakes and Lakeland. Some measure only a few square meters and are small enough to fit in your backyard. At this time we see the first evidence of permanent boundaries marking land holdings. Striding Edge, an arete in the Lake District. Many people refer to lakes by size.How Animals and Plants Use LakesLakes are important in preserving wildlife. The central mountain core is within reach of good roads and car parks for either day or half-day excursions studying river systems or glaciated upland landscapes, whilst on the periphery there are sites suitable for studying coastal erosion and sand dunes. If a glacier hits an outcrop of very hard rock it will flow over and around it, leaving a rock mount smoothed by abrasion from the glacier and often with a jagged face on the lee side due to plucking. The capital, N'Djamena (formerly Fort-Lamy), is almost 1,000 . The remains of fish and other animals pile up on the lakes bottom. The Borrowdale Volcanic Group, outcrops in central Lake District, and is mainly lavas and ash flows erupted during a cataclysmic period of vulcanism, 450 million years ago. The National Park Authority has created a post of World Heritage Coordinator and will manage and monitor implementation of the Management Plan on behalf of the Partnership. There is evidence of mining and quarrying in Cumbria as early as the 12th Century, and possibly dating back to Roman times. Protections by other conservation instruments, Wastwater from north east In adults, the average weight varies from around 40 kg (88 pounds) for the smallest and most lightly built tropical people to around 80 kg (176 pounds) for the heavier northern peoples. As a result, the Lake District is a text book example of glacial landforms. World Heritage partnerships for conservation. It is more than 395 meters (1,300 feet) below sea level.The water in lakes comes from rain, snow, melting ice, streams, and groundwater seepage. On top of the lake is an icecap 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) thick. Rocks plucked from the back wall of the corrie are deposited on its edge to form a lip so when the ice melts a circular lake is often formed. Many lakes in North America, including the Great Lakes, were created primarily by glaciers. All lakes, even the largest, slowly disappear as their basins fill with sediment and plant material. The second is Red Tarn, a lake formed . Most experts agree that lakes must be kept clean and free from pollution if they are to continue to provide the many benefits that we receive from them today. A partir del siglo XVIII, los artistas costumbristas y romnticos profesaron una gran estima a esta regin y la exaltaron en sus pinturas, dibujos y relatos. Great Lakes, chain of deep freshwater lakes in east-central North America comprising Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. The cold surface water sinks to the bottom, forcing the warmer, less dense water upward.The final way to classify lakes is by the kinds of fish they have. These plants shelter small fish that dart in and out under their leaves. Although Lake Baikal covers less than half the surface area of Lake Superiorone of North Americas Great Lakesit is about four times deeper and holds nearly as much water as all five of the Great Lakes combined. There was mining for iron ore but probably on a very small scale. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0. Non-native plants and animals are almost always introduced by people. Criterion (vi): A number of ideas of universal significance are directly and tangibly associated with the English Lake District. Be part of our community by following us on our social media accounts. Instead, the algal bloom chokes up a lake and uses up the oxygen that fish and other living things depend on for survival. Rocks such as sandstone, limestone and granite. The primary aims in the Lake District have traditionally been, and continue to be, to maintain the scenic and harmonious beauty of the cultural landscape; to support and maintain traditional agro-pastoral farming; and to provide access and opportunities for people to enjoy the special qualities of the area, and have developed in recent times to include enhancement and resilience of the natural environment. Phosphorus-based fertilizers from farms, golf courses, parks, and even neighborhood lawns can wash into lakes and pollute them. Lake District National Park. They serve as migration stops and breeding grounds for many birds and as refuges for a wide variety of other animals. Pollution, such as the introduction of toxic chemicals from industry or agriculture, can also affect a lakes chemistry.The amount of oxygen and the pH level can also affect a lakes chemistry. They are found on every continent and in every kind of environmentin mountains and deserts, on plains, and near seashores.Lakes vary greatly in size. During the summer, the epilimnion, or surface layer, is the warmest. The Lake District National Park in Cumbria was established in 1951 in recognition of its unique combination of spectacular mountains and fells, wooded valleys, lakes and tarns. Physical features like seas, mountains and rivers are natural. The Lake District National Park is England's largest and covers: Width (north to south): 64 km or 40 miles. Picturesque and Romantic interest stimulated globally-significant social and cultural forces to appreciate and protect scenic landscapes. A communications plan has been developed in order to inform residents and visitors of the World Heritage bid and this will be developed and extended. Physical places have characteristics or features such as soil, landforms, bodies of water, types of vegetation, and climate. Invasive species can harm life in a lake by competing for the same resources that native species do. 1 Kensington Gore, Seathwaite receives an average of 3300 mm per year while down the valley Keswick receives about 1470 mm per year. The lowest lake is the Dead Sea, between Israel and Jordan. Change). These ships take in ballast water, which helps stabilize the ship as it crosses the ocean. The mountain Helvellyn is home to several glacial landforms. The first inhabitants were hunter-gatherers, but by Neolithic times, farming began, and land was cleared to make room for crops and grazing animals. Adems, las cualidades de este sitio contribuyeron no slo a sensibilizar a la importancia cultural de los paisajes, sino tambin a que se emprendieran los primeros trabajos de conservacin paisajstica. Zebra mussels devastate native plants and animals. Such small lakes are often referred to as ponds. Larger bodies of water in the Lake District are generally named as mere or water, whilst smaller ones are denoted by tarn.Some writers, particularly in the media, refer to Lake Windermere though this use is . Invasive species can change the natural habitat of the lake and are known as biological pollutants when this happens. 0000013702 00000 n The middle layer, the thermocline, mixes and turns over throughout the year. Criterion (v): Land use in the English Lake District derives from a long history of agro-pastoralism. The physical features of the Lake District. [2] Size also varies between the sexes, with the sexual dimorphism in humans being more pronounced than that of chimpanzees, but less than the dimorphism found in gorillas. Genetic, ethnic affiliation, geographical ancestry. Its bottom is nearly 2 kilometers (m ore than 1 mile) below the surface in places. It is caused by toxic gases from factories, coal-fired power plants, vehicle exhaust, and home furnaces.Nitrogen and sulfur, the main ingredients of acid rain, rise in the air and may be carried hundreds of kilometers by wind. Articulations of the pelvis. settlement type, farming, mining, quarrying, tourism, energy, water supplies, transport links etc. Identify unifying areas on a map that define those areas as regions (e.g., a zoo map showing how animal exhibits are organized . Using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and energy-efficient vehicles also help reduce the amount of pollution going into the air.Lakes are among the most valuable and most beautiful of the Earths resources. People are encouraged to inspect their boats and other equipment for wildlife. So, by the time we reach the Iron Age, humans have already had a significant impact on the landscape through forest clearance and by creating enclosures, settlements and monuments. The most recent glaciation lasted from 26,000 to 10,000 years ago. 00V X;\%Q4 02 -`Q^JV}FLD8v1,`1* '[%X%4}.C0 D endstream endobj 62 0 obj 238 endobj 33 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 28 0 R /Resources 34 0 R /Contents [ 43 0 R 45 0 R 49 0 R 51 0 R 53 0 R 55 0 R 57 0 R 59 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 34 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TT1 35 0 R /TT3 41 0 R /TT5 46 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 60 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs5 40 0 R >> >> endobj 35 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 33 /LastChar 34 /Widths [ 790 460 ] /BaseFont /IIKEKK+SymbolMT /FontDescriptor 38 0 R /ToUnicode 36 0 R >> endobj 36 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 227 >> stream Its water is saltier than the ocean. In the 18th century, the quality of the landscape was recognised and celebrated by the Picturesque Movement, based on ideas related to both Italian and Northern European styles of landscape painting. But with human influence, it can take only decades.A lakes plants and algae slowly die. How do the excess nutrients get into lakes? Surrounding the Great Salt Lake are salt flats, areas where the lake has evaporated, leaving only stretches of white salt.How Lakes Are FormedAll lakes fill bowl-shaped depressions in the Earths surface, called basins. The Bowder Stone. Human body. Clothing, personal effects, and intentional body modifications, Other functional objects, temporarily attached to the body, "Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: United States, 20032006",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The Romantic engagement with the English Lake District generated new ideas about the relationship between humanity and its environment, including the recognition of harmonious landscape beauty and the validity of emotional response by people to their landscapes. One of the highest is Lake Titicaca, in the Andes Mountains between Bolivia and Peru. Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice. Tilapia, a variety of cichlid, can also thrive in lakes with very low pH.The Life Cycle of LakesOnce formed, lakes do not stay the same. In the Lake District, 500 million years of geological processes have produced a physical landscape of mountains and lakes of great scenic beauty. We are the learned society for geography and geographers. The axe factory on Pike O Stickle in the Langdales is the most significant Neolithic find in Cumbria. This helps people in the fishing industry identify what kinds of fish they might be able to catch in that lake. River Eden. 0000012934 00000 n . It, too, may fill with rainwater and become a lake. These are called roches moutonne. Con el correr del tiempo se fueron construyendo lujosas quintas de recreo con hermosos parques y jardines para realzar la belleza del paisaje. Tijdens de IJstijd slepen gletsjers de valleien uit, die later verder vorm kregen door agro-pastoraal landgebruik dat gekenmerkt wordt door ommuurde velden. There are signs at Hartsop of a settlement that is Iron Age to Roman. These lakes have very little lake turnover.Deep lakes experience lake turnover on a large scale. Hb```f``Qa`e` |@16 s/r} SyEVk8M>*v_I lE8.2Wq:T,~ h Lake basins are formed in several ways.Many lakes, especially those in the Northern Hemisphere, were formed by glaciers that covered large areas of land during the most recent ice age, about 18,000 years ago.The huge masses of ice carved out great pits and scrubbed the land as they moved slowly along. religions. There are infinite variations in human phenotypes, though society reduces the variability to distinct categories. Because water does not heat or cool as rapidly as land does, winds blowing from lakes help keep the climate more even. Artificial lakes are used to store water for times of drought. 0000014309 00000 n All freshwater lakes are open. [3] The colouration of skin, hair and eyes also varies considerably, with darker pigmentation dominating in tropical climates and lighter in polar regions. Human . De combinatie van natuurlijke en menselijke activiteit heeft een harmonieus landschap opgeleverd, waarin de bergen zich weerspiegelen in de meren. Boasting Scafell Pike - England's highest mountain, and Wastwater - England's deepest lake, 'The Lakes' offers some of the UK's most stunning scenery, inspiring artists such as Turner and Ruskin to some of the country's best loved writers, such as William Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter. As water cools, it becomes more dense, causing it to sink. Tourism brings great benefits to the area. Sometimes the top of a volcano is blown off or collapses during an eruption, leaving a depression called a caldera. 0000010119 00000 n At this time henges and stone circles, such as Cockpit on Moor Divock, were created across Cumbria. Natural Features in Cumbria. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Additionally good roads and an abundance of car parks suitable for coaches make it readily accessible from the north via the M6 and A66, and from the south along the M6 and A591/592. Red Tarn on Helvellyn is an example. However as some tarns are larger than lakes, it's not an exact science! Lake Vostok is about the same size as Lake Ontario, and even has an island in the middle of it. The hypolimnion is the warmest. Other lakes are so shallow that a person could easily wade across them.Lakes exist at many different elevations. They will use maps to identify physical and human features of the lake district. 0000001611 00000 n In the third part of his talk, Geoff introduced Homo sapiens. Human and physical features are things that you can see all around you. (with the Institute of British Geographers), We find the first evidence of agriculture seeds of emmer and einkhorn wheats and also of barley. A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land. WebGL must be enable, Declaration of principles to promote international solidarity and cooperation to preserve World Heritage, Heritage Solutions for Sustainable Futures, Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Central Africa World Heritage Forest Initiative (CAWHFI), Reducing Disasters Risks at World Heritage Properties, World Heritage and Sustainable Development, World Heritage Programme for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest, Three new sites and two extensions added to UNESCOs World Heritage List. PRIVACY NOTICE Fish such as cichlids thrive in Lake Tanganyika. You cannot download interactives. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Write the following list of cultural characteristics on chart paper: languages. Slate developed from sediments in oceans and seas, volcanoes erupted, limestone was formed by the deposition of dead crustaceans and sandstone was created in desert conditions. Chad, landlocked country in north-central Africa. 0 6> stream Thank you for visiting our site. The Lake District is a region of spectacular countryside in Cumbria, in the northwest of England . Colder periods followed which led to ice ages. The Clean Air Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1990. 0000001770 00000 n The ice actually insulates the water, preventing it from freezing. The stone-walled fields and rugged farm buildings in their spectacular natural backdrop, form an harmonious beauty that has attracted visitors from the 18th century onwards. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Keswick's Lake District Geology Keswick's 500 million year heritage. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 0000012955 00000 n Human geography General The location . When that species harms the natural balance in an ecosystem, the species is called invasive. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0. These are called roches moutonne. These are very hard and resistant to erosion and have given rise to some of our highest craggiest mountains, for example Helvellyn. This is the first evidence of humans changing the appearance of the landscape. Tectonic plates move and create mountains and volcanoes. The U.S. state of Minnesota is nicknamed The Land of 10,000 Lakes because of the number of glacial lakes. This is because as the water evaporates, it leaves behind solidsmostly salts. A lakes shallowest layer is the epilimnion. Some scientists say they carry a type of disease that is deadly to birds that eat the mussels. Ice sheets and melt waters have then eroded and sculpted it further. Axeheads fashioned from its green volcanic rock can be found all over Britain and it seems they were used not only as weapons but also for ritualistic purposes. The combined work of nature and human activity has produced a harmonious landscape in which the mountains are mirrored in the lakes. Farther from the shore, floating plants such as water lilies and water hyacinths often thrive. Ullswater is just one of the Lake District's ribbon lakes. Others include swans, geese, loons, kingfishers, herons, and bald eagles.Many people think of fish when they think of lakes. Their sharp polished stone axes felled trees faster than flint and the surrounding undergrowth was burnt. HTn VK;'Cj 9?~h0`!BuP0V-+QO* Op T#z~&dn H *| O J^o9(Z $3kL{i*YQ%n/nBl:|P! Flint-chipping sites have been found at Eskmeals and at Walney and evidence of wooden raft-like structures suggest semi-permanent or permanent settlements. The water may be full of non-native species accidentally captured as the ship took on ballast.The most famous invasive species in lakes is probably the zebra mussel, a small mollusk native to the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in Europe and Asia. Web Browser not supported for ESRI ArcGIS API version 4.10. In Albrecht von Haller. He leads Guided Walks, many in the Ullswater Valley, and is involved with the Archaeology Network. Distinguished villas, gardens and formal landscapes were added to augment its picturesque beauty. A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land. (LogOut/ PRESS AND MEDIA National Parks are areas that have been recognised for their unique landscape qualities. 0000009939 00000 n Este sitio abarca una regin montaosa, situada al noroeste de Inglaterra, con valles formados en la era glacial. Together these surviving attributes of land use form a distinctive cultural landscape which is outstanding in its harmonious beauty, quality, integrity and on-going utility and its demonstration of human interaction with the environment. Conservation land management in the Lake District developed directly from the early conservation initiatives of the 18th and 19th centuries. This is why there is ice on lakes during the winter, while fish swim in slightly warmer, liquid water beneath.During the spring, the lake turns over again. The Skiddaw Group are the oldest rocks in the Lake District. Unlike in some other parts of the world National Parks in Britain are not owned by the government and are places where a wide variety of people live and work. The second sheet is the answer sheet which can be used to mark this resource. A map of the time shows England and Wales close to the South Pole on the landmass of Avalonia and nowhere near Scotland and Northern Ireland. If water only leaves a lake by evaporation, the lake is closed. Our staff include rangers and field workers, advisers at our visitor centres, planners andecologists. HW TSWYl zIxYC6Ixh6 EDeq+u It covers 2,292 km2, and has a population of just over 42,000. 0000015136 00000 n The Caspian Sea was formed this way. I will try to imagine how life might have been during Neolithic or Iron Age times. Eventually, the lake becomes a marsh, bog, or swamp. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Accessibility 0000011604 00000 n This slightly toxic chemical slowly weathers rocks and soil. Water in some lakes, mostly shallow ones, mixes all year long. Laction conjugue de la nature et des activits humaines a donn naissance un paysage harmonieux dans lequel les montagnes se refltent dans les lacs. Besides lakes, the Lake District is filled with mountains and hills, valleys and streams, bogs and plains. There are infinite variations in human phenotypes, though society reduces the variability to distinct categories. States also divide lakes into ones that are available for public use and ones that are not. The landscape was more open and probably more organised, with woodlands managed and a lot of forest cleared to create fields and provide wood for construction. Boaters should remove plants, animals, and mud before leaving the water-access area. Regions are areas of Earth's surface with unifying physical and/or human characteristics. These materials sometimes formed dams that trapped water and created more lakes.Many areas of North America and Europe are dotted with glacial lakes. Based on the evaluation of the degree of urban ecological resilience restriction, this study aimed to diagnose the key areas of surface-line-point ecological restoration under the guidance of the . The chemistry of a lake is affected by biological, geological, and human processes. It is about 3,810 meters (12,500 feet) above sea level. Articulation of the mandible. Take advantage of the search to browse through the World Heritage Centre information. These traditions have evolved under the influence of the physical constraints of its mountain setting. There are currently 14 National Parks in Great Britain, and an additional one pending in the South Downs. True algae is an important part of the food web because it supplies energy for tiny animals, which are then eaten by fish, which are then eaten by other fish, birds, animals, or people.Blue-green algae, also called cyanobacteria, is not a part of the food web. The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international communitys efforts to protect and preserve. The world's deepest lake is Lake Baikal, in Russia. Human physical appearance is the outward phenotype or look of human beings. How much is a biblical shekel of silver worth in us dollars? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. However, major lake turnover happens during the fall and spring, when the lakes cold and warm waters mix and readjust. Introduce the concept of cultural characteristics of places. children will identify the difference between rivers and lakes, and hills and mountains. Small islands, floating plants, or fallen logs provide sunny spots for turtles to warm themselves. The third was by Geoff Cowellon the Formation of the Lake District Landscape. OK, Lake District Central Fells Around Langdale, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Introduction, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Planner, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Risk Assessment, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Resources, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Presentation, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Introduction, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Fieldwork Planner, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Risk Assessment, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Morning Activity Resources, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Afternoon Activity Resources, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Evening Activity Resources, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Presentation, Developing a sense of place in the Lake District, The influence of Beatrix Potter tourism on the Lake District, Water management in the Lake District National Park, The Lake District National Park Education Service. The first sheet is the question sheet, which covers topics such as how many lakes there are in the Lake District, famous people from the Lake District, and the impact of tourism on the Lake District. It usually refers to a small mountain lake or pool. 62N.U`u9g=70 ^$re"/C9u H4n. The region contains numerous examples of corries, tarns and artes. The coast is a mixture of sandstone cliffs and depositional dunes, which also occur in the south along the fringes of wide, silt filled estuaries with large tidal ranges. By the Iron Age, 2,800 years ago, human impact on the landscape was increasing still further. Various aspects are considered relevant to the physical appearance of humans. When the conditions are just right, the algae multiplies quickly. The physical appearance of humans, in particular those attributes which are regarded as important for physical attractiveness, are believed by anthropologists to affect the development of personality significantly and social relations. . Tectonic forces within the Earth cause volcanic activity and earthquakes which result in mountains and other natural features of the landscape. Citizens need to work with businesses and elected leaders to help reduce the amount of runoff and water pollution.Lake Health: Invasive SpeciesWhen a plant or animal species is moved to a location where its not originally from, the species is called an exotic species.

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human and physical features of the lake district

human and physical features of the lake district

human and physical features of the lake district

human and physical features of the lake districthillcrest memorial park obituaries

Many of these provide food for people.How People Use LakesLakes are an important part of the water cycle; they are where all the water in an area collects. 0000010676 00000 n It uses up important nutrients without contributing to the lake ecosystem. 0000001404 00000 n Slate mining and quarrying still take place, providing building material for dwellings. When the western part of Illinois is snowing, Chicago often remains slightly warmer.The lake effect can help farmers. Like people, they go through different life stagesyouth, maturity, old age, and death. Most lakes go through a process called thermal stratification. Criterion (ii): The harmonious beauty of the English Lake District is rooted in the vital interaction between an agro-pastoral land use system and the spectacular natural landscape of mountains, valleys and lakes of glacial origins. Over 20 per cent of the site is owned and managed by the National Trust, which also has influence over a further two per cent of the site through legal covenants. What are the duties of a sanitary prefect in a school? 0000000987 00000 n These are the recognition of harmonious landscape beauty through the Picturesque Movement; a new relationship between people and landscape built around an emotional response to it, derived initially from Romantic engagement; the idea that landscape has a value and that everyone has a right to appreciate and enjoy it; and the need to protect and manage landscape, which led to the development of the National Trust movement, which spread across many countries with a similar rights system. Other animals live near the lake, such as bats and semi-aquatic animals, such as mink, salamanders, beavers, and turtles. Landscape architects in North America were similarly influenced, directly or indirectly, by British practice, including Frederick Law Olmsted, one of the most influential American landscape architects of the 19th century. These chemicals allow nutrient-rich plants and algae to grow. There are many lakes today in the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe dead or drying up because of acid rain.Some steps have been taken to curb acid rain. Lake DistrictThe Lake District is a famous wilderness area in northern England. The harvest was stored to use throughout the year. All these rocks are underlain by a batholith of granite which led to their uplift into a central dome of mountains. Cross-curricular outcomes at the end of the topic with PSHE and literacy. These can be delivered directly at the field work sites or run from accommodation providers. Some measure only a few square meters and are small enough to fit in your backyard. Lake Baikal was also formed by the movement of tectonic plates.Many lakes form as a result of volcanoes. This landscape was greatly appreciated from the 18thcentury onwards by the Picturesque and later Romantic movements, which celebrated it in paintings, drawings and words. A substances pH level indicates whether it is an acid or a base. Ullswater is just one of the Lake Districts ribbon lakes. This dynamic town boasts hundreds of shops, eating and drinking establishments and many fine cultural and historical attractions. What time does normal church end on Sunday? The development in the English Lake District of the idea of the universal value of scenic landscape, both in itself and in its capacity to nurture and uplift imagination, creativity and spirit, along with threats to the area, led directly to the development of a conservation movement and the establishment of the National Trust movement, which spread to many countries, and contributed to the formation of the modern concept of legally-protected landscapes. The Lake District National Park, in the county of Cumbria, was established in 1951 in recognition of its unique combination of spectacular mountains and fells, wooded valleys, lakes and tarns. Some acid is natural, even in pure rain. These peaks are not the remains of the original volcanoes - they are the harder volcanic rocks that have withstood erosion. Please login to continue. Celebrating the cultural and natural heritage of the Ullswater valley. The area is also known as the Lakes and Lakeland. Some measure only a few square meters and are small enough to fit in your backyard. At this time we see the first evidence of permanent boundaries marking land holdings. Striding Edge, an arete in the Lake District. Many people refer to lakes by size.How Animals and Plants Use LakesLakes are important in preserving wildlife. The central mountain core is within reach of good roads and car parks for either day or half-day excursions studying river systems or glaciated upland landscapes, whilst on the periphery there are sites suitable for studying coastal erosion and sand dunes. If a glacier hits an outcrop of very hard rock it will flow over and around it, leaving a rock mount smoothed by abrasion from the glacier and often with a jagged face on the lee side due to plucking. The capital, N'Djamena (formerly Fort-Lamy), is almost 1,000 . The remains of fish and other animals pile up on the lakes bottom. The Borrowdale Volcanic Group, outcrops in central Lake District, and is mainly lavas and ash flows erupted during a cataclysmic period of vulcanism, 450 million years ago. The National Park Authority has created a post of World Heritage Coordinator and will manage and monitor implementation of the Management Plan on behalf of the Partnership. There is evidence of mining and quarrying in Cumbria as early as the 12th Century, and possibly dating back to Roman times. Protections by other conservation instruments, Wastwater from north east In adults, the average weight varies from around 40 kg (88 pounds) for the smallest and most lightly built tropical people to around 80 kg (176 pounds) for the heavier northern peoples. As a result, the Lake District is a text book example of glacial landforms. World Heritage partnerships for conservation. It is more than 395 meters (1,300 feet) below sea level.The water in lakes comes from rain, snow, melting ice, streams, and groundwater seepage. On top of the lake is an icecap 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) thick. Rocks plucked from the back wall of the corrie are deposited on its edge to form a lip so when the ice melts a circular lake is often formed. Many lakes in North America, including the Great Lakes, were created primarily by glaciers. All lakes, even the largest, slowly disappear as their basins fill with sediment and plant material. The second is Red Tarn, a lake formed . Most experts agree that lakes must be kept clean and free from pollution if they are to continue to provide the many benefits that we receive from them today. A partir del siglo XVIII, los artistas costumbristas y romnticos profesaron una gran estima a esta regin y la exaltaron en sus pinturas, dibujos y relatos. Great Lakes, chain of deep freshwater lakes in east-central North America comprising Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. The cold surface water sinks to the bottom, forcing the warmer, less dense water upward.The final way to classify lakes is by the kinds of fish they have. These plants shelter small fish that dart in and out under their leaves. Although Lake Baikal covers less than half the surface area of Lake Superiorone of North Americas Great Lakesit is about four times deeper and holds nearly as much water as all five of the Great Lakes combined. There was mining for iron ore but probably on a very small scale. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0. Non-native plants and animals are almost always introduced by people. Criterion (vi): A number of ideas of universal significance are directly and tangibly associated with the English Lake District. Be part of our community by following us on our social media accounts. Instead, the algal bloom chokes up a lake and uses up the oxygen that fish and other living things depend on for survival. Rocks such as sandstone, limestone and granite. The primary aims in the Lake District have traditionally been, and continue to be, to maintain the scenic and harmonious beauty of the cultural landscape; to support and maintain traditional agro-pastoral farming; and to provide access and opportunities for people to enjoy the special qualities of the area, and have developed in recent times to include enhancement and resilience of the natural environment. Phosphorus-based fertilizers from farms, golf courses, parks, and even neighborhood lawns can wash into lakes and pollute them. Lake District National Park. They serve as migration stops and breeding grounds for many birds and as refuges for a wide variety of other animals. Pollution, such as the introduction of toxic chemicals from industry or agriculture, can also affect a lakes chemistry.The amount of oxygen and the pH level can also affect a lakes chemistry. They are found on every continent and in every kind of environmentin mountains and deserts, on plains, and near seashores.Lakes vary greatly in size. During the summer, the epilimnion, or surface layer, is the warmest. The Lake District National Park in Cumbria was established in 1951 in recognition of its unique combination of spectacular mountains and fells, wooded valleys, lakes and tarns. Physical features like seas, mountains and rivers are natural. The Lake District National Park is England's largest and covers: Width (north to south): 64 km or 40 miles. Picturesque and Romantic interest stimulated globally-significant social and cultural forces to appreciate and protect scenic landscapes. A communications plan has been developed in order to inform residents and visitors of the World Heritage bid and this will be developed and extended. Physical places have characteristics or features such as soil, landforms, bodies of water, types of vegetation, and climate. Invasive species can harm life in a lake by competing for the same resources that native species do. 1 Kensington Gore, Seathwaite receives an average of 3300 mm per year while down the valley Keswick receives about 1470 mm per year. The lowest lake is the Dead Sea, between Israel and Jordan. Change). These ships take in ballast water, which helps stabilize the ship as it crosses the ocean. The mountain Helvellyn is home to several glacial landforms. The first inhabitants were hunter-gatherers, but by Neolithic times, farming began, and land was cleared to make room for crops and grazing animals. Adems, las cualidades de este sitio contribuyeron no slo a sensibilizar a la importancia cultural de los paisajes, sino tambin a que se emprendieran los primeros trabajos de conservacin paisajstica. Zebra mussels devastate native plants and animals. Such small lakes are often referred to as ponds. Larger bodies of water in the Lake District are generally named as mere or water, whilst smaller ones are denoted by tarn.Some writers, particularly in the media, refer to Lake Windermere though this use is . Invasive species can change the natural habitat of the lake and are known as biological pollutants when this happens. 0000013702 00000 n The middle layer, the thermocline, mixes and turns over throughout the year. Criterion (v): Land use in the English Lake District derives from a long history of agro-pastoralism. The physical features of the Lake District. [2] Size also varies between the sexes, with the sexual dimorphism in humans being more pronounced than that of chimpanzees, but less than the dimorphism found in gorillas. Genetic, ethnic affiliation, geographical ancestry. Its bottom is nearly 2 kilometers (m ore than 1 mile) below the surface in places. It is caused by toxic gases from factories, coal-fired power plants, vehicle exhaust, and home furnaces.Nitrogen and sulfur, the main ingredients of acid rain, rise in the air and may be carried hundreds of kilometers by wind. Articulations of the pelvis. settlement type, farming, mining, quarrying, tourism, energy, water supplies, transport links etc. Identify unifying areas on a map that define those areas as regions (e.g., a zoo map showing how animal exhibits are organized . Using compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) and energy-efficient vehicles also help reduce the amount of pollution going into the air.Lakes are among the most valuable and most beautiful of the Earths resources. People are encouraged to inspect their boats and other equipment for wildlife. So, by the time we reach the Iron Age, humans have already had a significant impact on the landscape through forest clearance and by creating enclosures, settlements and monuments. The most recent glaciation lasted from 26,000 to 10,000 years ago. 00V X;\%Q4 02 -`Q^JV}FLD8v1,`1* '[%X%4}.C0 D endstream endobj 62 0 obj 238 endobj 33 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 28 0 R /Resources 34 0 R /Contents [ 43 0 R 45 0 R 49 0 R 51 0 R 53 0 R 55 0 R 57 0 R 59 0 R ] /MediaBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 595 842 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 34 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /TT1 35 0 R /TT3 41 0 R /TT5 46 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 60 0 R >> /ColorSpace << /Cs5 40 0 R >> >> endobj 35 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 33 /LastChar 34 /Widths [ 790 460 ] /BaseFont /IIKEKK+SymbolMT /FontDescriptor 38 0 R /ToUnicode 36 0 R >> endobj 36 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 227 >> stream Its water is saltier than the ocean. In the 18th century, the quality of the landscape was recognised and celebrated by the Picturesque Movement, based on ideas related to both Italian and Northern European styles of landscape painting. But with human influence, it can take only decades.A lakes plants and algae slowly die. How do the excess nutrients get into lakes? Surrounding the Great Salt Lake are salt flats, areas where the lake has evaporated, leaving only stretches of white salt.How Lakes Are FormedAll lakes fill bowl-shaped depressions in the Earths surface, called basins. The Bowder Stone. Human body. Clothing, personal effects, and intentional body modifications, Other functional objects, temporarily attached to the body, "Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults: United States, 20032006",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The Romantic engagement with the English Lake District generated new ideas about the relationship between humanity and its environment, including the recognition of harmonious landscape beauty and the validity of emotional response by people to their landscapes. One of the highest is Lake Titicaca, in the Andes Mountains between Bolivia and Peru. Do you have pictures of Gracie Thompson from the movie Gracie's choice. Tilapia, a variety of cichlid, can also thrive in lakes with very low pH.The Life Cycle of LakesOnce formed, lakes do not stay the same. In the Lake District, 500 million years of geological processes have produced a physical landscape of mountains and lakes of great scenic beauty. We are the learned society for geography and geographers. The axe factory on Pike O Stickle in the Langdales is the most significant Neolithic find in Cumbria. This helps people in the fishing industry identify what kinds of fish they might be able to catch in that lake. River Eden. 0000012934 00000 n . It, too, may fill with rainwater and become a lake. These are called roches moutonne. Con el correr del tiempo se fueron construyendo lujosas quintas de recreo con hermosos parques y jardines para realzar la belleza del paisaje. Tijdens de IJstijd slepen gletsjers de valleien uit, die later verder vorm kregen door agro-pastoraal landgebruik dat gekenmerkt wordt door ommuurde velden. There are signs at Hartsop of a settlement that is Iron Age to Roman. These lakes have very little lake turnover.Deep lakes experience lake turnover on a large scale. Hb```f``Qa`e` |@16 s/r} SyEVk8M>*v_I lE8.2Wq:T,~ h Lake basins are formed in several ways.Many lakes, especially those in the Northern Hemisphere, were formed by glaciers that covered large areas of land during the most recent ice age, about 18,000 years ago.The huge masses of ice carved out great pits and scrubbed the land as they moved slowly along. religions. There are infinite variations in human phenotypes, though society reduces the variability to distinct categories. Because water does not heat or cool as rapidly as land does, winds blowing from lakes help keep the climate more even. Artificial lakes are used to store water for times of drought. 0000014309 00000 n All freshwater lakes are open. [3] The colouration of skin, hair and eyes also varies considerably, with darker pigmentation dominating in tropical climates and lighter in polar regions. Human . De combinatie van natuurlijke en menselijke activiteit heeft een harmonieus landschap opgeleverd, waarin de bergen zich weerspiegelen in de meren. Boasting Scafell Pike - England's highest mountain, and Wastwater - England's deepest lake, 'The Lakes' offers some of the UK's most stunning scenery, inspiring artists such as Turner and Ruskin to some of the country's best loved writers, such as William Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter. As water cools, it becomes more dense, causing it to sink. Tourism brings great benefits to the area. Sometimes the top of a volcano is blown off or collapses during an eruption, leaving a depression called a caldera. 0000010119 00000 n At this time henges and stone circles, such as Cockpit on Moor Divock, were created across Cumbria. Natural Features in Cumbria. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Additionally good roads and an abundance of car parks suitable for coaches make it readily accessible from the north via the M6 and A66, and from the south along the M6 and A591/592. Red Tarn on Helvellyn is an example. However as some tarns are larger than lakes, it's not an exact science! Lake Vostok is about the same size as Lake Ontario, and even has an island in the middle of it. The hypolimnion is the warmest. Other lakes are so shallow that a person could easily wade across them.Lakes exist at many different elevations. They will use maps to identify physical and human features of the lake district. 0000001611 00000 n In the third part of his talk, Geoff introduced Homo sapiens. Human and physical features are things that you can see all around you. (with the Institute of British Geographers), We find the first evidence of agriculture seeds of emmer and einkhorn wheats and also of barley. A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land. WebGL must be enable, Declaration of principles to promote international solidarity and cooperation to preserve World Heritage, Heritage Solutions for Sustainable Futures, Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Central Africa World Heritage Forest Initiative (CAWHFI), Reducing Disasters Risks at World Heritage Properties, World Heritage and Sustainable Development, World Heritage Programme for Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest, Three new sites and two extensions added to UNESCOs World Heritage List. PRIVACY NOTICE Fish such as cichlids thrive in Lake Tanganyika. You cannot download interactives. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Write the following list of cultural characteristics on chart paper: languages. Slate developed from sediments in oceans and seas, volcanoes erupted, limestone was formed by the deposition of dead crustaceans and sandstone was created in desert conditions. Chad, landlocked country in north-central Africa. 0 6> stream Thank you for visiting our site. The Lake District is a region of spectacular countryside in Cumbria, in the northwest of England . Colder periods followed which led to ice ages. The Clean Air Act was passed by the United States Congress in 1990. 0000001770 00000 n The ice actually insulates the water, preventing it from freezing. The stone-walled fields and rugged farm buildings in their spectacular natural backdrop, form an harmonious beauty that has attracted visitors from the 18th century onwards. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Keswick's Lake District Geology Keswick's 500 million year heritage. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 0000012955 00000 n Human geography General The location . When that species harms the natural balance in an ecosystem, the species is called invasive. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0. These are called roches moutonne. These are very hard and resistant to erosion and have given rise to some of our highest craggiest mountains, for example Helvellyn. This is the first evidence of humans changing the appearance of the landscape. Tectonic plates move and create mountains and volcanoes. The U.S. state of Minnesota is nicknamed The Land of 10,000 Lakes because of the number of glacial lakes. This is because as the water evaporates, it leaves behind solidsmostly salts. A lakes shallowest layer is the epilimnion. Some scientists say they carry a type of disease that is deadly to birds that eat the mussels. Ice sheets and melt waters have then eroded and sculpted it further. Axeheads fashioned from its green volcanic rock can be found all over Britain and it seems they were used not only as weapons but also for ritualistic purposes. The combined work of nature and human activity has produced a harmonious landscape in which the mountains are mirrored in the lakes. Farther from the shore, floating plants such as water lilies and water hyacinths often thrive. Ullswater is just one of the Lake District's ribbon lakes. Others include swans, geese, loons, kingfishers, herons, and bald eagles.Many people think of fish when they think of lakes. Their sharp polished stone axes felled trees faster than flint and the surrounding undergrowth was burnt. HTn VK;'Cj 9?~h0`!BuP0V-+QO* Op T#z~&dn H *| O J^o9(Z $3kL{i*YQ%n/nBl:|P! Flint-chipping sites have been found at Eskmeals and at Walney and evidence of wooden raft-like structures suggest semi-permanent or permanent settlements. The water may be full of non-native species accidentally captured as the ship took on ballast.The most famous invasive species in lakes is probably the zebra mussel, a small mollusk native to the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea in Europe and Asia. Web Browser not supported for ESRI ArcGIS API version 4.10. In Albrecht von Haller. He leads Guided Walks, many in the Ullswater Valley, and is involved with the Archaeology Network. Distinguished villas, gardens and formal landscapes were added to augment its picturesque beauty. A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land. (LogOut/ PRESS AND MEDIA National Parks are areas that have been recognised for their unique landscape qualities. 0000009939 00000 n Este sitio abarca una regin montaosa, situada al noroeste de Inglaterra, con valles formados en la era glacial. Together these surviving attributes of land use form a distinctive cultural landscape which is outstanding in its harmonious beauty, quality, integrity and on-going utility and its demonstration of human interaction with the environment. Conservation land management in the Lake District developed directly from the early conservation initiatives of the 18th and 19th centuries. This is why there is ice on lakes during the winter, while fish swim in slightly warmer, liquid water beneath.During the spring, the lake turns over again. The Skiddaw Group are the oldest rocks in the Lake District. Unlike in some other parts of the world National Parks in Britain are not owned by the government and are places where a wide variety of people live and work. The second sheet is the answer sheet which can be used to mark this resource. A map of the time shows England and Wales close to the South Pole on the landmass of Avalonia and nowhere near Scotland and Northern Ireland. If water only leaves a lake by evaporation, the lake is closed. Our staff include rangers and field workers, advisers at our visitor centres, planners andecologists. HW TSWYl zIxYC6Ixh6 EDeq+u It covers 2,292 km2, and has a population of just over 42,000. 0000015136 00000 n The Caspian Sea was formed this way. I will try to imagine how life might have been during Neolithic or Iron Age times. Eventually, the lake becomes a marsh, bog, or swamp. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Accessibility 0000011604 00000 n This slightly toxic chemical slowly weathers rocks and soil. Water in some lakes, mostly shallow ones, mixes all year long. Laction conjugue de la nature et des activits humaines a donn naissance un paysage harmonieux dans lequel les montagnes se refltent dans les lacs. Besides lakes, the Lake District is filled with mountains and hills, valleys and streams, bogs and plains. There are infinite variations in human phenotypes, though society reduces the variability to distinct categories. States also divide lakes into ones that are available for public use and ones that are not. The landscape was more open and probably more organised, with woodlands managed and a lot of forest cleared to create fields and provide wood for construction. Boaters should remove plants, animals, and mud before leaving the water-access area. Regions are areas of Earth's surface with unifying physical and/or human characteristics. These materials sometimes formed dams that trapped water and created more lakes.Many areas of North America and Europe are dotted with glacial lakes. Based on the evaluation of the degree of urban ecological resilience restriction, this study aimed to diagnose the key areas of surface-line-point ecological restoration under the guidance of the . The chemistry of a lake is affected by biological, geological, and human processes. It is about 3,810 meters (12,500 feet) above sea level. Articulation of the mandible. Take advantage of the search to browse through the World Heritage Centre information. These traditions have evolved under the influence of the physical constraints of its mountain setting. There are currently 14 National Parks in Great Britain, and an additional one pending in the South Downs. True algae is an important part of the food web because it supplies energy for tiny animals, which are then eaten by fish, which are then eaten by other fish, birds, animals, or people.Blue-green algae, also called cyanobacteria, is not a part of the food web. The World Heritage Centre is at the forefront of the international communitys efforts to protect and preserve. The world's deepest lake is Lake Baikal, in Russia. Human physical appearance is the outward phenotype or look of human beings. How much is a biblical shekel of silver worth in us dollars? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. However, major lake turnover happens during the fall and spring, when the lakes cold and warm waters mix and readjust. Introduce the concept of cultural characteristics of places. children will identify the difference between rivers and lakes, and hills and mountains. Small islands, floating plants, or fallen logs provide sunny spots for turtles to warm themselves. The third was by Geoff Cowellon the Formation of the Lake District Landscape. OK, Lake District Central Fells Around Langdale, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Introduction, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Planner, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Risk Assessment, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Resources, The Influence of Beatrix Potter Tourism on the Lake District Fieldwork Presentation, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Introduction, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Fieldwork Planner, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Risk Assessment, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Morning Activity Resources, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Afternoon Activity Resources, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Evening Activity Resources, Water Management in the Lake District National Park Presentation, Developing a sense of place in the Lake District, The influence of Beatrix Potter tourism on the Lake District, Water management in the Lake District National Park, The Lake District National Park Education Service. The first sheet is the question sheet, which covers topics such as how many lakes there are in the Lake District, famous people from the Lake District, and the impact of tourism on the Lake District. It usually refers to a small mountain lake or pool. 62N.U`u9g=70 ^$re"/C9u H4n. The region contains numerous examples of corries, tarns and artes. The coast is a mixture of sandstone cliffs and depositional dunes, which also occur in the south along the fringes of wide, silt filled estuaries with large tidal ranges. By the Iron Age, 2,800 years ago, human impact on the landscape was increasing still further. Various aspects are considered relevant to the physical appearance of humans. When the conditions are just right, the algae multiplies quickly. The physical appearance of humans, in particular those attributes which are regarded as important for physical attractiveness, are believed by anthropologists to affect the development of personality significantly and social relations. . Tectonic forces within the Earth cause volcanic activity and earthquakes which result in mountains and other natural features of the landscape. Citizens need to work with businesses and elected leaders to help reduce the amount of runoff and water pollution.Lake Health: Invasive SpeciesWhen a plant or animal species is moved to a location where its not originally from, the species is called an exotic species. Durham Magistrates' Court Hearings Today, Passport In Maiden Name Vaccine In Married Name, Articles H

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human and physical features of the lake districtgeorge bellows cliff dwellers

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