That`s no small victory for her going towards a general election. I look forward to working with you not only to develop closer relations between our countries but also to concert our efforts in the cause of peace and the brotherhood of all peoples. Tony Blair will be remembered as a great friend to Wales because it was his landslide election victory in 1997 that led to devolution. It's very encouraging to see the structural changes that the RNC has made this past year in engaging communities on the ground. Congratulations Letters for an Election Win, Engagement Messages of Congratulations: Card, note, letter, or facebook messages. During a news conference, when he was standing with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President [Donald] Trump responded to a question from an Israeli reporter about the rise in anti-Semitic attacks - by boasting about his election victory. Not only me but also our family members became emotional at the announcement. If you need anything, please dont hesitate to ask. More: Congratulation Messages for Achievement in Exam. Those who have a different view of things are already organizingWill you stand in the gap with those of us who believe there's a God, and a God who is strong? We are so proud of you! He seemed to be tired of saying the same thing. It was certainly one of the best news to hear today. Today is your day. You have to keep defeating liberals, and it's the same thing here in the Brexit vote. (A little achievement is a good excuse, too!). I was impressed that the new president climbed onto the stage in front of the Louvre to the sound of the European anthem after his election victory. Its hard to imagine what my life would be like without you by my side. Congratulations on reelection - Colorado Association of School Executives Please contact us if we can help. Congratulations on losing the weight we were all pretending you didn't need to lose. 09+ Congratulating A Politician On An Election Letter Templates But you have to give the victory to Bush because he seems presidential. You never fail to amaze us with your extraordinary success and achievement. Congratulations! Hooray! Get in formation. National elections, a democratic parliament and the drafting of a constitution are just some of the victories throughout this embattled country. The really important victory of the civil rights movement was that it made racism unpopular, whereas a generation ago at the turn of the last century, you had to embrace racism to get elected to anything. Happy New Year Wishes,Greetings And Messages, Unique Congratulation Messages For Winning Election, Thank You Farewell Messages For Outgoing School Principals. But now you are in power and you can control the authority, use it, and make the city as good as possible, congratulations on your successful election. "When theres a vacuum in our democracy,when we dont vote, when we take our basic rights and freedoms for granted, when we turn away and stop paying attention and stop engaging and stop believing and look for the newest diversion, the electronic versions of bread and circuses, then other voices fill the void. Paraguay's long-ruling Colorado Party has easy election win Louis Brandeis, American Lawyer and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Related:7 Stressors Were Feeling this Election Seasonand Therapist-Approved Tips to Help You Deal, 7. One of the most surreal moments in this election was after the third debate, when I heard a talking head say, Al Gore won on substance, on the issues. Its the biggest achievement of your life, congratulations on your win in the current presidential election. Congratulations on winning the election! Victory Day Wishes|Victory Bible Quotes - Wishes Choice Beyonc, American Singer, 10. We know you will do great and continue to fight for a better future for our nation, and the world. 500 matching entries found. America Ferrera, Actress and Political Activist, 8. this window and try again. I thought that was exciting too. A toast to you! "Wouldnt you want to be absolutely positive that the folks elected to make those decisions about our daily lives, decisions that range from when we send our troops to war to how victims of sexual assault are treated. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. You know, all the work weve done over the last eight years is on the ballot." 1 ) There is no one magic move or secret that creates victory, but lots of little items that when added together can make you victorious. Exactly the same speech. Hey dear, congratulations on your amazing win in the recent election. And Putin needs an enemy. "We can all agree on the importance of voting." Youve made it! Ryan Truex dominates Dover for 1st career NASCAR victory 30 Congratulations on the Achievement Messages To Share You deserve all the credit for your hard work and dedication. It means a lot to me that you won. We search for words. Congratulations! Congratulations on your successful win in the election, I am so happy for you. You have always spoken your mind, and the electorate has respected this. 2 ) Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory. I hope you will continue to work for increased funding for our public schools. Big congrats to you. I am the elected president of Liberia, not Ellen Sirleaf. We will not forget you on Election Day. We wanted a chairman like you, I know you have worked very hard to get elected and you have done it. I wanted to say hello and let you know how proud of you I am. Lastly, this success will boost your motivation for the people of this country. You will do great, we are so proud of you and know you will be a wonderful President. "There are real reasons why people are disenfranchised. These lies are repeated every election and they must be ignored. I would like to greet you many times to own the election and good luck with your political career. "Voting is a civic sacrament." Jenna Bush, American News Personality, 4. Election Quotes - BrainyQuote "By voting, we add our voice to the chorus that forms opinions and the basis for actions." Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO 30. Custom and user added quotes with pictures. It would help if you were in that position where they could have faith in you. #13 Congrats on your win. I hope you feel proud today and confident in your ability to rise to your next challenge., Celebrating the dedication youve shown on the way to this achievement. We hope you continue to make history and we are so excited to see what the future has in store. Congratulations! It's an amazing accomplishment, and I'm proud of you. You will be finally able to do the work you love to do, that is, working towards solving the problems of the masses and sincerely looking after their welfare. I hope that we can celebrate your success together. This strengthened enforcement of existing laws governing sales and harvest of timber on public lands will help preserve our wild places so our children and grandchildren can enjoy them too. The way you looked at me that night, I just knew I wanted to be with you forever. Finally, you have won the election and become the mayor of the city, I know you will work for the people, congratulations to you, dear. "People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Hillary Clinton, Former U.S. Secretary of State, 44. Congratulations on your reelection to the Senate. I was delighted that by campaigning throughout England, Scotland and Wales, addressing in all 39 public meetings, I had contributed to the victory of the Conservative Party at this general election. So go ahead and gush a little in what you write! I am so glad you won the election and I cant wait to watch you achieve greatness. And given that he cannot be friends with their heads of state and government, he instead needs to generate scandals and resistance. World leaders congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their victory in the 2020 presidential election. Congratulations Quotes, Messages, & Ideas | Memento Blog "So the notion somehow that, Well, you know, Im not as inspired because Barack and Michelle, theyre not on the ballot this time, and, you know, maybe we kinda take it easymy legacys on the ballot. "If you dont vote, you lose the right to complain. George Carlin, American Comedian. has won elections by appealing to social and racial divisions, only to turn after each victory to deregulation and tax cuts for the wealthy a process that reached its epitome when George W. Bush won re-election by posing as America's defender against gay married terrorists, then announced that he had a mandate to privatize Social Security. Congratulations For Winning Quotes: Good Wishes Quotes I know that you will be the most awesome mayor in the history of our city, congratulations to you. You will be a breath of fresh air for the businessmen of this country. Barack Obama did get a higher percentage of the vote than anybody has in this country in 20 years. ), What should you write if the card has already said congratulations, or if you just want to add a little more voice and personality to your message? Paraguay's conservatives score big election win, defusing Taiwan fears We have full belief and confidence in you and we know you will do amazing as an elected mayor of the city, congratulations on your success. I cant wait until you take office. Well done. If you look at polls, Hillary Clinton is considered the toughest in a field of men. It was not easy to come in this position and win the election, you have done huge work and I am so blessed and happy about that. "Congratulations to the Paraguayan people for their great participation in this electoral process . We all are keen to watch as you take your oath as a new leader, and I always had the feeling you were the right candidate to get elected. Today is the first day of the rest of YOUR life! Im happy for you! is another warm, enthusiastic message to add to a congratulations card. World reacts to election of Iran's new hardline President Raisi Now you should walk forward with your people towards your duties and responsibilities. These messages are great for congratulating someone on any occasion: "I'm so thrilled to hear that you reached your goal. What Do You Say to Someone Graduating from Boot Camp? "Im dejected, but only momentarily, when I cant get the fifth vote for something I think is very important. Congratulations on your win! History was made and they were marching, marching to the wrong song. Celebrating the record you just set and looking forward to watching you cross your next finish line! Hey dear, congratulations on your successful election win, I guessed that long before that you are the most loving candidate who is going to be elected and my thought has come true. While not widely reported, our victories in Iraq are plentiful. Here are the best 2022 election day quotes. Newt Gingrich had to work hard - getting Republican candidates to sign the Contract with America - to nationalize the election that swept Republicans to victory in 1994. He wants to be the leader of the anti-American, anti-European world. America Ferrera, Actress and Political Activist, 38. Period." And on election night I'd go down to city hall in El Paso, Texas and cover the election. Currently, we need a lot of help with the updating the local libraries. I know youre going to do a great job. Barack Obama, Former U.S. President, 13. The people of our city have proved their love for you, now its your time to prove your loyalty. The ideas that accompany that victory, the ideas and the policies that are related to those ideas that are implemented after you win the election. Election Quotes - BrainyQuote The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do. Writing Tip: The more specific your compliment, the more meaningful it will be to your recipient. Keep it up. You rock! "The most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen." You have accepted a position of leadership in a very tumultuous time. Youve inspired millions with your honest campaign. You were always meant to hold that role, I couldnt be prouder of you bro. Nanette L. Avery, Writer, 24. Hey dear, congratulations on your winning in the recent club election. Governments should be afraid of their people." [You] don't have to register to exercise your right to free speech, or register to exercise your right to free assembly, [but] voting, for so many people there are a ton of obstacles in the way. "Simply overjoyed to hear your good news.". You won this battle by yourself. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war. "If we dont vote, we are ignoring history and giving away the future." 2. Congrats!, This is awesome! I am so happy for you, nothing can take this moment away from us. With your background and experience in politics, I know you will be a positive contributor to municipal government. I know you will work for the club a lot, we are hopeful. You and your political party are getting the scope to do something extraordinary for the people. I can already see the Presidents face when he sees you have been elected to office. Election and power are. Congratulations on reelection. RNC chair Ronna McDaniel says White House is 'more China first than Its just you and that thing you have to live up to. "Congratulations! "The consequences of anybody here, not turning out and doing everything you can to get your friends, neighbors, family to turn out, the consequences of you staying home would be profoundly dangerous to this country, to our democracy." for you. These letters express congratulations on a victory, but they also serve as subtle reminders to politicians about the debt they owe to their constituencies. I know its not simple and easy. Votes: 1, Sometimes the results of a first free election will find the moderates so poorly organized that extreme groups can eke out a victory, as Hamas did when it gained a 44-to-41 percent margin in the Palestinian election of 2006. Showing search results for "Congratulations For Election Victory" sorted by relevance. As you embark upon your new responsibilities, I wish to assure you and the people of [ Enter Country Name] of the continued friendship and sympathetic interest of the American Government and people. , happy to see Winning School Election amazing win in dedicated good wishes , Hey dear, we are very Congratulations Messages for Hey dear, congratulations on your very hard and Text from websites: good work. Writing Tip: These little variations on congratulations make nice additions at the end of a longer message, too. Justin Allgaier, Austin Hill and John Hunter Nemechek completed the top five. 50 Best Samples of Congratulatory Messages | I know you worked hard but somehow you still look cute after all the campaigning. We wish you all the best and will miss you. Everything is coming together just as we planned and all the hard work has paid off. To an amazing boss and leader, congrats on your promotion. There was an error adding this product to your cart. Want the perfect voting quote or "I voted!" Congratulations to my dear friend for being elected as the new president of the club, I know you will work for the best and will find lots of good solutions to fix our problems, lots of good wishes and love for you. I am so happy that you made yourself and your parents proud. "Bad officials are elected by good citizens who dont vote. George Jean Nathan, American Drama Critic and Magazine Editor, 6. I wish you a hearty Congratulations on this pleasant occasion. Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. Dear Mr. President-Elect: Please accept my warm congratulations on your victory and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office. Youre awesome! have since the election. If you know of some inspiring words that would speak to the proud moment and honor your recipient, then quote those inspiring lines when you sign your card. Iranian and Palestinian leaders expressed relief at the president's loss. "Talk is cheap, voting is free; take it to the polls." Without any doubt, this is the fruitful result of your attentiveness and patience. As you know, we organized many local activities in support of your campaign, and we look forward to your continued success in championing the cause of higher education in our state. I don't know why there is this penchant for snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory, they'll find some way to destroy themselves. I could not help to congratulate you so many times on your success. Charging decision in Georgia's Trump election probe coming this summer Congratulations to Barack Obama - great victory based on building fairer economy and optimism about what politics can achieve. Youve won the election and are now the new mayor!! Meaningful Quotes - Popular Authors - Quote Topics - Picture Quotes. Its a time Hallmark writers offer up inspiration to help you find just the right loving words to add when you sign a valentine. Michelle Obama, Former First Lady, 31. One of the reasons people hate politics is that truth is rarely a politician's objective. I'm so happy for you, and I'll do everything in my power to help you win this election. We are delighted to see your progress from where you once were! ASUNCION - Paraguayan conservative economist Santiago Pena, 44, won the country's presidential election on Sunday, tightening the ruling Colorado Party's political grip in the . Dear, I am congratulating you on your huge success in the current election. Its hard to go wrong telling someone youre happy about what theyve achieved. Im proud to be at your side. Thank you for standing up for the people of your district, and for putting your principles before anything else. Now you will be able to fulfill your dream by working for the common people at the best level. 3 ) Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory. We dont have time, no procrastinating, dont let the discouragement take you off course, thats not how my people or my generation will go downthis is the loudest way to make your voice heard!Rihanna, Singer, 29. Michelle Obama, Former First Lady, 23. It is very clear: Macron is our ally. Keep aiming higher! European Union leaders were quick to congratulate French President Emmanuel Macron on his election victory over his far-right rival on Sunday, reflecting relief that one of the bloc's most pivotal . Election Day 2022 is Nov. 8! As they respect you, you have to respect them as well. I celebrate this huge success with you ma. 1996-2023 WriteExpress LLC. "Voting is the only way to ensure that your concerns matter. What an impressive achievement!, We hope you can feel all the pride and happiness surrounding you as you head off to medical school., Simply overjoyed to hear your good news., Youve worked so hard for this. I am excited and proud of your success. I couldnt be more proud or happier than I am with you. World Leaders Congratulate Biden, Harris on US Presidential Victory Newt Gingrich had to work hard - getting Republican candidates to sign the Contract with America - to nationalize the election that swept Republicans to victory in 1994. Ack! I think the easiest and most beneficial [thing] to a lot of people in power to believe is that, Oh, people are lazy and they don't care, and they're complacent. But there are all kinds of genuine obstacles that have been intentionally placed to keep people from participating in democracy and mattering in democracy. Votes: 1 Oscar Arias While not widely reported, our victories in Iraq are plentiful. These messages are very professional and unique that you can send them to any elected official who won an election. "The ballot is stronger than the bullet. Abraham Lincoln, Former U.S. President, 9. You truly are the one and I will love you forever! That's only natural and human." Paraguay's conservatives score big election win, defusing Taiwan fears Please close When you say politics, you conjure a whole bunch of associations: elections, campaigning, debates, fundraising. Sadly, both inner struggles and external setbacks are an una Find just the right words to tell dad just how much you appreciate him even if you cannot be together this Father's Day. People ask me sometimes When will there be enough women on the court? And my answer is: When there are nine. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, 32. I am feeling proud of you, I know that you will make us proud with your good work, congratulations on your amazing success. He seemed to be tired of saying the same thing. I hope that you continue to serve ourcommunityfor many years to come! On behalf of Local #345, let me congratulate you on passing the Labor Relations bill. James Freeman Clarke Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods. Congrats and good luck! I know you are going to do great things in this position, everything you touch turns to gold. You will do great. We are glad to have you where you can do so much good. You won the election, you destroyed their party. Congratulations to my dear son for winning the recent school election. The election result is not a victory that belongs to me or my party. We wouldn't even be where we are had it not been that 70% of Hispanics voted for President Obama, voted Democratic in the last election. Tony Blair will be remembered as a great friend to Wales because it was his landslide election victory in 1997 that led to devolution. Democracy continues with or without you." Im so glad to have you in my life! But he won a landslide victory after moving to the center, while holding onto conservatives by not hiking taxes. Its been an honor for me to work with you. Unique Congratulation Messages For Winning Election Now it is upon you to bring your political party to the peak of trust. Paraguay's long-ruling Colorado Party has easy election win But as Congratulating others is easy and fun, right? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'bestwishmessage_com-box-3','ezslot_15',117,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestwishmessage_com-box-3-0'); Congratulations on your successful win in the election, I am so happy for you. After Trump's election victory, I explained why there would be no friendship between Putin and Trump. (Typically, you will end up signing your name on the inside right. 2 Express your good wishes for the future. I felt like he didn't even believe it anymore. Exactly the same speech. On behalf of all of us in the Alps Club, congratulations on the passage of the Doe Bill! Don't forget to take a moment to enjoy it! You were so amazing and didnt give up until the votes were in. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bestwishmessage_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',122,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestwishmessage_com-medrectangle-4-0'); I am congratulating my dear friend on your successful win in the election. That`s no small victory for her going towards a general election. H. L. Mencken . Congratulations on winning the elections for the President of your society. Ryan Truex has won his first career NASCAR race after 188 starts across all three national series. There is no one I know that deserves it more. Your vision for our city is something we can all support. Paraguayans have voted overwhelmingly to keep the long-ruling Colorado Party in power for five more years, backing its presidential candidate and giving it control of both houses of Congress. It will always pay rich dividends. You have specific ideas and actions you'd like to be enacted by the newly elected. I sure am happy for you! Congratulatory Letter to Christian Elected Official - Church Letters Now it is your responsibility to continue the good work you have been doing and to make your political party and country assured about the faith they have entrusted upon your shoulders. I know it was not a was not an easy path to walk, you have worked very hard and dedicated good wishes for you. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel joined 'Fox News Sunday' to discuss key issues ahead of the 2024 election and what she believes the GOP needs to do in order to secure victory at the ballot box. "We do not have government by the majority. Looking for the perfect voting quote or "I voted!" Like when your friend worked really hard and got that awesome job ma New Years resolutions are pretty lonely deals. You're off and away!" -Dr. Suess "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." -C.S. You were truly a better choice than your opponent! Choose one of ours, or create your own. I am so proud of you, nothing can take this moment away from us. This achievement clearly shows the keen respect and love of common people for you. Thank you for being in my life, for helping me figure out what I want to do with my life, and for giving me the strength to be able to accomplish my dreams. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Former U.S. President, 45. Congratulations! They work like happy punctuation! But you can add warmth and personality with just a few words of your own. A nun votes at a polling station during general elections in Lambare, outskirts Asuncion, Sunday, April 30, 2023. You have worked harder than anybody I know to get where you are. The result truly showed the deserving candidate, and the margin by which you won showed the effect of your hard work. I will always cherish the memories we made on our first date. 50 Best Voting Quotes Election Quotes to Inspire in 2022 - Parade Wishes from across the world poured in as the counting of the Lok Sabha Elections 2019 neared its conclusion. Congratulations and best wishes for a long and successful married life. If you look at polls, Hillary Clinton is considered the toughest in a field of men. Congratulations! Hey dear, congratulations on your amazing success in the recent club election. Congratulations on your new position. What a win! You have won the recent club election and we are very happy for you, congratulations on this, dear. As a parent and a taxpayer, I was thrilled to learn of the passage of the so-called Kiddie Porn bill. America Ferrera, Actress and Political Activist, 16. Weve been waiting anxiously for today and we are so proud to call you our new president. In those days, of course, we didn't have exit polls. Congratulations on your victory and heres to many more! National elections, a democratic parliament and the drafting of a constitution are just some of the victories throughout this embattled country. Create and share by tagging @Hallmark. Im sure all your hard work and dedication have paid off. I love you! I am sending lots of good wishes for you on your amazing achievement, congratulations on winning the election. We know you will continue to work hard for Kansas agriculture and industry. Stephen Colbert, American Comedian, 15. Thats something I love about you. You should prove yourself as the most deserving candidate in front of the common people.
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