The fourth-century ce Historia Augusta has three references to female druids in Gaul. A. Pelletier's La Femme dans la societ gallo-romaine (Paris, 1974) considers the position of women in Gaul, whereas Lindsey Allason-Jones's Women in Roman Britain (London, 1989) covers British society. Additionally, the goddess Lakapati was the consort of Bathala, and also a trans woman. The view of a slain Celtic woman and her child"mother's blood and milk streaming over"on the battlefield, shocked his mother so much that she forced her son, by fasting, to compose this law book and to present it to the princes. She is imprisoned by Ereshkigal, the goddess of the dead, and afflicted with 60 diseases. English: It is women who fortune or misfortune give. Keeping this in mind, there are plenty of figures from mythology who don't fit into the modern Western gender binary. [68], Palaeopathological research based on bone samples and, in the best-case scenario, on mummified corpses indicates illnesses found among the ancient Celts. According to Suetonius, Caesar spent a lot of money on sexual experiences in Gaul. The Maize God was sometimes conflated with the Moon Goddess, becoming an ambiguously gendered figure, and sometimes considered a third gender. They were probably added to the tombs of women who were killed violently, to protect the living. [31], In later times, female cultic functionaries are known, like Celtic/Germanic seeress Veleda[32] who has been interpreted by some Celtologists as a druidess.[33]). . Behind her came her husband, who drove her into battle with a fence post. Marion Zimmer Bradley depicted a matriarchal reinterpretation of the stories of King Arthur, Lancelot and the Holy Grail in The Mists of Avalon (1987), which were dominated by the female characters. Webso ive long held the personal theory that druid might have been a spiritual third-gender role in ancient celtic society. Devotion to deities did not follow strict gender lines, and men and women alike left votives at shrines dedicated to both male and female deities. Female druids and seers are mentioned in Irish sources and druidic imagery clusters significantly around some of them. Names ." Mayan civilization developed in what is contemporary Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras. While Mawu-Lisa is a creator god, there are also stories of an even older androgynous god who preceded them. Only when it became possible to determine the sex of human remains through osteological analysis was this approach revealed as overly simplistic.[11]. A similar development occurred in Britain, especially in Wales. Its a similar scene at Butser Ancient Farms eclectic Beltane Celtic Fire festival in Hampshire. In Ancient Rome, however, the word hermaphrodite referred to a legally recognized third gender. The cult of the holy well has been the focus of much speculation on pre-Christian survival, but even here there is little direct archaeological evidence for continuity between pagan deities and later saints. WebThe Celtic renaissance really got off the ground upon James Macpherson's publication of the Ossianic poems in 1762-3, which he claimed to be translations of rediscovered works of a poet from the third century. Taken as a whole, archaeological evidence and narrative texts support rather than contradict this. There is no basis for such an extreme position, but possible negative gender roles are indicated from a small number of burials, mostly older women, in which the heads or jaws have been removed and placed beside the corpse. Known as kitsune () in Japanese, foxes are also seen as shapeshifting and morally ambiguous tricksters, and Inari shrines across modern Japan can be easily recognized by the stone fox statues standing guard at their entrances. Over a colourful shirt she wore a twisted gold torc and a thick cloak closed with a fibula. [25] According to Irish and Welsh law, attested from the Early Middle Ages, a woman was always under the authority of a man, first her father, then her husband, and, if she was widowed, her son. It's important to be cautious when interpreting ancient cultures, as modern concepts like LGBTQ+ don't necessarily apply. The Celts were a collection of tribes with origins in central Europe that shared a similar language, religious beliefs, traditions and culture. Girls of the Hallstatt and early La Tne culture wore amber chains and amulets as individual chains or multiple string colliers; the colliers had up to nine strings and over a hundred amber beads. The resulting dual god, Mawu-Lisa, is both male and female at the same time. A page from the University of Liverpool's Department of Archaeology, Classics, and Egyptologydiscusses how Dionysus can be used to highlight the way both gender and sexuality could be fluid in the ancient world, challenging the idea that non-binary gender identities are a new invention. It was worn with a veil and rich decoration and indicated women of the upper class. Ishtar seemingly retained an association with gender variant people in the ancient world. An essay by archaeologist Caroline Seawrightexplains that in Mayan mythology the gods weren't as clearly defined as in cultures around the ancient Mediterranean. In north Pannonia at the same time, women wore a fur cap, with a spiked brim, a veil cap similar to the Norican one and in later times a turban-like head covering with a veil. These sites attest to the enormous interest in women's spirituality and to the importance of Celtic images in providing metaphors for this to be expressed. Tanken Japanmentions that Inari is a shape-shifting spirit who is also paid respect by Japanese Buddhists. The sexual identity of "Celtic" archaeological remains has traditionally been The Greek writer Plutarch (before 50after 120 ce) mentions Camma, wife of a Galatian ruler and priestess of a goddess identified with Artemis who shared a poisoned drink with a suitor to avenge her husband's death. Angus: Meaning choice in Scottish Gaelic. [40] Heinrich Zimmer's Das Mutterrecht bei den Pikten und Skoten (The Matriarchy of the Picts and Scots) of 1894 argued for the existence of a matriarchy in Northern Ireland and Scotland. On the one hand, great female Celts are known from mythology and history; on the other hand, their real status in the male-dominated Celtic tribal society was socially and legally constrained. [64][65], The statement of Gerald of Wales that incest had a pervasive presence in the British Isles is false according to modern scholars, since he complains only that a man can marry his cousins in the fifth, fourth and third degrees. Encyclopedia of Religion. According to legend, an experience of Adomnan and his mother had been the impetus for this legal text. Gender and Religion: Gender and Celtic Religions As a faculty paper from Linfield Universityexplains, sometimes older texts contain characters with clear fluid or ambiguously gendered characteristics but lack the words to properly describe them. Growth disorders and vitamin deficiencies can be detected from the long bones. Loki is now famous for his appearance in the Marvel comics (and from the films based on them, where he is played by Tom Hiddleston), and his comic persona has become well known as one of the most prominent genderfluid characters in the world of comic books. [2], Linguistically, the Celts were united as speakers of Celtic languages, which were and are Indo-European languages related most closely to German and Latin, with clear common features.[3]. Some were transformed by magic or curses. A number of Romano-Celtic statuettes of women suggest female religious activity, although it is unclear, given the date of this material, whether the activity was specifically Celtic. In the belief system of the Fon people of West Africa, the world was created by a bigenderdeity. Among later historians, there is also Gerald of Wales who was born to a Cambro-Norman family in the 12th century and composed an important account of the history and geography of the British Isles. The Mabinogion does have one story in which two young men guilty of rape are WebThe history of the field shows further similarities to the history of the study of ethnicity and race. Large numbers of children are mentioned among the Celts by the ancient authors. Two utter spontaneous prophecies to two emperors, whereas the emperor Aurelian (c. 215275 ce) consults Gaulish druidesses directly. She employed the contrast between the Celtic matriarchal culture and the Christian patriarchy as a theme of her work. Aphroditus would later become known as Hermaphroditus who, as Theoiexplains, was a winged love deity, one of many known as Erotes. Irish: is mhnibh do gabar rath n amhrath. The dispute between Medb and her husband Ailill mac Mta over the wealth brought into the marriage by each of them is the indirect trigger for the Tin B Cuailnge (The Cattle Raid of Cooley). With a name meaning "man and woman in one," Bathala can be considered either intersex or non-binary. After these three days, the ordinary punishments would apply to both in the event of injury or murder. A situation like that among the Picts, where, according to some accounts, kingship was inherited through the maternal line, but not inherited by the women themselves,[43] The Irish clan (fine, compare with the Old High German word wini, 'friend'[44]) was patrilineal and the relatives of the mother had only a few rights and duties relating to the children. These people are known first as neighbors to the Greek traders The female figures named in the local Irish sagas mostly derive from female figures of the historically unattested migrations period, which are recounted in the Lebor Gabla renn (Book of the Taking of Ireland). A large majority of graves have no gender-specific grave goods, but where such goods are found, they almost always belong to female graves.[7]. One example is Ardhanarishvara, whose name means "lord who is half woman" in Sanskrit. A prominent story in the "Prose Edda" involves Loki transforming into a woman to trick the goddess Frigg, learning the weakness of Odin's son Baldr. Third genders are widely accepted as being understood as an other gender, but fourth, fifth, and sixth genders have been documented by anthropologists as well. One, succinctly summarised by Overly Sarcastic Productions, begins with Ishtar heading to the underworld to reunite with her dead husband Tammuz. As with so many figures from mythology, Hermaphroditus is neither man nor woman, but both at the same time. [54], Adultery by the wife, unlike adultery by the husband, could not be atoned for with a fine. The Vix Grave from modern France is the most famous rich female burial, but there are several other significant ones. Romantic nationalism and Romantic feminism have undoubtedly over-interpreted the sources, but modern developments in paganism and Celtic spirituality draw crucial metaphors from images of a powerful goddess figure who embodied female power in a unified pre-Christian world and the idea that such a figure was intimately bound up with the cycle of nature. Two Roman historians, Tacitus (c. 55120 ce) and Dio Cassius (c. 155235 ce) described the revolt led by the famous British queen Boudicca in 60 ce. Celtic Religion, overview article. There is no overall scholarly study of gender in Celtic religion from the ancient to modern period; however, Philip Freeman's WarWomen and Druids: Eyewitness Reports and Early Accounts of the Ancient Celts (Austin, Tex., 2002) makes useful comments on the relevant classical references. Women probably played a role in both religious and healing activities here and at similar shrines. To create the world, Mawu-Lisa worked together with another god known as Da. [47], Among the Iberian, Gallaeci, women had an important role in the family and the clan, despite the importance of men as warriors, indicated by frequent matrilineal succession among them.[48]. A "temporary marriage" was also common. Christina Harrington's Women in a Celtic Church: Ireland 4501150 (Oxford, 2002) gives a detailed and authoritative view of religious life in Ireland, whereas Jane Cartwright's Y Forwyn Fair, Santesau a Lleianod Agweddau a diweirdeb yng Nghymru'r Oesodd Canol (Cardiff, 1999) examines images of the virgin, female saints, and nuns in medieval Wales. The nymph cried out to the gods to make them united forever and the gods obliged, turning one into two and in turn created a third gender that was neither male, nor [26], The idea of a Celtic matriarchy first developed in the 18th and 19th centuries in connection with the romantic idea of the "Noble Savage". Notably, ideas of fluid gender and sexuality were seemingly much more accepted in Ancient Greece than many people in the modern world might believe them to be. Indigenous people across Australia share some beliefs in common, and a widely revered figure among them is the Rainbow Serpent. In a matrilineal society, children are related only to the family of the mother not to the family of the father. Anthropology: Third Genders in Indigenous Societies. Hermaphroditus was said to be the child of Hermes and Aphrodite, the gods of male and female sexuality. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. [87], Hair needles for fixing caps and hairdos in place are common grave finds from the late Hallstatt period. As a "[25], Recent research has cast doubt on the significance of these ancient authors' statements. Chaumelires was the site of the sanctuary of Sequana, goddess of the source of the Seine, and an important healing center with an extensive dormitory and hospital complex for those seeking cures. In Hindu mythology though, mortals can be non-binary as well. Astrid - Old Norse for "super strength." The version of Lokifrom ancient legend was a shapeshifting trickster, able to change both his appearance and gender at will. 1221 (Oxford, 1992), help to clarify the issues and define the parameters of the argument. [69], Skeletal finds in graves provide the following age statistics for the ancient Celts: the average age at death was 35 years old; 38 for men and 31 for women. Specifically, the Tonsured Maize God (also known as the Foliated Maize God) was a figure from Mayan mythology, depicted across Central America, as World History Encyclopediaexplains. The popularity of modern paganism and Celtic spirituality is strengthened by the assumption that Celtic religion could survive domination by Roman culture and Christianity. A study in the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journaldiscusses this, noting that the view of modern archaeologists is influenced by a modern view of binary gender which can easily gloss over intersex and non-binary people from the ancient world. The grave goods of female inhumations indicate cultural exchange with southern Europe, especially the North Italian Este and Villanovan cultures. Trans and non-binary people have always been part of human society. If the head of a high ranking family died, his relatives would gather and interrogate the wives as well as the slaves, when the death seemed suspicious. Humans are natural storytellers, and ancient cultures used myths and legends to explain facts, both about nature and culture. Polyandry (the marriage of one woman to several men) was unusual, although some Celtologists conclude that it sometimes occurred from the Irish saga Longas mac nUislenn (The Exile of the Sons of Uislius). Fedhelm from the Ulster cycle (seventh to eleventh centuries ce) studied in Alba, a reflection of the druid's long apprenticeship as mentioned in classical sources, and appears with the sole purpose of uttering prophesies. Just as the god of rice is an important figure in Japan, the god of maize was an important figure in pre-colonial Mesoamerica. The issue of gender, and how this shaped concepts of sacredness in the religious behavior of the Celts, has been a topic of discussion since the late nineteenth century, and ideas of Celtic pagan and Christian spirituality have played a prominent role in alternative spirituality movements since the second half of the twentieth century. Another story shows Arjuna transformed into a woman and taking part in a mystical dance that men aren't allowed to join. Celtic women were originally not allowed to serve as legal witnesses and could not conclude contracts with[clarification needed] the assistance of a man.[where?] The position of the wife (Irish: ct-muinter, 'first of the household', or prm-ben, 'chief woman') was determined by the size of the dowry she brought with her. Among Celtic women degenerative damage to the joints and spinal column were particularly notable on account of the amount of heavy lifting they did. Post Views: 25,048. WebTL;DR: We have no firm evidence of how gender and sexual diversity was seen in ancient Ireland as the only direct sources on this period are archaeological, but there are hints As slaves, women had an important economic role on account of their craft work, such that in Ireland, the word cumal ('slave woman', Old Welsh: aghell and caethverched) was also the term for a common measure of wealth (a cumal, worth ten st ['cows']). The Scottish journalist and folklorist Lewis Spence popularized the idea of Celtic religion as benevolent and magical nature worship in which women played an important role. Between the third and sixth century ce, Christianity was introduced to Gaul, Britain, and Ireland. The pre-colonial Philippines had a pantheistic religion with strong homosexual and transgender themes. [66][67] Incest played a key role in British Celtic myth, such as in Tochmarc tane ('The Courting of tan') as in other ancient cultures (like Ancient Egypt or the pair of Zeus and Hera in classical Greece. As Oxford Referencementions, this original god is named Nana Buluku, and they were the one who created the creator! WebThe third gender category of nadleeh reflects the Navajo tradition of accepting gender diversity and rejecting the concept of gender dysphoria or a dyadic system of gender. The story goes that Arjuna rejected the affections of a celestial maiden named Urvashi. women in househol, Maya Her significance - ultimately as a fertility symbol - is debated and her dating is uncertain. The already mentioned Queen of Connacht, Medb, broke with all conventions and selected her own husbands, whom she later repudiated when she tired of them. Another example of a richly furnished female grave is a grave chamber of the necropolis of Gblingen-Nospelt (Luxembourg), containing an amphora of fish sauce (garum fish sauce from Gades was a widely popular food seasoning), a bronze saucepan with strainer lid, a bronze cauldron, two bronze basins with a bronze bucket, a Terra sigillata plate, several clay cups and jugs, a mirror and eight fibulae. They were an ambiguously gendered version of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. On her back she bore a 30 foot long pole with an iron hook, with which she would grab opponent amongst her enemies by their braids. In the Vix Grave a huge bronze krater or mixing bowl was found which indicates the high status of the woman buried there. [70][disputed discuss], On account of the poor survival rate of materials (cloth, leather) used for clothing, there is only a little archaeological evidence; contemporary images are rare. In the context of religion, writers mention druids, and a few suggest the presence of female druids. [18] Plutarch[19] names the women of Cisalpine Gaul as important judges of disputes with Hannibal. The links of this chain-belt could be round, figure-8 shaped, with cross-shaped or flat intermediate links, doubled, tripled, or more with enamel inlays (see Blood enamel). The women, identified as worshipers of Dionysos, inhabited an island off the western coast of France and only left to have sex to produce children. Encyclopedia of Religion. Gender roles were assumed to be unalterable and, accordingly, grave goods were identified as "male" or "female" without ambiguity. Differences as a result of social position are not visible. Their connection between rainbows and water alludes to the ever changing seasons and the great value of water to all of life, and the Serpent's presence is used to explain why some water holes never go dry, even in droughts. In total, the data indicates a society which, as a result of poor hygiene and diet, suffered from weak immune systems and a high rate of illness. From the La Tne period, such needles are only rarely found. In The Canterbury Tale, The beard occupies a significant symbolic terrain across time and cultures, and can be metonymical of the male person or of maleness, although this a, Gender and Religion: Gender and Australian Indigenous Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and Ancient Mediterranean Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and African Religious Traditions, Gender and Religion: Gender and African American Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and Chinese Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and Christianity, Gender and Religion: Gender and Japanese Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and Mesoamerican Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and North American Indian Religious Traditions, Gender and Religion: Gender and Oceanic Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and South American Religions, Gender and Religion: Gender and Zoroastrianism, Gender and Sexuality in School and the Workplace, Gender and Sexuality Issues in Medicine and Public Health. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Only if the inheritance came from the mother or if the daughters originated from the last marriage of a man and the sons from an earlier marriage, were the two genders treated the same. The third gender had a spherical appearance. [86] The seer Fedelm in Irish sagas is described with three braids, two tied around her head and one hanging from the back of her head down to her calves. Although this material cannot directly reflect Celtic religion or women's roles in it, the pattern presented by the classical authors is one in which women participated in, rather than were excluded from, ritual activity. The veil worn over the cap was often so long that it could cover the entire body. The two are twins, and the two combining in harmony represents order in the universe. The study of gender in Celtic religion is linked to general attitudes to the Celts and to the concept of Celtic Christianity. . If the husband wished to carry out a clearly unwise transaction, the wife possessed a sort of veto power. Back to back, there was a guy and a girl in this situation. The mother goddesses which had great importance in Celtic religion were also united in this way under the names Matres and Matronae.[87]. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The regional variation in fashion (as well as differences based on age and class) were more complex than the simple tunic. Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni in Britain around 60 BC is described as wearing a torc, which might reflect her exceptional circumstances as a war leader or be an embellishment of the Roman chronicler.[82]. The Sheela-na-Gig was a common grotesque sculpture which presented an exaggerated vulva. [74], In the British Isles during the Iron Age, ring-headed pins were often used in place of fibulae on dresses and for fixing hairdos in place. Although the drink of milk and honey had underworld associations and the rite took place in the temple where Camma was a priestess, the passage emphasises her loyalty as a wife, rather than her religious role. They're believed to be the source of all rivers and water, as well as symbolizing fertility. [39], The mythic rulers of British Celtic legends and the historical queens Boudicca, Cartimandua and (perhaps) Onomarix can be seen only as individual examples in unusual situations, not as evidence of a matriarchy among the Celts. The Ancient Greeks loved categorizations, but Dionysus and his followers took great delight in refusing to conform to society. Athair: The Irish name for father. Some are tricksters who change genders at will. When it was revealed that the British actress would play The Ancient One in the MCU, the character's racial change, in particular, proved controversial. 6991 (Exeter, U.K., 2000). Biblical Period However, as Autostraddlepoints out, Dionysus' gender-bending identity wasn't universally accepted there either, and perhaps that may have been the entire point. [4], Female burials are associated with specific grave goods, such as combs, mirrors, toiletries (nail cutters, tweezers, ear spoons[5]), spinning whorls (flywheel of a pindle, a tool for making yarn,[6]) pottery vessels, necklaces, earrings, hairpins, cloak pins, finger rings, bracelets and other jewellery. [76], In everyday life, Celtic women wore wooden or leather sandals with small straps (Latin: gallica, 'Gallic shoe'). Nearly all of the following legal matters seem to have been similar, with some regional variation, both on the mainland and in the British Isles. There were three kinds of marriage: that in which the woman brought more than the man, that in which both brought about equal amounts and finally that in which the woman brought less. Tagalog Langexplains that Bathala was considered the highest deity of the Tagalog pantheon, and the creator of the world. However, it is possible to infer some ritual significance from the placement of burials, such as the woman interred within a ritual enclosure at Libenie in Bohemia (fourth century bce) or two distinctive female burials from Wetwang Slack in Yorkshire (third century bce)one buried with an elaborate chariot and the other with a sealed bronze box. As World History Encyclopediaexplains, members of Ishtar's priesthood were often transgender and bisexual. Reliefs and sculptures of Celtic women are mainly known from the Gallo-Roman culture. [52], In general, monogamy was common. As author Devdutt Pattanaikelaborates, Asushunamir was created to be neither male nor female. The lives of Celtic women two thousand years ago can teach us a lot about equality today. The suggestion that Irish women used this knowledge for birth control, sometimes drawn from this is questionable. [35], Slave women were mostly war booty, female property given up by insolvent debtors,[36] or foreign captives and could be employed within the household or sold for profit. . Inari is also notable for their strong association with foxes. Participation in religious life also seems to have been more varied. Classical authors give information on religion and gender roles, but they often used Celtic behavior to comment on themselves. The ancient authors regularly describe Celtic women as large, crafty, brave and beautiful. Diodorus and Suetonius, in particular, describe the sexual permissiveness of Celtic women. According to Suetonius, Caesar spent a lot of money on sexual experiences in Gaul. For rescuing her though, Ishtar grants Asushunamir the powers of prophecy and healing. [42], Matrilineality (the transmission of property through the female line) is not attested for the Celts either. These rules were binding for Celtic noblewomen, but they may have been less strictly binding on the lower classes.
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