I was there too but now the craziness ended Im emotionally better off a d u will be too. Apply to Volunteer. The Lord says for us to make known to Him. Where is it? Jesus Calls International: Telephone Prayer Line Receive Gods Supernatural Miracles NOW through the POWER of the Prayer of Agreement! 1-(712) 432-8273 This is hurting me to see her like this like she is out of her mind. I pray for healing of his tortured psyche after numerous deployments. I have trouble making decisions, praying and I also have trouble truly accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ within my heart. Thank you for supporting PrayLives mission to heal lives through oprayers. 1-800-759-0700. Please pray for us. 2186181# (Malayalam) (24 hours) Mountain of Fire. I pray for each of you that have left a reply. He developed pneumonia and needed to have a machine to help him breathe. May God heal her body supernaturally and completely. Sharing God's love and teaching the life changing messages of the Bible. I have been blessed in many ways with answered prayer. As a Prayer Group we are committed to Praying to Jesus for the. Call in now FREE to receive prayer at 1-877-843-4567 or click below to schedule a call with a prayer partner! All rights reserved. scroll down to find several prayer warriors ready to pray for you. David E. Taylor is a global minister and has a heart for God and for His people. The overall look of your site is wonderful, God Always Keeps His Promises, Book -- PUSH! I quickly called Pray Live with my testimony. Its very well written; I love what youve got to say. I pray it would be the Lords will for me to be healed and find joy again. I pray u find a healthy distraction and confidence to see this and get over a d be strong a d find someone who respects and adores you to no end. He is a prayer answering GOD and we just have to trust him, he knows us better than we know ourselves. You can call these numbers whenever you are ready and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I prayed for both of us to be healed. My prayer request was always the same that God would give us a home. God does hear and answers prayer. 9 If you say, The Lord is my refuge, I am also currently in seminary school and, although I really love what I am studying, I am unable to enjoy it because of all these spiritual attacks. Become a registered member to access to our interactive prayer room! Design & develop by AmpleThemes. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you David E. Taylor is a man of prayer and has trained prayer warriors to stand in faith with you and agree for the impossible to become possible! Christian prayer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pray that God would cover Florence and my relationship with the blood of Jesus Christ. Please pray for Spiritual protection for my family were under the attack of the enemy. I pray that he answers each prayer request left in these comments and I pray that his presence and power because so very real to you. called FreeConferenceCall.com, I wouldnt have believed it. If you desire the honor of hosting David E. Taylor for your upcoming conferences, seminars, or meetings, please thoroughly complete the form below and a member of his executive staff will get back with you as soon as possible. Please help him. in Jesus' Name. With tears in my eyes I know I have nowhere else to turn. That man was so rude I had to sit back and question everything about online prayer sites. Call The 24 Hour Prayer Line With David E. Taylor - Expect A Miracle 1-800-477-2937, Christian Broadcasting Network (700 Club) There are plenty of prayer warriors ready to pray for you. Hello Precious Friends! In addition, hosts have controls like recording, locking, holding, and muting. // ]]> It is not 24 hours, but I know He is a true man of God and believes in operating with a spirit of excellence and integrity. im praying for you that Our father will bless u and your family and your ministry. Copyright FaithPrayers. God bless you! Susan George with prayerful guidance of Pastor Joseph Simon, International Church ofGod, Boston, MA. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. 24 hour prophetic prayer line [svp]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efBdOnZAxOs [/svp] go to http://www.thesecondadam.com for your 24 hour prophetic prayer line for your prayer needs - and prophetic needs. Prayer Request | The Encouraging Word I pray the Lord opens your mind to know who is trying to have authority over you and family so you can overcome by the word of God and righteousness, be protected and always supplied by the Lord Jesus Christ our might warriorAmen! I have a few issues that my family and I could really use some help praying about. Pray Live was founded on 2 Chronicles 7:14 to provide on demand prayer 24/7 around the world. It is taking such a toll on my life. Heavenly Father I seek! Please pray for god to touch his heart so he sees how bad his hurting me and so he can stop and apologize. Then call 443 524 9880. Have a wonderful thanksgiving, Oh I am so sorry you had such horrible experiences with certain prayer lines. Pls pray for my daughter Jana. Hosts get access to a participant list. (443) 524-9880 Words Of Encouragement For The Unemployed | Access To God Through Jesus Christ, Your email address will not be published. Pray that God has His way in Chandlers life and that Chandler will follow Gods Word and Will! And prayers for all, People pray from my brother Curtis and ISatan has come after me, my brother, and my businessit has been under attack since its inception and I pray that God Bless my business(s) as prophesied. Try Thankfulness 88 thoughts on " 24 hour prophetic prayer line " Older comments Sherrie Waring Bell says: WALK BY FAITH .PS IF SHES YOUNG CK IF HER BED US UNCOMFORTABLE. That he gets home safe and soon, Please pray for healing from my anxiety and panic attacks. I also have trouble with delusional thoughts. Can I see who joins my prayer line and manage the attendees? He has trained full time ministers who will touch and agree with you for your miracle! Praise The Lord And Thank HIM: Almighty God deserves ALL praise and worship. Yes. Download the free prayer app for iOS or Android.. Connect with organizations overseas or allow traveling congregants to join in from around the world using more than The number to his prayer line is: 1-877-543-9443 Their website says its open Monday Friday, 8am 8pm cst. He needs to get well enough to have another round of chemotherapy to get rid of his cancer and to get healthy after that to come home cancer free. Billy Graham Ministry prayer line: Call 1-877-247-2426. Lord Jesus you live this person. 24 Hour Prayer Line - STRONGINJESUS.COM Do them. I know our God is a Just &Holy God. We would love the opportunity to pray and believe God with you for whatever your need might be. Prayers for mama are goin up this morning Ms Grace. I also want to give Thanks to God for all His Blessings , Mercy, ,Grace, Onimpetence that He has given past present and future, Please Lord I am believe and trusting in you from now on I put my trust and belief and you for you are the one who comfort me when I am alone and when I need a shoulder to cry on you have been there though thick and thin. Millions have already been healed of cancer, aids, diabetes, addiction, depression, financial debt, and the coronavirus! All calls to FaithPrayers within the United States and Canada are completely toll-free. Watch Live. God told Apostle David E. Taylor to start a 24/7 Miracle Prayer line so people can access the Power of the PRAYER of Agreement anytime they need it! . I can try to provide concepts founded by word of God and it might help you.whats your issue!?! Through all our broken dreams, sleepless nights Pray Live is a phone call away or you can listen to the app. Remember, Jesusloves you. Than enter the Share-ID of the message you need to hear. He has abandoned me and our two children but I know this is not the man I married. Please support us using the logo above. Women of Destiny Movement; . #3. Call or submit your prayer request to crossroads. go to http://www.thesecondadam.com for your 24 hour prophetic prayer line for your prayer needs - and prophetic needs. nor the arrow that flies by day, My wife was never like this. I called February 2009 and have been calling for 10 years. If GOD is real why am I facing this? 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, BALTIMORE, MD 21285. Fast forward I am still working, my son is working and we now have a n apartment home we love. Giving him the highest praise Hallelujah. You can call anytime because its available 24/7. My father P. Muthu was missing from feb 10th i searched all the places i got a information where he was yesterday and day before yesterday but i am not find him he partially forgot the address thats why he s also searching the way to home but unable to find please pray for my father to come back to home, Babu, God Bless Youu in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the holy ghost. Prayer is a way of life a lifestyle determining how you treat your selves and one another. 24 Hour Toll Free Prayer Lines - Access To God no disaster will come near your tent. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress, HIS Radio.com . Why Are So Many Denominations Catering To The Depraved Philosophies Of Our Day? GET CLOSE TO JESUS , HE LOVES YOU VERY MUCH ,AND HE UNDERSTANDS WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH . Believe and Recieve: Have faith that your prayer is already been answered. I need a New Full-time Job. I asked the intercessor to reveal to me where my purse was that I had misplaced with my identification and money in it. #2. 13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; Father God I pray to you for dear Kenny and he is born of you because in Gen 1 says lets make man and woman after our own image . Content copyright 2019. Toll-free and confidential prayer lines available for you here. Then there is me. Need Prayer? Our 24/7 Prayer line is here for you | HIS Radio - WLFJ-FM we all be familiar with media is a impressive source Authorized (King James) Version He is working on our behalf Right Now in Jesus name. Call or submit your prayer request to crossroads. She has been sleeping in my dads hospital room since he went there about a month ago. Be strong my sister, Pingback: I feel like Im blacking out constantly. My intestines have been going through these holes and attaching themselves outside the holes. 20 Reliable 24-Hour Christian Prayer Lines You Should Call - Sparkous 2006 ~ The Father Appears in Rainbow Fire, Jesus Appears on Stage in Taylor, MI [Photo], Jesus Walks the Streets of Chicago ~ 2007, Jesus Appearing In The Services working with David E. Taylor, Jesus Working with David E. Taylor During Services. Prayers for (Eliana Lynn Sanchez Cruz) (Ana Mara Cruz Camacho) (Luz Camacho Carasquillo) (Savanna Sanchez Cruz)(Cianny Celest Sanchez Cruz) (Katerina Quinones Cruz)(Elvis Saturnino Sanchez Robles) In need of prayers for protection and good health and provision-favor and family unity. He will, keep your son &his financial needs.In his blessing and prayer in the beautiful name of Jesus Christ. Rebuild all things you have lost Includeing The struggle of loosing a loved one. "It's my turn and time to testify" Join the prophetic prayer hour #PPH as the prayer is live now with Rev Sam Oye to speak life into this new month Here > 01 May 2023 05:24:31 Benny Hinn Prayer Request (800) 433-1900. STUDY THE BIBLE. My 28 year old son was murderedwithin two weeks of his burial I found myself in a place of isolation and desolation. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-4647651612525789"; /* access2God_horiz_4_link_single_post */ google_ad_slot = "7824248799"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 15; Our 24-hour prayer line is available at 877-800-7729. I was hysterical forgetting that God is able to do anything but fail. We also need help praying for her. Learn how your comment data is processed. I am so blessed by Pray Live and pray many others call knowing God answers prayer. My wife is also dealing with infirmity in her body. Feel free to call us at 1-877-843-4567. I have always prayed, I have always prayed because prayer is my source of strength. Dear God I pray that Lavenus will be made better thru your Divine Love Amen, We are in 2020 now &I see this was posted in 2019! Required fields are marked *. 2186184# (Tamil) Sir, I pray that you get the spirit of the Lord within you. All Rights Reserved | Design by Babu.P | +91 944 781 2374. God Loves YOU Victory Christian Center Can I record my prayer line and save it for another time? TWITTER, OFFICE LOCATION: local in-country dial-in numbers. This is a prayer line for night prayers. & unknown feelings. We also need pray for the Waring Bell family members and their friends. God bless you. . We look forward to connecting with you and sharing Gods vision and heart for you His beloved people! Many times there is a request reminding me of where I was the hopelessness. 78 He continually knocks his head when he is on a rampage, and he hits my family for no reason. 1-888-444-3458, Inspiration For Better Living And 24 Hour Ear to Ear Prayer Ministry I love her but she is breaking all the vows she made before God and man. ODX.TV. Please pray for my son Chandler! Do kot let todays rain ruin tomorrows sunshine. The Real David E. Taylor The Truth Behind the Social Media Attacks! Pastor Troy Brewer wants to make sure that you have one simple stop to find content that will bless you on a daily basis. I want to share my testimony to answered prayer. Im losing all hope in my life because I scared god has rejected me my prayers are going up but my hole house is under attack, No do not give up hope everyone goes through situations in life its not cause the lord has forgotten about you but it is for you to be more closer to our father and to focus on him more trust me he will never give you more than you can bear. I have Faith God has worked thru you &your beautiful family to. I found myself getting up in the middle of the night going to friends and family asking for prayer. I pray for you and keep you in my prayers. or Pray that God closes any and all doors that are not in His perfect will for Chandler! I once went to ask for prayer and sat out side waiting until 6am EST to wait for her to get up to pray for me. SOUNDS LIKE YOU NEED TO LEARN TO TRUST GOD . Maybe get vehicle too . Thanks for agreeing with me! go to http://www.thesecondadam.com God has been speaking through dreams since the beginning of time! Someone is always there to pray with you. Teach her spiritual warfare against the devil .SPEAK SCRIPTURES OVER HER AND THE SITUATION THAT FIT THE ISSUE . For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not, In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of me, and dealeth their instruction. ~ Job 33:14-16. Home - Prophetic Prayer Hour Intercessory Prayer Lines - Missionaries Of Prayer Please direct her to Godly people who can guide and direct her. We love you and expect Gods blessings and favor to invade your life! We provide resources on request and assist in connecting callers with finding a local church. Amen. // ]]> BreakThrough With Rod Parsley google_ad_height = 100; Please pray for my husband to be saved and for the complete restoration of our marriage that Charlie will come home with a heart for our marriage of 42 years and 11 months, Alpha and omaga the beginning and end I pray for the kardasahian family that there health and safety always be good and that each one of them takes you as there lord and savior and has a personal relationship with you father. God doesn't need a phone to hear us; but, if we are going to pray together, Amen Brian. SPEAK THE HEALING SCRIPURES OVER YOUR FAMILY DAILY. Please give me the number. You can call anytime because it's available 24/7. In unbalanced marriages come dearly too my Heart. I was suprized by all the things I found in my heart.had the oppty to get them cleared before God. 19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 24 Hour Prayer Lines - Missionaries Of Prayer Creative Solutions to Help You Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I can honestly tell you that it felt good though not to be the only one in that kind of struggle.
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