We can take a great deal of pride in our success as a multicultural country. Plan and organise To an extent, the reputation that Cabramatta had was well-earned: there was a problem with drugs, it wasnt a pleasant place. The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools to ensure they are well prepared to keep children and young people safe and protect them from abuse. It Stops With Me. Where an organisation is able to manage its cultural diversity and be inclusive, it is more likely to reduce the cost of staff turnover, more likely to minimise legal and compliance risks, more likely to negotiate any negative publicity that may arise from mismanaging a case involving diversity. SA is the only State in Australia founded on migration. In the US over a 10 year period, the top 50 companies for diversity outperformed the Standard & Poors 500 Index by 25.8% and the NASDAQ by 28%. When I was growing up in South West Sydney, my part of town was not a particularly attractive part of town. In the past year or so, the Diversity Council of Australia studied the cultural origins of Australias business leaders. Heres what the Police Commander of the Sharpeville township said, a Mr D H Pienaar: he said it started when hordes of natives surrounded the police station. Therefore, we will address all the aspects of the work culture in Australia to start your expansion well-informed. Diplomatic missions, consular posts and other representative offices; 4. A central part of our educational work involves the National Anti-Racism Strategy, which has been running since 2012 and which aims to empower Australians to speak out against prejudice and discrimination. Can you really imagine them as a leader? Many of you will have seen some advertisements not long ago from Beyond Blues Stop. Structured workplace learning provides students with the opportunity to: Structured workplace learning provides the opportunity for: All structured workplace learning arrangements must comply with Ministerial Order 55 Structured Workplace Learning ArrangementsExternal Link and the accompanying arrangement forms must be used refer to the Resources tab. Work Health and Safety Policy LGBTIQ+ Harmony Day, 21 March, happens to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. 2. WebYou must provide training to your workers, including on procedures for: evacuations and assembly points equipment first aid safely shutting down machinery. Certainly, Im of the view that managing cultural diversity should not be relegated to an afterthought in these conversations. stream Manage career and work life 16 1b. Planning stage Identification of the problem or need Businesses develop policies and procedures in anticipation of a market or response to a need. Do you think they really have the right fit? To succeed in business in Australia, it is vital for both employers and employees to have a strong understanding of the business culture. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the origin of Harmony Day. Many of you would have had delicious lunches in your workplace; you might have might have encouraged workers to dress up in their ancestral costumes or do something to express their cultural heritage. I want to talk to you about the old neighbourhood where I grew up, here in South West Sydney. The principal should retain the original copy. Background. 5 0 obj Business culture in India practical application of industry knowledge, the parent/guardian of the student if the student is under 18 years of age. On termination, employees severance pay should include: Termination due to redundancy entitles employees to severance pay based on years of service: The reduction in entitlement assumes employee will be eligible for long service benefits after 10 years service. But I leave you with this question. It must be signed by: the employer the student the parent/guardian of the student if the student is under 18 years of age Policies, procedures and processes | business.gov.au Work Structure And Protocols In Australian Workplace There you had 5000 people gathering in this township to protest against new laws that had been introduced by the apartheid government, namely, the so-called pass laws which required all black men and women to carry personal identification papers. To find your nearest LLEN, refer to the Local Learning and Employment NetworkExternal Link . WebInclude the recipients name and postal address at the top of the letter. You may recall that at the time that there were vocal criticisms and rightly so that women comprised only 32% of the recipients of the Order of Australia awards handed out on the Queens Birthday. Picture the law-abiding, hardworking family with studious, obedient children. WebThe tech world is going back to work, but it's not going back to normal. Australian employers value diversity, work life balance, the wellbeing of their employees, and dedication. Australian Workplace Culture: Astounding Facts You Must Know Decide there you relevant to do short 1. Lets begin with our most public of institutions, our parliaments. Could you really rely on her? These are some of the questions an invisible discriminator may be posing in that scenario involving an interviewee of a minority racial or ethnic background. WebDefine the purpose of the evaluation to see how well the protocol is working. Protocol Workplace - The people, power and politics of tech <> These policies ensure organisations select employees based on the knowledge, skills and experience they possess for that specific job. It is a pity if advances in diversity and inclusion were to occur unevenly, whether thats across gender or race or disability or sexual orientation. Why? 8 0 obj There are only currently two who are of Indigenous background. Schools must ensure they implement this policy and follow the guidance on the, integrate practical on-the-job experience and learning in workplaces with nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) undertaken as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate, undertake work placement to complement an applied learning program as part of the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate. There are some interesting statistics from America, which illustrate that share prices for publicly listed companies can drop significantly within 24 hours when a diversity related complaint becomes public. Our workplaces across the country are, of course, manifestations of the diversity that we have. To date, weve had organisations from corporate Australia and higher education and sport, from local government, to name but a few areas, come on board. Now as a general proposition, the data tells us that the children of migrants are out-performing the children of native born Australians when it comes to education and employment. Or are the things that youre doing designed more to mollify our own feelings than to tackle the real challenges brought up by diversity? <> WebOverall, the workplace culture in Australia is more relaxed and less formal, appreciating a collaborative approach and avoiding formality where possible. Think. Were talking about a society where about 20% of Australians experience racial discrimination of some kind. Variations or amendments to the arrangement form may only be made in writing and must be signed by the employer, student, parent/guardian (if the student is under 18 years of age) and the principal. If we are talking about a country that still takes in a significant number of immigrants every year, where almost half that population is first or second generation, then this diversity isnt likely to diminish in any way. The APSC has responsibility for the administration of workplace bargaining policies, including the 2014 and 2015 policies. Some award or enterprise agreements allow employees time off in lieu of working overtime, instead of extra pay. Im sure we all here love our Harmony Day lunches on 21 March. Probation periods generally last between three and six months, during which the individual has the same rights and statutory benefits as full employees. Sixty-nine people were killed, more than 100 people were injured. Introduction to Australia and its system of government; 2. stream <>>><>>>] Webaustralian workplace structure protocols below is no set rate, procedures closely monitor safety concern to create better work health and to and workers. Law and So, again, based on a quick, informal audit of the 800 odd recipients of Queens Birthday Honours in 2014, there were only about 25 names of apparent non-European background. To put it another way, you could say that breaking the glass ceiling or cracking the cultural ceiling are things which are not to be regarded as mutually exclusive. WebMoreover, Australian companies used flat organizational structures because staff often working in teams rather than independently. Training. Which all goes back to some of those questions that I posed at the outset involving our imaginary, invisible discriminator. Many of you will be familiar with this example: all the qualifications were identical, they involved people who were born in Australia (so can be assumed to have mastery of the English language). The inscriptions on one side say, The world is for us to share and respect. On the other side, it says, To be renovative and integrate. There are other plaques there which have the words liberty and democracy inscribed on them. Redundancy, Termination /Severance in Australia. Steps to Developing Policies And Procedures The advertisements were aired to raise awareness about the harms of racism against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Policy and procedure development occurs in 5 main stages: Planning, development, review, implementation and final. Australia ranks fourth among Pacific Rim economies while the economic heavyweights of China, US, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and India also figure as their major trading partners. The national minimum applies to most private companies in Australia that are regulated by the Fair Work Act (2009) and whose employees are covered by the National Employment Relations System. A man sits next to an Aboriginal youth in a shopping centre only for a man, the so-called invisible discriminator, to whisper in his ear: Are you sure you want to be there? The only variable that was amended was the names. They featured a number of scenarios. We think its a modest but important way that organisations can signal that they are taking prejudice and discrimination seriously, because we cant combat this problem through legislation alone although I do think legislation does play a fundamental role in setting the tone of our society. These begin the day after the employer tells the employee they want to terminate employment and end on the final day of work. Of the 81 Departmental Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries in Canberra, less than 5% come from non-European backgrounds. In the Financial Times, there was a report about a study by the American Sociological Association which found that every 1% rise in gender ethnic diversity results in a 3-9% rise in the sales revenue. Overview | Safe Work Australia Do you think this candidate really has the right fit? There is, naturally enough, an organisational interest in harmony, in stability, ensuring that people can get along. What we do with the campaign is we invite organisations across the country interested in demonstrating their commitment to tolerance and diversity and inclusion to join as supporters, to undertake some work in countering prejudice. The DCA-Suncorp Inclusion@Work Index 2017-2018 is a landmark study, providing the first-ever national benchmarks for Australian workplaces in regards to the age, cultural background, disability status, gender, Indigenous background, religion, sexual orientation and gender identity of workers. Other research shows that companies with high executive and board diversity had returns on equity that were on average 53% higher than those with low levels of diversity. Methods Australian employers use to build a sense of community include: Communication, Openness, Creativity, and giving those on the team or in the Communications Strategy and Implementation Plan Australian professionals seem able to blend a relaxed workplace environment with a strong focus on hard work that produces results. endobj I make this point of comparison here very deliberately, because I think in our conversations about diversity and inclusion, sometimes there isnt much oxygen left for a conversation about race after we have a conversation about gender. Structured workplace learning HK+ E$e}g)[^HkbwK?WZ-Kz,n-]|IxrZv\v + TtbcHbUn)VL#E=_}F<5| mI%>6dTi 6cFSC3$(~\hGl3zU2 bO P/ 5QS&G6aA d*cGM+mKN@p{wATisFvv,[L#:3PRN]Y,4^Z*~EK0@YO,`aj4 Co-workers are Theres particular value in looking at how unconscious bias might exist, for example, with respect to one group that has been typically identified as a model minority. In fact, for those of you visiting Sydney this week, if you were to pick up a brochure about what to do in the city, you would most likely find Cabramatta being mentioned as a food destination, a place where you can make a day trip to sample the authentic delights of South East Asia. demonstrate the practical application of work-related skills as part of VCE Industry and Enterprise. If this occurs, all efforts should be made to organise alternative arrangements for students. If a student refuses to disclose their vaccination status to an employer and the employer is not comfortable with the placement proceeding on that basis, then the employer may choose not to proceed with the placement. Work Australia Communication: Interaction tends to be direct but friendly; opinions are freely given with potentially difficult developments frequently defused with a joke or mild profanity, Business Meetings: Scheduled meetings start promptly and stick to the allotted time. It was the 1990s and if you wind your clocks back a little, youll remember that a place called Cabramatta was the heroin capital of Australia, the hub of ethnic crime. Today Id like to talk about cultural diversity in the workplace about the case for embracing cultural diversity. Many of you will be familiar of course with the intense debate that has taken place during the past year and a half or two years around the Racial Discrimination Act, particularly the racial vilification provisions of 18C and 18D. Now I think its worth reflecting on where Harmony Day comes from. The Structured workplace learning travel and accommodation form (PDF)External Link must be used: The department has established the Structured Workplace Learning Statewide Portal a website which provides students and teachers with a single, easy to navigate, information and referral point for work-based learning opportunities offered by a diverse range of employers. Theres also a positive case. A confident and resilient outlook is reflected in an economy ranked 12th in the world with a GDP of two trillion Australia dollars (1.28 trillion, US$ 1.44 trillion) and a major player among the Pacific Rim nations. Im interested in your answers, but I do believe the challenge that we have is one about changing attitudes. Heres a quick picture of what Australian society looks like: 28% of our population was born overseas; another 20% have a parent who was born overseas; about 20% of our population speaks a language other than English at home. endobj What we do is we try to illustrate what best practice standard looks like in all these areas, and highlight what an organisation that is beginning the work might look like, what an organisation that is midway between the start and best practice might look like, and of course what the gold standard of good practice might look like. is important in australia workplace it TOP TIP BE AWARE OF THE CULTURAL DIVERSITY; BE CAUTIOUS ABOUT GENERALISATIONS AND TAKE THE TIME TO DEVELOP RELATIONSHIPS. Make sure the recipients details are correct. Ive spoken to some who have suggested to me that if youre really serious about diversity and inclusion, you cant put your faith in human resources, at least in human resources alone. 3. Thus, make the most of this section. If you are a student or teacher looking for work-based learning opportunities including work experience and structured workplace learning, refer to the SWL Statewide PortalExternal Link . WebStructure of the CSfW 8 Using the CSfW 13 The Performance Features 13 The Influencing Factors 13 Performance Features Tables 15 1a. It is about ensuring that the status quo does not serve to advantage others and disadvantage others. What does this practically look like? Work with roles, rights and protocols 20 2a. Its worth us thinking about what it is exactly that we commemorate on the 21st of March, I think we can probably do both, we can probably celebrate our diversity, but it does strike an odd note to find that the true provenance of Harmony Day is often unknown. What is exactly the role of Human Resources professionals in all of this? You may Different jobs can have different rules. Someone who is working that extra bit harder may be judged by a manager or executive to be a worker who is lost in the detail, who is unable to see the big picture, who is perhaps a little too intense to be promoted, who maybe lacks the people skills required, the distance, the judgement, the wisdom, the leadership to step on to the next rung of the corporate ladder. Communicate for work 24 2b. Flip that around, you could say that the situation also illustrates how some people in our society, in that case, those with Anglo-Saxon names, may be enjoying a form of social privilege. We can all agree that leadership is important, but whose interest do you serve in your work? There are many principles, values and influences that diversity That comes to about 3% of the total. b) Consider your own culture and identify how it differs from these practices? What about the private sector? if the student is undertaking structured workplace learning to complement an applied learning program as part of the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate they must complete safe@work. Discrimination, if it does occur at other levels in an organisation, can be more difficult to identify. A young Aboriginal candidate is there, sitting across the recruiter and the invisible discriminator emerges once more: Could you really rely on her?. Could you really imagine them managing this piece of work? ;yx2> 47nB_(R]98iG `:kX{5DE(-:M-BA1;lQ(k`AIgvqr*"zTg *:/U #`1x" ,AH:hsh_T8:+PSz4cXS2E&gUCI(?MV]v^#X\"HMwik&u/2=Vly6[C[kl3 Respect. A Instructions to the Australian Workplace History. Lets begin specifically with our Federal Parliament. But I also would like to challenge you about how you should deal with cultural diversity, because too often we think of diversity as just being about festivals, about being about lunches or maybe an event or two that we should have in our workplace to celebrate our diversity and show how inclusive we are. Find your Regulator Australian WHS Strategy 2023-2033 Download a copy of the strategy Why we're here Recognise and utilise diverse perspectives 34 3a. It should include all your relevant contact details, such as your job title, company name, work number and email address. If you think of the source countries of our migration at the moment, the two biggest source countries are now India and China. Now you might say such findings relate only to discrimination at the entry level of employment. Equal opportunity policy Across the world, organisations offer employment opportunities to people equally without favour to anyone in the recruitment process. But fast forward about two decades on and today you find a very different suburb. The researchers found that if you had a Chinese sounding name, you had to apply 68% more times in order to be invited to interview compared to someone with an Anglo-Saxon sounding name. Students should comply with any control measures implemented in the workplace to manage the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Australian Values and Workplace Culture Can someone who does not ever have to experience discrimination be honest about the possible privilege that they may be experiencing? WebRoles and responsibilities 5.1.1 A person may have more than one duty and more than one person can have a duty. Rules make sure everyone is safe and treated with respect in the workplace, and there are rules for businesses and employees. About 11% say that theyve been excluded from the workplace or from social settings because of their race, about 5% say that theyve experienced physical assault because of their racial background.
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