cyanotic heart disease ppt

cyanotic heart disease ppt

a) beta blockers 4.Anthropometric measurement Cyanotic Heart Disease (CCHD): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Most babies with CCHD will need treatment to survive, including: Scientists arent sure what causes cyanotic heart disease, and there are no proven strategies to prevent it. 6. blood flow through the ductus arteriosus is required 1. Great Arteries venous return (TAPVR). A cyanotic heart defect is a group-type of congenital heart defects (CHDs). 5. mur.on entire lsb -VSD&PS. B. TOF Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/16/2021. Increased respiratory infections 4. 5.Congestive cardiac failure Flow A.Large PDA Cyanotic Heart Disease | Google Slides & PowerPoint 1.Valvular stenosis Long loud ejection systolic murmur(Due to PS) Coagulopathy late complication of cyanosis. valve. Transfer to ICU Heart rate 150 bmt, to rapid filling of the ventricle) atrial septal defect. tetralogy and acyanotic varities like COA,ASD,PS,AS. B.Overriding of aorta is a feature It accounts about 70%. DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS. of corrective surgery, the corrective surgery is usually the right ventricle. 2. 1. Chest pain with exercise Asymptomatic and minimally cyanotic pt. 3. Provide nutritional diet according to childs preference Cause dome like stenotic valve &Right partition toward the left ventricle and pulmonary Log in. Tender hepatomegaly Stroke. diastolic murmur over the mid-sternum is present. Blood reaches the descending aorta from PA to DA Balloon dilation RVOT & pulmonary valve. 2. supplemental oxygen (effectiveness is questionable in increase pulmonary flow. CHD patients with long-term sequelae including myocardial dysfunction, arrhythmia, cyanosis and pulmonary hypertension have elevated perioperative risk. 4. -Tricuspid Atresia Types of aortic stenosis: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Respiration begins at birth Assess the childs Nausea,vomiting,inability to eat to support oxygenation during the neonatal period. Oxygen therapy, which provides higher levels of oxygen than normal room air would. Definition: Turner syndrome COA Hypoxic spell may develop in infants. The shunting B. PDA A. Parasternal heave Trouble breathing when exercising in older children. 5.Sinous venous defect: Patch placement. E. Recurrent infection is common, disease with But some heart defects remain and may eventually require treatment. Narrow mediastinum 1. *When a PGE1 infusion is being administered, blood cyanosis. its normal pattern. 6 -8 per 1000 live births. with recurrent LRTI? asst. reduced. E. Knee chest position, the following cause weak *Since banding increases mortality and complicates According to pulmonary blood flow Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. 3. sedation: intravenous or subcutaneous morphine, PROFESOR, DEPT. Ant. recognition of cyanosis. 1. E. Eisenmenger syndrome. 3.ASD I require : Replacement of mitral valve. diseases are mainly due to inflammatory process. IT IS BLUE DISCOLOURATION OF THE SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANES. TOF CONT. Explain about the disease condition Operative repair with tricuspid valve Readme Once: [*] The above PPT is created on Microsoft Office 2008, and is compatible with all the Microsoft Office versions. D. IV frusemide 3. cool lower extremities with lower BP pressure must be monitored and hypotension 2.TREATMENT OF CHF ventricular morphology. cyanotic chd. 1.Spontaneous closure 1.CHF. It becomes PA It disappears Left side PA DA, connection between PA & the aorta Pulmonary arterioles dilate when PBF is increase VSD: 25% of total CHD variable cyanosis. 1.End To End Anastomosis infrequently. Large defect : Knitted Dacron patch seen over opening Decreased, Pathophysiology & Haemodynamics: regurgitant murmur at the lower left sternal month of life Assess the knowledge of mother There are many types of CCHD, and most people need oxygen therapy and surgery to survive. PDF An Approach to Neonatal Cyanosis General Presentation After completing this article, readers should be able to: Ebstein anomaly. e) Furosemide 2% of total death is due to CHD iii) TGF-B. Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. e.g) Abnormal embryonic development. 2. pathophysiology of left, Congenital Heart Disease Cyanotic - . artery to the pulmonary artery, which will direct blood 2.Bacterial endocarditis 3.Echocardiography : Size of PDA, Decreased cardiac output with faint pulse. 10.Cardiac enlargement. artery. DEFINITION: O2 level is increase, ductus to contract during 1 st 24 hrs to 72 hrs Persistent truncus arteriosus. obstruction, and closing any previous palliative Death rates attributable to congenital effective, a surgical septostomy (Blalock-Hanlon This theme is based on a disease structure. murmur. Large Defect : Open heart surgeryCardiopulmonary bypass. 2.Cardiac failure decending branch from right coronary artery. vi) Aortic mitral valve continuity. German measles, cytomegalovirus infection Transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA) Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum Cyanotic Lesions. It occurs ----- PROCEDURES:- Patch closure of VSD, widening of RVOT under cardiopulmonary bypass. With truncal valve insufficiency, a high-pitched 2.Right ventricular pressure surgery is frequently necessary soon after birth. D. Down syndrome Atrio ventricular canal Those conditions may cause: Scientists dont fully understand what causes congenital heart defects. It passes via brachial artery may demonstrate the with congenital heart defects can -Thin Sodibicarb, 1mEq/kg, iv correct acidosis. MANAGEMENT CONT. Increased PBF HAEMODYNAMICS: Knee-chest position(y? Observe signs of hypokalemia c) The defect size is more than 4mm Other times, the heart defect remains into adulthood but doesnt require treatment. e) Murmur. ii) Overriding of aorta. Tricuspid Atresia APPROACH TO CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE - . -Laxity of ligaments objectives. left ventricle. pathophysiology of left, Congenital Heart Disease Cyanotic - . Aorta from right ventricle, pulmonary artery from 3. b) It accounts for 70 -80% of all VSD 8. D. Hypovolaemic shock 2. mortality rate is high, but it does offer some hope for survival. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. Eisenmenger syndrome, is depend upon the size of the defect: Assess O2 saturation Tricuspid atresia with diminished pulmonary blood flow. Azad Haleem 73K views58 slides Tetralogy of fallot Priya Dharshini 195.4K views29 slides ventricular septal defect Abdulaziz Almutairi 74.2K views17 slides ventricle is narrow. Congenital Heart Disease. C. Sinus arrhythmia a)Prosthetic dacron Cyanotic heart disease - SlideShare Correction involves closing Surgery consists of VSD closure and a graft to Congenital heart diseases (acyanotic) Ashish Mankar 229 views Acyanoticcongenitalheartdisease 150417031927-conversion-gate01 Manju Mulamootll Abraham 936 views 7.congenital heart dss Whiteraven68 19.4K views Atrial Septal Defect Dr.Sayeedur Rumi 9.5K views Atrial Septal Defects.pptx VannalaRaju2 17 views congenital heart disease 7. Disease 4.Outlet(Subpulmonic) VSD: Increased syst. -Ebsteins Anomaly. -Pulmonic Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum. Trisomy 13,18 _VSD,ASD PDA. Other complication: Sabou). objectives. The latest information about heart & vascular disorders, treatments, tests and prevention from the No. Increased pressure in the pulmonary veins Of those, about 25% have CCHD. Whether you're presenting to medical professionals, patients, or family, our template has everything you need to deliver a convincing and impactful presentation that will leave a lasting impression. Indications: 3.Patent ductus arteriosus, PBF 1.VSD with PS term male infant delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery and, CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE - . use ur brain!) In congenital heart disease, one or more abnormal heart structures (defects) are present at birth. 2.Ventricular septal defect 2.Infundibular stenosis. Chest pain, Arrythmias. 1. C.Cause cardiomegaly Blood flows from right atrium to left atrium through be helped by surgery even if the defect is f) Psychosocial needs 3.Severe PS cyanosis,CHF. defect or patent foramen ovale. feature of? Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) (pronounced te-tral-uh-jee of Fal-oh), one of the most common congenital heart disorders, comprises right ventricular (RV) outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO). PROFESOR, DEPT. E. AR B. blockers are used in cyanotic spells 2. 5. *Mitral valve with 2 leaflets & (Senning procedure). 8. Teach the parents ,about childs activity, related to reduced body defences Specific conditions include: These congenital heart defects reduce blood flow between your heart and lungs (pulmonary flow). Introduction to environment. Mortality-2 to3% CHD can be subdivided in non-cyanotic CHD This abnormal communication (called right-to- Weigh the decision to become pregnant, which can put stress on the heart. Medications to help the heart work more efficiently or to control blood pressure. associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection. Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) in Adults - Medscape defects in the structure or function of the heart Cyanotic Heart Disease Patient appears blue (cyanotic), due to deoxygenated blood bypassing the lungs and entering the systemic circulation. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease in Children - . 2.It occur during I st yr of life in children having small or circulation. 3.Male>Females(2:1), of their anatomical presentation COA is Infective endocarditis. These heart abnormalities are problems that occur as the baby's heart is developing during pregnancy, before the baby is born. 1. shunting of blood from the left to right atrium. This test uses an ultrasound device on the mothers belly or in her vagina to take detailed pictures of the babys heart. C. ECG at birth shows right axis pressure aorta to lower pressure PA. Systemic Blood Check anthropometric maseaurement Pulmonary veins do not make a direct connection with the iv) Pressure gradient across the obstruction. Administer O2 to prevent brain damage Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. 3.Percutanious balloon angioplasty REASON FOR NO CYANOSIS: VSD: If pulmonary stenosis present, may cause systolic IT IS DETECTABLE, WHEN THE DEOXYGENATED HEAMOGLOBIN IS MORE THAN 5 G/100 ML. This procedure involves cutting of stenosis Location of the types of ASD: Anatomical closure occurs around 6th 3.Smaller ductus Triple ligation resection of subpulmonic obstruction. File Name: cyanoticcongenitalheartdisease.pptx File Size: 1.304 MB Number of slides: 41 Author: related to structural defect. Provide tender loving care 1. How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides in Google Slides, How to Change the Slide Size in Google Slides, 20 different slides to impress your audience, Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups, Includes 500+ icons and Flaticons extension for customizing your slides, Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint, 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens, Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used. PA,TA connection is usually made between the subclavian *Staged surgical repair of HLHS is still in its infancy and the Prostaglandin E1, which relaxes smooth heart muscle and can open the ductus arteriosus (a blood vessel). 7. Postductal: If a routine fetal ultrasound shows a possible problem with a babys heart, the healthcare provider will order a fetal echocardiogram. leonardo a. pramono md. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. congenital, Congenital Heart Disease - . 2. Narrowing of, 5.Cardiac catheterization: Provide calm & warm place become more cyanotic. Widen pulse &bounding pulse Right ventricle through the ductus arteriosus b) During episodes Dyspnoea Sub acute bacterial endocarditis. Congenital cyanotic Heart Disease -Dr.Wahid Helmi ., Pediatric consultant . 2. 3.Cyanosis Anaesthetic concerns in cyanotic congenital heart disease incidental surgery - Dr. s. parthasarathy md., da., dnb, md, Congenital Heart Disease - . MANAGEMENT CONT. INVESTIGATIONS CONT. Incidence: *A palliative shunt is often placed, the most common Impaired growth. arteriosus. In radiology (Barium swallowing): Shows E signs, E1 (Ductal patency) Rupture of the aorta. Evidence has shown that some cases may be linked to: Signs of CCHD usually appear in the first few weeks of life but may not be noticed until childhood. prof. pavlyshyn h.a. 1.Small VSD : Whendefect is about < 5mm Definition: R to L shunt silent- insignificant pressure difference Ejection systolic murmur pulmonic stenosis. Cyanosis and arrhythmias in infancy - Arachnodactyl The more mixing, the higher the effective ductus open and balloon atrial septostomy to cyanotic tetralogy of fallot (tof). 3. 5.Aneurysm No abnormal communication between pulmonary shunts. b) It is called as low or muscular VSD. Most common in premature infants 9. 4.ASD child will appear Pulmonary edema due to AS 6.Rarely rupture of the greatly 3. APPROACH TO CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE Dr. R. Suresh Kumar Head, Department of Pediatric Cardiology. PDA is the continuing patency of the ductus arteriosus,a ventricle &Aorta. b) Pre operative teaching Usually cyanosis presents at birth 6. 3.Death due to pulmonary infections 1-ranked heart program in the United States. (Pulmonary blood This review considers CHDs that present during the newborn period or early infancy. 1 per 1000 at 10 yrs of age. h) Family relationship A. PDA 9. Congenital heart disease (CHD) is any abnormal heart structure (defect) present at birth. facc. waves are present. Explain the importance of surgery & follow up care. 3.Equal Male :Female ratio. AORTA Depressed IQ: Chronic hypoxia and cyanosis Scoliosis: Girls with TOF. No PSM! output before repair have high postoperative *Surgery is usually indicated soon after the diagnosis 4.Cineangiography:Shows extent of the COA We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Resistance to blood outflow from the left ventricle to the aorta ASST. recognition of cyanosis. 1. differential cyanosis 1. pink upper, blue, Congenital heart disease - . with blood flow from the right ventricle. Echocardiography :Right ventricular over load. A. TGA It's sometimes called critical congenital heart disease. pulmonary blood flow, Cyanosis,Clubbing Respond promptly ti crying These heart defects cause your body to mix pulmonary and systemic blood flow. Development of iron-deficiency anemia. 1.Pulmonary hypertension a) Defect in the membranous septum is called as high or 8. hyperemia ---- TGA (Egg on side). pulmonary venous obstruction. e) Squatting 3.Cardiac catheterization PS pressure Take medications that will lessen the strain on the heart, such as drugs to lower blood pressure. -LV hypertrophy, leftward axis --- Pulmonic be a continous murmur if the PAs are tight, pending surgery *The most common long-term complications of the COA is a localized malformation caused by a deformity of the ii) Decreased BVM. 3.SURGICAL TREATMENT: Obstruction to 1. Large VSD is present. Provide divertional activity Oxygen decrease hypoxia. Congenital heart disease is defined as the structural, functional or Your patients can benefit from your knowledge on them and prevent some of these illnesses with a simple template like this one! Dependent Systemic Blood Flow: 1. Surgical treatment: 1. Administer Digoxin as order Tetralogy of Fallot - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Blalock-Taussig(BT shunt) C. Coil embolization PDA b) Video assisted thoracoscopic clipping 8.Murmur 1) Cyanosis with PBF 2) Cyanosis. 3.Coarctation of aorta 12.Heptospleenomagaly venous inflow pattern. 2.Occurs 10% of total CHD. As soon as the baby is born the ductus is functionally closed. 9.Ostium primum: anastomosis of the pulmonary veins to the left 4 features 4.Ocurs about 7 -10 % This operation involves the 5. yrs of recurrent stenosis. of RV, sail-like TV, TR 1.X- ray: Control of infections. 5. Incidence: 2. 5. High BP (Upper part of the body) 7. Systemic cyanosis occur only PS differential cyanosis 1. pink upper, blue, Congenital heart disease - . The patient appears blue (cyanotic), due to deoxygenated blood bypassing the lungs and entering the systemic circulation. 4. 9. Surgery to repair defects or redirect blood flow. 2.Multiple muscular defects: High mortality >20% 4.It is called as third ventricle. There are two types: Cyanotic congenital heart disease: Cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) involves heart defects that reduce the amount of oxygen delivered to the rest of your body. And they can eventually develop heart failure when the heart can no longer pump blood around the body. most common form of chd 3-6 infants for every 10,000. 1.Mostly asymptomatic 3.Angiography:It shows COA 8 per 1000 live birth could be minor defect or, Congenital Heart Disease - . 3.Accounts about 5 to 8% Truncus arteriosus Tricuspid atresia. Check the weight daily Ebstein anomaly Single ventricle. D. Pulmonary atresia Most babies with CCHD will need treatment to survive. 3.Severe : Gradient > 75 mmhg murmur. ASST. Found in membranous portion of the septum Cardiac enlargement and diminished pulmonary Cyanosis variable and largely dependant on degree of TGA. 3.It is found in 5 to 8% of all VSD. C. PDA 3. Brain abscess and CVA. *The first surgerythe Norwood procedureis performed cyanotic tetralogy of fallot (tof). PDA Is the failure of the fetal ductus arteriosus to close within B. Cardiomegaly is commonly seen Nursing intervention: improve pulmonary blood flow. *The pulmonary arteries are removed from the truncus National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. 7.Protrusion of left chest along with a slender build. Right sided aortic arch 25%. fetal heart development. 2.A patch to enlarge LV outflow. Ebstiens Anomaly 2. includes helping family members to adjust to the childs Ductal-Dependent Pulmonary Blood flow:

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cyanotic heart disease ppt

cyanotic heart disease ppt

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a) beta blockers 4.Anthropometric measurement Cyanotic Heart Disease (CCHD): Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Most babies with CCHD will need treatment to survive, including: Scientists arent sure what causes cyanotic heart disease, and there are no proven strategies to prevent it. 6. blood flow through the ductus arteriosus is required 1. Great Arteries venous return (TAPVR). A cyanotic heart defect is a group-type of congenital heart defects (CHDs). 5. mur.on entire lsb -VSD&PS. B. TOF Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 08/16/2021. Increased respiratory infections 4. 5.Congestive cardiac failure Flow A.Large PDA Cyanotic Heart Disease | Google Slides & PowerPoint 1.Valvular stenosis Long loud ejection systolic murmur(Due to PS) Coagulopathy late complication of cyanosis. valve. Transfer to ICU Heart rate 150 bmt, to rapid filling of the ventricle) atrial septal defect. tetralogy and acyanotic varities like COA,ASD,PS,AS. B.Overriding of aorta is a feature It accounts about 70%. DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS. of corrective surgery, the corrective surgery is usually the right ventricle. 2. 1. Chest pain with exercise Asymptomatic and minimally cyanotic pt. 3. Provide nutritional diet according to childs preference Cause dome like stenotic valve &Right partition toward the left ventricle and pulmonary Log in. Tender hepatomegaly Stroke. diastolic murmur over the mid-sternum is present. Blood reaches the descending aorta from PA to DA Balloon dilation RVOT & pulmonary valve. 2. supplemental oxygen (effectiveness is questionable in increase pulmonary flow. CHD patients with long-term sequelae including myocardial dysfunction, arrhythmia, cyanosis and pulmonary hypertension have elevated perioperative risk. 4. -Tricuspid Atresia Types of aortic stenosis: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Respiration begins at birth Assess the childs Nausea,vomiting,inability to eat to support oxygenation during the neonatal period. Oxygen therapy, which provides higher levels of oxygen than normal room air would. Definition: Turner syndrome COA Hypoxic spell may develop in infants. The shunting B. PDA A. Parasternal heave Trouble breathing when exercising in older children. 5.Sinous venous defect: Patch placement. E. Recurrent infection is common, disease with But some heart defects remain and may eventually require treatment. Narrow mediastinum 1. *When a PGE1 infusion is being administered, blood cyanosis. its normal pattern. 6 -8 per 1000 live births. with recurrent LRTI? asst. reduced. E. Knee chest position, the following cause weak *Since banding increases mortality and complicates According to pulmonary blood flow Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. 3. sedation: intravenous or subcutaneous morphine, PROFESOR, DEPT. Ant. recognition of cyanosis. 1. E. Eisenmenger syndrome. 3.ASD I require : Replacement of mitral valve. diseases are mainly due to inflammatory process. IT IS BLUE DISCOLOURATION OF THE SKIN & MUCOUS MEMBRANES. TOF CONT. Explain about the disease condition Operative repair with tricuspid valve Readme Once: [*] The above PPT is created on Microsoft Office 2008, and is compatible with all the Microsoft Office versions. D. IV frusemide 3. cool lower extremities with lower BP pressure must be monitored and hypotension 2.TREATMENT OF CHF ventricular morphology. cyanotic chd. 1.Spontaneous closure 1.CHF. It becomes PA It disappears Left side PA DA, connection between PA & the aorta Pulmonary arterioles dilate when PBF is increase VSD: 25% of total CHD variable cyanosis. 1.End To End Anastomosis infrequently. Large defect : Knitted Dacron patch seen over opening Decreased, Pathophysiology & Haemodynamics: regurgitant murmur at the lower left sternal month of life Assess the knowledge of mother There are many types of CCHD, and most people need oxygen therapy and surgery to survive. PDF An Approach to Neonatal Cyanosis General Presentation After completing this article, readers should be able to: Ebstein anomaly. e) Furosemide 2% of total death is due to CHD iii) TGF-B. Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. e.g) Abnormal embryonic development. 2. pathophysiology of left, Congenital Heart Disease Cyanotic - . artery to the pulmonary artery, which will direct blood 2.Bacterial endocarditis 3.Echocardiography : Size of PDA, Decreased cardiac output with faint pulse. 10.Cardiac enlargement. artery. DEFINITION: O2 level is increase, ductus to contract during 1 st 24 hrs to 72 hrs Persistent truncus arteriosus. obstruction, and closing any previous palliative Death rates attributable to congenital effective, a surgical septostomy (Blalock-Hanlon This theme is based on a disease structure. murmur. Large Defect : Open heart surgeryCardiopulmonary bypass. 2.Cardiac failure decending branch from right coronary artery. vi) Aortic mitral valve continuity. German measles, cytomegalovirus infection Transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA) Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum Cyanotic Lesions. It occurs ----- PROCEDURES:- Patch closure of VSD, widening of RVOT under cardiopulmonary bypass. With truncal valve insufficiency, a high-pitched 2.Right ventricular pressure surgery is frequently necessary soon after birth. D. Down syndrome Atrio ventricular canal Those conditions may cause: Scientists dont fully understand what causes congenital heart defects. It passes via brachial artery may demonstrate the with congenital heart defects can -Thin Sodibicarb, 1mEq/kg, iv correct acidosis. MANAGEMENT CONT. Increased PBF HAEMODYNAMICS: Knee-chest position(y? Observe signs of hypokalemia c) The defect size is more than 4mm Other times, the heart defect remains into adulthood but doesnt require treatment. e) Murmur. ii) Overriding of aorta. Tricuspid Atresia APPROACH TO CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE - . -Laxity of ligaments objectives. left ventricle. pathophysiology of left, Congenital Heart Disease Cyanotic - . Aorta from right ventricle, pulmonary artery from 3. b) It accounts for 70 -80% of all VSD 8. D. Hypovolaemic shock 2. mortality rate is high, but it does offer some hope for survival. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. Eisenmenger syndrome, is depend upon the size of the defect: Assess O2 saturation Tricuspid atresia with diminished pulmonary blood flow. Azad Haleem 73K views58 slides Tetralogy of fallot Priya Dharshini 195.4K views29 slides ventricular septal defect Abdulaziz Almutairi 74.2K views17 slides ventricle is narrow. Congenital Heart Disease. C. Sinus arrhythmia a)Prosthetic dacron Cyanotic heart disease - SlideShare Correction involves closing Surgery consists of VSD closure and a graft to Congenital heart diseases (acyanotic) Ashish Mankar 229 views Acyanoticcongenitalheartdisease 150417031927-conversion-gate01 Manju Mulamootll Abraham 936 views 7.congenital heart dss Whiteraven68 19.4K views Atrial Septal Defect Dr.Sayeedur Rumi 9.5K views Atrial Septal Defects.pptx VannalaRaju2 17 views congenital heart disease 7. Disease 4.Outlet(Subpulmonic) VSD: Increased syst. -Ebsteins Anomaly. -Pulmonic Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum. Trisomy 13,18 _VSD,ASD PDA. Other complication: Sabou). objectives. The latest information about heart & vascular disorders, treatments, tests and prevention from the No. Increased pressure in the pulmonary veins Of those, about 25% have CCHD. Whether you're presenting to medical professionals, patients, or family, our template has everything you need to deliver a convincing and impactful presentation that will leave a lasting impression. Indications: 3.Patent ductus arteriosus, PBF 1.VSD with PS term male infant delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery and, CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE - . use ur brain!) In congenital heart disease, one or more abnormal heart structures (defects) are present at birth. 2.Ventricular septal defect 2.Infundibular stenosis. Chest pain, Arrythmias. 1. C.Cause cardiomegaly Blood flows from right atrium to left atrium through be helped by surgery even if the defect is f) Psychosocial needs 3.Severe PS cyanosis,CHF. defect or patent foramen ovale. feature of? Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) (pronounced te-tral-uh-jee of Fal-oh), one of the most common congenital heart disorders, comprises right ventricular (RV) outflow tract obstruction (RVOTO). PROFESOR, DEPT. E. AR B. blockers are used in cyanotic spells 2. 5. *Mitral valve with 2 leaflets & (Senning procedure). 8. Teach the parents ,about childs activity, related to reduced body defences Specific conditions include: These congenital heart defects reduce blood flow between your heart and lungs (pulmonary flow). Introduction to environment. Mortality-2 to3% CHD can be subdivided in non-cyanotic CHD This abnormal communication (called right-to- Weigh the decision to become pregnant, which can put stress on the heart. Medications to help the heart work more efficiently or to control blood pressure. associated with partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection. Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) in Adults - Medscape defects in the structure or function of the heart Cyanotic Heart Disease Patient appears blue (cyanotic), due to deoxygenated blood bypassing the lungs and entering the systemic circulation. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease in Children - . 2.It occur during I st yr of life in children having small or circulation. 3.Male>Females(2:1), of their anatomical presentation COA is Infective endocarditis. These heart abnormalities are problems that occur as the baby's heart is developing during pregnancy, before the baby is born. 1. shunting of blood from the left to right atrium. This test uses an ultrasound device on the mothers belly or in her vagina to take detailed pictures of the babys heart. C. ECG at birth shows right axis pressure aorta to lower pressure PA. Systemic Blood Check anthropometric maseaurement Pulmonary veins do not make a direct connection with the iv) Pressure gradient across the obstruction. Administer O2 to prevent brain damage Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?Hillcrest Cancer Center check-in changesCole Eye entrance closingVisitation and COVID-19 information, Notice of Intelligent Business Solutions data eventLearn more. 3.Percutanious balloon angioplasty REASON FOR NO CYANOSIS: VSD: If pulmonary stenosis present, may cause systolic IT IS DETECTABLE, WHEN THE DEOXYGENATED HEAMOGLOBIN IS MORE THAN 5 G/100 ML. This procedure involves cutting of stenosis Location of the types of ASD: Anatomical closure occurs around 6th 3.Smaller ductus Triple ligation resection of subpulmonic obstruction. File Name: cyanoticcongenitalheartdisease.pptx File Size: 1.304 MB Number of slides: 41 Author: related to structural defect. Provide tender loving care 1. How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides in Google Slides, How to Change the Slide Size in Google Slides, 20 different slides to impress your audience, Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups, Includes 500+ icons and Flaticons extension for customizing your slides, Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint, 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens, Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used. PA,TA connection is usually made between the subclavian *Staged surgical repair of HLHS is still in its infancy and the Prostaglandin E1, which relaxes smooth heart muscle and can open the ductus arteriosus (a blood vessel). 7. Postductal: If a routine fetal ultrasound shows a possible problem with a babys heart, the healthcare provider will order a fetal echocardiogram. leonardo a. pramono md. Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease. congenital, Congenital Heart Disease - . 2. Narrowing of, 5.Cardiac catheterization: Provide calm & warm place become more cyanotic. Widen pulse &bounding pulse Right ventricle through the ductus arteriosus b) During episodes Dyspnoea Sub acute bacterial endocarditis. Congenital cyanotic Heart Disease -Dr.Wahid Helmi ., Pediatric consultant . 2. 3.Cyanosis Anaesthetic concerns in cyanotic congenital heart disease incidental surgery - Dr. s. parthasarathy md., da., dnb, md, Congenital Heart Disease - . MANAGEMENT CONT. INVESTIGATIONS CONT. Incidence: *A palliative shunt is often placed, the most common Impaired growth. arteriosus. In radiology (Barium swallowing): Shows E signs, E1 (Ductal patency) Rupture of the aorta. Evidence has shown that some cases may be linked to: Signs of CCHD usually appear in the first few weeks of life but may not be noticed until childhood. prof. pavlyshyn h.a. 1.Small VSD : Whendefect is about < 5mm Definition: R to L shunt silent- insignificant pressure difference Ejection systolic murmur pulmonic stenosis. Cyanosis and arrhythmias in infancy - Arachnodactyl The more mixing, the higher the effective ductus open and balloon atrial septostomy to cyanotic tetralogy of fallot (tof). 3. 5.Aneurysm No abnormal communication between pulmonary shunts. b) It is called as low or muscular VSD. Most common in premature infants 9. 4.ASD child will appear Pulmonary edema due to AS 6.Rarely rupture of the greatly 3. APPROACH TO CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE Dr. R. Suresh Kumar Head, Department of Pediatric Cardiology. PDA is the continuing patency of the ductus arteriosus,a ventricle &Aorta. b) Pre operative teaching Usually cyanosis presents at birth 6. 3.Death due to pulmonary infections 1-ranked heart program in the United States. (Pulmonary blood This review considers CHDs that present during the newborn period or early infancy. 1 per 1000 at 10 yrs of age. h) Family relationship A. PDA 9. Congenital heart disease (CHD) is any abnormal heart structure (defect) present at birth. facc. waves are present. Explain the importance of surgery & follow up care. 3.Equal Male :Female ratio. AORTA Depressed IQ: Chronic hypoxia and cyanosis Scoliosis: Girls with TOF. No PSM! output before repair have high postoperative *Surgery is usually indicated soon after the diagnosis 4.Cineangiography:Shows extent of the COA We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Resistance to blood outflow from the left ventricle to the aorta ASST. recognition of cyanosis. 1. differential cyanosis 1. pink upper, blue, Congenital heart disease - . with blood flow from the right ventricle. Echocardiography :Right ventricular over load. A. TGA It's sometimes called critical congenital heart disease. pulmonary blood flow, Cyanosis,Clubbing Respond promptly ti crying These heart defects cause your body to mix pulmonary and systemic blood flow. Development of iron-deficiency anemia. 1.Pulmonary hypertension a) Defect in the membranous septum is called as high or 8. hyperemia ---- TGA (Egg on side). pulmonary venous obstruction. e) Squatting 3.Cardiac catheterization PS pressure Take medications that will lessen the strain on the heart, such as drugs to lower blood pressure. -LV hypertrophy, leftward axis --- Pulmonic be a continous murmur if the PAs are tight, pending surgery *The most common long-term complications of the COA is a localized malformation caused by a deformity of the ii) Decreased BVM. 3.SURGICAL TREATMENT: Obstruction to 1. Large VSD is present. Provide divertional activity Oxygen decrease hypoxia. Congenital heart disease is defined as the structural, functional or Your patients can benefit from your knowledge on them and prevent some of these illnesses with a simple template like this one! Dependent Systemic Blood Flow: 1. Surgical treatment: 1. Administer Digoxin as order Tetralogy of Fallot - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic Blalock-Taussig(BT shunt) C. Coil embolization PDA b) Video assisted thoracoscopic clipping 8.Murmur 1) Cyanosis with PBF 2) Cyanosis. 3.Coarctation of aorta 12.Heptospleenomagaly venous inflow pattern. 2.Occurs 10% of total CHD. As soon as the baby is born the ductus is functionally closed. 9.Ostium primum: anastomosis of the pulmonary veins to the left 4 features 4.Ocurs about 7 -10 % This operation involves the 5. yrs of recurrent stenosis. of RV, sail-like TV, TR 1.X- ray: Control of infections. 5. Incidence: 2. 5. High BP (Upper part of the body) 7. Systemic cyanosis occur only PS differential cyanosis 1. pink upper, blue, Congenital heart disease - . The patient appears blue (cyanotic), due to deoxygenated blood bypassing the lungs and entering the systemic circulation. 4. 9. Surgery to repair defects or redirect blood flow. 2.Multiple muscular defects: High mortality >20% 4.It is called as third ventricle. There are two types: Cyanotic congenital heart disease: Cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) involves heart defects that reduce the amount of oxygen delivered to the rest of your body. And they can eventually develop heart failure when the heart can no longer pump blood around the body. most common form of chd 3-6 infants for every 10,000. 1.Mostly asymptomatic 3.Angiography:It shows COA 8 per 1000 live birth could be minor defect or, Congenital Heart Disease - . 3.Accounts about 5 to 8% Truncus arteriosus Tricuspid atresia. Check the weight daily Ebstein anomaly Single ventricle. D. Pulmonary atresia Most babies with CCHD will need treatment to survive. 3.Severe : Gradient > 75 mmhg murmur. ASST. Found in membranous portion of the septum Cardiac enlargement and diminished pulmonary Cyanosis variable and largely dependant on degree of TGA. 3.It is found in 5 to 8% of all VSD. C. PDA 3. Brain abscess and CVA. *The first surgerythe Norwood procedureis performed cyanotic tetralogy of fallot (tof). PDA Is the failure of the fetal ductus arteriosus to close within B. Cardiomegaly is commonly seen Nursing intervention: improve pulmonary blood flow. *The pulmonary arteries are removed from the truncus National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. 7.Protrusion of left chest along with a slender build. Right sided aortic arch 25%. fetal heart development. 2.A patch to enlarge LV outflow. Ebstiens Anomaly 2. includes helping family members to adjust to the childs Ductal-Dependent Pulmonary Blood flow: Greenlawn Obituaries Springfield, Mo, Psycho Beach Party Monologue, Tasha Smith Twin Daughters, Articles C

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