yuriko edh primer

yuriko edh primer

It might not seem like it at first, but 2 mana is very expensive for an enabler. Many of the evasive creatures we're including also have card filtering applications. In a deck where everything is evasive, any amount of extra buff is worth our attention, and this is one of our better options. There are two more cards I want to mention in this section for their ability to speed up our clock, or else restrict our opponents from playing the game. Competitive EDH Decklist Database . I also realized that the leaner the curve became, the more likely it would be that we could frequently have Yuriko on board and also have a party of Ninjas to brawl with. This is the version of the deck played here, which is an optimized ninjas tribal approach that plays lots of ninjas while keeping good top-deck manipulation and interaction, which plays a suite of extra turn spells to facilitate a win when we're ready. This approach could provide some insanely powerful plays, but was also more prone to variance due to the low ninja count and the high number of high mana kill spells that could sometimes rot in our hand. At first, Sakashima seems like just another Clone. We don't care that most of our creatures are french vanilla because as long as they're Ninjas, Yuriko gives them the only ability they're going to need. Jhoira played a Winter Orb and Yuriko played a Null Rod . This realization lead to the inclusion of Night's Whisper and Phyrexian Arena. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. That all changed with C18 when Yuriko was printed, and the tribe got a whole lot of support when Modern Horizons released. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/IQMMoWTVcU6U1bTb-2epvA. Even though a couple of these cards wouldn't ruin the function of the deck I'd personally rather not. Basically the important parts are topdeck manipulation. Dimir Keyrune is a ramp option of choice for this reason. Privacy Policy. The gravity of Ninjutsu on Yuriko cannot be overstated, as it almost guarantees that we will be able to have her on board at any time as long as one of our little creatures can make it through (they don't even need to be a Ninja). Primer The problem of course, is that these cards are most likely to rot in our hands and possibly draw us early aggro. Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow: Your 2 mana Hydra Omnivore (that draws you While not directly a creature, I did want to acknowledge our creature lands/rocks and Bitterblossom. What's the best cEDH writing, including primers, that you've read The compromise was to let our opponents keep their creatures, as long as they can't attack us. I prefer controlled smashing, and best associate with the Temur colors. Yuriko 2022 cEDH Ninja tribal it is actually happening - YouTube That primer was my first real exposure to cEDH thinking and got me really excited to play the format. We may not be green, but we still get to break all the rules. Glen Elendra Liege will buff almost all of our creatures, and many of them will be gifted a hefty +2/+2. With Neon Dynasty we have far, far better options and this one is cut for good. If we can do this we easily double three triggers to six or four to eight, and very often that alone will be enough to kill the table. The longer I brewed, however, I began to realize that quantity was probably more valuable than quality, since our tutor count is so high. This isn't to say that Yuriko is merely a worse version of Edric. Or maybe Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle so I can try to unlock that hot 12/12 body. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (2022) (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) - TappedOut Yuriko does provide us with a lot of card advantage on her own. 2023-03-20 . Nonetheless, we're going for a higher ninja count at the moment. We want to spend our mana on our turn using ninjutsu and manipulating our library, so it's too much of a burden to pass with more than 2 untapped lands. Based on the title of the article alone, I've spoiled the surprise. The last creature I want to highlight is Thada Adel, Acquisitor. With our creatures, redundancy is equally as important as it was for our Ninja enchantments. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to assume that we will be able to find these enchantments one way or another. These are the abilities that made me fall in love with Yuriko. But we can bounce them to hand if necessary! This card definitely belongs in the deck, and I even know what to cut for it. But it's useful to have other sources of card draw, especially when they're ninjas too. Cookie Notice As such, the only thing Yuriko really has to fear is being stolen with Control Magic spells and abilities or hit with an Imprisoned in the Moon type of effect. Ninja Since then I have play-tested extensively, and have cut and added cards as new sets are released. The reason being that you can use them after your ninjas have dealt combat damage, in response to Yuriko's trigger. I've pointed out that we'll be relying on Yuriko's burn damage to finish off our opponents. Okay, so realistically, we don't have any creatures that qualify as "Fatties," at least not as much as I'm used to when playing green. Stratus Dancer is another option for countering spells, but stapled to a creature. Aggro Sacralifia 1 minute ago. 15399 decks (0.629%) Rank #3. Instead, you can replay Ornithopter for free, avoid discarding to max hand size, and ninjutsu another ninja on turn 3. Primer Yuriko Farm Yuriko - Turbo Ad Nauseam Yuriko has been a fan favorite in the EDH community for quite some time and that is largely because Yuriko is a card that nearly every single Magic player can identify with. That's until you consider that we can copy Yuriko, and now draw two cards and inflict twice as much burn damage for each attacking creature. The cream of the crop are Sun Quan, Lord of Wu, Archetype of Imagination, Cover of Darkness, and Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive as they give most of our creatures evasion against most things, but Higure, the Still Wind, Shizo, Death's Storehouse, Smoke Shroud, and Access Tunnel can give some evasion as well. Whisper lets us dig two cards deeper on demand, while Arena will help us slowly accrue more value as the game goes on. What's not to likew? Tabletop; Arena; MTGO; Tabletop Tabletop Arena MTGO. After much testing I am pleased to offer up my Yuriko ninjas list. In order for me to include one, it has to have an extremely strong ability. Before we delve deeper into our creatures or any of the other goodies we're packing, let's take a look at these key enchantments. Sakashima even protects herself, and lets us reset her if something more desirable enters the battlefield. This is how we ended up with the creatures that "suck". We still have Arcane Adaptation for this purpose, but with Neon Dynasty we're better off just playing more and better ninjas. Given that our creatures are so cheap, replaying them shouldn't be an issue. The second is Larceny, which is effectively an inverse Coastal Piracy. Ertai Planeswalker. We are in blue, and that means we have access to Rhystic Study. The London mulligan is more forgiving, so even if we have go down to 6 or 5, it's generally worth it. Including our tutors, we have 11 "copies" of enchantments that let us change creature types. I've recently made a Twitter account @theKnowledgePL, and I'm planning to update it with whatever I'm working on next. Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive gets the nod because it makes many of our ninjas (Yuriko in particular) unblockable. Complete Comment Tutorial! Primer At one point, cards like Thassa, God of the Sea were included in this list, but as I whittled the deck down, I began to realize that focusing on an "Edric" style of attack would likely be the best course of action. If the table is ok with playing it, and I manage to flip it, we all cheer and laugh, but ignore it as a simple land and continue play as normal. This led me to cut all the 1 mana unblockable creatures, as I believe a 1 mana flyer with a relevant ability is more crucial to our game plan now. Sneaking in with Satoru Umezawa Ninja Tribal - EDH Showcase Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. For me, I just felt it was too mana hungry and fairly likely to be destroyed before I could get much use out of the investment. This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible. I always lacked inspiration, and I would force myself to brew various commanders in the hopes of being surprised by the final result. In many games, we can expect to have Yuriko attacking as early as turn two, and while playing a commander on turn two might be ill-advised for most decks, we don't care if Yuriko dies because we have the very real expectation of replaying her almost immediately. Copied to clipboard. This week we're taking a look at Yuriko in cEDH!MOXFIELD - https://www.moxfield.com/YURIKO DECKLIST - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AvvPQMehv0eejejUeySkAgD. In 1965, she signed a contract with Toho. I love this card, but all of our good artifacts in this deck are low cmc and are best when played early, and we overpay and get them too late with Whir. Most of them are unblockable, and most of them are 1 cmc, which is what we want as 2cmc feels pretty slow. If you're able to take 2-3 turns in a row with a couple of triggers from Yuriko each time, it's almost always enough to take the win. For instance, I've included Mox Amber because Yuriko will almost always be on board, but I've neglected all the other moxen (Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mox Opal) even though they would probably be potent here. Of our 30 creatures, 27 of them have natural evasion. While there was always an argument for this based on top-deck manipulation and because of the potential to drop it early and use it to explode ahead of the competition, it really is more of a pet card for me, and there are more synergistic options. I still think Skulker will be a reasonable include because it can become a 4/4 unblockable creature on its own (and can grant Yuriko unblockable) but I also wouldn't be surprised if this card is one of the first cards on the chopping block in favor of more efficient options. Before the release of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, we didnt have a ton of ninjas in the deck, so the unblockable enablers were essential for getting the ninjas we did have to connect. It's easy to forget that UB is also one of the best color combinations forevasive creatures, with a host of flying and unblockable options, and this is what I wanted to exploit with Vela. Siren Stormtamer protects our dudes from spot removal. Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! This card was only ever in because prior to Neon Dynasty he was a ninja that could hit the board for a ninjutsu cost of 2 and start racking Yuriko triggers. Its a great play to make him unblockable with the thopters, then ninjutsu in a ninja, only to recast him and make more thopters, which can enable more ninjas themselves. Being in green meant that we could play with a very lean curve and use spells to pump up the smaller creatures for lethal damage. This means that of our Ninja enchantments, only Arcane Adaptation and Conspiracy are effective synergistic pieces, and Yuriko will not trigger Door if we're casting her via Ninjutsu. Yuriko Turn and Burn - cEDH // Commander / EDH (Yuriko, the Tiger's Ninjas prefer to strike when no one is expecting it after all! This approach to the deck was also not afraid to play big expensive cards like Enter the Infinite, Draco and the like which were almost never cast, but served well to kill the table with multiple Yuriko triggers. Among our tutoring options, I aimed for some of the cheapest options, given the low curve and low land count. While this guy has ninjutsu and can actually dish out respectable damage on his own, he doesn't have any other abilities, making him suboptimal here. This is the most challenging part of playing Yuriko. Here, our top-end creatures are included to put us over the edge and make Yuriko overwhelming. While our creatures may suck, they do a very good job of agoing unblocked, and ultimately, that's all we care about. This is great in that it can copy Yuriko and win games, and can be tutored with Whir of Invention. During the mid game, we mostly want to put our "high cmc but still interactive" cards on top, such as Submerge or Force of Will. You always think that you need mass evasion, but oftentimes if you can just get a few key ninjas through at the right time you're good, and this helps us to do that. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Commander) - Topdeck Theme It is also important to note that you need to be careful with casting Insidious Dreams particularly if you are playing against a control deck with lots of counterspells. While he'd still be better than Throatseeker because of his damage alone, he still doesn't make the cut. Admittedly, we're much more afraid of a Wrath than spot removal, but I can imagine scenarios where having the added ability to fizzle a spell is game-changing. Yes, they do. The key thing to note here is that even if a card only costs 5cmc, if we get even four triggers we've wiped out half of each player's starting life total. I either do this by multiplying the ninjas on the field (changelings, [[conspiracy]] effects, or [[mist-syndicate naga]] tokens) or multiplying the yuriko triggers ([[sakashima the imposter]], [[spark double]], and potentially [[phyrexian metamorph]]). Even Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer has the potential to go off the rails in very fun ways, but today we won't be discussing any of these. View User Profile View Posts Send Message . [Primer] Crouching One-Drop, Hidden Ninja (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Thank you all for taking the time to read my article! A lot of Ninja decks are interested in reusing their Ninjutsu abilities, so cards like Crystal Shard, Cavern Harpy, and Thalakos Seer make a lot of sense. To begin with, she can draw cards like a champion (even though, again, we aren't really "drawing" them), so we don't need as much draw as we would in another deck because its built in. I want to make my Yuriko deck "High" powered on PlayEDH. : r/EDH - Reddit Yuriko (Optimized) Primer (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Yuriko (Optimized) Primer Commander / EDH Aggro Competitive Ninja Ninjutsu Primer Tempo UB (Dimir) azja Upvote 0 Playtest v1 Similar Deck Space Card Recommendations Commander Recommendations Card Kingdom $2.7K - 2.8K TCGPlayer Mkt $1.7K - 2.2K CardHoarder 312 TIX Compare to Spoiler Card Odds Copy Dimir Infiltrator is also a great tutor who can grab us Counterspell, Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive,Cover of Darkness, and more as suits our needs. In the early game, a card like Phantasmal Image can copy our Tormented Soul to give us an additional body, while in the later game it gives us the chance to enjoy our opponent's Blightsteel Colossus. If our opponents have beat each other up enough over the course of the game, we can often win with even a couple of triggers perhaps helped by a timely, Profile of a Ninja: Understanding Yuriko and Ninjutsu, Our Secret Weapon: The Best Card in the Deck, Potential Recruits (Cards I'm considering), Retired Ninjas (Cards I'm not playing and Why). Primer Yuriko Pivot cEDH - A deck created using As for interaction, Throat Slitter and my favorite ninja of all-time, card:Mist-blade Shinobi exist to help us to deal with creature-based threats repeatedly. We can still play small unblockable creatures, and we can still have our Edric-esque ability, but we're going to have to work for it a little bit, making us inherently less threatening. For me, the yearly Commander sets tend to be the most exciting product Wizards releases. Once we have a Arcane Adaptation or Conspiracy, Kindred Discovery suddenly becomes one of the best draw spells in the deck. This year my heart was stolen by our first UB Ninja legend, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow. While its a great win con, there are a lot of good uses to this card, and that is why its the best card in the deck. When I started playing commander in 2017 I was so disappointed to find out that ninjas weren't supported in EDH and there wasn't a good ninja commander that could support the archetype. Where's the green?" This annoying message will go away once you do! Many of these cards we've already talked about in detail. This site is unaffiliated. I'm debating taking [[fallen shinobi]] and [[scheming symmetry]] out as it's been pretty expensive and risky to pull off. A collection of Magic: The Gathering (MTG) decks from the Competitive Commander (EDH) Format. Some players still adopt this approach, and while it has a lot of variance, it can definitely be fun. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions feel free to leave a comment! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Turn 2: Use to ninjutsu Yuriko, then discard a card to hand size on your cleanup. Either way, I couldn't be more excited to see what game-breaking stuff this card will do. They effectively negate the "return a creature to hand" cost of ninjutsu, which allows us to further our game plan without having to take one step back, so to speak. Also: No ramp at all? All of these guidelines play to Yuriko's strengths, and will guide how the deck is built. I'm happy that most of the cards that I tested worked out, but having to cut many Yuriko staples to make room for them was definitely bittersweet. There just isn't the demand in this deck for this effect that there used to be. In the current version, we can't justify Mirror Gallery, the generic Clone spells, or even Helm of the Host (which still works but is too costly in cmc) any more. The start of the majority of your games will go as follows: Turn 1: Use or to cast an enabler. They hit most creature removal, boardwipes, and Dictate of Erebos/Grave Pact, which are about as common as Sol Ring in my meta. I like to be able to cast my cards, and as a "mel" I value mechanical consistency. Temporal Mastery deals 7 damage off Yuriko's trigger, and you can use something like Brainstorm or Scroll Rack to cast it for it's miracle cost later. Make sure to either time it right or back your play up with your own Counterspell in this case. Since Yuriko was spoiled, I've been able to think of few other things than this commander I think there's a lot of potential to make Yuriko a powerful deck, and I think she'll stand up well in comparison to her contemporaries. Whatever works best for you and your playgroup! Unblockable, "If you can see my ninjas, they can see you. However, he doesn't have evasion himself, and costs four cmc to cast, which is a higher rate than we would want for this type of creature. Need advice on a budget cEDH Yuriko (based on Playing with Power's deck) please! My newest addition to his category is Fierce Guardianship, which is a free negate as long as we control Yuriko! Even with a very low curve, the extra damage incurred with each attack will help take turns off our clock. Thank you so much for reading through my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck and primer! Format: Commander . Optimizing Yuriko for upcoming local tournament : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit Personally, I like to play to win, and love to optimize every deck that I play. You can also make it more competitive by adding the Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo, or stax pieces like Null Rod. Our next round of creatures is a little bit bigger, and offers a bit more utility. The gist is that we don't particularly care about the activated ability, but we're more concerned with the triggered draw ability. Likewise if you can afford an Imperial Seal, this deck certainly won't complain about another one-mana way to find Arcane Adaptation. They also function as enablers for Yuriko in your opening hand. Godo has a fantastic primer that immediately got me interested to play the deck. This was great until Maskwood Nexus was printed. This points us in the direction of a ninjas tribal deck. It also helps a lot that Tetsuko benefits from her own ability, acting as another unblockable attacker. Four of these effects is too much, Nexus is strictly better and a different permanent type than the others (and can be tutored with Whir of Invention, Arcane Adaptation is better costed and Conspiracy is more flavorful and in a different color. This pushes us in a direction of caring about cmc for reasons other than mana curve. Another thing that is great to get going in the early game is some top-deck manipulation. Contact | While the six off the top was never bad, it always sucked to have it in hand late in game when our life total was too low to use it. The ninjutsu cost of Ninja of the Deep Hours is a cmc of 2, which is a much better rate than hard casting it, and which avoids summoning sickness. Instants and sorceries are likely our biggest issues anyway, and we'll be saving Dancer to eliminate a pesky Wrath. Most of the time I become arch enemy before I can pull a win, and I hear that's pretty common for Yuriko. We will win the game through a combination of combat damage and burn. We can play them at any point in the game without losing tempo, and if we play one on turn 2 it will actually save us from needing to discard a card to max hand size! I think Paradoxical Outcome could be a really interesting way for us to protect our creatures while drawing more cards. She portrayed Anne Yuri in the Japanese television series Ultra Seven (1967-1968) and subsequent appearances in other Ultra Series film and television and projects. A consideration I made while building this deck was how to keep opponents from simply "cracking back" and killing us with their own dudes after we've attacked. Its a great card and if you have and like it by all means play it. When the man comes around Commander / EDH. However, the card that I was most excited to find was Unnatural Selection. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. The other brilliant thing about Yuriko is that she takes one of the downsides of ninjas, namely, their overcosted cmcs, and turns them into direct damage to all of our opponents. March 27, 2022, Kamigawa Ninja Review! I still need to find a place for it though. Primer for Turbo Ad Nauseam : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit This is a perfect Bitterblossom deck, as we'll appreciate as many evasive creatures as we can get. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://archidekt.com/decks/711488#Yuriko's_Rack, https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/yurikos-rack/. We want to get damage through as early as possible, and the more cards we can draw to let us put bodies on board, the better off we'll be. Feel free to skip some of these if you have a good sense of how Yuriko works. We also are running lots of great tutors. The most expensive counterspells in this deck cost 2 mana. There used to be very few ninjas with that low of a ninjutsu cost, so he made the cut on that alone. 0 1 83. Let's go back in time and discuss the impetus for this deck. That being said, some still opt for this approach, and if you are interested in playing a deck like this you can watch a sample game here- https://www.youtube.com/embed/kLvDlCm30MI. The goal is to start the game with one of these 12 on the board so that we can curve nicely into Yuriko. As mentioned earlier, the topdeck manipulation category can be divided up into 2 sub-categories: When deciding on cards in this category, I prioritized instants over sorcerys. I really like this card, and might put it back in if some of the newer ninjas don't perform as I hope they will. Discord Server | Inkfathom Witch offers us a way to turn our little dudes into a real clock. In the mid-game we are going to want to get some ninjas out and moving while dealing with threats that come up and searching for key pieces that will help us to win the game in an explosive turn or a series of explosive turns. This is a low cost, evasive creature that is a repeatable tutor, being able to put beefy cards right on top of our deck where we want them. I'd really like to have a battle-cruiser, mid-, and high-level, trio of combat centered decks with unique approaches to how they win. Thanks for checking out my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck and primer! We've already talked a little bit about Inkfathom Witch and Glen Elendra Liege, but Door of Destinies and Coat of Arms are intended to really push our team over the edge. But I don't really enjoy playing combo decks, so I've opted to not include the aforementioned Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo. This means when we use it to put Yuriko onto the battlefield from the command zone we haven't "cast" her, meaning that commander tax doesn't apply. I'll probably try this when I find which of the new ninjas I don't like. Among our one-drops, there are a few standout creatures. I really like how Clones scale in this deck.

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yuriko edh primer

yuriko edh primer

yuriko edh primer

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It might not seem like it at first, but 2 mana is very expensive for an enabler. Many of the evasive creatures we're including also have card filtering applications. In a deck where everything is evasive, any amount of extra buff is worth our attention, and this is one of our better options. There are two more cards I want to mention in this section for their ability to speed up our clock, or else restrict our opponents from playing the game. Competitive EDH Decklist Database . I also realized that the leaner the curve became, the more likely it would be that we could frequently have Yuriko on board and also have a party of Ninjas to brawl with. This is the version of the deck played here, which is an optimized ninjas tribal approach that plays lots of ninjas while keeping good top-deck manipulation and interaction, which plays a suite of extra turn spells to facilitate a win when we're ready. This approach could provide some insanely powerful plays, but was also more prone to variance due to the low ninja count and the high number of high mana kill spells that could sometimes rot in our hand. At first, Sakashima seems like just another Clone. We don't care that most of our creatures are french vanilla because as long as they're Ninjas, Yuriko gives them the only ability they're going to need. Jhoira played a Winter Orb and Yuriko played a Null Rod . This realization lead to the inclusion of Night's Whisper and Phyrexian Arena. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. That all changed with C18 when Yuriko was printed, and the tribe got a whole lot of support when Modern Horizons released. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/IQMMoWTVcU6U1bTb-2epvA. Even though a couple of these cards wouldn't ruin the function of the deck I'd personally rather not. Basically the important parts are topdeck manipulation. Dimir Keyrune is a ramp option of choice for this reason. Privacy Policy. The gravity of Ninjutsu on Yuriko cannot be overstated, as it almost guarantees that we will be able to have her on board at any time as long as one of our little creatures can make it through (they don't even need to be a Ninja). Primer The problem of course, is that these cards are most likely to rot in our hands and possibly draw us early aggro. Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow: Your 2 mana Hydra Omnivore (that draws you While not directly a creature, I did want to acknowledge our creature lands/rocks and Bitterblossom. What's the best cEDH writing, including primers, that you've read The compromise was to let our opponents keep their creatures, as long as they can't attack us. I prefer controlled smashing, and best associate with the Temur colors. Yuriko 2022 cEDH Ninja tribal it is actually happening - YouTube That primer was my first real exposure to cEDH thinking and got me really excited to play the format. We may not be green, but we still get to break all the rules. Glen Elendra Liege will buff almost all of our creatures, and many of them will be gifted a hefty +2/+2. With Neon Dynasty we have far, far better options and this one is cut for good. If we can do this we easily double three triggers to six or four to eight, and very often that alone will be enough to kill the table. The longer I brewed, however, I began to realize that quantity was probably more valuable than quality, since our tutor count is so high. This isn't to say that Yuriko is merely a worse version of Edric. Or maybe Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle so I can try to unlock that hot 12/12 body. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (2022) (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) - TappedOut Yuriko does provide us with a lot of card advantage on her own. 2023-03-20 . Nonetheless, we're going for a higher ninja count at the moment. We want to spend our mana on our turn using ninjutsu and manipulating our library, so it's too much of a burden to pass with more than 2 untapped lands. Based on the title of the article alone, I've spoiled the surprise. The last creature I want to highlight is Thada Adel, Acquisitor. With our creatures, redundancy is equally as important as it was for our Ninja enchantments. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to assume that we will be able to find these enchantments one way or another. These are the abilities that made me fall in love with Yuriko. But we can bounce them to hand if necessary! This card definitely belongs in the deck, and I even know what to cut for it. But it's useful to have other sources of card draw, especially when they're ninjas too. Cookie Notice As such, the only thing Yuriko really has to fear is being stolen with Control Magic spells and abilities or hit with an Imprisoned in the Moon type of effect. Ninja Since then I have play-tested extensively, and have cut and added cards as new sets are released. The reason being that you can use them after your ninjas have dealt combat damage, in response to Yuriko's trigger. I've pointed out that we'll be relying on Yuriko's burn damage to finish off our opponents. Okay, so realistically, we don't have any creatures that qualify as "Fatties," at least not as much as I'm used to when playing green. Stratus Dancer is another option for countering spells, but stapled to a creature. Aggro Sacralifia 1 minute ago. 15399 decks (0.629%) Rank #3. Instead, you can replay Ornithopter for free, avoid discarding to max hand size, and ninjutsu another ninja on turn 3. Primer Yuriko Farm Yuriko - Turbo Ad Nauseam Yuriko has been a fan favorite in the EDH community for quite some time and that is largely because Yuriko is a card that nearly every single Magic player can identify with. That's until you consider that we can copy Yuriko, and now draw two cards and inflict twice as much burn damage for each attacking creature. The cream of the crop are Sun Quan, Lord of Wu, Archetype of Imagination, Cover of Darkness, and Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive as they give most of our creatures evasion against most things, but Higure, the Still Wind, Shizo, Death's Storehouse, Smoke Shroud, and Access Tunnel can give some evasion as well. Whisper lets us dig two cards deeper on demand, while Arena will help us slowly accrue more value as the game goes on. What's not to likew? Tabletop; Arena; MTGO; Tabletop Tabletop Arena MTGO. After much testing I am pleased to offer up my Yuriko ninjas list. In order for me to include one, it has to have an extremely strong ability. Before we delve deeper into our creatures or any of the other goodies we're packing, let's take a look at these key enchantments. Sakashima even protects herself, and lets us reset her if something more desirable enters the battlefield. This is how we ended up with the creatures that "suck". We still have Arcane Adaptation for this purpose, but with Neon Dynasty we're better off just playing more and better ninjas. Given that our creatures are so cheap, replaying them shouldn't be an issue. The second is Larceny, which is effectively an inverse Coastal Piracy. Ertai Planeswalker. We are in blue, and that means we have access to Rhystic Study. The London mulligan is more forgiving, so even if we have go down to 6 or 5, it's generally worth it. Including our tutors, we have 11 "copies" of enchantments that let us change creature types. I've recently made a Twitter account @theKnowledgePL, and I'm planning to update it with whatever I'm working on next. Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive gets the nod because it makes many of our ninjas (Yuriko in particular) unblockable. Complete Comment Tutorial! Primer At one point, cards like Thassa, God of the Sea were included in this list, but as I whittled the deck down, I began to realize that focusing on an "Edric" style of attack would likely be the best course of action. If the table is ok with playing it, and I manage to flip it, we all cheer and laugh, but ignore it as a simple land and continue play as normal. This led me to cut all the 1 mana unblockable creatures, as I believe a 1 mana flyer with a relevant ability is more crucial to our game plan now. Sneaking in with Satoru Umezawa Ninja Tribal - EDH Showcase Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. For me, I just felt it was too mana hungry and fairly likely to be destroyed before I could get much use out of the investment. This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible. I always lacked inspiration, and I would force myself to brew various commanders in the hopes of being surprised by the final result. In many games, we can expect to have Yuriko attacking as early as turn two, and while playing a commander on turn two might be ill-advised for most decks, we don't care if Yuriko dies because we have the very real expectation of replaying her almost immediately. Copied to clipboard. This week we're taking a look at Yuriko in cEDH!MOXFIELD - https://www.moxfield.com/YURIKO DECKLIST - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AvvPQMehv0eejejUeySkAgD. In 1965, she signed a contract with Toho. I love this card, but all of our good artifacts in this deck are low cmc and are best when played early, and we overpay and get them too late with Whir. Most of them are unblockable, and most of them are 1 cmc, which is what we want as 2cmc feels pretty slow. If you're able to take 2-3 turns in a row with a couple of triggers from Yuriko each time, it's almost always enough to take the win. For instance, I've included Mox Amber because Yuriko will almost always be on board, but I've neglected all the other moxen (Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mox Opal) even though they would probably be potent here. Of our 30 creatures, 27 of them have natural evasion. While there was always an argument for this based on top-deck manipulation and because of the potential to drop it early and use it to explode ahead of the competition, it really is more of a pet card for me, and there are more synergistic options. I still think Skulker will be a reasonable include because it can become a 4/4 unblockable creature on its own (and can grant Yuriko unblockable) but I also wouldn't be surprised if this card is one of the first cards on the chopping block in favor of more efficient options. Before the release of Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty, we didnt have a ton of ninjas in the deck, so the unblockable enablers were essential for getting the ninjas we did have to connect. It's easy to forget that UB is also one of the best color combinations forevasive creatures, with a host of flying and unblockable options, and this is what I wanted to exploit with Vela. Siren Stormtamer protects our dudes from spot removal. Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! This card was only ever in because prior to Neon Dynasty he was a ninja that could hit the board for a ninjutsu cost of 2 and start racking Yuriko triggers. Its a great play to make him unblockable with the thopters, then ninjutsu in a ninja, only to recast him and make more thopters, which can enable more ninjas themselves. Being in green meant that we could play with a very lean curve and use spells to pump up the smaller creatures for lethal damage. This means that of our Ninja enchantments, only Arcane Adaptation and Conspiracy are effective synergistic pieces, and Yuriko will not trigger Door if we're casting her via Ninjutsu. Yuriko Turn and Burn - cEDH // Commander / EDH (Yuriko, the Tiger's Ninjas prefer to strike when no one is expecting it after all! This approach to the deck was also not afraid to play big expensive cards like Enter the Infinite, Draco and the like which were almost never cast, but served well to kill the table with multiple Yuriko triggers. Among our tutoring options, I aimed for some of the cheapest options, given the low curve and low land count. While this guy has ninjutsu and can actually dish out respectable damage on his own, he doesn't have any other abilities, making him suboptimal here. This is the most challenging part of playing Yuriko. Here, our top-end creatures are included to put us over the edge and make Yuriko overwhelming. While our creatures may suck, they do a very good job of agoing unblocked, and ultimately, that's all we care about. This is great in that it can copy Yuriko and win games, and can be tutored with Whir of Invention. During the mid game, we mostly want to put our "high cmc but still interactive" cards on top, such as Submerge or Force of Will. You always think that you need mass evasion, but oftentimes if you can just get a few key ninjas through at the right time you're good, and this helps us to do that. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Commander) - Topdeck Theme It is also important to note that you need to be careful with casting Insidious Dreams particularly if you are playing against a control deck with lots of counterspells. While he'd still be better than Throatseeker because of his damage alone, he still doesn't make the cut. Admittedly, we're much more afraid of a Wrath than spot removal, but I can imagine scenarios where having the added ability to fizzle a spell is game-changing. Yes, they do. The key thing to note here is that even if a card only costs 5cmc, if we get even four triggers we've wiped out half of each player's starting life total. I either do this by multiplying the ninjas on the field (changelings, [[conspiracy]] effects, or [[mist-syndicate naga]] tokens) or multiplying the yuriko triggers ([[sakashima the imposter]], [[spark double]], and potentially [[phyrexian metamorph]]). Even Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer has the potential to go off the rails in very fun ways, but today we won't be discussing any of these. View User Profile View Posts Send Message . [Primer] Crouching One-Drop, Hidden Ninja (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Thank you all for taking the time to read my article! A lot of Ninja decks are interested in reusing their Ninjutsu abilities, so cards like Crystal Shard, Cavern Harpy, and Thalakos Seer make a lot of sense. To begin with, she can draw cards like a champion (even though, again, we aren't really "drawing" them), so we don't need as much draw as we would in another deck because its built in. I want to make my Yuriko deck "High" powered on PlayEDH. : r/EDH - Reddit Yuriko (Optimized) Primer (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Yuriko (Optimized) Primer Commander / EDH Aggro Competitive Ninja Ninjutsu Primer Tempo UB (Dimir) azja Upvote 0 Playtest v1 Similar Deck Space Card Recommendations Commander Recommendations Card Kingdom $2.7K - 2.8K TCGPlayer Mkt $1.7K - 2.2K CardHoarder 312 TIX Compare to Spoiler Card Odds Copy Dimir Infiltrator is also a great tutor who can grab us Counterspell, Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive,Cover of Darkness, and more as suits our needs. In the early game, a card like Phantasmal Image can copy our Tormented Soul to give us an additional body, while in the later game it gives us the chance to enjoy our opponent's Blightsteel Colossus. If our opponents have beat each other up enough over the course of the game, we can often win with even a couple of triggers perhaps helped by a timely, Profile of a Ninja: Understanding Yuriko and Ninjutsu, Our Secret Weapon: The Best Card in the Deck, Potential Recruits (Cards I'm considering), Retired Ninjas (Cards I'm not playing and Why). Primer Yuriko Pivot cEDH - A deck created using As for interaction, Throat Slitter and my favorite ninja of all-time, card:Mist-blade Shinobi exist to help us to deal with creature-based threats repeatedly. We can still play small unblockable creatures, and we can still have our Edric-esque ability, but we're going to have to work for it a little bit, making us inherently less threatening. For me, the yearly Commander sets tend to be the most exciting product Wizards releases. Once we have a Arcane Adaptation or Conspiracy, Kindred Discovery suddenly becomes one of the best draw spells in the deck. This year my heart was stolen by our first UB Ninja legend, Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow. While its a great win con, there are a lot of good uses to this card, and that is why its the best card in the deck. When I started playing commander in 2017 I was so disappointed to find out that ninjas weren't supported in EDH and there wasn't a good ninja commander that could support the archetype. Where's the green?" This annoying message will go away once you do! Many of these cards we've already talked about in detail. This site is unaffiliated. I'm debating taking [[fallen shinobi]] and [[scheming symmetry]] out as it's been pretty expensive and risky to pull off. A collection of Magic: The Gathering (MTG) decks from the Competitive Commander (EDH) Format. Some players still adopt this approach, and while it has a lot of variance, it can definitely be fun. If you have any questions/comments/suggestions feel free to leave a comment! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Turn 2: Use to ninjutsu Yuriko, then discard a card to hand size on your cleanup. Either way, I couldn't be more excited to see what game-breaking stuff this card will do. They effectively negate the "return a creature to hand" cost of ninjutsu, which allows us to further our game plan without having to take one step back, so to speak. Also: No ramp at all? All of these guidelines play to Yuriko's strengths, and will guide how the deck is built. I'm happy that most of the cards that I tested worked out, but having to cut many Yuriko staples to make room for them was definitely bittersweet. There just isn't the demand in this deck for this effect that there used to be. In the current version, we can't justify Mirror Gallery, the generic Clone spells, or even Helm of the Host (which still works but is too costly in cmc) any more. The start of the majority of your games will go as follows: Turn 1: Use or to cast an enabler. They hit most creature removal, boardwipes, and Dictate of Erebos/Grave Pact, which are about as common as Sol Ring in my meta. I like to be able to cast my cards, and as a "mel" I value mechanical consistency. Temporal Mastery deals 7 damage off Yuriko's trigger, and you can use something like Brainstorm or Scroll Rack to cast it for it's miracle cost later. Make sure to either time it right or back your play up with your own Counterspell in this case. Since Yuriko was spoiled, I've been able to think of few other things than this commander I think there's a lot of potential to make Yuriko a powerful deck, and I think she'll stand up well in comparison to her contemporaries. Whatever works best for you and your playgroup! Unblockable, "If you can see my ninjas, they can see you. However, he doesn't have evasion himself, and costs four cmc to cast, which is a higher rate than we would want for this type of creature. Need advice on a budget cEDH Yuriko (based on Playing with Power's deck) please! My newest addition to his category is Fierce Guardianship, which is a free negate as long as we control Yuriko! Even with a very low curve, the extra damage incurred with each attack will help take turns off our clock. Thank you so much for reading through my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck and primer! Format: Commander . Optimizing Yuriko for upcoming local tournament : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit Personally, I like to play to win, and love to optimize every deck that I play. You can also make it more competitive by adding the Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo, or stax pieces like Null Rod. Our next round of creatures is a little bit bigger, and offers a bit more utility. The gist is that we don't particularly care about the activated ability, but we're more concerned with the triggered draw ability. Likewise if you can afford an Imperial Seal, this deck certainly won't complain about another one-mana way to find Arcane Adaptation. They also function as enablers for Yuriko in your opening hand. Godo has a fantastic primer that immediately got me interested to play the deck. This was great until Maskwood Nexus was printed. This points us in the direction of a ninjas tribal deck. It also helps a lot that Tetsuko benefits from her own ability, acting as another unblockable attacker. Four of these effects is too much, Nexus is strictly better and a different permanent type than the others (and can be tutored with Whir of Invention, Arcane Adaptation is better costed and Conspiracy is more flavorful and in a different color. This pushes us in a direction of caring about cmc for reasons other than mana curve. Another thing that is great to get going in the early game is some top-deck manipulation. Contact | While the six off the top was never bad, it always sucked to have it in hand late in game when our life total was too low to use it. The ninjutsu cost of Ninja of the Deep Hours is a cmc of 2, which is a much better rate than hard casting it, and which avoids summoning sickness. Instants and sorceries are likely our biggest issues anyway, and we'll be saving Dancer to eliminate a pesky Wrath. Most of the time I become arch enemy before I can pull a win, and I hear that's pretty common for Yuriko. We will win the game through a combination of combat damage and burn. We can play them at any point in the game without losing tempo, and if we play one on turn 2 it will actually save us from needing to discard a card to max hand size! I think Paradoxical Outcome could be a really interesting way for us to protect our creatures while drawing more cards. She portrayed Anne Yuri in the Japanese television series Ultra Seven (1967-1968) and subsequent appearances in other Ultra Series film and television and projects. A consideration I made while building this deck was how to keep opponents from simply "cracking back" and killing us with their own dudes after we've attacked. Its a great card and if you have and like it by all means play it. When the man comes around Commander / EDH. However, the card that I was most excited to find was Unnatural Selection. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. The other brilliant thing about Yuriko is that she takes one of the downsides of ninjas, namely, their overcosted cmcs, and turns them into direct damage to all of our opponents. March 27, 2022, Kamigawa Ninja Review! I still need to find a place for it though. Primer for Turbo Ad Nauseam : r/CompetitiveEDH - Reddit This is a perfect Bitterblossom deck, as we'll appreciate as many evasive creatures as we can get. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://archidekt.com/decks/711488#Yuriko's_Rack, https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/yurikos-rack/. We want to get damage through as early as possible, and the more cards we can draw to let us put bodies on board, the better off we'll be. Feel free to skip some of these if you have a good sense of how Yuriko works. We also are running lots of great tutors. The most expensive counterspells in this deck cost 2 mana. There used to be very few ninjas with that low of a ninjutsu cost, so he made the cut on that alone. 0 1 83. Let's go back in time and discuss the impetus for this deck. That being said, some still opt for this approach, and if you are interested in playing a deck like this you can watch a sample game here- https://www.youtube.com/embed/kLvDlCm30MI. The goal is to start the game with one of these 12 on the board so that we can curve nicely into Yuriko. As mentioned earlier, the topdeck manipulation category can be divided up into 2 sub-categories: When deciding on cards in this category, I prioritized instants over sorcerys. I really like this card, and might put it back in if some of the newer ninjas don't perform as I hope they will. Discord Server | Inkfathom Witch offers us a way to turn our little dudes into a real clock. In the mid-game we are going to want to get some ninjas out and moving while dealing with threats that come up and searching for key pieces that will help us to win the game in an explosive turn or a series of explosive turns. This is a low cost, evasive creature that is a repeatable tutor, being able to put beefy cards right on top of our deck where we want them. I'd really like to have a battle-cruiser, mid-, and high-level, trio of combat centered decks with unique approaches to how they win. Thanks for checking out my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck and primer! We've already talked a little bit about Inkfathom Witch and Glen Elendra Liege, but Door of Destinies and Coat of Arms are intended to really push our team over the edge. But I don't really enjoy playing combo decks, so I've opted to not include the aforementioned Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo. This means when we use it to put Yuriko onto the battlefield from the command zone we haven't "cast" her, meaning that commander tax doesn't apply. I'll probably try this when I find which of the new ninjas I don't like. Among our one-drops, there are a few standout creatures. I really like how Clones scale in this deck. Jared Isaacman Private Jet, Darcey Silva Height And Weight, When Was St Dymphna Canonized, Doctor Handwriting Translation App, Articles Y

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