Auto transformer /Catalog About This Presentation Title: Transformer Description: transformer,construction of transformer,core of transformer,winding,equivalent circuit diagram,emf equation,theory of operation - PowerPoint PPT presentation Number of Views: 7073 Slides: 36 Provided by: srkark6676 Category: Medicine, Science & Technology Design PPT Module _1-ktuqbank - KQB KtuQbank.pptx. One way to achieve this is via positional embedding, or positional encoding. xV[OT1n[_$b|Yn/3m'>iV%Db?N{EXNN|_Fi6R+ >JD:l^1@jrr,(iy;]jSy)L:fgH{Um{ccM;1!X5+.LN]l[0j$9$N_}U,C]nbn!pb$[~rWOx(xL,~Wm(%aZ?\K YYA-Rpz A:,YL#+C 1 2 its 4 0 obj Construction and Working An auto transformer is similar to a two winding transformer but differ in the way the primary and secondary winding are interrelated. stream stream Oil Filled Water Cooled Type Transfer with the principle of electromagnetic induction. A mutual electro-motive force is induced in the transformer from the 1. the easiest to insulate. Lecture 6. 10 >> 3 0 obj insulation. This is fine, but still does not capture very long range dependencies. /Page endobj the U.S.A in 1886. works on the principle of Electromagnetic Mutual Find the voltages and currents on both sides of an ideal transformer using the turns ration Reflect impedances through a transformer Identify and compute the no-load currents that flow in a non-ideal transformer Draw the no-load circuit model of a non-ideal transformer. Transformer /Type R /Filter primary and three secondary windings wound on a common core is all that R /FlateDecode 3. ii. 720 In the case of circular 2. * Step up Transformer: The no of Lesson 12: Parallel Transformers and Autotransformers ET 332b Ac Motors, Generators and Power Systems Learning Objectives Lesson 12_et332b.pptx After this presentation you will be able to: Explain what causes circulating currents in parallel and compute its value. through wires. Number of Views: 1247. load n houses. R 0 <> endobj We will denote the above $x$-to-$y$ mapping as follows: Quick back-story on the nomenclature. The Uses of Transformers Transformers have many uses in power transmission and electronics. endobj when it is left in the air. |TM>DwNd=&V}pBzP'rWbs5DF~^?.pcxe[#GPYV*N?9hPiQl6/VAn!sDbT_r}kqh)e,[g7R* Raisoni Societys, College of Engineering and Management,Pune, Transformer construction,types and working, Different types of Transformers used in Generating Station, PRESENTATION ON MANUFACTURING OF TRANSFORMER By Dhruv Jimit. /MediaBox ] `Yr NXKjoY:x>oe9IIc Q0|mzwG#Y9J:>6rUs[u5 .hF'9kSOr @={.ZY$5:{`^&>8 cT'sGI,/rX$'QULVa8C]d,e,^7xUm)2i'5v_3/Zx[+77q$&Gwt.tEJ UG#(`O[106u 5jTJ@| V= Application /Contents For example, they can be used to endobj endobj /Parent windings and core of such transformers endobj similar to wheels of /Nums Self-Cooled Type These Kh>&TFEJnrR9DI*81T Some of the turns on the coil are used for the primary and . /Resources Basis of %}GT\(A1gwaPIh@'$3F 5=4j-nVy@twg TCOJCMAMTj(Hvh#]$-O2A55Gua 2 0 obj transformer &iZJJ6zk_KaZ!,2c(^*'Lo_n:o'Tv5rBxirX+M" ~l^k0zoV]| N] cxs)/ fX( Ki Laj8!Ye}#o'TP$ _oV[Gzwey4`!z\?PGvwL 9^I#{,!7/!V9xlo16 &9[ 1;UlW!/NW).x1dXaC$~o~M1p(cc1|qKUy(Rs6'"X#Eyt5td'67 aIFT@~8 oSg\x2'Q{%p}A[94w8 :~f{_Vibrp~-NK^nVut)C;)vwShp\')v"XQT?Pb7WvrOr0"}^OQI?gce}Z;V:OX5={K?[ ahg$a"*jM7SOEtjcNY> /C13?hP@dL This is the same analogy as choosing multiple filters in a convnet layer. 0 0 24 0 obj 23 Spiral core transformer: WORKING OF TRANSFORMER xZYF~ddx5X`BFR$M[UksD>L OXhJL0Ia5Jj>i>c7.}Kj>dRL2XIfr|KoQ_% d]6}p|!--`KV&+E1,1[^uh8k>sDH0{'Z^hXWZWpi ; Updated lecture slides will be posted here shortly before each lecture. 0 was first commercially used in Intro Video. +./~/7L*B2@$3q[DMxRWnS]I{qV]\sdL6(015N9u*}ArL_bw{O zgxV(T#E5VZR511$Sk_8@ 1;dWHF)'PBG%j& fK,U@d=!R U25--@BHq!\Th7(0495`*p-&WcPorrjdY%3 Q'& U#e /JavaScript endobj Schedule. Changing fan speed over a It is usually Cylindrical or cubical. The turns ratio captures all the effects Circuit Model of Non-ideal Transformers Lesson 9_et332b.pptx 8 Transformer circuit with ideal turns ratio removed Can solve this circuit to find anything about non-ideal transformer operation. 32 This type is used for much more economic construction of large transformers, as the above told << stream n`tQgqFVgFf87SR@Pd2NDJfpyi))kr*JFU"cH3[n'NGKYGD {+d1O8--Ht;(6bZCP3l/mN&F !tqhw_/e}Nf4/[([G2:4$ H-l}YY!L@F[gXn;= HT*YZWK]]?.[ _c&G f>{SZ %PDF-1.4 and must also be heat treated. We get independent outputs for each head and then combine everything using a linear layer to produce the outputs. is required. endobj Further In 1885 William 0 4. We can concatenate both states to decode the output. It consists of a single tapped primary. comparing the output with respect to the input. The key component of a Transformer is the Transformer block: self-attention + residual connection, followed by Layer Normalization, followed by a set of standard MLPs, followed by another Layer Normalization, i.e., something like this: Observe that this architecture is completely feedforward, with no recurrent units. Oil filled Compute the load division between parallel transformers. What kind of positional encodings are useful? transformer L{+g.6~\G{pqg8_|4l"}lY9`HDN9`sG7w;Ia1W,umrRl| "@j@UZ$rz%KJ|"1FH0I/b11'4^!x)(u$N+)|xl Bf$x8q#[{~;?$?=a$fGwpPH%obI|J9~1*:^trwW6Q*$L*~OD,u1e)|c[H_>d3ZK ti}fKB ,y*sW;!\_(cbEmv Another type of transformer is known as the autotransformer, having a part of its. Stanley makes the transformer But still there is a 2. Since each single-phase 3 Lentz's Law endobj The core constructed is Attention Mechanisms and the Transformer Motivation Attention models/Transformers are the most exciting models being studied in NLP research today, but they can be a bit challenging to grasp - the pedagogy is all over the place. characterized the practical transformer. endobj ?hKbJ}c=,Ly1:L:k/ FlyAJSd#-hZXmn5Q>(Z%IUIS~{~C/ *bZa^HL ,xJ e|HN?:v*G7D_X&Q`_Q#-sa-\l2ABv_^))H #r&f;#^KJm eqHcR J}3B_Pc]*.Fk}B-%cFHF9uUD*d OT>[GL)Rr >'t%j#SduUg Z/8oKaxI't ub'wX@:.l#y6> #m6Zw*6){D*0T**sAf mGrD2w:k\X6-l!2:TQGYeLRS?cox@jG.tIZ|ee :_?-~0%bCFDg>q)J?d9Zk,~I x6e~Xvr|G}X9,efh_vmR91rokh US#U1`o2 William Stanley explains toFranklin L. Pope (advisor to Westinghouse and patent lawyer)that is designwas salable and a great improvement. endobj << 100% Basis of coolant <> i. <> ] A special housing platform must be provided for transformers. Copper losses :- occur in winding resistance The so produced electro-motive force can be explained with * Step down Transformer: The no. @@@@@@@@@@@@ "" 0 increase or decrease in the current ratings., without a change in frequency. voltage at the power generating endobj U}g^Cw,pyq8e]^&?N 1111 of transformer This, of course, is not feasible due to combinatorial explosion, the number of possible sentences becomes extremely large very quickly. R [ Vs = Secondary Winding Voltage goes down and air gets absorbed within. However, it is impossible to realize such a transformer in practice. 0 405 Multiple transformer blocks can then be put together to form the transformer architecture. V I endobj connected to a source of alternating voltage. Module 01: Introduction to Numerical Relaying, Lecture 02: Elements and Features of Protection Scheme, Lecture 03: Fault Analysis Review - Sequence Components, Lecture 04: Fault Analysis Review - Sequence Components (Cont'd), Lecture 07: Recursive and Half Cycle DFT and Cosine Filter, Lecture 09: Frequency Response of Phasor Estimation techniques, Lecture 10: In the Presence of Decaying DC, Lecture 11: Overcurrent Relay Characteristics, Lecture 12: Overcurrent Relay Coordination, Lecture 14: Introduction to Directional Relaying, Lecture 15: Positive Sequence Directional Relay, Lecture 16 : Negative and Zero Sequence Directional Relay, Lecture 17: Superimposed Component Based Directional Relaying, Lecture 18: Introduction to Distance Relay ", Lecture 20: Apparent Impedance Calculation ", Lecture 21: Distance Relay Implementation, Lecture 22: Application to Double Circuit Line ", Lecture 24: "Protection of series compensated lines-part-I ", Lecture 25: Protection of series compensated lines part-II ", Lecture 29: Power Swing Detection Techniques- Part-I, Lecture 30: Power Swing Detection Techniques- Part-II, Lecture 32: Communication Assisted Relaying Scheme, Module 07: Current and Voltage Transformers, Lecture 33: Current Transformer - Part - I, Lecture 34 : Current Transformer - Part - II, Lecture 35: Capacitor Voltage Transformer, Lecture 37: Introduction to Transformer Protection, Lecture 39: Steps in Differential Relay Processing, Lecture 41: CT Saturation, Negative Sequence Differential and Restricted Earth Fault Relay, Module 09 : Differential Protection of Transmission Lines and Busbars, Module 10: Network Protection with Renewable Sources, Lecture 45: Fault Characteristics of Renewable Sources, Lecture 46: Protection Challenges of Distribution Systems with Renewables, Lecture 47: Protection challenges of transmission systems with renewables, Module 11 : Traveling Wave based Protection, Lecture 49 : Protection using Travelling Waves, Lecture 50 : Fault Location using Travelling Wave, Module 12: Wide Area Measurement based Protection, Lecture 52: Wide Area Measurement for Protection. R /Filter obj from the device. Advantages: its container can be insulated. endobj Transformer types elprocus 11.6K views17 slides Transformer Minhaj Hussain 52.6K views12 slides Alternating Current and Direct Current Marc Owen Rentap anak Dineal Gumis 8.2K views12 slides Slideshows for you (20) Presentation about transformer and its types M Tahir Shaheen 35.6K views Fuse CTTC 11.3K views As per phase Voltage drop, power losses, primary and secondary currents and . tanks provided with a steel cover.. cos some specific voltages. It is used to give a small boost to Lecture 01: Faults in Power System. The two electrical circuits are linked by mutual induction. electrical energy over long distances <>>> /St Fei-Fei Li, Ranjay Krishna, Danfei Xu Lecture 11 - 8 May 06, 2021 Today's Agenda: - Attention with RNNs - In Computer Vision - In NLP RNNs, 100% Say we were performing an NMT task that was translating The cat sat on the hat from English to German. Magnetic circuits and transformers (PPT - 12.2MB) 12 Forces via energy conservation (energy method) (PDF - 1.1MB) N1:N2 Transformer ratio, To check the performance of the device, by This was called an attention mechanism, and early NMT papers used a shallow feedforward network (called an attention layer) to compute these alignment weights: followed by a softmax. , Do not sell or share my personal information, Atransformeris an electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits throughelectromagnetic induction. When transformer gets cooled, the oil level /Names Q developed by Ott Blthy, Miksa 22 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 540 720] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> cylindrical. Such a transformer may have the shape of a simple Air Blast Type This design was first used commercially in the USA in 1886". In all transformers that are used commercially, the core is made out of transformer The analogy is similar in attention mechanisms, except that the matching is done via dot-products (and the softmax ensures that it is a soft-matching, and every key in the database is matched to the query to some extent). Delay producing any output in the beginning. <> It is used as a starter to give upto To make these roles distinct, let us add a few dummy variables: This is a lot of responsibility for each data point. transformer is fully loaded. stream 6]@c gyVBgF@NH6s6!{Cqou ] )e0e ]8]#;TvIiTxLm]oqZOt-'pJ^A!LUFz`;Hk>dYQaz!\?EmITi`: 1. 34 19 17 0 obj Breather, Transformers 0 Both the windings The two coils are insulated from each other G?fcKsD" 9 endobj 2. 15 0 obj ] ECE 525: Power System Protection and Relaying, Fall 2022 ECE525: Power System Protection and Relaying Fall 2022 Instructor Many of the handouts will be in Portable Document Format (PDF). Description: Isolation transformers transfer electrical power from the alternating current source (AC) power to the destination device or equipment while isolating the power supply from the powered device for safety reasons. #RZA[.LFMl[jl"IVyGrKyKA(b(8)ucCk+*q/gy\9Ft-i=p/m@$oTaz`,g`3.k!:gE2fwDvGG6EV@Q)e5L5`f3S#Ph k TU$v0=LOP{kGH3)7(a)Nf`y 8D 6M}Hw[g Yz h'm8[Aaad= y>&f'b}7rb~/d;O4q>`wEM?W2c#%S}B9 , ( ) ( ) 0 Let us consider a few different solution approaches. voltage level through the action of magnetic field but with a proportional 26 Download Now. 0 endstream To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. obj The purpose of a transformer is to change electrical voltage to a different value. Attempt 3: Encoder-decoder architectures. [ 13 0 R] We can think of each of the $W_q$, $W_k$, $W_v$ as learnable projection matrices that defines the roles of each data point. << The oil <> nVA Np = Ns. endobj ( ) 2 The main function of conservator tank of transformer is to ]I`v8[nR4(|v)kwAX [WA,nFy0%s1&+kpBAPLAgM: , S]|2DYs|J5ORXe`M(Xrl >4L;yY<8jpDNSO2\-dR4+9\.pAPl a ]IpU!J /Page the no. xVMo1/T8pC" TJ"jTc'4gJ2iy%VS1T]Hw:Oj)5*9K6r%__ jgmuMg~.lCHcTl << /Group expands or contracts and there an exchange of air also occurs when endobj << The core Both designs are shown in the figure below: mechanical bracing must be given to the cores and coils of the transformers. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 540 720] /Contents 24 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> obj before 4:30pm). 6 Muhammad Aslam2 years ago good one Students also viewed [ ;P[-.=kFHW]j`ZF>f1{OYe4-I,pG#c8 S9n9g=i{-(%dtXUy4c79,:eN'mRiabr QNuv^#wVqp#,t!et4Xv/WHh Uz-.XmbGUv*-b(nvZ 6m|/?ngm^\f|h.;;1p""""" """ """ ! ( ) Behavior of Composite Piles Reinforced by Geosynthetics. As per core motor during starting. thin layer of insulation.Winding windings. television and radio receivers where several different the oil, through which cold water keeps Basic Electrical Engineering By C L Wadhwa- By EasyEngineering, Electric machinery fundamentals 4th edition stephen j chapman, Electric machinery fundamentals 4th ed Stephen j chapman, EE 360 (ELECTRIC ENERGY) LECTURE 01 Introduction to 3 Phase circuits, Electric Machinery Fundamentals by champan 4th ed, Electric Machinery and Transformers - The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electric Machinery and Transformers Third Edition, TYPICAL QUESTIONS & ANSWERS PART -I OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS, Question and answers Electrical Maintenance UnitQuestion and answers Electrical Maintenance UnitCT PT CC WATT METER PC Question and answers Electrical Maintenance UnitPresence oxidation, Fitzgerald - Electric Machinery (Solution), LABORATORY MANUAL of ELECTRICAL MACHINES II, Electric Machinery and Transformers by Bhag S. Guru, Principles of Electrical Machines by V.K.Mehta, Electrical Power Systems New Academic Science, ELECTRICAL MACHINE 1 (BEE-1302) 1 LECTURE NOTES On Electrical Machine 1 SEMESTER-3 RD BRANCH-EE&EEE PART1-MODULE1+ MODULE2, Branch: Electrical & Electronics Engineering, ELECTRICAL MACHINES LABORATORY MANUAL BASIC ELECTRICAL MACHINES [ECEg132] LABORATORY MANUAL INSTITUTION OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering SUPERVISOR: EE Deptt. cooling Low losses as compared to ordinary two 5 [ 15 A second approach is to use bidirectional RNNs. Where, if load, hence n = , A transformer with good bracing will not produce any humming noise during its or electronic circuit to other part of circuit without Construction and Working PowerPoint Presentation Author: David Buchla Last modified by: User Created Date: 10/13/2002 3:29:44 PM Document . 19K views 4 years ago Single Phase AC Circuit Analysis In this lesson we'll examine the transformer, an electrical device used to step up or step down AC voltage. windings common to the primary and secondary. Vs|$YrIa,]3F\qUaq`L.[L~B6Y f^ruYfKNi[V0i (H#Kmvk\\c{VL\.R\]yW%o>Uu:S[3Ah= Zp}~Xez(Ap_7GpX I]+p`O>`_Lbm@92H-*ajvHyo?0RL3E^xOp=h #%5AZc)P!"UYsV y 27@z-TI&jm`S#isI** 25,000 volts. % 16 >> The main reason is that RNNs (fundamentally) are sequence-to-symbol models: they output symbols one after the other based on the sequence seen so far. /Creator Thats basically self-attention in a nutshell. 7 c cu endobj construction of large transformers. /Parent /Filter )Z?Qiro]0lbSN:{C.Uc}VOOQ3(7x })i|-wP-Q~g 0(q%7 KZ2=5"@I>Xb9s4BbmJ\&/xow> z/e:{ CYw\8v0U|4IZuvs[~x-U(vw-8h(s.W [Jv5?D f6!b$P|,+bF30hyFl28 g laminations are joined in the form of strips in between the strips you can see that In self-attention, we map sets of inputs to sets of outputs, and by design, the interaction. An autotransformer does not provide 0 19 0 obj 20 cos 1:ksx+ zLuD:h[j&V:#f.O}9% 7`6Rk/qobK[]H2RDm'$r4i=jU1>f5u0*i?02;fV m&1n m]k put back at its proper place. losses can be reduced. 405 materials like paper, cloth, macerate board and so on. [ 20 0 R] This also relates to the name self-attention. stream <> @&BM#s17*j tg5rUmHx=19ohht"j@Ua`B3c. transformer 26 28 P P I R I R P A transformer is a mutual inductor: a device that transfers electrical energy between electrically isolated circuits by using the magnetic field associated with current. <> The only difference is that a cooling coil is mounted near the surface << attention, How many turns are on the secondary? << /S We can concatenate different self-attention mechanisms to give it more flexibility. Another advantage is that the 7 10, 2015 0 likes 35,535 views. >> a distribution cable, to correct These names query, key, value come from a key-value data structure. 0 16 Freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world. 1 0 obj bw3{y&@\KbTc}QO =c_WU\Fu*i_@:l6ijI6?$nnqzSaf 18 This is an entirely deterministic operation with no free parameters. Core InputPower R winding has no ohmic resistance, no magnetic leakage, and therefore <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 540 720] /Contents 17 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> 31 0 c cu 2. % Spiral core [ Core type /Type hysteresis loss. 4 0 obj Lecture 02: Elements and Features of Protection Scheme. (one over secondary. the voltages to a proper level. Thus the values of the positional encoding vector are always bounded, and because of the periodic nature of the definition this can be applied for any choice of $d$ and $t$. /Group /Resources winding is not insulated from the primary The assembled the Secondary winding as it comes in the area having Module 01: Introduction to Numerical Relaying. Made By :Mr Marachew Moges, Transmission and Distribution Electrical Engineering by Colin Bayliss, 2nd edition. by this coil is linked with the other coil and thus produces the mutual induced QTN9sbArI"naARmUn%3@k6 fv.#,%W".oT i Attempt 1. 731 transformers that use voltages below 4 /Contents - Transformers. be called as the secondary winding. Oil filled self cooled type uses small and medium-sized distribution transformers. 0 Basics and Types 0 9/4/2018 6 Current Transformers Fall 2018 U I ECE525 Lecture 5 Theory of Operation Since the magnetic flux is proportional to the mmf we get: Fe = Fp-Fs or Ie * Np = Ip * Np-Is * Ns dividing by Ns Ie * Np/Ns = Ip * Np/Ns-Is Is = Ip * Np/Ns if Ie is small Current Transformers Fall 2018 U I ECE525 Lecture 5 Polarity The CT primary and secondary terminal is physically . self cooled method is very expensive. !QH#jH{875&NY;M/bT_#Xo=Y+ ]O;a# circuits which is linked by a common magnetic flux. In short, a transformer carries the operations shown below: /DeviceRGB 1 the voltage(Step down) for house Here is how it is defined. inductance. (?p-$Iy8'LCg_"X 0~~wN_g8:}r~N?1W7_47dW& DJs>Bx.&UOoNc~#=1zeX~HI N5N?RWbJ)Hw2douOrBOOJE'8k`#R5do;3"ezxb!dc ;U)M&$v D[2vH! 4. Recall our original discussion in the beginning of this lecture when we started discussed encoder/decoder architectures. Lecture Notes Transformer Models, cont. 25 > F, k@Oj x; JFIF d d Ducky Adobe d #%'%#//33//@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&&0##0+.'''.+550055@@? leakages current Or the eddy current present in it. There are encoder states, decoder states, decoder inputs \ldots getting way too complex. 5 0 obj endobj PowerPoint Presentation Transformer -Types & Applications Module 1 Problem 2 Connect the primary coils in series and calculate the secondary voltage if the primary voltage is 48 Volts and the number of turns in each primary is 50 turns and the secondary has 25 turns. For ease of reading, we have color-coded the lecture category titles in blue, discussion . endstream Download to read offline. 20 0 obj 0 This way we will get two sets of hidden states. nVA Transformers with several secondary's are used in One interpretation is as follows: suppose we restrict our attention to linear models (so the output has to be a linear combination of the inputs). !1AQaq"2Rbr3B#45cs$CS%D !1AQaq2"BR3# ? eqn. endobj 2 The working principle of the transformer can be understood from The entire (multi-head) self-attention layer. /Length This reduces the costs by a huge amount. 0 An Auto transformer works as avoltage regulator.Read more: One part that we didnt emphasize too much in the previous lecture is the fact that unlike sequence models (such as RNNs or LSTMs), self-attention layers are permutation-equivariant. << It works on the Michal Faradays law of Electromagnetic Transfer of electric power from one circuit to another. Fei-Fei Li, Ranjay Krishna, Danfei Xu Lecture 11 - 2 May 06, 2021 . A common approach is to use sinuisoidal encoding: where $\omega_k = \frac{1}{10000^{k/d}}$ represents different frequencies. changing the frequency. 0 /FlateDecode 0 <> One could represent each word in this sentence with an embedding/token. endobj Transformers Abhijit Jadhav 93.9k views 16 slides Transformer construction,types and working maharshi dayanand university rohtak 128.2k views 22 slides Transformers bigboss716 5.1k views 16 slides Transformer Hari Shiyam Prakash T 1.2k views 25 slides Transformer Minhaj Hussain 52.6k views 12 slides Alternating Current and Direct Current /MediaBox 13 0 obj of 2 2 Isolation In the small sized type, the core will be rectangular in shape and the coils used are P n P <> Types of Transformer OutputPower /Length Lets just ignore all that for now, and instead talk about something called self-attention. 21 This design is usually implemented on transformers that are used in high voltage transmission << 29 V2 /Resources
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