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Hakluyt also saw a future for England in the creation of rich towns, and believed that travel across the ocean would come easily with speedy communication between England and her colonies. Hakluyt living during an interesting period in history called the Age of Exploration or sometimes the Age of Discovery. Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616) No account of Elizabethan exploration is complete without mentioning Hakluyt. [10] In 1599, he became an adviser to the newly-founded East India Company, and in 1601 he edited a translation from the Portuguese of Antonio Galvo's The Discoveries of the World. Richard Hakluyt, frequently referred to as Richard Hakluyt the Younger to differentiate him from his older cousin who was also named Richard Hakluyt, was a 16th-century English geographer and minister. The Discourse, a secret report, was not printed until 1877. Discourse of Western Planting | Encyclopdia Britannica. Without his urging, the English might have been content to rest in their foggy off-shore island while the Spaniards and Portuguese divided the world between them. A person named Hugo Hakelute, who may have been an ancestor or relative of Richard Hakluyt, was elected Member of Parliament for the borough of Yatton in 1304 or 1305,[7] and between the 14th and 16th centuries five individuals surnamed "de Hackluit" or "Hackluit" were sheriffs of Herefordshire. Settlement and Economic Development: The Colonies to 1763 (Overview) Hugo Grotius, Richard Hakluyt (trans. . In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. IvyPanda. This will also enable England to suppress her enemies, improve military force, take advantage of prevailing weaknesses in other economies, and optimally exploit resources. [10] In May 1585 when Hakluyt was in Paris with the English Embassy, the Queen granted to him the next prebendary at Bristol Cathedral that should become vacant,[5][15] to which he was admitted in 1585 or 1586 and held with other preferments till his death. It was at Hakluyt's suggestion that Robert Parke translated Juan Gonzlez de Mendoza's The History of the Great and Mighty Kingdom of China and the Situation Thereof (15881590),[30] John Pory made his version of Leo Africanus's A Geographical Historie of Africa (1600),[31] and P. Erondelle translated Marc Lescarbot's Nova Francia (1609). on 27 June 1577,[5][10] began giving public lectures in geography. What does the evidence from the text suggest about Hakluyts conception of race? That hereby the Revenues and customs of her Majestie both outwards and inwards shall mightely be enlarged by the toll, excises, and other duties which without oppression may be raised. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. English Geographer. Motivation for European conquest of the New World The Hakluyt Society, which publishes scholarly editions of primary records of voyages and travels, was named after him in its 1846 formation. April 8, 2021. [20], Hakluyt was married twice, once in or about 1594[5] and again in 1604. He thus embarked upon his career as a publicist and a counsellor for present and future national enterprises across the ocean. His policy, constantly expounded, was the exploration of temperate North America in conjunction with the search for the Northwest Passage, the establishment of Englands claim to possession based on the discovery of North America by John and Sebastian Cabot, and the foundation of a plantation to foster national trade and national well-being. In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. A Briefe declaration of the chief Islands in the Bay of Mexico being under the king of Spain, with their havens and forts, and what commodities they yeide. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. That the limits of the king of Spains dominions in the West Indies be nothing so large as is generally imagined and surmised, neither those parts which he holdeth be of any such forces as is falsely given out by the popish Clergy and others his suitors, to terrify the Princes of the Religion and to abuse and blind them. natural reason.15 The elder Richard Hakluyt was the first of a long series 15 Sir George Peckham, A true reporte, of . Hence, religion is a careful strategy aimed at providing compassion and hope for the poor natives and the low-class English population while punishing the wicked through doctrinal or religious teachings. Richard Hakluyt Biography and Significance - We will write a custom Essay on English Colonization of America in Hakluyts View specifically for you for only 11.00 9.35/page. The latter will, in turn, reinvigorate industrial growth and the creation of new job opportunities. The inter-European rivalry appears to be the main theme in this literature. Richard Hakluyt was the cousin and ward of another famous Richard Hakluyt, an attorney and early promoter of exploration, a person historians usually describe as "the elder." Mancall refers to him as "the lawyer." With the careful encourage-ment of the lawyer, Mancall's Hakluyt, conventionally known by historians professional specifically for you? Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. "[11] Entering Christ Church, Oxford,[12] in 1570 with financial support from the Skinners' Company,[10] "his exercises of duty first performed,"[11] he set out to read all the printed or written voyages and discoveries that he could find. He also translated numerous works on the subject into English. A clergyman, he gave public lectures and became the first professor of modern geography at the University of Oxford. What is the importance of religion in Hakluyts case for colonization? He has recently obtained a PhD in contemporary European history. His interests in languages and geography encouraged him to write books on travel where he drew inspiration from the logbooks, documents and oral histories of travelers from around the world. Exploration, American Beginnings: 1492-1690, Primary Resources in U.S He was the first to show "both the old imperfectly composed and the new lately reformed mappes, globes, spheares, and other instruments of this art. Hakluyt is a firm believer of colonization owing to the nationalistic, social, and economic benefits it might bring to England. Therefore, the natives and Indians are mere tools, passive objects, or pawns constructed to be used and manipulated via protestant religions in order to serve the interests of the English people. [32], The Hakluyt Society was founded in 1846 for printing rare and unpublished accounts of voyages and travels, and continues to publish volumes each year. A note of some things to be prepared for the voyage which is set down rather to draw the takers of the voyage in hande to the present consideration then for any other reason for that diverse things require preparation long before the voyage, without which the voyage is maimed. discussed in biography In Richard Hakluyt a report, known briefly as Discourse of Western Planting (written in 1584), which set out very forcefully the political and economic benefits from such a colony and the necessity for state financial support of the project. That the Queen of England title to all the west Indies, or at the least to as much as is from Florida to the Circle arctic, is more lawful and right then the Spaniards or any other Christian Princes. Stafford at that time was the ambassador to Paris for Queen Elizabeth I of England. Richard Hakluyt, A Discourse Concerning Western Planting, Written in the Year 1584, Charles Deane, ed. [14], Hakluyt was also a leading adventurer of the Charter of the Virginia Company of London as a director thereof in 1589. Hakluyt studied at Christ College at Oxford University on a Queen Scholarship. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.
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