It's the impact portion of the EPR Bullet, the positive result of an accomplishment, that give us the most frustration. - Outstanding performer; demonstrates enthusiasm and willingness to tackle all work assignments--promote now, - Phenomenal NCO leads by example; tackles the toughest challenges without hesitation--promotion warranted Educated 5 instructors on 30 new ALS lessons; taught 33 trng hrs--flt beat Enl PME 32 hr/yr std in 1 wk, - Synergized 3 pro dvlpmnt seminars; linked 3 spkrs/3 hrs w/OG Amn--mentored 87 future ldrs/solidified prof growth, - Taught flt NCO PDS; introduced new Enlisted Force Structure--honed personnal ldrshp/public speaking skills, - Attended EPR bullet writing course; honed composition skills--garnered critical knowledge for Amn duties, - Attended professional development writing course; acquired writing skillscreated 4 exercise SOP documents, - Attended 4-hr bullet writing class; elevated professional comm--greatly enhanced leadership/personal growth, - Provided bullet writing crs f/10 Sq NCOs; decreased EPR/awd package errors--dlvr'd competitive pkgs to Gp, - Poised to lead peers; completed 3 hr AF professional writing course--sharpened enlisted ldrshp abilities/skills, - Attended personal finance PDS; set budgeting & savings goalsexpanded readiness--est'd foundation for future, - Attended personal financial mgmt course; obtained important tools--taught four Airmen proper budget planning, - Attended NCO Pro Development/Financial Mgmt crse; developed/briefed OJT scenarios--mentored 20 peers, - Pursued growth; joined in on "Basic Speaking Skills" forum/braved impromptu speech--honed key leader skills, - Attended "Effective Feedback" crs; developed supervision/ldrshp skills--mentored five subordinates for future, - Mastered "Effective Feedback" crs; developed managerial and leadership skills--mentored AF future leaders. - Sel'd as Sq Suicide Prevention POC; hosted wkly discussions/trained 142 Sq mbrs--upheld hi-vis resiliency initiative --poised to forge effective chg, - Cert'd I&E evaluator; skill quickly utilized on four prsnl--key to FW mntng 53 of 50 certs, 3% > MAJCOM std, - Completed 16 hrs "Continuous Learning for Supervisors" through e-Learning--cemented expert NCO abilities, - Completed finance crse; acquired strategic budgeting skills--mentored 27 Amn on how to improve credit rating, - Completed Mx officer academic session; educated on environmental aircraft systems; developed mx acumen, - Facilitated 5/6 speed mentoring session; taught career progression/leadership/EES--guided 20 FTA thru AD transition, - Facilitated three FTAC sexual assault briefs/64 students on UCMJ practices--instilled healthy morals/manners, - Filled Afghanistan's WWM Chief billet for 1 wk; coord'd 85 2W1 prsnl/$35M in eqpmnt--100% ATO fulfilled, - Filled SSgt shift load crew chief role; led peer through 5 SUU-20 ops cks--enabled 15 NATO upgrade sorties, - Great leader! Comments referencing Air Force prerequisite Professional Military Education (or sister service equivalent) selection, attendance and/or completion are prohibited, to include implied comments. - Filled drug reduction pgm position; completed 4 hr tng crs/notified 10 mbrs--upheld DoD zero tolerance policy - Handpicked to fill SNCO vacancy; upheld unit standards f/100 prsnl--demonstrat'd ldrshp abilities/0 msn degradation - Academic Review Board mbr f/ALS; review'd records/interview'd staff/stdt--equipp'd Commandant f/decision - Attended Leadership I Challenge program; futhered abilities to make sound desicions & effectively lead airmen, - AUAB Top III Prof Dev Chair; reviv'd latent pgm/creat'd 14 lessons/6 jnt workshops--mentor'd/shap'd 183 future ldrs The EPR is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of an individual's job performance, leadership abilities, and potential for future development and advancement. - Displays a high degree of personal and professional integrity; enforces highest standards of military conduct Bullet Writing. Polished leadership abilities & professional growth, - Aced SNCO PME/1st Shirt Symposium; exemplified high std f/peers--mentored 5 NCOs to Crs 14 completion, - Fulfilled SEAC's PME vision; nailed SEJPME lvl 1 crs--readied to "Develop Enlisted Leaders for Tomorrow's War", - Education focused; finished 2 classes f/Org Mgmt BA & 45 hr SEJPME2 crs--jt msn rdy/achieved CJCS PME vision, - Finished SEJPME II/MBA Managerial Econ crse; earned 3 crdts/motivated peers--deg 90% cmplt/Spring '20 graduate, - Finalized 40 hr SEJPME crse;internalized jt policy--utilized skill set/strengthened joint ops perspective & knowledge, - Aced 40-hr SEJPME crs; gained insight to National Strategy & Mil capes--garner'd skills to lead in joint environment, - Aced Jt Sr Enlisted PME course; improved multiforce knowledge--raised jt operational readiness & cohesion, - Aced SEJPME; honed jnt force concept/operations knowledge--bolstered working relations w/ NATO partners, - Advanced military education; mastered Sr Joint Enlisted PME--increased Armed Forces joint ops knowledge, - Awarded SEJPME certification; completed 40 hrs course/94% pass rt; enhanced joint leadership/management, - Completed SEJPME crs; mastered multi-service integration--tm'd w/USN/USMC to devise AOR mx strategies, - Completed SEJPME; enriched leadership abilities & jnt ops knowledge--postured for coalition forces supervisor role, - Dedicated to professional growth; completed 85 hr SEJPME I & II/72 hr SNCO PES--mentored 25 enlisted personnel, - Devoted to professional development; completed Sr Enlisted Jt PME crs--poised to operate w/jt svc agencies, - Fulfilled CJCS PME vision; aced Sr Enlisted Joint PME course--joint billet ready/set positive image for Amn, - Graduated Senior Enlisted Joint PME course; mastered 40 hrs skills/objects--prepped for deployment success, - Increased PME creditials; completed SJEPME crse--increased understanding in deployed joint service setting, - Sought personal development; completed SEJPME II/Green Belt crs; finished 12 hrs for Bachelor's Degree/3.8 GPA, - Garnered 2K teaching hrs; awd'd CCAF Instr cert level II--achieved SecAF's "Develop exceptional leaders" priority, - Focused on deliberate dvlpmt; energized prof exch w/SNCOs/ofcrs f/SOS/ACSC/AWC--prepp'd 5K ldrs f/strat roles, - Devoted Victim Advocate; dedicated 850 hrs on-call/emcee'd 9 county SAAPM ceremony--served 405K community, - Hand-picked 3X instr trnr; supv'd 266 hrs/10 evals/led 50 SELs--embodied AETC msn "Educate Amn to dlvr airpwr", - Academy's most experienced instr; dvlp'd 42 cadre/led 4 IST sessions--targeted education for 1.6K TF/coalition SELs, - Leveraged int'l crse exp; liaised w/SAF/IA f/RSAF stu/taught 200 hrs ldrshp f/6 coalition SELs--built int'l alliances, - Led 112 mbr team ISO EHRI 5K; advertised event/raised funds & awareness--preserved 32-yr-old museum posterity, - Strngthn'd tms/families; led SMSgt retirement ceremony/built 10 mbr Spartan Race tm--honor'd 24 yrs/svc/sacrifice, - Designed Prof Dvlpmnt Education; authored yr long trng plan--paved way for future ldrs/utilized by 60 mbrs, - Facilitated peer prof development crse; acquired bullet & report writing skills--incr'd supervisory knowledge, - Led Amn Professional Enhancement crs; mentored 35 mbrs on Enlisted Force Structure--reinforced AF core values, - Polished public speaking skills; led NCOPE SNCO Panel Leadership/Mgnt skills seminar; re-blued 40 Airman, - Skillfully managed & organized wing's first-ever NCO Professional Development seminar--23 NCOs educated, - Superior NCO! - Initiated flt Mthly Amn boards/NCO mentor crse; 1st prgm in 7 yrs--garnered 8 Sq/Gp/Wg Amn/Civ winners - Supervised det manning; led ofc during 30% change in 2 mos--acquired/trained 3 prsnl/in-tune w/ A3/TRSS priorities Air Force EPR Bullet Examples Sq Prof Perf/NCO OTQ x2completed SEJPME/45 crs hrs in min time--E-7 a must! Selected class cmdr during NCOA; led 181 TSgts/org'd 4 wg outreachs--Levitow Awd recipient, - Stellar performer; completed online NCO Academy while deployed to AOR--preparing for future challenges, - Top 10% NCOA/class ldr; mentored 2 failing peers/directed service project--selected Distinguished Graduate, - Transactional leader at NCOA; scored top 10% recognized by instructors--awarded Distinguished Graduate, - NCOA Distinguished Grad; produced 6 annual/5 grp/3 wg & Tm Tyndall winners/2 CCAFs--mentored ldrs at all lvls, - Pursued self-improvement; active in Crse 14 PME; c/w 1 of 5 blocks--enhanced leadership/managerial skills, - Always seeking career growth; voluntarily self-enrolled in SNCOA DLC - 1/3 complete, leadership skills sharpened, - Enrolled in SNCO req crse 14; attained vital mgmt knowledge--advanced org supervisory/leadership toolbox, - Complet'd SNCO PME Course 14; broaden'd leadership ability/knowledge--working towards CCAF degree in Safety. - Eagerly took advantage of opportunities to further technical competence; attended AF Avionics conference - Supported higher education; attended local college improvement meeting--enabled more accessibility for Amn, - Tech School Amn Leader; as yellow rope/enforced standards/mentored/guided peers--lauded by 345 MTF/CC This author unlocks the "magic" of effective bullet writing through proven techniques. Cheat Sheets & References 6 7. - Leader; discouraged Amn from following corrupt example; preserved VA disability benefits for needy members - NCOA grad w/90% average; led peer-review prgm/vol'd in 6 class events--1/220 NCOs selected f/Commandant Awd, - Completed NCOA; expanded ldrshp techniques/mentored subordinatesyielded three sq/two gp awd winners, - Graduated from NCOA--increased leadership/supervisory skills--earned 89% average--boosted NCO value, - Learned effective supervisor strategies; graduated PME course--sharpened communication/leadership skills, - Attended NCOA--increased leadership/supervisory skills--impressive 91% average--boosted value as NCO, - Graduated NCOA--increased knowledge of leadership and supervisory skills--boosted value as a career NCO, - Coordinated efforts for annual NCOA bowl-a-thon--raised $400--efforts increased enlisted benefits worldwide, - Graduated Noncommissioned Officer Academy with a 90% average--learned valuable new leadership skills, - Completed NCO Academy--increased knowledge of and value to Air Force--commendable 86% class average, - Organized four NCOA flt study sessions; helped incr classmates' avg 20 percentage points--15 of 15 graduated. - Devoted to professional development; completed Sr Enlisted Jt PME crs--poised to operate w/jt svc agencies, - Accomplished Sr Enlisted Jt PME, learned interservice studies--prep'd to assimilate in jt service environment, - Aced Jt Sr Enlisted PME course; improved multiforce knowledge--raised jt operational readiness & cohesion, - Completed National Defense University's SEJPME course/40hrs--broadened jt ops perspectives & knowledge, - Comp'd Army 10 Miler, AF Half Marathon, 5/6 Assoc. - Supervised six thru-flight assessments; corrected 43 defects--100% of sorties met for Jun 2012a MXG first! - Airmen his top priority; led Professional Development/mentored NCOPE instructors--invested in future leaders - Attended 6 wk finance/bullet writing crs; mentored 3 mbrs on fiscal knwldg/budgeting--primed Amn for career success - Attended 6-hr John C. Maxwell crse; diversifi'd comm skills/ldrshp insight--mentored 20 mbrs/enhanced w/c cohesion Copyright Contact For Dummies (like me) by therealjasondavid. Action Verbs 5 5. Thanks! - Hands-on leadership; enforced compliance with T.O.s/instructions--secured 94% QA pass rating for 1st qtr '15, - Hands-on mentor/leader; demanded quality stds on pgms/processes--vaulted QA pass rate to 92%, 1st Qtr '12 PDF CARNIVORE LEADERSHIP PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - DoDLive Once you pin on Tech, get with ALS as they usually have panels for these soon to be supervisors. - Solid performer who set the pace for others to follow; demonstrated recurrent initiative for self improvement Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. - Delegated effectively; trusted workctr Amn with msn--discovered, remedied obstacles, improved site output 40%, - Deployed spouses liaison; performed yard/vehicle mx--permitted mbr's to maint'd focus on OEF/OIF efforts Attended 142 hrs of professional development crs--exceeded SAF standard rqmts by 102 points, - Leadership understudy; read two books from CSAF suggested reading list--enhanced management awareness, - Led setup for DHS ceremony; aided drive-in grad--celebrated future ldrs milestone achievements during health crisis Believe it or not, many Airman really don't want to be promoted! Contact The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Board president over qrtly awd board; mngd 3 mbrs/interviewed 6 nominees--ensured fair selection process, - Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset - Guided Sq Amn; org'd university transcripts/vol'd 50 hrs at local elem/wrote BTZ pkg--mbr selected #1 in Wg, - Hand-sel'd for mentor session w/18AF/CCC; gained ldr insight to Enl dev--guided 6 fellow NCOs thru PME process - Sought out professional development; completed 8 hr Amn mentorship course--prepared for career challenges - Ensured Amn were aware of career opportunities, benefits, and entitlements; primed Amn for career success, - Established rater-ratee evaluation protocol; kept up-to-date records--streamlined communication and appraisal efforts, - Expertly steered 384 hours of EPME curriculum and two graduation banquets for 51 students and 500+ guests, - Gp Supt by-name selected as ALS mentor; infused 20 airmen w/guidance & ldrshp--led next generation leaders, - Honed PME @ NCOPE Seminar; employed skills/techniques learnedenhanced briefing/writing capabilities, - Instituted wkly "5 Things to Know"; informed Gp/Sq mbrs on AF policies--enhanced prgm knowledge for 1.6K, - Kept Amn informed on cross-training/retraining/reenlistment options & limits--committed to thriving team, - Led wx flt for the 3 OG PME mentorship 5K run; encouraged younger Amn to finish--bolstered esprit de corps, - Mentored Amn on OCF/extended downtime forms reviews; 35 OCFs releasedwarranted gp Staff Pro, 3rd qtr, - Mentored four Amn on 5-level CDC taskings100% task completionupgraded two months ahead of schedule, - Mentored peers value of education; prov d degree/employment outlook/asst d w/strategic goals--2/5 earned CCAF, - Osan 5/6 Professional Development Committee mbr & food booth volunteer--$1378 raised for future projects, - Outfitted seven classrooms for 192 ALS Amn; prepared 800 student guides & OI updates--graduates msn ready, - Participated in two NCO development seminars; focused on ldrshp/supervision--rdy to guide two supervisors, - PME champion! Professional Military Education (PME) EPR Bullets - Sought personal improvement; attended four lenses personality seminar--gained valuable communication skills, - Sought self-improvement; attended NCO Professional Enhancement Course--bolstered leadership capabilities Read More Height to Waist Calculator April 3, 2023 - Sought ldrshp challenge; chaired Wg's 1st ever Cardboard Boat Race--enjoyed by 137, fostered esprit de corps, - Spearheaded NSI prep; achieved 100% nuke surety test pass rate/10 perfect scores--wg rec'd highest rating Enter contributions below and click Send. - Bearer of military tradition; 509 MXS/MOS/MUNS change of command set-up member--honored newest CCs Self Improvement EPR Bullets Strives to attain personal goals that easily elude others Takes responsibility for her personal growth and development Consistently meets his personal objectives and then sets new ones that are even more challenging Establishes clear and challenging short-term and long-term personal goals - Motivated; attended SNCO Professional Enhancement Crse--increased supervisory/leadership responsibilities, - Organized Harvester's Food Pantry event; sorted 5 pallets of goods--supplied proper nutrition for 74 families Represents SOLRS to allow enlisted voice heard to be heard throughout the wing! - Attended NCO Prof Enhancement Crse; gained valuable supervisory skills--prepared for future leadership role Air Force EPR Bullets Education EPR Bullets - Attended professional enhancement course; refined feedback counseling technique--mentored/shaped four Amn - Solidified SNCO induction; chaired committee/proffered/setup/escorted--107 promotees/lauded by ACC/CC in Info Tech Systems--attained 3.74 GPA, - 1st in workcenter to become CPR certified; driven by new policy interpretation--vital life saving skill acquired, - Aced Ammo-62 crs; Hazardous Declaration of goods cert'd--ensured Sq rdy to execute global muns shipments, - Aced increment cargo buildup trng; built/marshalled 72 pallets, 6 TDYs/MRTs--lessons implemented soonest, - Adult/Child/Infant AED/CPR certified; attended six hour course--served as group PTL; promoted health/fitness, - Attended 2-day Lockheed crse; qual'd 15 mx tasks/repaired 3 SXR pods-16/16 pods FMC/ensured AEF capes, - Attended ADR trng crs; obtained USAFE over-the-road shipping certification--enhanced Sq capability by 33%, - Attended cargo build up training; packed 24T of equip for Zaragoza WTD--100% cargo in-place/89.7% MC rt, - Attended Hazardous Waste Accumulation Point Manager training--established 555th AMU hazmat insp ready, - Certified as a med lab tech; triumphed 13 mos/2.3K hrs trng--awarded 3 yr lab cert/exceeded 88.5% peer avg, - Certified on 300+ workcenter tasks; key player for all maintenance operations--elevated mx mission capability, - Certified on 4/6/10K forklifts; increased sq vehicle qualifications--solidified SORTS reportable item by 18%, - Completed 3-day AFSO21 crse; linked 8-step problem solving tech to OJT pgm--2 mbrs UG'd to 5 lvl <6 mos, - Completed 40 hr tax law course; prepared taxes for 162 ppl--saved $6.5K in fees/generated $497K in refunds, - Completed two DAU courses 15 days early; five courses shy DAWIA Level I Cert--increased SCM knowledge, - Conquered SANS Security Essentials crs; improved technical competency--strengthened base security enclave, - Filled upper management requirement, Legal Issues/HR courses; awarded Professional Manager Certification, - Fortified nuclear msn expertise; finished surety class/certification/trn'd 6 mbrs--31 FW top "Sat" '14 NSSAV, - Fulfilled formal FAA trng; earned radar endorsed FCC License--boosted avionics systems abilities/knowledge, - Self-motivated Airman; attended 8 hours women's self defense course; enahnced fit-to-fight performance/skills. So example bullet could be; Target'd top 1%: aced 6 credits/achieved 4.0GPA--set std f/peers. - Mentored/guided LCAP prep; revitalized pgms/fixed 150 deficiencies--six Outstanding Performers recognized, - Mng'd 16 Amn as NCOIC of Sq's largest fltpenned 6 EPRs/7 awd packages--garnered 3 Sq/1 Gp-level awds! Bullet Writing Course (w/EPR Focus) - YouTube Primary, Additional Duty EPR Bullets - Air Force Writer - Excelled as org's CoS; integrated process--improvement s/w into onboarding TTP IOT expedite staffing requirement, - Exceptional mentor/leader; produced two SSgt promotees/Chief's Grp Sharp Amn Awd winner--dvlpd future leaders! Air force Development Catelog.pdf - AIR FORCE DEVELOPMENT CATALOG EPR An Air Force EPR (Enlisted Performance Report) is a document that is used to evaluate the performance and potential of enlisted personnel in the United States Air Force. EPR Bullets - Air Force Hub The Air Force considers certain topics to be inappropriateMore. handpick'd by Fayetteville State University as global citizen of yr--awarded '18 FSU CRED cert' This puts you in a tough spot becauseMore, Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. Strong EPR Bullets : r/AirForce - Reddit - Authored 2 EPRs & 3 awd pkgs for Flt mbrs; garnered recognition on Sq & Gp levels--set Arnn up for success, - Backfill'd AFCENT/FM CMSgt role f/5 mos; Enl Mgr f/11 sites/59 prsnl, pav'd way fwd f/local FM spt--SMSgt now! - Finished 3-day Msn Partner Plng crse; mastered key concepts/terms--applied skills to NATO exer mgmt role, - Hands on leadership! Attended 3-day leadership/ministry conference--applied knowledge/enhanced mgmt skills, - Led ROS investigation; coor'd w/Army & AF legal tms--cleared mbr/ensured accountability of $12K mil asset, - Mastered "Kan-do" Lean course; relocated 32 wpns/crew chief CTKs to fltline--saved 160 man hours/month, - Mastered 2 leadership crses, applied lessons learned; crafted ORE cell boss trng plan--100% a/c tasking met, - Mastered 3-day Resilience Trng Assistance Crse; handpicked as 1of 7 Wg resilience instr's--mentored 38 Amn, - Mastered AF Emerging Leader Prgm; completed 14 modules/42 hrs--polished management/leadership skillsets, - Mastered Diversity Mgmt trng; expanded knowledge on AF high-interest topic--critical to mentorship x32 Amn, - Military Saves Week attendee; two finance classes/held informative brief to section--instilled debt mngt skills, - Orchestrated 3-day Lunch-&-Learn evt; trained "RUFit" techniques--strengthened warrior ethos/3 workcenters, - Selected by Gp/CC over peers for LOA conf; mentored by Senior ldrs, postured for next gen acft mx challenges, - Sound/solid leadership; handpicked for & completed Production Super course--poised w/ unique mgmt skills, - Tackled 5-day Unit Tax Advisor certification; vol'd 36 hrs/assisted 38 mbrs--saved FW Amn $12K filing fees, - Aspires for future growth; completed 3 hr web based Sharepoint training--honed section information efficiency, - Attended 176 hr advanced avionics crs; gained key sys knowledge/14 task cert'd--ahead of peers 5-lvl upgrade, - Attended advanced troubleshooting FTD; used new skills to isolate faulty JRIU in 3 hrs--aided 85% 8-hr fix rt, - Attended ammo augmentee tng; aided in loading 50 munitions on acft--enabled 219 sorties Kunsan ORE Aug 13, - Attended environmental sys FTD; cert'd on 30 tasks--sharpened task proficiency/attained vital tech knowledge, - Awarded CCAF degree in EM; applied exceptional mgmt skills within org--set example for peers and jr NCOs, - Boosted prof knowl; accomp'd 40 hrs ethical/white hat hacking/PT/Linux cmd line--impr'd ntwrk sec practices, - Comp'd 2 business mgmt crses; enrolled in BA crs/1 class shy of CCAF--earned Proj Mgmt & Office Mgr MSI certs, - Completed "Tool Control MAX" crse; implemented new sys/trn'd 14 prsnl--drove accountability of >200 tools, - Completed 5 college classes; 16 hrs/anatomy/health science/sports/nutrition/exercise--led 10 AF mbrs healthy living, - Completed 5 college courses; garnered 20 credit hrs/increased business acumen--only 1 class shy of bachelors degree, - Completed 6-Sigma crs; authored $1M toolroom upgrade layout--floor space up 50%, checkout time cut in half, - Completed 8 hr GPC refresher; sole VM O&M/OCO card holder--rewarded w/zero funding discrep/oversite, - Con education advancement; cpl'd 5 classes maintained/3.4 GPA--earned 16 cr/hrs twds Acft Mx Technology degree, - Dedicated to self-improvement; enrolled in FAA A&P certification prgm--broadened a/c mx knowledge/skills, - Driven NCO! - Attended 50-hr 1st Sgt symposium; honed adverse actions/ldrshp skills--primed to uphold AF standards & care f/Amn, - Attended four Prof. Development courses; bolstered leadership skills--promoted growth of future MSgts The only permissible Professional Military Education comments in EPRs will be those referencing selections for an official Professional Military Education award or completion of Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education I/II web based courses. - Trained eight personnel on support procedures; 67 task completed in 3 weeks--zero loss to MX productivity Recognized #1/17 by peers/instructors--ready to guide the future of the AF, - Completed Airman Leadership school; developed key leadership attributes--sharpened communication skills, - Completed six week Airman Leadership School received 10 college credits--logistics CCAF degree complete, - Dedicated volunteer; completed 6 hr Veteran's Home Freedom run--efforts helped raise $375 for base ALS, - Displayed leadership quality; exemplified by ALS peers--won Commandant Leadership Award, promote now, - Driven; Graduated top 5% of ALS; 6 weeks/240 hrs completed--rcv'd coveted "Leadership Awd" from peers, - Enhanced skills & leadership; Volunteered to cmplt first Airman Leadership Distance Learning Course on Blackboard, - Epitome of excellence; showcased superb ldrshp--earned ALS class 14-D top honor/John L. Levitow award, - Epitome of junior Amn; selected by commandant for key ALS admin position--filled CEPME manning shortfall, - Graduated ALS; assumed class commander role--nine credits towards CCAF/recieved leadership experience, - Organized ALS study sessions; bolstered 100% flight pass rate for class 13-C--earned Commandant Award, - Phenomenal ldr; earned coveted ALS Ldrshp Awdchosen by peers out of 37 Airmenset mark for excellence, - Stood out above peers; hand-picked as ALS class speaker--earned top 10% academic ranking/DG Awd winner, - Top 2% of ALS class/47 peers; displayed exceptional leadership/academic performance--rec'd Levitow Awd, - Vol'd 6 hrs to Relay for Life; organized/manned ALS booth raffle sales--aided $30K raised for cancer research, - Excelled as NCOA class ldr; scored top 10% of 262 students/98% overall avg--received Distinguished Graduate awd, - Absolutely sterling performance at NCOA--awarded Academic Achievement plaque--represented AAFB well, - Completed distance NCOA--increased leadership and supervisory skills--completed 1 year ahead of schedule, - Completed NCO Academy--increased knowledge of and value to Air Force--commendable 86% class average, - Conquered challenging opportunity; honed ldrship/comm skills--awd'd coveted NCOA Distinguished Graduate, - Distinguished Graduate (Top 10%) from NCO Academy; recognized for academic achievement (#1 of 76), - Graduated NCOA top 10% of class out of 120 students--garnered prestigious "Distinguished Graduate" award, - Graduated Noncommissioned Officer Academy with a 90% average--learned valuable new leadership skills, - Kisling NCOA graduate; developed ldrshp/tm bldg skills x6 weeks--chosen as Levitow Awd winner/#1 of 171, - NCOA class ldr; led 14 NCO/mentored 2 failing peers/directed 2 svc projects--awd'd Distinguished Graduate, - NCOA Class leader/aced academic crs; designed study plan layouts--garnered critical skills for SNCO duties, - Pursued professional growth; completed NCOA/earned 11 hrs for BAS degree--enhanced mentor/ldrshp skills.
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