hunter lists palatine

hunter lists palatine

With the offseason program underway, the depth chart is going to see some changing. WebPalatines in North America In 1710, three large groups of Palatines sailed from London. The sad fate of those of Biloxi was spread abroad, which deterred other from coming to participate in the promised blessings of the Elesyan fields, or to possess the Eldorado. The Book of Names, Especially Relating to the Early Palatines and Germans massacred, north of the Blue Mountain, within Monroe county, among other were: Guldin, Hoth or Huth, Bomper, Vanaken, Vanflor, Schnell, Hartman, Hage, Brundich, Hellman, Gonderman, Schleich, Muller, Vandelap, Decker, Van Gondie, Brinker. Hereafter, the influent accession from the European continent steadily increased, so much so, as to excite attention, and create no small degree of alarm of the "fearful of the day". My husband, Jim, and I were visiting London. FYI, Nan was hard to find, but can be reached through the Jefferson County New York Genealogical Society (JCNYGS). Most proper names and nouns ending in li are Swiss and not German. In 1736 it was 736, and it rose to 1528 in 1737. I am descended from their daughter Agnes, who married Johannes Fischbach, also original Germanna Colony settlers. Queen Anne received them in England and sent some to Ireland to the estates of sympathetic Protestant landlords. p. This has been a wonderful read this morning. Religious persecution, political oppression drove thousands to Pennsylvania - to the asylum from the harrassed and depressed sons and daughters of the relics of the Reformation, whither William Penn himself invited the persecuted of every creed and religious opinion. His father, in Virginia, was the first minister of the German Reformed Church in America. These Barker, "Immigrant Ancestors, a List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750" by Frederick Adams Virkus, and "The Book of Names, especially relating to The Early Palatines and the first settlers in the Mohawk Valley" by Lou D MacWethy. Information preponderance of evidence. Somewhere I read that today there are about 2 thousand of Johans descendants roaming the planet. . Camp. The Palatine Families Project - Geni This website requires a paid subscription for full access. I have a Palatine family Everett that stayed in Limerick, Ireland for 100 years and then moved to Australia. Hunter in New York 1710 Aug. 31 - John Philip Lepper, 12, orphan bound to John Hallock of Brookhaven Sept. 14 - Justina Mona, 12, orphan bound 2 September 1714. Ret paladin does great in both PvE and PvP (though his rotation is While this project was initially focused on Kobel/Coble males, anyone who descends from a Kobel/Cobel line is welcome to join. Excellent summary about the Palatines travails in England. From these poor but honorable Germans, have spring says Gayarre, some of the most respectable citizens of Louisiana, and some of the wealthiest sugar planters in the State. I am so thankful to have even more information on my ancestors! April 20, 2023, 3:36 PM PDT. Those families charged with small sums were sent Fortunately, we do have a Coble male from Jacob Kobels line, and he matches other Coble males as well. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Embarkation Lists to England, 2nd to 6th Sailings. Article on Palatine ancestors free on Jstor, The families from which the writer is descended have no. From Ernst Emichen was our immigrant ancestor from Worms, Germany in 1709-10, who settled in NY. In 1709 several hundred Palatine families settled in Ireland. She wasnt old. and our loyal RootsWeb community. England was bringing large quantities of cargo back from the colonies and to make the process more profitable they needed cargo for the western-bound journey also. Here this small colony erected some huts or long cabins, to serve temporarily as shelters. Thats exactly how I felt when I discovered them as well. Also, check Gov. At the time these Palatines left England for North Carolina, the Rev. The three hundred on the Mississippi were very poor for some years. The period from 1702 - 1727 marks an era in the early German emigration. The first 900 people were given housing, food and supplies by a number of wealthy Englishmen. These will form my first forays as we try to educate ourselves on this amazing historical event. It is was something of a surprise to find the the Ketzebach line were Loyalists and went to Canada just prior or during the Revolutionary war period. I did upload the DNA of my dad, my brother, and myself to GEDmatch several months ago, at the request of a relative. The city walls, a remnant shown below behind the men at the bus stop, would have still been intact when the 1709ers were there, but not much remains today. I first was aware of your work while researching my Estes ancestry, and now I learn of our common descent from the Palatines. While The benevolent Queen Anne formed the design for the protection of her transatlantic frontier, by establishing new settlements, for displaced Lutheran and Protestant families of the German Palatine who were allies in King William's War 1684-97 ( England, Holland & Germany ) "the Grand Alliance" and Queen Anne's War "the Spanish Succession" 1700-13 against Louis XIV King of France ( Roman Catholic Church ). From 1740-1755, a great many Palatines were sent to South Carolina, They settled Orangeburg, Cougaree and Wateree. case where residence is known as follows: E---East There were large accessions to this new colony in 1711 and 1717 and a few years later. Cowboys undrafted free agents: Analyzing what Dallas got in their Given that I certainly cant test my Y DNA (females dont have Y DNA) for the 1709er lines, I need to find males who descend from these family lines to test. This Johans first wife passed away also, but I am unaware of the circumstances. WebPalatine Immigrant Index 1985-1995; Palatine Immigrant Index 1996-2017; Palatine Immigrant Index 2018-2021; Resources. Weiser came back to New York in 1723. Most of us are still there. 860-388-4657 Email: [email protected] Especially Edenkoben, Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany p. In 1719, some twenty families of Selwartzenau Taufer arrived at Philadelphia. Many of the migrants who lived near each other in New York, came from the same hometowns in Germany. However Ill talk to Garry Finkell about spreading the work to our members about your work. service can be imagined and not only those living today but those who will Cowboys agreed to terms with undrafted rookie WR Jalen Moreno-Cropper from Fresno State, person familiar with deal said. September 1712 to this day. The Minnesota Vikings have completed the NFL draft process by selecting six players and adding 15 undrafted free agents. The redevelopedpark where Im standing,is located in the area between the green St. Towards the end of the 17th century and into the 18th, the Palatine region was repeatedly invaded by French troops, which resulted in continuous military requisitions, widespread devastation and famine. June 14th: Cowboys UDFA Tracker: Sign FB Hunter Luepke, LB Tyrus Wheat He was a vinedresser and left Switzerland to work in the vineyards of the Rhine Valley. It was the only one available. Here they remained about ten years, when owing to some defect in their titles, they were deprived of both lands and improvements. This could not have come at a better time as we had planned to meet this week to discuss how we might incorporate DNA genealogy into encouraging more people to research their 1709 Palatine ancestors. Im not experienced with GEDmatch interpretation, so I dont know the chances of a match with your people. Thought the Limerick Palatines spread out to other areas, particularly north Kerry and Tipperary, Rathkeale remained an important focal point. . I descend from Albrecht/Albright, Schaeffer/Shaffer, and several more that I am trying to nail down, that I am certain are in this settlement. 1231, the other (1230) is the ledger, each name being Palatines 1710-1713 each having the certificates and the seal of New York Ironic, considering many of the Germans in Lancaster County, PA had left their homes fleeing religious persecution. Ive uploaded my dads DNA to Ancestry and havent nailed this one down. . Before June 1700, he married Marianne. They departed the 25th December, 1709 and after a six months' tedious voyage reached New York in June, 1710. Some Palatines spent time (from a few months to a few generations) in other countries, including Ireland. The Saltzburgers located in Effingham county and styled their first settlement Ebenezer, to express their unfeigned gratitude to the Lord, who had been to them a storing rock, a house of defence, to save them. Our next two days were already spoken for. What tests do I need to take at FTDNA to look for a match? Mannor of Livingston 31 December 1710. The rest lived off of English generosity and the Queen. Truthfully, between being sleep deprived after an all-night flight, followed by the hotel debacle, this unplanned experiencefelt entirely surreal. Another relative, possibly a nephew of this Jacob, a John Albright, left Pennsylvania and migrated with several families, one being a Jacob Martin. Copyright You can see, on the current Google map below that the entire neighborhood was replaced by docks. They were also expected to act as a buffer between the French and Natives on the northern frontier and the English colonies to the south and east. I have several male cousins with that surname, so their Y chromosome might be good for you study. If you have not already done so, be sure to check the seminal work by Henry Z. Jones, Jr. who has written many books and articles. Whats the best place I can compare DNA in order to find Gertrudes family? The next question I had for her was what was that? The answer came in the form of a Wiki article and a couple of books, the best of which was Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York by Philip Otterness, a history professor at Warren Wilson College. Players will show growth and development and the new rookies and free agents are going to show what they have In 1739, a number of Lutherans and German Reformed purchased a tract of land from General Waldo, and laid out the town Waldoborough, in Lincoln county, Maine. Their first child, Maria Anna Devoe was born about 1700 in the Palatinate on the Rhine. heads of families or the recipient thus:--2 adults 2 young (i.e. Finally there is a new organization that is bringing together German genealogy groups from around the world. Over the years, their friends and family in Ireland started to follow them to Canada, and soon you had settlements in Ontario full of Irish Palatine names such as Barkman, Dolmage, Embury, Fizzell, Heck, Lawrence, Ruttle, Switzer, Sparling, and Teskey - to name a few. WebThis project analyzes the DNA of men who descend along the DIRECT MALE LINE from the Palatine men who left Germany during the early 18th century, DURING THE PERIOD 1708-1710 OR SOON THEREAFTER. Hunter's account against the Government for the subsistence to the WebGovernor Hunter's Ration Lists June, 1710 to September, 1714 Compiled from the records in London and Presented to the descendants of the Palatines by BOYD EHLE. Pennsylvania Dutch - Wikipedia In the most ironic twist of fate, today, this area has once again been redeveloped andis now comprised ofvery high-end, upscale condos, some directly on the Thames and some on the Marina. According to a lecture by Dr. George Schweitzer, a highly regarded genealogical researcher, ship owners were very actively recruiting German settlers to the colonies at this time. Please add your Palatine ancestors to this project. Its possible they too were some of the 1709 group. Warm wishes and many thanks, Doris Wheeler In fact, decades later, many were still trying to obtain their free land to which they were just sure they were entitled. They are my 7th-great-grandparents. WebOverview. RootsWeb is funded and supported by So great was the influx at this time of Swiss and German immigrants, as to call forth, as already stated, public attention, especially of those in office. Doris. I have followed them and subsequent generations. "Palatine" was a term applied to Germans in general. the Returning from the Beyond after fixing Kazuwari's problems (or making them worse) is only one part of the problem. The immigrants were called Poor Palatines: poor in reference to their pitiful and impoverished state upon arrival in England, and Palatines since many of them came from lands controlled by the Elector Palatine. Chris, The 1709ers German Palatinates 52 Ancestors #137,,,,,,, At different periods, various causes and diverse motives induced Germans to abandon their Vaterland. Map of Major Palatine For now, Ive arranged an interlibrary loan but would love to have the copy since she details so much about the groups migration. I have sent a link to all the members (around 130) of our New York Chapter of Palatines to America. There is a Palatine Project on FTDNA:, The is a companion site for the FTDNA Palatine DNA Project at A few years afterward, others followed them. This group is just starting up but people are joining and sharing their GEDmatch DNA kits. Germany to England to New York to Wisconsin and in the 1940s to California. Ancestors, Voting Rights, & William Penn October 31, 2022. St. Katherines is between the Hermitage Park, where Im standing in this photo, and the Tower Bridge. 20, a NY Historical Marker locates the original 1712 Palatine road to Schoharie. Secondary Sources to be used with Caution, Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, A collection of upwards of Thirty-thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 1776, Even More Palatine Families: 18th Century Immigrants to the American Colonies and Their German, Swiss, and Austrian Origins, I performed a Google search London Lists AND Palatines 1709, a lot of hits came up! . Palatine Arrivals in New York in 1710 - WikiTree The Minnesota Vikings have completed the NFL draft process by selecting six players and adding 15 undrafted free agents. What to do? The Platines hereafter named for . Palatine Children Apprenticed by Gov. Hunter in New York 1710-1714 Palatine They started The Old Stoney Creek Church. When the fleet of eleven ships finally reached New York in June, they had been on board for six months. (If you believe you are descended along the direct female line from a FEMALE member of the Palatine Emigration, this project will not be suitable for you. On entering the fertile, charming valley in New Jersey, which is drained by the meandering Musconctcong, the Passaic and their tributaries, and having reached a goodly land, they resolve to remain in what is now known as the German Valley of Morrison county. Bremen, a village in the same county, and Frankfort, in Waldo county, were undoubtedly laid out, or settled by Germans, as the names would indicate. In NY, the Palatines were expected to work for the British authorities, producing naval stores [tar and pitch] for the navy in return for their passage to NY. It consists of a trench cut into the ground deeper than the water table. Henry "Hank" Jones, FASG, is the leading authority on these immigrants. WebTOWN OF PALATINE MONTGOMERY COUNTY, NY The Town of Palatine Ancestor Registry is for families you've accurately traced to this township only. The first boats packed with refugees began arriving in early May 1709. Hunter is far easier than Paladin; however, Paladin offers melee dps, healer, and tank specializations. Penn's liberal views, and illiberal course of the government of New York toward the Germans, induced many to come to this Province. Wish everyone well in their family journeys. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Palatine One hundred of them were massacred by the Tuskarora Indians, Sept 22, 1707. Do not treat the "official" work of a family association as having any special credibility or legal authority over a family's history -- their publications should be evaluated the same way that we would evaluate another author's work. I apologize but Im not where I can check my genealogy right now so please bear with me for a few days. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Hopefully we can work together to help you in your research into your Palatine ancestors and help the larger community of Palatine descendants. The Kau-ta-tn-chunk (Kittatiny or Blue Mountain) extending from the Delaware hundreds of miles westwards, was not an insurmountable barrier - that they crossed and laid out farms where shortly afterwards they, their wives and children, were exposed to the torch, hatchet and scalping knife of the savages, and their midnight assault and slaughter. Katherine by the Tower.. Roberta, I love this story. Thank you so much for this interesting article on the Palatinates. WebEleven or twelve ships sailed from London in 1710, carrying about 3200 Palatine immigrants to New York. History of the Palatine Emigration to America, Some Hints My 5th great grandfather is Melchor Engle 1720-1760 vfrom Palatine Germany. The first set, 2-I signifies the number of adults is 2 and 1 child under 10 years of age in 1710, the second set, 2-0 signifies the number of adults was 2 and no children under 10 years of age in 1712. There they suffered great misery, in the midst of which, and by force of which, Walrath died. The exciting new world of genetic genealogy awaits you. Footnotes - The Spickermans: A Palatine Family - Google Sites . NY Palatine Subsistence Lists of NY Governor Robert Hunter 1710-1712. I had Simmons and other lines arrive with them. At that time, these accommodationswere tenements by the docks in an unsavory area. Lists to England, 2nd to 6th Sailings, Names These are wonderful resources. Hi Roberta, Also, the book are looking for was published not long ago. Thanks to DNA testing, I discovered only about a year ago that my dad was adopted.:-(. Needless to say, my genealogy research is now entirely focused on trying to break down this wall. Luanabee, I cant help you with the book but I have some suggestions for DNA research. I rather suspect by the time the family left Germany they had long forgotten their Asian origins. In 1705, a number of German Reformed residing between Wolfenbuttel and Halberstadt, fled to Neuwied, a town of Rhenish Prussia, where they remained some time, and then went to Holland - there embarked, in 1707, for New York. In 1765, upwards of six hundred from the Palatine and Swabia were sent over from London and had a township of land set apart for them. Yay! p. Yet another privilege we have as genealogists: rediscovering and passing on this knowledge! By summer, some were moved to the fields and barns of Blackheath and Camberwell, now part of metropolitan London. Also known as : Johann Heinrich Schenkel List - Master Conrad Weiser's camp was at Queensbury. Sadly, this church was destroyed in 1825 when the area was razed to build the St. Katharine Docks. Some of the German-speaking people that came to North America did not come directly. Read the front matter in Jones books, and write to him. Gentlemen of Albany having purchased land around them, to hem them in. A visit to Embury and Heck memorial church contains a horn blown by the burgermeister or Palatine leader to summon general meetings in the early days of the colony. for distribution, sale, or profit. Compiled and Arranged by Lou D. MacWethy Johan and Catherine were married in 1710, about a year after Catherines first husband, George Mueller, died on the boat trip. Great, Great, Great, Great Grandparents of John Delos Smith Thanks Roberta for the inspiration. This list was found in the Public Record Office, C.O. Reconstructions were based on the assumption that the Hunter lists are arranged roughly chronologically in the order of the immigrants' arrival at New York. Here they remained til late in autumn, when about fourteen hundred were removed, one hundred miles up the Hudson river, to Livingston Manor. They lived some time at German town, and in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Ive found that the definitive genealogical work for our 1710s (when many arrived in the American Colonies) is The Palatine Families of New York: a study of the German immigrants who arrived in colonial New York in 1710, Henry Z. Jones Who were their people? My maternal grandparents were Lasher/Loesher and Finkle/Finckel. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. 91. With the offseason program underway, the depth chart is going to see some changing. The Germans, being unjustly oppressed, became dissatisfied both with their treatment, and with their situation. In this, too, he failed. The 1709 London Census of Palatines was published by The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Thanks. There were many Schaffers in this group, according to Henry Z. Jones, Jr., The Palatine Families of New York 1710. It is their form of diminutive. The orphans were apprenticed by Governor Hunter, to citizens of New York and of New Jersey. It does however, skip forward some 304 years, to September 2013. (Hunter Lists #263) was married that same day to his second wife, Maira 5/1230 and was corrected from the accompanying "ledger" C.O. It turns out my only Muller ancestor was another Palatine. My Swiss Palatine family, Isaac Hutto (aka Huttow, Otto) didnt come through New York, they came in July 1735 to Charleston, SC on the ship Oliver from Rotterdam as indentured servants all, both parents & their children. Roberta spoke to a PalAm meeting in Germantown, NY some years ago, soon after I founded that project. being ye 6 October) to this day make 89 days. p. Many of these men were assigned so-called Hunter List numbers when they arrived in New York State. Gerhart Walrath & Anna Maria Reffi are married. I may speak to my Lasher and Finkle cousins to see if any of them are interested. Family History of WebPalatine Family History of Adam Haines and 2009 Family Gathering On August 15th many of the descendants of Elizabeth (Froelich) Haines/Heins (1754-1837) and who was listed as "Urbanus Haintz" on Governor Robert Hunter's ration list on August 4, 1710. 1 pp. 5/1231. After 1716, Germans, a few French and Dutch, began to penetrate the forest or wilderness - some twenty, thirty, forty, others from sixty to seventy miles, west and north from the metropolis. Prior to 1754, Wendel Braun, and his two sons, and Frederik Waltser, located four miles west of Uniontown. Ancestry has a large database of users for their DNA project but they are behind in the tools they offer to look at matches. I have added the resources which you listed on that page. Check the Rhonebeck and Poughkeepsie libraries for important genealogical collections. These two classes, Newlander and speculators, resorted to diverse arts in order to effect their purposes. This couple came to America in 1714 and were among the original settlers of the Germanna Colony in northern Virginia. I too descend from Jost Henrich Schaffer and many more Palatines. Unfortunately, they became defunct in 2018. If your dad has the surname youre looking for, I recommend that he take a Y-DNA test ( April 20, 2023, 3:36 PM PDT. I did not know that!!! [1] Three principal sources documenting the identities of individuals involved in this large migration are: (1) The Rotterdam Sailing Lists of 1709 (Holland), (2) The London Census of Palatines of 1709 (England), (3) The Hunter Subsistence Lists 1710-1712 (New York). Sounds like a heart attack or stroke as it was in the middle of August when he died & we know how hot it gets in SC in that time of year. Determined, however, to reach the place for which they were destined - to have a home among the Dutch, they took the overland route from Philadelphia to New York. There are apparently 8 people with the Egli surname who have tested, but the only one I could find in any project was from France. Subjects Surname Subjects Arnold Bairin Becker Bender Bhler Locality Subjects It sure is fun to research the ancestors and the history surrounding them. In 1740, those who had remained, left Georgia and joined their brethren in Pennsylvania. Thank you for this article and thank EVERYBODY for all the links within the comments. The Palatines - UELAC 2. This post is a few years old, so not sure if youre still interested in the y-dna of the Palatine group. Both these show the number drawn for by the Perhaps you can start there to find, if there was an immigrant to Germany /Pfalz. Sorry to say I no longer admin this project. Book of Names, Governor Hunter's Ration Lists The Palatines began boarding ships in London in December 1709, but did not leave England until April 1710. The English tried to settle them in England, Ireland, and the Colonies. Jones Jr., Henry Z., and Burgert, Annette K., Westerwald to America; 1989. Notice there is also a Palatine Y-DNA project at FTDNA: Also, it this literally just for Y DNA or do you accept autosomal? Jim Wilson. of the First Palatines to London England 1709, Embarkation I receive a small contribution when you click on some of the links to vendors in my articles. of the records there with the result that the ledger accounts of Governor Schenectady in 1690 was destroyed by a force of French and Iroquois Indians from Canada. The 1709ers, by contrast, wererather unskilled rural laborers, neither sufficiently educated nor healthy enough for most types of employment. All children over 10 yrs were given the full allowance for an adult and were not distinguished from more mature members of the family. My dad (kit #A401371) matches your kit #A206179 on Chromosome 20, 7.2 cM. Perhaps DNA testing will help with this.

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hunter lists palatine

hunter lists palatine

hunter lists palatine

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With the offseason program underway, the depth chart is going to see some changing. WebPalatines in North America In 1710, three large groups of Palatines sailed from London. The sad fate of those of Biloxi was spread abroad, which deterred other from coming to participate in the promised blessings of the Elesyan fields, or to possess the Eldorado. The Book of Names, Especially Relating to the Early Palatines and Germans massacred, north of the Blue Mountain, within Monroe county, among other were: Guldin, Hoth or Huth, Bomper, Vanaken, Vanflor, Schnell, Hartman, Hage, Brundich, Hellman, Gonderman, Schleich, Muller, Vandelap, Decker, Van Gondie, Brinker. Hereafter, the influent accession from the European continent steadily increased, so much so, as to excite attention, and create no small degree of alarm of the "fearful of the day". My husband, Jim, and I were visiting London. FYI, Nan was hard to find, but can be reached through the Jefferson County New York Genealogical Society (JCNYGS). Most proper names and nouns ending in li are Swiss and not German. In 1736 it was 736, and it rose to 1528 in 1737. I am descended from their daughter Agnes, who married Johannes Fischbach, also original Germanna Colony settlers. Queen Anne received them in England and sent some to Ireland to the estates of sympathetic Protestant landlords. p. This has been a wonderful read this morning. Religious persecution, political oppression drove thousands to Pennsylvania - to the asylum from the harrassed and depressed sons and daughters of the relics of the Reformation, whither William Penn himself invited the persecuted of every creed and religious opinion. His father, in Virginia, was the first minister of the German Reformed Church in America. These Barker, "Immigrant Ancestors, a List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750" by Frederick Adams Virkus, and "The Book of Names, especially relating to The Early Palatines and the first settlers in the Mohawk Valley" by Lou D MacWethy. Information preponderance of evidence. Somewhere I read that today there are about 2 thousand of Johans descendants roaming the planet. . Camp. The Palatine Families Project - Geni This website requires a paid subscription for full access. I have a Palatine family Everett that stayed in Limerick, Ireland for 100 years and then moved to Australia. Hunter in New York 1710 Aug. 31 - John Philip Lepper, 12, orphan bound to John Hallock of Brookhaven Sept. 14 - Justina Mona, 12, orphan bound 2 September 1714. Ret paladin does great in both PvE and PvP (though his rotation is While this project was initially focused on Kobel/Coble males, anyone who descends from a Kobel/Cobel line is welcome to join. Excellent summary about the Palatines travails in England. From these poor but honorable Germans, have spring says Gayarre, some of the most respectable citizens of Louisiana, and some of the wealthiest sugar planters in the State. I am so thankful to have even more information on my ancestors! April 20, 2023, 3:36 PM PDT. Those families charged with small sums were sent Fortunately, we do have a Coble male from Jacob Kobels line, and he matches other Coble males as well. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection. Embarkation Lists to England, 2nd to 6th Sailings. Article on Palatine ancestors free on Jstor, The families from which the writer is descended have no. From Ernst Emichen was our immigrant ancestor from Worms, Germany in 1709-10, who settled in NY. In 1709 several hundred Palatine families settled in Ireland. She wasnt old. and our loyal RootsWeb community. England was bringing large quantities of cargo back from the colonies and to make the process more profitable they needed cargo for the western-bound journey also. Here this small colony erected some huts or long cabins, to serve temporarily as shelters. Thats exactly how I felt when I discovered them as well. Also, check Gov. At the time these Palatines left England for North Carolina, the Rev. The three hundred on the Mississippi were very poor for some years. The period from 1702 - 1727 marks an era in the early German emigration. The first 900 people were given housing, food and supplies by a number of wealthy Englishmen. These will form my first forays as we try to educate ourselves on this amazing historical event. It is was something of a surprise to find the the Ketzebach line were Loyalists and went to Canada just prior or during the Revolutionary war period. I did upload the DNA of my dad, my brother, and myself to GEDmatch several months ago, at the request of a relative. The city walls, a remnant shown below behind the men at the bus stop, would have still been intact when the 1709ers were there, but not much remains today. I first was aware of your work while researching my Estes ancestry, and now I learn of our common descent from the Palatines. While The benevolent Queen Anne formed the design for the protection of her transatlantic frontier, by establishing new settlements, for displaced Lutheran and Protestant families of the German Palatine who were allies in King William's War 1684-97 ( England, Holland & Germany ) "the Grand Alliance" and Queen Anne's War "the Spanish Succession" 1700-13 against Louis XIV King of France ( Roman Catholic Church ). From 1740-1755, a great many Palatines were sent to South Carolina, They settled Orangeburg, Cougaree and Wateree. case where residence is known as follows: E---East There were large accessions to this new colony in 1711 and 1717 and a few years later. Cowboys undrafted free agents: Analyzing what Dallas got in their Given that I certainly cant test my Y DNA (females dont have Y DNA) for the 1709er lines, I need to find males who descend from these family lines to test. This Johans first wife passed away also, but I am unaware of the circumstances. WebPalatine Immigrant Index 1985-1995; Palatine Immigrant Index 1996-2017; Palatine Immigrant Index 2018-2021; Resources. Weiser came back to New York in 1723. Most of us are still there. 860-388-4657 Email: [email protected] Especially Edenkoben, Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany p. In 1719, some twenty families of Selwartzenau Taufer arrived at Philadelphia. Many of the migrants who lived near each other in New York, came from the same hometowns in Germany. However Ill talk to Garry Finkell about spreading the work to our members about your work. service can be imagined and not only those living today but those who will Cowboys agreed to terms with undrafted rookie WR Jalen Moreno-Cropper from Fresno State, person familiar with deal said. September 1712 to this day. The Minnesota Vikings have completed the NFL draft process by selecting six players and adding 15 undrafted free agents. The redevelopedpark where Im standing,is located in the area between the green St. Towards the end of the 17th century and into the 18th, the Palatine region was repeatedly invaded by French troops, which resulted in continuous military requisitions, widespread devastation and famine. June 14th: Cowboys UDFA Tracker: Sign FB Hunter Luepke, LB Tyrus Wheat He was a vinedresser and left Switzerland to work in the vineyards of the Rhine Valley. It was the only one available. Here they remained about ten years, when owing to some defect in their titles, they were deprived of both lands and improvements. This could not have come at a better time as we had planned to meet this week to discuss how we might incorporate DNA genealogy into encouraging more people to research their 1709 Palatine ancestors. Im not experienced with GEDmatch interpretation, so I dont know the chances of a match with your people. Thought the Limerick Palatines spread out to other areas, particularly north Kerry and Tipperary, Rathkeale remained an important focal point. . I descend from Albrecht/Albright, Schaeffer/Shaffer, and several more that I am trying to nail down, that I am certain are in this settlement. 1231, the other (1230) is the ledger, each name being Palatines 1710-1713 each having the certificates and the seal of New York Ironic, considering many of the Germans in Lancaster County, PA had left their homes fleeing religious persecution. Ive uploaded my dads DNA to Ancestry and havent nailed this one down. . Before June 1700, he married Marianne. They departed the 25th December, 1709 and after a six months' tedious voyage reached New York in June, 1710. Some Palatines spent time (from a few months to a few generations) in other countries, including Ireland. The Saltzburgers located in Effingham county and styled their first settlement Ebenezer, to express their unfeigned gratitude to the Lord, who had been to them a storing rock, a house of defence, to save them. Our next two days were already spoken for. What tests do I need to take at FTDNA to look for a match? Mannor of Livingston 31 December 1710. The rest lived off of English generosity and the Queen. Truthfully, between being sleep deprived after an all-night flight, followed by the hotel debacle, this unplanned experiencefelt entirely surreal. Another relative, possibly a nephew of this Jacob, a John Albright, left Pennsylvania and migrated with several families, one being a Jacob Martin. Copyright You can see, on the current Google map below that the entire neighborhood was replaced by docks. They were also expected to act as a buffer between the French and Natives on the northern frontier and the English colonies to the south and east. I have several male cousins with that surname, so their Y chromosome might be good for you study. If you have not already done so, be sure to check the seminal work by Henry Z. Jones, Jr. who has written many books and articles. Whats the best place I can compare DNA in order to find Gertrudes family? The next question I had for her was what was that? The answer came in the form of a Wiki article and a couple of books, the best of which was Becoming German: The 1709 Palatine Migration to New York by Philip Otterness, a history professor at Warren Wilson College. Players will show growth and development and the new rookies and free agents are going to show what they have In 1739, a number of Lutherans and German Reformed purchased a tract of land from General Waldo, and laid out the town Waldoborough, in Lincoln county, Maine. Their first child, Maria Anna Devoe was born about 1700 in the Palatinate on the Rhine. heads of families or the recipient thus:--2 adults 2 young (i.e. Finally there is a new organization that is bringing together German genealogy groups from around the world. Over the years, their friends and family in Ireland started to follow them to Canada, and soon you had settlements in Ontario full of Irish Palatine names such as Barkman, Dolmage, Embury, Fizzell, Heck, Lawrence, Ruttle, Switzer, Sparling, and Teskey - to name a few. WebThis project analyzes the DNA of men who descend along the DIRECT MALE LINE from the Palatine men who left Germany during the early 18th century, DURING THE PERIOD 1708-1710 OR SOON THEREAFTER. Hunter's account against the Government for the subsistence to the WebGovernor Hunter's Ration Lists June, 1710 to September, 1714 Compiled from the records in London and Presented to the descendants of the Palatines by BOYD EHLE. Pennsylvania Dutch - Wikipedia In the most ironic twist of fate, today, this area has once again been redeveloped andis now comprised ofvery high-end, upscale condos, some directly on the Thames and some on the Marina. According to a lecture by Dr. George Schweitzer, a highly regarded genealogical researcher, ship owners were very actively recruiting German settlers to the colonies at this time. Please add your Palatine ancestors to this project. Its possible they too were some of the 1709 group. Warm wishes and many thanks, Doris Wheeler In fact, decades later, many were still trying to obtain their free land to which they were just sure they were entitled. They are my 7th-great-grandparents. WebOverview. RootsWeb is funded and supported by So great was the influx at this time of Swiss and German immigrants, as to call forth, as already stated, public attention, especially of those in office. Doris. I have followed them and subsequent generations. "Palatine" was a term applied to Germans in general. the Returning from the Beyond after fixing Kazuwari's problems (or making them worse) is only one part of the problem. The immigrants were called Poor Palatines: poor in reference to their pitiful and impoverished state upon arrival in England, and Palatines since many of them came from lands controlled by the Elector Palatine. Chris, The 1709ers German Palatinates 52 Ancestors #137,,,,,,, At different periods, various causes and diverse motives induced Germans to abandon their Vaterland. Map of Major Palatine For now, Ive arranged an interlibrary loan but would love to have the copy since she details so much about the groups migration. I have sent a link to all the members (around 130) of our New York Chapter of Palatines to America. There is a Palatine Project on FTDNA:, The is a companion site for the FTDNA Palatine DNA Project at A few years afterward, others followed them. This group is just starting up but people are joining and sharing their GEDmatch DNA kits. Germany to England to New York to Wisconsin and in the 1940s to California. Ancestors, Voting Rights, & William Penn October 31, 2022. St. Katherines is between the Hermitage Park, where Im standing in this photo, and the Tower Bridge. 20, a NY Historical Marker locates the original 1712 Palatine road to Schoharie. Secondary Sources to be used with Caution, Pennsylvania German Pioneers: A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, A collection of upwards of Thirty-thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and other Immigrants in Pennsylvania from 1727 1776, Even More Palatine Families: 18th Century Immigrants to the American Colonies and Their German, Swiss, and Austrian Origins, I performed a Google search London Lists AND Palatines 1709, a lot of hits came up! . Palatine Arrivals in New York in 1710 - WikiTree The Minnesota Vikings have completed the NFL draft process by selecting six players and adding 15 undrafted free agents. What to do? The Platines hereafter named for . Palatine Children Apprenticed by Gov. Hunter in New York 1710-1714 Palatine They started The Old Stoney Creek Church. When the fleet of eleven ships finally reached New York in June, they had been on board for six months. (If you believe you are descended along the direct female line from a FEMALE member of the Palatine Emigration, this project will not be suitable for you. On entering the fertile, charming valley in New Jersey, which is drained by the meandering Musconctcong, the Passaic and their tributaries, and having reached a goodly land, they resolve to remain in what is now known as the German Valley of Morrison county. Bremen, a village in the same county, and Frankfort, in Waldo county, were undoubtedly laid out, or settled by Germans, as the names would indicate. In NY, the Palatines were expected to work for the British authorities, producing naval stores [tar and pitch] for the navy in return for their passage to NY. It consists of a trench cut into the ground deeper than the water table. Henry "Hank" Jones, FASG, is the leading authority on these immigrants. WebTOWN OF PALATINE MONTGOMERY COUNTY, NY The Town of Palatine Ancestor Registry is for families you've accurately traced to this township only. The first boats packed with refugees began arriving in early May 1709. Hunter is far easier than Paladin; however, Paladin offers melee dps, healer, and tank specializations. Penn's liberal views, and illiberal course of the government of New York toward the Germans, induced many to come to this Province. Wish everyone well in their family journeys. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Palatine One hundred of them were massacred by the Tuskarora Indians, Sept 22, 1707. Do not treat the "official" work of a family association as having any special credibility or legal authority over a family's history -- their publications should be evaluated the same way that we would evaluate another author's work. I apologize but Im not where I can check my genealogy right now so please bear with me for a few days. 2008 - 2023 INTERESTING.COM, INC. Hopefully we can work together to help you in your research into your Palatine ancestors and help the larger community of Palatine descendants. The Kau-ta-tn-chunk (Kittatiny or Blue Mountain) extending from the Delaware hundreds of miles westwards, was not an insurmountable barrier - that they crossed and laid out farms where shortly afterwards they, their wives and children, were exposed to the torch, hatchet and scalping knife of the savages, and their midnight assault and slaughter. Katherine by the Tower.. Roberta, I love this story. Thank you so much for this interesting article on the Palatinates. WebEleven or twelve ships sailed from London in 1710, carrying about 3200 Palatine immigrants to New York. History of the Palatine Emigration to America, Some Hints My 5th great grandfather is Melchor Engle 1720-1760 vfrom Palatine Germany. The first set, 2-I signifies the number of adults is 2 and 1 child under 10 years of age in 1710, the second set, 2-0 signifies the number of adults was 2 and no children under 10 years of age in 1712. There they suffered great misery, in the midst of which, and by force of which, Walrath died. The exciting new world of genetic genealogy awaits you. Footnotes - The Spickermans: A Palatine Family - Google Sites . NY Palatine Subsistence Lists of NY Governor Robert Hunter 1710-1712. I had Simmons and other lines arrive with them. At that time, these accommodationswere tenements by the docks in an unsavory area. Lists to England, 2nd to 6th Sailings, Names These are wonderful resources. Hi Roberta, Also, the book are looking for was published not long ago. Thanks to DNA testing, I discovered only about a year ago that my dad was adopted.:-(. Needless to say, my genealogy research is now entirely focused on trying to break down this wall. Luanabee, I cant help you with the book but I have some suggestions for DNA research. I rather suspect by the time the family left Germany they had long forgotten their Asian origins. In 1705, a number of German Reformed residing between Wolfenbuttel and Halberstadt, fled to Neuwied, a town of Rhenish Prussia, where they remained some time, and then went to Holland - there embarked, in 1707, for New York. In 1765, upwards of six hundred from the Palatine and Swabia were sent over from London and had a township of land set apart for them. Yay! p. Yet another privilege we have as genealogists: rediscovering and passing on this knowledge! By summer, some were moved to the fields and barns of Blackheath and Camberwell, now part of metropolitan London. Also known as : Johann Heinrich Schenkel List - Master Conrad Weiser's camp was at Queensbury. Sadly, this church was destroyed in 1825 when the area was razed to build the St. Katharine Docks. Some of the German-speaking people that came to North America did not come directly. Read the front matter in Jones books, and write to him. Gentlemen of Albany having purchased land around them, to hem them in. A visit to Embury and Heck memorial church contains a horn blown by the burgermeister or Palatine leader to summon general meetings in the early days of the colony. for distribution, sale, or profit. Compiled and Arranged by Lou D. MacWethy Johan and Catherine were married in 1710, about a year after Catherines first husband, George Mueller, died on the boat trip. Great, Great, Great, Great Grandparents of John Delos Smith Thanks Roberta for the inspiration. This list was found in the Public Record Office, C.O. Reconstructions were based on the assumption that the Hunter lists are arranged roughly chronologically in the order of the immigrants' arrival at New York. Here they remained til late in autumn, when about fourteen hundred were removed, one hundred miles up the Hudson river, to Livingston Manor. They lived some time at German town, and in the vicinity of Philadelphia. Ive found that the definitive genealogical work for our 1710s (when many arrived in the American Colonies) is The Palatine Families of New York: a study of the German immigrants who arrived in colonial New York in 1710, Henry Z. Jones Who were their people? My maternal grandparents were Lasher/Loesher and Finkle/Finckel. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. 91. With the offseason program underway, the depth chart is going to see some changing. The Germans, being unjustly oppressed, became dissatisfied both with their treatment, and with their situation. In this, too, he failed. The 1709 London Census of Palatines was published by The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. Thanks. There were many Schaffers in this group, according to Henry Z. Jones, Jr., The Palatine Families of New York 1710. It is their form of diminutive. The orphans were apprenticed by Governor Hunter, to citizens of New York and of New Jersey. It does however, skip forward some 304 years, to September 2013. (Hunter Lists #263) was married that same day to his second wife, Maira 5/1230 and was corrected from the accompanying "ledger" C.O. It turns out my only Muller ancestor was another Palatine. My Swiss Palatine family, Isaac Hutto (aka Huttow, Otto) didnt come through New York, they came in July 1735 to Charleston, SC on the ship Oliver from Rotterdam as indentured servants all, both parents & their children. Roberta spoke to a PalAm meeting in Germantown, NY some years ago, soon after I founded that project. being ye 6 October) to this day make 89 days. p. Many of these men were assigned so-called Hunter List numbers when they arrived in New York State. Gerhart Walrath & Anna Maria Reffi are married. I may speak to my Lasher and Finkle cousins to see if any of them are interested. Family History of WebPalatine Family History of Adam Haines and 2009 Family Gathering On August 15th many of the descendants of Elizabeth (Froelich) Haines/Heins (1754-1837) and who was listed as "Urbanus Haintz" on Governor Robert Hunter's ration list on August 4, 1710. 1 pp. 5/1231. After 1716, Germans, a few French and Dutch, began to penetrate the forest or wilderness - some twenty, thirty, forty, others from sixty to seventy miles, west and north from the metropolis. Prior to 1754, Wendel Braun, and his two sons, and Frederik Waltser, located four miles west of Uniontown. Ancestry has a large database of users for their DNA project but they are behind in the tools they offer to look at matches. I have added the resources which you listed on that page. Check the Rhonebeck and Poughkeepsie libraries for important genealogical collections. These two classes, Newlander and speculators, resorted to diverse arts in order to effect their purposes. This couple came to America in 1714 and were among the original settlers of the Germanna Colony in northern Virginia. I too descend from Jost Henrich Schaffer and many more Palatines. Unfortunately, they became defunct in 2018. If your dad has the surname youre looking for, I recommend that he take a Y-DNA test ( April 20, 2023, 3:36 PM PDT. I did not know that!!! [1] Three principal sources documenting the identities of individuals involved in this large migration are: (1) The Rotterdam Sailing Lists of 1709 (Holland), (2) The London Census of Palatines of 1709 (England), (3) The Hunter Subsistence Lists 1710-1712 (New York). Sounds like a heart attack or stroke as it was in the middle of August when he died & we know how hot it gets in SC in that time of year. Determined, however, to reach the place for which they were destined - to have a home among the Dutch, they took the overland route from Philadelphia to New York. There are apparently 8 people with the Egli surname who have tested, but the only one I could find in any project was from France. Subjects Surname Subjects Arnold Bairin Becker Bender Bhler Locality Subjects It sure is fun to research the ancestors and the history surrounding them. In 1740, those who had remained, left Georgia and joined their brethren in Pennsylvania. Thank you for this article and thank EVERYBODY for all the links within the comments. The Palatines - UELAC 2. This post is a few years old, so not sure if youre still interested in the y-dna of the Palatine group. Both these show the number drawn for by the Perhaps you can start there to find, if there was an immigrant to Germany /Pfalz. Sorry to say I no longer admin this project. Book of Names, Governor Hunter's Ration Lists The Palatines began boarding ships in London in December 1709, but did not leave England until April 1710. The English tried to settle them in England, Ireland, and the Colonies. Jones Jr., Henry Z., and Burgert, Annette K., Westerwald to America; 1989. Notice there is also a Palatine Y-DNA project at FTDNA: Also, it this literally just for Y DNA or do you accept autosomal? Jim Wilson. of the First Palatines to London England 1709, Embarkation I receive a small contribution when you click on some of the links to vendors in my articles. of the records there with the result that the ledger accounts of Governor Schenectady in 1690 was destroyed by a force of French and Iroquois Indians from Canada. The 1709ers, by contrast, wererather unskilled rural laborers, neither sufficiently educated nor healthy enough for most types of employment. All children over 10 yrs were given the full allowance for an adult and were not distinguished from more mature members of the family. My dad (kit #A401371) matches your kit #A206179 on Chromosome 20, 7.2 cM. Perhaps DNA testing will help with this. Dallas Mavericks Coaching Staff, Seacoast Church Staff, Oconee County Sc Arrests 2020, Articles H

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January 28th 2022. As I write this impassioned letter to you, Naomi, I would like to sympathize with you about your mental health issues that