Inside the Republican party, the outcome of the fight was more uncertain, in part by the larger number of candidates (seventeen vs. six), and the leading position occupied by Jeb Bush in the beginning of the primaries. the United States of America. Like to punch him in the face, I'll tell you. Note. The rhetorical situation is the context out of a which a text is created. To avoid this problem, a better computation is provided in (Covington and McFall, 2010) or (Popescu, 2009), suggesting taking the moving average of TTR. Traditionally, teachers have encouraged students to engage with and interpret literaturenovels, poems, short stories, and plays. Based on US presidential speeches, that study presents the rhetorical and stylistic differences between the US presidents from Truman to Reagan, while a more recent book (Hart et al., 2013) exposes the stylistic variations from G. W. Bush to Obama. <> B) A person is attacked rather than an argument. Using the LIWC system, Slatcher et al. Jobs' speech can be divided into five parts which are the introductory part to evoke the graduates' interest regarding the topic discussed, the three life anecdotes, and the . To analyze the rhetoric and style of presidential writings, the first quantitative linguistics studies focused on the word usages and their frequencies. 'we, us, ours', or 'wars, war') or lemmas (dictionary entries such as 'we' or 'war . Barack Obama Inaugural Address: Analysis Introduction. Students conduct research on issues and interests by generating ideas and questions, and by posing problems. Select two options. the Congress) and these studies are mainly grounded on the written form. What are bank runs, deposit insurance, and liquidity? endobj The strategies used in developing the structure of the speech and the rhetorical strategies are closely connected. Pataki (R), Jindal (R), Lessig (D)) or just appear in one (e.g. They need to understand the climate, but they do not need to be complete experts on the historical details in order to understand the elements of the speech. Essay Rubric: This rubric is used as a guide for students as they are writing their essay, and for teachers to use as a grading tool. One can compare them to those employed by US presidents in their inaugural addresses (Kubt and Cech, 2016). In this lesson plan, students consider the rhetorical devices in the address JFK delivered on January 20, 1961. we, us, ours, or wars, war) or lemmas (dictionary entries such as we or war from the previous example) often lead to similar conclusions. How might worldwide demand for gasoline affect the economy of the Gulf coastal plain? Based on this perspective, the longest distance (0.251) connects Trump and OMalley, and the second longest (0.181) links Paul to OMalley. They draw on their prior experience, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics). specifically the only three presidential speeches that have been designed for children. A more general overview of using different computer-based strategy to detect and extract topical information from political texts can be found in (Grimmer and Stewart, 2013). As another frequently used word, one can see say (five candidates), country, know, go (four candidates), and president, think for three candidates. In this table, the maximum value per grammatical category is shown in bold, and the minimum in italics. Moreover, Cruzs explanations tend to include more names (see Table 4), and many of them (IRS, Maria, Obamacare, Donald, Carter, Biden, ) occur in these examples. On the bottom part, one can find the Democrats, with a shorter distance between Clinton and Sanders than with OMalley. To achieve this, the computation ignored all functional words for all texts. In the Brown corpus, the top ten most frequent lemmas are as follows: the, be, of, and, to, a, in, he, have, it. In this table, the personal pronouns are depicted in bold. Have them choose an audience to whom they would deliver an argumentative speech. The following rhetorical strategies were analyzed: metaphors, metonymies, analogies, pronouns, the active or passive voice . It should be noted that, regarding the four indices, Clinton is closer to OMalley or Cruz than to Trump. A Rhetorical Criticism and Analysis of President Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Address: Applying the Burkeian Dramatistic Pentad Approach Marzuki Jamil Baki bin Haji Mohamed Johar Bachik Eastern Illinois University This research is a product of the graduate program inSpeech Communicationat Eastern Illinois University. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. 00:00 / 00:00. rhetorical devices also helped in analyzing Obama's rhetorical strategies to understand the connection of the president's ar guments with respect to its logos, ethos, and pathos. tgm=-~dH++jD$f+[zwZT]R-QnGG!B_>L{\DIm$N`=jD`j8=P:&Wm/? Democratic presidential candidate in 1952 and 1956. Decide whether you want to allow more than one student to analyze and write about the same speech in each class. But he also threatens violence more than any of his predecessors have. Abstract: This paper analyzes President Obama's rhetoric in his two inaugural addresses in order to determine how his presidential rhetoric conforms and violates current rhetorical traditions in inaugural addresses. (2003) was first applied. The thesis statement should answer the following question: What makes this speech an effective argument and worthy of making this list? 920. And during his four years in the White House, he has left a mark on American politics and policies. Senators Cruz or OMalley have a more sophisticated communication style, employing longer sentences and a more complex lexicon. So, you know, a typical president would sit down with a reporter and answer questions. There are four rhetorical appeals: ethos, kairos, logos, and pathos. And he lets them know that they shouldn't trust anyone but him. As a first indicator, one can consider the mean sentence length (MSL) reflecting a syntactical choice. (2003) describe a methodology to extract political positions from texts. The technical term is basic level. The intensity of his ego can also be revealed by the fact that the most specific term in his dialogue is also the pronoun I (see Table 6). 1. In this figure, the longest distance (0.510) connects Paul and OMalley, and the second longest distance (0.496) links Trump to OMalley. Hillary Clinton can also be characterized by a large use of the pronoun I (fourth most frequent lemma, see Table 2) that is also over-used (see Table 6). Another element of rhetorical analysis is simply reading and summarizing the text. Explain. Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. has been a valued source of information and understanding for more than 200 years, helping people around the world meet their needs and fulfill their aspirations. Reserve the library for Session Three so the students can do research on their speeches. When considering the most frequent lemmas, the candidates can be split into two groups, one using more frequently the pronoun I, and the second favoring more the we (which corresponds to candidates leaving the presidential run sooner). Le discours des premiers ministres qubcois: 1960-2005. Professor Mercieca, thanks for talking with us. Just considering the ten most frequent words, similar sets appearing with each candidate and the difference between them lies on their ranking as shown previously. Teachers can choose to have students focus on one or more historical inaugurations and analyze the speeches by looking at the historical challenges facing the nation, topics discussed in the. Former governors tend to use more frequently the we than the I (e.g. Oftentimes, students assume the speaker is the author, and thats sometimes not the case. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Four global stylistic measurements according to TV debates. The questions that you can use to examine a text's rhetorical situation are in Chapter 6.2. The author wants to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions and remarks. Our findings must be confirmed by other studies comparing other electoral campaigns and taking into account the written form (e.g. By exploring myths and truths surrounding Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, students think critically about commonly believed stories regarding this famous speech from the Civil War era. A text is, however, a composite item in which one finds both the style with its lexical, syntactical, or discourse factors, and the recurrent words belonging to the topics. After peer response has taken place, use the. The analysis of the most frequent terms reveals some important themes of the 2016 primary election. But Trump was able to beat all his opponents and won the nomination for the Republican party (21 July 2016). Be sure that your students are familiar with rhetorical strategies, literary devices, SOAPS, tone, diction, etc. Download. Moreover, such analysis reveals more the style than the preferred themes. How does repetition create meaning in this excerpt? To help your students analyze these primary sources, get a graphic organizer and guides: Analysis Tool and Guides Each presidential speech is unique. Knowing that this matrix is symmetric and that the distance to itself is nil, we still have (81 9)/2 values. In this figure, the distance between two candidates is indicated by the lengths of the lines connecting them. What is the occasion for the speech? Bush, Kasich) with OMalley having a very distinctive style in this point of view. Page ! Even if a long sentence is required, its length does not guarantee an easy understanding. In another study, Yu (2013) reveals that (political) feminine figures tend to use emotional words more frequently and employ more personal pronouns than men. This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. One can count nine word tokens (or simply tokens) and six word types (or types). Using the maximum likelihood principle, this probability is estimated as p(ti) = (tfi0 + tfi1)/n. He argues about the values of hard work and taking responsibility for paving your own way to success, even though the obstacles seems difficult. Jennifer Mercieca studies American political rhetoric at Texas A&M University, and she's the author of "Demagogue For President: The Rhetorical Genius Of Donald Trump.". He believed that the repetition of a simple message, even if false (Millbank, 2016), is enough to persuade the citizens that it is true. O to explain why military action is necessary The sentence is longer that the MSL (18.3) for this candidate. You will first choose the speech you will analyze for the final speech. Set up students inheterogeneousgroups of four. A RHETORICAL ANALYSIS OF DONALD J. TRUMP'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS DANIELLE F. DICKERSON 2019 In this thesis, I utilized three distinct theories (ideographs, dramatism, and the bully pulpit) to rhetorically analyze and assess President Trump's 2017 inaugural address. As demonstrated previously, Trump opted for a simple and direct communication style, preferring short sentences with simple words. What is the main reason a speaker might use exclusive language? O A person is attacked rather than an argument. Require students to write a graduation speech or a speech on another topic. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. This research was supported, in part, by the NSF under Grant #200021_149665/1. His answers contain more nouns and names adopting a more descriptive rhetoric. What is Speech Analysis? One possible approach is to extract a reduced set of specific sentences from each candidate. So when you have a president using those rhetorical strategies sort of every day, you know, using it against the media, using it against members of his own party, using it against the political opposition, what it is essentially is a call to warfare. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming. Read the first three paragraphs of Franklin Roosevelt's request for a declaration of war. Better performance levels can be achieved when the training examples are extracted from the same time period as the test set. This new representation has been chosen, and the result is displayed in Fig. In common, one can find the terms people, or country. Subjects: . ReadWriteThink Notetaker: Students use this interactive tool to help them track their notes they take in preparation for their essay. Taking another strategy, one can use the h-point splitting the vocabulary into two parts. To distinguish between these two main components, the first map will use the stylistic aspects while the second will take into account the topical elements. . The appeal to political sentiment: An analysis of Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's speech themes and discourse strategies in the 2016 US presidential election. Does the analysis of TV debates make it possible to detect their style and rhetoric? TRUMP: What a stupid question. Tree-based graphs are more appropriate when displaying similarities between author profiles or stylistic affinities between works (Labb and Labb, 2006; Labb, 2007). Usually, a longer sentence is more complex to understand, especially in the oral communication form. These examples show that Cruzs rhetoric is more complex with the highest LD mean and the largest percentage of BW (see Table 3). Can one discover the rhetorical features that can explain a Trump or Clinton success? And so what that means is that you can't predict who exactly will respond, but you can predict with certainty that someone will respond. They then draft two conclusions for their essay, select one, and reflect on what they have learned through the process. The fourth describes and applies different measurements and methods to define and compare the rhetoric and style of the different candidates. He's also changed the way political leaders talk. This sentence was selected through the over-used words I, not, deal (see Table 6), as well as bad, do, have, and just. As it is extracted from a transcript, the sentence is not necessarily syntactically perfect. Several factors influencing the style are therefore fixed. For Clinton, the term affordable must be related to the Affordable Care Act (or health insurance reform). This strategy guide clarifies the difference between persuasion and argumentation, stressing the connection between close reading of text to gather evidence and formation of a strong argumentative claim about text. The rhetorical situation analysis consists of four elements: audience, occasion, speaker and speech, each assessing the quality of speech. The authors scrutinized the role of the audience in Bush's and Obama's victory speeches. 1 0 obj After gaining skill through analyzing a historic and contemporary speech as a class, students will select a famous speech from a list compiled from several resourcesand write an essay that identifies and explains the rhetorical strategies that the author deliberately chose while crafting the text to make an effective argument. Analyzing Rhetorical Strategies in Presidenti, clauses: building and refining compound and c, Clauses: Building and Refining Compound and C, Writing and Argumentative Essay about the Nob, Analyzing Rhetorical Techniques in Machiavell, ELA 10 - Analyzing a Seminal US Document (Pre, Analyzing Ideas, Structure, and Purpose in Ma, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, AP English Language Glossary (***Rhetorical T. President Lincoln was a skilled statesman, orator, and . 2, the intertextual distance is computed according to topical words, and no word used to draw Fig. Grounded on the MSL, LD, and BW indicators, one can see that Trump is adopting a more direct communication style, selecting simple words and producing short sentences. You may also use the glossary to help you. You know, in a way, he's like an authoritarian P.T. X American historians and educators. Provide a copy of the. From overall stylistic measurements shown in Table 3, Ted Cruz appears with higher values than the mean. This website includes information on finding and documenting sources in the MLA format. When a question is discussed, the choice of the word can make the difference. Begin the lesson by asking students what needs to be present in order for a speech to occur. This set of words indicates the political electoral parlance or recurrent words used by politicians during an election. Looking at her most specific sentences, Clinton tends to produce rather long sentences reflecting a more complex reasoning. With Trump and Clinton, one can find also relatively high PTC values compared to the other candidates. 8 25 We'll see. Students study Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech and work in groups to create a mural that depicts Dr. King's vision of peace. The previous section focusses mainly on stylistic features, both at the lexical and syntactical level. they dont like seeing ) in Trumps comments. So scholars call that stochastic terrorism. xksg#N=f%qI>P$EHF& 1E]~O6m6lzf~?|\N?xX-O?m6jF/:'g gMN7~-_/NLf/_4Y!'Y#;rlS?5/~|lxR:M` For him, all appearances and comments on the media were an opportunity for self-promotion. In the three sentences above, most of the words are less than six letters long (short words), and many of them are functional words (explaining his low LD). Types of Rhetorical Strategies. Donald Trump seemed sincere, authentic, saying what he thinks, putting aside political correctness.
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