Dale Gertz Buck: 208-Inch Maryland Record March 05, 2013 By David Ziegler Every whitetail hunter I have ever met has had a dream in which they are about to arrow a truly giant buck. The stand is near a marsh close to the Potomac River. I'm sure glad it worked out that way." The Department of Natural Resources leads Maryland in securing a sustainable future for our environment, society, and economy by preserving, protecting, restoring, and enhancing the States natural resources. It has a total of 44 points, beams in the low-to-mid 20s, and an inside spread of 23 3/8 inches. To be on the safe side, Jordan quickly went back into action. Route 472 before entering Pennsylvania. However, the inside spread is only 14 2/8 inches. People gathered around the deer at the check station. _____ Silently he sneaks along, the deer don't even know. Billy's buck became an overnight sensation and Billy became an overnight celebrity. . From the time the second buck disappeared to the time Billy actually fired, only a few seconds had elapsed. "I've always done my best to follow his advice in both my hunting career and my everyday life, and look what happened!". Two state Wildlife Management Area's (WMA's) in Dorchester County offer sika hunting opportunities. Each deer or turkey checked in will have its own confirmation number. The huge deer stopped. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) - Updated Information, Frequently Asked Questions about White-tailed Deer, Deer Hunting: An Effective Management Tool, Deer Hunting - A Valuable Deer Management Tool for Private Landowners, Cornell University Community Deer Adviser. Based on body size, as well as antler mass and width, the buck appeared to be mature. "All of a sudden, he stopped at about 120 yards and bedded down in the 6-foot-tall marsh grass. Interestingly, 30 of the points on Padgetts buck are abnormal. This deer ranks No. Despite being the top dog in the Constitution State, it ranks No. Pat Hogan heads to Georgia to do his part to manage the destructive hog population. Back in 2010, Jordan's trail camera had detected a large 8-pointer in one of those fields. | ', "'Good luck!' With heart-pounding excitement, Billy prepared for the shot. Louisianas top nontypical was home to Tensas Parish. In some extremely rare cases, the above rules may cause a normal user to receive this error. But she was off that night, so I was able to go hunting. Both beams are over 27 inches, and only one of eight mass measurements exceeds 5 inches. It even. Killed in Johnston County, the Foster deer is No. "I looked at my watch, and it was 3:45 p.m." Jordan figures that from the time he spotted the monster buck until he put an arrow into his lungs, roughly a minute elapsed though it seemed a lot longer. 6pt-sika. The left antler's seven abnormals measure 17 3/8 inches for a whopping 57 1/8 total non-typical inches. (2) A big game harvest record of deer and turkey harvested by a hunter serves to record a hunter's kill. November day in 1926, Minnesota. The inside spread is 22 inches, and beams are 26 3/8 and 23 5/8 inches. I couldn't see him at all when he was bedded and the weather was so miserable that I thought about leaving several times. 745 all-time. It's not just names and numbers. Upon finding the shed, Billy immediately went to find his hunting partner, Paul Junior. The female deer meandered toward the mineral lick, taking about 25 minutes to close the distance. Farmers, hunters and wildlife officials recognize that the female component of the herd must be aggressively dealt with to help alleviate crop losses and prevent serious destruction to the habitat. If you have a question or need to retrieve a confirmation number, call your local Wildlife and Heritage Service office (. With a spread of 23 4/8 inches and mass measurements ranging from 4 1/8 to 6 2/8 inches, this is an all-around great deer. It boasts a lot of points, though, which boosts its scores so high. Since then, Maryland has continued to rack up impressive entries for the record books. Hunters not required to have a license must obtain a free DNRid number and a free Maryland Big Game Harvest Record if they intend to hunt deer or turkeys. Its also the largest nontypical of all time, anywhere. Carrying 26 7/8- and 28 6/8-inch main beams dont hurt, either. It ranks No. Submit the form on that page to have it removed from their database within 24 hours. Hunters interested in pursuing the elusive sika will find the field-dressed weights of yearling females to average 45lbs, with 53lbs the average dressed weight for yearling males. Like all other good stands, this one had a name: "The Hotel." 1 in Oklahoma and No. In that same article, Dick provided details of Jack Poole's 228 4/8-inch non-typical, along with an even bigger one found dead by farmer Rob Saunders in a soybean field. A 6-point stag is a trophy, with 8-pointers being extremely rare. Overall, it has 39 points, moderate mass, and great beam length. Gordon Whittington goes home to central Texas armed with a modern flintlock rifle, with a twist. . Ranking No. 19 all-time, this 30-point buck is a spectacle. These bugles usually consist of a series of three whistles, heard primarily during early morning and late afternoon. And the buck in question would not simply be a "big" buck. Sunday is gonna be good. Give a Gift Fishing Bay WMA, call the district office at LeCompte WMA: 410-376-3236. Mike Clerkin offers advice for hunting whitetails with a pistol. and when he looked back, he was shocked to see the big deer quickly walking uphill, angling sharply away from his stand! (Photo credit: Maryland Department of Natural Resources) Huge 17-point buck would have been new B&C state record. "I put my 30-yard sight pin right behind his left front leg and touched my release," Jordan says. The buck didn't stray too far from the security of the swampy bottom, and based on the sheds he could enter the 2002 season as an 8 1/2-year-old. In Jordan's case, it all began with the opportunity to hunt. "I was pretty sure it was the same buck whose shed I'd found on the beaver dam . to ensure the present and future well-being of deer and their habitat; maintain deer populations at levels necessary to ensure compatibility with human land uses and natural communities; encourage and promote the recreational use and enjoyment of the deer resource; and inform and educate Maryland citizens concerning deer biology, management options, and the impacts that deer have on landscapes and people. "The sky was clear and I had a slight breeze coming off the river and hitting me in the face," Billy says. "'Why don't you try to grunt and make him stand up?' "It didn't have much longer to run. "I've killed maybe 15 deer, most with a bow.". With 25 points, an 18 1/8-inch inside spread, 26 7/8- and 27-inch beams, and moderate mass, its a great whitetail. The man was sentenced for poaching a 17-point deer that was a potential state-record crossbow kill, based on Boone and Crocket scoring (Image from Maryland Department of Natural Resources press release) 1 in the state, its No. He's got points going everywhere!'". Finally, after an hour of non-stop monitoring of the windfall, Kevin's attention wandered for only a few seconds . Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. It ranks No. Excellent habitat, fertile soil and science-based wildlife management have given us a world-class White-tailed Deer herd, a robust and expanding American Black Bear population, and a unique "Maryland-only" residency of Sika Deer. maryland state record sika deer - Leading Edge Flying Club We published Marylands first comprehensive big game record book titled Marylands Finest: The Records and the Legacy, with plans to publish the Second Edition in 2023. Haynes Shelton provides some tips for planning and setting up shooting lanes. It scored 202 1/8. The main beams are over 20 and 22 inches, and the inside spread is 17 6/8 inches. "Two guys loading hay saw me with the deer and came over and took some pictures," Jordan recalls. Gordon Whittington offers tips on ensuring your weapon is accurate while traveling. Taken in Grant County, its No. 15 all-time, its a huge deer, and scores so highly thanks to 47 points. These items may be obtained from a Department of Natural Resources Service Center, Department of Natural Resources Sport License agen t or online at dnr.maryland.gov/pages/licensing.aspx. marylands state record buck. Check if your IP address is listed on DroneBL or StopForumSpam.com. At precisely 3:45 p.m., Billy looked past the bedded giant and saw a second buck with a large white rack. Why was Jordan toting his bow when he could have taken a smokepole instead? 5,911 all-time. ause my whole body was shaking with excitement and anticipation. 8540, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. With 38 points, it ranks No. With 27 points, this deer is truly a spectacle, and has quite a unique rack, even for a nontypical whitetail. All rights reserved. Maryland Man Convicted of Poaching 17-Point Buck - Deer and Deer Hunting But big nontypical whitetailssporting racks covered in drop tines, extra main beams, and a dizzying number of pointsare on another level. The non-typical record was shot in Charles County by Donza Watson in 2007. Two measurements are over 8 inches, one is over 7 inches, and four are over 5 inches. During the last couple of decades, the primary focus of the Deer Project has been to slow a rapidly growing deer population. I'd rather hunt with a bow anyway," notes the young sportsman, who's been a bowhunter since the age of 13. 9 all-time, this 45-pointer is a monster. "I'd already made up my mind I was going to shoot a doe if nothing else came along. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ There are a number of reasons: Maryland, like a lot of the other top trophy producers, has a firearms season that starts after peak rut. 384 all-time, it gets there with 28 total points. Haynes Shelton provides some tips for planning and setting up shooting lanes. Oh, and like seven drop tines doesnt hurt. A Maryland man was convicted this week for poaching a potential state-record whitetail deer on a neighbor's property last fall. Gordon Whittington gets technical with his TenPoint crossbow, specifically relating to space awareness. Pending Maryland State Sika Deer Archery Record - Paco Kelly's Its one of 14 Alabama bucks to make the all-time list. Fortunately, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources has been responsive to landowner needs and allows, when conditions warrant, yearlong harvest of antlerless deer via deer management permits. bucks-bears-stags.com, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. Managed Deer Hunting Programs - Maryland Hunting | eRegulations All North American Whitetail subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. I could see his body and I tried to get a reading, but nothing happened after I pushed the button. Information reported to the hotline in the past has helped to eliminate certain fraudulent activities and protect State resources. Looking through his scope, Kevin saw the right side rack of a huge buck bedded in the windfall. Jay Downes bagged a 173-inch 4x4 with his shotgun. It's definitely one of the most impressive racks I've ever scored!". Not only did that make the Miller buck a record for Maryland, he was also the biggest East Coast typical submitted for entry into the B&C record book since New York's Roosevelt Luckey buck (198 3/8), which was shot way back in 1939! 1,923 all-time. Something big was about to happen. Thus, many of the management techniques used for white-tailed deer (i.e., food plots, warm season grasses, etc.) In fact, in 1998 Kevin had found the buck's matched set of sheds from the 1997 growing season, and they had scored approximately 164 inches -- really impressive for a deer believed to have been just 3 1/2 years old when he wore that rack. After it was pulled from the dam's muddy surface and cleaned off, it taped out at 82 inches as one half of a 10-point rack. To the best of their ability, they ensure that the trophies entered into the records were taken in accordance with the tenets offair chase ethics. But it really shines in the mass department. Three tines are over 13 inches, and one is. Muzzleloader hunter Bill Shields got a 22-point 199 3/8-inch non-typical. Hunters are required to furnish the confirmation number to taxidermists and processors/butchers before they can leave their deer or turkey. "My boss' property has big hay fields they use to feed horses." 'He has no idea you are here and he's quietly bedded. We believe that the future of hunting rests with the young, therefore we encourage Youth participation and offer measuring for Youth-captured game.
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