Tenga en cuenta: las cuotas de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica, cuotas deportivas y algunas cuotas de cursos especficos (como educacin vial, educacin fsica flexible y sesin de conduccin) seguirn aplicndose durante el ao escolar 2022-23. Student schedules for the 2022-2023 school year will be released accordingly: Student schedules can only be viewed using PowerSchool SIS. Los estudiantes que puedan ser identificados como "contactos cercanos" de alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 no sern excluidos de asistir a la escuela. Parents and guardians should use these guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities for the following diagnoses: Strep Throat: On the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours, Conjunctivitis: On the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician, New Unexplained Rash: Assessed by a doctor, especially if open and draining or spreading before returning. Click here to view the District 300 student dress code for the 2022-2023 school year. Es posible que algunos de los temas a continuacin solo se apliquen a grupos de padres especficos. Student schedules for the 2022-2023 school year will be released accordingly: Student schedules can only be viewed using PowerSchool SIS. As previously communicated, the district will transition from monthly early releases to late starts. The PAC provided parents and guardians with the opportunity to learn more about District 300 operations, policies, initiatives, and Board functions. Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, visite, Pautas de Comunicacin para Padres y Tutores. Families can and should verify their student transportation information in the PowerSchool Parent Portal to confirm their students' most current bus stop information. El desayuno estar disponible en todas las escuelas al costo de $1.60 por comida. School safety is one of District 300s top priorities. The district will, A listing of required immunizations/vaccinations can be found at, Please submit all health forms or proof of upcoming appointments to the office of your students school nurse or via an email to, Invitation to Join the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Las familias pueden y deben verificar la informacin de transporte de sus estudiantes en el Portal para Padres de PowerSchool para confirmar la informacin ms actualizada de las paradas de autobs de sus estudiantes. Any change due to the student will be applied to the student's meal account. Cada inicio tarde a clases tendr un horario de campana retrasado de dos (2) horas para todas las escuelas de K-12. Where schools are reopening in the US. Los estudiantes que no estn al da con los exmenes de salud y los requisitos de vacunacin no podrn asistir a la escuela hasta que se presenten todos los formularios requeridos. Other symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, such as: District 300 asks parents and guardians to use the following guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities: Fever-free for at least 24 hours, without medication, Free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. Todos los estudiantes de preescolar a quinto grado recibirn un "pase de mochila de autobs" de su maestro para el nuevo ao escolar en su primer da de clases. Se puede encontrar informacin adicional en la pgina web de la escuela preparatoria: A los estudiantes que ingresen a los grados 3-12 se les pedir que restablezcan su contrasea de Rapid Identity antes del comienzo del ao escolar. Throughout the 2022-23 academic year, Superintendent Susan Harkin will send parents and guardians regular updates that include: These updates will be sent out via RCS messaging and will also be included in the District 300Communication Center atwww.d300.org/CommunicationCenter. The student bell times for Late Starts are listed below: To access a PDF document containing Late Start bell times for each grade level, please click here. El personal de la escuelano realizar el rastreo de contactos. Auburn Hills, Michigan, April 28, 2023 BorgWarner is partnering with the School District of the City of Pontiac to provide proprietary sequential charging with its direct current fast chargers (DCFC) for the districts fleet of 25 IC electric school buses. Los eventos especficos de la escuela se pueden encontrar en la pgina de inicio de su escuela en la seccin titulada "Prximos Eventos". To ensure a smooth start to the academic year, each schools pick-up and drop-off procedures have been posted to their respective websites. Students who choose not to wear a mask may return ten (10) days after the onset of symptoms or testing positive. Cualquier cambio que se le deba al estudiante se aplicar a la cuenta de comida del estudiante. El Centro de Comunicacin del Distrito 300 incluye mensajes importantes relacionados con el ao escolar 2022-23 que tambin se han enviado a los padres y tutores a travs de mensajes RCS. During the last two academic years, the district maintained a public-facing COVID-19 data dashboard that tracked the number of positive cases in each school. A parent must have a smartphone or tablet device to download the app. Actualizacin del Tablero de Informacin de COVID-19. A pesar de que no es un organismo que toma decisiones, los comentarios del PAC se tendrn en cuenta en las futuras recomendaciones del distrito. (tenga en cuenta: los estudiantes de preescolar no siguen el horario de campana de inicio tarde del distrito. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handbook, please refer to the Communication Guidelines for Parents and Guardians.". El Centro de Comunicacin del Distrito 300 incluye mensajes importantes relacionados con el ao escolar 2022-23 que tambin se han enviado a los padres y tutores a travs de mensajes RCS. Students who may be identified as close contacts to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 will not be excluded from attending school. Puede encontrar una lista de inmunizaciones/vacunas requeridas en www.d300.org/HealthRequirements. Back to school La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. A school district in Pennsylvania is proposing starting classes later in the morning to improve the physical health and mental well-being of students. For questions or issues regarding mattersoutsidethe classroom, parents should proceed through the steps outlined in thisParent Communication Guidelines for Issues Outside the Classroomdocument. District 300 asks that parents and guardians keep their children at home if they have: A fever of 100.3 (oral) degrees or higher, Diarrhea (three or more episodes in 24 hrs). Si usted o su estudiante experimentan alguna dificultad, completen el, Procedimientos de Recoger y Dejar a Estudiantes, Haga clic en "Pick-Up and Drop-off Procedures" en el men desplegable, Los padres y tutores pueden ver una lista completa de las fechas de los das de fotografas de los estudiantes y los das de recuperacin visitando, La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. Las familias nuevas al D300 pueden crear una cuenta de PushCoin siguiendo las instrucciones disponibles en, Las cuotas o cargos relacionados con los estudiantes se pueden ver en la cuenta de PushCoin del estudiante. school district Please keep this tag on your childs backpack for the school year. Please note, high schools do not have school supply lists. El personal de la escuelano realizar el rastreo de contactos. The District continually evaluates its safety procedures and makes adjustments as appropriate. Amie Schaenzer. WebAcross the country, students are preparing to head back to school for the 202223 academic year. Calendario del Distrito para Estudiantes de Knder a 12 Grado, Horarios de Campana para Das Escolares Regulares, Fechas de Inicio Tarde y Horario de Campana. La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Se puede solicitar asistencia financiera para las cuotas de cursos elegibles y las cuotas elegibles de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica a travs de un formulario de exencin de cuotas del distrito que estar disponible en la pgina. During the last two academic years, the district maintained a public-facing COVID-19 data dashboard that tracked the number of positive cases in each school. Algonquin's District 300 votes to keep grades 4 through 12 Superintendent Susan Harkin invites all interested parties to apply for the District 300 Parent Advisory Council (PAC). School-specific events can be located on your schools homepage in the section titled Upcoming Events.. Students registered after July 29, 2022, may not receive transportation information until after the second week of school. Las familias pueden y deben verificar la informacin de transporte de sus estudiantes en el Portal para Padres de PowerSchool para confirmar la informacin ms actualizada de las paradas de autobs de sus estudiantes. para reportar preocupaciones sobre intimidacin, drogas, armas, violencia o autolesiones en nuestras escuelas en nuestro esfuerzo continuo por mantener las escuelas seguras. D300 drops in-person back-to-school plan in favor of e While not a decision-making body, the PACs feedback will factor into future district recommendations. La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Se puede solicitar asistencia financiera para las cuotas de cursos elegibles y las cuotas elegibles de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica a travs de un formulario de exencin de cuotas del distrito que estar disponible en la pgina. Parents/guardians can access all opt-out forms by clicking here. continuarn recibiendo transporte en los das de inicio tarde. La aplicacin se puede descargar desde Apple Store, Google Play o en m.durhambustracker.com. Illinois Schools Struggle With Monday Plans After Court Ruling Durante la reunin de la Junta Educativa del 9 de agosto, la Superintendente Harkin revisar el plan de mitigacin con la Junta. Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, visitewww.d300.org/CommunicationCenter. As a reminder, students, parents, or community members are encouraged to use the. About 1.5 million more students attended school in high-poverty districts than low-poverty districts, yet high-poverty districts spent about $1 billion less on capital construction. The infrastructure development is the first for BorgWarner that takes advantage of the High school students (and their parents/guardians) may contact their high schools main office about parking permit availability, applications, and payment should they have interest and did not receive communication. ALGONQUIN, IL Five After an account has been created, parents can access their students schedule (upon its release) for the 2022-2023 school year. Seattle Is Finally Going Back to School (please note: fee waiver eligibility is based on Board policy 4:140). Estudiantes que participan en Actividades Extracurriculares: El distrito y todos los estudiantes y el personal cumplirn con todos los requisitos de mitigacin de COVID-19 impuestos por IHSA o los funcionarios de conferencias atlticas/extracurriculares, o los sitios anfitriones de la competencia. Los estudiantes inscritos despus del 29 de julio del 2022 pueden no recibir informacin de transporte hasta despus de la segunda semana de clases. . , el distrito har la transicin de salidas tempranas mensuales a inicios tarde a clases. El PAC brinda a los padres y tutores la oportunidad de aprender ms sobre las operaciones, reglamentos, iniciativas y funciones de la Junta del Distrito 300. Students who choose not to wear a mask may return ten (10) days after the onset of symptoms or testing positive. El Distrito 300 pide que los padres/tutores mantengan a sus estudiantes en casa si tienen: Diarrea(tres o ms episodios en 24 horas), Unsarpullidoo llagas abiertas y supurantes. Durante los ltimos dos aos acadmicos, el distrito mantuvo un tablero de informacin de COVID-19 para el pblico que rastreaba la cantidad de casos positivos en cada escuela. A listing of required immunizations/vaccinations can be found at www.d300.org/HealthRequirements. Los eventos especficos de la escuela se pueden encontrar en la pgina de inicio de su escuela en la seccin titulada "Prximos Eventos". The class of 2023 will celebrate graduation ceremonies on Saturday, May 20, at NOW Arena (5333 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, 60192) as follows: Additional graduation information will be provided to students and families this winter and will also be available at www.d300.org/Graduation. You can also watch a video overview of the health requirements by clicking here. Parents must set up a PowerSchool SIS account to view student schedules. La Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad se puede encontrar en la pgina principal del Distrito 300 (ubicada en la fila azul de conos directamente debajo de la imagen de la presentacin de diapositivas de la pgina principal). Al regresar a la escuela, debe usar un cubrebocas bien ajustado durante (5) das completos despus del perodo de aislamiento de cinco das (das 6-10). The school district meets Friday to discuss a hybrid schedule starting in October. Cash payments at the point of service will be limited to $20.00. Auburn Hills, Michigan, April 28, 2023 BorgWarner is partnering with the School District of the City of Pontiac to provide proprietary sequential charging with its direct current fast chargers (DCFC) for the districts fleet of 25 IC electric school buses. Durante los ltimos dos aos acadmicos, el distrito mantuvo un tablero de informacin de COVID-19 para el pblico que rastreaba la cantidad de casos positivos en cada escuela. Campbell added two more gold medals to her trophy case Saturday. Capital construction expenditures, on average, were about $300 less per student in high-poverty districts compared to low-poverty districts. Parents and guardians should use these guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities for the following diagnoses: Strep Throat: On the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours, Conjunctivitis: On the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician, New Unexplained Rash: Assessed by a doctor, especially if open and draining or spreading before returning. The full list of school fees, including those that have been waived and those that are still in place, can be found here: 2022-2023 Student Fee Schedule. Para obtener informacin sobre cmo configurar una cuenta, haga, Para obtener informacin sobre cmo ver el horario de su estudiante, consulte el siguiente, A principios de esta semana, el distrito envi un, y una llamada telefnica a las familias de los estudiantes elegibles para el transporte en autobs escolar para el ao escolar 2022-2023. Students, Staff Test Positive For COVID As D300 Mulls Reopening La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. School personnel will not be conducting contact tracing. The full list of school fees, including those that have been waived and those that are still in place, can be found here: 2022-2023 Student Fee Schedule. View a complete list ofopenhouse dates and times by visiting, Parent Action: Parent/Guardian Handbook Acknowledgement Form, District 300 requires all parents and guardians to acknowledge they have received the 2022-2023 Parent/Guardian Handbook by completing an acknowledgement form located in, If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handbook, please refer to the , High schools have communicated parking permit information to families with registered email accounts. Students who may be identified as close contacts to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 will not be excluded from attending school. Tenga en cuenta que se aceptan comprobantes de una prxima cita si no puede obtener una cita antes del primer da de asistencia. A pesar de que no es un organismo que toma decisiones, los comentarios del PAC se tendrn en cuenta en las futuras recomendaciones del distrito. Earlier this week, the district provided an email and phone call to families of students eligible for school bus transportation for the 2022-2023 school year. Federal suit claims Butler Co. school district knowingly ignored systemic child sexual abuse. . Household Eligibility Applications can be submitted for consideration of free or reduced-price meals. One of District 300s highest priorities for the 2022-2023 school year is to keep students healthy and in school. will continue to be provided on Late Start days. Todos los estudiantes de preescolar a quinto grado recibirn un "pase de mochila de autobs" de su maestro para el nuevo ao escolar en su primer da de clases. But options Si est al tanto de una amenaza inminente a la seguridad escolar, llame al 911 de inmediato y luego complete el formulario de la Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad. Lawsuit claims Butler County school district knowingly ignored Sexton bought a condo about 10 miles from his longtime house in Crossville with his wife Lacey in July 2020 for $184,900, according to property records. Si usted o su estudiante experimentan alguna dificultad, completen el Formulario de Ayuda Tcnica Remota. Para localizar los procedimientos de su escuela: Los padres y tutores pueden ver una lista completa de las fechas de los das de fotografas de los estudiantes y los das de recuperacin visitandowww.d300.org/PictureDays. A parent must have a smartphone or tablet device to download the app. El uso de la aplicacin es puramente voluntario. . District All district-level calendar information for the 2022-2023 school year can be found at www.d300.org/Calendars.
is district 300 going back to schoolbath and body works spring scents 2021
Tenga en cuenta: las cuotas de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica, cuotas deportivas y algunas cuotas de cursos especficos (como educacin vial, educacin fsica flexible y sesin de conduccin) seguirn aplicndose durante el ao escolar 2022-23. Student schedules for the 2022-2023 school year will be released accordingly: Student schedules can only be viewed using PowerSchool SIS. Los estudiantes que puedan ser identificados como "contactos cercanos" de alguien que dio positivo por COVID-19 no sern excluidos de asistir a la escuela. Parents and guardians should use these guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities for the following diagnoses: Strep Throat: On the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours, Conjunctivitis: On the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician, New Unexplained Rash: Assessed by a doctor, especially if open and draining or spreading before returning. Click here to view the District 300 student dress code for the 2022-2023 school year. Es posible que algunos de los temas a continuacin solo se apliquen a grupos de padres especficos. Student schedules for the 2022-2023 school year will be released accordingly: Student schedules can only be viewed using PowerSchool SIS. As previously communicated, the district will transition from monthly early releases to late starts. The PAC provided parents and guardians with the opportunity to learn more about District 300 operations, policies, initiatives, and Board functions. Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, visite, Pautas de Comunicacin para Padres y Tutores. Families can and should verify their student transportation information in the PowerSchool Parent Portal to confirm their students' most current bus stop information. El desayuno estar disponible en todas las escuelas al costo de $1.60 por comida. School safety is one of District 300s top priorities. The district will, A listing of required immunizations/vaccinations can be found at, Please submit all health forms or proof of upcoming appointments to the office of your students school nurse or via an email to, Invitation to Join the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Las familias pueden y deben verificar la informacin de transporte de sus estudiantes en el Portal para Padres de PowerSchool para confirmar la informacin ms actualizada de las paradas de autobs de sus estudiantes. Any change due to the student will be applied to the student's meal account. Cada inicio tarde a clases tendr un horario de campana retrasado de dos (2) horas para todas las escuelas de K-12. Where schools are reopening in the US. Los estudiantes que no estn al da con los exmenes de salud y los requisitos de vacunacin no podrn asistir a la escuela hasta que se presenten todos los formularios requeridos. Other symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, such as: District 300 asks parents and guardians to use the following guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities: Fever-free for at least 24 hours, without medication, Free of vomiting and or diarrhea for at least 24 hours. Todos los estudiantes de preescolar a quinto grado recibirn un "pase de mochila de autobs" de su maestro para el nuevo ao escolar en su primer da de clases. Se puede encontrar informacin adicional en la pgina web de la escuela preparatoria: A los estudiantes que ingresen a los grados 3-12 se les pedir que restablezcan su contrasea de Rapid Identity antes del comienzo del ao escolar. Throughout the 2022-23 academic year, Superintendent Susan Harkin will send parents and guardians regular updates that include: These updates will be sent out via RCS messaging and will also be included in the District 300Communication Center atwww.d300.org/CommunicationCenter. The student bell times for Late Starts are listed below: To access a PDF document containing Late Start bell times for each grade level, please click here. El personal de la escuelano realizar el rastreo de contactos. Auburn Hills, Michigan, April 28, 2023 BorgWarner is partnering with the School District of the City of Pontiac to provide proprietary sequential charging with its direct current fast chargers (DCFC) for the districts fleet of 25 IC electric school buses. Los eventos especficos de la escuela se pueden encontrar en la pgina de inicio de su escuela en la seccin titulada "Prximos Eventos". To ensure a smooth start to the academic year, each schools pick-up and drop-off procedures have been posted to their respective websites. Students who choose not to wear a mask may return ten (10) days after the onset of symptoms or testing positive. Cualquier cambio que se le deba al estudiante se aplicar a la cuenta de comida del estudiante. El Centro de Comunicacin del Distrito 300 incluye mensajes importantes relacionados con el ao escolar 2022-23 que tambin se han enviado a los padres y tutores a travs de mensajes RCS. During the last two academic years, the district maintained a public-facing COVID-19 data dashboard that tracked the number of positive cases in each school. A parent must have a smartphone or tablet device to download the app. Actualizacin del Tablero de Informacin de COVID-19. A pesar de que no es un organismo que toma decisiones, los comentarios del PAC se tendrn en cuenta en las futuras recomendaciones del distrito. (tenga en cuenta: los estudiantes de preescolar no siguen el horario de campana de inicio tarde del distrito. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handbook, please refer to the Communication Guidelines for Parents and Guardians.". El Centro de Comunicacin del Distrito 300 incluye mensajes importantes relacionados con el ao escolar 2022-23 que tambin se han enviado a los padres y tutores a travs de mensajes RCS. Students who may be identified as close contacts to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 will not be excluded from attending school. Puede encontrar una lista de inmunizaciones/vacunas requeridas en www.d300.org/HealthRequirements. Back to school La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. A school district in Pennsylvania is proposing starting classes later in the morning to improve the physical health and mental well-being of students. For questions or issues regarding mattersoutsidethe classroom, parents should proceed through the steps outlined in thisParent Communication Guidelines for Issues Outside the Classroomdocument. District 300 asks that parents and guardians keep their children at home if they have: A fever of 100.3 (oral) degrees or higher, Diarrhea (three or more episodes in 24 hrs). Si usted o su estudiante experimentan alguna dificultad, completen el, Procedimientos de Recoger y Dejar a Estudiantes, Haga clic en "Pick-Up and Drop-off Procedures" en el men desplegable, Los padres y tutores pueden ver una lista completa de las fechas de los das de fotografas de los estudiantes y los das de recuperacin visitando, La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. Las familias nuevas al D300 pueden crear una cuenta de PushCoin siguiendo las instrucciones disponibles en, Las cuotas o cargos relacionados con los estudiantes se pueden ver en la cuenta de PushCoin del estudiante. school district Please keep this tag on your childs backpack for the school year. Please note, high schools do not have school supply lists. El personal de la escuelano realizar el rastreo de contactos. The District continually evaluates its safety procedures and makes adjustments as appropriate. Amie Schaenzer. WebAcross the country, students are preparing to head back to school for the 202223 academic year. Calendario del Distrito para Estudiantes de Knder a 12 Grado, Horarios de Campana para Das Escolares Regulares, Fechas de Inicio Tarde y Horario de Campana. La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Se puede solicitar asistencia financiera para las cuotas de cursos elegibles y las cuotas elegibles de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica a travs de un formulario de exencin de cuotas del distrito que estar disponible en la pgina. During the last two academic years, the district maintained a public-facing COVID-19 data dashboard that tracked the number of positive cases in each school. Algonquin's District 300 votes to keep grades 4 through 12 Superintendent Susan Harkin invites all interested parties to apply for the District 300 Parent Advisory Council (PAC). School-specific events can be located on your schools homepage in the section titled Upcoming Events.. Students registered after July 29, 2022, may not receive transportation information until after the second week of school. Las familias pueden y deben verificar la informacin de transporte de sus estudiantes en el Portal para Padres de PowerSchool para confirmar la informacin ms actualizada de las paradas de autobs de sus estudiantes. para reportar preocupaciones sobre intimidacin, drogas, armas, violencia o autolesiones en nuestras escuelas en nuestro esfuerzo continuo por mantener las escuelas seguras. D300 drops in-person back-to-school plan in favor of e While not a decision-making body, the PACs feedback will factor into future district recommendations. La lista completa de cuotas escolares, incluyendo las que se han eximido y las que an estn vigentes, se puede encontrar aqu: Se puede solicitar asistencia financiera para las cuotas de cursos elegibles y las cuotas elegibles de uniformes/candados de educacin fsica a travs de un formulario de exencin de cuotas del distrito que estar disponible en la pgina. Parents/guardians can access all opt-out forms by clicking here. continuarn recibiendo transporte en los das de inicio tarde. La aplicacin se puede descargar desde Apple Store, Google Play o en m.durhambustracker.com. Illinois Schools Struggle With Monday Plans After Court Ruling Durante la reunin de la Junta Educativa del 9 de agosto, la Superintendente Harkin revisar el plan de mitigacin con la Junta. Para acceder al Centro de Comunicacin, visitewww.d300.org/CommunicationCenter. As a reminder, students, parents, or community members are encouraged to use the. About 1.5 million more students attended school in high-poverty districts than low-poverty districts, yet high-poverty districts spent about $1 billion less on capital construction. The infrastructure development is the first for BorgWarner that takes advantage of the High school students (and their parents/guardians) may contact their high schools main office about parking permit availability, applications, and payment should they have interest and did not receive communication. ALGONQUIN, IL Five After an account has been created, parents can access their students schedule (upon its release) for the 2022-2023 school year. Seattle Is Finally Going Back to School (please note: fee waiver eligibility is based on Board policy 4:140). Estudiantes que participan en Actividades Extracurriculares: El distrito y todos los estudiantes y el personal cumplirn con todos los requisitos de mitigacin de COVID-19 impuestos por IHSA o los funcionarios de conferencias atlticas/extracurriculares, o los sitios anfitriones de la competencia. Los estudiantes inscritos despus del 29 de julio del 2022 pueden no recibir informacin de transporte hasta despus de la segunda semana de clases. . , el distrito har la transicin de salidas tempranas mensuales a inicios tarde a clases. El PAC brinda a los padres y tutores la oportunidad de aprender ms sobre las operaciones, reglamentos, iniciativas y funciones de la Junta del Distrito 300. Students who choose not to wear a mask may return ten (10) days after the onset of symptoms or testing positive. El Distrito 300 pide que los padres/tutores mantengan a sus estudiantes en casa si tienen: Diarrea(tres o ms episodios en 24 horas), Unsarpullidoo llagas abiertas y supurantes. Durante los ltimos dos aos acadmicos, el distrito mantuvo un tablero de informacin de COVID-19 para el pblico que rastreaba la cantidad de casos positivos en cada escuela. A listing of required immunizations/vaccinations can be found at www.d300.org/HealthRequirements. Los eventos especficos de la escuela se pueden encontrar en la pgina de inicio de su escuela en la seccin titulada "Prximos Eventos". The class of 2023 will celebrate graduation ceremonies on Saturday, May 20, at NOW Arena (5333 Prairie Stone Parkway, Hoffman Estates, 60192) as follows: Additional graduation information will be provided to students and families this winter and will also be available at www.d300.org/Graduation. You can also watch a video overview of the health requirements by clicking here. Parents must set up a PowerSchool SIS account to view student schedules. La Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad se puede encontrar en la pgina principal del Distrito 300 (ubicada en la fila azul de conos directamente debajo de la imagen de la presentacin de diapositivas de la pgina principal). Al regresar a la escuela, debe usar un cubrebocas bien ajustado durante (5) das completos despus del perodo de aislamiento de cinco das (das 6-10). The school district meets Friday to discuss a hybrid schedule starting in October. Cash payments at the point of service will be limited to $20.00. Auburn Hills, Michigan, April 28, 2023 BorgWarner is partnering with the School District of the City of Pontiac to provide proprietary sequential charging with its direct current fast chargers (DCFC) for the districts fleet of 25 IC electric school buses. Durante los ltimos dos aos acadmicos, el distrito mantuvo un tablero de informacin de COVID-19 para el pblico que rastreaba la cantidad de casos positivos en cada escuela. Campbell added two more gold medals to her trophy case Saturday. Capital construction expenditures, on average, were about $300 less per student in high-poverty districts compared to low-poverty districts. Parents and guardians should use these guidelines before having their child return to school, athletic or social activities for the following diagnoses: Strep Throat: On the appropriate antibiotic for at least 24 hours, Conjunctivitis: On the appropriate eye drops for at least 24 hours or cleared by a physician, New Unexplained Rash: Assessed by a doctor, especially if open and draining or spreading before returning. The full list of school fees, including those that have been waived and those that are still in place, can be found here: 2022-2023 Student Fee Schedule. Para obtener informacin sobre cmo configurar una cuenta, haga, Para obtener informacin sobre cmo ver el horario de su estudiante, consulte el siguiente, A principios de esta semana, el distrito envi un, y una llamada telefnica a las familias de los estudiantes elegibles para el transporte en autobs escolar para el ao escolar 2022-2023. Students, Staff Test Positive For COVID As D300 Mulls Reopening La seguridad escolar es una de las principales prioridades del Distrito 300. School personnel will not be conducting contact tracing. The full list of school fees, including those that have been waived and those that are still in place, can be found here: 2022-2023 Student Fee Schedule. View a complete list ofopenhouse dates and times by visiting, Parent Action: Parent/Guardian Handbook Acknowledgement Form, District 300 requires all parents and guardians to acknowledge they have received the 2022-2023 Parent/Guardian Handbook by completing an acknowledgement form located in, If you have any questions or concerns regarding the handbook, please refer to the , High schools have communicated parking permit information to families with registered email accounts. Students who may be identified as close contacts to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 will not be excluded from attending school. Tenga en cuenta que se aceptan comprobantes de una prxima cita si no puede obtener una cita antes del primer da de asistencia. A pesar de que no es un organismo que toma decisiones, los comentarios del PAC se tendrn en cuenta en las futuras recomendaciones del distrito. Earlier this week, the district provided an email and phone call to families of students eligible for school bus transportation for the 2022-2023 school year. Federal suit claims Butler Co. school district knowingly ignored systemic child sexual abuse. . Household Eligibility Applications can be submitted for consideration of free or reduced-price meals. One of District 300s highest priorities for the 2022-2023 school year is to keep students healthy and in school. will continue to be provided on Late Start days. Todos los estudiantes de preescolar a quinto grado recibirn un "pase de mochila de autobs" de su maestro para el nuevo ao escolar en su primer da de clases. But options Si est al tanto de una amenaza inminente a la seguridad escolar, llame al 911 de inmediato y luego complete el formulario de la Lnea Annima de Informacin de Seguridad. Lawsuit claims Butler County school district knowingly ignored Sexton bought a condo about 10 miles from his longtime house in Crossville with his wife Lacey in July 2020 for $184,900, according to property records. Si usted o su estudiante experimentan alguna dificultad, completen el Formulario de Ayuda Tcnica Remota. Para localizar los procedimientos de su escuela: Los padres y tutores pueden ver una lista completa de las fechas de los das de fotografas de los estudiantes y los das de recuperacin visitandowww.d300.org/PictureDays. A parent must have a smartphone or tablet device to download the app. El uso de la aplicacin es puramente voluntario. . District All district-level calendar information for the 2022-2023 school year can be found at www.d300.org/Calendars. Sandals Breakfast Menu,
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