Our hope is that we might best serve you and your youth. COVID-19 Information; . Navigating the challenges and joys of ministry life. Christian Summer Camps in California for Church Youth Groups So we will front load it with a short Biblical message before spreading the group out for a time of quiet reflection and contemplation. OWIzZDhjOGUzMmUwMjNmZWExMjg3N2QxNmFiZGI2OTE2MTliMzUyNTAyNTUw California, Spend the weekend soaking up the sun relaxing at our riverfront campground. Together we can help you select the adventures, dates, and programs that are ideal for you and your group. To ensure you receive the best experience on Lifeway.com, we use cookies to process information about your visit. YzYwNzhlY2I5ODRjZmQzYTYzMmNjOGZhMjU3NmQ5NjY4Yzc4ZmY1MjVjMDcx Select Im a person and complete the Google Captcha to send the form. "ratingCount": "1,956", YWZmOGZkNGVlZTFhMjViYTk4NWQ0ZDY1MWFlNDBlYzZlZmM0YjJmM2FkMWJh Pine Summit Christian Camp, Big Bear Lake California - The Salvation Army Youth Camps and Retreat Centers in California - Christian Camp Pro We believe we should, "Love the Lord (our) God with all (our) heart, and with all (our) soul, and with all (our) mind," and "The entire law is summed up in one command: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 5:20-24; John 1:1-18; John 3:15-21; John 14:1-15; Ephesians 2; 1 John). California Christian Retreat Centers & Camps Featured Granite Ridge Christian Camp Creston, California (805) 238-3582 Granite Ridge Camp is filled with unique experiences tailored to empower, equip and encourage individuals to experience life as they grow and connect with God and other people. 38Angelus Oaks, California 92305-9781 (909) 794-2824, Mission Springs Conference Center 1050 Lockhart Gulch Rd.Scotts Valley, California 95066-2999 (831) 335-9133, Mount Crags Camp Gilmore 26801 Dorothy Dr.Calabasas, California 91302-1901 (818) 222-6327, Mount Gilead Bible 13485 Green Valley RoadSebastopol, California 95472-9714 (707) 823-4508, Mount Hermon 37 Conference DriveMount Hermon, California 95041-0413 (831) 335-4466, Mount Hope Bible Camp 9721 Mt Hope RoadForbestown, California 95941 (530) 675-2022, Oak Glen Christian Conference Center 39364 Oak Glen Rd.Yucaipa, California 92399-9752 (909) 797-2570, Old Oak Ranch Conference Center 15250 Old Oak Ranch RoadSonora, California 95370-8317 (209) 532-4295, Palomar Christian Conference Center 34764 Doane Valley RoadPalomar Mountain, California 92060-0160 (760) 742-3438, Pilot Lake Wilderness Camp Johnsville RdLaPorte, California 95981 (916) 622-9601, Pine Valley Bible Conference 8668 Pine Creek RoadPine Valley, California 91962-0400 (619) 473-8879, Quaker Meadow Christian Camp HCR 3, Box 601Springville, California 93265 (888) 222-4822, Rancho Ybarra 3150 Big Tujunga Cyn. We hope you are, too! Campers entering grades 9 to 10: Heres your chance to connect with God and each other in the beauty of His creation in the Sequoia National Forest. Any cancellations that occur on or before March 31, 2019 will result in a $300 cancellation fee. 2023 Christian Camp Pro, All Rights Reserved. YTAxY2Q1ZWFjODEyZWYwZmVmNTllZSJ9 When we leave the routine of our everyday lives, we are opened up to a world of new possibilities. Angeles Crest Christian Camp - Angeles Crest GREAT MOUNTAIN TOP EXPERIENCES Choose Your Adventure! Matthew 22:37, Galatians 5:14. Christian camp. California Christian Retreat Centers & Camps - Retreathood Reminder: You are currently impersonating {{userSessionData.email}}. For example, whats the purpose of your trip? ODY4YzAwOTg2ZDZiNWJmZTQ0ZmY2MjU2NTc3M2JhMTYxOTZiNDdhYzZjNmU1 The main thing camp provides is an opportunity for individuals young and old to get away from the constant distractions of everyday life and immerse themselves in the great outdoors. We believe Jesus Christ is the eternal and only Son of God. . If you live more than 3 hours away, or you if you just want to finish your camp off with even more awesomeness, we recommend that you add dinner and another night of camping & campfire time to the end of your trip for just $22/camper. Thousand Pines is a 501(c)(3). We focus our program on biblical principals, and we use the help of nature, friendship, and challenge to develop character. Consequently, campers have so many other amazing experiences to distract them and then never realize they are in Gods creation. -----END REPORT-----. By default, each of the above youth camps have you arrive around 7 PM the night before (eating dinner before you arrive), and leaving around 6 PM (eating dinner on the road) at the end of your last adventure. Some points of interest for Christian groups include: Some of the best camps and retreat venues in California are: Big Bear Lake Christian Conference Center, Christian Berets Conference and Retreat Center, Diamond Arrow Christian Conference Center, Silver Spur Christian Camp & Retreat Center, Thousand Pines Christian Camp & Conference, Whispering Winds Catholic Conference Center. Behind every support specialist, Bible study editor, graphic designer, and accountant is a Sunday School teacher, kids volunteer, or small group leader. We want to change that. Cancellations for our XL add-on week will result in a $50 cancellation fee. 359 Thousand Pines Road Crestline, CA 92325, 2023 Thousand Pines Christian Camp. Christian Camps for Church Youth Groups in California P.O. That He died on the cross as the perfect sacrifice, paying the penalty for all our sins, and then rose from the grave. We also can mix things up by adding a day of, Learn more about Rock-N-Water Christian Camps. Thousand Pines Christian Camp and Conference Center | Crestline, CA Explore God's amazing creation through fun outdoor adventures like rafting and rock climbing at Rock-N-Water Christian Camps in California. FOR LIFE-TRANSFORMING MINISTRY AND LIFE-LONG MEMORIES. This year's theme will help us all, campers and staff, understand that no matter what we have done, we are STILL LOVED by God. Go whitewater rafting, outdoor rock climbing, canyoneering, or backpackingour summer trips can be customized to fit your groups unique needs, and we offer camps for students, families, teams, schools, or individuals. Christian Camp Pro strives to bring you a list of all the best retreat centers. Often times this takes the form of a quiet time devotional. THE OAKS is a 647 acre camp located in a secluded valley on and a half hours north of Los Angeles and Campers will learn basic equatation, horse science, vaulting, drill, trail, and more each day in a Christian Forest Home Ministries operates seven distinct Christian camps in Southern California. (Luke 5:20-24; John 1:1-18; John 3:15-21; John 14:1-15; Ephesians 2; 1 John). FUGE Camps is designed for students 6th12th grade and places students with peers from other churches for Bible study and recreation or missions. OTk5MmUwYzU3NmUyZDg0ZmIyYzg1NzY0ZWI2YmVlNGI0NDk0NjFlNWQwM2Fm Rock-N-Water Christian Camps is located in Northern California and has a variety of youth summer camps specifically geared towards individuals looking to grow in their Christian faith through a sleepaway camp experience on their own or with a group of friends. Our goal is building re. Explore summer camp options for individual Middle School students. Each school program contains a heavy heaping of experiential hands on learning and discovery. Visit each camps website to learn more and see where your group could join us next summer. 21S78, Springville, CA 93265. California offers snow-covered mountains for skiing, deserts and caverns for hiking and miles of pristine coastline for surfing and swimming. If you would like to do the same on a one day trip, its just an extra $22/person. 49er Fun Mother Lode for Families | May 18th-May 19th 2023, Outdoor Leadership Training: Guide School May 30th-June 9th,2023, Trailblazers Highschool Summer Camp | June 11th-June 16th, Explorers Jr. High Summer Camp | June 11th-June 16th 2023, Trailblazers Highschool Summer Camp | July 16th-July 21st 2023, Explorers Jr. High Summer Camp | July 16th-July 21st 2023, Family Retreat | July 28th- July 30th 2023, Explorers Jr. High Summer Camp | July 30th-August 4th 2023. YmZhMzM0ZjMxMmMxMDA0OTA1Y2I4NmRhOTA2Mzg5YjZjYjBkNWE5N2EyMDli Mzg1NmEzMjZiY2ZmMGM4MTU4MGY3ODBlZWYwZDY3MWE5NjI2OWY3ODQwZTJl Studies call them Healthy Peer Relationships. We call it learning how to make better friends by being a better friend. It is our passion to not only get youth outside, but to also help teens to actually stop and experience the outdoors while they are here. "@type": "AggregateRating", 1-800-738-0555 | fun@rocknwater.com. "aggregateRating": { NGI1NmM2YmQwYmRlODE3NjUzNDhiZTg4ODhjMzAxYjhkZTQ0OTM2MTVjNTRi Offering accommodations, meals, and activities for youth groups, church retreats, teens, families, business conferences, and summer camps. Christian Camp and Conference Association - Home This large state is home to a myriad of beautiful natural features as well as man-made marvels. Located in the beautiful Santa Monica Mountains. They are cross trained as camp counselors, youth ministers, and adventure guides. We would love to answer any questions that you might have about our camp programs. You can modify your overnight summercamp with different adventures and custom campfire devotions. "@type": "Product", YzhkYzAzNjNlZDU2OWMzNzg2OTgwMDIwMTAwOTU2NjZlYzY3NjA3YWUyZWVm Over 1,900 youth leaders, teachers, and teens have rated us 4.9 out of 5 stars. Since 1978 we have been able to host amazing experiences as campers leave behind their usual routines and experience God through nature, fellowship, and food. CentriKid Camps desires for kids 2nd-6th grade to have fun while learning about Gods Word at an age-appropriate level. MTAxM2JjODJiZTQyZGI3NTlhMjYxMmY2ZDNhMTFkMWY4ZmVkYTk4MzRlODZk Our Christ-centered outdoor adventure camps are designed to be experienced as either one day adventure trips or to be combined into 2-5 day camps. Cedarbrook Camp Southern California 2023 Summer Camp will be here soon. Where Traditions Matter and Values are Lived Out 32 Great Catholic sleep-away summer camps - Aleteia Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Camp, Oklahoma, offers . Join an Angeles Crest Camp! Low Cost. Each of our youth camps and family camps include a wide array of all day outdoor adventures. Share your camp story at www.Facebook.com/ThePowerofCamp. They are able to minister both to the spiritual and physical needs of campers. Salvation Mountain Created by artist Leonard Knight as a tribute to God, this 50-foot-high adobe art piece is a colorful declaration of Gods love for mankind. MjczZGI3YTI1NjdkYjI3ZjI2ZjNiZTUwYTM1NzUyNGIyMTQ5NDQ2NTNjMTMw YjRiOTA2MTEzOTQ3YzA3ZmIyMzFhZmYzMmIyMzM4ZjBiODUyYjc0OWNkZjE2 . Session 2: July 9 July 21 We expect that everyone, campers and staff, will only come to camp if they are completely well. Our group trips are fully customizable. NmU0N2U2NThlZDAzOGE1Y2VkNzdiZjU3OWU2MDA2Yzc4YTdlYjU0YzU0Mzli Outdoor adventures in particular provide countless opportunities for growth through challenging activities, and sometimes temporarily uncomfortable situations. Fax: (949) 369-9819 The real impact of a youth camp is children growing skills that last a lifetime. Through team-based activities and counselor-led dialogue, campers learn how to practice empathy, listening and expression skills, and conflict resolution. And of course, always feel free to contact us to better understand the options. }. Let us handle the details as you get away from the noise and experience life with your group. In addition, Christian summer staff will encourage youth to gain new understandings about themselves, form new friends, and grow in their relationship with our loving savior Jesus Christ. Guest Groups Connect to your group's deeper purpose while we handle the details. } N2Y3YWQyMjQxMmFlZDIzMTdiMmI5OGZjNGVhOTZkNjlkYjdhZjVmN2FiYmEx "aggregateRating": { "@type": "AggregateRating", Campers entering grades 7 to 8: Every church is different, which means that every kids ministry and student ministry is different too. In addition to overnight christian summer camps and retreats for groups of 6 or more people, Rock-N-Water offers special events, weekend retreats, camp conferences, and week long sleepaway camps for individual youth and families. It is our mission To safely lead people into the wonder of Gods creation, challenging them through adventures designed to help them grow personally, relationally, and spiritually. Escape the Normal! #412Santa Ana, California 92704-7920 (714) 438-2494, Sierra Christian Service Camp 44503 Old Stage RoadPosey, California 93260 (661) 536-8555, Sierra Pines Camp 7169 Sierra Pines RoadTwin Bridges, California 95735 (916) 290-2897, Silver Spur Christian Camp & Retreat Center 17301 Silver Spur Dr.Tuolumne, California 95379-9638 (209) 928-4248, Sugar Pine Christian Camps 48478 Mill Canyon RoadOakhurst, California 93644-9422 (559) 683-4938, Tahquitz Pines Conference Center 55251 South Circle DriveIdyllwild, California 92549 (951) 659-2934, The Oaks Camp 18651 Pine Canyon RoadLake Hughes, California 93532-0437 (661) 724-1018, The Salvation Armys Pine Summit 700 Wren DriveBig Bear Lake, California 92315 (909) 878-0140, Thousand Pines Christian Camp & Conference 359 Thousand Pines RoadCrestline, California 92325-3288 (909) 338-2705, Triumphant Life Camp 37175 Highway 36Bridgeville, California 95526 (707) 445-2267, Verdugo Pines Bible Camp 22400 Big Pines Hwy.Wrightwood, California 92397 (760) 249-3532, Victory Ranch 18080 Gilman Springs RoadMoreno Valley, California 92555-9710 (951) 654-7766, Whispering Winds Catholic Conference Center 17606 Harrison Park Rd.Julian, California 92036 (619) 464-1479, Wolf Mountain Camps 16555 Jericho RoadGrass Valley, California 95949-9749 (530) 273-8709, Woolman at Sierra Friends Center13075 Woolman LaneNevada City, California 95959(530) 273-3183, Yosemite Sierra Summer Camp 39515 RD 274Bass Lake, California 93604 (559) 642-2267, Quaker Meadow Christian CampQuaker Meadow is an affordable, full-service camp for groups of up to 285 people.Visit Website, Granite RidgeYour full-service camp & rental facility is located outside San Luis Obispo, CA.View Website, Refreshing MountainPennsylvania's #1 Christian Retreat DestinationView Website, Angeles Crest Christian CampEscape to the breathtaking San Gabriel Mountains just 90 minutes from Hollywood.View Website, Susquehanna Camp & Retreat Ministry5 beautiful locations in the North EastView Website.
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