Malcolm X was the first prominent African American leader to denounce the Vietnam War, and others soon followed his lead. Benjamin T. Harrison (2000) argues that the post World War II affluence set the stage for the protest generation in the 1960s. A Timeline of U.S. Anti-War Movements - History It was one of the first massive war protests in the United States and the first in Los Angeles. As American involvement in Vietnam grew in the early 1960s, a small number of concerned and dedicated citizens started to protest what they viewed as a misguided adventure. The French Indochina War broke out in 1946 and went on for eight years, with France's war . Just 17% in May 1966 predicted the war would end in all-out. Print. There were a number of long-term and short-term reasons to explain why the USA became involved in Vietnam in the late 1950s. Civilian critics of the war argued that the government of South Vietnam lacked political legitimacy, or that support for the war was completely immoral. The student movement and the antiwar movement - Khan Academy Also, conviction for certain crimes earned an exclusion, the topic of the anti-war song "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie. [11], On October 16, 1967, draft card turn-ins were held across the country, yielding more than 1,000 draft cards, later returned to the Justice Department as an act of civil disobedience. This policy of attempting to win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people, however, often was at odds with other aspects of the war which sometimes served to antagonize many Vietnamese civilians and provided ammunition to the anti-war movement. March polls indicated that 19% of Americans wanted the war to end as soon as possible, 26% wanted South Vietnam to take over responsibility for the war from the U.S., 19% favored the current policy, and 33% wanted total military victory. Another attractive feature of the opposition movement was the fact that it was a popular social event. To complement "Blowin' in the Wind" Dylan's song "The Times they are A-Changin'" alludes to a new method of governing that is necessary and warns those who currently participate in government that the change is imminent. It was said that "the happy beat and insouciance of the vocalist are in odd juxtaposition to the lyrics that reinforce the sad fact that the American public was being forced into realizing that Vietnam was no longer a remote place on the other side of the world, and the damage it was doing to the country could no longer be considered collateral, involving someone else. He was not an official protester of the war; one of Hendrix's biographers contends that Hendrix, being a former soldier, sympathized with the anticommunist view. [10], In 1967, the continued operation of a seemingly unfair draft system then calling as many as 40,000 men for induction each month fueled a burgeoning draft resistance movement. By the early 1970s, most student protest movements died down due to President Nixon's de-escalation of the war, the economic downturn, and disillusionment with the powerlessness of the antiwar movement. In April 1971, thousands of these veterans converged on the White House in Washington, D.C., and hundreds of them threw their medals and decorations on the steps of the United States Capitol. "[106] Basically, from all of the evidence here provided by the historians, Zinn and McCarthy, the second effect was very prevalent and it was the uproar at many colleges and universities as an effect of the opposition to the United States' involvement in Vietnam. In April and May 1971, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chaired by Senator J. William Fulbright, held a series of 22 hearings (referred to as the Fulbright Hearings) on proposals relating to ending the war. Doves claimed that the war was wellintentioned but a disastrously wrong mistake in an otherwise benign foreign policy. The clergy, often a forgotten group during the opposition to the Vietnam War, played a large role as well. After a while it just got to me.[108]. Americans who opposed the Vietnam War were called doves. - Brainly [7] Draft card protests were not aimed so much at the draft as at the immoral conduct of the war.[8]. "[102] The number of ROTC students in college drastically dropped and the program lost any momentum it once had before the anti-war movement. Dellums, assisted by the Citizens Commission of Inquiry,[90] had called for formal investigations into the allegations, but Congress chose not to endorse these proceedings. Reasons for US involvement in Vietnam - The Vietnam War - National 5 On September 20, over one thousand members of WSP rallied at the White House. Vietnam War Protests: Antiwar & Protest Songs - HISTORY Another aspect of the group's prevalence was the support of the Japanese Community Youth Center, members of the Asian Community Center, student leaders of Asian American student unions, etc. [70], Within the United States military various servicemembers would organize to avoid military duties and individual actors would also carry out their own acts of resistance. How One Epic Document Exposed the Secrets of the Vietnam War - The New Various antiwar groups, such as Another Mother for Peace, WILPF, and WSP, had free draft counseling centers, where they gave young American men advice for legally and illegally evading the draft. A Gallup poll in late August showed that 24% of Americans view sending troops to Vietnam as a mistake versus 60% who do not. As such, the hearings were ad hoc and only informational in nature. Although this song was not on music charts probably because it was too radical, it was performed at many public events including the famous Woodstock music festival (1969). The Intercept is an independent nonprofit news outlet. However, anti-war feelings also began to rise. Liberal newspapers such as the Washington Post and the New York Times condemned King for his "Beyond Vietnam" speech while the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People disallowed him. Vietnam War Flashcards | Quizlet Opposition To The Vietnam War: How The Conflict Split America Loan shot Lm in the head on a public street in Saigon, despite being in front of journalists. [21] In 1965, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) became the first major civil rights group to issue a formal statement against the war. On November 15, crowds of up to half a million people participated in an anti-war demonstration in Washington, D.C. and a similar demonstration was held in San Francisco. The last 22% were unsure. These included the emphasis on "body count" as a way of measuring military success on the battlefield, civilian casualties during the bombing of villages (symbolized by journalist Peter Arnett's famous quote, "it was necessary to destroy the village to save it"), and the killing of civilians in such incidents as the My Lai massacre. "[66], Along with singer-songwriter Phil Ochs, who attended and organized anti-war events and wrote such songs as "I Ain't Marching Anymore" and "The War Is Over", another key historical figure of the antiwar movement was Bob Dylan. Andresen, Lee. Amistad Digital Resource: Black Opposition to Vietnam [15] The military victories on the battlefields of Tet were obscured by shocking images of violence on television screens, long casualty lists, and a new perception among the American people that the military had been untruthful to them about the success of earlier military operations, and ultimately, the ability to achieve a meaningful military solution in Vietnam. The U.S. became polarized over the war. The clergy were often forgotten though throughout this opposition. [61] He did, however, protest the violence that took place in the Vietnam War. "Peaceful Antiwar Protests Held Here And in Other Cities Across the Nation", John Darnton, Debenedette, Charles. While composers created pieces affronting the war, they were not limited to their music. At an SDS-organized conference at UC Berkeley in October 1966, SNCC Chair Stokely Carmichael challenged the white left to escalate their resistance to the military draft in a manner similar to the black movement. My Lai Massacre: Vietnam War & Colin Powell - HISTORY Conscientious objectors played an active role despite their small numbers. King, Martin Luther Jr. "Beyond Vietnam". By 1973, the number was 72,459. In October, 58% of Gallup respondents said U.S. entry into the war was a mistake. August Gallup poll shows 53% said it was a mistake to send troops to Vietnam. Early organized opposition was led by American Quakers in the 1950s, and by November 1960 eleven hundred Quakers undertook a silent protest vigil the group "ringed the Pentagon for parts of two days". With the song "Machine Gun", dedicated to those fighting in Vietnam, this protest of violence is manifest. "[23], On April 4, 1967, King gave a much publicized speech entitled "Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence" at the Riverside Church in New York, attacking President Johnson for "deadly Western arrogance", declaring that "we are on the side of the wealthy, and the secure, while we create a hell for the poor". Students also viewed End of War in Vietnam 10 terms Vietnam War 100% 10 terms US history 10 terms Unit Test Review 15 terms Recent flashcard sets managing the new cold war: what US and Russia By mid-October, the anti-war movement had significantly expanded to become a national and even global phenomenon, as anti-war protests drawing 100,000 were held simultaneously in as many as 80 major cities around the US, London, Paris, and Rome. 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