If you elect more than one minor, these minors may not have any courses in common. Discussion: 1 hour. First part of three-quarter sequence on mathematical statistics. Course Description: Basics of experimental design. ), Statistics: Machine Learning Track (B.S. STA 131B Introduction to Mathematical Statistics. Prerequisite(s): STA231B; or the equivalent of STA231B. Randomized complete and incomplete block design. Logit models, linear logistic models. Course Description: Directed group study. Models for experimental data, measures of dependence, large-sample theory, statistical estimation and inference. Emphasis on practical training. Catalog Description:Fundamental concepts of probability theory, discrete and continuous random variables, standard distributions, moments and moment-generating functions, laws of large numbers and the central limit theorem. UC Davis Course ECS 32A or 36A (or former courses ECS 10 or 30 or 40) UC Davis Course ECS 32B (or former course ECS 60) is also strongly recommended. Processing data in blocks. MAT 021C C- or better; (MAT 022A C- or better or MAT 027A C- or better or MAT 067 C- or better); MAT 021D strongly recommended. Prerequisite:STA 141A C- or better; (STA 130A C- or better or STA 131A C- or better or MAT 135A C- or better); STA 131A or MAT 135A preferred. Examines principles of collecting, presenting and interpreting data in order to critically assess results reported in the media; emphasis is on understanding polls, unemployment rates, health studies; understanding probability, risk and odds. STA 131A C- or better or MAT 135A C- or better; consent of instructor. Questions or comments? Some topics covered in STA 231A are covered, at a more elementary level, in the sequence STA 131A,B,C. Includes basics, graphics, summary statistics, data sets, variables and functions, linear models, repetitive code, simple macros, GLIM and GAM, formatting output, correspondence analysis, bootstrap. An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R -- James, Witten, Hastie, Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques, 2nd Ed. >> Program in Statistics - Biostatistics Track. Analysis of variance, F-test. Lecture: 3 hours Course Description: Descriptive statistics; probability; random variables; expectation; binomial, normal, Poisson, other univariate distributions; joint distributions; sampling distributions, central limit theorem; properties of estimators; linear combinations of random variables; testing and estimation; Minitab computing package. General linear model, least squares estimates, Gauss-Markov theorem. Restrictions: ), Statistics: Statistical Data Science Track (B.S. Course Description: Comprehensive treatment of nonparametric statistical inference, including the most basic materials from classical nonparametrics, robustness, nonparametric estimation of a distribution function from incomplete data, curve estimation, and theory of resampling methodology. Prerequisite: (MAT 016C C- or better or MAT 017C C- or better or MAT 021C C- or better); (STA 013 C- or better or STA 013Y C- or better or STA 032 C- or better or . Topics include statistical functionals, smoothing methods and optimization techniques relevant for statistics. Elective MAT 135A or STA 131A. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; high school algebra. endstream Prerequisite(s): STA108 C- or better or STA106 C- or better. PDF STA 131A: Introduction to Probability - UC Davis >> The Bachelor of Science has fiveemphases call tracks. Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (A.B. All rights reserved. Course Description: Classical and Bayesian inference procedures in parametric statistical models. /Type /Page Basics of text mining. STA 130B - Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course STA 130A or 131A or MAT 135A : Winter, Spring . Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. Prerequisite(s): STA130A C- or better or STA131A C- or better or MAT135A C- or better. Course Description: Work experience in statistics. STA 130A addresses itself to a different audience, and contains a brief introduction to probabilistic concepts at a less sophisticated level. Units: 4. All rights reserved. The minor is designed to provide students in other disciplines with opportunities for exposure and skill development in advanced statistical methods. MAT 108 is recommended. Emphasis on practical consulting and collaboration of statisticians with clients and scientists under instructor supervision. Probability 4 STA 131A - Introduction to Probability Theory 4 Statistics 12 STA 108 - Applied Stat Methods . Course Description: Numerical analysis; random number generation; computer experiments and resampling techniques (bootstrap, cross validation); numerical optimization; matrix decompositions and linear algebra computations; algorithms (markov chain monte carlo, expectation-maximization); algorithm design and efficiency; parallel and distributed computing. ), Statistics: Computational Statistics Track (B.S. ), Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (B.S. Course Description: Descriptive statistics; basic probability concepts; binomial, normal, Student's t, and chi-square distributions. STA 130B Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course. ), Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (B.S. Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. Toggle Academic Advising & Student Services, Toggle Student Resource & Information Centers, Toggle Academic Information, Policies, & Regulations, Toggle African American & African Studies, Toggle Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (Graduate Group), Toggle Agricultural & Resource Economics, Toggle Applied Mathematics (Graduate Group), Toggle Atmospheric Science (Graduate Group), Toggle Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (Graduate Group), Toggle Biological & Agricultural Engineering, Toggle Biomedical Engineering (Graduate Group), Toggle Child Development (Graduate Group), Toggle Civil & Environmental Engineering, Toggle Clinical Research (Graduate Group), Toggle Electrical & Computer Engineering, Toggle Environmental Policy & Management (Graduate Group), Toggle Gender, Sexuality, & Women's Studies, Toggle Health Informatics (Graduate Group), Toggle Hemispheric Institute of the Americas, Toggle Horticulture & Agronomy (Graduate Group), Toggle Human Development (Graduate Group), Toggle Hydrologic Sciences (Graduate Group), Toggle Integrative Genetics & Genomics (Graduate Group), Toggle Integrative Pathobiology (Graduate Group), Toggle International Agricultural Development (Graduate Group), Toggle Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Toggle Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Toggle Molecular, Cellular, & Integrative Physiology (Graduate Group), Toggle Neurobiology, Physiology, & Behavior, Toggle Nursing Science & Health-Care Leadership, Toggle Nutritional Biology (Graduate Group), Toggle Performance Studies (Graduate Group), Toggle Pharmacology & Toxicology (Graduate Group), Toggle Population Biology (Graduate Group), Toggle Preventive Veterinary Medicine (Graduate Group), Toggle Soils & Biogeochemistry (Graduate Group), Toggle Transportation Technology & Policy (Graduate Group), Toggle Viticulture & Enology (Graduate Group), Toggle Wildlife, Fish, & Conservation Biology, Toggle Additional Education Opportunities, Administrative Offices & U.C. Course Description: Theory of chemical reaction networks, molecular circuits, DNA self-assembly, DNA sequence design and thermodynamic energy models, and connections to the field of distributed computing.This course version is effective from, and including: Summer Session 1 2023. STA 290 Seminar: Sam Pimentel Event Date. /Length 2524 UC Davis Course ECS 32A or 36A (or former courses ECS 10 or 30 or 40) UC Davis Course ECS 32B (or former course ECS 60) is also strongly recommended. UC Davis Department of Statistics University of California, Davis , One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 | 530-752-1011 Prerequisite(s): STA130B C- or better or STA131B C- or better. 3 lectures per week will be posted (except for weeks with academic holidays when only 2 lectures will be posted) Course Description: Special study for advanced undergraduates. Prerequisite(s): (STA035A C- or better or STA032 C- or better or STA100 C- or better); (MAT016B (can be concurrent) or MAT017B (can be concurrent) or MAT021B (can be concurrent)). This course is a continuations of STA 130A. Prerequisite(s): STA142A C- or better; (STA130B C- or better or STA131B C- or better); STA131B preferred. ), Statistics: Computational Statistics Track (B.S. Course Description: Topics may include Bayesian analysis, nonparametric and semiparametric regression, sequential analysis, bootstrap, statistical methods in high dimensions, reliability, spatial processes, inference for stochastic process, stochastic methods in finance, empirical processes, change-point problems, asymptotics for parametric, nonparametric and semiparametric models, nonlinear time series, robustness. Course Description: First part of three-quarter sequence on mathematical statistics. Course Description: Principles and practice of interdisciplinary, collaborative data analysis; complete case study review and team data analysis project. Advanced statistical procedures for analysis of data collected in clinical trials. Course Description: Alternative approaches to regression, model selection, nonparametric methods amenable to linear model framework and their applications. Summary of Course Content: Admissions to UC Davis is managed by the Undergraduate Admissions Office. ), Statistics: Applied Statistics Track (B.S. Course Description: Special topics in Statistics appropriate for study at the graduate level. Both courses cover the fundamentals of the various methods and techniques, their implementation and applications. Copyright The Regents of the University of California, Davis campus. /MediaBox [0 0 662.399 899.999] Chi square and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests. Lecture: 3 hours Multidimensional tables and log-linear models, maximum likelihood estimation; tests of goodness-of-fit. One Introductory Statistics Course UC Davis Course STA 13 or 32 or 100; If the courses above are completed pre-matriculation, your major course schedule at UC Davis will be similar to the one below. Prerequisite(s): Introductory, upper division statistics course; some knowledge of vectors and matrices; STA106 or STA108 or the equivalent suggested. ECS 116. STA 290 Seminar: Sam Pimentel | UC Davis Department of Statistics Restrictions: /Contents 3 0 R Prerequisite(s): STA013 C- or better or STA013Y C- or better or STA032 C- or better or STA100 C- or better. Prerequisite(s): (STA130A, STA130B); (MAT067 or MAT167); or equivalent of STA130A and 130B, or equivalent of MAT167 or MAT067. ), Prospective Transfer Students-Data Science, Ph.D. PLEASE NOTE: These are only guidelines to help prepare yourself to transition to UC Davis with sufficient progress made towards your major. Prerequisite(s): STA015C C- or better or STA106 C- or better or STA108 C- or better. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Course Description: Biostatistical methods and models selected from the following: genetics, bioinformatics and genomics; longitudinal or functional data; clinical trials and experimental design; analysis of environmental data; dose-response, nutrition and toxicology; survival analysis; observational studies and epidemiology; computer-intensive or Bayesian methods in biostatistics. The midterm and final examinations will differ from those of 131A in that they will include material covered in the additional reading assignments. bs*dtfh # PzC?nv(G6HuN@ sq7$. Course Description: Directed reading, research and writing, culminating in the completion of a senior honors thesis or project under direction of a faculty advisor. Prerequisite(s): STA013 or STA013Y or STA032 or STA100 or STA103. ), Prospective Transfer Students-Data Science, Ph.D. ), Statistics: Statistical Data Science Track (B.S. Only two units of credit for students who have previously taken ECS 171. Course Description: Multivariate normal distribution; Mahalanobis distance; sampling distributions of the mean vector and covariance matrix; Hotellings T2; simultaneous inference; one-way MANOVA; discriminant analysis; principal components; canonical correlation; factor analysis. Prerequisite(s): (STA130B or STA131B) or (STA106, STA108). ), Statistics: Computational Statistics Track (B.S. Basic ideas of hypotheses testing, likelihood ratio tests, goodness-of-fit tests. Prerequisite(s): STA131C; or consent of instructor; data analysis experience recommended. Prerequisite(s): STA131A C- or better or MAT135A C- or better; consent of instructor. Description. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor; advancement to candidacy for Ph.D. STA 130A - Mathematical Statistics: Brief Course (MAT 16C or 17C or 21C); (STA 13 or 32 or 100) Fall, Winter . Units: 4 Format: Lecture: 3 hours Discussion: 1 hour Catalog Description:Fundamental concepts of probability theory, discrete and continuous random variables, standard distributions, moments and moment-generating functions, laws of large numbers and the central limit theorem. ), Statistics: Statistical Data Science Track (B.S. The course STA 130A with which it is somewhat related, is the first part of a two part course, STA 130A,B covering both probability and statistical inference. You can find course articulations for California community colleges using assist.org. ), Statistics: Statistical Data Science Track (B.S. Course Description: Fundamental concepts and methods in statistical learning with emphasis on supervised learning. These methods are useful for conducting research in applied subjects, and they are appealing to employees and graduate schools seeking students with quantitative skills. %PDF-1.5 General Catalog - Epidemiology (EPI) - UC Davis The minor is designed to provide students in other disciplines with opportunities for exposure and skill development in advanced . Pass One restricted to Statistics majors. ), Prospective Transfer Students-Data Science, Ph.D. Location. Basic ideas of hypotheses testing, likelihood ratio tests, goodness-of- fit tests. ), Statistics: Computational Statistics Track (B.S. ), Statistics: General Statistics Track (B.S. Graduate standing. Prerequisite(s): (MAT 125B, MAT135A) or STA131A; or consent of instructor. ~.S|d&O`S4/ COkahcoc B>8rp*OS9rb[!:D >N1*iyuS9QG(r:| 2#V`O~/ 4ClJW@+d Introduction to Probability, G.G. STA 231B: Mathematical Statistics II | UC Davis Department of Statistics STA 131A; STA 131B; STA 131C; MAT 025; MAT 125A; Or equivalent of MAT 025 and MAT 125A. MAT 108 is recommended. ), Prospective Transfer Students-Data Science, Ph.D. Catalog Description:Basic probability, densities and distributions, mean, variance, covariance, Chebyshev's inequality, some special distributions, sampling distributions, central limit theorem and law of large numbers, point estimation, some methods of estimation, interval estimation, confidence intervals for certain quantities, computing sample sizes. Course Description: Teaching assistant training practicum. Potential Overlap:Similar topics are covered in STA 131B and 131C. The statistics undergraduate program at UC Davis offers a large and varied collection of courses in statistical theory, methodology, and application. Course Description: Basic experimental designs, two-factor ANOVA without interactions, repeated measures ANOVA, ANCOVA, random effects vs. fixed effects, multiple regression, basic model building, resampling methods, multiple comparisons, multivariate methods, generalized linear models, Monte Carlo simulations. Prerequisite(s): (STA222 or BST222); (STA223 or BST223). Topics include linear mixed models, repeated measures, generalized linear models, model selection, analysis of missing data, and multiple testing procedures. Regularization and cross validation; classification, clustering and dimension reduction techniques; nonparametric smoothing methods. Prerequisite:STA 131A C- or better or MAT 135A C- or better; consent of instructor. ), Statistics: Machine Learning Track (B.S. Course Description: Guided orientation to original statistical research papers, and oral presentations in class of such papers by students under the supervision of a faculty member.
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