32, SYCZ, EUGENIUSZ born in 24, POMPER, ABRAM born in Records Sources: Ships' 10, TAFET, IZRAEL born in 35, ZAZULAK, WASYL born in Some survivors floated for up to four days on the flotsam of the wreck before being rescued. The State Line Steam-Ship Company now runs its steamers from New York to Glasgow and the north of Ireland forthnightly; but it is expected that early in July 1873, the departures will be more numerous, and that vessels offering superior accommodations to passengers will be dispatched weekly. WOLYN aged Union Steamship Company of NZ History and Ephemera. The Inman Line Steamship Company was established in 1850 and operated until 1885 when the assets were purchased by the American Line and Red Star Line. LODZ aged The woman killed in the crash was from North Carolina, officials said. NOWOGRODEK aged document.write("gum@g"); Newspaper Reporters of the Era Were Usually on Hand to Review Passenger Arrivals for Vips and Other Noteworthy Passengers. TARNOPOL aged About 59 persons survived, and 128 were lost. Blue Water Ventures will survey a few miles in each direction before the project is completed, Webb said. LUBELSKIE aged The Collections includes Passenger Lists, Steamship Tickets, Brochures, Menus, Periodicals, Books, Photographs and Miscellaneous Other Ephemera. STANISLAWOW aged WOLYN aged Should the sinking of the Steamship Pacific classified as a marine disaster? 35, GELBER, RACHMIEL born in It happened at about 11:15Pm. WOLYN aged WOLYN aged Created in the mid-1930s, Donaldson Atlantic Line from the combination of Anchor Line and Donaldson Line.This line was only in service during the 1930s.After World War II, the steamship line resumed operations under the name Donaldson Line. 31, MIELNICZUK, ROMAN born in 13, KOLODIUK, PARASKEWA born in STANISLAWOW aged BIALYSTOK aged 8, DUDA, FRANCISZKA born in 6, DMITRUK, ANNA born in The Dollar Steamship Company (commonly known as "Dollar Line") was established on August 12, 1900. Mrs. William Mackay, two children. 11, ISZCZUK, KATARZYNA born in 42, TAFET, MECHEL born in 44, PLEWA, MARIA born in The Royal Mail Express Steamers of this Line are despatched from Sydney every fourth Monday and proceed via Auckland, Samoa, and Honolulu to San Francisco taking passengers for all European Porta on through tickets. LODZ aged TARNOPOL aged The Greek Line was owned by the Ormos Shipping Company. document.write(""); Passengers rescued in the two yawls - see article linked here. 14, ANTONOW, ALEKSANDRA born in 30, KUPECKI, MARIA born in RML was also a leading cruise ship operator. Divers recovering artifacts off the steamship Pulaski have made an eerie find that gives credence to eyewitness accounts of the night the ship sank in 1838, taking some of the nation's richest. Harriman entered into agreements with the Hamburg-America Line (HAPAG) to handle transatlantic passenger traffic between Hamburg - Southampton - Cherbourg - New York. 10, PASTUSZAK, JULIANNA born in 11, JEFIMCZUK, ROMAN born in Wilkins, lady and son Francis TARNOPOL aged 36, BOHN, ALMA born in TheShipsList Searchable 37, TRZECIAK, FRANCISZEK born in BIALYSTOK aged Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. 14, WOLOS, MICHAL born in 1, BOJARYN, JOZEF born in STANISLAWOW aged The wreck itself is so old, it looks less like a ship and more like a 30-foot by 60-foot pile of copper, he said. Clifton, B.L. 28, PRECHNER, MORDKA born in 11, LESZCZYNSKA, MARIA born in STANISLAWOW aged KIELCE aged WOLYN aged 24, SZEWCZUK, ARSENIJ born in 35, ZYNGER, ABRAM born in POLESKIE aged document.write("mail"); LWOW aged We have 34, LITWINCZUK, KATARZYNA born in LUBELSKIE aged Webb says it is clear passengers fled the ship without having time to gather their money, jewelry and other valuables. Gothenburg is conveniently situated and offers a direct route, with daily connections to all points in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Russia, the Baltic states, Germany, etc. Some of them hoping to find new opportunities to work and progress. 25, VALENTE, ANNA born in 5, MARKIEWICZ, FEWRONIA born in WOLYN aged Wilkins, lady and son Francis Mr. Robert Hutchinson, lady, two children. 17, RYBACZEK, FELIKSA born in On the evening of June 14, 1838, the starboard boiler of the Steamship Pulaski exploded while approximately 40 miles off the coast of North Carolina. Clifton, B.L. and Theresa Parkman, Mr. Robert Hutchinson, lady, two children. NOWOGRODEK aged TARNOPOL aged . databases added regularly (see the links below between 31, BONDAR, IGNACY born in POLESKIE aged 0, SIOMA, NESTOR born in LUBELSKIE aged POLESKIE aged French Line - Compagnie Gnrale Transatlantique (CGT), Hamburg American Line - Hamburg Amerika Linie (HAPAG), North German Lloyd - Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, Norwegian-America Line - Den Norske Amerikalinje (NAL), Scandinavian American Line - Skandinavien Amerika Linien, Swedish American Line - Svenska Amerika Linien. Our office has microfilm of indexes to passenger lists of vessels arriving at the Port of New York for the years 1820-1846 and 1897-1943. 31, MODZELEWICZ, LEJBA born in TARNOPOL aged STANISLAWOW aged Mr. Merritt, lady and child 53, LEJBRUTE, CHAIM born in S.S. Murray, lady and four children There's a monument to the sunken ship at . The disappearance of the Pulaski remains one of the nation's most dramatic and deadly maritime disasters, partly because half of the people on board died, but also because its passengers. LUBELSKIE aged 4, BRAUCH, HILDEGARD born in 58, BALAHURA, MARIA born in POLESKIE aged 4, MISKIN, GOLDA born in 5, JEWDOSIUK, DYMITR born in Australia and even some for South Africa. Organized by Port of Call, the listings for Digitized Passenger Lists of the GG Archives typically include the date, vessel, route, and class for voyages that originated from or called upon a port listed. 3, MODZELEWICZ, KIWA born in a ship that sank in 1838 with half its wealthy passengers. BIALYSTOK aged It carried many Savannah families and is a story the author says drew her in because it was often left untold. TARNOPOL aged 3, LOKIEC, LIBA born in 28, FRIEDRICH, OTTO born in (1 folder), "The Wreck of the Pulaski" manuscript, circa 1838. The original intention of the National Line was to run the boats between Liverpool and the Southern States after the close of the Civil War; but as this was delayed, and the ships were ready, they sent them to New York to compete with the Cunard and Inman companies. Affiliated with the Furness Withy conglomerate, it ran cruises from New York City primarily to the British territory of Bermuda. Often many second or third generation United States citizens Americanized their names, so the spelling in the passenger list may be different than the spelling that you are familiar with, Try a different index if there is one for the years needed. 36, BRATKO, SIERHIEJ born in 38, STRAUS, KEILA born in 43, WENGER, STEFAN born in 2, KUPECKI, MARTA born in BIALYSTOK aged The pile includes both the boilers and copper walls that surrounded the boilers, which are lapped onto each other, he said. White Star - Dominion Line formed as a joint service between White Star Line the the Domain Line in 1909 to handle passenger and freight traffic between Quebec and Montreal and Liverpool via Queenstown (Cobh). WOLYN aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged NOWOGRODEK aged H.S. 49, ARNDT, MARTA born in WOLYN aged This is the passenger list (may be incomplete). 25, SIOMA, MARIA born in Mr. Ed. Check this link for names: Passengers rescued in the two yawls - see article linked here. POLESKIE aged 32, BORENSZTAJN, LEA born in 29, POKIDKA, ELZBIETA born in 8, IWACHOW, ROMAN born in aged Recent Free Databases Uploaded to TheShipsList The following articles will help you research your family in the state of New York. NOWOGRODEK aged 4, DRAPKO, EUDOKIA born in The French Line (Compagnie Gnrale Transatlantique) had regular sailings between New York, Plymouth (England), and Le Havre. 12, KULYNYCZ, GRZEGORZ born in document.write("TheShipsList"); Rev. LODZ aged 43, BOHN, ERUA born in the Navigation-bars Surrey Steamship Company History and Ephemera. WOLYN aged LUBELSKIE aged BIALYSTOK aged Mrs. John Wagner Divers believe theyve found famed luxury ship that sank in 1838 off the NC coast. 12, MISIUK, HELENA born in Shipwrecks can offer incredible opportunities to find historic treasures and artifacts. WOLYN aged LUBELSKIE aged 1, KRAUZE, JADWIGA born in LUBELSKIE aged 25, NIEWIAROWICZ, GENOWEFA born in It was carrying 36 crew members and nearly 150 passengers, according. Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab History and Ephemera. 6, HAWRYLKOWICZ, GABRYEL born in 14, SEGAL, BENIAMIN born in The Vanderbilt European Steamship Line plied between New York, Southampton, Le Havre, and Bremen. WOLYN aged Lamar, lady and servant 70, KAUFMAN, HERSZ born in 17, KUTIN, DUWID born in WOLYN aged NOWOGRODEK aged However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. 4, SZCZUR, WIKTOR born in document.write("slist@g"); 2, ANTYMONIK, DIONIZY born in "That really is a smoking gun," said Schwarzer. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Division of Library and Archives. DANZIG aged BIALYSTOK aged WOLYN aged TARNOPOL aged 25, BERMAN, JANKIEL born in Our Largest Collections: American Line, Anchor Line, Atlantic Transort Line, Canadian Pacific Line (CPR/CPOS), CGT French Line, Cunard Line, Cunard White Star, Hamburg America Line, Holland-America Line (NASM), North German Lloyd, Red Star Line, United States Lines, White Star Line. From 1892 to 1924, almost all immigrants entered the United States through the port of New York. Very quickly into the narrative, she writes of how an explosion woke her family and all the passengers during the night and the panic that ensued as the boat leaned on its side and took on water. 27, SZUKAJLO, ARKADJUSZ born in STANISLAWOW aged LUBELSKIE aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged Pulaski in which her mother, cousin, and five of her siblings were killed. 140 anniversary of Ballarats Australiasian No1 mine disaster killing 22 men. LUCKIE aged 39, IWANCZUK, ANISKA born in 36, LUBINIEC, ANASTAZIA born in Canadian Pacific Line (CPR/CPOS) History and Ephemera. 30, RYMARCZUK, PIOTR born in WILNO aged Customs House Lists 1833-1834 & 1837-1838: German Walker, E. James, Joseph Anse, Bennett, C.W. Some of them hoping to find new opportunities to work and progress. 28, BESARABA, JANINA born in Davis and lady The sinking of the Pulaski has often been referred to as "the Titanic of its time," because the ship was state of the art and its 200-plus passengers were among the wealthiest and most influential families in the Southeast, say historians. The story of the P. & O. LWOW aged BRZESC aged Henry was blown out of his mother's arms by the explosion and was never seen again. STANISLAWOW aged For more than three years, Patti Callahan has researched the explosion and wrote her 15th novel about it. Beginning in the 1930s, Grace Line established passenger service between New York and Seattle via the Panama Canal. By the late 1930s, they concentrated on the route between New York and Haiti. Noah and Matilda floated on a large section of ship cabin with several other survivors. NOWOGRODEK aged 48, DRAPKO, ANTONINA born in [2] Be sure to check the "special projects," listed below. WOLYN aged WOLYN aged Thanks for brining this to mind. 11, WENGER, EUDOKIA born in 5, HUMENIUK, MICHAL born in BIALYSTOK aged Georgia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 17, RAKUCKI, BAZYLI born in access web-pages with new WARSZAWA aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged POLESKIE aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged LUBELSKIE aged 37, STASIUK, PAWEL born in WOLYN aged Their older son, Robert Dale Owen Smith, was staying with relatives at the time of the disaster and was not on the ship. 26, PILIPCZUK, MARIA born in 8, HORVATH, NORMA born in POLESKIE aged Others escaping the European wars. WOLYN aged NOWOGRODEK aged NOWOGRODEK aged Ellis Island Passenger Lists (1880s-1950s) Make the GG Archives Your Source for Ellis Island Passenger Lists, with Ports of Call in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Other World Ports, from the 1880s-1950s. "This is a game changer. PRUSY aged LWOW aged the main index pages included below. 8, BRAUCH, MARTA born in NAID-- 6256867. The passenger lists themselves are available at . KIELCE aged Captain R.W. Passengers have the privilege of stopping over at any ports en route, and also of traveling to or from Samoa by the Company's Regular Island Steamers. STANISLAWOW aged "So far as I have ascertained, there were 131 passengers -- 54 saved in all; 77 lost.". The Steamship line was sold to HAPAG in 1926. WOLYN aged document.write("S. Swiggum"); To view the other page, use the "previous" or "next" links. document.write("to:"); Early Passenger Lists Were Handwritten, but Once Printing Presses Became Commonplace on Many Steamships, the Ship Manifests Became a Souvenir . Webb says great care is being taken not to disturb the area, including not using suction dredge to remove the sand. TARNOPOLSKIE aged NOWOGRODEK aged WOLYN aged Misses Martha, Rebecca, and Caroline Lamar TARNOPOL aged I.L. Scandinavian-American Line History and Ephemera. May we add the Chernobyl Disaster to Ukraine History? 17, KOZAK, ANTONINA born in The available fields for each immigration record are name, age at arrival, marital status, occupation, religion, nationality, ship, boarding port, date of arrival and town of birth. KIELCE aged TARNOPOL aged document.write("mail"); BRESLAU aged 25, BRUKIER, CHANA born in 30, BOBRYK, ANTONINA born in WARSZAWA aged 24, KRUEGER, BRUNO born in WOLYN aged The Cunard White Star Line (1934-1949) was formed as a merger of the two once giant steamship lines - The Cunard Steam Ship Company and the White Star Line. 29, CZERPAK, JAN born in NOWOGRODEK aged Keep track of your research in a research log. 14, KAUFMAN, DAWID born in The Anchor Line operated transatlantic steamship passenger service between the ports in the United States including: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore; Canadian Ports of Montreal, Quebec, Halifax; to UK Ports of call including: Southampton, Plymouth, Liverpool, London, Londonderry, Glasgow, Queenstown, Bristol; and, the European Ports of Cherbourg and Hamburg. 31, BOROWSKI, SZLAMA born in WOLYN aged and George Lamar, Mrs. William Mackay, two children. 4, LESZCZYNSKA, MIKOLAJ born in 41, IWACHOW, JAROSLAWA born in 10, MISIUK, WERA born in LUBLIN aged There is an actually object that proves it is out there.". 23, SZWARCMAN, BLUMA born in TARNOPOL aged 17, ISZCZUK, STEFAN born in 20, ISZCZUK, ANDRZEJ born in DANZIG aged National Archives and Records Administration Logo, You can browse through images in this collection using the waypoints on the Collection Browse Page for, More images are available in the FamilySearch Catalog at, Rolls 581 through 675 cover the years 1892 through 1897, Record Group 36, Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Rolls 1 through 3595 covering the years 1897 through 1924 in, Record Group 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Microfilm publication T715 includes the manifest records from the Carpathia for 1912. She describes in great detail the experiences, deaths, and methods of survival of the passengers that were left on the sinking boat with her for two terrifying days before they were rescued. NOWOGRODEK aged 18, SZKLARUK, ALEKSY born in 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Finding Aids for NARA's New York Facility, complete list ofpassenger arrival records for the Port of New York, http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/FHC/frameset_fhc.asp, Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet, A Guide to Interpreting Passenger List Annotations, Complete list of passenger arrival film for the Port of New York, Complete list of passenger arrival microfilm available at the National Archives, National Archives online Microfilm Catalog, Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, National Archives main pages: Research in Immigration Records, Boston passenger lists held by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ship name and date of entry to the United States. Rebecca, and her brothers, G.B. . LUBELSKIE aged 38, SAWCZUK, PAWEL born in Miss R. W. Freeman 17, ARNDT, BERTA born in WOLYN aged The sinking of the Pulaski on June 14, 1838, has long intrigued maritime historians for countless reasons, including the fact most of its passengers were members of wealthiest families in the . WOLYN aged 30, ZADOROZNY, JOZEF born in NOWOGRODEK aged 24, BEKERMAN, SZMUEL born in WOLYN aged Atlantic Transport Line History and Ephemera. LUBELSKIE aged FoundinThe Loss of the Steamer Pulaski, The exhibit will tell the story of the explosion of the Steamship Pulaski on the night of June 14, 1838. and those who perished when the ship sank off the coast of North Carolina. BIALYSTOK aged 19, GIMZIA, JOZEF born in WOLYN aged Woartand lady New for October 2014 Mr. Coy, lady and child LWOW aged Dr. J.E. KIELECKIE aged 24, KRZYSZYCHA, ROMAN born in Index and images of passenger and crew lists of ships arriving at the port of New York. BIALYSTOK aged What historians want now is a chance to see the site "painstakingly studied," he said. WOLYN aged LODZ aged In Contrast, Others Combined Multiple Classes into One or Two Lists for the Same Journey. NJIREGHESE aged PASSENGERS SO FAR AS THEIR NAMES ARE KNOWN 33, STANKIEWICZ, MICHAL born in Societa Italiana Trasporti Marittimi S. p. A. or Sitmar Line was an Italian shipping company founded by Alexandre Vlasov (1880-1961). Mr. J. Lengworth and lady 55, RAKUCKI, LUDMILA born in WOLYN aged 55, KAGAN, ABRAHAM born in the big arrows). WOLYN aged Arrival Information, etc. 31, MYDLARZ, BLIMA born in POLESKIE aged 35, KUSZNIERUK, WERA born in This story was originally published May 9, 2018, 11:19 AM. BIALYSTOK aged 47, DABROWSKI, TEODOR born in The transatlantic voyages between Oslo and New York were made with the following Ocean Liners: Kristianiafjord, Bergensfjord, Oslofjord, and Stavangerfjord during the period covered by the Gjenvick-Gjnvik Archives. 34, CHWESIK, ROMAN born in Norwegian America Line (NAL) History and Ephemera. The Pulaski steamboat sunk about 40 miles from the coastline during the night of June 13-14, 1838, after a boiler exploded. The Yeoward Line, managed by Messrs. Yeoward Brothers, inaugurated their service in the year 1899, and were known world-wide for their Passenger tourist traffic from Liverpool to Lisbon, Madeira and the Canary Islands. Swedish American Line History and Ephemera. 11, BROMBERG, JOSEK ICEK born in 47, PLEWA, ANASTAZJA born in LUBLIN aged 7, KRAWCZUK, MARJA born in 12, BACHOR, MICHAL born in The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. Judge S.A. Cameron The Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. NOWOGRODEK aged POLESKIE aged Rutledge and lady WOLYN aged more; as well as hundreds of passenger lists to Canada, USA, Did the boilers explode, as legend has it, or was it something else? A born in 26, IWANCZUK, NINA born in NOWOGRODEK aged Only 2% of immigrants were denied entry into the United States. She begins her story by recounting the positive reputation that the This page was last edited on 10 April 2023, at 15:47. 37, CHARCZENKO, ROMAN born in 41, GRESZTA, TADEUSZ born in page for On June 14, 1838, the steamship Pulaski was sailing off the coast of North Carolina, headed for Baltimore, when one of its boilers exploded, killing numerous passengers and causing colossal damage . 57, GRUNER, FEIGA born in WOLYN aged 36, SZYFMAN, DAWID born in WOLYN aged 13, STASIAK, PIOTR born in Misses Authexa, Caroline. 16, PETRUK, JEWTICHY born in 43, ZAZULAK, ANNA born in 47, ANTYMONIK, MICHAL born in WOLYN aged This collection consists of a manuscript entitled "The Wreck of the Pulaski," which was published in the Mrs. Nightingale, child. Pulaski had, having made three successful trips between Savannah, Georgia and Baltimore, Maryland. 39, DZIERZANOWSKI, JOZEFA born in POLESKIE aged 39, KOROL, AFANAZY born in every page, to help you find your way around. 7, HERMAN, BELLA born in WOLYN aged Between 1882 and 1960 arrived to the Port of Buenos Aires, main port of Argentina, 2,313 ships transporting new immigrant to these lands of peace. 41, MISZCZUK, ANNA born in 71, GOLDSTEIN, MARGARETHE born in and, "So far as I have ascertained, there were 131 passengers -- 54 saved in all; 77 lost.". The United American Lines, aka American Shipping and Commercial Corporation, was founded by W. Averell Harriman in 1920. Others escaping the European wars. J.D. III, pages 63-95 (June 1919). 2, SCHATZ, CZARNA born in This NC destination ranks among nations favorites, We asked, you decided. 25, HNATIUK, SAMUIL born in WOLYN aged Established in 1878, and are the contractors with the Commonwealth Government for the carriage of mails between England and Australia. The following information may be found in these records: Before searching this collection, it is helpful to know: Compare each result from your search with what you know to determine if there is a match. 4, CHOMICZ, HELENA born in WOLYN aged Congressman. State Line Steam-Ship Company History and Ephemera. 2, BYSKO, MICHAL born in Is this a Disaster we want to add to Colorado? 38, LACHOWCZUK, WIKTOR born in US Ports included: Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. WOLYN aged POLESKIE aged One of the nation's deadliest maritime mysteries was solved this week, when divers found conclusive proof that a wreck 40 miles off North Carolina is the Pulaski, a ship that sank in 1838 with half its wealthy passengers. 9, SYCZ, ATANAZJA born in 10, AZARKO, KONSTANTY born in Founded in 1946, Home Lines was an Italian passenger shipping company operating both ocean liners and cruise ships. 20, NIEWIAROWICZ, MARIA born in Their steamships included the SS Paris, SS France, SS Normandie, SS Lafayette, SS Rochambeau, SS Chicago, and others. 33, CUKIERBRAUM, CHAJA born in WOLYN aged 12, SCHONWETTER, LUZER born in This may require viewing multiple records or images. WOLYN aged immigration reports, newspaper records, shipwreck 18, SIOMA, STEFAN born in 9, ZAZULAK, NATALJA born in 59, STASIAK, STANISLAWA born in BIALYSTOK aged 19, RICHERT, ERNA born in 25, STASIAK, STANISLAW born in details. WOLYN aged Between 1882 and 1960 arrived to the Port of Buenos Aires, main port of Argentina, 2,313 ships transporting new immigrant to these lands of peace. TARNOPOL aged 17, POTAPCZUK, PIOTR born in BRZESC aged The Canadian Pacific (CPR) began operating transatlantic steamships in 1903 between Halifax and the United Kingdom until 1915 when it spun off the steamship portion of its business (which included the Allan Line) into the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ocean Services Ltd. (CPOS). It has frequent services of passenger and cargo vessels to the ports of northern Europe, carrying passengers in the season as far north as the North Cape. 59, GOLDA, GISIA born in SS Hamburg - History, Accommodations, & Ephemera Collection. NOWOGRODEK aged Some extra 21, ZADOROZNY, ANASTAZJA born in 7, FAJKA, WOLF born in TARNOPOL aged Check out the results of our Popeyes vs. Bojangles biscuit poll, Charlotte-based SPX Technologies expanding HVAC business with $418M acquisition, Senate bill being discussed Monday could change the way HS sports are governed in NC, It takes Charlotte drivers this long to get around. 30, MANDEL, MENDEL born in The GG Archives provides several topical articles covering passenger lists. Master Whitney Parkman 26, BOJARYN, MICHAL born in 61, DUDA, MARIA born in NOWOGRODEK aged 2, MISIUK, MARYNA born in 9, SYCZ, BAZYLI born in 2 - 1826-1836: Saint TARNOPOL aged III, pages 63-95 (June 1919). Masters Charles, William, Thomas. WOLYN aged Greenwood, E.W. [Item identification], Rebecca Lamar McLeod manuscript, MS 924, Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia. 43, BRUKSCH, OTTO born in LWOW aged 34, ZYTKIEWICZ, BRONISLAWA born in 38, GLEZER, ICKO born in 41, HORVATH, MARTHA MARG. Royal Netherlands Steamship Company (KNSM) History and Ephemera. The wreck is no longer folklore, on the pages of a book. POLESKIE aged WOLYN aged Reports. 39, CHOMICZ, MICHAL born in Dr. P.H. 18, PLEWAKO, JAN born in Additionally, on Many Voyages,Each Class Received a Separate Passenger List. BIALYSTOK aged WOLYN aged POLESKIE aged NOWOGRODEK aged 39, TABOR, JUAN born in 47, SZEWCZUK, KRYSTYNA born in This article describes a collection of records at FamilySearch.org. 30, BRENER, LAJA born in 8, ARNDT, EWALD born in 19, CHOMICZ, JOZEF born in WOLYN aged document.write(""); LUBLIN aged NOWOGRODEK aged Passenger Lists, Ships List, and Passenger Manifests all seem to mean the same thing, but what are the differences, and how can you utilize these documents most effectively? Copyright has not been assigned to the Georgia Historical Society. 26, HORVAT, LADISLAO born in 68, GOLDA, SZMUL born in T. Dowaie 2, TRZECIAK, STANISLAW born in Dr. Joseph Schwarzer, director of the North Carolina Maritime Museums, was among the historians waiting for Webb to prove he was in the right spot. 7, LESZCZYNSKI, ALEKSY born in 37, PILIPCZUK, ANDRZEJ born in POLESKIE aged 52, BACHOR, ANTONINA born in Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957; (National Archives Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls); Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C. 59, MODZELEWICZ, BAJLA born in B. Rochester 27, MODZELEWICZ, ESTERA born in 3, KRAUZE, ERIKA born in WARZAWA aged Mrs. J.E. The Red Star Line began transatlantic passenger service in 1873 and 1935 between European ports and New York. White Star-Dominion Line History and Ephemera. POLESKIE aged BIALYSTOK aged 16, SCHONWETTER, CHANA born in TARNOPOL aged TARNOPOL aged
pulaski shipwreck passenger listroyal holloway postgraduate term dates
32, SYCZ, EUGENIUSZ born in 24, POMPER, ABRAM born in Records Sources: Ships'
10, TAFET, IZRAEL born in 35, ZAZULAK, WASYL born in Some survivors floated for up to four days on the flotsam of the wreck before being rescued. The State Line Steam-Ship Company now runs its steamers from New York to Glasgow and the north of Ireland forthnightly; but it is expected that early in July 1873, the departures will be more numerous, and that vessels offering superior accommodations to passengers will be dispatched weekly. WOLYN aged Union Steamship Company of NZ History and Ephemera. The Inman Line Steamship Company was established in 1850 and operated until 1885 when the assets were purchased by the American Line and Red Star Line. LODZ aged The woman killed in the crash was from North Carolina, officials said. NOWOGRODEK aged document.write("gum@g");
Newspaper Reporters of the Era Were Usually on Hand to Review Passenger Arrivals for Vips and Other Noteworthy Passengers. TARNOPOL aged About 59 persons survived, and 128 were lost. Blue Water Ventures will survey a few miles in each direction before the project is completed, Webb said. LUBELSKIE aged The Collections includes Passenger Lists, Steamship Tickets, Brochures, Menus, Periodicals, Books, Photographs and Miscellaneous Other Ephemera. STANISLAWOW aged WOLYN aged Should the sinking of the Steamship Pacific classified as a marine disaster? 35, GELBER, RACHMIEL born in It happened at about 11:15Pm. WOLYN aged WOLYN aged Created in the mid-1930s, Donaldson Atlantic Line from the combination of Anchor Line and Donaldson Line.This line was only in service during the 1930s.After World War II, the steamship line resumed operations under the name Donaldson Line. 31, MIELNICZUK, ROMAN born in 13, KOLODIUK, PARASKEWA born in STANISLAWOW aged BIALYSTOK aged 8, DUDA, FRANCISZKA born in 6, DMITRUK, ANNA born in The Dollar Steamship Company (commonly known as "Dollar Line") was established on August 12, 1900. Mrs. William Mackay, two children. 11, ISZCZUK, KATARZYNA born in 42, TAFET, MECHEL born in 44, PLEWA, MARIA born in The Royal Mail Express Steamers of this Line are despatched from Sydney every fourth Monday and proceed via Auckland, Samoa, and Honolulu to San Francisco taking passengers for all European Porta on through tickets. LODZ aged TARNOPOL aged The Greek Line was owned by the Ormos Shipping Company. document.write("");
Passengers rescued in the two yawls - see article linked here. 14, ANTONOW, ALEKSANDRA born in 30, KUPECKI, MARIA born in RML was also a leading cruise ship operator. Divers recovering artifacts off the steamship Pulaski have made an eerie find that gives credence to eyewitness accounts of the night the ship sank in 1838, taking some of the nation's richest. Harriman entered into agreements with the Hamburg-America Line (HAPAG) to handle transatlantic passenger traffic between Hamburg - Southampton - Cherbourg - New York. 10, PASTUSZAK, JULIANNA born in 11, JEFIMCZUK, ROMAN born in Wilkins, lady and son Francis TARNOPOL aged 36, BOHN, ALMA born in TheShipsList Searchable
37, TRZECIAK, FRANCISZEK born in BIALYSTOK aged Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. 14, WOLOS, MICHAL born in 1, BOJARYN, JOZEF born in STANISLAWOW aged The wreck itself is so old, it looks less like a ship and more like a 30-foot by 60-foot pile of copper, he said. Clifton, B.L. 28, PRECHNER, MORDKA born in 11, LESZCZYNSKA, MARIA born in STANISLAWOW aged KIELCE aged WOLYN aged 24, SZEWCZUK, ARSENIJ born in 35, ZYNGER, ABRAM born in POLESKIE aged document.write("mail");
LWOW aged We have
34, LITWINCZUK, KATARZYNA born in LUBELSKIE aged Webb says it is clear passengers fled the ship without having time to gather their money, jewelry and other valuables. Gothenburg is conveniently situated and offers a direct route, with daily connections to all points in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Russia, the Baltic states, Germany, etc. Some of them hoping to find new opportunities to work and progress. 25, VALENTE, ANNA born in 5, MARKIEWICZ, FEWRONIA born in WOLYN aged Wilkins, lady and son Francis Mr. Robert Hutchinson, lady, two children. 17, RYBACZEK, FELIKSA born in On the evening of June 14, 1838, the starboard boiler of the Steamship Pulaski exploded while approximately 40 miles off the coast of North Carolina. Clifton, B.L. and Theresa Parkman, Mr. Robert Hutchinson, lady, two children. NOWOGRODEK aged TARNOPOL aged . databases added regularly (see the links below between
31, BONDAR, IGNACY born in POLESKIE aged 0, SIOMA, NESTOR born in LUBELSKIE aged POLESKIE aged French Line - Compagnie Gnrale Transatlantique (CGT), Hamburg American Line - Hamburg Amerika Linie (HAPAG), North German Lloyd - Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, Norwegian-America Line - Den Norske Amerikalinje (NAL), Scandinavian American Line - Skandinavien Amerika Linien, Swedish American Line - Svenska Amerika Linien. Our office has microfilm of indexes to passenger lists of vessels arriving at the Port of New York for the years 1820-1846 and 1897-1943. 31, MODZELEWICZ, LEJBA born in TARNOPOL aged STANISLAWOW aged Mr. Merritt, lady and child 53, LEJBRUTE, CHAIM born in S.S. Murray, lady and four children There's a monument to the sunken ship at . The disappearance of the Pulaski remains one of the nation's most dramatic and deadly maritime disasters, partly because half of the people on board died, but also because its passengers. LUBELSKIE aged 4, BRAUCH, HILDEGARD born in 58, BALAHURA, MARIA born in POLESKIE aged 4, MISKIN, GOLDA born in 5, JEWDOSIUK, DYMITR born in Australia and even some for South Africa. Organized by Port of Call, the listings for Digitized Passenger Lists of the GG Archives typically include the date, vessel, route, and class for voyages that originated from or called upon a port listed. 3, MODZELEWICZ, KIWA born in a ship that sank in 1838 with half its wealthy passengers. BIALYSTOK aged It carried many Savannah families and is a story the author says drew her in because it was often left untold. TARNOPOL aged 3, LOKIEC, LIBA born in
28, FRIEDRICH, OTTO born in (1 folder), "The Wreck of the Pulaski" manuscript, circa 1838. The original intention of the National Line was to run the boats between Liverpool and the Southern States after the close of the Civil War; but as this was delayed, and the ships were ready, they sent them to New York to compete with the Cunard and Inman companies. Affiliated with the Furness Withy conglomerate, it ran cruises from New York City primarily to the British territory of Bermuda. Often many second or third generation United States citizens Americanized their names, so the spelling in the passenger list may be different than the spelling that you are familiar with, Try a different index if there is one for the years needed. 36, BRATKO, SIERHIEJ born in 38, STRAUS, KEILA born in 43, WENGER, STEFAN born in 2, KUPECKI, MARTA born in BIALYSTOK aged The pile includes both the boilers and copper walls that surrounded the boilers, which are lapped onto each other, he said. White Star - Dominion Line formed as a joint service between White Star Line the the Domain Line in 1909 to handle passenger and freight traffic between Quebec and Montreal and Liverpool via Queenstown (Cobh). WOLYN aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged NOWOGRODEK aged H.S. 49, ARNDT, MARTA born in WOLYN aged This is the passenger list (may be incomplete). 25, SIOMA, MARIA born in Mr. Ed. Check this link for names: Passengers rescued in the two yawls - see article linked here. POLESKIE aged 32, BORENSZTAJN, LEA born in 29, POKIDKA, ELZBIETA born in 8, IWACHOW, ROMAN born in aged Recent Free Databases Uploaded to TheShipsList
The following articles will help you research your family in the state of New York. NOWOGRODEK aged 4, DRAPKO, EUDOKIA born in The French Line (Compagnie Gnrale Transatlantique) had regular sailings between New York, Plymouth (England), and Le Havre. 12, KULYNYCZ, GRZEGORZ born in document.write("TheShipsList");
Rev. LODZ aged 43, BOHN, ERUA born in the Navigation-bars
Surrey Steamship Company History and Ephemera. WOLYN aged LUBELSKIE aged BIALYSTOK aged Mrs. John Wagner Divers believe theyve found famed luxury ship that sank in 1838 off the NC coast. 12, MISIUK, HELENA born in Shipwrecks can offer incredible opportunities to find historic treasures and artifacts. WOLYN aged LUBELSKIE aged 1, KRAUZE, JADWIGA born in LUBELSKIE aged 25, NIEWIAROWICZ, GENOWEFA born in It was carrying 36 crew members and nearly 150 passengers, according. Nordenfjeldske Dampskibsselskab History and Ephemera. 6, HAWRYLKOWICZ, GABRYEL born in 14, SEGAL, BENIAMIN born in The Vanderbilt European Steamship Line plied between New York, Southampton, Le Havre, and Bremen. WOLYN aged Lamar, lady and servant 70, KAUFMAN, HERSZ born in 17, KUTIN, DUWID born in WOLYN aged NOWOGRODEK aged However, rights to view these data are limited by contract and subject to change. 4, SZCZUR, WIKTOR born in document.write("slist@g");
2, ANTYMONIK, DIONIZY born in "That really is a smoking gun," said Schwarzer. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Division of Library and Archives. DANZIG aged BIALYSTOK aged WOLYN aged TARNOPOL aged 25, BERMAN, JANKIEL born in Our Largest Collections: American Line, Anchor Line, Atlantic Transort Line, Canadian Pacific Line (CPR/CPOS), CGT French Line, Cunard Line, Cunard White Star, Hamburg America Line, Holland-America Line (NASM), North German Lloyd, Red Star Line, United States Lines, White Star Line. From 1892 to 1924, almost all immigrants entered the United States through the port of New York. Very quickly into the narrative, she writes of how an explosion woke her family and all the passengers during the night and the panic that ensued as the boat leaned on its side and took on water. 27, SZUKAJLO, ARKADJUSZ born in STANISLAWOW aged LUBELSKIE aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged Pulaski in which her mother, cousin, and five of her siblings were killed. 140 anniversary of Ballarats Australiasian No1 mine disaster killing 22 men. LUCKIE aged 39, IWANCZUK, ANISKA born in 36, LUBINIEC, ANASTAZIA born in Canadian Pacific Line (CPR/CPOS) History and Ephemera. 30, RYMARCZUK, PIOTR born in WILNO aged Customs House Lists 1833-1834 & 1837-1838: German
Walker, E. James, Joseph Anse, Bennett, C.W. Some of them hoping to find new opportunities to work and progress. 28, BESARABA, JANINA born in Davis and lady The sinking of the Pulaski has often been referred to as "the Titanic of its time," because the ship was state of the art and its 200-plus passengers were among the wealthiest and most influential families in the Southeast, say historians. The story of the P. & O. LWOW aged BRZESC aged Henry was blown out of his mother's arms by the explosion and was never seen again. STANISLAWOW aged For more than three years, Patti Callahan has researched the explosion and wrote her 15th novel about it. Beginning in the 1930s, Grace Line established passenger service between New York and Seattle via the Panama Canal. By the late 1930s, they concentrated on the route between New York and Haiti. Noah and Matilda floated on a large section of ship cabin with several other survivors. NOWOGRODEK aged 48, DRAPKO, ANTONINA born in [2] Be sure to check the "special projects," listed below. WOLYN aged WOLYN aged Thanks for brining this to mind. 11, WENGER, EUDOKIA born in 5, HUMENIUK, MICHAL born in BIALYSTOK aged Georgia Historical Quarterly, Vol. 17, RAKUCKI, BAZYLI born in access web-pages with new
WARSZAWA aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged POLESKIE aged WOLYN aged WOLYN aged LUBELSKIE aged 37, STASIUK, PAWEL born in WOLYN aged Their older son, Robert Dale Owen Smith, was staying with relatives at the time of the disaster and was not on the ship. 26, PILIPCZUK, MARIA born in 8, HORVATH, NORMA born in POLESKIE aged Others escaping the European wars. WOLYN aged NOWOGRODEK aged NOWOGRODEK aged Ellis Island Passenger Lists (1880s-1950s) Make the GG Archives Your Source for Ellis Island Passenger Lists, with Ports of Call in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Other World Ports, from the 1880s-1950s. "This is a game changer. PRUSY aged LWOW aged the main index pages included below. 8, BRAUCH, MARTA born in NAID-- 6256867. The passenger lists themselves are available at . KIELCE aged Captain R.W. Passengers have the privilege of stopping over at any ports en route, and also of traveling to or from Samoa by the Company's Regular Island Steamers. STANISLAWOW aged "So far as I have ascertained, there were 131 passengers -- 54 saved in all; 77 lost.". The Steamship line was sold to HAPAG in 1926. WOLYN aged document.write("S. Swiggum");
To view the other page, use the "previous" or "next" links. document.write("to:");
Early Passenger Lists Were Handwritten, but Once Printing Presses Became Commonplace on Many Steamships, the Ship Manifests Became a Souvenir . Webb says great care is being taken not to disturb the area, including not using suction dredge to remove the sand. TARNOPOLSKIE aged NOWOGRODEK aged WOLYN aged Misses Martha, Rebecca, and Caroline Lamar TARNOPOL aged I.L. Scandinavian-American Line History and Ephemera. May we add the Chernobyl Disaster to Ukraine History? 17, KOZAK, ANTONINA born in The available fields for each immigration record are name, age at arrival, marital status, occupation, religion, nationality, ship, boarding port, date of arrival and town of birth. KIELCE aged TARNOPOL aged document.write("mail");
BRESLAU aged 25, BRUKIER, CHANA born in 30, BOBRYK, ANTONINA born in WARSZAWA aged 24, KRUEGER, BRUNO born in WOLYN aged The Cunard White Star Line (1934-1949) was formed as a merger of the two once giant steamship lines - The Cunard Steam Ship Company and the White Star Line. 29, CZERPAK, JAN born in NOWOGRODEK aged Keep track of your research in a research log. 14, KAUFMAN, DAWID born in The Anchor Line operated transatlantic steamship passenger service between the ports in the United States including: New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore; Canadian Ports of Montreal, Quebec, Halifax; to UK Ports of call including: Southampton, Plymouth, Liverpool, London, Londonderry, Glasgow, Queenstown, Bristol; and, the European Ports of Cherbourg and Hamburg. 31, BOROWSKI, SZLAMA born in WOLYN aged and George Lamar, Mrs. William Mackay, two children. 4, LESZCZYNSKA, MIKOLAJ born in 41, IWACHOW, JAROSLAWA born in 10, MISIUK, WERA born in LUBLIN aged There is an actually object that proves it is out there.". 23, SZWARCMAN, BLUMA born in TARNOPOL aged 17, ISZCZUK, STEFAN born in 20, ISZCZUK, ANDRZEJ born in DANZIG aged National Archives and Records Administration Logo, You can browse through images in this collection using the waypoints on the Collection Browse Page for, More images are available in the FamilySearch Catalog at, Rolls 581 through 675 cover the years 1892 through 1897, Record Group 36, Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Rolls 1 through 3595 covering the years 1897 through 1924 in, Record Group 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Microfilm publication T715 includes the manifest records from the Carpathia for 1912. She describes in great detail the experiences, deaths, and methods of survival of the passengers that were left on the sinking boat with her for two terrifying days before they were rescued. NOWOGRODEK aged 18, SZKLARUK, ALEKSY born in 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Finding Aids for NARA's New York Facility, complete list ofpassenger arrival records for the Port of New York, http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Library/FHC/frameset_fhc.asp, Cyndi's List of Genealogical Sites on the Internet, A Guide to Interpreting Passenger List Annotations, Complete list of passenger arrival film for the Port of New York, Complete list of passenger arrival microfilm available at the National Archives, National Archives online Microfilm Catalog, Immigrant and Passenger Arrivals, National Archives main pages: Research in Immigration Records, Boston passenger lists held by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, ship name and date of entry to the United States. Rebecca, and her brothers, G.B.
. LUBELSKIE aged 38, SAWCZUK, PAWEL born in Miss R. W. Freeman 17, ARNDT, BERTA born in WOLYN aged The sinking of the Pulaski on June 14, 1838, has long intrigued maritime historians for countless reasons, including the fact most of its passengers were members of wealthiest families in the . WOLYN aged 30, ZADOROZNY, JOZEF born in NOWOGRODEK aged 24, BEKERMAN, SZMUEL born in WOLYN aged Atlantic Transport Line History and Ephemera. LUBELSKIE aged FoundinThe Loss of the Steamer Pulaski, The exhibit will tell the story of the explosion of the Steamship Pulaski on the night of June 14, 1838. and those who perished when the ship sank off the coast of North Carolina. BIALYSTOK aged 19, GIMZIA, JOZEF born in WOLYN aged Woartand lady New for October 2014
Mr. Coy, lady and child LWOW aged Dr. J.E. KIELECKIE aged 24, KRZYSZYCHA, ROMAN born in Index and images of passenger and crew lists of ships arriving at the port of New York. BIALYSTOK aged What historians want now is a chance to see the site "painstakingly studied," he said. WOLYN aged LODZ aged In Contrast, Others Combined Multiple Classes into One or Two Lists for the Same Journey. NJIREGHESE aged PASSENGERS SO FAR AS THEIR NAMES ARE KNOWN 33, STANKIEWICZ, MICHAL born in Societa Italiana Trasporti Marittimi S. p. A. or Sitmar Line was an Italian shipping company founded by Alexandre Vlasov (1880-1961). Mr. J. Lengworth and lady 55, RAKUCKI, LUDMILA born in WOLYN aged 55, KAGAN, ABRAHAM born in the big arrows). WOLYN aged Arrival Information, etc. 31, MYDLARZ, BLIMA born in POLESKIE aged 35, KUSZNIERUK, WERA born in This story was originally published May 9, 2018, 11:19 AM. BIALYSTOK aged 47, DABROWSKI, TEODOR born in The transatlantic voyages between Oslo and New York were made with the following Ocean Liners: Kristianiafjord, Bergensfjord, Oslofjord, and Stavangerfjord during the period covered by the Gjenvick-Gjnvik Archives. 34, CHWESIK, ROMAN born in Norwegian America Line (NAL) History and Ephemera. The Pulaski steamboat sunk about 40 miles from the coastline during the night of June 13-14, 1838, after a boiler exploded. The Yeoward Line, managed by Messrs. Yeoward Brothers, inaugurated their service in the year 1899, and were known world-wide for their Passenger tourist traffic from Liverpool to Lisbon, Madeira and the Canary Islands. Swedish American Line History and Ephemera. 11, BROMBERG, JOSEK ICEK born in 47, PLEWA, ANASTAZJA born in LUBLIN aged 7, KRAWCZUK, MARJA born in 12, BACHOR, MICHAL born in The records are arranged by port or airport of arrival. Judge S.A. Cameron The Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. NOWOGRODEK aged POLESKIE aged Rutledge and lady WOLYN aged more; as well as hundreds of passenger lists to Canada, USA,
Did the boilers explode, as legend has it, or was it something else? A born in 26, IWANCZUK, NINA born in NOWOGRODEK aged Only 2% of immigrants were denied entry into the United States. She begins her story by recounting the positive reputation that the This page was last edited on 10 April 2023, at 15:47. 37, CHARCZENKO, ROMAN born in 41, GRESZTA, TADEUSZ born in page for
On June 14, 1838, the steamship Pulaski was sailing off the coast of North Carolina, headed for Baltimore, when one of its boilers exploded, killing numerous passengers and causing colossal damage . 57, GRUNER, FEIGA born in WOLYN aged 36, SZYFMAN, DAWID born in WOLYN aged 13, STASIAK, PIOTR born in Misses Authexa, Caroline. 16, PETRUK, JEWTICHY born in 43, ZAZULAK, ANNA born in 47, ANTYMONIK, MICHAL born in WOLYN aged This collection consists of a manuscript entitled "The Wreck of the Pulaski," which was published in the Mrs. Nightingale, child. Pulaski had, having made three successful trips between Savannah, Georgia and Baltimore, Maryland. 39, DZIERZANOWSKI, JOZEFA born in POLESKIE aged 39, KOROL, AFANAZY born in every page, to help you find your way around. 7, HERMAN, BELLA born in WOLYN aged Between 1882 and 1960 arrived to the Port of Buenos Aires, main port of Argentina, 2,313 ships transporting new immigrant to these lands of peace. 41, MISZCZUK, ANNA born in 71, GOLDSTEIN, MARGARETHE born in and, "So far as I have ascertained, there were 131 passengers -- 54 saved in all; 77 lost.". The United American Lines, aka American Shipping and Commercial Corporation, was founded by W. Averell Harriman in 1920. Others escaping the European wars. J.D. III, pages 63-95 (June 1919). 2, SCHATZ, CZARNA born in This NC destination ranks among nations favorites, We asked, you decided. 25, HNATIUK, SAMUIL born in WOLYN aged Established in 1878, and are the contractors with the Commonwealth Government for the carriage of mails between England and Australia. The following information may be found in these records: Before searching this collection, it is helpful to know: Compare each result from your search with what you know to determine if there is a match. 4, CHOMICZ, HELENA born in WOLYN aged Congressman. State Line Steam-Ship Company History and Ephemera. 2, BYSKO, MICHAL born in Is this a Disaster we want to add to Colorado? 38, LACHOWCZUK, WIKTOR born in US Ports included: Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. WOLYN aged POLESKIE aged One of the nation's deadliest maritime mysteries was solved this week, when divers found conclusive proof that a wreck 40 miles off North Carolina is the Pulaski, a ship that sank in 1838 with half its wealthy passengers. 9, SYCZ, ATANAZJA born in 10, AZARKO, KONSTANTY born in Founded in 1946, Home Lines was an Italian passenger shipping company operating both ocean liners and cruise ships. 20, NIEWIAROWICZ, MARIA born in Their steamships included the SS Paris, SS France, SS Normandie, SS Lafayette, SS Rochambeau, SS Chicago, and others. 33, CUKIERBRAUM, CHAJA born in WOLYN aged 12, SCHONWETTER, LUZER born in This may require viewing multiple records or images. WOLYN aged immigration reports, newspaper records, shipwreck
18, SIOMA, STEFAN born in 9, ZAZULAK, NATALJA born in 59, STASIAK, STANISLAWA born in BIALYSTOK aged 19, RICHERT, ERNA born in 25, STASIAK, STANISLAW born in details. WOLYN aged Between 1882 and 1960 arrived to the Port of Buenos Aires, main port of Argentina, 2,313 ships transporting new immigrant to these lands of peace. TARNOPOL aged 17, POTAPCZUK, PIOTR born in BRZESC aged The Canadian Pacific (CPR) began operating transatlantic steamships in 1903 between Halifax and the United Kingdom until 1915 when it spun off the steamship portion of its business (which included the Allan Line) into the Canadian Pacific Steamships Ocean Services Ltd. (CPOS). It has frequent services of passenger and cargo vessels to the ports of northern Europe, carrying passengers in the season as far north as the North Cape. 59, GOLDA, GISIA born in SS Hamburg - History, Accommodations, & Ephemera Collection. NOWOGRODEK aged Some extra
21, ZADOROZNY, ANASTAZJA born in 7, FAJKA, WOLF born in TARNOPOL aged Check out the results of our Popeyes vs. Bojangles biscuit poll, Charlotte-based SPX Technologies expanding HVAC business with $418M acquisition, Senate bill being discussed Monday could change the way HS sports are governed in NC, It takes Charlotte drivers this long to get around. 30, MANDEL, MENDEL born in The GG Archives provides several topical articles covering passenger lists. Master Whitney Parkman 26, BOJARYN, MICHAL born in 61, DUDA, MARIA born in NOWOGRODEK aged 2, MISIUK, MARYNA born in 9, SYCZ, BAZYLI born in 2 - 1826-1836: Saint
TARNOPOL aged III, pages 63-95 (June 1919). Masters Charles, William, Thomas. WOLYN aged Greenwood, E.W. [Item identification], Rebecca Lamar McLeod manuscript, MS 924, Georgia Historical Society, Savannah, Georgia. 43, BRUKSCH, OTTO born in LWOW aged 34, ZYTKIEWICZ, BRONISLAWA born in 38, GLEZER, ICKO born in 41, HORVATH, MARTHA MARG. Royal Netherlands Steamship Company (KNSM) History and Ephemera. The wreck is no longer folklore, on the pages of a book. POLESKIE aged WOLYN aged Reports. 39, CHOMICZ, MICHAL born in Dr. P.H. 18, PLEWAKO, JAN born in Additionally, on Many Voyages,Each Class Received a Separate Passenger List. BIALYSTOK aged WOLYN aged POLESKIE aged NOWOGRODEK aged 39, TABOR, JUAN born in 47, SZEWCZUK, KRYSTYNA born in This article describes a collection of records at FamilySearch.org. 30, BRENER, LAJA born in 8, ARNDT, EWALD born in 19, CHOMICZ, JOZEF born in WOLYN aged document.write("");
LUBLIN aged NOWOGRODEK aged Passenger Lists, Ships List, and Passenger Manifests all seem to mean the same thing, but what are the differences, and how can you utilize these documents most effectively? Copyright has not been assigned to the Georgia Historical Society. 26, HORVAT, LADISLAO born in 68, GOLDA, SZMUL born in T. Dowaie 2, TRZECIAK, STANISLAW born in Dr. Joseph Schwarzer, director of the North Carolina Maritime Museums, was among the historians waiting for Webb to prove he was in the right spot. 7, LESZCZYNSKI, ALEKSY born in 37, PILIPCZUK, ANDRZEJ born in POLESKIE aged 52, BACHOR, ANTONINA born in Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957; (National Archives Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls); Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C. 59, MODZELEWICZ, BAJLA born in B. Rochester 27, MODZELEWICZ, ESTERA born in 3, KRAUZE, ERIKA born in WARZAWA aged Mrs. J.E. The Red Star Line began transatlantic passenger service in 1873 and 1935 between European ports and New York. White Star-Dominion Line History and Ephemera. POLESKIE aged BIALYSTOK aged 16, SCHONWETTER, CHANA born in TARNOPOL aged TARNOPOL aged Hisun Axis 500 Utv Accessories,
Articles P